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Cases on Medical Malpractice in a Comparative Perspective (Tort and Insurance Law #1)

Liability for medical malpractice is of growing importance in the field of tort law. The "medical malpractice explosion" does not seem to have come to an end yet. This study provides an overview of the legal situations, the applicable texts and the case law in nine European countries. The authors are renowned Tort law experts from each country. A comparative analysis highlights the tendencies which can be found and their economic effects. The structure is based on the study of six concrete cases which are discussed in the context of the different legal systems. This method allows the easy comparison of specific results to which the legal concepts lead. The study addresses questions of hospital organization, patients’ consent, duties of information, faulty diagnosis, faulty treatment, the necessary standard of care, the relevance of financial limits, medical documentation, and the burden of proof. The reader finds extensive and precise information about the state of medical malpractice law in Europe.

Cashflow-orientiertes Liquiditätsmanagement im Krankenhaus: Analyse – Verfahren – Praxisbeispiele (Controlling im Krankenhaus)

by Aline Wurm Julia Oswald Winfried Zapp

Dieses Fachbuch befasst sich mit der Frage, inwiefern durch das cashflow-orientierte Liquiditätsmanagement die aktuelle und zukünftige Zahlungsfähigkeit von Krankenhäusern sichergestellt werden kann. Dazu wird zunächst dargestellt, welche Informationen die Instrumente Cashflow-Statement und cashflow-basierte Liquiditätsplanung beinhalten müssen, damit das Management durch zielgerichtete finanzwirtschaftliche Entscheidungen das finanzielle Gleichgewicht einer Unternehmung damit auch die Liquidität sicherstellen kann. Anschließend werden das Cashflow-Statement und die Liquiditätsplanung in einer Modelleinrichtung beschrieben, analysiert und bestehende Defizite sowie mögliche Ergänzungen und Weiterentwicklungen aufgezeigt. Damit verdeutlicht die praktische Untersuchung Optimierungsmaßnahmen für die festgestellten Schwachstellen. Ergänzend werden weitere Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der bisherigen cashflow-orientierten Instrumente vorgestellt. Die cashflow-orientierte Liquiditätsplanung wird mit ihrer lang-, mittel- und kurzfristigen Perspektive wird in Berichtsform entwickelt und erläutert.

Casi classici della psicologia

by Geoff Rolls

Mai sentito parlare dell’uomo che visse con un buco nella testa? O del ragazzo cresciuto dai suoi come se fosse una ragazza? Della donna dalle molteplici personalità o dell’uomo senza cervello? Questa raccolta di casi è ricca di affascinanti intuizioni sulla mente umana; alcuni sono poco conosciuti mentre altri sono più famosi e hanno guidato la pratica clinica. Per questa seconda edizione, presentata per la prima volta in versione italiana, l’autore Geoff Rolls ha incluso recenti scoperte su ciascuna delle storie presentate e ha aggiunto casi completamente nuovi come la storia di Washoe, la scimmia che poteva comunicare, il caso dibattuto di Holly Ramona e della memoria repressa o la storia di Kim Peek, il vero “Rainman”. Casi classici in psicologia è rivolto sia agli studenti di psicologia, che potranno così approfondire la loro conoscenza su questi studi, sia a tutti coloro che desiderano apprendere qualcosa di nuovo sul comportamento umano. Il volume infatti è corredato da un glossario di termini psicologici in modo da rendere i contenuti accessibili a tutti.

Caste, COVID-19, and Inequalities of Care: Lessons from South Asia (People, Cultures and Societies: Exploring and Documenting Diversities)

by Sanghmitra S. Acharya Stephen Christopher

This book explores how social discrimination in South Asia contributes to health disparities and impedes well-being. Specifically, it addresses how marginalization shapes health outcomes, both under normal circumstances and specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coming from diverse backgrounds and representing different academic disciplines, the authors have contributed a range of chapters drawing from quantitative and ethnographic material across South Asia. Chapters address reservation politics, tribal lifeways, Dalit exclusions from governmental institutions, Muslim ghettoization, gendered domestic violence, social determinants of health among migrant workers, and the pandemic fallout across South Asian society, among other subjects. Scholars draw on decades of experience and firsthand ethnographic fieldwork among affected communities. The chapters provide an innovative analysis, often in real time, of the human toll of casteism, classism, patriarchy, and religious intolerance—many set against the spectre of COVID-19. Many authors not only present social critiques but also offer specific policy recommendations. The book is of great interest to social scientists, public health practitioners, and policy advocates interested in addressing systemic inequalities and ensuring that future pandemics are not disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable.

