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Biofuel from Microbes and Plants: Green Energy Alternative

by Nitish Kumar

Global concern for energy security and environmental protection has put great emphasis on the search for alternative energy sources, particularly for the transport sector. Biofuels have emerged as a highly promising source of alternative energy, and have drawn global research and development for their production using biomass. With the increasing worldwide demand for energy, along with the depletion of conventional fossil fuel reserves, there has been growing global interest in developing alternative sources of energy. There has also been concern in growing economies regarding energy security. Biofuels offer much promise on these frontiers. In addition to these factors, they also have a reduced environmental impact in comparison to fossil fuels. Biofuels from Microbes and Plants provides state-of-the-art information on the status of biofuel production and related aspects. Academics, researchers, engineers, and technologists will develop a greater understanding of the relevant concepts and solutions to the global issues related to achieving alternative energy applications for future energy security, as well as environmental sustainability in medium- and large-scale industries. Key Features Detailed overview of the alternative energy field and the role of biofuels as new energy sources Detailed accounts of the production of biodiesel from non-conventional bio-feedstocks such as algae, microbes, and vegetable oils Recent updates about biotechnological improvements of plant and microbial sources for biofuel production

Biofunctional Surface Engineering

by Martin Scholz

Successful biofunctional surface engineering will determine the future of medical devices such as orthopedic implants, stents, catheters, vaccine scaffolds, wound dressings, and extracorporeal circulation devices. Moreover, the biosensor and diagnostic chip technology will evolve rapidly due to the growing medical need for personalized medicine. A

Biofungicides: Novel Sources and Mechanisms, Volume 2

by Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam Mousa A. Alghuthaymi Salah M. Abdel-Momen

The current volume focuses on novel sources of biofungicides, primarily providing complete knowledge of microbial and phytochemical fungicides, studying antifungal activity mechanisms as well as their role in disease management in plants, and fungicide bioremediation. The use of biofungicides as eco-friendly alternative to typical synthetic fungicides is projected to play a significant role in organic farming in the future.Key Features: Discovers novel sources of biofungicides Describes the role of biofungicides in the control of plant diseases Studies antifungal activity mechanisms Explores how to survey and select promising biofungicides

Biofungicides: Novel Sources and Mechanisms, Volume 2

The current volume focuses on novel sources of biofungicides, primarily providing complete knowledge of microbial and phytochemical fungicides, studying antifungal activity mechanisms as well as their role in disease management in plants, and fungicide bioremediation. The use of biofungicides as eco-friendly alternative to typical synthetic fungicides is projected to play a significant role in organic farming in the future.Key Features: Discovers novel sources of biofungicides Describes the role of biofungicides in the control of plant diseases Studies antifungal activity mechanisms Explores how to survey and select promising biofungicides

Biofunktionalität der Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dirk Haller, Gerald Rimbach and Tilman Grune

Funktionelle Lebensmittel wirken nachweisbar stärker positiv auf die menschliche Gesundheit als normale. Das erste Lehrbuch zum Thema behandelt systematisch die Organfunktionen des Körpers und zeigt die Methoden, mit denen eine präventive Wirkung nachgewiesen werden kann. „Steckbriefe“ aller relevanten Klassen von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen und deren Wirksamkeit bieten einen guten Überblick. Ergänzt wird das mit Abbildungen und Themenboxen anschaulich gestaltete Nachschlagewerk für Studenten und Lebensmittelexperten durch zahlreiche Fallbeispiele.

