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Care Professions and Globalization: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

by Ana Marta González Craig Iffland

This volume presents an extended reflection on human dependency and the need to 'care' and be 'cared for'. Philosophers, theologians, social theorists, economists, and professional caregivers to discuss the challenges of professional caregiving, analyzing how societies can promote relationships in which individuals can give and receive 'care'.

Care-Related Quality of Life in Old Age: Concepts, Models, and Empirical Findings

by Marja Vaarama Richard Pieper Andrew Sixsmith

It’s a core issue at the heart of elder care: while best-practice data exist for long-term care, quality of life as a concept, measure and standard for care outcomes remains elusive. The result of an ambitious European research initiative, the Care Keys Project addresses quality of life issues among frail, care-dependent seniors, taking their social as well as health needs into account. This resulting volume explains the theory behind Care Keys, its methodology, empirical findings, and practical considerations in promoting effective, efficient elder care aimed at social and emotional well-being and including disabled and cognitively impaired patients.

Care Sharing: Von der Angehörigenpflege zur Selbsthilfe in sorgenden Gemeinschaften

by Gerhard Habicht

Wie werden wir künftig unsere Angehörigen pflegen? Über eine Million Pflegebedürftige werden in Deutschland ausschließlich von Angehörigen versorgt – Tendenz steigend! Die Pflegebedürftigkeit nimmt rasant zu und das Helferpotenzial ab – und: immer weniger Menschen können im Alter auf die Hilfe der Familie bauen. Pflege ist zu einem Massenphänomen geworden und die Fachwelt sucht seit Jahren erfolglos nach Auswegen aus dem drohenden Pflege-Desaster. Mit Care Sharing ist ein Selbsthilfe-Lösungsansatz entstanden, der mithilfe neuer Technologien die Angehörigenpflege revolutionieren könnte: Care Sharing ermöglicht über Plattformen und datengestützte Automatismen die Bildung von analogen Helfer-Netzwerken, die souverän agieren und sich autonom entwickeln können. In ihnen können sich die Betroffenen untereinander vernetzen. So können sorgende Gemeinschaften entstehen, die einspringen, wenn keine Familien mehr zur Verfügung stehen.Dieses Buch beschreibt die Grundlagen von Care Sharing. Dabei helfen auch drei Wirtschafts-Nobelpreisträger zu verstehen, wie die hohen Transaktionskosten in der Pflege minimiert werden können (Oliver Williamson), wie Gemeinschaften funktionieren (Elinor Ostrom) und warum wir beim Helfen auch an uns selbst denken dürfen (Gary Becker). Das hier vorgestellte Care-Sharing-Konzept hat bereits eine Auszeichnung erhalten - den "Sonderpreis für Gesundheitsvisionäre" der Universität Witten/Herdecke.

Care Skills for Nurses: Care Skills For Nurses (Student Survival Skills)

by Claire Boyd

Survive clinical skills training with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses, Care Skills for Nurses is an easy-to-read, quick-reference guide to all the key care skills you need to know – boosting your confidence and competence both in the clinical skills lab and on your clinical placements. Special features: Developed by students, for students Clear, straightforward, and jargon-free Ties in with the NMC standards for pre-registration education and the Essential Skills Clusters Examples and questions based on real life nursing and healthcare situations Available in a range of digital formats

Care Skills for Nurses: Care Skills For Nurses (Student Survival Skills)

by Claire Boyd

Survive clinical skills training with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses, Care Skills for Nurses is an easy-to-read, quick-reference guide to all the key care skills you need to know – boosting your confidence and competence both in the clinical skills lab and on your clinical placements. Special features: Developed by students, for students Clear, straightforward, and jargon-free Ties in with the NMC standards for pre-registration education and the Essential Skills Clusters Examples and questions based on real life nursing and healthcare situations Available in a range of digital formats

Care Staff Mobilisation in the Hospital: Fight or Cooperate?

by Ivan Sainsaulieu

This book offers a novel examination of the relations, actions, and practices of healthcare workers, analysed in terms of collective mobilisation. Based on successive surveys conducted over a twenty-year period in public and private hospitals, it brings a rich new conceptualisation of both social movements and care work. We’ve all witnessed the collective mobilisation at play in hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic. In such a structured, hierarchical environment, the parallel with social movements highlights the ethical and collective dimensions of care work, as well as the bonds of solidarity and identification with the collective. Yet, healthcare workers are often caught in a dilemma between fighting against underfunding and deteriorating working conditions on the one hand, and cooperating to keep the system standing and provide the best care possible for patients on the other. The author's approach in terms of consensual and conflictual mobilisations brings a fresh theoretical and empirical contribution to the literature on social movements, medical sociology, public health, and the sociology of labour, whilst in-depth case studies bring to light the experiences of healthcare workers and enrich the narrative throughout.