Casting Light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging

by Amir Raz Robert T. Thibault

Most people find colorful brain scans highly compelling—and yet, many experts don’t. This discrepancy begs the question: What can we learn from neuroimaging? Is brain information useful in fields such as psychiatry, law, or education? How do neuroscientists create brain activation maps and why do we admire them? Casting Light on The Dark Side of Brain Imaging tackles these questions through a critical and constructive lens—separating fruitful science from misleading neuro-babble. In a breezy writing style accessible to a wide readership, experts from across the brain sciences offer their uncensored thoughts to help advance brain research and debunk the craze for reductionist, headline-grabbing neuroscience. This collection of short, enlightening essays is suitable for anyone interested in brain science, from students to professionals. Together, we take a hard look at the science behind brain imaging and outline why this technique remains promising despite its seldom-discussed shortcomings. Challenges the tendency toward neuro-reductionismDeconstructs hype through a critical yet constructive lensUnveils the nature of brain imaging dataExplores emerging brain technologies and future directionsFeatures a non-technical and accessible writing style

Casualty Of Passion (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Sharon Kendrick

Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing 100th book! Many of these books are available as e books for the first time.

Casuïstiek in de dermatologie - deel 2

by Johan Toonstra

Het is een bekend gegeven dat artsen het gemakkelijkst leren en onthouden aan de van patiëntencasussen. De "Casuïstiek in de dermatologie"-serie, waarvan dit het tweede deel is, sluit hier naadloos op aan. In het boek worden 110 ziektegeschiedenissen gepresenteerd. Aan de hand van één of twee afbeeldingen van een huidaandoening, aangevuld met relevante informatie uit anamnese en lichamelijk onderzoek, wordt de lezer gevraagd een diagnose te stellen. Daarnaast kan zij of hij door het beantwoorden van vragen over oorzaak, beloop, epidemiologie, differentiële diagnose, laboratoriumonderzoek etc. voor zichzelf duidelijk krijgen of de kennis over dat ziektebeeld voldoende is om te herkennen en patiënten op de juiste manier te begeleiden.Dit boek nodigt bij uitstek uit om in een ( al dan niet verloren) 5-10 minuten een casus ter hand te nemen. Daarnaast is het ook zeer geschikt als naslagwerk, omdat belangrijke gegevens voor de praktijk in de antwoorden verwerkt zijn en meestal gedetailleerder zijn dan in de bekende dermatologie handboeken.Dat de formule van de "Casuistiek in de dermatologie"-serie gewaardeerd wordt, blijkt uit het succes van Deel 1, met een lovende boekbespreking in Huisarts & Wetenschap in 2010 en de enthousiaste reacties op de hierop gebaseerde nascholingsbijeenkomsten.

