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Digitalisation: Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #621)

by Bahaaeddin Alareeni Allam Hamdan Reem Khamis Rim El Khoury

This book addresses the implications of technology, entrepreneurship, and business ‎‎development gadgets ‎for applications in societies. In this book proceedings, we attempt to address the importance and impact of digitalization and ‎on business development in the context ‎of economic ‎diversity, that is through various propositions of ‎modern technology and entrepreneurial ‎actions, and through the lens of case studies, experiments, empirical ‎assessments, just to name a ‎few research methodological stances and approaches.‎This book highlights a range of topics in the fields of technology, ‎entrepreneurship, business administration, accounting, and economics that can contribute to business ‎development in developing countries, such as learning machines, artificial intelligence, big data, ‎deep ‎‎learning, game-based learning, management information system, ‎accounting information ‎system, knowledge management, entrepreneurship and social enterprise, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, business policy and strategic management, international management and organizations, organizational behavior and HRM, operations management and logistics research, controversial issues in management and organizations, turnaround, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation, legal issues, business ethics, and firm governance, and firm financial affairs, non-traditional research, and creative methodologies.This book is ideal for academicians, activists, curriculum ‎developers, researchers, professionals, administrators, and policymakers. The readers of this book could gain an up-to-date know-how on state-of-the-modern technology, entrepreneurship, and business development and achievements in this regard from the research standpoint of view.

Digitalisation: Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #620)

by Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin Alareeni Reem Khamis Rim El Khoury

This book addresses the implications of technology, entrepreneurship, and business ‎‎development gadgets ‎for applications in societies. In this book proceedings, we attempt to address the importance and impact of digitalization and ‎on business development in the context ‎of economic ‎diversity, that is through various propositions of ‎modern technology and entrepreneurial ‎actions, and through the lens of case studies, experiments, empirical ‎assessments, just to name a ‎few research methodological stances and approaches.‎ This book highlights a range of topics in the fields of technology, ‎entrepreneurship, business administration, accounting, and economics that can contribute to business ‎development in developing countries, such as learning machines, artificial intelligence, big data, ‎deep ‎‎learning, game-based learning, management information system, ‎accounting information ‎system, knowledge management, entrepreneurship and social enterprise, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, business policy and strategic management, international management and organizations, organizational behavior and HRM, operations management and logistics research, controversial issues in management and organizations, turnaround, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation, legal issues, business ethics, and firm governance, and firm financial affairs, non-traditional research, and creative methodologies. This book is ideal for academicians, activists, curriculum ‎developers, researchers, professionals, administrators, and policymakers. The readers of this book could gain an up-to-date know-how on state-of-the-modern technology, entrepreneurship, and business development and achievements in this regard from the research standpoint of view.

Digitalisierung: Wie die Digitalisierung unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt verändert

by Dietmar Wolff Richard Göbel

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der digitalen Revolution und ihren Auswirkungen auf unsere Arbeits- und Lebenswelt. Die Autoren zeigen anhand anschaulicher Beispiele auf, wie die Digitalisierung unsere Arbeitsplätze und unser privates Umfeld verändert, welche Gefahren damit verbunden sind, aber auch welche Zukunftschancen darin liegen.Dieses Buch wird Sie interessieren, wenn Sie die Gefahren und Potenziale von Big Data und modernem Marketing sowie die notwendigen Hintergründe zur IT-Sicherheit und zum Datenschutz kennen möchten, an „4.0“ in Mittelstand und Industrie interessiert sind und zu den Visionen eines zukünftigen Gesundheits- und Bildungswesens mitgenommen werden wollen.Dabei sind keine fachlichen Vorkenntnisse in Informationstechnologie oder verwandten Gebieten erforderlich. Der Inhalt ist für ein fachfremdes, allgemeines Publikum geschrieben, das die technologischen Hintergründe der Digitalisierung verstehen möchte, um die Veränderungen im eigenen Umfeld verstehen und einordnen zu können. Mehr noch, da die Digitalisierung keinen Halt vor einer Berufsgruppe oder einem privaten Bereich macht, ist das Werk letztendlich für alle von Bedeutung.

