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Showing 7,801 through 7,825 of 56,059 results

Complex Copyright: Mapping the Information Ecosystem

by Deborah Tussey

This book draws on a wide selection of interdisciplinary literature discussing complex adaptive systems - including scholarship from economics, political science, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, and religion - to apply general complexity tenets to the institutions, conceptual framework, and theoretical justifications of the copyright system, both in the United States and internationally. The author argues that copyrighted works are the products of complex creative systems and, consequently, designers of copyright regimes for the global 'information ecosystem' should look to complexity theory for guidance. Urging legal scholars to undertake empirical studies of real-world copyright systems, Tussey reveals how the selection of workable configurations for the copyright regime is larger than that encompassed by the traditional, entirely theoretical, debate between private property rights and the commons. Finally, this unique study articulates how copyright law must tolerate certain chaotic elements that may be essential to the sustainability of complex systems.

Complexities of Production and Interacting Human Behaviour

by Yuji Aruka

As the real world is rapidly becoming more and more complicated, economists need to venture beyond the boundaries of mainstream economics and integrate philosophical thought and complexity into their analytical frameworks. In this context, this volume brings together papers on economic theory and its related issues, exploring complex production systems and heterogeneously interacting human behavior. The author challenges economists to integrate economic theory and moral science anew by referring to evolutionary economics and socio-econophysics. The three parts of the book focus on the complexities of production and social interaction, the moral science of heterogeneous economic interaction, and the Avatamsaka’s dilemma of the two-person game with only positive spillovers.

Complexity, Difference and Identity: An Ethical Perspective (Issues in Business Ethics #26)

by Paul Cilliers Rika Preiser

"Complexity" has been part of the academic discourse for a decade or two. Texts on Complexity fall mainly in two categories: fairly technical and mathematical on the one hand, and fairly broad, vague and general on the other. Paul Cilliers’ book Complexity and Postmodernism. Understanding Complex Systems (Routledge 1998) constituted an attempt to bridge this divide by reflecting more rigorously on the philosophical implications of complexity, and by making it accessible to the social sciences. This edited volume is a continuation of this project, with specific reference to the ethical implications of acknowledging complexity. These issues are pertinent to our understanding of organisations and institutions and could contribute significantly to the development of a richer understanding of ethics in business and would be a useful tool for teachers, researchers and post-graduate students with ethical concerns in disciplines ranging from Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Sociology, Organisational Studies, Political Science, Anthropology and Cultural Studies. The central theme which binds all the contributions together is: the inevitability of normative and ethical issues when dealing with complex phenomena. The book should thus be useful in the development of Business Ethics on two levels: in the first place on the level of developing a strong theoretical foundation, in the second place in providing specific examples of this theory in action in the real world.

The Complexity of Human Rights: From Vernacularization to Quantification

by Philip Alston

This book provides the first systematic assessment from a human rights law perspective of the landmark contributions of the renowned legal anthropologist, Sally Engle Merry. What impact does over-simplification have on human rights debates? The understandable tendency to present them as a single, universal, and immutable concept ignores their complexity and by extension only serves to weaken them. Merry and her colleagues transformed human rights thinking by highlighting the process of 'vernacularization', which sees rights discourse as being unavoidably dependent upon translation and interpretation. She also warned of the pitfalls of excessive reliance upon statistical and other indicators, through the process of quantification. Here the leading voices in the field assess the significance of these contributions.

The Complexity of Human Rights: From Vernacularization to Quantification

This book provides the first systematic assessment from a human rights law perspective of the landmark contributions of the renowned legal anthropologist, Sally Engle Merry. What impact does over-simplification have on human rights debates? The understandable tendency to present them as a single, universal, and immutable concept ignores their complexity and by extension only serves to weaken them. Merry and her colleagues transformed human rights thinking by highlighting the process of 'vernacularization', which sees rights discourse as being unavoidably dependent upon translation and interpretation. She also warned of the pitfalls of excessive reliance upon statistical and other indicators, through the process of quantification. Here the leading voices in the field assess the significance of these contributions.

The Complexity of Social Norms (Computational Social Sciences)

by Maria Xenitidou Bruce Edmonds

This book explores the view that normative behaviour is part of a complex of social mechanisms, processes and narratives that are constantly shifting. From this perspective, norms are not a kind of self-contained social object or fact, but rather an interplay of many things that we label as norms when we ‘take a snapshot’ of them at a particular instant. Further, this book pursues the hypothesis that considering the dynamic aspects of these phenomena sheds new light on them.The sort of issues that this perspective opens to exploration include:Of what is this complex we call a "social norm" composed of?How do new social norms emerge and what kind of circumstances might facilitate such an appearance?How context-specific are the norms and patterns of normative behaviour that arise?How do the cognitive and the social aspects of norms interact over time?How do expectations, beliefs and individual rationality interact with social norm complexes to effect behaviour?How does our social embeddedness relate to social constraint upon behaviour?How might the socio-cognitive complexes that we call norms be usefully researched?

