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Asymptotic Analysis of Mixed Effects Models: Theory, Applications, and Open Problems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

by Jiming Jiang

Large sample techniques are fundamental to all fields of statistics. Mixed effects models, including linear mixed models, generalized linear mixed models, non-linear mixed effects models, and non-parametric mixed effects models are complex models, yet, these models are extensively used in practice. This monograph provides a comprehensive account of asymptotic analysis of mixed effects models. The monograph is suitable for researchers and graduate students who wish to learn about asymptotic tools and research problems in mixed effects models. It may also be used as a reference book for a graduate-level course on mixed effects models, or asymptotic analysis.

Asymptotic Analysis of Unstable Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations (Bocconi & Springer Series #9)

by Grigorij Kulinich Svitlana Kushnirenko Yuliya Mishura

This book is devoted to unstable solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Despite the huge interest in the theory of SDEs, this book is the first to present a systematic study of the instability and asymptotic behavior of the corresponding unstable stochastic systems. The limit theorems contained in the book are not merely of purely mathematical value; rather, they also have practical value. Instability or violations of stability are noted in many phenomena, and the authors attempt to apply mathematical and stochastic methods to deal with them. The main goals include exploration of Brownian motion in environments with anomalies and study of the motion of the Brownian particle in layered media. A fairly wide class of continuous Markov processes is obtained in the limit. It includes Markov processes with discontinuous transition densities, processes that are not solutions of any Itô's SDEs, and the Bessel diffusion process. The book is self-contained, with presentation of definitions and auxiliary results in an Appendix. It will be of value for specialists in stochastic analysis and SDEs, as well as for researchers in other fields who deal with unstable systems and practitioners who apply stochastic models to describe phenomena of instability.

Asymptotic and Analytic Methods in Stochastic Evolutionary Symptoms

by Dmitri Koroliouk Igor Samoilenko

This book illustrates a number of asymptotic and analytic approaches applied for the study of random evolutionary systems, and considers typical problems for specific examples. In this case, constructive mathematical models of natural processes are used, which more realistically describe the trajectories of diffusion-type processes, rather than those of the Wiener process. We examine models where particles have some free distance between two consecutive collisions. At the same time, we investigate two cases: the Markov evolutionary system, where the time during which the particle moves towards some direction is distributed exponentially with intensity parameter λ; and the semi-Markov evolutionary system, with arbitrary distribution of the switching process. Thus, the models investigated here describe the motion of particles with a finite speed and the proposed random evolutionary process with characteristics of a natural physical process: free run and finite propagation speed. In the proposed models, the number of possible directions of evolution can be finite or infinite.

Asymptotic and Analytic Methods in Stochastic Evolutionary Symptoms

by Dmitri Koroliouk Igor Samoilenko

This book illustrates a number of asymptotic and analytic approaches applied for the study of random evolutionary systems, and considers typical problems for specific examples. In this case, constructive mathematical models of natural processes are used, which more realistically describe the trajectories of diffusion-type processes, rather than those of the Wiener process. We examine models where particles have some free distance between two consecutive collisions. At the same time, we investigate two cases: the Markov evolutionary system, where the time during which the particle moves towards some direction is distributed exponentially with intensity parameter λ; and the semi-Markov evolutionary system, with arbitrary distribution of the switching process. Thus, the models investigated here describe the motion of particles with a finite speed and the proposed random evolutionary process with characteristics of a natural physical process: free run and finite propagation speed. In the proposed models, the number of possible directions of evolution can be finite or infinite.

Asymptotic and Computational Analysis: Conference in Honor of Frank W.j. Olver's 65th Birthday

by R. Wong

Papers presented at the International Symposium on Asymptotic and Computational Analysis, held June 1989, Winnipeg, Man., sponsored by the Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Manitoba and the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society.

Asymptotic and Computational Analysis: Conference in Honor of Frank W.j. Olver's 65th Birthday

by R. Wong

Papers presented at the International Symposium on Asymptotic and Computational Analysis, held June 1989, Winnipeg, Man., sponsored by the Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Manitoba and the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society.

Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Critical Parameters (Nato Science Series C: #384)

by Gail W. Pieper

This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Asymptotic-induced Numerical Methods for Partial Differ­ ential Equations, Critical Parameters, and Domain Decomposition," held at Beaune (France), May 25-28, 1992. The purpose of the workshop was to stimulate the integration of asymp­ totic analysis, domain decomposition methods, and symbolic manipulation tools for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) with critical parameters. A workshop on the same topic was held at Argonne Na­ tional Laboratory in February 1990. (The proceedings were published under the title Asymptotic Analysis and the Numerical Solu.tion of Partial Differ­ ential Equations, Hans G. Kaper and Marc Garbey, eds., Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 130, ·Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1991.) In a sense, the present proceedings represent a progress report on the topic area. Comparing the two sets of proceedings, we see an increase in the quantity as well as the quality of the contributions. 110re research is being done in the topic area, and the interest covers serious, nontrivial problems. We are pleased with this outcome and expect to see even more advances in the next few years as the field progresses.

Asymptotic Approaches in Nonlinear Dynamics: New Trends and Applications (Springer Series in Synergetics #69)

by Jan Awrejcewicz Igor V. Andrianov Leonid I. Manevitch

This book covers developments in the theory of oscillations from diverse viewpoints, reflecting the fields multidisciplinary nature. It introduces the state-of-the-art in the theory and various applications of nonlinear dynamics. It also offers the first treatment of the asymptotic and homogenization methods in the theory of oscillations in combination with Pad approximations. With its wealth of interesting examples, this book will prove useful as an introduction to the field for novices and as a reference for specialists.

Asymptotic Approximations for Probability Integrals (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1592)

by Karl W. Breitung

This book gives a self-contained introduction to the subject of asymptotic approximation for multivariate integrals for both mathematicians and applied scientists. A collection of results of the Laplace methods is given. Such methods are useful for example in reliability, statistics, theoretical physics and information theory. An important special case is the approximation of multidimensional normal integrals. Here the relation between the differential geometry of the boundary of the integration domain and the asymptotic probability content is derived. One of the most important applications of these methods is in structural reliability. Engineers working in this field will find here a complete outline of asymptotic approximation methods for failure probability integrals.

Asymptotic Approximations for the Sound Generated by Aerofoils in Unsteady Subsonic Flows (Springer Theses)

by Lorna Ayton

This thesis investigates the sound generated by solid bodies in steady subsonic flows with unsteady perturbations, as is typically used when determining the noise generated by turbulent interactions. The focus is predominantly on modelling the sound generated by blades within an aircraft engine, and the solutions are presented as asymptotic approximations. Key analytical techniques, such as the Wiener-Hopf method, and the matched asymptotic expansion method are clearly detailed. The results allow for the effect of variations in the steady flow or blade shape on the noise generated to be analysed much faster than when solving the problem numerically or considering it experimentally.

Asymptotic Attainability (Mathematics and Its Applications #383)

by A.G. Chentsov

In this monograph, questions of extensions and relaxations are consid­ ered. These questions arise in many applied problems in connection with the operation of perturbations. In some cases, the operation of "small" per­ turbations generates "small" deviations of basis indexes; a corresponding stability takes place. In other cases, small perturbations generate spas­ modic change of a result and of solutions defining this result. These cases correspond to unstable problems. The effect of an unstability can arise in extremal problems or in other related problems. In this connection, we note the known problem of constructing the attainability domain in con­ trol theory. Of course, extremal problems and those of attainability (in abstract control theory) are connected. We exploit this connection here (see Chapter 5). However, basic attention is paid to the problem of the attainability of elements of a topological space under vanishing perturba­ tions of restrictions. The stability property is frequently missing; the world of unstable problems is of interest for us. We construct regularizing proce­ dures. However, in many cases, it is possible to establish a certain property similar to partial stability. We call this property asymptotic nonsensitivity or roughness under the perturbation of some restrictions. The given prop­ erty means the following: in the corresponding problem, it is the same if constraints are weakened in some "directions" or not. On this basis, it is possible to construct a certain classification of constraints, selecting "di­ rections of roughness" and "precision directions".

Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #16)

by Lamberto Cesari

In the last few decades the theory of ordinary differential equations has grown rapidly under the action of forces which have been working both from within and without: from within, as a development and deepen­ ing of the concepts and of the topological and analytical methods brought about by LYAPUNOV, POINCARE, BENDIXSON, and a few others at the turn of the century; from without, in the wake of the technological development, particularly in communications, servomechanisms, auto­ matic controls, and electronics. The early research of the authors just mentioned lay in challenging problems of astronomy, but the line of thought thus produced found the most impressive applications in the new fields. The body of research now accumulated is overwhelming, and many books and reports have appeared on one or another of the multiple aspects of the new line of research which some authors call "qualitative theory of differential equations". The purpose of the present volume is to present many of the view­ points and questions in a readable short report for which completeness is not claimed. The bibliographical notes in each section are intended to be a guide to more detailed expositions and to the original papers. Some traditional topics such as the Sturm comparison theory have been omitted. Also excluded were all those papers, dealing with special differential equations motivated by and intended for the applications.

Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #16)

by Lamberto Cesari

This second edition, which has become necessary within so short a time, presents no major changes. However new results in the line of work of the author and of J. K. HaIe have made it advisable to rewrite seetion (8.5). Also, some references to most recent work have been added. LAMBERTO CESARI University of Michigan June 1962 Ann Arbor Preface to the First Edition In the last few decades the theory of ordinary differential equations has grown rapidly under the action of forces which have been working both from within and without: from within, as a development and deepen­ ing of the concepts and of the topological and analytical methods brought about by LYAPUNOV, POINCARE, BENDIXSON, and a few others at the turn of the century; from without, in the wake of the technological development, particularly in communications, servomechanisms, auto­ matie controls, and electronics. The early research of the authors just mentioned lay in challenging problems of astronomy, but the line of thought thus produced found the most impressive applications in the new fields.

Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #16)

by Lamberto Cesari

In the last few decades the theory of ordinary differential equations has grown rapidly under the action of forces which have been working both from within and without: from within, as a development and deepen­ ing of the concepts and of the topological and analytical methods brought about by LYAPUNOV, POINCARE, BENDIXSON, and a few others at the turn of the century; from without, in the wake of the technological development, particularly in communications, servomechanisms, auto­ matic controls, and electronics. The early research of the authors just mentioned lay in challenging problems of astronomy, but the line of thought thus produced found the most impressive applications in the new fields. The body of research now accumulated is overwhelming, and many books and reports have appeared on one or another of the multiple aspects of the new line of research which some authors call" qualitative theory of differential equations". The purpose of the present volume is to present many of the view­ points and questions in a readable short report for which completeness is not claimed. The bibliographical notes in each section are intended to be a guide to more detailed expositions and to the original papers. Some traditional topics such as the Sturm comparison theory have been omitted. Also excluded were all those papers, dealing with special differential equations motivated by and intended for the applications.

Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems under Pertubation and Discretization (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1783)

by Lars Grüne

This book provides an approach to the study of perturbation and discretization effects on the long-time behavior of dynamical and control systems. It analyzes the impact of time and space discretizations on asymptotically stable attracting sets, attractors, asumptotically controllable sets and their respective domains of attractions and reachable sets. Combining robust stability concepts from nonlinear control theory, techniques from optimal control and differential games and methods from nonsmooth analysis, both qualitative and quantitative results are obtained and new algorithms are developed, analyzed and illustrated by examples.

Asymptotic Behavior of Monodromy: Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations on a Riemann Surface (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1502)

by Carlos Simpson

This book concerns the question of how the solution of a system of ODE's varies when the differential equation varies. The goal is to give nonzero asymptotic expansions for the solution in terms of a parameter expressing how some coefficients go to infinity. A particular classof families of equations is considered, where the answer exhibits a new kind of behavior not seen in most work known until now. The techniques include Laplace transform and the method of stationary phase, and a combinatorial technique for estimating the contributions of terms in an infinite series expansion for the solution. Addressed primarily to researchers inalgebraic geometry, ordinary differential equations and complex analysis, the book will also be of interest to applied mathematicians working on asymptotics of singular perturbations and numerical solution of ODE's.