Biogenesis Evolution Homeostasis: A Symposium by Correspondence

by Alfred Locker

In 1963, 1965 and 1967 "Symposia on Quantitative Biology of Metabolism" were organized on the pretty island of Helgoland (Biologische Anstalt) by me in col­ laboration with O. KINNE and F. KROGER. Unfortunately this worthy approach towards bringing together interested scholars in a regular way ceased, mainly for financial reasons, although the need for and interest in conferences like these for the exchange of ideas on special topics unchangeably persists. So I had to look for other possibilities and one of them was to try to arrange a similar con­ ference under the auspices of NASA. This institution, however, eventually re-. treated, although during my discussion with its representatives a new special theme gained shape. This is the topic to which this volume is devoted: Bio­ genesis. It is also treated in a new way that probably could be a model for. similar undertakings: a symposium by correspondence. In this new approach to scientific information exchange, manuscripts were collected by the editor and sent to every contributor for his comments. The author could then reply by means of a concluding remark. So, in many instances very valuable ideas concerning the topics of the several papers could be gathered and it is to be hoped that this procedure has conferred upon this volume a certain uniqueness. Of course, I had to observe the agreement with Springer-Verlag not to exceed the extent of the volume allotted to us.

The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)

by Chris Mullins

The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles represents a comprehensive summary of recent advances in the study of the biogenesis and functional dynamics of the major organelles operating in the eukaryotic cell. This book begins by placing the study of organelle biogenesis in a historical perspective by describing past scientific strategies, theories, and findings and relating these foundations to current investigations. Reviews of protein and lipid mediators important for organelle biogenesis are then presented, and are followed by summaries focused on the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosome, nucleus, mitochondria, and peroxisome.

Biogenic—Abiogenic Interactions in Natural and Anthropogenic Systems: Abiogenic Interactions In Natural And Anthropogenic Systems (Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences)

by Olga V. Frank-Kamenetskaya Elena G. Panova Dmitry Yu. Vlasov

This book offers a collection of papers presented at the V International Symposium "Biogenic - abiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems" that was held from 20-22 October 2014 in Saint Petersburg (Russia). Papers in this book cover a wide range of topics connected with interactions between biogenic and abiogenic components in the lithosphere, biosphere and technosphere. The main topics include: biomineralization in geosystems, geochemistry of biogenic-abiogenic systems, biomineral interactions in soil, minerals in living organisms and biomimetic materials, medical geology, bioweathering and destruction of cultural heritage.

Biogenic—Abiogenic Interactions in Natural and Anthropogenic Systems 2022 (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by Olga V. Frank-Kamenetskaya Dmitry Yu. Vlasov Elena G. Panova Tatiana V. Alekseeva

The book represents a collection of papers presented at VII International Symposium "Biogenic-abiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems" that was held on 26-29 September 2022 in Saint Petersburg (Russia). Papers in this book cover a wide range of topics connecting with interactions between biogenic and abiogenic components in lithosphere, biosphere and technosphere. The main regarding topics are following: biomineralization in living organisms and nature-like materials; biomineralization in geosystems; geochemistry of biogenic-abiogenic systems; biomineral interactions in soil; interaction of microorganisms with natural and artificial materials; medical geology; philosophical aspects of interdisciplinary researchs

Biogeogens and Human Health (SpringerBriefs in Public Health)

by Niraj Kumar

Health of the people is the most important indicator of the development of a nation. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (as defined by WHO). The state of health of an individual or population depends upon complex interaction of the physical, biological, political and social domains. The environment affects the human health in a big way. People tend to be most susceptible to illness when physically or mentally stressed. Stress, energy and immunity form a closely knit network. Through his experimental findings, the author has brought out this intricate concept of interdependence of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors in an ecosystem, resulting in an impact on human health, in an explicitly marvelous manner. As a result, a new word “Biogeogens” has been coined, “bio” for living (biotic) , “geo” for non-living (abiotic/geographical/climatic/environment) and “gens” for the interactive proceeds of the two. The content included herein is directly concerned with the societal health and gives a clue to many socio-psycho health problems presently not handled with care. It also defines a multidimensional approach for dealing with many psychosomatic and health problems.

