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Diabetes Education: Art, Science and Evidence

by Trisha Dunning

Diabetes education is a process, the key to which is establishing a therapeutic relationship with the individual. The overall goal of diabetes education is to enhance the individual’s health capability, including their ability to solve problems and apply the learning to self-care. Thus, diabetes education is an interactive process of teaching and learning where information is co-generated. This innovative and thought-provoking new book explores the ‘how’ of diabetes education, rather than the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Diabetes Education: Art, Science and Evidence helps healthcare practitioners teach diabetes effectively from diagnosis onwards and ensure people living with diabetes receive individualised support and information. It enables practitioners and educators to examine and reflect on their practice when managing the person with diabetes. Bringing together all the thinking and experience of the diabetes journey in one text, this book is essential reading for all practitioners and students involved in diabetes care. SPECIAL FEATURES: Features short stories, case studies, illustrative quotes, practice points and reflection points throughout Edited by an internationally renowned expert in the field Contributions from some of the world’s leading diabetes educators This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Diabetes, een rugzak voor het leven

by J.E. Putker

Als je diabetes hebt, zijn er veel zaken waar je rekening mee moet houden in je dagelijkse leven. In de meeste literatuur wordt voornamelijk stilgestaan bij de medische en praktische aspecten van de ziekte. Diabetes, een rugzak voor het leven gaat verder, er wordt ingegaan op de psychologische zaken die diabetes met zich mee kan brengen.Hoe ga je bijvoorbeeld om met aanpassingsproblemen, angstklachten, depressie, eetproblemen, seksuele problemen, relaties of sociale problemen? Voor veel mensen met diabetes zijn deze thema's erg herkenbaar.Naar aanleiding van deze verhalen worden ook oplossingen geboden. Zo vindt u een overzicht van groepscursussen, belangrijke adressen en een online cursus die u handvaten biedt om een oplossing te vinden voor de lastige kanten die diabetes in uw leven met zich mee kan brengen.

Diabetes Explained

by A. Bloom

Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies

by Ian Blumer Alan L. Rubin

Get the facts on treating diabetes successfully and living a full and active life As Canada's ultimate diabetes resource, this helpful guide returns with a new edition—thoroughly revised and updated with the latest guidelines from the Canadian Diabetes Association, along with new medical findings. Offering you reassuring guidance for putting together a state-of-the-art diabetes treatment program, this friendly-yet-informative book walks you through all the advances in monitoring glucose, the latest medications, ways to juggle diabetes with daily commitments, and how to develop a diet and exercise plan to stay healthy. Packed with helpful advice, Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, Third Edition explores the newest data about the diagnosis and treatment of people with diabetes, including children and women during pregnancy. The author duo puts their years of diabetes expertise to use by deciphering information from recent studies that provide new insights into how diabetes affects the body and walks you through the latest drugs used to treat this manageable disease. Teaches you how to identify the symptoms that require urgent attention and how to subsequently treat the problem Reassures you of what to do during pregnancy to help ensure a healthy baby Shares advice for finding the right health care providers, from your family physician to your diabetes nurse educator to your dietician, and more Addresses concerns regarding driving with hypoglycemia Discusses the latest connection between the brain and diabetes and looks at new nutritional data from the latest version of Canada's Food Guide Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, Third Edition features new nutritional data, facts on prediabetes, and advice for prevention tactics, all of which provide you with an arsenal of information that will help you manage your diabetes confidently and wisely.

Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies

by Ian Blumer Alan L. Rubin

Get the facts on treating diabetes successfully and living a full and active life As Canada's ultimate diabetes resource, this helpful guide returns with a new edition—thoroughly revised and updated with the latest guidelines from the Canadian Diabetes Association, along with new medical findings. Offering you reassuring guidance for putting together a state-of-the-art diabetes treatment program, this friendly-yet-informative book walks you through all the advances in monitoring glucose, the latest medications, ways to juggle diabetes with daily commitments, and how to develop a diet and exercise plan to stay healthy. Packed with helpful advice, Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, Third Edition explores the newest data about the diagnosis and treatment of people with diabetes, including children and women during pregnancy. The author duo puts their years of diabetes expertise to use by deciphering information from recent studies that provide new insights into how diabetes affects the body and walks you through the latest drugs used to treat this manageable disease. Teaches you how to identify the symptoms that require urgent attention and how to subsequently treat the problem Reassures you of what to do during pregnancy to help ensure a healthy baby Shares advice for finding the right health care providers, from your family physician to your diabetes nurse educator to your dietician, and more Addresses concerns regarding driving with hypoglycemia Discusses the latest connection between the brain and diabetes and looks at new nutritional data from the latest version of Canada's Food Guide Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, Third Edition features new nutritional data, facts on prediabetes, and advice for prevention tactics, all of which provide you with an arsenal of information that will help you manage your diabetes confidently and wisely.