Complexity Theory and Law: Mapping an Emergent Jurisprudence (Law, Science and Society)

by Jamie Murray Thomas Webb Steven Wheatley

This collection of essays explores the different ways the insights from complexity theory can be applied to law. Complexity theory – a variant of systems theory – views law as an emergent, complex, self-organising system comprised of an interactive network of actors and systems that operate with no overall guiding hand, giving rise to complex, collective behaviour in law communications and actions. Addressing such issues as the unpredictability of legal systems, the ability of legal systems to adapt to changes in society, the importance of context, and the nature of law, the essays look to the implications of a complexity theory analysis for the study of public policy and administrative law, international law and human rights, regulatory practices in business and finance, and the practice of law and legal ethics. These are areas where law, which craves certainty, encounters unending, irresolvable complexity. This collection shows the many ways complexity theory thinking can reshape and clarify our understanding of the various problems relating to the theory and practice of law.

Complexity Theory and Law: Mapping an Emergent Jurisprudence (Law, Science and Society)

by Jamie Murray Thomas Webb Steven Wheatley

This collection of essays explores the different ways the insights from complexity theory can be applied to law. Complexity theory – a variant of systems theory – views law as an emergent, complex, self-organising system comprised of an interactive network of actors and systems that operate with no overall guiding hand, giving rise to complex, collective behaviour in law communications and actions. Addressing such issues as the unpredictability of legal systems, the ability of legal systems to adapt to changes in society, the importance of context, and the nature of law, the essays look to the implications of a complexity theory analysis for the study of public policy and administrative law, international law and human rights, regulatory practices in business and finance, and the practice of law and legal ethics. These are areas where law, which craves certainty, encounters unending, irresolvable complexity. This collection shows the many ways complexity theory thinking can reshape and clarify our understanding of the various problems relating to the theory and practice of law.

Compliance Capitalism: How Free Markets Have Led to Unfree, Overregulated Workers (The Business, Management and Safety Effects of Neoliberalism)

by Sidney Dekker

In this book, Sidney Dekker sets out to identify the market mechanisms that explain how less government paradoxically leads to greater compliance burdens. This book gives shape and substance to a suspicion that has become widespread among workers in almost every industry: we have to follow more rules than ever—and still, things can go spectacularly wrong. Much has been privatized and deregulated, giving us what is sometimes known as ‘new public management,’ driven by neoliberal, market-favoring policies. But, paradoxically, we typically have more rules today, not fewer. It’s not the government: it’s us. This book is the first of a three-part series on the effects of ‘neoliberalism,’ which promotes the role of the private sector in the economy. Compliance Capitalism examines what aspects of the compliance economy, what mechanisms of bureaucratization, are directly linked to us having given free markets a greater reign over our political economy. The book steps through them, picking up the evidence and levers for change along the way. Dekker’s work has always challenged readers to embrace more humane, empowering ways to think about work and its quality and safety. In Compliance Capitalism, Dekker extends his reach once again, writing for all managers, board members, organization leaders, consultants, practitioners, researchers, lecturers, students, and investigators curious to understand the genuine nature of organizational and safety performance.

Compliance Capitalism: How Free Markets Have Led to Unfree, Overregulated Workers (The Business, Management and Safety Effects of Neoliberalism)

by Sidney Dekker

In this book, Sidney Dekker sets out to identify the market mechanisms that explain how less government paradoxically leads to greater compliance burdens. This book gives shape and substance to a suspicion that has become widespread among workers in almost every industry: we have to follow more rules than ever—and still, things can go spectacularly wrong. Much has been privatized and deregulated, giving us what is sometimes known as ‘new public management,’ driven by neoliberal, market-favoring policies. But, paradoxically, we typically have more rules today, not fewer. It’s not the government: it’s us. This book is the first of a three-part series on the effects of ‘neoliberalism,’ which promotes the role of the private sector in the economy. Compliance Capitalism examines what aspects of the compliance economy, what mechanisms of bureaucratization, are directly linked to us having given free markets a greater reign over our political economy. The book steps through them, picking up the evidence and levers for change along the way. Dekker’s work has always challenged readers to embrace more humane, empowering ways to think about work and its quality and safety. In Compliance Capitalism, Dekker extends his reach once again, writing for all managers, board members, organization leaders, consultants, practitioners, researchers, lecturers, students, and investigators curious to understand the genuine nature of organizational and safety performance.

