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Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z: Vol.3 Hair Restoration Surgery, Alternative Treatments, and Hair Care

by Konstantinos Anastassakis

This third of three related volumes is structured in 3 sections and 46 chapters covering every aspect of Hair Restoration Surgery (HRS), alternative and future treatments for AGA/FPHL, as well as hair loss concealment and hair care. The reader will find dedicated chapters on every aspect of HRS: from the initial, "prehistoric" HRS techniques that have cosmetically stigmatized countless patients and defamed the field to in-depth coverage of all modern HRS techniques endorsing a "cosmetic revolution". Modern HRS techniques that offer results indistinguishable from natural hair in male and female patients are described in detail, with invaluable surgical pearls and strategies on how to treat complications, repair substandard results and even how to build a successful HRS practice. Chapters include more than a thousand original and unique full-color photos of unique cases, figures, tables, and invaluable surgical tips. The safety and applicability of Low Level Laser Therapy, Genetic Engineering/Gene Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, Hair Follicle Cloning, Platelet Rich Plasma, Scalp Microneedling and Exosomes on AGA/FPHL are thoroughly reviewed in dedicated chapters, validated by several updated and balanced literature citations. All types of cover-up products that can "camouflage" baldness are reviewed in detail through the author's vast experience in their clinical use. An elaborate chapter on hair prosthesis and wigs illustrates how patients with extensive AGA can have a natural appearance and unrestricted life. The psychological entrapment, social awkwardness, hidden costs, and downsides of the wig industry are assessed. Finally, details on hair hygiene and how they can drastically affect hair loss are offered in a separate chapter. Handy, thorough, and practical, Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z, Hair Restoration Surgery and Alternative Treatments Volume 3 will meet the needs of dermatologists, plastic surgeons, general practitioners, and all other physicians involved in this fast growing and fascinating field.

Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z: Vol.1 Basic Science, Diagnosis, Etiology, and Related Disorders

by Konstantinos Anastassakis

This reference volume conveys complete understanding and management of Androgenetic Alopecia and Female Pattern Hair Loss (AGA/FPHL). These are probably the most common adult (18-50 yrs.) health disorders besides dental caries, accounting for over 98% of hair loss cases in males and over 70% cases in females. The present volume, the first of three related volumes, is structured in 4 sections: 22 dedicated chapters, ranging from basic science (Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology), the etiology of adult, childhood & adolescent AGA/FPHL, diagnostic steps and evaluation, to related disorders and comorbidities. For the first time in the scientific literature, all pathogenic contributors of AGA/FPHL, including micro-inflammation, scalp vascularization, biochemical stress, aging, solar radiation, and the sebaceous gland, are examined in comprehensive, dedicated chapters. The effects of every hormone on AGA/FPHL, as well as the psychological impact of the condition, are explored in depth. An extensive chapter on childhood and adolescent AGA/FPHL, a more common than previously thought condition, is another unique feature. Finally, two extremely detailed sections are included on the pathogenic links of AGA/FPHL to life-threatening comorbidities: cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, insulin resistance, and prostatic disorders, with suggested guidelines on how to save lives of balding patients by adopting early screening strategies. In providing a fully updated, thorough guide to this popular topic, this richly illustrated volume (over 200 figures, tables, and algorithms) offers the latest, evidence-based information on every aspect of AGA/FPHL causing hair loss to countless patients. Each subject is addressed according to learning and clinical needs, and the presented information is supported by a wealth of peer-reviewed papers. Every aspect of this condition is considered, including biology, diagnosis, etiology, from drug treatment, the influence of nutrition, lifestyle and food supplements, to related disorders, surgical hair restoration, hair care, and future treatment options. This handbook will be an invaluable conveying best management standards to readers, whether experienced practitioners, clinicians, dermatologists, surgeons or researchers interested in hair restoration.

Androgens and Androgen Receptor: Mechanisms, Functions, and Clini Applications

by Chawnshang Chang

Androgen Receptors is the most comprehensive and up to date volume on the topic, including discussions of the basic mechanisms of androgen-androgen receptor actions, their roles in the androgen-related diseases, and their potential clinical applications.Key topics covered include: -The discovery and cloning of the androgen receptor; -Androgen receptor coregulators; -Androgen related genes and their consensus DNA response elements; -Basic mechanism of action including functional analyses, cellular localization and phosphorylation studies; -Cross-talk to other signal transduction systems; -The recent connections of androgens to women's diseases, such as osteoporosis and ovarian cancer.This book is of interest to students, basic scientists, and clinicians as both a study guide and reference of research in the androgen field. It could also be used as an advanced level text in endocrinology, urology, OBGYN, or oncology.

Androgens in Health and Disease (Contemporary Endocrinology)

by Carrie Bagatell William J. Bremner

Authoritative researchers and clinicians review our latest understanding of andrology in both basic science and clinical medicine. Topics range from explaining the biology of androgens-from several different perspectives-to illuminating their role in the development and modulation of physiologic systems. Authors demonstrate in a number of cases that testosterone can be a useful adjunct to the treatment of a variety of disease states. Other chapters consider important topics such as androgens use in athletes, the potential of androgens to improve physical function and quality of life in older men, and androgens as potential male contraceptives.

