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Showing 14,951 through 14,975 of 100,000 results

Case Competencies in Orthopaedic Surgery E-Book

by Rachel M Frank Brian Forsythe Matthew T Provencher

Case Competencies in Orthopaedic Surgery is a centralized, easy-access guide to preparing for cases most commonly encountered during training. Written by expert author teams consisting of both attending surgeons and residents, it follows a technique-based format and design that summarizes the surgical steps, from room set-up to closure, of all cases relevant to the 15 categories of "Orthopaedic Surgery Case Minimums" as determined by the ACGME.Forty "technique-based chapters" boast an outline format with minimal text, high-definition intraoperative figures, and original illustrations.Each chapter contains easy-to-use tables outlining the surgical steps, essential equipment, technical pearls, and common pitfalls of each case.Includes coverage of today's hot topics in orthopaedic surgery, such as fractures, arthroscopy, arthroplasty, "bread and butter" pediatric cases, and basic subspecialty cases (spine, foot and ankle, oncology, hand, shoulder, and more).Lists CPT and ICD 9/10 codes to help with case logging.

The Case-Control Method: Design and Applications (Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics #38)

by Haroutune Armenian

Over the past fifty years, the case-control method, and to a lesser extent its case-based variants, have become the most important tools for the investigator of health problems. The case control method is the study of persons with the disease and a suitable control group of persons who do not have the disease. The book helps readers address a number of general and specific questions dealing with the case-control and other case-based methods, including questions of how to design and implement a case-control study that minimizes biases, how to analyze the data to appropriately deal with confounding variables and help identify reactions, and how to interpret data and present the results from a case-control study.

The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration: In Health and Social Care (Promoting Partnership for Health)

by Geoffrey Meads John Ashcroft Hugh Barr Rosalind Scott Andrea Wild

The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration recognises and explores the premium that modern health systems place on closer working relationships. Each chapter adopts a consistent format and a clear framework for professional relationships, considering those with the same profession, other professions, new partners, policy actors, the public and with patients. Section one, Policy into Practice, considers a series of analytical models which provide a contemporary account of collaboration theory, including global developments. The second section of the book, Practice into Policy, examines real-life drivers for behavioural change. The third section evaluates personal learning and learning together. Highlights the barriers to collaboration, how to overcome them, and the resulting dividends Enlivens health policy with a view to transformative adaptations in the workplace Draws on international examples of effective practice for local application This book is designed for those in the early stages of their careers as health and social care professionals. It is also aimed at managers and educators, to guide them in commissioning and providing programmes to promote collaboration.

The Case for Love: My Adventures In Other Minds

by A K Benjamin

An exhilarating journey into the unfathomable depths of the human mind, from the acclaimed author of Let Me Not Be Mad.What does it take to care for a stranger? Really care.The Case for Love is a reflection on a career treating patients with brain trauma - people whose thoughts and feelings are largely unknowable - and how and why those treatments failed.It is a reconstruction of three haunting cases in which the patients were tragically misunderstood - and an attempt through the power of the imagination to understand and make amends.It then describes the author's abandonment of his career and his tumultuous quest for healing and redemption.It is also a story of intimate relationships, pets, fatherhood and heartbreak, culminating in a moment of psychedelic transcendence and rebirth.It is about the overpowering need for connection - and how, increasingly, we are trapped in ourselves.It is a meditation on empathy and an act of atonement.It is a unique, hybrid work of clinical case study and pure invention that destroys the boundary between fact and fiction in order to bring us face-to-face with the shocking, liberating truth.__________Praise for Let Me Not Be Mad'Imagine a gonzo Oliver Sacks communing with Edward St Aubyn's Patrick Melrose, R.D. Laing and the spirit of Kafka's 'The Country Doctor', and you still won't quite have the flavour of this wild and strikingly original book' William Fiennes'Stunning: clever, troubling, restless, honest, dishonest; one of the best portraits of madness and clinical practice I've read' Olivia Laing'A perfectly extraordinary - not to mention extraordinarily perfect - tense Hitchcockian psychodrama. I have rarely read a more haunting and enthralling account of a descent into madness. An important, profound and fascinating book' Stephen Fry'Blackly comic, warmly compassionate, a unique take on the human mind offering uncomfortable universal truths' Stewart Lee'A slow-burn belter of a book ... terrific ... so finely described, the result has the terse force of a classic short story' Roddy Doyle'Exhilarating ... dazzling ... a miraculous feat' Guardian

The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals: Humanity’s Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Kimberly C. Moore