Diabetes For Dummies

by Amy Riolo Dr. Simon Poole

The book that’s been helping people with diabetes live their best lives for 20 years Diabetes For Dummies is a trusted resource that guides those diagnosed with diabetes and pre-diabetes and their caregivers towards optimal health. This book helps you, or those you love, achieve the life you want while managing diabetes with lifestyle changes, alternative therapies and the latest medications. This fully updated edition helps you tackle your symptoms with the confidence that you’re doing the latest stuff and following the newest advances in diabetes treatment. Powerful lifestyle strategies, new medications, monitoring equipment, nutritional guidelines, delicious recipes, and insulin delivery methods—it’s all in this friendly Dummies guide. Understand the types of diabetes and learn about your diagnosis Learn the latest treatment options, medications, and evidence-based therapies Manage your symptoms and live a full life with expert diet and lifestyle tips Answer your questions with this trusted, compassionate guide, now in its 6th edition Take control and understand how to improve or even prevent and reverse prediabetes and diabetesThis book is an indispensable resource for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, and prediabetes, their loved ones, and care givers, as well as health care professionals who need an up-to-date reference on the latest in diabetes research.

Diabetes For Dummies

by Amy Riolo Dr. Simon Poole

The book that’s been helping people with diabetes live their best lives for 20 years Diabetes For Dummies is a trusted resource that guides those diagnosed with diabetes and pre-diabetes and their caregivers towards optimal health. This book helps you, or those you love, achieve the life you want while managing diabetes with lifestyle changes, alternative therapies and the latest medications. This fully updated edition helps you tackle your symptoms with the confidence that you’re doing the latest stuff and following the newest advances in diabetes treatment. Powerful lifestyle strategies, new medications, monitoring equipment, nutritional guidelines, delicious recipes, and insulin delivery methods—it’s all in this friendly Dummies guide. Understand the types of diabetes and learn about your diagnosis Learn the latest treatment options, medications, and evidence-based therapies Manage your symptoms and live a full life with expert diet and lifestyle tips Answer your questions with this trusted, compassionate guide, now in its 6th edition Take control and understand how to improve or even prevent and reverse prediabetes and diabetesThis book is an indispensable resource for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, and prediabetes, their loved ones, and care givers, as well as health care professionals who need an up-to-date reference on the latest in diabetes research.

Diabetes Guide

by Klaus Johansen Sam Dagogo-Jack

Diabetes Guide adopts a novel "non-textual" approach to the dissemination ofcomprehensive, up-to-date information on the theory and practice of diabetology. This has been achieved through the liberal use of tables, diagrams, flowsheets, summaries and annotations in place of the usual prose and verbiage. As a result of such an economic use of space, vast amounts of knowledge on the definition, classification, management complications and various other aspects of diabetes have been condensed intoa surprisingly digestible pocketbook. Emerging perspectives on genetic counseling, the insulin gene and pancreatic transplantation are also incorporated. One outstanding feature of Diabetes Guide is the provision of succinct practical recommendations for the solution of problemsthat arise during the daily care of patients with diabetes. The subjects covered under these recommendations range from insulin infuser pump problems, care of foot ulcers, food exchanges, travel and acute illness, insulin allergy and desensitization protocol, diabetic emergencies,pregnancy, surgery, hypoglycaemia, etc. Such breadth of coverage has been achieved without the usual price of increased bulk through the unique "non-Textual" approach. Diabetes Guide is designed to be a user-friendly, ready reference of vade mecum for practical tips and core information on various aspects of diabetes.

Diabetes-Handbuch: Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

by Peter Hien

Kurzgefaßt, übersichtlich, praxisbezogen - so begleitet Sie dieses Handbuch von den Grundlagen zu den Problemlösungen in der Diabetologie. Alle Aspekte der Zuckerkrankheit, die sich in der täglichen Praxis stellen, werden knapp, aber vollständig und verständlich mit ihren differentialtherapeutischen Konsequenzen behandelt. Tabellarische Zusammenfassungen und eine straffe Gliederung garantieren schnellen Zugriff.Kliniker wie Praktiker aus der inneren Medizin, Allgemeinmedizin, Gynäkologie, Pädiatrie und Dermatologie erhalten mit diesem kompakten Handbuch einen nützlichen Leitfaden für die Behandlung ihrer Diabetes-Patienten.

