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Effects of Joint Incongruity on Articular Pressure Distribution and Subchondral Bone Remodeling (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #152)

by F. Eckstein B. Merz C.R. Jacobs

The objective of the present work is to review the existing literature on joint incongruity, cellular mechano-transduction, and computer simulations of mechano-adaptive bone remodelling, and to quantitatively assess the effect of incongruity on load transmission and subchondral mineralisation. Idealised computer models of incongruous joints and a specific anatomically based model of the humero-ulnar joint articulation were analysed with the finite element method, and the results directly compared with experimental and morphological data.

Effects of Mineral Dusts on Cells (Nato ASI Subseries H: #30)

by Brooke T. Mossman Raymond O. Begin

The Fourth International Workshop on "In Vitro Effects of Mineral Dusts on Cells" was held on September 20 - 23, 1988 in Auberge Estrimont, Orford, Quebec, Canada. The emphasis of the N. A. T. O. Advanced Research Workshop was the use of cell and organ culture and lavage cell populations obtained from man and laboratory animals to elucidate cellular and molecular events occur­ ring after their interaction with fibrous and nonfibrous particulates, including metal compounds. In seven sessions, an international representation of scientists from 17 countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Union of South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Yugoslavia) presented recent research findings in the following areas: Epithelial cell injury and proliferation by minerals. Physico-chemical properties of minerals in relation to their biologic effects. Mechanisms of dust-induced pneumoconioses. Clinical and experimental studies. Mechanisms of cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Oxidants, cytotoxicity and disease. Mechanisms of mineral-induced inflammation. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis. A session on "Questions, risk and public policy" provided a lively discussion on the relevance of in vitro experiments to carcinogenicity studies in man and their implications in the formation of regulatory policies. VI The organizing committee for this workshop was: Co-Chairs: B. T. Mossman (USA) and R. Begin (Canada) E. G. Beck (FRG) A. Lange (Poland) A. Brody (USA) P. Nettesheim (USA) R. C. Brown (UK) Q. Rahman (India) J. Bignon (France) K. Robock (FRG) Fisher G.

The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #730)

by Arthur N. Popper and Anthony Hawkins

The Second International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life will take place in Ireland August 15-20, 2010. The main emphasis of the conference will be on defining the current state of knowledge. However, we will also assess progress in the three years since the First conference. The Second conference will place strong emphasis on recent research results, the sharing of ideas, discussion of experimental approaches, and analysis of regulatory issues.

The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II: 3rd International Conference (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #875)

by Arthur N. Popper Anthony Hawkins

The meeting of Aquatic Noise 2013 will introduce participants to the most recent research data, regulatory issues and thinking about effects of man-made noise and will foster critical cross-disciplinary discussion between the participants. Emphasis will be on the cross-fertilization of ideas and findings across species and noise sources. As with its predecessor, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: 3rd International Conference will encourage discussion of the impact of underwater sound, its regulation and mitigation of its effects. With over 100 contributions from leading researchers, a wide range of sources of underwater sound will be considered.

Effects of Opera Music from Brain to Body: A Matter of Wellbeing (Neurocultural Health and Wellbeing)

by Lorenzo Lorusso Michele Augusto Riva Vittorio Alessandro Sironi

This book explores the connection between melodrama and medicine from multiple perspectives. Neuroscientists study the relationship between opera and brain functioning in the light of new findings in the fields of neurophysiology, neuroimaging, cognitive science and neuro-musicology; clinicians investigate the therapeutic potential of music, especially in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of individuals with neurodegenerative diseases; medical historians analyse the representation of diseases and those who cure diseases within operas; occupational doctors report descriptions of diseases that affect workers in the opera world and particularly focus on psychiatric and psychological alterations. Opera, with its instrumental and vocal accompaniment, is considered the most complete form of theatrical performance. However, little is known about the mechanisms of brain activity under the influence of melodrama on singers, musicians, and listeners. The use of neuroimaging techniques has enabled a better understanding of the neuronal mechanisms and circuits involved during an opera performance. Over the past 20 years, melodrama has increasingly been used as a therapeutic approach in various neurological and neuropsychiatric pathologies, such as depression, cognitive impairment, and even coma. The book also discusses the ways in which melodrama affects professionals involved in music and interventions to reduce or alleviate occupational diseases, leading to improved health and higher life satisfaction. The ultimate goal is to improve therapeutic interventions in neurological diseases and professional disorders, relying on solid neuroscientific data. This book will be of great interest to neurologists, neurobiologists, psychiatrists, occupational doctors and therapists in music.

