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Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions to Cardiovascular Drugs

by Esen Özkaya Kurtuluş Didem Yazganoğlu

Adverse cutaneous drug reactions (ACDR) are among the most frequent events in patients receiving drug therapy. Cardiovascular (CV) drugs are an important group of drugs with potential risk of developing ACDR especially in elderly as marketing of more new drugs and their prescription continue to increase. However, like with most other drugs the exact incidence of cutaneous side effects from CV drugs is difficult to estimate due to sporadic reporting. Moreover, a reliable designation of a certain drug as the cause of a certain type of reaction can rarely be made. Apart from the well-known angioedema/urticaria from ACE inhibitors, lichen planus / lichenoid reaction from beta adrenergic blockers and photosensitivity from thiazid diuretics, ACDR from CV drugs might be seen in a wide spectrum extending to rare but life-threatening conditions such as erythroderma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis or drug hypersensitivity syndrome. In this comprehensive review, the reported types of ACDR to CV drugs will be discussed according to drug class and the type of dermatologic reaction with special emphasize on cross-reactions and the role of patch testing in diagnosis.

Adverse Drug Effects: A Nursing Concern

by Jennifer Kelly

This practical guide to pharmacology is unusual in its approach. Instead of examining the normal effects of drugs this book looks at the adverse effects. With the advent of nurse prescribing it is essential that nurses are familiar with the common adverse effects, how to recognise them and how to deal with them. The book is divided into three sections. The first examines the pharmacology of drugs i.e. what the body does to drugs (pharmocokinetics), what the drugs do to the body (pharmocodynamics), and how adverse reactions can result from these two processes. Section two looks at putting the scientific knowledge into action through an examination of nurse administration and prescribing, drug development and the issue of patient compliance and empowerment. Section three consists of twelve case studies which describe various scenarios in which there have been adverse drug effects. Throughout the book concepts are explained using examples so that the nurse can relate the concept of adverse effect to the drugs she is familiar with.

Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers, Second Edition

by Simon Clarke Lakshman Delgoda Karalliedde Ursula Gotel nee Collignon Janaka Karalliedde

Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers assists clinicians by providing key information on potential adverse effects that can result from prescribing two or more drugs for simultaneous use. Interactions that are likely to give rise to life-threatening conditions, and which must therefore be completely avoided, are clearly highlighted.

Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers, Second Edition

by Simon Clarke Lakshman Delgoda Karalliedde Ursula Gotel nee Collignon Janaka Karalliedde

Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers assists clinicians by providing key information on potential adverse effects that can result from prescribing two or more drugs for simultaneous use. Interactions that are likely to give rise to life-threatening conditions, and which must therefore be completely avoided, are clearly highlighted.

Adverse Drug Reactions (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology #196)

by Jack Uetrecht

This book provides the current state of knowledge of basic mechanisms of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The main focus is on idiosyncratic drug reactions because they are the most difficult to deal with. It starts with a general description of the major targets for ADRs followed by a description of what are presently believed to be mediators and biochemical pathways involved in idiosyncratic drug reactions. There is also a description of several examples of ADRs that serve to illustrate specific aspects of ADR mechanisms. Eventually the book shows that ultimately better methods are needed to predict which drug candidates are likely to cause ADRs and which patients are at increased risk. But at present research seems to be far from this goal.

Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 2 (Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs #2)

by I. H. Bowen D. Corrigan I. J. Cubbin P.A.G.M. de Smet R. Hänsel U. Sonnenborn J. Westendorf H. Winterhoff H. J. Woerdenbag

Although lots of books have been published about herbal therapy, a comprehensive overview of the adverse effects of botanical medicines is not available. Yet such an overview is badly needed, because of the enormous rise in the use of herbal remedies. The book series will provide approximately 150 monographs on herbal remedies and plant-derived drugs. Each monograph will provide introductory information on Botany, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Uses, followed by an Adverse Reaction Profile subdivided according to organ and function. The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (Copenhagen) has decided to support the book in the form of an acknowledgement that it has been preparedin cooperation with this Office.