This book presents the case for legal protection for animals based on humanity’s shared interests and destinies with the animal kingdom. To underscore the urgent need for legal reform, the book documents how animals are in crisis, with separate discussions on animals in entertainment, research, fashion, the food industry, and animals in our homes, as well as issues that impact wildlife and aquatic animals. In each of the foregoing areas, there is a discussion of major developments for animals across the globe, the objective being to demonstrate how the U.S. is out of step with other major countries in its legal treatment of animals. The importance of media as a driver of change is also considered. This background culminates to the heart of the book, which discusses and analyzes the link between human rights and animal rights, with nine areas explored (e.g., loss of biodiversity; environmental destruction; zoonotic diseases; world hunger; violence). Challenges to legal reforms are also explored, including issues associated with weak laws, the failure to enforce existing laws, and governmental agencies that tend to overlook the actions of industries. Finally, the book explores the development of animal law and the trajectory of current laws, with analysis of developing ‘rights of nature’ laws and ‘legal personhood’ status for animals.

Case Management: Organisationsentwicklung und Change Management in Gesundheits- und Sozialunternehmen

by Volker Brinkmann

In unserem komplexen, hochgradig arbeitsteiligen Sozial- und Gesundheitssystem steigen sowohl der Abstimmungs- und Vernetzungsbedarf als auch die Bedeutung von Case Management-Modellen. Renommierte Experten beschreiben in diesem Buch die aktuellen Anforderungen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Zahlreiche Best-Practice-Beispiele helfen bei der Umsetzung. Was bisher fehlte, ist die Konzentration auf die dazu gehörige Organisationsentwicklung und dem damit verbundenen Change Management-Bedarf. Dieses Buch schließt dabei eine wichtige inhaltliche Lücke.

Case Management: An Introduction to Concepts and Skills

by Arthur J. Frankel Sheldon R. Gelman Diane K. Pastor

Over the course of 20 years, this text has approached case management as both an art and a science by providing students and practitioners with the basics of case management theory, skills, and applications. This fourth edition, which focuses on both the social work and nursing professions, offers trainers, instructors, and students detailed information about how case management is delivered, major issues encountered in practice, how services are affected by different populations, and the unique skills that are required by case managers in order to be effective. Chapter exercises and case examples help readers practice some of the skills associated with the content offered. Case Management is unique in that it brings together the major professions that conduct case management in the United States. It is focused on skill learning more than theory, and discusses not only the importance of case management in the current social work and medical milieu, but also the challenges that case managers face in helping clients. Additionally, the text offers a model for integrated case management between professions and in numerous settings, including nursing centers, community mental health facilities, and criminal justice centers.

Case Management: An Introduction to Concepts and Skills

by Arthur J. Frankel Sheldon R. Gelman Diane K. Pastor

Over the course of 20 years, this text has approached case management as both an art and a science by providing students and practitioners with the basics of case management theory, skills, and applications. This fourth edition, which focuses on both the social work and nursing professions, offers trainers, instructors, and students detailed information about how case management is delivered, major issues encountered in practice, how services are affected by different populations, and the unique skills that are required by case managers in order to be effective. Chapter exercises and case examples help readers practice some of the skills associated with the content offered. Case Management is unique in that it brings together the major professions that conduct case management in the United States. It is focused on skill learning more than theory, and discusses not only the importance of case management in the current social work and medical milieu, but also the challenges that case managers face in helping clients. Additionally, the text offers a model for integrated case management between professions and in numerous settings, including nursing centers, community mental health facilities, and criminal justice centers.

Case Management: Praktisch Und Effizient

by Christine Reibnitz

Case Management – die richtige Entscheidung für Ihre Einrichtung!Dieser Leitfaden für Klinikdirektoren, Pflegedienstleitungen und Krankenhausmanager gibt Ihnen eine praktikable Handlungsanleitung zur Einführung und Umsetzung von Case-Management in pflegerischen Einrichtungen und Krankenhäusern. Case Management vereinfacht Prozesse, führt die verschiedenen Teams wieder zusammen und stellt Ihre Patienten oder Kunden in den Mittelpunkt des Handelns. Gestalten Sie die Zukunft Ihrer Klinik, Ihres Pflegedienstes oder Ihrer Pflegeeinrichtung mit und schließen Sie die Lücke in der Versorgungskette Ihrer Patienten.Der InhaltGrundlagen und Methoden des Case Managements bieten die Basis für eine erfolgreiche EinführungFallbeispielen zeigen, wie Versorgungspläne patientenorientiert in die Praxis umgesetzt werden könnenKonkrete Übungen und Anleitung helfen mögliche Fehlerquellen zu erkennen und zu vermeiden Die 2. Auflage wurde überarbeitet und das Thema Case Management für Menschen mit Demenz neu aufgenommen.Die AutorinDr. Christine von Reibnitz, Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin mit langer Erfahrung aus Forschung und Lehre derzeit an Universität Witten/Herdecke, Dozentin-Tätigkeit, Beratung für Entwicklungsstrategien im Gesundheitswesen, Fachbuchautorin