The Effects of Psychological Therapy: International Series in Experimental Psychology

by S.J. Rachman G.T. Wilson

The Effects of Psychological Therapy, Second Enlarged Edition focuses on trends, methodologies, and technologies used in determining the effects of psychological therapy on neurotic disorders, behavior therapy, and psychotherapy. The manuscript first discusses conventional outcome research, need for evaluations, and Eysenck's argument. The book also focuses on the spontaneous remission of neurotic disorders and effects of psychoanalytic treatment, including spontaneous remission rates in childhood, the American Psychoanalytic Association survey, Malan’s contribution, and the Menninger clinic report. The text ponders on the effects of psychotherapy, Rogerian psychotherapy, and psychotherapy with psychotic patients. The manuscript also takes a look at behavior therapy, as well as external and internal validity of studies on systematic desensitazion, controlled-treatment outcome studies, and outcome of behavior therapy. Meichenbaum's self-instructional training, cognitive restructuring methods, and Beck’s cognitive therapy are discussed. The manuscript is a dependable reference for readers interested in the effects of psychological therapy.

Effects of smoking- Pie Chart 1

by Sheffield Vi Service

This is a pie chart showing the effects of smoking on men aged 35 to 64.

The Effects of Social Health Insurance Reform on People’s Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure in China: The Mediating Role of the Institutional Arrangement

by Kai Liu

This study examines and explains the relationship between social health insurance (SHI) participation and out-of-pocket expenditures (OOP) as well as the mediating role the institutional arrangement of SHI plays in this relationship in China. Embracing a new institutionalist approach, it develops two analytical perspectives: determination, which identifies the mechanisms of social health insurance, and strategic interaction, which explores the interaction among social health insurance agencies, healthcare providers, patients, and institutions. It reveals the poor performance of social health insurance in decreasing out-of-pocket health expenditures caused by a trade-off between the reimbursement, behavior management, and purchasing mechanisms of social health insurance programs. Further, it finds that the inequitable allocation of healthcare resources and patients’ concerns regarding the benefits offset the strategies used by social health insurance agencies to manage care-seeking behavior. It also discovers that the complex interactions between insurance agencies, doctors, patients and a larger disenabling institutional surrounding restricts the purchasing efficiency of social health insurance. This book is characterized by its unique synthesis of the role of the institutional arrangement of social health insurance in China, the interaction between the stakeholders in health sectors, and of the relationship between healthcare institutions, actors, and policy outcomes. Providing a comprehensive overview, it enables scholars and graduate students to understand the ongoing process of social health insurance reform as well as the dynamics of health cost inflation in China. It also benefits policymakers by recommending a single-payer model based on an evidence-based investigation.