Care That Works: A Relationship Approach to Persons with Dementia

by Jitka M. Zgola

In her widely acclaimed Doing Things, Jitka M. Zgola offered practical and much-needed advice for those caring for persons with Alzheimer disease. Now, in Care That Works, Zgola shows how caregivers can better meet the demanding challenges of their job by building and improving their personal relationships with those in their care. Instead of simply prescribing approaches, Care That Works gives caregivers the information with which they can develop their own approaches, evaluate their effectiveness, and continue to grow in skill and insight.Zgola explains that optimal dementia care involves three elements: a good relationship between the caregiver and the person who has dementia, a safe and nurturing environment, and meaningful activities. Evident throughout the book is Zgola's gift for compassionately portraying the difficulties faced by people with dementia and then suggesting ways to act in a manner that accords such people the respect and dignity they deserve. Topics that receive special attention include communicating with persons who have language deficits and coping with problem behaviors—two critical problems in dementia care.

Care Trajectory Management for Nurses - E-Book: Care Trajectory Management for Nurses - E-Book

by Davina Allen

‘Care trajectory management’ refers to the work that nurses do to coordinate and organise patient care. It’s a relatively unseen element of the nursing role that is absolutely vital for patient safety and quality care.Care Trajectory Management for Nurses is the first ever textbook of its kind for nurse educators, practice facilitators and policy makers as well as undergraduate nurses. It is both a theoretical and practical resource covering the concepts and theories around the organisational components of nursing practice, derived the research of nurse academic Davina Allen.This excellent book will help prepare nurses to be the ‘glue’ in increasingly complex healthcare systems, and provides an excellent foundation for embedding this important subject into student curricula.The first textbook of its kind – a valuable resource for both experienced nurses and undergraduatesEvidence-based – derived from research led by the authorCovers: The history of nursing’s professional developmentProfessional identityHealthcare quality and safetyHealthcare systemsManaging complexityCare coordinationTacit knowledgeNursing theoryOrganising workCare Trajectory Management FrameworkTranslational mobilisation theoryIllustrative case studies based on observational studies bring theory to lifeExercises, quick quizzes and reflective practice help to apply learningOnline downloadable workbooks to organise learning

Care Trusts: Partnership Working in Action

by Jon Glasby Edward Peck

This book explores the Care Trust concept promoted by central government for improving partnership working between health and social care. Using case studies and examples to raise current issues related to partnership working, it explains how Care Trusts are bridging the gap between health and social care, and considers how they are delivering more co-ordinated services and improved outcomes. All healthcare and social care professionals with responsibility for, involved in or affected by the new partnership working arrangements will find this book useful reading.

Care Trusts: Partnership Working in Action

by Jon Glasby Edward Peck

This book explores the Care Trust concept promoted by central government for improving partnership working between health and social care. Using case studies and examples to raise current issues related to partnership working, it explains how Care Trusts are bridging the gap between health and social care, and considers how they are delivering more co-ordinated services and improved outcomes. All healthcare and social care professionals with responsibility for, involved in or affected by the new partnership working arrangements will find this book useful reading.

Care und die Wissenschaft vom Haushalt: Aktuelle Perspektiven der Haushaltswissenschaft

by Angela Häußler Christine Küster Sandra Ohrem Inga Wagenknecht

Der Band gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in aktuelle Debatten zur Organisation alltäglicher Fürsorge- und Versorgungsarbeiten rund um den privaten Haushalt. Aus vier haushaltswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven wird deutlich, dass die Unterbewertung der Arbeit des Alltags zu gesellschaftlichen Folgekosten und Benachteiligung insbesondere von Frauen führt und für die Übergänge zwischen öffentlicher und privater Verantwortung für „Care“ strukturell verankerte Lösungen von Nöten sind.