Compliance im Sport: Theorie und Praxis (Schriften der accadis Hochschule)

by Yvonne Thorhauer Christoph A. Kexel

Dieser Band legt dar, wie Compliance in der Sportbranche gelebt wird und wie sie theoretisch einzuordnen ist. Dabei thematisieren die Autoren den Bezug zu Moral und Fairness aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, legen das Spannungsfeld zwischen Wettkampfsport und Kommerz nebst Herausforderungen wie Doping, Gen-Doping sowie Gender dar und gehen auf die Erziehungsaufgabe des Sports sowie auf Vorstandsvergütungen ein. Ein Sportartikelhersteller vermittelt einen Einblick in die Praxis der Compliance. Eine Skizze des neuen Forschungsfeldes E-Sport, einem heute schon mächtigen Wirtschaftsfaktor, rundet den Band ab.

Compliance im Unternehmen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Oliver Haag Maximilian Jantz

Erfüllt Ihr Unternehmen die gesetzlichen Vorgaben? Die Rechtsfolgen bei Compliance-Verstößen können erheblich sein. Wer sich also mit Compliance auskennt, die Risiken kennt und zu vermeiden oder zumindest zu begrenzen weiß, der ist gut beraten. Dieses Buch zeigt, mit welchen konkreten Compliance-Maßnahmen Sie Ihr Unternehmen sauber halten und sich wirkungsvoll gegen Compliance-Verstöße wie zum Beispiel Korruption oder andere Regelverstößeschützen können.

Compliance im Unternehmen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Oliver Haag Maximilian Jantz

Erfüllt Ihr Unternehmen die gesetzlichen Vorgaben? Die Rechtsfolgen bei Compliance-Verstößen können erheblich sein. Wer sich also mit Compliance auskennt, die Risiken kennt und zu vermeiden oder zumindest zu begrenzen weiß, der ist gut beraten. Dieses Buch zeigt, mit welchen konkreten Compliance-Maßnahmen Sie Ihr Unternehmen sauber halten und sich wirkungsvoll gegen Compliance-Verstöße wie zum Beispiel Korruption oder andere Regelverstößeschützen können.

Compliance in der öffentlichen Verwaltung

by Katalin Vollmann

Katalin Vollmann untersucht, welche Bedeutung die im unternehmerischen Bereich gewachsene Compliance für die öffentliche Verwaltung haben kann. Sie zeigt anhand von der Verwaltung im-manenten Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Rechtmäßigkeitssicherung auf, dass sich für Compliance in der Verwaltung zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte ausmachen lassen. Entsprechend ist eine Übertragung von Compliance auf die Verwaltung kein Überstülpen eines Fremdkörpers, sondern in weiten Teilen eine Übersetzung mit Anstößen zur Fortentwicklung und Ergänzung. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzt sich die Autorin damit auseinander, wie ein wirksames Compliance-Management-System in der Verwaltungspraxis unter Einbeziehung der bereits vorhandenen Strukturen und Maßnahmen ausgestaltet werden kann.

Compliance in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Strategie, Umsetzung und Auswirkungen (essentials)

by Annika Schach Cathrin Christoph

Das Essential bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Kommunikation von Compliance aus konzeptioneller, redaktioneller und rechtlicher Perspektive. Annika Schach und Cathrin Christoph beschreiben die Maßnahmen der internen und externen Kommunikation, die notwendig sind, um alle relevanten Stakeholder zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus schildern sie die Besonderheiten bei der Verschriftlichung von Verhaltensregeln in Form eines Code of Conduct und gehen auf den Einfluss von Compliance auf die Medien- und PR-Arbeit ein – inklusive Einblick in die Praxis in Form eines Interviews mit einem der Redakteure von Europas größtem Automobilmagazin.

Compliance in der Unternehmenskrise: Ein Leitfaden (essentials)

by Christian Köhler-Ma Gordon Geiser Jesko Stark

Dieses essential bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die aus Compliancegründen zu beachtenden Pflichten der Geschäftsleitung in der Krise ihres Unternehmens. Die Autoren geben für die typischen Krisenphasen konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen und erläutern Situationen, die zu einer persönlichen Haftung führen können. Schließlich wird der Ablauf eines Insolvenzverfahrens erklärt und der Leser erfährt, welche Auswirkungen dies auf Sanierungschancen und Haftungsthematiken hat. Beachtung finden auch die zahlreichen Fallstricke und Stolpersteine im Zusammenhang mit Unternehmenskrisen, welche unter anderem durch die Vielzahl der widerstreitenden Interessen der verschiedenen Beteiligten entstehen.