Asymptotic Behaviour of Linearly Transformed Sums of Random Variables (Mathematics and Its Applications #416)

by V.V. Buldygin Serguei Solntsev

Limit theorems for random sequences may conventionally be divided into two large parts, one of them dealing with convergence of distributions (weak limit theorems) and the other, with almost sure convergence, that is to say, with asymptotic prop­ erties of almost all sample paths of the sequences involved (strong limit theorems). Although either of these directions is closely related to another one, each of them has its own range of specific problems, as well as the own methodology for solving the underlying problems. This book is devoted to the second of the above mentioned lines, which means that we study asymptotic behaviour of almost all sample paths of linearly transformed sums of independent random variables, vectors, and elements taking values in topological vector spaces. In the classical works of P.Levy, A.Ya.Khintchine, A.N.Kolmogorov, P.Hartman, A.Wintner, W.Feller, Yu.V.Prokhorov, and M.Loeve, the theory of almost sure asymptotic behaviour of increasing scalar-normed sums of independent random vari­ ables was constructed. This theory not only provides conditions of the almost sure convergence of series of independent random variables, but also studies different ver­ sions of the strong law of large numbers and the law of the iterated logarithm. One should point out that, even in this traditional framework, there are still problems which remain open, while many definitive results have been obtained quite recently.

Asymptotic Chaos Expansions in Finance: Theory and Practice (Springer Finance)

by David Nicolay

Stochastic instantaneous volatility models such as Heston, SABR or SV-LMM have mostly been developed to control the shape and joint dynamics of the implied volatility surface. In principle, they are well suited for pricing and hedging vanilla and exotic options, for relative value strategies or for risk management. In practice however, most SV models lack a closed form valuation for European options. This book presents the recently developed Asymptotic Chaos Expansions methodology (ACE) which addresses that issue. Indeed its generic algorithm provides, for any regular SV model, the pure asymptotes at any order for both the static and dynamic maps of the implied volatility surface. Furthermore, ACE is programmable and can complement other approximation methods. Hence it allows a systematic approach to designing, parameterising, calibrating and exploiting SV models, typically for Vega hedging or American Monte-Carlo.Asymptotic Chaos Expansions in Finance illustrates the ACE approach for single underlyings (such as a stock price or FX rate), baskets (indexes, spreads) and term structure models (especially SV-HJM and SV-LMM). It also establishes fundamental links between the Wiener chaos of the instantaneous volatility and the small-time asymptotic structure of the stochastic implied volatility framework. It is addressed primarily to financial mathematics researchers and graduate students, interested in stochastic volatility, asymptotics or market models. Moreover, as it contains many self-contained approximation results, it will be useful to practitioners modelling the shape of the smile and its evolution.

Asymptotic Characteristics of Entire Functions and Their Applications in Mathematics and Biophysics (Mathematics and Its Applications #559)

by L.S. Maergoiz

This revised and enlarged second edition is devoted to asymptotical questions of the theory of entire and plurisubharmonic functions. A separate chapter deals with applications in biophysics. The book is of interest to research specialists in theoretical and applied mathematics, postgraduates and students who are interested in complex and real analysis and its applications.

Asymptotic Combinatorial Coding Theory (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #415)

by Volodia Blinovsky

Asymptotic Combinatorial Coding Theory is devoted to the investigation of the combinatorial properties of transmission systems using discrete signals. The book presents results of interest to specialists in combinatorics seeking to apply combinatorial methods to problems of combinatorial coding theory. Asymptotic Combinatorial Coding Theory serves as an excellent reference for resarchers in discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and combinatorial coding theory, and may be used as a text for advanced courses on the subject.

Asymptotic Combinatorics with Application to Mathematical Physics (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry #77)

by V. A. Malyshev A. M. Vershik

New and striking results obtained in recent years from an intensive study of asymptotic combinatorics have led to a new, higher level of understanding of related problems: the theory of integrable systems, the Riemann-Hilbert problem, asymptotic representation theory, spectra of random matrices, combinatorics of Young diagrams and permutations, and even some aspects of quantum field theory.

Asymptotic Combinatorics with Applications to Mathematical Physics: A European Mathematical Summer School held at the Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 9-20, 2001 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1815)

by Anatoly M. Vershik

At the Summer School Saint Petersburg 2001, the main lecture courses bore on recent progress in asymptotic representation theory: those written up for this volume deal with the theory of representations of infinite symmetric groups, and groups of infinite matrices over finite fields; Riemann-Hilbert problem techniques applied to the study of spectra of random matrices and asymptotics of Young diagrams with Plancherel measure; the corresponding central limit theorems; the combinatorics of modular curves and random trees with application to QFT; free probability and random matrices, and Hecke algebras.

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