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Showing 25,951 through 25,975 of 100,000 results

Diabetes and Protein Glycosylation: Measurement and Biologic Relevance

by Margo Panush Cohen

In the years since the initial discovery that blood from diabetic patients contains increased amounts of a posttranslationally gluco­ sylated form of hemoglobin (hemoglobin Ale)' an impressive number of studies have clarified and expanded the use of glycohemoglobin levels to assess disease status. Many other structural proteins have been shown to undergo similar changes, including proteins from tissues most commonly affected in diabetes (e.g., lens, aorta, peripheral nerve, basement membrane). Thus, the nonenzymatic glycosylation of hemoglobin emerges as an invaluable model for the pathogenesis of certain chronic diabetes complications. In addition to reviewing a wealth of investigative possibilities in the area of these chronic complications-including eye, kidney, nerve, and vascular disease-Dr. Cohen indicates how enhanced nonenzymatic glycosylation in uncontrolled diabetes underscores the pressing need for maintenance of long-term euglycemia. Dr. Cohen is an endocrinologist and diabetes specialist whose research activities have largely focused on the chemistry and metabo­ lism of the basement membrane in diabetes. This superb monograph on nonenzymatic glycosylation clearly shows the major trends of her past and present research and clinical activities. This book is beautifully written and a pleasure to read. It provides great insight into the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the oom- vii viii Foreword cations of diabetes and should be of immense value not only to basic and clinical investigators, but also to internists, diabetologists, and endocrinologists in clinical practice.

Diabetes and the Brain (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Geert Jan Biessels Jose A. Luchsinger

Diabetes, particularly type 2, has become increasingly more common around the world. Consequently, the effect of diabetes on the brain has achieved enormous public health importance. A surge in pre-clinical and clinical research on topics ranging from management of hyperglycemia in acute stroke to disturbances in insulin signaling in Alzheimer’s disease has led to substantial progress in the field. Written by a panel of international experts, Diabetes and the Brain provides in depth reviews on the cerebral complications of diabetes, and offers introductory chapters on current insights on the pathophysiology and clinical management of diabetes, as well as neuropsychological assessment and dementia. This relevant and easily accessible book explains the cerebral complications of diabetes, with an update on diabetes for neurologists, psychiatrists, and mental health providers and researchers in general,and on stroke and dementia for those involved in research and clinical practice in diabetes.

Diabetes and the Endocrine Pancreas: A Biochemical Approach (Croom Helm Biology in Medicine Series)

by W. Montague

This book attempts to explore the contribution that biochemistry has made, thus far, to our understanding of the endocrine pancreas and its relationship to diabetes mellitus. It was written with the aim of using an important clinical problem to illustrate, to medical students, that there are many aspects of the biochemistry taught in the early years which have direct relevance to clinical medicine. Furthermore, it is hoped that such information might provide biochemistry students with a frame­ work on which to base further studies. To this end a selection of recent references has been placed at the end of each chapter. In spite of considerable advances in our understanding of diabetes mellitus, it is still a disease which many physicians do not seem to com­ prehend. This is in part related to their lack of understanding of the molecular biology of the disease. Advances in this area have been dramatic in recent years and we are now able to offer a molecular basis for a rational approach to therapy. It may be therefore that this book will provide some physicians with the information they require to help them gain a deeper understanding of the disease. I hope that everyone who reads this book is able to capture some of the fascination that the islets of Langerhans hold for myself and the many other workers actively engaged in trying to unravel their mys­ teries.

Diabetes and the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment

by Christoph Hasslacher Sonja B¿hm

Diabetes, when untreated, leads to damage to several organs within the body, particularly the kidneys. This damage may also go undetected for several years, until the later stages of kidney failure are reached, with a need for kidney replacement therapy - either dialysis or transplantation. Such progression is not inevitable. With good management, diabetes can be well controlled and kidney function can be maintained; to a certain extent, the damage can even be reversed. Diabetes and the Kidney is written for people with diabetes, their families and carers. It describes the function of the kidneys, the development of nephropathy, the ways to recognize it early and the correct way to manage it. The title emphasizes how people should take responsibility for their own health, with information on diet, giving up smoking and taking exercise. Clearly written description of kidney function, how it goes wrong in diabetic nephropathy and ways to prevent this Guidance on diet, exercise and generally encouraging people to become involved in their own health care Information on treatment of kidney disease and kidney replacement therapy