The Effects of Taurine on Excitable Tissues: Proceedings of the 21st Annual A. N. Richards Symposium of the Physiological Society of Philadelphia, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, April 23–24, 1979 (Monographs of the Physiological Society of Philadelphia #7)

by James J. Kocsis S. I. Baskin Stephen W. Schaffer

It has become an annual custom for the Physiological Society of Philadel­ phia to sponsor a spring symposium in honor of A. N. Richards (\876-1966), a research pharmacologist who developed the classical micropuncture tech­ nique for studying kidney function. The A. N. Richards Symposium for 1979 was held on April 23-24 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The theme of this symposium was "The Actions of Taurine on Excitable Tissues." Although taurine was discovered as a constituent of bile salts in 1857 by a chemist and an anatomist (Gmelin and Tiedemann), interest today centers chiefly on the extrahepatic actions of taurine, especially in brain, heart, and other excitable tissues. Research on taurine is clearly in a period of exponential growth. We can be sure that the research reports presented and described herein as the "Proceedings of the Symposium" will provide impetus for further growth. Thus the report describing macromolecular receptors for taurine in myocardial sarcolemma may provide a model for exploring the molecular mechanisms that underlie the action(s) of taurine. Stabilization of mem­ branes and modulation of ion fluxes are two fundamental actions of taurine dealt with in many of these reports. It is just these actions of taurine that have been reported by several investigators as being involved in human myotonia, diabetes, and heart failure.

Effects of Temperature on Ectothermic Organisms: Ecological Implications and Mechanisms of Compensation

by Wolfgang Wieser

The study of thermoregulation in endotherms has contributed much to the emergence of the concept of control theory in biology. By the same token, the study of tempera­ ture adjustment in ectotherms is likely to have a far-reaching influence on ideas on the regulation of metabolism in general. The reason for this is that ectotherms, in adapting to the vagaries of a thermally unstable environment, deploy a range of subtle molecular and organismic strategies. Thus the experimenter, using temperature changes as a tool, is well equipped to analyze some of these strategies. This approach has enabled some important mechanisms of temperature-induced adaptation to be elucidated; the most striking of these are the effects on metabolism of changes in the conformation of enzymes and the transfer properties of membranes. Furthermore, there is a vague but persistent feeling among those working in this field that changes in the nervous system will ultimately prove to be the agency by which many of the molecular mechanisms of temperature adaptation are controlled. Should this indeed be the case, a new phase would soon begin in our understanding of the interactions between the systemic and the cellular levels of organization. However, it is not only questions about the causes of temperature adaptation that can provide answers of potential importance to the general biologist; of equal significance are questions as to the meaning of temperature adaptation in a particular organism.

The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration

by Heinrich Dupuis Georg Zerlett

The observations made by Paracelsus concerning the dose-effect relationship of poison are generally just as applicable to health­ threatening vibration. With regard to kind, intensity, and duration of the vibration, the "dose" is decisive as to whether the conse­ quences are detrimental, unmeaningful, or tolerable with respect to health. This law of nature determines the tasks and goals of those whose aim is to safeguard health. Researchers worldwide have been occupying themselves with this many-faceted question for some time: how mechanical vibration affects the human organism and at what point damage occurs. If prevention in occupational medicine is to succeed, it is most important that the gaps in our present knowledge be closed, for if technical preventive measures are to be effective and preventive means in occupational medicine successful, they must be based on reliable and complete findings. Whenever many independent researchers have worked in a given field for a long period, a comprehensive intermediate as­ sessment is appropriate to evaluate the level achieved and the direction the research is going. In the area of hand-arm vibration, this evaluation has already been carried out, and the response aroused by this particular research report had led to a demand for a comparable evaluation of the research results on whole-body vibration. This report presents clearly and exhaustively the current status of international knowledge, as well as the questions that remain to be answered.

Effekte der pulmonalen Ballonangioplastie auf die Herzfunktion bei inoperabler chronisch thromboembolischer pulmonaler Hypertonie