Case Management and Care Coordination: Supporting Children and Families to Optimal Outcomes (SpringerBriefs in Public Health #0)

by Janet Treadwell Rebecca Perez Debbie Stubbs Jeanne W. McAllister Susan Stern Ruth Buzi

New collaborative models of health care service delivery are contributing to quality and cost improvements, especially in treating children and families. At the same time, deficits in communication between systems sharing patients can not only lead to confusion and waste, but also to increased risk of harm.Case Management and Care Coordination offers an evidence-based framework, best practices, and clinical common sense to meet this ongoing challenge. Focusing on families of children with chronic health issues, it outlines the processes of case management and care coordination, clarifies the roles and responsibilities of team members, and models streamlined, patient-centered service delivery. This analysis cuts through much of the complexity of case management while emphasizing collaboration, flexibility, and advocacy in pursuing best outcomes for patients. And as an extra dimension of usefulness, the book is accessible to lay readers, empowering families to make informed decisions and have a more active role in their own care. Included in the coverage:Essential skills for integrated case management.Children and youth with special health care needs.Transitional care and case management settings for children and families.Case management and home visitation programs.Managed care and care coordination.Technology and care coordination.Effectively illustrating the possibilities and potential of health care reform, Case Management and Care Coordination is an essential resource for pediatricians and health care professionals, as well as for families of children with special health care needs.

Case Management in der Adipositaschirurgie: Manual für die perioperative Patientenbetreuung

by Hanna Dörr-Heiß Eva Wolf

Erfolgreiche Adipositaschirurgie beginnt bereits vor dem operativen Eingriff und setzt sich nach der Operation als lebenslange Nachsorge fort. Vom ersten Kontakt im Adipositaszentrum an begleiten die Case Manager die Patienten, sie motivieren sie zur Einhaltung der Ernährungspläne, beraten sie in zahlreichen Alltagsaspekten und unterstützen sie bei den erforderlichen Anträgen und Formularen.Die Autorinnen haben ein praxisorientiertes Beratungs- und Betreuungsmanual verfasst, das auf den Erfahrungen aus zwei etablierten Adipositaszentren basiert:Hintergrundwissen und praktische Empfehlungen zu allen Gesichtspunkten der PatientenbegleitungAlltagstipps für die Zeit nach dem EingriffUmgang mit typischen Folgeerscheinungen und Risiken46 Musterformulare erleichtern dem Therapeuten die Betreuung der Patienten im Behandlungsablauf:Patientengerechte Informationen zu den Operationsmethoden und Patientenanleitungen zu den wichtigsten BeratungsschwerpunktenTageskostpläne, Supplementations- und NachsorgeschemataErfassungsbögen und Formulare für den klinikinternen AblaufProfunde Sachkenntnisse und die gebotene Empathie lassen die Arbeit der Case Manager zu einem zentralen Teil der Adipositasbehandlung werden.

Case Management in Mental Health Services

by Charlotte Sanborn

An invaluable resource on the basic principles of case management, including the necessary guidelines for practice.

Case Management in Mental Health Services

by Charlotte Sanborn

An invaluable resource on the basic principles of case management, including the necessary guidelines for practice.

Case Management of Long-term Conditions: Principles and Practice for Nurses

by Janet Snoddon

The importance of appropriate and effective management of patient with long term chronic conditions cannot be underestimated. Case Management of Long-Term Conditions aims to provide all appropriate practitioners (including nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and social care practitioners) who might be involved in delivery of proactive case management with a practical understanding of how their knowledge and skills can be utilised to improve outcomes for people with chronic long-term conditions. The text contains some broad reflections on care and service delivery based on reviews of evidence and views from clinicians in the use of these skills and competencies to deliver improved outcomes for clients.

Case Management: praktisch und effizient

by Christine Reibnitz

Case Management vereinfacht Prozesse, führt verschiedene Teams zusammen und stellt Patienten bzw. Kunden in den Mittelpunkt. Dieser Leitfaden liefert eine praktikable Handlungsanleitung zur Einführung und Umsetzung des Case Managements in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens. Enthalten sind außerdem Übungen und Tipps als praktisches Handwerkszeug, Fallbeispiele und Methodenbeschreibungen sowie Hinweise zum Fehler- und Konfliktmanagement. Der Band richtet sich an Klinikdirektoren, Pflegedienstleitungen und Krankenhausmanager.

The Case Management Workbook: Defining the Role of Physicians, Nurses and Case Managers

by Cherilyn G. Murer Michael A. Murer Lyndean L. Brick

This workbook reflects a number of important regulatory changes that have occurred in the past 13 years, as well as the new landscape of healthcare reform. It serves as an important resource for case managers, administrators, physicians and others who play a role in the case management process.