Diabetes and the Nervous System (ISSN #Volume 126)

by Douglas W. Zochodne Rayaz A. Malik

This is a unique compilation, by experts worldwide, addressing how diabetes impacts the nervous system. For example, diabetic polyneuropathy, a disorder more common than MS, Parkinson’s disease, and ALS combined, is a major source of disability to diabetic persons worldwide. This book addresses diabetic polyneuropathy and how diabetes alters other parts of the nervous system. Offers a unique emphasis on the neurological manifestations of diabetes Provides thorough coverage of the clinical, experimental, mechanistic, therapeutic, peripheral, and central aspects of diabetic neuropathy Edited work with chapters authored by leaders in the field around the globe – the broadest, most expert coverage available

Diabetes and Viruses

by Keith Taylor, Heikki Hyöty, Antonio Toniolo and Arie J. Zuckerman

This book will assemble the views of many of the world's experts in the field of viruses and diabetes. It will look critically at some unanswered questions, in the field. Among these, How do viruses destroy or modify the pancreatic islet? Which viruses are involved? What is the role of virus-induced cytokines> Could vaccines prevent virus-induced diabetes? Until recent technological advances, progress in the understanding of the relationship between viruses and diabetes has been hampered. New technologies are helping shed new light on these mysteries. This will be the first comprehensive volume on this topic.

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen - Klinik - Therapie

by Thomas Danne Olga Kordonouri Karin Lange

Geschrieben von einem Autorenteam, das seit vielen Jahren an einem Diabetes-Zentrum zusammenarbeitet, verbindet das Standardwerk der pädiatrischen Diabetologie theoretische Grundlagen mit praxisrelevantem, gut ausgewertetem Expertenwissen. Für die 7. Auflage wurden Neuerungen bei Geräten und Insulinpräparaten berücksichtigt, die Kapitel zur Prädiktion, Prävention und Intervention, zur stationären Behandlung und zur Insulintherapie komplett überarbeitet. Jetzt noch klarer gegliedert und mit noch mehr Abbildungen und praktischen Hinweisen versehen.

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Klinik, Therapie, Rehabilitation (Kliniktaschenbücher)

by P. Hürter

Es macht mir große Freude, das Geleitwort zu diesem Buch zu schreiben. Diabetes mellitus ist die häufigste endokrine Erkrankung im Kindes­ alter: 1 von 600 bis 1000 Kindern unter 16 Jahren leidet an Diabetes. Diese lebenslange Erkrankung ist aufgrund ihrer speziellen und komplexen Probleme eine Herausforderung für jeden, der diese Kin­ der betreut. Diabetes ist gleichzeitig eine akute und eine chronische Erkrankung, da jedes Abweichen von einer guten Stoffwechselkontrolle einen kri­ tischen Zustand hervorrufen kann, der sofortiges Eingreifen erfor­ dert. Die schwierige Regulation des Gleichgewichtes zwischen Er­ nährung, Energieverbrauch und Insulin-Therapie ist eine schwere Belastung für den jungen Diabetiker und seine Familie und ein un­ verständliches Puzzle für Lehrer und Spielkameraden. Das führt zur Entwicklung psychosomatischer Spannungen mit daraus resultieren­ den psychosozialen Folgen. Professor Hürter hat mit Erfolg versucht, diese Erkenntnisse allen, die beruflich mit der Behandlung von Dia­ betes mellitus befaßt sind, zu vermitteln. Dieses Buch enthält das Grundwissen über die Ätiologie, Pathophy­ siologie und Therapie des Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Eines der großen Verdienste des Buches ist es, daß Dr. Hürter Ver­ ständnis dafür weckt, daß die Familie als ein Ganzes die Grundlage der erfolgreichen Diabetesbehandlung darstellt und das Kind daher so wenig Zeit wie möglich in Krankenhäusern und Sanatorien zubrin­ gen sollte. Nur wenige Kliniken im deutschen Sprachraum wenden gegenwärtig diesen Grundsatz an, und ich bin überzeugt, daß dieses Buch einen starken Anstoß geben wird, die weit verbreitete konser­ vative Diabetesbehandlung, die durch häufige Klinikaufenthalte cha­ rakterisiert ist, zu verändern.