Casuïstiek in de dermatologie - deel I

by Anton C. Groot Johan Toonstra

Het herkennen van dermatologische beelden is voor een huisarts niet altijd eenvoudig. Vele huidziekten hebben meer dan een manier om zich te presenteren in kleur, vorm en uitbreiding. Het kan lastig zijn een juiste diagnose te stellen. Niet alle behandelingen blijven even effectief, waardoor naar andere therapie-opties gekeken moet worden of nader onderzoek naar oorzaken of onderliggende aandoeningen noodzakelijk is.Casuïstiek in de dermatologie is uitermate geschikt als een ondersteuning in het dermatologisch handelen van huisarts. Het maak het niet alleen gemakkelijker om al bij het eerst consult de dermatosen te herkennen of een differentiële diagnose te stellen, maar ook om het juiste aanvullende onderzoeken te doen en een behandeling te starten. Gekozen is voor een unieke invalshoek: duidelijke kwaliteitsfoto’s van een huidaandoeningen worden aangevuld met relevante informatie, waarna vragen gesteld worden, bijvoorbeeld over de prognose, de therapie of welke vragen aan de patiënt gesteld moeten worden. Op de volgende pagina’s worden deze vragen beantwoord en toegelicht met nieuwe afbeeldingen. Op een bondige manier wordt ingegaan of differentieeldiagnostische overwegingen en therapeutische mogelijkheden. De praktische en actieve vraag-antwoordstructuur maakt het boek niet alleen geschikt als oefenboek om nieuwe kennis op te doen, maar ook om bestaande kennis te testen. Casuïstiek in de dermatologie is primair gericht op de praktijk van de huisarts (in opleiding), maar ook dermatologen (in opleiding zullen er veel nuttige informatie in kunnen vinden. Daarnaast is het zeer geschikt voor onderwijs en nascholing. Het boek is het eerste deel van een serie. In 2010 verschijnt deel 2, waarin op een vergelijkbare manier nieuwe casussen worden gepresenteerd.

Casuïstiek in de inwendige geneeskunde: Medische Vignetten

by P. H. Slee

Ondanks de huidige geavanceerde beeldvormende technieken en laboratoriumonderzoeken vormen de anamnese en het lichamelijk onderzoek nog steeds de basisvaardigheden van een goede arts. Deze vaardigheden vormen een solide basis voor een goede differentiële diagnose en een uiteindelijke diagnose. In dit boek wil de auteur de lezer enthousiast maken voor de algemene inwendige geneeskunde maken. De lezer krijgt op de rechter pagina vragen voorgelegd aan de hand van medische illustraties en schriftelijke gegevens uit anamnese en lichamelijk onderzoek. De antwoorden volgen op de aansluitende pagina, waarbij de auteur regelmatig ingaat op taalkundige aspecten van gebruikte medische terminologie en de geschiedenis van de geneeskunde. De casussen hebben een willekeurige volgorde van onderwerpen, net als de presentatie van klachten door patiënten in de dagelijkse praktijk. Het boek bevat aan het einde een register met alle belangrijke onderwerpen en de nummers van de casussen. Tevens is een overzicht van de casussen naar aandachtsgebied opgenomen en zijn de meeste casussen van beeldmateriaal voorzien.

Casuïstische heelkunde in beeld: Symptomatologie van chirurgische ziekten in de dagelijkse praktijk

by J.N. Keeman Bart Cornelius Vrouenraets

Gedurende de studie Geneeskunde zal de aankomend arts veel typische ook niet- chirurgische gevallen tegenkomen die de basis kunnen vormen voor het ontwikkelen van een gedegen kennis. Helaas zal tijdens een stage op de afdeling heelkunde lang niet altijd een voldoende breed scala aan patiënten met werkelijk chirurgische problemen voorkomen om een bevredigende basis voor de chirurgische kennis te kunnen leggen.Casuïstische heelkunde in beeld is er op gericht de klinische ervaringen niet alleen van studenten, maar ook die van basisartsen en zich bijscholende huisartsen te vergroten door middel van casuïstiek. Deze manier van onderwijzen wordt in het Sint Lucas Andreas ziekenhuis in Amsterdam al sinds jaar en dag toegepast. Het boek kan in het kader van het onderwijs tijdens het co-assistenschap worden gebruikt als handleiding, waarbij de student onder leiding van een tutor de antwoorden bespreekt van de van te voren bestudeerde casus. Tevens is de uitgave zeer geschikt voor zelfstudie, waarbij vanuit de casuïstiek een aantal vragen wordt voorgelegd waarop de lezer het antwoord moet zien te vinden. Achter in de uitgave zijn ter controle de antwoorden opgenomen. De meeste casus zijn voorzien van kleurenafbeeldingen.