Compliance in öffentlichen Unternehmen (essentials)

by Jan Seidel Mathias Wendt

Das essential beleuchtet die spezifischen Risiken der persönlichen Haftung für öffentliche Unternehmen. Die Autoren lassen ihre Erfahrungen aus der Errichtung und Prüfung von Compliance-Strukturen in Unternehmen der öffentlichen Hand einfließen. Die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung in jüngerer Zeit hat gezeigt, dass die Risiken der persönlichen Haftung auch für Entscheider in Unternehmen der öffentlichen Hand ein relevantes Berufsrisiko darstellen. Dabei spielt die Organisationsform (öffentlich-rechtlich oder privatrechtlich) keine nennenswerte Rolle.

Compliance-konforme Einbindung biometrischer Authentifizierungssysteme in das betriebliche IT-Sicherheitsmanagement (Edition KWV)

by Sebastian Däs

Biometrische Authentifizierung hat in den letzten Jahren einen Aufschwung erlebt und setzt sich immer mehr als Faktor für eine starke Identitätsprüfung im betrieblichen Kontext durch. Aufgrund der Brisanz der erhobenen persönlichen Daten und der komplexen Sicherheitsmechanismen sind für Unternehmen beim Einsatz biometrischer Systeme jedoch viele rechtliche und regulatorische Regelwerke zu beachten.Diese Arbeit untersucht die relevanten Gesetze, Vorschriften, Standards und Normen, die Anforderungen an biometrische Authentifizierungssysteme im Unternehmen stellen. Sie entwickelt anschließend einen Bewertungsrahmen, der ein biometrisches Merkmal und ein biometrisches System im Hinblick auf diese Anforderungen überprüft. Dadurch können neue Maßnahmen für das IT-Sicherheitsmanagement im Umgang mit der Biometrie abgeleitet werden.Die Ergebnisse sind deshalb für Hersteller biometrischer Systeme, Urheber von Gesetzen, Vorschriften, Standards und Normen und für Entscheidungsträger des IT-Sicherheitsmanagements im Unternehmen interessant.

Compliance-Kontrolle in Organisationen

by Marcel Schütz Richard Beckmann Heinke Röbken

Das Buch bietet eine systematische und interdisziplinäre Darstellung zur Compliance-Kontrolle in Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und weiteren Einrichtungen. Die Autoren befassen sich mit der Diskussion entsprechender Regelwerke bzw. Konzepte sowie den organisatorischen Folgen. Hierzu entwickeln sie sozial-, rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Bezüge einer Analyse und Gestaltung organisatorischer Regelsetzung und -begründung. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Spannungsverhältnis formaler und informaler Ordnung sowie dem Ansatz der „brauchbaren Illegalität“. Das Werk richtet sich an mit Compliance-Aspekten beschäftigte Wissenschaftler sowie Experten und Entscheider in Organisationen aller Art.

Compliance-Kultur und Unternehmensethik (essentials)

by Vivien Veit

Dieses essential beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, was neben einem fundierten Compliance-Management-System nötig ist, um nachhaltig und belastbar eine Kultur der Regeltreue im Unternehmen zu erreichen. Hierzu werden die derzeitigen regulatorischen Ansätze im In- und Ausland sowie Tools und Bausteine vorgestellt, die eine solche Entwicklung begünstigen. Kombiniert mit zahlreichen Statements und konkreten Beispielen und Erfahrungsberichten von Unternehmensvertretern, Beratern und Behördenvertretern entsteht eine Toolbox für Compliance-Verantwortliche, die die Arbeit an individuellen Lösungen erleichtert und darüber hinaus Inspiration für neue Ansätze im eigenen Unternehmen sein kann.

Compliance-Management (essentials)

by Joachim S. Tanski

Dieses Buch bietet eine komprimierte und praxisorientierte Einführung in die Grundlagen und Anforderungen eines Compliance-Managements, um den Leser schnell mit aktuellen und zentralen Regelungen vertraut zu machen. Dabei wird auf gesetzliche und regulatorische Bestimmungen ebenso eingegangen wie auf betriebswirtschaftliche Notwendigkeiten, um Mitarbeitende und Unternehmen vor den schwerwiegenden Folgen von Compliance-Verstößen zu schützen.