Adverse Events with Biomedicines: Prevention Through Understanding

by Giuseppe Tridente

This monograph gathers and evaluates data on adverse events (AEs) associated specifically with those “biomedicines” – monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins, and cytokines – that have recently entered therapeutic use in humans. All AEs observed when using each member of this new drug class are covered, with a view to improving understanding of pathogenesis, facilitating prevention, monitoring, and control, and contributing to the development of better drugs that provide benefits while minimizing risk. Further aspects here examined include the role of drug mechanisms of action and immunogenicity in relation to AEs outcome and induction of systemic syndromes. Additional data on AEs in off-label treatments are also considered.Electronic data sheets, downloadable from Springer Extra Materials platform, include more detailed safety data as well as additional basic information on product characteristics, pre- and post-marketing AEs classified according to frequency, and system/organ targeting. Data on excipients and selected information on drug interactions and associations are also provided. Adverse Events with Biomedicines: Prevention Through Understanding will serve as a detailed, practical guideline to this important new area, which demands the attention of clinicians, immunologists, oncologists, allergologists, public health professionals, and drug companies.

Adverse Reactions to Food: The Report of a British Nutrition Foundation Task Force

by Judy Buttriss Bnf British Nutrition Foundation

Continuing the exciting series of BNF Task Force Reports, Adverse Reactions to Foods covers in depth food allergy, food intolerance, nutrition and the immune system and autoimmune disease. Chaired by Professor Dame Barbara Clayton, task force members have provided cutting edge information, which is a must-have reference for a whole range of professionals including dietitians, nutritionists, health visitors, family practitioners, nursing practitioners and many other health professionals.

Adversity, Stress, and Psychopathology

by Bruce P. Dohrenwend

"Adversity" involves exposure to unpropitious or calamitous circumstances. It occurs in extreme situations such as prolonged combat or natural disasters, both of which affect whole groups or communities of people simultaneously. It is found as well in more individually targeted events such as child abuse, bereavement, rape, physical illness, marital separation or divorce, unemployment, and homelessness. Exposure to adversity is not randomly distributed in society. It varies, for example, with gender, ethnic or racial background, and socioeconomic status. And some types of adversity can be precipitated by an individual's own actions. In this volume, the leading investigators review research on the nature of adversity and its relationship to major types of psychopathology including schizophrenia, depression, alcoholism and other substance-use disorders, antisocial personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and nonspecific distress. These relationships are examined in terms of theoretical concepts of life stress that describe the characteristics of the ongoing situation in which adverse events occur and the factors of personality and coping ability that also affect psychiatric outcomes. The authors sift through firm and infirm findings and critically evaluate existing theory and research strategies and provide and integrative theoretical framework. No other book offers as comprehensive and authoritative a discussion of the role of psychosocial stress in causing mental disorders.

Adversity the Spur: The History of Physiotherapy Education at Oswestry

by Marian Tidswell

One of the oldest schools of physiotherapy in the United Kingdom that now operates from a university base (at Keele University) is the one founded at Baschurch in Shropshire in 1909 by Dame Agnes Hunt. She was a charismatic person who defied family, social convention and significant physical disability to devote her life to the service of people with orthopaedic problems. As practitioners, qualifiers from Oswestry are recognised for their sound clinical skills; they have determination and persistence and the ability to cope calmly with challenging situations. They have a strong sense of justice, and are devoted to their profession and loyal to their training school. The long and sometimes arduous journey from Baschurch to Keele is charted in this text, which accounts the progress of the school from its origins in a small private specialist hospital to becoming part of a thriving university. The school reaches its centenary in October 2009 and the story of its progress from 1909 to 1996 is the period covered here

Advertising, Promotion, and New Media

by Marla R. Stafford Ronald J. Faber

Today, new media enter our lives faster than ever before. This volume provides a complete, state-of-the-art overview of the newest media technologies and how they can be used in marketing communications - essential information for any organization that wants to maintain an effective advertising program, as well as for experts and students in the fields of advertising and mass communications. Advertising, Promotion, and New Media offers crucial insights on the use of cutting-edge techniques including 3-D advertising, mobile advertising, advergames, interactivity, and netvertising images, as well as more familiar Internet advertising formats such as banner ads and pop-ups. It also discusses such important topics as how to select online affiliates, and how to assess the effectiveness of new media advertising and compare it with traditional formats. Throughout the book, the chapter authors offer up-to-date information and thought provoking ideas on emerging technology and how it can be used effectively for advertising and promotion in the future.

