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The Diabetes Revolution: A groundbreaking guide to reducing your insulin dependency

by Dr Charles Clark Maureen Clark

Western society is experiencing an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, almost entirely as a direct consequence of obesity. Until quite recently, type 2 diabetes was known as 'mature-onset diabetes', but recent cases have shown that children as young as ten are now suffering from the disease. Diabetes can cause blindness, restriction of mobility, pain, kidney failure and coronary thrombosis and is a truly devastating disease. Succinct and easy-to-understand, The Diabetes Revolution:- Outlines the basis of diabetes, the medical effects of the disease and the complications that can arise- Describes the medical reasons why a person is overweight- Includes typical case studies where lifestyle changes produced dramatic results- Offers easy-to-prepare low-GI recipes that have proven success in diabetic management- Outlines specific structured dietary advice with suggested menu plansThe Diabetes Revolution is the most comprehensive, practical system yet developed for the control of diabetes and is written by a leading authority on diet and diabetes.

Diabetes Secrets,E-Book

by Michael T. McDermott

For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. A new volume in this trusted series, Diabetes Secrets offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics in this dynamic field. It features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style – making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable. The proven Secrets Series® format gives you the most return for your time – succinct, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective. Up-to-date coverage of the full range of topics in diabetes, including diabetes during pregnancy; diabetes management in cancer patients; diabetes management during exercise, sports, and competition; diabetes management in hospitalized patients, and more. Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice and on exams. Bulleted lists, mnemonics, practical tips from global leaders in the field – all providing a concise overview of important board-relevant content. Written by global experts and thought leaders in diabetes. Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime.

The Diabetes Textbook: Clinical Principles, Patient Management and Public Health Issues

by Joel Rodriguez-Saldana

Diabetes has become a worldwide health problem, the global estimated prevalence approaches ten percent and the burden of this disease in terms of morbidity and mortality is unprecedented. The advances acquired through the knowledge of the mechanisms of the disease and the variety of therapeutic approaches contrast with the inability of private and public health systems in underdeveloped and even developed countries to achieve the goals of treatment. This paradox has been described in many sources: the surge of scientific advances contrast with an unprecedented amount of human suffering. Thus, a patient centered and an evidence based approach with the capacity to produce measurable clinical and economic outcomes is required. The purpose of this textbook is multiple: to offer a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of outpatient management; to address diabetes as a health problem from an epidemiological, economic and clinical perspective; to discuss the role of social determinants of health on the worldwide increase in diabetes; to highlight the challenges and obstacles in providing adequate care; and to outline a multidisciplinary approach to management in which medical visits retain their importance as part of a team comprising the patient, his or her family and a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who are able to move beyond the traditional approach of diabetes as a disease and greatly improve outcomes.

The Diabetes Textbook: Clinical Principles, Patient Management and Public Health Issues

by Joel Rodriguez-Saldana

The Diabetes Textbook: Clinical Principles, Patient Management and Public Health Issues (2nd Edition) addresses diabetes from a comprehensive, multidisciplinary perspective. Its purpose is to integrate state-of-the-art information on diabetes from specialists in various disciplines, including epidemiology, public health, pathophysiology, non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment, patient support, acute and chronic complications, new and unproven therapies, and prevention. The main benefit of “The Diabetes Textbook” is its integrative approach. The book is therefore intended for three main types of readers: 1) physicians and health professionals seeking a comprehensive approach to diabetes; 2) those with previous expertise in a specific professional area who want to expand their knowledge; and 3) those interested in learning about topics not previously covered, who will find the contents of “The Diabetes Textbook” both enriching and innovative. The Diabetes Textbook is intended for a broad readership, including professors of medicine and related disciplines (nursing, nutrition, psychology); general physicians; internists and specialists, e.g. in ophthalmology, endocrinology, cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, geriatrics, epidemiology and public health. To address these readers’ needs, the second edition is divided into the following eleven sections: 1) Magnitude of the Problem from an Individual and Social Context, 2) Diagnosis, Classification and Mechanisms of Disease, 3) Global Experiences in Diabetes Care, 4) Basic Components of Management: Patient-Centeredness, Evidence-Based Medicine, and Outcomes, 5) Resources of Support for Persons with Diabetes, 6) Drug Therapy, 7) Cardiovascular Risk Factors, 8) Acute Complications, 9) Chronic Complications, 10) Diabetes in Special Populations, and 11) Novel Therapeutic Approaches: Evidence-Based and Non-Proven, and Diabetes Prevention.