Compliance Norms in Financial Institutions: Measures, Case Studies and Best Practices

by Tomasz Braun

Initially, introducing compliance functions within the financial industry had been forced by regulatory scrutiny. Later, it started to spread to other regulated companies, in particular those publicly listed. Now, compliance has become an asset of corporates that want to build their reliability among clients, shareholders, employees and business partners. This book looks at the efficiency of the compliance measures introduced and the best practices of building compliance norms.This recently observed practice of compliance was triggered by the expectation of regulators, shareholders, clients, business partners and the public for robust compliance mechanisms. This book looks at the vast interest in this topic among business people who strive to introduce the systems and the mechanisms of non-compliance risk management in their companies and at the uncountable difficulties and obstacles they meet. The book fills the gap of thorough analysis of this subject by pointing out the solutions successfully introduced in global financial organizations, and would be of interest to academics, researchers and practitioners in corporate finance, corporate governance and risk management.

Compliance Officer: Das Augsburger Qualifizierungsmodell

by Walburga Schettgen-Sarcher Sebastian Bachmann

Aufbau, Implementierung und Gelebtwerden einer Compliance-Organisation in Unternehmen erfordern eine ganzheitliche Sichtweise auf das Thema. Ausgehend von juristischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen beleuchten die Beiträge dieses Bandes die wichtigsten Compliance-Risiken in Unternehmen. Die Autoren diskutieren die Implementierung im Rahmen der Unternehmensorganisation und legen besonderes Augenmerk auf die IT-Strukturen. Die persönlichen Anforderungen an den Compliance-Beauftragten sowie die ethische Verantwortung im Bereich der Compliance bilden einen weiteren Schwerpunkt. Die konsequent praxisorientierte Behandlung des Themas Compliance wird im Kapitel "Praxisfragen der Compliance" mit Themen wie Compliance und M&A, Collective Action, Compliance im Konzern explizit betont.

The Compliance Revolution: How Compliance Needs to Change to Survive

by David Jackman

The Compliance Revolution—Practical, Powerful Changes for Strategic Organizational Value Compliance is absolutely critical in creating a robust and resilient organization, one which is trusted by clients and contributes to market stability. Firms must approach compliance differently in order to meet these standards. Written for compliance staff, regulatory organizations, and senior management, The Compliance Revolution explains how key changes in compliance affect underlying principles, practices, roles, expectations and values. This valuable resource for global practitioners assists in navigating compliance requirements and implementing solid protection for a sound organization. Author David Jackman presents a coherent model for understanding and applying key developments in regulation and compliance. While the model is based on financial services, it can be applied to any sector and industry. It identifies five critical compliance components: Start-up, crises, expansion, sustainability, and outcomes-led focus. You will also discover: Why compliance is worth spending money on What your firm could and should be doing differently The importance of ethics in compliance and regulatory challenges How to create a pro-compliance culture Ten principles of good governance and why good governance matters How to employ judgment-based compliance The features and benefits of corporate maturity The Compliance Revolution is a crucial asset for all those with stakes in compliance—board members, compliance managers, and employees. David Jackman outlines key compliance challenges and reveals the practical tools and techniques required for successful practice. The insight, examples, and strategies in this comprehensive guidebook will help you and your organization achieve increasingly efficient, substantially more effective compliance procedures and practices.

The Compliance Revolution: How Compliance Needs to Change to Survive

by David Jackman

The Compliance Revolution—Practical, Powerful Changes for Strategic Organizational Value Compliance is absolutely critical in creating a robust and resilient organization, one which is trusted by clients and contributes to market stability. Firms must approach compliance differently in order to meet these standards. Written for compliance staff, regulatory organizations, and senior management, The Compliance Revolution explains how key changes in compliance affect underlying principles, practices, roles, expectations and values. This valuable resource for global practitioners assists in navigating compliance requirements and implementing solid protection for a sound organization. Author David Jackman presents a coherent model for understanding and applying key developments in regulation and compliance. While the model is based on financial services, it can be applied to any sector and industry. It identifies five critical compliance components: Start-up, crises, expansion, sustainability, and outcomes-led focus. You will also discover: Why compliance is worth spending money on What your firm could and should be doing differently The importance of ethics in compliance and regulatory challenges How to create a pro-compliance culture Ten principles of good governance and why good governance matters How to employ judgment-based compliance The features and benefits of corporate maturity The Compliance Revolution is a crucial asset for all those with stakes in compliance—board members, compliance managers, and employees. David Jackman outlines key compliance challenges and reveals the practical tools and techniques required for successful practice. The insight, examples, and strategies in this comprehensive guidebook will help you and your organization achieve increasingly efficient, substantially more effective compliance procedures and practices.

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Showing 7,801 through 7,825 of 56,059 results