Diabetes-Handbuch: Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

by Peter Hien

- Verständliche Einführung in die wichtigsten Probleme der Diabetologie- vollständig überarbeitet und erweitert- mit aktuellen Praxisinformationen einschließlich neuester Therapeutika

Diabetes-Handbuch: Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

by Peter Hien Bernhard Böhm

Jetzt in 5. Auflage! beliebt, erfolgreich, jetzt noch aktueller. Besonders hilfreich: Leitfäden u.a. zu perioperativer und periinterventioneller Versorgung, wichtige Organisationen/Internetadressen, die Leitlinien der dt. Diabetes-Gesellschaft und das umfassende Abkürzungsverzeichnis. Komplett aktualisiert, mit den Ergebnissen des weltgrößten Diabeteskongresses (09/2006). Neu: gebräuchliche internationale Einheiten, neueste Richtwerte/Klassifikationen, die Therapie diabetischer Entgleisungen, perinterventionelle Diabetestherapie, neueste Therapiekonzepte, Diabetes und Reisen, u.v.a.m. Das bewährte Diabetes-Handbuch: knapp und praxisorientiert.

Diabetes-Handbuch: Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

by Peter Hien Bernhard Böhm

Das Handbuch liefert Basiswissen über Diabetes – knapp und praxisorientiert. Die Autoren orientieren sich an den Leitlinien der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft (DDG) und legen neueste Richtwerte und Klassifikationen zugrunde. Sie behandeln Therapieziele, bewerten neueste Therapeutika und bieten hilfreiche Leitfäden, u. a. zu Notfällen, zur perioperativen/periinterventionellen Versorgung, zum Thema Reisen und zur Behandlung diabetischer Entgleisungen. Für Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Gynäkologen, Pädiater sowie Diabetes- und Ernährungsberater.

Diabetes-Handbuch: Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

by Peter Hien Bernhard Böhm

- Verständliche Einführung in die wichtigsten Probleme der Diabetologie- vollständig überarbeitet und erweitert- mit aktuellen Praxisinformationen einschließlich neuester Behandlungsrichtlinien Concise text: Knapp, kompakt und äußerst praxisorientiert führt das beliebte Handbuch in alle Aspekte der Zuckerkrankheit ein.


by Peter Hien Bernhard Böhm Simone Claudi-Böhm Christoph Krämer Klaus Kohlhas

Jeder 5. Patient in der Arztpraxis hat Diabetes Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie:Knapp, praxisorientiert, für die täglichen ProblemeTherapierichtlinien:Konkrete Therapieziele, neueste Therapeutika und deren BewertungInformation zu jeder relevanten Situation:Diabetiker auf Reisen, Behandlung diabetischer Entgleisungen …Hilfreiche Leitfäden:Notfälle, perioperative/periinterventionelle Versorgung …Zusatznutzen:Abkürzungsverzeichnis, wichtige Internetadressen und Organisationen NEU u.a.Neueste TherapiekonzepteNeueste Richtwerte, Studien und Leitlinien berücksichtigtZusatzinhalte im Internet:Vorlagen/Checklisten für das Diabetes-TeamInformationsunterlagen für PatientenAnleitungen zur Optimierung der Arbeitsabläufe Für Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Gynäkologen, Pädiater, Diabetologen, Diabetesberaterinnen und Ernährungsberaterinnen.Mit den wichtigsten Tipps, Tricks und Infos aus der täglichen Praxis von multiprofessionellen Diabetes-Teams. Das beliebte und erfolgreiche Diabetes-Handbuch für Arztpraxis und Klinik – noch besser!

Diabetes: Improving Patient Care (Oxford American Endocrinology Library)

by Vivan Fonseca

Over 20 million people in the United States have diabetes, a metabolic disorder characterized by the body's lack of production or ineffective use of insulin, and the rate is on the rise. Diabetes can cause acute, as well as long-term complications when not properly controlled. Some of the complications may include coma, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, blindness, nerve damage, vascular damage, and poor healing which can lead to amputation. Though there is no cure for either Type I or Type II diabetes, ongoing effort to develop new drug and gene therapies continues. In the meantime, the goals of treatment are disease management, prevention of complications, and improved quality of life. The choice of therapeutics varies by diabetes type and may depend on other significant factors. The selected regimen often includes medication, injection therapy, exercise and change in diet. Over the past few decades, awareness of the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes has increased significantly. With approximately one-third of those affected by diabetes unaware of their illness, it is critical to make every effort to identify the disease early in its course. The primary care physician is frequently the first to see patients presenting with pre-diabetes and diabetes symptoms. This highly practical volume is specifically designed for primary care physicians and internists on the frontlines of care. It provides a clinically-focused roadmap to providing optimal care for patients with pre-diabetes and diabetes, from the initial patient visit through testing, goal-setting and follow-up care. It offers up-to-date information on diagnosis and treatment options for all types of diabetes, helping to expedite delivery of appropriate care. Part of the new Oxford American Endocrinology Library, this concise yet comprehensive guide covers current approaches and new developments in the diagnosis, management and treatment of diabetes, including Type I, Type II, and gestational diabetes, as well as additional notes on pre-diabetes. The text covers new and emerging pharmacotherapies and complementary treatment guidelines, as well as valuable guidance on managing the major complications of diabetes. In addition to diet and exercise tips for patients, the guide also provides strategies and tools for inspiring healthier lifestyles and patient compliance to reach health goals.