Care Work: Present and Future

by Janet Boddy Claire Cameron Peter Moss

Care Work considers the current situation of care work and care workers, from childcare to eldercare, and from family carers to paid carers. It examines the composition of the current workforce (more than a million in the UK alone), the knowledge and education needed for care work, and the significance of where care work is undertaken (in the home, in institutions). Considering potential challenges and scenarios, the book poses big questions about the future of care work – offering some possible answers. Wide-ranging and innovative, Care Work will be of great interest to academic and policy audiences, and managers or practitioners working in health, social care, childcare, youth work and social policy.

Care Work: Present and Future

by Janet Boddy Claire Cameron Peter Moss

Care Work considers the current situation of care work and care workers, from childcare to eldercare, and from family carers to paid carers. It examines the composition of the current workforce (more than a million in the UK alone), the knowledge and education needed for care work, and the significance of where care work is undertaken (in the home, in institutions). Considering potential challenges and scenarios, the book poses big questions about the future of care work – offering some possible answers. Wide-ranging and innovative, Care Work will be of great interest to academic and policy audiences, and managers or practitioners working in health, social care, childcare, youth work and social policy.

Career Advice for Young Scientists in Biomedical Research: How to Think Like a Principal Investigator

by Béla Z. Schmidt

Pursuing a career in biomedical research can be daunting, considering the stiffer competition and uncertain career prospects in academia. This book summarizes career advice gathered during in-depth interviews with 106 biomedical scientists who lead their own laboratories. The participating principal investigators are from 44 research institutions in 11 countries. This book is unique in that it provides a glimpse into the mindset of principal investigators. Here, the reader will learn about common thought patterns and values, as well as the range of opinions and ways of thinking to be found among a large group of active principal investigators – without having to read more than a hundred individual autobiographies.The book will benefit all PhD students who want to learn more about their supervisor’s mindset in order to successfully complete their projects. It can help freshly graduated PhDs planning to pursue an academic career, and MDs contemplating a career in research, to decide whether they truly want to embark on this path. Lastly, it can offer young principal investigators a source of inspiration on how to succeed and achieve their goals.

A Career Companion to Becoming a GP: Developing and Shaping Your Career

by Patrick Hutt Sophie Park

'How many general practitioners ended up in their roles thanks to a faint breeze nudging them in a given direction? How many successes resulted from failure? Some of the most successful practices were built up from nothing, and some of the happiest doctors spent time not being doctors. Despite the element that fate plays in career paths it is prudent to make plans - ' A career in general practice offers many options for further professional development. While some GPs prefer to concentrate primarily on their practice, others find additional fulfillment in teaching, research or international collaboration. Whichever path you choose, general practice promises a rewarding and exciting experience. This inspiring new book emphasises there is no single career path in general practice. Without being prescriptive, its practical approach helps you make life-changing decisions, prompts self-analysis and equips you with the tools to remain flexible, positive and reflective about your career. 'So - have you got what it takes to practise the 'medicine plus' which is today's general practice? This book, written and edited by colleagues many of whom have far more street cred than I, will help you decide. If you have, I wish you luck, fulfilment, and the gratification that comes from being a catalyst for good in the lives of your fellow human beings. If you have a role teaching and mentoring the next generation of GPs, you will find this book a persuasive ally. But if you decide that hospital medicine is your preferred option - well, that's fine. There would be no shame, if you find the ladder to general practice too steep, in settling for becoming a brain surgeon.' Roger Neighbour, in the Foreword 'Lively, extremely informative and engaging' Professor Roger Jones, Editor, British Journal of General Practice