The Case of Terri Schiavo: Ethics, Politics, and Death in the 21st Century

by Kenneth Goodman

The case of Terri Schiavo, a young woman who spent 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, has emerged as a watershed in debates over end-of-life care. While many observers had thought the right to refuse medical treatment was well established, this case split a family, divided a nation, and counfounded physicians, legislators, and many of the people they treated or represented. In renewing debates over the importance of advance directives, the appropriate role of artificial hydration and nutrition, and the responsibilities of family members, the case also became one of history's most extensively litigated health care disputes. The Case of Terri Schiavo assembles a team of first-hand participants and content experts to provide thoughtful and nuanced analyses. In addition to a comprehensive overview, the book includes contributions by Ms. Schiavo's guardian ad litem, a neurologist and lawyer who participated in the case, and scholars who examine issues related to litigation, faith, gender, and disability. The volume also includes a powerful dissent from the views of many scholars in the bioethics community. The book is intended for students, health care professionals, policy makers, and other in search of carefully reasoned analyses of the case that will shape our view of death and end-of-life medical care for decades.

Case Presentations in Neurology

by D. Bates G. S. Venables N. E. Cartlidge

Case Presentations in Neurology presents a selection of case histories demonstrating how patients with often quite simple problems may present and to bring out aspects of their diagnosis and management. All the patients presented to the Department of Neurology including those with more obscure diagnoses. The book consists of 12 exercises, each of six cases broadly corresponding to the style of the MRCP (UK) written case history papers. Each case is set out with the history and physical findings given first. There follows either a series of questions or true/false statements on one side of the page which the reader should attempt before continuing on to the answer section on the other side. There then follows a short discussion about each case and a single reference. This book is intended for those doctors studying for higher professional qualifications such as the MRCP, although it may be of interest and use to medical students approaching their final examinations.

Case Reports in Cardiology: Valvular Heart Disease (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and groundbreaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it presents a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and practice of valvular heart disease and analogous cardiac morbidities including carcinoid heart disease with a rich coverage on heart valve bioprosthesis. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. The book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key features- Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 65 clinical case studies related to Valvular Heart Disease useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

Case Reports in Cardiology: Coronary Heart Disease and Hyperlipidemia (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and ground-breaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it offers a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and practice of hyperlipidemia and coronary heart diseases and associated cardiovascular morbidities. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. The book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key Features Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 46 clinical case studies related to Coronary Heart Disease and Hyperlipidemia useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

Case Reports in Cardiology: Cardiomyopathy (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and ground-breaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it offers a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and management of cardiomyopathy. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. The book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key Features: Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 39 clinical case studies related to Cardiomyopathy and associated morbidities useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

Case Reports in Cardiology: Cardiac Neoplasm (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and ground-breaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it offers a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and management of cardiac neoplasm and other cardiac tumor associated diseases. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. This book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key features: Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 24 clinical case studies related to Cardiac Neoplasm useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

Case Reports in Cardiology: Cardiac Neoplasm (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and ground-breaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it offers a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and management of cardiac neoplasm and other cardiac tumor associated diseases. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. This book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key features: Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 24 clinical case studies related to Cardiac Neoplasm useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

Case Reports in Cardiology: Cardiovascular Diseases with a Focus on Aorta (Case Reports in Cardiology)

by William C. Roberts

From the earliest days of medicine to the present, case reports have been a critical aspect of clinical education and knowledge development. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. William C. Roberts, a renowned expert in the field, explores the rich history and ongoing importance of case reports in cardiology. Through engaging and insightful analysis, the book demonstrates how case reports have provided physicians with crucial insights into rare diseases, complex conditions, and ground-breaking treatments. Drawing on a vast range of sources, from ancient manuscripts to cutting-edge journals, it offers a unique perspective on the role of case reports in medical education and management of cardiovascular diseases with a special emphasis on diseases and complications related to aorta such as aortic valve stenosis, aortic aneurysm, and others. It underscores how case reports can be used to enhance diagnostic accuracy, identify new treatment options, and promote innovation in the field. In addition, the book provides valuable insights into the process of writing and publishing case reports, including tips for young physicians looking to break into the field. The book will be an indispensable guide to the history, practice, and ongoing significance of case reports for medical students, physicians, and researchers alike. Key features Provides a rich repository of diverse case reports in cardiology published by the editor and his colleagues over 61 years Features 46 clinical case studies related to broad cardiovascular diseases with focus on aortic diseases useful for medical students and practicing cardiologists Valuable resource for young physicians seeking to establish a foothold in medical research and academics

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