Diabetes in Cardiovascular Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease E-Book (Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease)

by Darren K McGuire Nikolaus Marx

Diabetes in Cardiovascular Disease is a current, expert resource focusing on the complex challenges of providing cardiovascular care to patients with diabetes. Designed as a companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, this interdisciplinary medical reference book bridges the gap between the cardiology and endocrinology communities of scientists and care providers, and highlights the emerging scientific and clinical topics that are relevant for cardiologists, diabetologists/endocrinologists, and the extended diabetes care team.Access essential coverage of basic and clinical sciences, complemented by an expanded focus on epidemiology, behavioral sciences, health policy, and disparities in health care.Take advantage of a format that follows that of the well-known and internationally recognized Braunwald’s Heart Disease.Review the best available clinical data and pragmatic recommendations for the prevention and management of cardiovascular complications of diabetes; national/societal intervention strategies to curb the growing prevalence of diabetes; and the current pathophysiological understanding of cardiovascular comorbidities in patients with diabetes.Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.

Diabetes in Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management (Contemporary Endocrinology)

by William V. Tamborlane

Currently, available information on pediatric and adolescent diabetes is limited to chapters in larger books covering the broader topic of pediatric endocrinology, and these do not have the space to delve into specific topics. This concise, timely book contains everything that a practicing provider needs to know in order to provide comprehensive, up-to-date care for children and adolescents with diabetes, from the latest methods for diagnosing various types of diabetes to integrating cutting-edge technology in the care of this patient population. Initial management, the use of insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring, and automated insulin delivery are discussed in detail, as are nutrition therapy, exercise, psychosocial challenges, acute and long-term complications, and future directions for treatment and research. Further, this book provides clinicians with guidelines for the implementation of best practices as outlined by leading associations such as the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD). The Yale Children’s Diabetes Program has been ranked among the best in the United States, including clinicians and researchers who are world-renowned for their efforts in improving the care of children with diabetes. This wealth of knowledge and experience positions the author team well as experts in this field.

Diabetes in Clinical Practice: Questions and Answers from Case Studies (Practical Diabetes #31)

by Evanthia Diakoumopoulou Ionnis Ioannidis Stavros Liatis Nicholas Tentolouris Panagiotis Tsapogas

Dealing with all the aspects of diabetes in clinical practice, this book offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to help healthcare professionals achieve their target of optimal management and treatment of their patients. Diabetes in Clinical Practice: Questions and Answers from Case Studies is presented in the form of questions concerning diabetes diagnosis, management and therapy based on real-life case studies. Each question is answered in a clear, easy to follow style. The authors begin with general questions regarding diabetes, its pathophysiology and diagnostic tests. They then cover all the major complications that can arise in a patient with poorly controlled diabetes. The authors also discuss special groups, such as adolescents and the elderly. The book features useful information for patients and their healthcare professionals on daily activities such as exercise, nutrition, driving, travelling and sick day rules. Diabetes in Clinical Practice: Questions and Answers from Case Studies is an indispensable resource for all members of the diabetes team, in primary and secondary care: physicians, diabetes specialist nurses, diabetes educators, dieticians, podiatrists, endocrinologists and postgraduate medical students.

Diabetes in Clinical Practice

by Vivian Fonseca Merri Pendergrass Roberta Harrison McDuffie

The purpose of this handbook is to give the practitioner a quick overview of type 2 diabetes, along with practical suggestions for the management of this condition. This serves to counteract any unnecessary complications (which are also discussed) that can arise out of living with this condition. The book will cover not only ways in which patients can help themselves through healthy eating and exercise, but will also provide a detailed yet easy reference guide to possible medical therapies and drugs such as insulin. Patient education is also touched upon.