Biografiearbeit: in der Gesundheits-, Kranken- und Altenpflege

by Monika Specht-Tomann

Biografiearbeit als ein Instrument in der Kranken- und Altenpflege schärft den Blick für die Bedürfnisse von Patienten. Auf diese Art und Weise werden die Ressourcen von Patienten für deren Gesundung genutzt, alte Menschen werden aktiviert und damit ihre Lebensqualität verbessert. In dem Band erläutert die Autorin verschiedene Methoden der Biografiearbeit und bietet Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für deren Umsetzung. In der 2., überarbeiteten Auflage geht sie ausführlicher auf spezielle Patientengruppen wie u. a. demenzkranke Menschen ein.

Biografiearbeit: in der Gesundheits-, Kranken- und Altenpflege

by Monika Specht-Tomann

Biografiearbeit ist ein Instrument in der Kranken- und Altenpflege, mit dem der Blick für das Leben der Patienten bzw. der Bewohner geschärft und der ganzheitliche Zugang zu ihren Bedürfnissen erleichtert wird. Fähigkeiten von Alten und Kranken werden durch Biografiearbeit aktiviert und verbessert. Das Buch ist mit zahlreichen Anleitungen zur Umsetzung der verschiedenen Methoden und mit vielen Beispielen aus der Pflege- und Betreuungspraxis eine Unterstützung für alle, die mit alten und kranken Menschen arbeiten.

Biografiearbeit: in der Gesundheits-, Kranken- und Altenpflege

by Monika Specht-Tomann

Biografiearbeit als ein Instrument in der Kranken- und Altenpflege schärft den Blick für die Bedürfnisse von Patienten. Auf diese Art und Weise werden die Ressourcen von Patienten für deren Gesundung genutzt, alte Menschen werden aktiviert und damit ihre Lebensqualität verbessert. In dem Band erläutert die Autorin verschiedene Methoden der Biografiearbeit und bietet Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für deren Umsetzung. In der 2., überarbeiteten Auflage geht sie ausführlicher auf spezielle Patientengruppen wie u. a. demenzkranke Menschen ein.

Biografiebasiertes Sturzpräventionstraining: Für Menschen mit kognitiven Funktionseinschränkungen

by Andrea Stöckl Bettina Wallmüller Barbara Sendlhofer

Dieses Praxisbuch deckt sämtliche Aspekte der biografiebasierten Therapie im Kontext des Sturzpräventionstrainings für die Bereiche Ergotherapie und Physiotherapie ab. Die Therapie wurde gezielt für Personen mit leichten bis mittelschweren kognitiven Funktionseinschränkungen entwickelt. Im Fokus der therapeutischen Arbeit stehen die Bedeutung von Beziehung, die Kommunikation und die Gestaltung der Umgebung. Dies gilt besonders im Zusammenhang mit dementiellen Erkrankungen sowie bei Krankheitsbildern wie Multipler Sklerose und Parkinson. Um diese Ansätze in die Praxis umzusetzen, werden die Struktur einer Therapiesitzung, Kommunikationstechniken, die Bedeutung von Symbolen und der Umgang mit herausfordernden Situationen ausführlich erläutert. Aus dem Inhalt: Therapieplanung und Durchführung mit Intensität, Dauer und Frequenz, Befunderhebung, Assessments und Zielformulierungen nach ICF, Gleichgewichtstraining und Krafttraining, Praxisbeispiele für die Rehabilitation, die Langzeitbetreuung und das extramurale Setting.

Biographical History of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

by Randy J. Nelson Zachary M. Weil

Behavioral neuroendocrinologists are interested in the interactions between hormones and behaviors. This unique book tracks the development of behavioral neuroendocrinology from the first recognized paper in the field by Arnold Berthold in 1849 to the major contributors of the past century. It traces the history and development of the field by exploring the women and men who conducted the studies that revealed these hormone-behavioral relationships. Most chapters are written by the individuals who knew these pioneers best, and describe their stories and discuss the ways in which their work has shaped the field. Now is the perfect time for this book. The field is burgeoning and interest in the development of theoretical perspectives is thriving. Moreover, although this field was dominated by men early on, it has become a field with near sexual parity among its faculty, society membership, and leadership, and thus serves as an example of equitable science, training, and advocacy.