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Klinik, Therapie, Rehabilitation

by Peter Hürter

Praxisbezug, Übersichtlichkeit und Konzentration auf das Wesentliche sind die Merkmale, die den "Hürter" auszeichnen. Immer wieder aktualisiert und weiter verbessert, ist er seit Jahren der unentbehrliche, tägliche Ratgeber für die Praxis. Aus den Besprechungen der 3. Auflage:"...Alle typischen Probleme werden ausführlich und stets praxisnah aus der Sicht langjähriger täglicher Erfahrung geschildert. Das Buch kann jedem Arzt, der diabetische Kinder behandelt, empfohlen werden." (pädiatrische praxis)"...ein Nachschlagewerk, das auch nicht alltägliche Fragen beantwortet...Das Buch sollten alle Ärzte zur Verfügung haben, die Kinder und Jugendliche mit Diabetes behandeln." (Endokrinologie-Informationen)

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Klinik Therapie Rehabilitation (Kliniktaschenbücher)

by Peter Hürter

Es macht mir große Freude, das Geleitwort zu diesem Buch zu schrei­ ben. Diabetes mellitus ist die häufigste endokrine Erkrankung im Kindesal­ ter: 1 von 600 bis 1000 Kindem unter 16 Jahren leidet an Diabetes. Diese lebenslange Erkrankung ist aufgrund ihrer speziellen und komplexen Probleme eine Herausforderung für jeden, der diese Kinder betreut. Diabetes ist gleichzeitig eine akute und eine chronische Erkrankung, da jedes Abweichen von einer guten Stoffwechselkontrolle einen kritischen Zustand hervorrufen kann, der sofortiges Eingreifen erfordert. Die schwierige Regulation des Gleichgewichtes zwischen Ernährung, Ener­ gieverbrauch und Insulintherapie ist eine schwere Belastung für den jun­ gen Diabetiker und seine Familie und ein unverständliches Puzzle für Lehrer und Spielkameraden. Das führt zur Entwicklung psychosomati­ scher Spannungen mit daraus resultierenden psychosozialen Folgen. Professor Hürter hat mit Erfolg versucht, diese Erkenntnisse allen, die beruflich mit der Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus befaßt sind, zu ver­ mitteln. Dieses Buch enthält das Grundwissen über die Ätiologie, Pathophysio­ logie und Therapie des Diabetes bei Kindem und Jugendlichen. Eines der großen Verdienste des Buches ist es, daß Dr. Hürter Verständnis da­ für weckt, daß die Familie als ein Ganzes die Grundlage der erfolgrei­ chen Diabetesbehandlung darstellt und das Kind daher so wenig Zeit wie möglich in Krankenhäusern und Sanatorien zubringen sollte. Nur wenige Kliniken im deutschen Sprachraum wenden gegenwärtig diesen Grundsatz an, und ich bin überzeugt, daß dieses Buch einen starken An­ stoß geben wird, die weit verbreitete konservative Diabetesbehandlung, die durch häufige Klinikaufenthalte charakterisiert ist, zu verändern.

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Klinik - Therapie - Rehabilitation

by Peter Hürter

Der "Hürter" gilt als das Standardwerk über den Typ-I-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.Damit Ihr Nachschlagewerk der Wahl Sie immer zuverlässig über den neuesten Wissensstand informiert, wurde es jetzt wieder komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert und ist nun- noch praxisbezogener durch eine verbesserte Didaktik,- noch übersichtlicher durch eine neue Gliederungssystematik,- noch einprägsamer durch eine attraktive zweifarbige Gestaltung.Die Neuauflage stellt Ihnen das ganze Wissensspektrum in der bewährten klaren Gliederung kurz, prägnant und gleichzeitig ausführlich zur Verfügung - unterstützt durch zahlreiche instruktive Abbildungen und Tabellen:- Epidemiologie, Ätiopathogenese, Klinik und Prognose einschließlich der Folgeerkrankungen des Typ-I-Diabetes,- theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Durchführung der Diabetestherapie,- Rehabilitation diabetischer Kinder und Jugendlicher einschließlich Diabetikerschulung."...ein Nachschlagewerk, das auch nicht alltägliche Fragen beantwortet...Das Buch sollten alle Ärzte zur Verfügung haben, die Kinder und Jugendliche mit Diabetes behandeln." (Endokrinologie-Informationen)