Diabetes-Therapie – informiert entscheiden: Patientenzentriertes und fallbasiertes Vorgehen über Leitlinien hinaus

by Lars Kihm Stefan Kopf Peter Nawroth

Dieses Buch bietet Orientierung in der unübersichtlichen Vielzahl der Beobachtungs- und Interventionsstudien. Die Autoren lösen Widersprüche auf zwischen Studien und Leitlinienempfehlungen und kombinieren die Ergebnisse – zum bestmöglichen Therapie-Ergebnis für die Patienten.Kurz und bündigOptimale Therapie – für den jeweiligen Patienten adaptiert.Immer durch Studien belegt.Wo geben Studien klare HandlungsrichtlinienWie lassen sich diese Therapieempfehlungen einfach und praxisrelevant umgesetzt.Wo sind weiterhin Fragen offenDie Informationsgrundlage, auf der Arzt und Patient im persönlichen Gespräch die individuell passende Vorgehensweise finden können.Behandlungsmöglichkeiten „analog“ der Situationen, in denen Klarheit besteht.Klare Aussagen, wo eindeutige Therapieempfehlungen durch Studien fehlen, was unverändert unbekannt oder unsicher ist.Wo sollte der Arzt eine in ihrer Wirksamkeit unbelegte Therapie oder Lebensumstellung bewusst nicht empfehlen, um den Patienten nicht unnötig zu belasten oder gar zu schädigen.Für alle Ärzte, die Patienten mit Diabetes behandeln: Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner …Auch als Empfehlung für Ihre engagierten Diabetesberaterinnen, Diabetesassistentinnen, Ernährungsberaterinnen.

Diabetes und Herz

by T. Meinertz P. Rösen A. Schömig D. Tschöpe D. Ziegler

Strukturelle Probleme unseres Gesundheitssystems haben bisher den Blick darauf verstellt, wie katastrophal die medizinische Versorgung der an Diabetes erkrankten Menschen ist; mehrheitlich versterben diese Patienten nicht unmittelbar an der erhöhten Blutglukose, sondern an den Konsequenzen der Krankheit für das Herz, das Gehirn bzw. allgemeiner für die Gefäße. Bei der progressiven Überalterung unserer Bevölkerung dürfen wir davon ausgehen, dass die Diabetesinzidenz weiter stark ansteigen wird; ein entsprechender Anstieg der vaskulären Endorganschädigungen ist zu erwarten. Dabei ist die Diskussion über die pathophysiologischen Zusammenhänge durchaus fortgeschritten, und sowohl im Bereich der Prävention als auch für die Akutbehandlung und Nachsorge stehen sinnvolle und praktikable Lösungen zur Verfügung. Dieses interdisziplinäre Wissen sowohl auf der Ebene der pathophysiologischen Forschung als auch in der klinischen Versorgung an die Ärzte weiterzugeben, ist Ziel dieses Buches.

Diabetes und Schwangerschaft: Prävention, Beratung, Betreuung vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft

by Simone Claudi-Böhm Bernhard Böhm

Schwangerschaft bei Diabetes? Dank neuer Therapien können sich Diabetikerinnen heutzutage ihren Kinderwunsch erfüllen. Voraussetzung ist allerdings die kompetente, lückenlose Begleitung der Schwangerschaft. Experten bieten hierfür alle notwendigen Informationen (inkl. Gestationsdiabetes) - praxisbezogen, übersichtlich und verständlich. Exakt erläutern sie welche Maßnahmen, wann und wie einzusetzen sind. Alles rund um die Prävention sowie Begleit- und Folgeerkrankungen: wichtige Parameter und deren Überwachung, Diagnose, Therapie, medikamentöse Intervention. Ein hilfreicher Ratgeber für werdende Mütter sowie alle Fachleute, die sie betreuen.