Advertising, Promotion, and New Media

by Marla R. Stafford Ronald J. Faber

Today, new media enter our lives faster than ever before. This volume provides a complete, state-of-the-art overview of the newest media technologies and how they can be used in marketing communications - essential information for any organization that wants to maintain an effective advertising program, as well as for experts and students in the fields of advertising and mass communications. Advertising, Promotion, and New Media offers crucial insights on the use of cutting-edge techniques including 3-D advertising, mobile advertising, advergames, interactivity, and netvertising images, as well as more familiar Internet advertising formats such as banner ads and pop-ups. It also discusses such important topics as how to select online affiliates, and how to assess the effectiveness of new media advertising and compare it with traditional formats. Throughout the book, the chapter authors offer up-to-date information and thought provoking ideas on emerging technology and how it can be used effectively for advertising and promotion in the future.

Advice for the Novice Investigator: Examples Taken from Movement Sciences

by Nick Stergiou

This book is intended to help young and novice scientists by providing them with advice on how to overcome adversities. This advice comes in the form of numerous examples from the author’s career but also from the careers of many other scientists. It follows the thinking process of Ramon Y Cajal and his famous book, "Advice for a Young Investigator." It covers a variety of topics and areas that are fundamental in becoming a successful scientist. It presents chapters on all essential areas of the scientific life that appeal to a wide range of audiences, from the senior undergraduate student to the university administrator to the chief scientist in the industry. Some figures in the eBook are in color. Features Contains practical advice and many hints on a variety of topics; from how to write a grant to how to effectively manage your time Displays many examples of success and failure from other scientists that can teach valuable lessons Provides many personal stories and anecdotes in a form of sincere confessions Includes PowerPoint Presentation slides for each chapter for any academicians that want to develop such a class in their institutions

Advice for the Novice Investigator: Examples Taken from Movement Sciences

by Nick Stergiou

This book is intended to help young and novice scientists by providing them with advice on how to overcome adversities. This advice comes in the form of numerous examples from the author’s career but also from the careers of many other scientists. It follows the thinking process of Ramon Y Cajal and his famous book, "Advice for a Young Investigator." It covers a variety of topics and areas that are fundamental in becoming a successful scientist. It presents chapters on all essential areas of the scientific life that appeal to a wide range of audiences, from the senior undergraduate student to the university administrator to the chief scientist in the industry. Some figures in the eBook are in color. Features Contains practical advice and many hints on a variety of topics; from how to write a grant to how to effectively manage your time Displays many examples of success and failure from other scientists that can teach valuable lessons Provides many personal stories and anecdotes in a form of sincere confessions Includes PowerPoint Presentation slides for each chapter for any academicians that want to develop such a class in their institutions

Advice to the Healer: On the Art of Caring

by Richard Colgan

This book introduces the origins of important teachings that form the basis of medicine and related healing professions. Reinforcing the humanistic side of patient care, this book replicates the tips, anecdotes and aphorisms often related by mentors and educators to medical students, residents, and young physicians. This book provides numerous examples of best practices in the art of medicine, profiles of great healers throughout history and around the world, and stories sure to inspire any practicing healer, whether they are new to the calling or a seasoned veteran.