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen - Klinik - Therapie

by Peter Hürter Thomas Danne

Kinder mit Diabetes sind keine kleinen, zuckerkranken Erwachsenen! Die Diagnostik und Therapie der Erkrankung unterscheiden sich in vieler Hinsicht von der Erwachsener. Beides hängt vom Wissen des Kinderarztes ab - ganz besonders gilt dies für die Prognose des diabeteskranken Kindes. Sie entscheiden mit über die gesundheitliche Zukunft von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Diabetes! Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date! Neben der bewährten klaren und prägnanten Gliederung, unterstützt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und Tabellen bietet die 6. Auflage "des Hürter" die neuesten Erkenntnisse und wissenschaftliches Know-How zum Thema: - Ausführliche Therapierichtlinien - Alle Neutentwicklungen auf dem Gebiet - Praxisrelevantes Wissen in neuem, modernen Layout Werden Sie zum Experten und Partner für Kinder und Eltern!

Diabetes & C-Peptide: Scientific and Clinical Aspects (Contemporary Diabetes #0)

by Anders A.F. Sima

In Diabetes & C-Peptide: Scientific and Clinical Aspects, a renowned group of leading researchers and physicians offers a comprehensive overview of the role of C-Peptide in type 1 diabetes. The book is organized in five sections. An Introductory section provides the background and key features of C-peptide’s physiological function and how its deficiency contributes to complications. The second section describes up-to-date information on the biochemical and molecular actions of C-peptide, including membrane binding, interactions with insulin as well as the interaction between C-peptide and zinc and effects on microvascular vasoreactivity. The third section summarizes in vivo animal studies of the type 1 diabetic complications. The fourth section reviews the clinical efforts of C-peptide on inflammation, cardiovascular complication, neuropathy and nephropathy. Finally, in the Conclusions section, a summary of the present state of C-peptide, outstanding questions, and the likely direction of the field are offered. Developed by the foremost investigators in the rapidly moving field of C-peptide research, Diabetes & C-Peptide: Scientific and Clinical Aspects is an important contribution to the literature for all researchers and physicians concerned about type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes & Carb Counting For Dummies

by Sherri Shafer

Count on this book to help you count carbs and live a healthy lifestyle with diabetes The person with diabetes is at the center of their own care. They make the day-to-day decisions about what to eat, when to exercise, and how to use the data they get from blood glucose monitoring devices. In order to be successful, it is critically important to make those decisions based on sound advice from their healthcare team, diabetes experts, and reputable resources. Carbs and glucose levels go hand in hand when managing all forms of diabetes. Diabetes & Carb Counting For Dummies teaches you all about carbs and overall healthy nutrition so that you can make informed decisions about what to eat and how much. Get up-to-date guidance to improve your health and live the life you want. This updated edition covers the latest dietary guidelines and standards, so you'll be on track with the best that science has to offer in diabetes management. You'll also get tips on exercise, interpreting blood glucose and A1C results, and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology. Living your best carb-counting life starts with this Dummies guide. Demystify the connection between carbs, blood glucose levels, insulin, and exercise Find easy-to-follow instructions on how to read labels, portion your plate, and count carbs while still enjoying your favorite foods and traditions Exercise safely while learning how to prevent and treat hypoglycemia Get the latest information on fiber, sweeteners, gluten, and alcohol Explore sample meal plans in carb controlled ranges Learn about new technologies, research findings, and resources to help you manage diabetes more effectively Discover dietary strategies, lifestyle adjustments, and tips for controlling carb consumption without limiting your enjoyment of life Whether newly diagnosed or someone who has been living with diabetes for many years, this book is an essential guide for people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or gestational diabetes, as well as their loved ones. This is an accessible resource to help empower you with the tools you need to count carbs and plan meals that support diabetes management, weight control, and heart health.