Diabetes und Schwangerschaft: Prävention, Beratung, Betreuung vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft

by Simone Claudi-Böhm Bernhard Böhm

Schwangerschaft bei Diabetes? Dank neuer Therapien können sich Diabetikerinnen heutzutage ihren Kinderwunsch erfüllen. Voraussetzung ist allerdings die kompetente, lückenlose Begleitung der Schwangerschaft. Experten bieten hierfür alle notwendigen Informationen (inkl. Gestationsdiabetes) - praxisbezogen, übersichtlich und verständlich. Exakt erläutern sie welche Maßnahmen, wann und wie einzusetzen sind. Alles rund um die Prävention sowie Begleit- und Folgeerkrankungen: wichtige Parameter und deren Überwachung, Diagnose, Therapie, medikamentöse Intervention. Ein hilfreicher Ratgeber für werdende Mütter sowie alle Fachleute, die sie betreuen.

Diabetes und Schwangerschaft

by Peter A.M. Weiss

Dieses Werk ist das erste umfassende deutschsprachige Handbuch über Diabetes und Schwangerschaft und den zugehörigen physiologischen und pathophysiologischen Besonderheiten des Stoffwechsels. Das Buch stützt sich auf langjährige Erfahrungen, da Diabetes und Schwangerschaft an der Grazer Frauenklinik seit mehr als 25 Jahren ein permanenter Forschungsschwerpunkt ist. Die klinischen Erfahrungen beruhen auf ca. 1400 insulinbehandelten und rund 1200 diätbehandelten Diabetikerinnen. Neben den Forschungsarbeiten der Klinik haben zahlreiche Publikationen der internationalen Fachliteratur in die verschiedenen Kapitel Eingang gefunden. Im Buch werden gleichermaßen die klinische Routine, klinische Probleme und Forschungsbereiche behandelt. Es ist als Nachschlagwerk für alle jene gedacht, die in der Praxis, am Krankenbett oder in der Forschung mit Diabetes und Schwangerschaft befasst sind und damit auch mit ausgefallenen Fragen konfrontiert werden.

Diabetestherapie (Kliniktaschenbücher)

by Heinrich Sauer

Diabetic Bone Disease: Basic and Translational Research and Clinical Applications

by Beata Lecka-Czernik John L. Fowlkes

Providing the most up-to-date research and current clinical knowledge of diabetic bone disease and the challenges still facing the research and clinical care communities, this book unites insights from endocrinology and orthopedics to create a truly unique text. The first part covers clinical and pre-clinical applications and research. The first two chapters present the clinical and epidemiological data about diabetic bone disease, evaluated and reviewed for type 1 and type 2, respectively. This is followed by discussions of how the propensity to fracture in diabetic bone disease can impact fracture risk assessments and how it can be adjusted for using current clinically relevant fracture risk models. A comprehensive overview of orthopedic complications observed in diabetes is next, as well as a focus on the consequences of diabetes on periodontal disease. Other topics include the utility of skeletal biomarkers in assessing diabetic bone disease, how drugs used to treat diabetes may also have skeletal consequences, and the possibility that diabetes may fundamentally impact early progenitor cells of various bone lineages and thus globally impact bone. The second part covers biomechanics and bone quality in diabetes: how diabetes ultimately may impact the architecture, integrity, and quality of bone. Utilizing the expertise of top researcher and clinicians in diabetic bone disease in one comprehensive text, this volume will be a useful and thought-provoking resource for endocrinologists and orthopedic surgeons alike.

Diabetic Cardiology (Practical Diabetes #15)

by Miles Fisher John J. McMurray

With cardiovascular disease becoming the most common cause of death in people with diabetes, interest in the assessment and treatment of heart disease in these patients has been reawakened. This book examines developing topics from a largely cardiological perspective, covering both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. The DIGAMI study on the use of intravenous insulin infusion at the time of myocardial infarction (MI) has stimulated a large number of discussion papers on the best treatment of MI in the diabetic patient. The UKPDS has shown that treatment of Type 2 diabetes does not reduce cardiovascular end-points significantly, but that aggressive treatment of blood pressure can do so. In addition, sub-group analysis from several large cardiovascular trials has shown that treatment with statins, anti-platelet therapy, ACE inhibitors and other drugs will also reduce cardiovascular events in people with diabetes.

Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms (Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease #9)

by Belma Turan Naranjan S. Dhalla

Diabetes has long been recognized as a disease of high blood sugar, and there has been a continuous search of the exact reason for its development and effective treatment. In 2005, the World Health Organization had estimated that more than 180 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes mellitus and indicated that this figure is likely to double within the next 20 years. Among the 3.8 million deaths each year associated with diabetes, about two thirds are attributable to cardiovascular complications, and diabetes is now considered to be a major metabolic risk factor for the occurrence of heart disease.Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms is a compilation of review articles devoted to the study on the topic with respect to biochemical and molecular mechanisms of hyperglycaemia. The wide range of areas covered here is of interest to basic research scientists, clinicians and graduate students, who are devoted to study the pathogenesis of diabetes-induced cardiovascular dysfunction. Furthermore, some chapters are directed towards increasing our understanding of novel ways for the prevention/treatment of cardiomyopathy.Twenty five articles in this book are organized in three sections. The first section discusses general aspects of the metabolic derangements in diabetic cardiomyopathy including metabolic alterations and substrate utilization as well as cardiac remodelling in the heart; role of diet in the development of metabolic syndrome in the heart; effect of hyperglycaemia in terms of biochemical and structural alterations in heart. In the second section, several cellular and molecular mechanisms are discussed indicating that diabetic cardiomyopathy is a multifactorial and complex problem. The third section discusses the prevention and treatment of diabetes using appropriate diet, proper supplements including antioxidants, angiotensin inhibitors and some other drugs. All in all, this book discusses the diverse mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy with some information on new therapeutic approaches for finding solutions to prevent or reverse the development of cardiac dysfunction.

Diabetic Emergencies: Diagnosis and Clinical Management

by Christina Kanaka-Gantenbein Stavros Liatis Konstantinos Makrilakis Nicholas Tentolouris

The book explores both the clinical presentation of serious diabetic emergencies (like ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, and severe hyper and hypoglycemia) that consultants and hospital staff encounter in practice and the best methods of both managing the emergencies and also administering follow-up guidance/care. All chapters are clearly structured to highlight: definition of emergency; epidemiology; potential causes, diagnosis, clinical management (including problem areas), follow-up management/care; and patient advice. There are case studies to aid clinical understanding, as well as 5-7 multiple choice questions and several key points/take-home message boxes in every chapter.

Diabetic Emergencies: Diagnosis and Clinical Management

by Nikolaos Katsilambros Christina Kanaka-Gantenbein Stavros Liatis Konstantinos Makrilakis Nicholas Tentolouris

The book explores both the clinical presentation of serious diabetic emergencies (like ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, and severe hyper and hypoglycemia) that consultants and hospital staff encounter in practice and the best methods of both managing the emergencies and also administering follow-up guidance/care. All chapters are clearly structured to highlight: definition of emergency; epidemiology; potential causes, diagnosis, clinical management (including problem areas), follow-up management/care; and patient advice. There are case studies to aid clinical understanding, as well as 5-7 multiple choice questions and several key points/take-home message boxes in every chapter.

