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Showing 6,751 through 6,775 of 54,691 results

Calcul Scientifique: Cours, exercices corrigés et illustrations en Matlab et Octave

by Alfio Quarteroni Fausto Saleri Paola Gervasio

Ce livre constitue une introduction au Calcul Scientifique. Son objectif est de présenter des méthodes numériques permettant de résoudre avec un ordinateur certains problèmes mathématiques qui ne peuvent être traités simplement avec un papier et un crayon. Les questions classiques du Calcul Scientifique sont abordées: la recherche des zéros ou le calcul d'intégrales de fonctions continues, la résolution de systèmes linéaires, l'approximation de fonctions par des polynômes, la résolution approchée d'équations différentielles. La présentation de ces méthodes est rendue vivante par le recours systématique aux environnements de programmation Matlab et Octave dont les principales commandes sont introduites progressivement. Tous les algorithmes sont présentés sous la forme de programmes. Ceci permet de vérifier très rapidement leurs propriétés théoriques, en particulier la stabilité, la précision et la complexité. La résolution de divers problèmes, souvent motivés par des applications concrètes, fait l'objet de nombreux exemples et exercices. À la fin de chaque chapitre, une section présente des aspects plus avancés et fournit des indications bibliographiques qui permettront au lecteur d'appronfondir les connaissances acquises. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à la correction des exercices proposés tout au long du livre

Calculator Calculus

by G. Mccarty

How THIS BOOK DIFFERS This book is about the calculus. What distinguishes it, however, from other books is that it uses the pocket calculator to illustrate the theory. A computation that requires hours of labor when done by hand with tables is quite inappropriate as an example or exercise in a beginning calculus course. But that same computation can become a delicate illustration of the theory when the student does it in seconds on his calculator. t Furthermore, the student's own personal involvement and easy accomplishment give hi~ reassurance and en­ couragement. The machine is like a microscope, and its magnification is a hundred millionfold. We shall be interested in limits, and no stage of numerical approximation proves anything about the limit. However, the derivative of fex) = 67.SgX, for instance, acquires real meaning when a student first appreciates its values as numbers, as limits of 10 100 1000 t A quick example is 1.1 , 1.01 , 1.001 , •••• Another example is t = 0.1, 0.01, in the function e/3t+9-3)/t. ix difference quotients of numbers, rather than as values of a function that is itself the result of abstract manipulation.

The Calculi of Lambda Conversion. (AM-6), Volume 6

by Alonzo Church

The description for this book, The Calculi of Lambda Conversion. (AM-6), Volume 6, will be forthcoming.


by A. Quarteroni F. Saleri

Este livro é uma introdução ao Cálculo Científico. O seu objectivo consiste em apresentar vários métodos numéricos para resolver no computador certos problemas matemáticos que não podem ser tratados de maneira mais simples. São abordadas questões clássicas como o cálculo de zeros ou de integrais de funções contínuas, a resolução de sistemas lineares, a aproximação de funções por polinómios e a construção de aproximações precisas de soluções de equações diferenciais. Todos os algoritmos são apresentados nas linguagens de programação MATLAB e Octave, cujos comandos e instruções principais se introduzem de forma gradual, visando em particular a sua compatibilidade nas duas linguagens. O leitor pode assim verificar experimentalmente propriedades teóricas como a estabilidade, a precisão e a complexidade. O livro inclui ainda a resolução de problemas através de numerosos exercícios e exemplos, frequentemente ligados a aplicações concretas. No fim de cada capítulo encontra-se uma secção específica que apresenta assuntos não abordados e as referências bibliográficas que permitem ao leitor aprofundar os conhecimentos adquiridos.

Cálculo Científico con MATLAB y Octave

by A. Quarteroni F. Saleri

Este libro de texto es una introducción al Cálculo Científico, que ilustra varios métodos numéricos para la solución con computador de ciertas clases de problemas matemáticos. Los autores muestran cómo calcular los ceros o las integrales de funciones continuas, resolver sistemas lineales, aproximar funciones por polinomios y construir aproximaciones precisas para la solución de ecuaciones diferenciales. Para hacer la presentación concreta y atractiva, se ha adoptado el entorno de programación MATLAB como un fiel compañero. Se muestran todos los algoritmos introducidos a través del libro, suministrando de este modo una evaluación cuantitativa inmediata de sus propiedades teóricas como son la estabilidad, la precisión y la complejidad. El libro también contiene la solución de varios problemas planteados a través de ejercicios y ejemplos, a menudo surgidos de aplicaciones específicas. Se dedica una sección específica a temas que no fueron tratados en el libro y se indican algunas referencias bibliográficas para un tratamiento más completo de la materia.


by Howard Anton Irl C. Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Late Transcendental, 11th Edition Binder Ready Version strives to increase student comprehension and conceptual understanding through a balance between rigor and clarity of explanations; sound mathematics; and excellent exercises, applications, and examples. Anton pedagogically approaches Calculus through the Rule of Four, presenting concepts from the verbal, algebraic, visual, and numerical points of view.