Casusboek allergie

by H Groot

Allergie is een veelvoorkomend ziektebeeld in de huisartsenpraktijk. In de westerse wereld ontwikkelt maar liefst één op de drie mensen een allergie. Allergie is van alle leeftijden en meestal een multi-orgaanaandoening, waarbij vele disciplines betrokken zijn bij de allergologische zorg.In het Delfts Allergie Centrum (DAC) van de Reinier de Graaf Groep worden veel patiënten gezien door een multidisciplinair team van een allergoloog, kinderarts, KNO-arts, longarts, dermatoloog, medisch immunoloog en diëtist. Het Casusboek Allergie bevat 32 interessante ziektegeschiedenissen die door dediverse specialismen van het DAC zijn verzameld. De cases zijn kritisch beoordeeld door een huisarts, met name op klinisch redeneren en afstemming met de bestaande NHG-Standaarden wat betreft aanvullende diagnostiek en therapiemogelijkheden.In het eerste deel van het boek worden de patiëntpresentatie en de relevante vragen voorgelegd met betrekking tot de diagnose en de te kiezen therapie. De antwoorden op de vragen en de bijbehorende toelichting zijn te vinden in het tweede deel.

Casusboek palliatieve zorg

by M.H.J. Beuken van Everdingen M.L.E. Janssen-Jongen

Palliatieve zorg wordt steeds belangrijker, alleen al door de stijging van het aantal patiënten met kanker. Er is inmiddels veel ervaring opgedaan en het is goed deze ervaring en bijbehorende kennis te delen.Casusboek palliatieve zorg beoogt een aanvulling te zijn op de bestaande standaardwerken over palliatieve zorg. Een groot aantal deskundigen op het gebied van de palliatieve zorg hebben hun ervaring en kennis gebundeld in de vorm van casuïstiek gebaseerd op hun eigen praktijk. Hoewel er in de praktijk meestal meerdere problemen tegelijkertijd spelen,is er voor gekozen, ten behoeve van de overzichtelijkheid, steeds één probleem in de schijnwerpers te zetten. Iedere casus wordt beëindigd met een multiple choice vraag. De antwoorden worden gegeven en besproken aan de hand van de nationale richtlijnen en recente literatuur.

Cat Detective

by Vicky Halls

Does your cat scratch your carpets? Or soil in the house? Or perhaps your cat's behaviour has changed recently - becoming withdrawn or aggressive towards you or another member of your family? Or perhaps you would just like to understand the way your cat thinks?In this comprehensive guide cat counsellor Vicky Hall helps cat owners identify what is causing their cat's behaviour and provides a clear step-by-step solution to tackling behavioural problems. Fascinating case studies drawn from Vicky's personal and professional experiences are included. Each study is both informative and entertaining and will undoutedly help cat owners understand their cat's behaviour much better. This is essential reading for all cat lovers.

The Cat - E-Book: The Cat - E-Book

by Dabvp Susan E. Little Dvm, Dabvp Susan E. Little Dvm

Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management, 2nd Edition, is an essential resource for providing complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. Authoritative, clinically focused information is enhanced by full-color images, tables, boxes, algorithms, key points, and more — all in an easy-to-understand, quick-reference format. Dr. Little and her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing any practitioner providing care for cats, including the latest advances in feline medical diagnosis and management and the clinical applications to everyday practice. An eBook version, included with print purchase, provides access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. The eBook also offers convenient video lessons and client handouts.Covers the latest advances in feline medicine from a systemic and adjunctive care perspective, making it the most comprehensive feline medical reference available with a strong clinical focus.Addresses key topics unique to feline medicine and not currently covered in other books, including: insights and clinical advances attributable to the mapping of the feline genome; medical conditions associated with behavioral problems; managing the feline patient with co-existing and chronic diseases; special medical problems and care considerations for the geriatric cat; environmental enrichment for the indoor cat; feline zoonotic agents and implications for human health; and humane solutions for shelter medicine and overpopulation challenges.Helps meet the increasing demand for state-of-the-art medical care by cat owners, including advanced diagnostic services and treatments designed to extend and improve quality of life for feline companions.Features a full-color design with hundreds of schematic drawings, tables, boxes, key points, algorithms, and photographs for quick and easy access to information.Provides in-depth information on indoor cats and senior cats, including timely guidance on meeting owners' expectations for longer, healthier lives for their cats.Addresses the challenges of cat overpopulation, particularly humane approaches to improve quality of life for millions of feral and community cats and minimize their impact on public health and endangered species of animals.Presents information written in the manner of expanded conference proceedings, delivering the latest insights and most current approaches to management of feline medical disorders.Includes contributions from approximately 80 contributors, including many from outside the US, to provide a global perspective and valuable expertise from those most knowledgeable in the field of feline medical care.