Diabetes & Carb Counting For Dummies

by Sherri Shafer

Count on this book to help you count carbs and live a healthy lifestyle with diabetes The person with diabetes is at the center of their own care. They make the day-to-day decisions about what to eat, when to exercise, and how to use the data they get from blood glucose monitoring devices. In order to be successful, it is critically important to make those decisions based on sound advice from their healthcare team, diabetes experts, and reputable resources. Carbs and glucose levels go hand in hand when managing all forms of diabetes. Diabetes & Carb Counting For Dummies teaches you all about carbs and overall healthy nutrition so that you can make informed decisions about what to eat and how much. Get up-to-date guidance to improve your health and live the life you want. This updated edition covers the latest dietary guidelines and standards, so you'll be on track with the best that science has to offer in diabetes management. You'll also get tips on exercise, interpreting blood glucose and A1C results, and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology. Living your best carb-counting life starts with this Dummies guide. Demystify the connection between carbs, blood glucose levels, insulin, and exercise Find easy-to-follow instructions on how to read labels, portion your plate, and count carbs while still enjoying your favorite foods and traditions Exercise safely while learning how to prevent and treat hypoglycemia Get the latest information on fiber, sweeteners, gluten, and alcohol Explore sample meal plans in carb controlled ranges Learn about new technologies, research findings, and resources to help you manage diabetes more effectively Discover dietary strategies, lifestyle adjustments, and tips for controlling carb consumption without limiting your enjoyment of life Whether newly diagnosed or someone who has been living with diabetes for many years, this book is an essential guide for people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or gestational diabetes, as well as their loved ones. This is an accessible resource to help empower you with the tools you need to count carbs and plan meals that support diabetes management, weight control, and heart health.

Diabetes Care: A Practical Manual (Oxford Care Manuals)

by Rowan Hillson

Diabetes is common, chronic, complicated, and costly both to the patient and to the state. It causes distress, disability, and premature death. Most diabetes complications can be prevented or reduced. Diabetes Care Second Edition is a concise and easy-to-read reference source for all aspects of care in the management and understanding of diabetes. This pocketbook provides a step-by-step guide to diabetes care for doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals working in primary, community, and secondary care, particularly general practitioners, practice nurses, diabetes specialist nurses, junior hospital doctors, ward nurses, and pharmacists. The author draws on practical experience taking a common-sense approach to the assessment, education, monitoring, and treatment of diabetes across all age groups and ethnic backgrounds. There are detailed sections on helping patients manage their diabetes in everyday life, extensive advice on the monitoring and adjustment of glucose levels, and discussion on the preventing and coping with emergencies. Focus is primarily on the prevention, detection, and treatment of diabetic tissue damage, including heart disease. The new edition of Diabetes Care - a Practical Manual provides up-to-date guidance on managing diabetic emergencies including hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis, and new advice about diabetes care in A&E and the hospital setting. There is also an expanded section on using data and audit to review and improve care.

Diabetes Care at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))

by Anne Phillips

Diabetes Care at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Diabetes Care … at a Glance! Diabetes affects a large proportion of the population and it is essential that student nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and other health practitioners and allied healthcare professionals be up to date with the support and treatment that people with diabetes need. Diabetes Care at a Glance contains the latest evidence-based and practical information underpinning diabetes care, illustrating the essential principles of partnership, individualised, and informed care in an easily accessible format. Edited by an expert in the field, with contributions from academics, practitioners and specialist nurses, Diabetes Care at a Glance covers topics such as: Diabetes prevention, diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and consultation approaches and language matters Promotion of healthy eating, physical activity promotion, promoting weight loss, and structured education in type 1 and type 2 diabetes Prescriptions, emotional and psychological support, person-centred goal setting and assessing risk, and partnership working and adjustment Anti-diabetes oral hypoglycaemics and GLP-1s, insulin options, administration and injection technique, pumps, and self-blood glucose monitoring Written for student nurses, allied healthcare professionals and newly qualified practitioners, Diabetes Care at a Glance is a highly valuable quick reference text, ideal for those looking for an introduction to the topic of diabetes, revision, or for those in need of a refresher. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley nursing books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see