Calculus: Single Variable

by Howard Anton Irl C. Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Late Transcendental, 11th Edition Binder Ready Version strives to increase student comprehension and conceptual understanding through a balance between rigor and clarity of explanations; sound mathematics; and excellent exercises, applications, and examples. Anton pedagogically approaches Calculus through the Rule of Four, presenting concepts from the verbal, algebraic, visual, and numerical points of view.

Calculus: Multivariable

by Howard Anton Irl Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Multivariable

by Howard Anton Irl Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Multivariable

by Howard Anton Irl Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Multivariable

by Howard Anton Irl Bivens Stephen Davis

Calculus: Single Variable

by Brian E. Blank Steven G. Krantz

In order to show scientists and engineers how to apply calculus, this edition places a greater emphasis on conceptual understanding. It provides a nice balance between rigor and accessibility that will challenge them. Unique elements are integrated throughout that deepen the appreciation for calculus. Numerous nonstandard challenging exercises build better math skills. Innovative approaches on topics such as limits also help uncover new areas of learning for scientists and engineers.

Calculus: Single and Multivariable

by Brian E. Blank Steven G. Krantz

Blank and Krantz's Calculus 2e brings together time-tested methods and innovative thinking to address the needs of today's students, who come from a wide range of backgrounds and look ahead to a variety of futures. Using meaningful examples, credible applications, and incisive technology, Blank and Krantz's Calculus 2e strives to empower students, enhance their critical thinking skills, and equip them with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the major or discipline they ultimately choose to study. Blank and Krantz's engaging style and clear writing make the language of mathematics accessible, understandable and enjoyable, while maintaining high standards for mathematical rigor. Blank and Krantz's Calculus 2e is available with WileyPLUS, an online teaching and learning environment initially developed for Calculus and Differential Equations courses. WileyPLUS integrates the complete digital textbook with powerful student and instructor resources as well as online auto-graded homework.

Calculus: Resequenced for Students in STEM

by Dave Dwyer Mark Gruenwald

Dwyer and Gruenwald’s Calculus Resequenced for Students in STEM, Preliminary Edition highlights a new approach to calculus and is devoted to improving the calculus sequence for students in STEM majors. The text introduces a new standard for order and choice of topics for the 3-semester sequence. Resequencing topics in the calculus sequence allows for front-loading material for upper-level STEM majors into the first two semesters, ensuring Calculus 2 is an attractive jumping-off point for students in biology and chemistry. The topical ordering was developed in consultation with advisory boards consisting of educators in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and economics at diverse institutions.

Calculus: A Lab Course with MicroCalc® (Textbooks in Mathematical Sciences)

by Harley Flanders

Preface Objectives of This Book • To teach calculus as a laboratory science, with the computer and software as the lab, and to use this lab as an essential tool in learning and using calculus. • To present calculus and elementary differential equations with a minimum of fuss-through practice, not theory. • To stress ideas of calculus, applications, and problem solving, rather than definitions, theorems, and proofs. • Toemphasize numerical aspects: approximations, order of magnitude, concrete answers to problems. • To organize the topics consistent with the needs of students in their concurrent science and engineering courses. The subject matter of calculus courses has developed over many years, much by negotiation with the disciplines calculus serves, particularly engineering. This text covers the standard topics in their conventional order. Mostly because of commercial pressures, calculus texts have grown larger and larger, trying to include everything that anyone conceivably would cover. Calculus texts have also added more and more expensive pizzazz, up to four colors now. This text is lean; it eliminates most of the "fat" of recent calculus texts; it has a simple physical black/white format; it ignores much of current calculus "culture". The computer has forced basic changes in emphasis and how to teach calculus.