The Cat - E-Book: Clinical Medicine and Management

by Susan Little

Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management is an essential resource for anyone who provides complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. In one convenient volume, you'll find authoritative, clinically-focused information enhanced by full-color illustrations, tables, boxes, algorithms, key points, and much more — all in a format designed for quick access. Dr. Little and her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing the feline practitioner, including the latest advances in feline medical diagnosis and management and their clinical applications to everyday practice. User-friendly and complete, The Cat is also available as an e-book, giving you easy access to the complete, fully-searchable contents online.Covers the latest advances in feline medicine from a systemic and adjunctive care perspective. It's the most comprehensive feline medical reference available with a strong clinical focus. Helps you meet the increasing demand for state-of-the-art medical care by cat owners — including advanced diagnostic services and treatments designed to extend and improve quality of life for feline companions. Features a full-color design with hundreds of schematic drawings, tables, boxes, key points, algorithms, and photographs for quick and easy access to information. Addresses key topics unique to feline medicine and not currently covered in other books, including: insights and clinical advances attributable to the mapping of the feline genome; medical conditions associated with behavioral problems; managing the feline patient with co-existing and chronic disease; special medical problems and care considerations for the geriatric cat; environmental enrichment for the indoor cat; feline zoonotic agents and implications for human health; and shelter medicine and overpopulation solutions. Provides in-depth information on indoor cats and senior cats, including timely guidance on meeting owners' expectations for longer, healthier lives for their cats. Addresses the challenges of pet overpopulation, particularly the impact of millions of feral cats on public health and the environment. Presents information written in the manner of expanded conference proceedings, delivering the latest insights and most current approaches to management of feline medical disorders. Includes contributions from approximately 60 contributors, drawing on the valuable expertise of those most knowledgeable in the field of feline medical care. Bears the full endorsement of the Winn Feline Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports studies about cat health and funds feline research projects worldwide, and is internationally regarded as a major contributor to the health and wellbeing of all cats. The complete contents also are available online through Veterinary Consult.

The Catalans

by Patrick O’Brian

Set amongst the rolling vineyards and gentle courtyards of a small seaside village in Catalonia, Patrick O'Brian's second novel is a poignant story of tumultuous love, complex faith and one man's desperate bid to reclaim his humanity.

Catania’s Primary Care of the Anterior Segment

by Brian S. Armitage Louis J. Catania

This book has become an iconic textbook in eye care over many years with multiple editions having originally published in 1986. Considered one of the classic, definitive books for comprehensive anterior segment diagnosis, treatment, and management, this new third edition includes a new chapter on pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery and glaucoma, which are major parts of primary care optometry today, along with updates on proprietary therapeutic drugs, and technology additions such as amniotic membranes, injectables, and minor in-office procedures. It contains high-quality photos, six appendices, 336 clinical photos/diagrams/illustrations, and 74 tables throughout the textbook. Key Features • Provides immediate and succinct information necessary for diagnosing, treating, and managing all anterior segment, primary glaucoma, pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery, and non-surgical ocular conditions • Includes 215 color photos to allow the clinician to use the clinical knowledge and assist with diagnosis and treatment options in the clinical setting • Features a unique presentation format as all the clinical information is organized in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format for quick referencing and practical use by the primary eye care practitioners

Catania’s Primary Care of the Anterior Segment

by Brian S. Armitage Louis J. Catania

This book has become an iconic textbook in eye care over many years with multiple editions having originally published in 1986. Considered one of the classic, definitive books for comprehensive anterior segment diagnosis, treatment, and management, this new third edition includes a new chapter on pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery and glaucoma, which are major parts of primary care optometry today, along with updates on proprietary therapeutic drugs, and technology additions such as amniotic membranes, injectables, and minor in-office procedures. It contains high-quality photos, six appendices, 336 clinical photos/diagrams/illustrations, and 74 tables throughout the textbook. Key Features • Provides immediate and succinct information necessary for diagnosing, treating, and managing all anterior segment, primary glaucoma, pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery, and non-surgical ocular conditions • Includes 215 color photos to allow the clinician to use the clinical knowledge and assist with diagnosis and treatment options in the clinical setting • Features a unique presentation format as all the clinical information is organized in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format for quick referencing and practical use by the primary eye care practitioners