Diabetes Care at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))

by Anne Phillips

Diabetes Care at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Diabetes Care … at a Glance! Diabetes affects a large proportion of the population and it is essential that student nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and other health practitioners and allied healthcare professionals be up to date with the support and treatment that people with diabetes need. Diabetes Care at a Glance contains the latest evidence-based and practical information underpinning diabetes care, illustrating the essential principles of partnership, individualised, and informed care in an easily accessible format. Edited by an expert in the field, with contributions from academics, practitioners and specialist nurses, Diabetes Care at a Glance covers topics such as: Diabetes prevention, diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and consultation approaches and language matters Promotion of healthy eating, physical activity promotion, promoting weight loss, and structured education in type 1 and type 2 diabetes Prescriptions, emotional and psychological support, person-centred goal setting and assessing risk, and partnership working and adjustment Anti-diabetes oral hypoglycaemics and GLP-1s, insulin options, administration and injection technique, pumps, and self-blood glucose monitoring Written for student nurses, allied healthcare professionals and newly qualified practitioners, Diabetes Care at a Glance is a highly valuable quick reference text, ideal for those looking for an introduction to the topic of diabetes, revision, or for those in need of a refresher. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley nursing books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see

Diabetes Care for the Older Patient: A Practical Handbook

by Gillian Hawthorne

The management of older people with diabetes requires careful attention to the specific needs of this age group. This practical handbook addresses the issues surrounding the care of older diabetic patients, including dementia, frailty, depression and cardiovascular risk. Intended for day-to-day use in clinical practice, each chapter closes with a list of salient practical points in the clinical management of older patients with diabetes. Concisely written by authorities in the field, this book is a valuable resource for all those involved in the diabetes care of older people .

Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies

by Ian Blumer Cynthia Payne

Delicious recipes and expert cooking tips for diabetics Having diabetes doesn't mean having to abandon great food. Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies, Updated Edition offers an abundance of delicious recipes that will help diabetics and prediabetics enjoy meals and manage their diabetes. Based on the most recent edition of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Management, this new cookbook includes over 100 additional recipes and updated coverage on the latest drugs for diabetes management and new guidelines for target blood glucose levels. Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies offers valuable information for diabetics and anyone who cooks for diabetics. The authors offer meal planning suggestions, shopping tips, and even plot out a month of diverse and unexpected menus, including mouth-watering full-color photos of some of the delicious meals. Learn to cook meals you love that will comply with proper diabetes management Expand your culinary range with new interpretations of traditional dishes Make managing your diabetes more enjoyable with exciting menu options Learn how to make meal planning and preparation part of your daily routine This updated cookbook, a companion to the bestselling Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes that will help readers manage their diabetes.

Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies

by Ian Blumer Cynthia Payne

Delicious recipes and expert cooking tips for diabetics Having diabetes doesn't mean having to abandon great food. Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies, Updated Edition offers an abundance of delicious recipes that will help diabetics and prediabetics enjoy meals and manage their diabetes. Based on the most recent edition of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Management, this new cookbook includes over 100 additional recipes and updated coverage on the latest drugs for diabetes management and new guidelines for target blood glucose levels. Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies offers valuable information for diabetics and anyone who cooks for diabetics. The authors offer meal planning suggestions, shopping tips, and even plot out a month of diverse and unexpected menus, including mouth-watering full-color photos of some of the delicious meals. Learn to cook meals you love that will comply with proper diabetes management Expand your culinary range with new interpretations of traditional dishes Make managing your diabetes more enjoyable with exciting menu options Learn how to make meal planning and preparation part of your daily routine This updated cookbook, a companion to the bestselling Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes that will help readers manage their diabetes.