Calculus: Single And Multivariable

by Hughes Hallett Gleason McCallum

Calculus: Single And Multivariable

by Hughes Hallett Gleason McCallum

Calculus: Single Variable

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett Andrew M. Gleason William G. McCallum Daniel E. Flath Patti Frazer Lock David O. Lomen David Lovelock Brad G. Osgood Douglas Quinney Karen R Rhea Jeff Tecosky-Feldman Thomas W. Tucker Otto K. Bretscher Sheldon P. Gordon Andrew Pasquale Joseph Thrash

This Sixth Edition of Calculus continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. Calculus: Single Variable 6th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to create a flexible approach to both theory and modeling. For instructors wishing to emphasize the connection between calculus and other fields, the text includes a variety of problems and examples from the physical, health, and biological sciences, engineering and economics. In addition, new problems on the mathematics of sustainability and new case studies on calculus in medicine by David E. Sloane, MD have been added.

Calculus: Multivariable

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett William G. McCallum Daniel E. Flath Andrew M. Gleason Selin Kalaycioglu Brigitte Lahme Patti Frazer Lock Guadalupe I. Lozano Jerry Morris David Mumford Brad G. Osgood Cody L. Patterson Douglas Quinney Ayse Arzu Sahin Adam H. Spiegler Jeff Tecosky-Feldman Thomas W. Tucker Aaron D. Wootton Elliot J. Marks

With Wiley’s Enhanced E-Text, you get all the benefits of a downloadable, reflowable eBook with added resources to make your study time more effective, including: • Embedded Example Videos• Built-In Assessments• Interactive Exploration applets• Searchable Appendices & chapter summary reviewsCalculus: Multivariable, 7e continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. The 7th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secdondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to create a flexible approach to both theory and modeling. The program includes a variety of problems and examples from the physical, health, and biological sciences, engineering and economics; emphasizing the connection between calculus and other fields. Calculus: Multivariable, 7e will include Wiley's seamlessly integrated adaptive WileyPLUS ORION program, covering content from refresher Algebra and Trigonometry through Multi-Variable Calculus. Calculus: Multivariable, 7e is the first adaptive calculus program in the market.

Calculus: Multivariable

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett William McCallum Andrew Gleason Eric Connally

Calculus: Multivariable

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett William McCallum Andrew Gleason Eric Connally

Calculus: Single Variable

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett William G. McCallum Andrew M. Gleason Eric Connally Daniel E. Flath Selin Kalaycioglu Brigitte Lahme Patti Frazer Lock David O. Lomen David Lovelock Guadalupe I. Lozano Jerry Morris Brad G. Osgood Cody L. Patterson Douglas Quinney Karen R Rhea Ayse Arzu Sahin Adam H. Spiegler Jeff Tecosky-Feldman Thomas W. Tucker Aaron D. Wootton Elliot J. Marks

With Wiley’s Enhanced E-Text, you get all the benefits of a downloadable, reflowable eBook with added resources to make your study time more effective, including: • Embedded Example Videos• Built-In Assessments• Interactive Exploration applets• Searchable Appendices & chapter summary reviewsCalculus: Single Variable, 7e continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. The 7th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to create a flexible approach to both theory and modeling. The program includes a variety of problems and examples from the physical, health, and biological sciences, engineering and economics; emphasizing the connection between calculus and other fields. Calculus: Single Variable, 7e will include Wiley's seamlessly integrated adaptive WileyPLUS ORION program, covering content from refresher Algebra and Trigonometry through Multi-Variable Calculus. Calculus: Single Variable, 7e is the first adaptive calculus program in the market.

Calculus: Multivariable

by William G. McCallum Deborah Hughes-Hallett Andrew M. Gleason David O. Lomen David Lovelock Jeff Tecosky-Feldman Thomas W. Tucker Daniel E. Flath Joseph Thrash Karen R Rhea Andrew Pasquale Sheldon P. Gordon Douglas Quinney Patti Frazer Lock

This Sixth Edition of Calculus continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. Calculus: Multivariable 6th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to create a flexible approach to both theory and modeling. For instructors wishing to emphasize the connection between calculus and other fields, the text includes a variety of problems and examples from the physical, health, and biological sciences, engineering and economics. In addition, new problems on the mathematics of sustainability and new case studies on calculus in medicine by David E. Sloane, MD have been added.

Calculus: The Easy Way to Learn Calculus (Teach Yourself)

by Hugh Neill

Calculus: A Complete Introduction is the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use introduction to using calculus. Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge. The book covers all areas of calculus, including functions, gradients, rates of change, differentiation, exponential and logarithmic functions and integration. Everything you will need to know is here in one book. Each chapter includes not only an explanation of the knowledge and skills you need, but also worked examples and test questions.

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