Advice to the Young Physician: On the Art of Medicine

by Richard Colgan

Advice to the Young Physician introduces the origins of important teachings that form the basis of medicine as it has been taught by some of history's greatest educators in medicine. Advice to the Young Physician reveals how to make the transition from technician to healer.This book reinforces the humanistic side of patient care, which is often overshadowed by the focus on highly technological elements. Medical students, residents, fellows, physicians, and allied health practitioners often forget the intricacies of the genomic makeup of adenoviruses, yet they remember the tips, anecdotes and aphorisms related by mentors, educators, and experienced physicians. The art of medicine comes from insights gained from unique and dynamic experiences between the physician, an enthusiastic medical student and the human patient, and is rarely found in books or taught in a universal and systematic way.Advice to the Young Physician provides numerous examples of best practices in order to internalize and practice the art of medicine, including tenets taught by Hippocrates, Maimonides, Osler, Peabody, Schweitzer and others.Advice to the Young Physician targets aspiring and new physicians with the intent to make them better physicians. It hits the mark. An effective mix of the writings of some of medicine's giants, as well as clinical experiences of the author, the book offers an historical framework and personal context to understand the attributes and attitudes of the good physician. It is a quick read that rewards the reader with a sampling of 4000 years of medical wisdom sprinkled with practical advice for the modern day doctor.--Richard G. Roberts, MD, JD, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, President World Organization of Family Doctors, Past President American Academy of Family PhysiciansThis is a small book and easy to read. It comprises several inspiring sketches of ancient and modern physicians whose reputations were based as much on their dedication to the humanism of medicine as it was to the science of medicine. Those who teach medical students and residents will find it a good source of medical history that, besides being important in itself, will add a new dimension and a little lightness to morning rounds.The author makes it clear that in our era of high technology it is easy to underestimate the importance of uniting humanism with science in caring for the sick. He also provides some practical information on such topics as how to present a case to attending physicians and how to communicate well with patients. The ancient physicians that history remembers were not only astute observers of signs and symptoms but also were deeply concerned about the psychological health of their patients and how disturbances in their emotional health often manifestedin physical symptoms.Colgan starts with Hippocrates and Maimonides whose names many young physicians are familiar with. The former for the aphorism “first do no harm” and the latter for being one of the first to call medicine a “vocation” and a “calling.”The following “greats” are included in the book:Dr Albert Schweitzer whose “reverence for life” led him to his missionary medical work in Africa. He wrote Out of My Life and Thought and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952.Sir William Osler (1849–1919), known to some as the father of internal medicine, was a respected physician and teacher. He was the author of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, used for decades as the bible of medicine. But his fame rested equally on his dedication as a mentor to young physicians. He often gave graduation addresses to medical students reminding them to maintain a life-long interest in continuous learning and to treat the whole patient not just the disease.Francis Weld Peabody (1881–1927) a teacher at Harvard who had written a book The Care of the Patient in which he discussed how older practitioners often complained that younger doctors’ mindsets were so often over-concerned with testing that they sometimes forgot about how

Advocacy in Health Care: The Power of a Silent Constituency (Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society)

by Joan H. Marks

The roles of both the consumer and the health advocate professional have become increasingly significant in to­ day's climate of "rationed" health care. It seems clear that the timely exchange of ideas among seasoned health care advocates is necessary if we are to deal with the complex problems of a technologically advanced so­ ciety seeking to ration its heath care in a truly humane way. Toward such a timely exchange, the first Confer­ ence on Advocacy in Health Care was organized by the Health Advocacy Program of Sarah Lawrence College and recently held. Advocacy in Health Care: The Power of a Silent Constituency is the proceedings of the conference and will, we believe, greatly extend our efforts to share both the problems and solutions that effective patient advocacy entails. Never before has the issue of advocating for special population groups by combining the resources of consumers and professionals been the exclusive focus of one volume. This book discusses the power of such an alignment and describes specific organizational techniques that have been effective in bringing about changes in the delivery system. The final section of the book, "Questions, Com­ ments and Answers," presents a selection of topics of special interest that surfaced during the open disc- vii viii Preface sion at the last conference session. The comments were forthright in their criticism of public policy, and the vigor of the argument underscored the vitality of the co­ alition between professionals and consumers.

Advocacy in Neurology

by Wolfgang Grisold Walter Struhal Thomas Grisold

Advocacy is a broad term that covers activities aimed at increasing attention, awareness, information, nursing, treatment, and support to improve the outcome of patients. These actions can be focused directly towards patients or indirectly via third parties. Although advocacy is present in all medical specialties, neurology in particular finds itself in need of strong advocacy tools as the diagnosis, treatment, long-term care and associated resource, and social issues have become increasingly complex. While some physicians implicitly or explicitly act as advocates, there is a lack of holistic research in order to clarify the meaning of advocacy along with concrete methods and strategies. Advocacy in Neurology provides an integrated approach to the concept of advocacy in neurology. Structured in five sections, the book begins by explaining the term "advocacy" in general before elaborating on the areas of interest within neurology. The text goes on to offer concrete strategies and tools for clinicians to deploy advocacy in their daily work, and then discusses specific neurological diseases to point out and explain where advocacy is, or could be, beneficial. The book ends with an outlook, presentation of results, and an ending conclusion. Advocacy in Neurology offers a practical perspective on advocacy activities in neurology, aiming to show when and why they are important for neurology.