Cataract and Lens Surgery

by Mehdi Shajari Siegfried Priglinger Thomas Kohnen Thomas C. Kreutzer Wolfgang J. Mayer

This book summarizes the current knowledge on lens surgery. Not only are the surgical procedures described in detail, but experts share with the reader many useful practical tips for individual surgical steps to achieve the best possible surgical result. In addition to the focus on surgery, pre- and post-operative care and complication management is also discussed in detail and a systematic review of the current literature is provided. Clear and concisely written chapters highlight topics such as the use of special lenses, femto-laser lens surgery, secondary lens implantation and phakic lens surgery throughout the book.Cataract and Lens Surgery offers a practical resource for ophthalmologists who perform lens surgery in their daily clinical practice. Clinicians navigating the different types of lens preparations and properties for routine to complex procedures will find this book to be an essential guide.

Cataract and Refractive Surgery (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Thomas Kohnen Douglas D. Koch

The second volume of "Cataract and Refractive Surgery" in the Essentials in Ophthalmology series provides new information on cataract and refractive surgery. The chapters discuss new techniques and technology. The emphasis is on areas that are rapidly evolving and essential to sophisticated clinical practice. The book has a well-structured text and design, and is quick and easy to read. It bridges the gap between primary literature and daily practice. This book will help clinicians provide the best results for their cataract and refractive surgical patients and is also indispensable for continuous education and advanced training.

Cataract and Refractive Surgery (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Thomas Kohnen Douglas D. Koch

-Cataract surgery is the most frequently performed surgical intervention worldwide, and the number of refractive surgery procedures, such as LASIK, is growing rapidly -All editors are internationally known experts in the field -Well structured text and design, quick and easy to read -Bridges the gap between primary literature and daily practice, indispensable for continuous education and advanced training -Every 2nd year each volume is updated to include timely information about new developments

Cataract and Refractive Surgery: Progress III (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Thomas Kohnen Douglas D. Koch

The Essentials in Ophthalmology series represents readership acceptance of the first two series, each of an unique updating publication on the progress in all eight volumes. This is a success that was made p- subspecialties of ophthalmology. sible predominantly by the numerous opinion-leading In a quarterly rhythm, eight issues are published authors and the outstanding section editors, as well as covering clinically relevant achievements in the whole with the constructive support of the publisher. There field of ophthalmology. This timely transfer of advance- are many good reasons to continue and still improve ments for the best possible care of our eye patients has the dissemination of this didactic and clinically r- proven to be effective. The initial working hypothesis of evant information. providing new knowledge immediately following p- lication in the peer-reviewed journal and not waiting G.K. Krieglstein for the textbook appears to be highly workable. R.N. Weinreb We are now entering the third cycle of the Essentials Series Editors in Ophthalmology series, having been encouraged by September 2008 Preface We are pleased to share with our readers this Third uncorrected and, in one instance, corrected vision. Edition of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, less than Topics in corneal refractive surgery include disc- three years from publication of the Second Edition. sion of the management of higher order aberrations The dramatic pace of change in cataract and refractive and corneal procedures for treating presbyopia.

Cataract Surgery: Advanced Techniques for Complex and Complicated Cases (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Jorge L. Alió H. Burkhard Dick Robert H. Osher

This book provides a comprehensive approach to the specialty of cataract surgery. Chapters are authored by an international group of experts who evaluate technology, recommend surgical technique, and review the management of both anticipated and unexpected complications. With more than 30 chapters, everyday challenges such as the white, mature, and uveitic cataract are included while the most difficult cases like the loose lens, posterior polar, aniridic, and the traumatic cataract are covered in detail. The editors have also included topics like IOL repositioning and exchange.Cataract Surgery: Advanced Techniques for Complex and Complicated Cases offers the reader an encyclopedic collection of invaluable lessons that will help both the surgeon who is early in his career as well as the veteran cataract surgeon.

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