Diabetic Eye Disease: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis and Management

by E.E. Kritzinger K.G. Taylor

The commonest cause of blindness in young and middle-aged people in the Western world is diabetes mellitus. Although the mechanism underlying diabetic retinopathy is still not understood, the technology to reduce its progress exists, provided treatment is given at the appropriate time. Doctors caring for patients with diabetes should be familiar with all aspects of diabetic retinopathy as well as the other ocular complications of diabetes. They also need a basic knowledge of the special techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye disease (fundus fluorescein angiography, retinal photocoagulation, vitrectomy) and to understand how these procedures affect the diabetic patient in terms of limitation of activities and time off work. To ensure the most efficient use of ophthalmic services a clear plan of referral to ophthalmologists is required. These are the concepts on which this guide is based, compiled by an ophthalmologist involved in the treatment of diabetic eye disease and a physician with a special interest in diabetes. In addition to doctors involved in the management of diabetic patients, this guide may be of value to ophthalmic opticians, medical students and nurses as a self-instruction manual. ' 7 1 Examination of the Eye Testing visual acuity Using the ophthalmoscope The normal fundus The abnormal fundus Recording the findings 9 TESTING VISUAL ACUITY Method Test one eye at a time. Test distant visual acuity. Correct the refractive error if the visual acuity is worse than 6/6.

The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini and Frank W. LoGerfo

In The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management, 3rd Edition, a distinguished panel of clinicians provides a thorough update of the significant improvements in knowledge surrounding the pathogenesis of diabetic foot problems, as well as the optimal healthcare treatment for this debilitating condition. The authors, many practicing at the famous Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center, again illuminate the successful new multidisciplinary approach now clearly required for the successful treatment of diabetic foot. Drawing on the experiences of diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists, orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, this invaluable third edition, so timely given the continued rise of diabetes and its complications, clearly describes established techniques known to be effective. This updated edition blends new knowledge with the time-tested principles of diabetic foot management and will be of significant value to all physicians and researchers with an interest in a state-of-the-art understanding of diabetic foot.

The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Aristidis Veves John M. Giurini Raul J. Guzman

In the fourth edition of this gold-standard title, a distinguished panel of experts provides a thorough update of the significant improvements in our understanding of diabetic foot physiology and its clinical management. Divided into three sections, the first part focuses on clinical features and diagnosis; the second on pathophysiology; and the third on the management of diabetic foot problems. In addition to updating all previous chapters, several new contributions have been added, reflecting advances in our understanding of the causes of diabetic foot ulcers and efforts to develop new and more effective therapies. The authors, many practicing at the famous Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center, again illuminate the successful new multidisciplinary approach now clearly required for successful treatment of the diabetic foot. Drawing on the experiences of diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists, orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management, 4th Edition expertly describes standard techniques and current methods derived from the most recent data. This updated edition will be of significant value to all physicians and researchers with interest in a state-of-the-art understanding of the diabetic foot.

The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management

by Aristidis Veves John M. Giurini Frank W. LoGerfo

In The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management, a distinguished panel of clinicians-many practicing at the famous Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center-illuminate the successful new multidisciplinary approach now clearly required for the successful treatment of this medical problem. Drawing on the experiences of diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists, orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, the book clearly describes established techniques known to be effective. Also highlighted are the many emerging treatments that will affect diabetic foot care in the years ahead, including a new understanding of wound-healing pathophysiology and the recent introduction of growth factors and living skin equivalents.

The Diabetic Foot (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Aristidis Veves John M. Giurini Frank W. LoGerfo

It has been more than 4 years since the first edition of The Diabetic Foot was published. Over this period of time, it has become absolutely clear that diabetes is becoming a pandemic that challenges the health care resources of all societies, from the developing ones to the most advanced. It is therefore not surprising that diabetic foot disease is still a major problem and, if anything, is growing in size rather than coming under control. One positive development is that our knowledge of the pathophysiology of foot pr- lems in diabetes has considerably expanded. Furthermore, it has been realized that impairment in wound healing is associated with pathways that are related to the dev- opment of cardiovascular disease, both in the micro- and macrocirculation. In The Diabetic Foot: Second Edition, we have tried to keep the spirit of the first edition, which is to give the interested reader a full view of diabetic foot disease and to emphasize the need for a multidisciplinary approach in its management. As with the first edition, we have relied on the long tradition of the Joslin-Beth Israel Deconess Foot Center, one of the oldest and most experienced diabetic foot centers. We have also tried to emphasize new developments in basic and clinical research that we hope will be translated to clinical practice in the future.