Advocacy in Neurology

Advocacy is a broad term that covers activities aimed at increasing attention, awareness, information, nursing, treatment, and support to improve the outcome of patients. These actions can be focused directly towards patients or indirectly via third parties. Although advocacy is present in all medical specialties, neurology in particular finds itself in need of strong advocacy tools as the diagnosis, treatment, long-term care and associated resource, and social issues have become increasingly complex. While some physicians implicitly or explicitly act as advocates, there is a lack of holistic research in order to clarify the meaning of advocacy along with concrete methods and strategies. Advocacy in Neurology provides an integrated approach to the concept of advocacy in neurology. Structured in five sections, the book begins by explaining the term "advocacy" in general before elaborating on the areas of interest within neurology. The text goes on to offer concrete strategies and tools for clinicians to deploy advocacy in their daily work, and then discusses specific neurological diseases to point out and explain where advocacy is, or could be, beneficial. The book ends with an outlook, presentation of results, and an ending conclusion. Advocacy in Neurology offers a practical perspective on advocacy activities in neurology, aiming to show when and why they are important for neurology.

AE-Manual der Endoprothetik: Schulter

by Markus Loew

Der Band ist Teil des „Manuals der Endoprothetik" und vermittelt in umfassender, verständlicher Form sowohl Basis- als auch Expertenwissen. Gut strukturiert und reich bebildert, enthält der Band alle wichtigen Informationen zur Entwicklung der Schulterendoprothetik. Die operativen Zugänge werden schrittweise dargestellt, einschließlich operativer Tipps und Tricks bei speziellen Indikationen wie rheumatische Gelenkzerstörung oder Nekrose. Darüber hinaus werden auch die unterschiedlichen Prothesenmodelle ausführlich behandelt.

AE-Manual der Endoprothetik: Hüfte und Hüftrevision

by Lutz Claes, Peter Kirschner, Carsten Perka and Maximilian Rudert

Erfahrene Autoren vermitteln in dem Band umfassendes Basis- und Expertenwissen zur Hüftendoprothetik. Neben der Entwicklung der Alloarthroplastik, Biomechanik, Design, Werkstoffen und Tribologie wird insbesondere die Operationstechnik bei primären und sekundären Coxarthrosen, hüftnahen Tumoren sowie bei der Revision gelockerter und infizierter Endoprothesen dargestellt und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen verständlich gemacht. Der Band ist Teil des Gesamtwerks „Manual der Endoprothetik“, herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endoprothetik.

AE-Manual der Endoprothetik: Sprunggelenk und Fuß

by Hans Wolfram Neumann

Der Band zur Endoprothetik des Sprunggelenks und des Fußes ist Teil des Gesamtwerks „Manual der Endoprothetik“. Die Endoprothetik an Sprunggelenk und Fuß hat sich wegen der besonderen Biomechanik und Anatomie langsam und nur an wenigen Kliniken entwickelt. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs stehen die Operationstechniken für die Prothesenimplantation und für die Alternativen der Osteotomie und Arthrodese. Der Band enthält eine Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Prothesenmodelle sowie viele praktische Hinweise zur postoperativen Therapie und Rehabilitation.

AE-Manual der Endoprothetik: Knie

by Dieter Christian Wirtz

Die Implantation einer Knieendoprothese gilt heute als Standardoperation, dennoch erfordert sie eine anspruchsvolle Operationstechnik. Der Band, autorisiert von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endoprothetik, bietet Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl des Prothesenmodells, präoperative Planung und Operationstechnik werden in Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen in Text und Bild dargestellt. Darüber hinaus dient das Manual als Leitfaden für die postoperative Behandlung und das Komplikationsmanagement. Aspekte der Revisionschirurgie finden besondere Beachtung.

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