A Career Companion to Becoming a GP: Developing and Shaping Your Career

by Patrick Hutt Sophie Park

'How many general practitioners ended up in their roles thanks to a faint breeze nudging them in a given direction? How many successes resulted from failure? Some of the most successful practices were built up from nothing, and some of the happiest doctors spent time not being doctors. Despite the element that fate plays in career paths it is prudent to make plans - ' A career in general practice offers many options for further professional development. While some GPs prefer to concentrate primarily on their practice, others find additional fulfillment in teaching, research or international collaboration. Whichever path you choose, general practice promises a rewarding and exciting experience. This inspiring new book emphasises there is no single career path in general practice. Without being prescriptive, its practical approach helps you make life-changing decisions, prompts self-analysis and equips you with the tools to remain flexible, positive and reflective about your career. 'So - have you got what it takes to practise the 'medicine plus' which is today's general practice? This book, written and edited by colleagues many of whom have far more street cred than I, will help you decide. If you have, I wish you luck, fulfilment, and the gratification that comes from being a catalyst for good in the lives of your fellow human beings. If you have a role teaching and mentoring the next generation of GPs, you will find this book a persuasive ally. But if you decide that hospital medicine is your preferred option - well, that's fine. There would be no shame, if you find the ladder to general practice too steep, in settling for becoming a brain surgeon.' Roger Neighbour, in the Foreword 'Lively, extremely informative and engaging' Professor Roger Jones, Editor, British Journal of General Practice

Career Development for Health Professionals - E-Book: Success in School & on the Job

by Lee Haroun

Master the skills you need to succeed in the classroom and as a health care professional! Filled with tips and strategies, Career Development for Health Professionals, 4th Edition provides the skills required to achieve four important goals: 1) complete your educational program, 2) think like a health care professional, 3) find the right jobs, and 4) attain long-term career success. This edition includes a new chapter on professionalism and online activities challenging you to apply what you’ve learned. Written by respected educator Lee Haroun, this practical resource helps you maximize your potential and grow into a competent, caring, well-rounded member of the health care team. Self-paced format with interactive exercises, stop-and-think review, and end-of-chapter quizzes allows you to work through the text independently.Conversational, easy-to-read style helps you understand concepts and skills by delivering information in small, easily absorbed chunks.Chapter objectives and key terms at the beginning of each chapter preview the material to be learned while reading the chapter.UPDATED on-the-job strategies and Success Tips focus on professional certification exams, the use of social media, general job requirements, online classroom learning, employment laws, and necessary skills and National Health Care Skill Standards. Prescriptions for Success and Resume Building Blocks emphasize the importance of a resume and how it is a ‘work in progress’ from the first day of a student’s education.Prescription for Success exercises let you apply what you’ve learned to on-the-job situations.Useful Spanish Phrases appendix provides a quick reference for translations that will prove valuable in today’s workplace.Student resources on the Evolve companion website include activities providing a chance to use critical thinking skills and apply content to health care jobs. NEW Becoming a Professional chapter defines professionalism as it relates to health care occupations, emphasizes its importance, and presents examples of professionals in action.NEW! Full-color photos and illustrations bring concepts and health care skills to life.NEW case studies offer a real-life look into school, job-search, and on-the-job situations.NEW study and job-search strategies explain how to study for classes, job applications, resumes and resume trends, guidelines to preparing different types of resumes (print, scannable, plain text, and e-mail versions), protecting against job scams, online job searching, and preparing for the job interview.NEW reference chart on the inside front cover provides an outline to the book’s content, making it easy to find the information you need.

Career Development in Academic Radiation Oncology

by Ravi A. Chandra Neha Vapiwala Charles R. Thomas Jr.

This book offers comprehensive career development advice for professionals in radiation oncology. While numerous texts have been published to advise medical students on entry into the specialty, and to guide residents and junior faculty with exam preparation, there remains a need for a comprehensive resource that covers topics pertinent to a successful career within radiation oncology. This text has been edited and written by leading experts in the field, and offers multiple unique vantage points.This work is divided into five sections covering career planning, applying to faculty positions, early career development, mid and senior career considerations, and contextual issues. Throughout the text, authors balance “nuts and bolts” (e.g., preparing your CV and evaluating a contract) with big picture considerations. Each chapter is written concisely, yet comprehensively, from the vantage point of a mentor advising a mentee; questions to review with local mentors and additional reading suggestions are also provided. Issues of workforce disparities, conscious and unconscious bias, work-life equilibrium, and interpersonal conflict, and how these may impact one’s career path, are also closely addressed. While the work is primarily targeted to those pursuing career paths within academic medicine, there is also distinct value and tailored content for trainees and radiation oncologists practicing in hospital-based, hybrid or community settings. In a period of rapid change in the healthcare sector and cancer care more specifically, this book will serve as the premier reference for those pursuing an independent career in radiation oncology.

Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Series in Biomedical Engineering)

by Barbara Oakley Luis Kun Guruprasad Madhavan

This indispensable guide provides a roadmap to the broad and varied career development opportunities in bioengineering, biotechnology, and related fields. Eminent practitioners lay out career paths related to academia, industry, government and regulatory affairs, healthcare, law, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more. Lifetimes of experience and wisdom are shared, including "war stories," strategies for success, and discussions of the authors’ personal views and motivations.

Career Girl in the Country (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Fiona Lowe

Dynamic city surgeon Poppy is at the top of her game – and can't believe she's been sent to work in a rural Outback town! Her colleague, brooding emergency doctor Matt, seems to thrive on the small-town solitude, but Poppy knows he's hiding from something and she's determined to draw him out of his shell and make him face his secrets.

A Career in Medicine: Do you have what it takes? second edition

by Rameen Shakur

Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor but weren't sure where to start or what to expect? This book provides a comprehensive resource to guide you through the various stages involved in becoming a doctor, from deciding whether medicine is right for you, to choosing and applying to medical school, interview skills, student finance, plus what

A Career in Medicine: Do you have what it takes? second edition

by Rameen Shakur

Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor but weren't sure where to start or what to expect? This book provides a comprehensive resource to guide you through the various stages involved in becoming a doctor, from deciding whether medicine is right for you, to choosing and applying to medical school, interview skills, student finance, plus what

Career Options in General Practice

by Peter Aquino Petre Jones

With the government trying to bring more work into primary care, the creation of the GP With a Special Interest and the newer salaried posts, doctors may feel bewildered by the sheer choice facing them. Becoming involved in academia, education, writing, secondary care work, outside agency work, wanting to be a partner, salaried or work flexible hours — how do you negotiate these many choices? This useful guide aims to help, highlighting the options available for newly qualified GPs helping them to decide which direction they want to take, and also provides ideas for those already established within primary care looking for fresh directions within the profession and beyond. This book also explains what the specialty is all about for those who are contemplating becoming part of it. Training and newly qualified general practitioners, general practitioners who are looking for a new challenge, medical students and junior doctors will all find this book valuable reading.

Career Options in General Practice

by Peter Aquino Petre Jones

With the government trying to bring more work into primary care, the creation of the GP With a Special Interest and the newer salaried posts, doctors may feel bewildered by the sheer choice facing them. Becoming involved in academia, education, writing, secondary care work, outside agency work, wanting to be a partner, salaried or work flexible hours — how do you negotiate these many choices? This useful guide aims to help, highlighting the options available for newly qualified GPs helping them to decide which direction they want to take, and also provides ideas for those already established within primary care looking for fresh directions within the profession and beyond. This book also explains what the specialty is all about for those who are contemplating becoming part of it. Training and newly qualified general practitioners, general practitioners who are looking for a new challenge, medical students and junior doctors will all find this book valuable reading.

Career Options in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Industry: An Insider’s Guide

by Josse R. Thomas Luciano Saso Chris Van Schravendijk

Written by dedicated and active professionals from different areas of the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and medtech sectors, this book provides information on job and career opportunities in various life sciences industries. It also contains useful tips to launch your own startup. The pharmaceutical, biomedical and medical technology sectors offer a wide range of employment opportunities to talented and motivated young graduates. However, many of these employment prospects are not well known to early career scientists, who concentrate primarily on the scientific and academic content of their fields of interest. The book is divided into five parts: Part 1 provides an academic perspective that focuses on the specific preparation required in the final years of study to embark on a successful career in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. In Part 2, industry experts discuss employment possibilities all along the drug or product life cycle, from discovery research and development to commercialisation. Part 3 follows, highlighting opportunities in support functions such as regulatory affairs or quality assurance. Part 4 focuses on additional opportunities in the wider biomedical sector, while Part 5 contains practical tips and training opportunities for entering the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. In the epilogue, the authors reflect on this fascinating field and its career prospects. The book offers a multidisciplinary perspective on career opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry to a wide range of students and young life scientists.

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