Digitalisierung im Mathematikunterricht: Theorie und Praxis digitaler Medien in der Sekundarstufe I (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

by Gilbert Greefrath Hans-Stefan Siller Hans-Georg Weigand Reinhard Oldenburg Volker Ulm

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie verschiedene digitale Medien als Lern- und Lehrhilfsmittel in den Mathematikunterricht integriert werden können: Es stellt theoretische Überlegungen und Konzeptionen dar und zeigt an vielen unterrichtspraktischen Beispielen, wie Taschenrechner, Laptop und Smartphone mit der entsprechenden Software und dem Internet im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können. Das dargestellte Programm-Spektrum reicht von Computeralgebrasystemen über dynamische Geometriesysteme, Tabellenkalkulationen und 3D-Druck bis hin zu interaktiven Lernumgebungen, auch mit Virtueller Realität und Augmented Reality. Der Einsatz der Medien orientiert sich dabei stets am zentralen Ziel, die Entwicklung vielfältiger Kompetenzen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern nachhaltig zu unterstützen. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende des Lehramts Mathematik, an Referendarinnen und Referendare sowie praktizierende Lehrkräfte. Es konzentriert sich auf zentrale Inhalte der Sekundarstufe I – also Zahlen, Algebra, Funktionen, Geometrie sowie Daten und Zufall. Um Leserinnen und Leser zur eigenständigen Auseinandersetzung mit digitalen Medien anzuregen, sind am Ende jedes Kapitels Aufgaben zur individuellen Bearbeitung angefügt. Materialien zu den Inhalten, vor allem interaktive Elemente, sind auf einer eigenen Internetseite zusammengestellt. Das vorliegende Buch ist eine vollständige Neubearbeitung des Buches „Computer im Mathematikunterricht“ von Hans-Georg Weigand und Thomas Weth aus dem Jahr 2002.

Digitalisierung und Bildung

by Silke Ladel Julia Knopf Armin Weinberger

Das Buch enthält die Vorträge ausgewiesener Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener bildungswissenschaftlicher Bezugsdisziplinen, die vor dem Hintergrund des 10. Nationalen IT-Gipfels 2017 zum Thema „Lernen und Handeln in der digitalen Welt“ entstanden sind. Ziel ist es, das Themen- und Handlungsfeld in seinen pädagogischen und vor allem fachdidaktischen Implikationen zu reflektieren und die sogenannte ‚digitale Bildungslandschaft‘ multiperspektivisch zu erkunden.

Digitalization and Innovation in Health: European and US Perspectives

by Weresa Anna Marzenna Christina Ciecierski Lidia Filus

Providing a comparison between context in Europe and the US, this volume investigates the digital transformation of health systems, comparing strategies for digital development while identifying both key innovations and future challenges.The book covers a wide spectrum of topics, from explaining the nature of individual innovations to an analysis of demand-side and supply-side barriers, including funding issues and technological access. It also explores where digitalization is already playing an important role, for example, in clinical trials and disease modeling.Concluding with guidance for policy recommendations, this important book will interest students, scholars, and practitioners across health and social care, medicine, and beyond.

Digitalization and Innovation in Health: European and US Perspectives

by Marzenna Anna Weresa Christina Ciecierski Lidia Filus

Providing a comparison between context in Europe and the US, this volume investigates the digital transformation of health systems, comparing strategies for digital development while identifying both key innovations and future challenges.The book covers a wide spectrum of topics, from explaining the nature of individual innovations to an analysis of demand-side and supply-side barriers, including funding issues and technological access. It also explores where digitalization is already playing an important role, for example, in clinical trials and disease modeling.Concluding with guidance for policy recommendations, this important book will interest students, scholars, and practitioners across health and social care, medicine, and beyond.

Digitalization in Open Economies: Theory and Policy Implications (Contributions to Economics)

by Michael Vogelsang

Digital strings are not visible, but affect all economic segments. This book studies the phenomenon of digitalization with the instruments of economics in order to explore the interdependencies between digitalization, economic policy, and macroeconomic variables of open economies. Digitalization is separated into the three components networks, IT services, and digital goods which are then incorporated into macroeconomic models of trade theory in open economies. This approach allows to formally describe the cross-effects between digitalization and macroeconomic variables of a country. Specifically, it is used to analyze interdependencies between macroeconomic variables and networks, IT services, and digital goods, and to determine the challenges of digitalization for economic policy and regulation.

Digitised Optical Sky Surveys: Proceedings of the Conference on ‘Digitised Optical Sky Surveys’, Held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 18–21 June 1991 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #174)

by H. T. MacGillivray E. B. Thomson

Astronomical photographs contain an enormous amount of information. This presents extremely interesting problems when one wishes to produce digitised sky atlases, to archive the digitised material, to develop sophisticated devices to do the digitising, and to create software to procecc the vast amounts of data. All these activities are necessary to be able to do astronomy. One such activity is the important, large-scale optical identification of objects which also emit radiation at other wavelengths. Other activities of the past decade include a multiplicity of surveys that have been made on galaxies and clusters of galaxies. This book treats, in five sections, the existing and future surveys, their digitisation and their impact on astronomy. It is a reference for people in the field and for those who wish to engage in using or producing sky surveys.

Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

by Jorgen Bang-Jensen Gregory Z. Gutin

The study of directed graphs (digraphs) has developed enormously over recent decades, yet the results are rather scattered across the journal literature. This is the first book to present a unified and comprehensive survey of the subject. In addition to covering the theoretical aspects, the authors discuss a large number of applications and their generalizations to topics such as the traveling salesman problem, project scheduling, genetics, network connectivity, and sparse matrices. Numerous exercises are included. For all graduate students, researchers and professionals interested in graph theory and its applications, this book will be essential reading.

Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Jørgen Bang-Jensen Gregory Z. Gutin

Substantially revised, reorganised and updated, the second edition now comprises eighteen chapters, carefully arranged in a straightforward and logical manner, with many new results and open problems. As well as covering the theoretical aspects of the subject, with detailed proofs of many important results, the authors present a number of algorithms, and whole chapters are devoted to topics such as branchings, feedback arc and vertex sets, connectivity augmentations, sparse subdigraphs with prescribed connectivity, and also packing, covering and decompositions of digraphs. Throughout the book, there is a strong focus on applications which include quantum mechanics, bioinformatics, embedded computing, and the travelling salesman problem. Detailed indices and topic-oriented chapters ease navigation, and more than 650 exercises, 170 figures and 150 open problems are included to help immerse the reader in all aspects of the subject.

Dihedral Fourier Analysis: Data-analytic Aspects and Applications (Lecture Notes in Statistics)

by Marlos A. Viana Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan

Dihedral Fourier Analysis introduces the theory and applications necessary to study experimental data indexed by, or associated with, the points in a dihedral symmetry orbit.This book looks at experimental data and analytical models indexed by certain dihedral rotations and reversals realized as vector fields. Its particular relevance as a research tool in areas such as optical and molecular biology statistics appears when formulated within the context of symmetry studies, which formally connects algebraic and statistical reasoning together in one methodology for data summary and inference.Chapter 1 presents an overview of the theory and methods of dihedral analysis. It introduces data sets and examples defining and connecting the algebraic notions of symmetry with those of statistical summaries and inference. Chapter 2 includes the required algebraic aspects and data-analytic results. Chapters 3-6 offer applications of the methods presented in the text. This book is intended for data analysts of both theoretical and applied interests.

DIIS Theory and Methodology in Think Tanks

by Jiaofeng Pan

This book provides the readers with the overall latest research on think tanks, summarizing the characteristics of think tanks, revealing the general laws and internal logic of think tank research, applying systems, dialectical views and operations research, system theory, and cybernetics to the problems existing in the research work of think tanks at home and abroad. Based on problem-oriented, evidence-oriented and scientific orientation, this book systematically considers the methodology of think tank research, proposes the DIIS theoretical method system of think tank research, defines the standardization process of think tank research and the quality standard of think tank DIIS, and gives corresponding DIIS to the actual think tank research problem. The method aims to improve the scientificity, effectiveness, and reliability of the research results of think tanks, provide systematic theoretical analysis for think tank research, promote the professional development of think tanks, and better serve the modernization of national governance systems and governance capabilities. This book presents new theoretical and research method support and reference that contribute to macro decision-making departments, management departments, scientific research institutes, universities, and enterprises think tank research related departments, strategic decision makers, think tank managers, think tank researchers, and readers interested in think tanks reading and using. Finally yet importantly, this book embodies the research of think tank as the object of investigation, jumping out of specific social conditions, using systemic thoughts, thinking about the more general role and characteristics of think tanks from the theoretical level, important theoretical issues such as principles and logic systems that think tank research should follow.

Dilations, Completely Positive Maps and Geometry (Texts and Readings in Mathematics #84)

by B.V. Rajarama Bhat Tirthankar Bhattacharyya

This book introduces the dilation theory of operators on Hilbert spaces and its relationship to complex geometry. Classical as well as very modern topics are covered in the book. On the one hand, it introduces the reader to the characteristic function, a classical object used by Sz.-Nagy and Foias and still a topic of current research. On the other hand, it describes the dilation theory of the symmetrized bidisc which has been developed mostly in the present century and is a very active topic of research. It also describes an abstract theory of dilation in the setting of set theory. This was developed very recently.A good portion of the book discusses various geometrical objects like the bidisc, the Euclidean unit ball, and the symmetrized bidisc. It shows the similarities and differences between the dilation theory in these domains. While completely positive maps play a big role in the dilation theory of the Euclidean unit ball, this is not so in the symmetrized bidisc for example. There, the central role is played by an operator equation. Targeted to graduate students and researchers, the book introduces the reader to different techniques applicable in different domains.