by Alexander Hasse

Die chronisch thromboembolische pulmonale Hypertonie (CTEPH) ist eine relativ seltene, aber unterdiagnostizierte Erkrankung, die durch wiederholte Einschwemmungen von thrombotischem Material in die pulmonalarteriellen Gefäße charakterisiert ist. Unbehandelt hat die Erkrankung durch progredientes Rechtsherzversagen eine schlechte Prognose. Die CTEPH ist jedoch die einzige potenziell kurativ behandelbare Erkrankung aus dem Formenkreis der pulmonalen Hypertonie. Mittels pulmonaler Endarteriektomie können operable Patienten geheilt werden. Für das inoperable Drittel der Patienten bietet sich als radiologisch-interventionelles Verfahren die pulmonale Ballonangioplastie (BPA) an. Um den Therapieerfolg dieser Intervention zu messen und etwaige prognostische Aussagen treffen zu können, ist neben der klinischen Evaluation weiterhin der Rechtsherzkatheter als Goldstandard unumgänglich. Als invasives Verfahren birgt es jedoch die Gefahr ernsthafter Komplikationen. Als nicht invasives und somit sichereres und schneller durchführbares Verfahren eignet sich die kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie. Diese Studie überprüft mittels Volumetrie, Strainanalyse und kardialem Mapping nun zunächst, ob die BPA einen positiven Effekt auf die (Rechts-) Herzfunktion und pulmonale Hämodynamik hat. Ferner werden Korrelationen zwischen pulmonaler Hämodynamik und Strainparametern sowie T1- und T2-Zeiten überprüft und ermittelt, inwiefern sich die rechtsventrikuläre Strainanalyse zur Kontrolle der Therapieeffekte eignet.

Effektivität der Ergotherapie im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus: Mit einer Synopse zu Geschichte, Stand und aktueller Entwicklung der psychiatrischen Ergotherapie (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie #112)

by T. Reuster

Psychiatrische Ergotherapie wird in deutschsprachigen Kliniken extensiv eingesetzt. Ob sie einen effektiven Beitrag zur Therapie leistet, ist bisher nicht angemessen untersucht worden. Diese Arbeit leistet mit einem anspruchsvollen randomisierten Kontrollgruppen-Design zur Frage der therapeutischen Effektivität einen verallgemeinerbaren Beitrag. Dabei fokussiert sie auf die Kernstörungen Schizophrenie, Depression und Manie und deren Behandlung.

The Efferent System of Cranial Nerve Nuclei: A Comparative Neuromorphological Study (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #128)

by George Szekely Clara Matesz

A new approach using comparative neuromorphology is taken in this study dealing with the organization of the efferent nuclei of cranial nerves. The authors use the cobalt labelling technique to identify neuron types and follow their presence, or absence, in different animal species. They suggest a new classification which is free from a number of controversies inherent in the classical classification. The results suggest that evolutionary changes in the center and in the innervated periphary parallel each other with increasingly complex function.

Effetti, potenzialità e limiti della globalizzazione: Una visione multidisciplinare

by Gianluca Brunori Luca Ceccherini-Nelli Pierluigi Consorti Alessandro Franco Rossano Massai Paola Nieri Sandro Paci Marta Pappalardo Daniela Reali

Gli autori propongono una visione multidisciplinare che integra settori apparentemente lontani fra loro ma uniti dal tema della globalizzazione. Il volume raccoglie contributi di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Agraria, Ingegneria, Medicina, Farmacia, Biologia e Scienze della Terra. I diversi capitoli forniscono uno sguardo d'insieme sul tema della globalizzazione in maniera accessibile a tutti coloro che desiderano conoscere meglio la realtà dei nostri giorni senza rassegnarsi ad accettarne gli aspetti negativi.

Efficacy Analysis in Clinical Trials an Update: Efficacy Analysis in an Era of Machine Learning

by Ton J. Cleophas Aeilko H. Zwinderman

Machine learning and big data is hot. It is, however, virtually unused in clinical trials. This is so, because randomization is applied to even out multiple variables Modern medical computer files often involve hundreds of variables like genes and other laboratory values, and computationally intensive methods are required This is the first publication of clinical trials that have been systematically analyzed with machine learning. In addition, all of the machine learning analyses were tested against traditional analyses. Step by step statistics for self-assessments are included The authors conclude, that machine learning is often more informative, and provides better sensitivities of testing than traditional analytic methods do

Efficiency, Justice and Care: Philosophical Reflections on Scarcity in Health Care (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine #33)

by Yvonne Denier

This book attempts to answer the question how health care can be incorporated into a comprehensive theory of justice, while realising an acceptable balance between efficiency, justice and care. It seems to be that we can have any two but not all three. Essentially, the central question addressed by this book is the following: how best to square the proverbial welfare circle.