Biographieorientierte Aktivierung mit SimA-P: Selbständig im Alter

by Wolf-D. Oswald Andreas Ackermann

Wenn alte Menschen über ihre Erinnerungen sprechen, kann das dem Verlust von Identität und Selbstwissen entgegenwirken. Der praxiserprobte Leitfaden zur biographieorientierten Aktivierung stellt neben einem kurzen allgemeinen Teil insgesamt 28 Therapieeinheiten vor. Ablaufpläne und Arbeitsmaterialien für die Gruppenarbeit erleichtern die Umsetzung. Die mitgelieferte CD-ROM enthält Kopiervorlagen. Der Band richtet sich an alle Personen, die beruflich oder ehrenamtlich im Bereich der Alltagshilfe tätig sind.


by Oskar R. Zaborsky

The world needs clean and renewable energy and hydrogen represents an almost ideal resource. Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant molecule in the universe, yet one that is a challenge to produce from renewable resources. Biohydrogen, or hydrogen produced from renewable resources such as water or organic wastes by biological means, is a goal worthy of increased global attention and resources. The purpose of BioHydrogen '97 was to bring together leaders in the biological p- duction of hydrogen from the United States, Japan, Europe, and elsewhere to exchange scientific and technical information and catalyze further cooperative programs. Parti- pants came from at least different countries representing academia, industry, and g- ernment. Especially important participants were young research scientists and engineers: the next generation of contributors. The conference consisted of plenary presentations, topical sessions, posters, and mini-workshop discussions on key areas of biohydrogen. It was designed to maximize - formation exchange, personal interaction among participants, and formulate new inter- tional initiatives. BioHydrogen '97 was an outgrowth of an international workshop convened by the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) and was held in Tokyo, Japan, November 24-25, 1994. The RITE workshop was highly successful but largely l- ited to traditional biochemical and biological studies and not engineering research topics.

Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technology Advances

by Debabrata Das Namita Khanna Chitralekha Nag Dasgupta

Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technology Advances covers the fundamentals of biohydrogen production technology, including microbiology, biochemistry, feedstock requirements, and molecular biology of the biological hydrogen production processes. It also gives insight into scale-up problems and limitations. In addition, the book discusses

Biohythane: Fuel for the Future

by Debabrata Das Shantonu Roy

This book is a novel attempt at describing the fundamental aspects of and advancements in the field of biohythane production. The comprehensive collection of chapters is based on the fundamentals of heterotrophic hydrogen production and consequent methane production technologies. Emphasis is on the integration of two stages of a hybrid system for maximum gaseous energy generation from organic wastes, thus making the overall process economically viable. Readers get insight into the technological advancements made in the field of biohydrogen and biomethane production and the challenges involved in integrating these two technologies. The book also includes details of the microbiological, biochemical, and bioprocess aspects related to biohythane production, in addition to the applicability of this process, its socioeconomic concerns, and cost energy analysis, supplemented with illustrative diagrams, flowcharts, and comprehensive tables. It will be an ideal vade mecum for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students of biotechnology, microbiology, biochemical engineering, chemical engineering, and energy engineering; teachers and researchers in bioenergy, the environment, and biofuel production; and policy makers.

Biohythane: Fuel for the Future

by Debabrata Das Shantonu Roy

This book is a novel attempt at describing the fundamental aspects of and advancements in the field of biohythane production. The comprehensive collection of chapters is based on the fundamentals of heterotrophic hydrogen production and consequent methane production technologies. Emphasis is on the integration of two stages of a hybrid system for maximum gaseous energy generation from organic wastes, thus making the overall process economically viable. Readers get insight into the technological advancements made in the field of biohydrogen and biomethane production and the challenges involved in integrating these two technologies. The book also includes details of the microbiological, biochemical, and bioprocess aspects related to biohythane production, in addition to the applicability of this process, its socioeconomic concerns, and cost energy analysis, supplemented with illustrative diagrams, flowcharts, and comprehensive tables. It will be an ideal vade mecum for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students of biotechnology, microbiology, biochemical engineering, chemical engineering, and energy engineering; teachers and researchers in bioenergy, the environment, and biofuel production; and policy makers.

Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows (Learning Materials in Biosciences)

by Kota Miura Nataša Sladoje

This Open Access textbook provides students and researchers in the life sciences with essential practical information on how to quantitatively analyze data images. It refrains from focusing on theory, and instead uses practical examples and step-by step protocols to familiarize readers with the most commonly used image processing and analysis platforms such as ImageJ, MatLab and Python. Besides gaining knowhow on algorithm usage, readers will learn how to create an analysis pipeline by scripting language; these skills are important in order to document reproducible image analysis workflows. The textbook is chiefly intended for advanced undergraduates in the life sciences and biomedicine without a theoretical background in data analysis, as well as for postdocs, staff scientists and faculty members who need to perform regular quantitative analyses of microscopy images.

Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration (Contemporary Neuroscience)

by Patricia A. Broderick David N. Rahni Edwin H. Kolodny

Bioimaging is in the forefront of medicine for the diagnosis and helps to predict the progression of AD via mild cognitive treatment of neurodegenerative disease. Conventional magnetic impairment (MCI) studies. resonance imaging (MRI) uses interactive external magnetic fields Novel neuroimaging technologies, such as neuromolecular and resonant frequencies of protons from water molecules. imaging (NMI) with a series of newly developed BRODERICK ® However, newer sequences, such as magnetization-prepared rapid PROBE sensors, directly image neurotransmitters, precursors, acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE), are able to seek higher and metabolites in vivo, in real time and within seconds, at separate levels of anatomic resolution by allowing more rapid temporal and selective waveform potentials. NMI, which uses an imaging. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) images electrochemical basis for detection, enables the differentiation of metabolic changes, enabling underlying pathophysiologic neurodegenerative diseases in patients who present with mesial dysfunction in neurodegeneration to be deciphered. Neuro- versus neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy. In fact, NMI has some 1 chemicals visible with proton H MRS include N-acetyl aspartate remarkable similarities to MRI insofar as there is technological (NAA), creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr), and choline (Cho); NAA dependence on electron and proton transfer, respectively, and is considered to act as an in vivo marker for neuronal loss and/or further dependence is seen in both NMI and MRI on tissue neuronal dysfunction. By extending imaging to the study of composition such as lipids.

Bioimpedance in Biomedical Applications and Research

by Franco Simini Pedro Bertemes-Filho

This book is based on the best contributions to the advancement of bioimpedance knowledge and use from the Latin American Congress series, CLABIO. Basic bioimpedance facts as well as promising and original contributions to bioimpedance theory and applications are presented, giving the reader stimulating material for reflection, decision making, and further experiments. Contributions come from a diverse international pool of experts and address topics on electrode and skin impedance modelling, tomography, spectroscopy, instrumentation, and clinical applications.

Bioinformatic and Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data: From Raw Sequences to Advanced Modeling with QIIME 2 and R

by Jun Sun Yinglin Xia

This unique book addresses the bioinformatic and statistical modelling and also the analysis of microbiome data using cutting-edge QIIME 2 and R software. It covers core analysis topics in both bioinformatics and statistics, which provides a complete workflow for microbiome data analysis: from raw sequencing reads to community analysis and statistical hypothesis testing. It includes real-world data from the authors’ research and from the public domain, and discusses the implementation of QIIME 2 and R for data analysis step-by-step. The data as well as QIIME 2 and R computer programs are publicly available, allowing readers to replicate the model development and data analysis presented in each chapter so that these new methods can be readily applied in their own research. Bioinformatic and Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data is an ideal book for advanced graduate students and researchers in the clinical, biomedical, agricultural, and environmental fields, as well as those studying bioinformatics, statistics, and big data analysis.

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