The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Aristidis Veves John M. Giurini Marc L. Schermerhorn

The fifth addition of this classic text that focuses on the diabetic foot continues the tradition of the previous four editions. More specifically, it includes contributions from a distinguished panel of clinicians and researchers, who have either participated in previous editions or are new, who provide up-to-date information on the pathophysiology and management of diabetic foot ulceration. As with the previous editions, it is divided into three sections: the first part focuses on clinical features and diagnosis; the second on pathophysiology; and the third on the management of diabetic foot problems. The main emphasis of the clinical part is on the multidisciplinary approach that has been mainly developed by the world-renowned Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center, which pioneered the management of diabetic lower extremity problems. Also like previous editions, the author panel includes diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists,orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, the majority of whom work at the Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center. In addition, the fifth edition not only describes the state-of-the-art current methods in clinical practice but also includes a thorough update of all research progress during the last five years. This updated edition of this timely text will be of significant value to all physicians and researchers with interest in a comprehensive understanding of the diabetic foot.

Diabetic Foot Care: Case Studies in Clinical Management (Practical Manual Of Ser.)

by Alethea V. Foster Michael E. Edmonds

Diabetic Foot Care: Case Studies in Clinical Management uses a 100% illustrated patient case study format to demonstrate the multidisciplinary care and clinical management of patients with feet and lower limb problems as a result of diabetes. Every case has colour illustrations highlighting both the initial presentation of the foot, right through to treatment and long term follow-up care. Of particular focus are the management problems, barriers to effective care, preventable mistakes, unnecessary delays in presentations, challenging situations, conflicts, dilemmas and solutions that podiatrists and diabetic specialists face. Sections in the book include: Neuropathic and neuroischaemic foot, neuropathic ulcers, ischaemic ulcers, infections, gangrene, traumatic injuries, Charcot's osteoarthropathy, dermatological problems associated with diabetes, painful neuropathy, diabetic foot emergencies, angiology and foot surgery/amputation. With key points and summaries at the beginning and end of each section, this book is clear and easy to navigate, making it an ideal tool for diabetes specialists, diabetes nurses and podiatrists.

Diabetic Foot Care: Case Studies in Clinical Management

by Alethea V. Foster Michael E. Edmonds

Diabetic Foot Care: Case Studies in Clinical Management uses a 100% illustrated patient case study format to demonstrate the multidisciplinary care and clinical management of patients with feet and lower limb problems as a result of diabetes. Every case has colour illustrations highlighting both the initial presentation of the foot, right through to treatment and long term follow-up care. Of particular focus are the management problems, barriers to effective care, preventable mistakes, unnecessary delays in presentations, challenging situations, conflicts, dilemmas and solutions that podiatrists and diabetic specialists face. Sections in the book include: Neuropathic and neuroischaemic foot, neuropathic ulcers, ischaemic ulcers, infections, gangrene, traumatic injuries, Charcot's osteoarthropathy, dermatological problems associated with diabetes, painful neuropathy, diabetic foot emergencies, angiology and foot surgery/amputation. With key points and summaries at the beginning and end of each section, this book is clear and easy to navigate, making it an ideal tool for diabetes specialists, diabetes nurses and podiatrists.

Diabetic Foot Reconstruction: A Practical Guide

by Joon Pio Hong Hyunsuk Suh

This excellently illustrated book offers clear guidance on diabetic foot reconstruction based on a multidisciplinary and practical approach. In the past, the ulceration and necrosis associated with diabetic foot very frequently necessitated amputation. Now, microsurgical reconstruction of the diabetic foot, a procedure in which the author is an acknowledged expert, offers a means of saving the foot while also greatly improving long-term survival rates. The book covers all aspects of diabetic foot reconstruction with the aim of equipping readers with the knowledge required in order to achieve optimal outcomes. Preoperative evaluation is explained and full instruction provided on debridement, infection control, and vascular intervention – the key steps in preparing for a successful reconstruction. All stages in reconstruction are then described and illustrated, covering selection of the recipient vessel and flap, flap elevation, and microanastomosis. Guidance is also provided on toe and transmetatarsal amputation and surgical offloading procedures. Finally, the essentials of postoperative care are presented.

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