Efficient Data Handling for Massive Internet of Medical Things: Healthcare Data Analytics (Internet of Things)

by Chinmay Chakraborty Uttam Ghosh Vinayakumar Ravi Yogesh Shelke

This book focuses on recent advances and different research areas in multi-modal data fusion under healthcare informatics and seeks out theoretical, methodological, well-established and validated empirical work dealing with these different topics. This book brings together the latest industrial and academic progress, research, and development efforts within the rapidly maturing health informatics ecosystem. Contributions highlight emerging data fusion topics that support prospective healthcare applications. The book also presents various technologies and concerns regarding energy aware and secure sensors and how they can reduce energy consumption in health care applications. It also discusses the life cycle of sensor devices and protocols with the help of energy-aware design, production, and utilization, as well as the Internet of Things technologies such as tags, sensors, sensing networks, and Internet technologies. In a nutshell, this book gives a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art theories and techniques for massive data handling and access in medical data and smart health in IoT, and provides useful guidelines for the design of massive Internet of Medical Things.

Efficient Radiology: How to Optimize Radiology Operations

by Daniel Rosenthal Oleg Pianykh

Aiming at building efficient radiology operations, this book walks the reader through the entire radiology workflow, from the moment that the examination is requested to the reporting of findings. Using their practical experience, the authors draw attention to the many elements that can go wrong at each step, and explain how critical analysis and objective metrics can be used to fix broken processes. Readers will learn how to measure the efficiency of their workflows, where to find relevant data, and how to use it in the most productive ways. The book also addresses how data can be turned into insightful operational information to produce organizational change. All aspects of radiology operations are considered including ordering, scheduling, protocols, checking-in, image acquisition, image interpretation, communication, and billing. The closing section provides a deeper dive into the advanced tools and techniques that are used to analyze operations, including queuing theory, process mining and artificial intelligence.

Effiziente Rekonstruktion und alternative Spulentopologien für Magnetic-Particle-Imaging (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik – Latest Research in Medical Engineering)

by Tobias Knopp

Tobias Knopp erläutert die Rekonstruktion von MPI-Daten und entwickelt auf Grundlage eines Modells der MPI-Signalkette eine effiziente Methode zur Bestimmung der Systemmatrix. Für die Rekonstruktion der örtlichen Partikelverteilung nutzt er einen gewichteten, regularisierten Kleinste-Quadrate-Ansatz. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit stellt der Autor verschiedene neuartige Spulentopologien vor.

Efflux-Mediated Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria: Mechanisms, Regulation and Clinical Implications

by Xian-Zhi Li Christopher A. Elkins Helen I. Zgurskaya

This book, written by leading international experts, provides a comprehensive, current examination of transport-mediated antimicrobial resistance. As a particularly powerful mechanism of multidrug resistance, an in-depth examination of efflux pumps is conducted with bacteria of major public health concern including Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, staphylococci, and mycobacteria. The content spans structural biochemistry and transport mechanisms of the major transporter families and considers individual drug efflux systems across various Gram-positive and Gram-negative species. Genomic analysis of efflux pump distribution and their contribution to clinically-relevant resistance are a major focus of the text. Moreover, interplay between drug efflux pumps and other key resistance mechanisms such as intrinsic drug impermeability, inactivation, and target alterations are discussed, as well as their molecular expression-based regulation and physiological functions beyond resistance, involving biofilms, stress response, and pathogenicity. Finally, strategies are addressed to target this drug resistance mechanism with novel antimicrobials or drug inhibitor adjuvants.

Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care - E-Book (Pacific-basin Capital Markets Research Ser.)

by Robert M. Kacmarek James K. Stoller Al Heuer

Designed for optimal student learning for over 40 years, Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 11th Edition provides you with the strong background you need to succeed in the field of respiratory care. Nicknamed "the Bible for respiratory care," it helps you gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists, the scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. Comprehensive chapters correlate to the most up-to-date 2015 NBRC Detailed Content Outline for the TM-CE to successfully prepare you for clinical and credentialing exam success. Always in step with the ever-changing field of respiratory care, this easy-to-read new edition features five new chapters, as well as new information on online charting systems, patient databases, research databases, meaningful use, simulation, and an expanded discussion of the electronic medical record system.User-friendly full-color design calls attention to special features to enhance learning.Evolve learning resources include PowerPoint slides, Test Bank questions, an English-Spanish glossary, an image collection, a Body Spectrum Anatomy Coloring Book, and student lecture notes that enhance instructors’ teaching and students’ learning.Student Workbook reflects the text’s updated content and serves as a practical study guide offering numerous case studies, experiments, and hands-on activities.Therapist-Driven Protocols (TDPs) used by RTs in hospitals to assess a patient, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes, are incorporated throughout the text to develop your critical thinking skills and teach the value of following an established protocol.Expert authorship from the leading figures in respiratory care ensures that critical content is covered thoroughly and accurately.Excerpts of 40 published Clinical Practice Guidelines provide you with important information regarding patient care, indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, and assessment of outcome and monitoring.UNIQUE! Egan's trusted reputation as the preeminent fundamental respiratory care textbook for more than 40 years maintains its student focus and comprehensive coverage while keeping in step with the profession.Updated content reflects changes in the industry to ensure it is both current and clinically accurate and prepares you for a career as a respiratory therapist in today’s health care environment.UNIQUE! Mini Clinis give you an opportunity to apply text content to actual patient care through short, critical-thinking case scenarios. Mini Clinis can also be used as a point of focus in class discussion to strengthen students' critical thinking skills.UNIQUE! Rules of Thumb highlight rules, formulas, and key points that are important to clinical practice.Bulleted learning objectives aligned with summary checklists to highlight key content at the beginning and at the end of each chapter, paralleling the three areas tested on the 2015 NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination: recall, analysis, and application.

Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care - E-Book

by Robert M. Kacmarek James K. Stoller Al Heuer

A leader in respiratory care education for more than 40 years, Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10th Edition delivers a comprehensive introduction to the field of respiratory care and keeps you up-to-date on the latest advances and trends in professional practice today. With this new edition, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), scientific bases for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Egan's is the most recommended and trusted text for NBRC examination preparation. UNIQUE! Egan's trusted reputation as the preeminent fundamental respiratory care textbook delivers comprehensive coverage while keeping you up to date with this ever-changing profession. UNIQUE! Expert authorship from the leading figures in respiratory care ensures critical content is covered thoroughly and accurately. UNIQUE! Mini Clinis give you an opportunity to apply text content to actual patient care through short, critical-thinking vignettes. UNIQUE! Rules of Thumb highlight rules, formulas, and key points that are important to clinical practice. Excerpts of all 49 published Clinical Practice Guidelines provide you with important information regarding indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, and assessment of outcome and monitoring. Therapist Driven Protocols (TDPs) used by RTs in hospitals to assess patients, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes, are incorporated throughout the text to demonstrate the value of following an established protocol. Learning Objectives highlight key content at the beginning and at the end of each chapter in a bulleted section and parallel the three areas tested on the NBRC exam: recall, analysis, and application.Updated content aligned with the 2009 NBRC CRT Summary Content Outline ensures the text is both current and clinically accurate.Expanded use of the NBRC Exam Matrix Correlation Chart throughout all Evolve online resources makes test preparation easier.

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