Dimension and Recurrence in Hyperbolic Dynamics (Progress in Mathematics #272)

by Luis Barreira

The main objective of this book is to give a broad uni?ed introduction to the study of dimension and recurrence inhyperbolic dynamics. It includes a disc- sion of the foundations, main results, and main techniques in the rich interplay of fourmain areas of research: hyperbolic dynamics, dimension theory, multifractal analysis, and quantitative recurrence. It also gives a panorama of several selected topics of current research interest. This includes topics on irregular sets, var- tional principles, applications to number theory, measures of maximal dimension, multifractal rigidity, and quantitative recurrence. The book isdirected to researchersas well as graduate students whowish to have a global view of the theory together with a working knowledgeof its main techniques. It can also be used as a basis for graduatecourses in dimension theory of dynamical systems, multifractal analysis (together with a discussion of several special topics), and pointwise dimension and recurrence in hyperbolic dynamics. I hope that the book may serve as a fast entry point to this exciting and active ?eld of research, and also that it may lead to further developments.

Dimension Reduced Modeling of Blood Flow in Large Arteries: An Introduction for Master Students and First Year Doctoral Students (Mathematical Engineering)

by Tobias Köppl Rainer Helmig

This monograph contains an in-depth and coherent treatment of dimension-reduced modeling of blood flows on the level of large vessels (macrocirculation). The authors reduce the complexity by combining a one-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation and a simplified FSI-concept. The influence of omitted vessels, which are subsequent to the outlets of larger vessels, is accounted for by systems of ordinary differential equations (0D models). The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of biomedical engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.

Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop held in Oberwolfach, Germany, October 19-25, 2003 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #45)

by Peter Benner Volker Mehrmann Danny C. Sorensen

In the past decades, model reduction has become an ubiquitous tool in analysis and simulation of dynamical systems, control design, circuit simulation, structural dynamics, CFD, and many other disciplines dealing with complex physical models. The aim of this book is to survey some of the most successful model reduction methods in tutorial style articles and to present benchmark problems from several application areas for testing and comparing existing and new algorithms. As the discussed methods have often been developed in parallel in disconnected application areas, the intention of the mini-workshop in Oberwolfach and its proceedings is to make these ideas available to researchers and practitioners from all these different disciplines.

Dimension Theory: A Selection of Theorems and Counterexamples (Atlantis Studies in Mathematics #7)

by Michael G. Charalambous

This book covers the fundamental results of the dimension theory of metrizable spaces, especially in the separable case. Its distinctive feature is the emphasis on the negative results for more general spaces, presenting a readable account of numerous counterexamples to well-known conjectures that have not been discussed in existing books. Moreover, it includes three new general methods for constructing spaces: Mrowka's psi-spaces, van Douwen's technique of assigning limit points to carefully selected sequences, and Fedorchuk's method of resolutions. Accessible to readers familiar with the standard facts of general topology, the book is written in a reader-friendly style suitable for self-study. It contains enough material for one or more graduate courses in dimension theory and/or general topology. More than half of the contents do not appear in existing books, making it also a good reference for libraries and researchers.

Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems: Contemporary Views and Applications (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)

by Yakov B. Pesin

The principles of symmetry and self-similarity structure nature's most beautiful creations. For example, they are expressed in fractals, famous for their beautiful but complicated geometric structure, which is the subject of study in dimension theory. And in dynamics the presence of invariant fractals often results in unstable "turbulent-like" motions and is associated with "chaotic" behavior. In this book, Yakov Pesin introduces a new area of research that has recently appeared in the interface between dimension theory and the theory of dynamical systems. Focusing on invariant fractals and their influence on stochastic properties of systems, Pesin provides a comprehensive and systematic treatment of modern dimension theory in dynamical systems, summarizes the current state of research, and describes the most important accomplishments of this field. Pesin's synthesis of these subjects of broad current research interest will be appreciated both by advanced mathematicians and by a wide range of scientists who depend upon mathematical modeling of dynamical processes.

Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems: Contemporary Views and Applications (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)

by Yakov B. Pesin

The principles of symmetry and self-similarity structure nature's most beautiful creations. For example, they are expressed in fractals, famous for their beautiful but complicated geometric structure, which is the subject of study in dimension theory. And in dynamics the presence of invariant fractals often results in unstable "turbulent-like" motions and is associated with "chaotic" behavior. In this book, Yakov Pesin introduces a new area of research that has recently appeared in the interface between dimension theory and the theory of dynamical systems. Focusing on invariant fractals and their influence on stochastic properties of systems, Pesin provides a comprehensive and systematic treatment of modern dimension theory in dynamical systems, summarizes the current state of research, and describes the most important accomplishments of this field. Pesin's synthesis of these subjects of broad current research interest will be appreciated both by advanced mathematicians and by a wide range of scientists who depend upon mathematical modeling of dynamical processes.

Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems: Contemporary Views and Applications (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)

by Yakov B. Pesin

The principles of symmetry and self-similarity structure nature's most beautiful creations. For example, they are expressed in fractals, famous for their beautiful but complicated geometric structure, which is the subject of study in dimension theory. And in dynamics the presence of invariant fractals often results in unstable "turbulent-like" motions and is associated with "chaotic" behavior. In this book, Yakov Pesin introduces a new area of research that has recently appeared in the interface between dimension theory and the theory of dynamical systems. Focusing on invariant fractals and their influence on stochastic properties of systems, Pesin provides a comprehensive and systematic treatment of modern dimension theory in dynamical systems, summarizes the current state of research, and describes the most important accomplishments of this field. Pesin's synthesis of these subjects of broad current research interest will be appreciated both by advanced mathematicians and by a wide range of scientists who depend upon mathematical modeling of dynamical processes.

Dimension Theory of Hyperbolic Flows (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Luís Barreira

The dimension theory of dynamical systems has progressively developed, especially over the last two decades, into an independent and extremely active field of research. Its main aim is to study the complexity of sets and measures that are invariant under the dynamics. In particular, it is essential to characterizing chaotic strange attractors. To date, some parts of the theory have either only been outlined, because they can be reduced to the case of maps, or are too technical for a wider audience. In this respect, the present monograph is intended to provide a comprehensive guide. Moreover, the text is self-contained and with the exception of some basic results in Chapters 3 and 4, all the results in the book include detailed proofs. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students specializing in dynamical systems who wish to have a sufficiently comprehensive view of the theory together with a working knowledge of its main techniques. The discussion of some open problems is also included in the hope that it may lead to further developments. Ideally, readers should have some familiarity with the basic notions and results of ergodic theory and hyperbolic dynamics at the level of an introductory course in the area, though the initial chapters also review all the necessary material.

Dimension Theory (PMS-4), Volume 4 (PDF)

by Witold Hurewicz Henry Wallman

Book 4 in the Princeton Mathematical Series.Originally published in 1941.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Dimensional Analysis

by J.C. Gibbings

For experiments, dimensional analysis enables the design, checks the validity, orders the procedure and synthesises the data. Additionally it can provide relationships between variables where standard analysis is not available. This widely valuable analysis for engineers and scientists is here presented to the student, the teacher and the researcher. It is the first complete modern text that covers developments over the last three decades while closing all outstanding logical gaps. Dimensional Analysis also lists the logical stages of the analysis, so showing clearly the care to be taken in its use while revealing the very few limitations of application. As the conclusion of that logic, it gives the author's original proof of the fundamental and only theorem. Unlike past texts, Dimensional Analysis includes examples for which the answer does not already exist from standard analysis. It also corrects the many errors present in the existing literature by including accurate solutions. Dimensional Analysis is written for all branches of engineering and science as a teaching book covering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as a guide for the lecturer and as a reference volume for the researcher.

Dimensional Analysis: With Case Studies in Mechanics

by Qing-Ming Tan

Dimensional analysis is an essential scientific method and a powerful tool for solving problems in physics and engineering. This book starts by introducing the Pi Theorem, which is the theoretical foundation of dimensional analysis. It also provides ample and detailed examples of how dimensional analysis is applied to solving problems in various branches of mechanics. The book covers the extensive findings on explosion mechanics and impact dynamics contributed by the author’s research group over the past forty years at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The book is intended for research scientists and engineers working in the fields of physics and engineering, as well as graduate students and advanced undergraduates of the related fields. Qing-Ming Tan is a former Professor at the Institute of Mechanics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

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