Diabetes Drug Notes

by Miles Fisher Gerard A. McKay Andrea Llano

DIABETES DRUG NOTES Diabetes is becoming more common in both older and younger generations and in keeping with this escalation in cases, there are an ever increasing number of drugs and drug classes that are suitable to treat hyperglycaemia. In a unique blend of diabetes practice, clinical pharmacology, and cardiovascular medicine, Diabetes Drug Notes describes the principles of clinical pharmacology with regards to diabetes prescribing. Each drug class for the treatment of diabetes is covered in detail, along with the effect on the cardiovascular and renal systems caused by each drug. Building upon the success of their “Drug Notes” series for Practical Diabetes and their “Drugs for Diabetes” series in the British Journal of Cardiology, the team of experts focuses on the glycaemic management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with other effects of antidiabetic drugs covered as well. Diabetes Drug Notes also includes: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the drugs for the glycaemic management of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes Expert reflection on prescribing considerations for special groups, as well as common pitfalls in prescribing Detailed case histories to illustrate relevant information Summaries of recent guidelines related to diabetic intervention Diabetes Drug Notes is a user-friendly guide for a general diabetes medical, nursing, and pharmacology readership, as well as those who support them.

Diabetes Drug Notes

by Gerard A. Mckay Miles Fisher Andrea Llano

DIABETES DRUG NOTES Diabetes is becoming more common in both older and younger generations and in keeping with this escalation in cases, there are an ever increasing number of drugs and drug classes that are suitable to treat hyperglycaemia. In a unique blend of diabetes practice, clinical pharmacology, and cardiovascular medicine, Diabetes Drug Notes describes the principles of clinical pharmacology with regards to diabetes prescribing. Each drug class for the treatment of diabetes is covered in detail, along with the effect on the cardiovascular and renal systems caused by each drug. Building upon the success of their “Drug Notes” series for Practical Diabetes and their “Drugs for Diabetes” series in the British Journal of Cardiology, the team of experts focuses on the glycaemic management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with other effects of antidiabetic drugs covered as well. Diabetes Drug Notes also includes: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the drugs for the glycaemic management of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes Expert reflection on prescribing considerations for special groups, as well as common pitfalls in prescribing Detailed case histories to illustrate relevant information Summaries of recent guidelines related to diabetic intervention Diabetes Drug Notes is a user-friendly guide for a general diabetes medical, nursing, and pharmacology readership, as well as those who support them.

Diabetes E-Book: A Handbook for the Primary Healthcare Team

by Joan R. McDowell Florence Brown David Matthews

This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. As one of the three major diseases in the Western world, and one that is on the increase, care of people with diabetes is crucial to the entire healthcare team. This book provides a comprehensive text on the management of the person with diabetes in the community and will be invaluable to dietitians, podiatrists and GPs and especially to practice nurses, district nurses and health visitors. It has been written from a community perspective by a multiprofessional team and advocates principles of care based on the latest research. It focuses on the role of the professional in assisting in self-care of the individual with diabetes. It also includes caring for the person in long-term care settings, for example, nursing homes.The comprehensive text establishes ‘why' as well as ‘what' you need to knowThe focus on community ensures its relevanceCase study scenarios provide practical content, centred on people with diabetesIssues relating to ethnic minorities are incorporated throughoutThe evidence base ensures the latest research is incorporated and relates it to clinical practiceUseful references and websites encourage wider reading

Diabetes Education: Art, Science and Evidence

by Trisha Dunning

Diabetes education is a process, the key to which is establishing a therapeutic relationship with the individual. The overall goal of diabetes education is to enhance the individual’s health capability, including their ability to solve problems and apply the learning to self-care. Thus, diabetes education is an interactive process of teaching and learning where information is co-generated. This innovative and thought-provoking new book explores the ‘how’ of diabetes education, rather than the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Diabetes Education: Art, Science and Evidence helps healthcare practitioners teach diabetes effectively from diagnosis onwards and ensure people living with diabetes receive individualised support and information. It enables practitioners and educators to examine and reflect on their practice when managing the person with diabetes. Bringing together all the thinking and experience of the diabetes journey in one text, this book is essential reading for all practitioners and students involved in diabetes care. SPECIAL FEATURES: Features short stories, case studies, illustrative quotes, practice points and reflection points throughout Edited by an internationally renowned expert in the field Contributions from some of the world’s leading diabetes educators This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

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