Diabetes in der Praxis

by Werner Waldhäusl F. A. Gries

In diesem Praxisbuch finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen, um Ihre Diabetespatienten kompetent rundum zu betreuen - von der Entscheidung für die optimale Therapieform über die Vor- und Nachsorge bei Operationen bis zur Behandlung von Spätkomplikationen.Eine Konzeption, die überzeugtDie zweite Auflage erscheint mit vollständig neuem Konzept* neu gestaltet* komplett überarbeitet* umfassend aktualisiert* didaktisch verbessert* durch neues Abbildungsmaterial ergänztDer ideale Ratgeber für Ihre PraxisDas Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis abgestimmt, ohne sich im Detail zu verlieren oder auf wichtiges Grundlagenwissen zu verzichten.Ein Schwerpunkt der Neuauflage ist die Vorbeugung und Behandlung diabetesassoziierter Spätkomplikationen."...ein sehr gelungenes Werk, das sicherlich rasch seinen festen Platz in der klinischen Diabetesliteratur finden wird."(Ernährungs-Umschau)

Diabetes in der Praxis

by Werner Waldhäusl F. Arnold Gries

Die Autoren erläutern die Grundlagen und Aspekte der Therapie der Zuckerkrankheit in einer Weise, die das Buch zum idealen Ratgeber für den praktizierenden Internisten und Allgemeinmediziner macht: Dieser findet alle notwendigen Informationen, um seinen Diabetiker kompetent rundum zu betreuen, von der Entscheidung der optimalen Therapieform über die Vor- und Nachsorge bei Operationen bis zur Behandlung und Vorbeugung der unangenehmen Spätkomplikationen. Das Buch ist auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis abgestimmt, ohne sich im Detail zu verlieren oder auf wichtiges Grundlagenwissen zu verzichten. Besonderer Wert wurde gelegt auf diabetesassoziierte Spätkomplikationen, wie sie nach langer Krankheitsdauer auftreten können, sowie körperliches Training und Prophylaxe bzw. Pflege des Diabetesfußes.

Diabetes in der Praxis

by Werner-Klaus Waldhäusl F. A. Gries Werner A. Scherbaum

In diesem Praxisbuch finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen, um Ihre Diabetespatienten kompetent rundum zu betreuen - von der Entscheidung für die optimale Therapieform über die Vor- und Nachsorge bei Operationen bis zur Behandlung von Spätkomplikationen.Eine Konzeption, die überzeugtDie dritte Auflage wurde fast vollständig neu verfasstdas zweifarbige Layout wesentlich konsquenter eingesetztschneller erfassbares Wissen durch mehr Tabellen Aufzählungen und Übersichtenausführlicher Adressteil inkl. Internetadressen und SelbsthilfegruppenÜbersicht zu definierten Therapiezielen und -wertenDer ideale Ratgeber für Ihre PraxisDas Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis abgestimmt, ohne sich im Detail zu verlieren oder auf wichtiges Grundlagenwissen zu verzichten.Ein Schwerpunkt der Neuauflage ist die Vorbeugung und Behandlung diabetesassoziierter Spätkomplikationen."...ein sehr gelungenes Werk, das sicherlich rasch seinen festen Platz in der klinischen Diabetesliteratur finden wird."(Ernährungs-Umschau)

Diabetes in Elderly People: A guide for the health care team

by Colin M. Kesson Paul V. Knight

This book is intended for all members of the health care team who look after elderly people with diabetes mellitus. This includes specialist nurses in diabetes and care of the elderly, other nurses who might be involved with elderly diabetic patients, hospital doctors, general practitioners, dietitians, and other paramedical staff as well as students in these various disciplines. It is not an exhaustive text, but includes plenty of back­ ground references for those who wish to pursue a topic further. FOREWORD It has been said that old age is not so bad when you consider the alternative; but, fortunately on occasion symptoms attri­ buted to ageing are due to treatable disease. This useful book draws attention to diabetes mellitus, a common illness in elderly people, which can cause serious disability and should be diagnosed promptly and treated correctly. In this text the facts are well documented that the diagnosis may alarm old people and thus a full explanation must be given and the likely benefits of an adequate therapeutic regimen described. Drs Paul Knight and Colin Kesson are physicians intimately concerned with the day to day diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and they have enlisted the assistance of colleagues of outstanding ability, thus demonstrating the vital importance of teamwork in the control of this disease.

Diabetes in Hospital: A Practical Approach for Healthcare Professionals

by Paula Holt

This book is written to give healthcare professionals a comprehensive, understandable and practical text on which to base their care to patients with diabetes whilst in hospital. It gives the conceptual hooks required to be able to understand the principles of diabetes, maintaining and achieving blood glucose control and the effective treatment of diabetes. If the book is read as a whole, a complete picture of diabetes care is provided, or, you can ‘dip in and out’ of the chapters relating to your specialism.

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