Andrologia clinica

by Wolf-Bernhard Schill Frank H. Comhaire Timothy B. Hargreave

L’andrologia è una disciplina ancora giovane, ma in grande espansione, che spazia su alcuni aspetti fondamentali della vita dell’uomo: dalla sessualità alla riproduzione, dalle patologie tumorali del sistema urogenitale alle patologie andrologiche dell’invecchiamento. Questo volume, tradotto dall’edizione originale inglese, consiste di due parti. La prima, direttamente legata alla pratica clinica, si incentra sulla diagnosi e sulla risoluzione dei problemi in campo andrologico, offrendo dunque al medico l’informazione più adeguata su argomenti come: • L’infertilità maschile • Disfunzioni dell’eiaculazione, dell’erezione e della libido • Tumori e infezioni dell’apparato genitale maschile • Le frontiere della contraccezione maschile • L’invecchiamento nell’uomo La seconda parte contiene invece informazioni scientifiche più dettagliate e approfondite che completano gli argomenti precedentemente trattati, e ne descrivono i meccanismi fisiopatologici e gli strumenti diagnostico-terapeutici più innovativi. Vengono inoltre presentati argomenti fondamentali, raramente affrontati nei testi andrologici, quali le anomalie dello sviluppo sessuale prenatale, le patologie mammarie nell’uomo, le terapie comportamentali, l’estetica chirurgica e la dermatologia. Quest’opera riesce a coniugare una trattazione sintetica, e allo stesso tempo completa, della disciplina, con una veste grafica accattivante, ricca di immagini, che favoriscono la praticità di consultazione e la semplicità di studio. Andrologia Clinica raccoglie i contributi di numerosi esperti internazionali del settore e sarà di grandissima utilità per andrologi, urologi, dermatologi, endocrinologi, ginecologi, medici di medicina generale, geriatri, psicologi, psichiatri pediatri e per tutti coloro che sono interessati ai problemi della sfera riproduttiva e sessuale maschile.

Andrological Evaluation of Male Infertility: A Laboratory Guide

by Ashok Agarwal Sajal Gupta Rakesh Sharma

This state-of-the-art laboratory manual includes 20 clinical protocols used daily for the investigation of the infertile male, presented with easy to understand, step-by-step methodology. The protocols are arranged from routine to advanced laboratory procedures common to clinical practice, including computer-assisted semen analysis, sperm preparation for IUI by density gradient and swim-up, sperm cryopreservation, and sperm DNA fragmentation test by TUNEL method, among others. The methodology in each protocol follows best practice guidelines made clearer by professionally hand-drawn illustrations covering most of the important steps and equipment. The authors, hailing from the world-renowned Andrology Center at Cleveland Clinic, have over 50 years of combined first-hand experience in managing very busy diagnostic and research facilities in male infertility and andrology. The book will be an indispensable resource for thousands of laboratory technologists, clinicians and reproductive professionals (andrologists, embryologist, etc.) engaged in the diagnosis and management of infertile men around the world.

Andrologie: Grundlagen und Klinik der reproduktiven Gesundheit des Mannes

by E. Nieschlag H. Behre

Moderne Andrologie im interdisziplinären Überblick - Klinische Praxis einschließlich andrologische Verordnungen - Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen einschließlich Molekularbiologie und -genetik - Klar strukturiert, mit exzellenten Abbildungen

Andrologie: Grundlagen und Klinik der reproduktiven Gesundheit des Mannes (Springer Reference Medizin)

by Eberhard Nieschlag Hermann M. Behre Sabine Kliesch Susan Nieschlag

Das Buch gibt einen vollständigen Überblick über die zentralen Themen der Andrologie: Infertilität, Hypogonadismus, Kontrazeption und erektile Dysfunktion. Es enthält detaillierte Informationen u. a. zur klinischen Praxis der Paarbehandlung, zu modernen Verfahren der assistierten Fertilisation, psychologischen Faktoren der Infertilität sowie dem männlichen Beitrag zur Kontrazeption. Zusätzlich werden die relevanten naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen abgedeckt. Die 3. Auflage wurde auf den neuesten Stand der Forschung gebracht.

Andrologie: Grundlagen und Klinik der reproduktiven Gesundheit des Mannes

by Eberhard Nieschlag Hermann M. Behre Susan Nieschlag

Das Buch gibt einen vollständigen Überblick über die zentralen Themen der Andrologie: Infertilität, Hypogonadismus, Kontrazeption und erektile Dysfunktion. Es enthält detaillierte Informationen u. a. zur klinischen Praxis der Paarbehandlung, zu modernen Verfahren der assistierten Fertilisation, psychologischen Faktoren der Infertilität sowie dem männlichen Beitrag zur Kontrazeption. Zusätzlich werden die relevanten naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen abgedeckt. Die 3. Auflage wurde auf den neuesten Stand der Forschung gebracht.

Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction

by Eberhard Nieschlag Hermann M. Behre Sabine Kliesch Susan Nieschlag

The successful book of andrology now in a new edition! This book gives a complete, interdisciplinary overview of the central topics of andrology, infertility, hypogonadism, contraception and erectile dysfunction. It contains detailed information on the clinical practice of couple treatment, andrology-relevant gynecology and modern methods of assisted fertilization, psychological factors of infertility, endocrinology and reproductive functions of the aging man as well as on an important sub-area of ​​andrology, the male contribution to contraception. In addition, the relevant scientific foundations (including molecular biology and genetics) are also covered. Completely revised and updated according to the latest scientific research, the new edition represents a reference for andrology, which no doctor who deals with the topic can miss. For andrologists, practitioners and residents, urologists, dermatologists and internists who deal with the area of ​​andrology and male reproductive medicine.

Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction

by Eberhard Nieschlag Hermann M. Behre Susan Nieschlag

The decade that has passed since publication of the second edition of this textbook has not only witnessed a tremendous increase in knowledge within the ? eld of and- logy, but also seen the ? eld itself achieve a newfound status within the medical p- fession. Knowledge and status have been of mutual bene? t to the ? eld and the growing critical mass of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities have caused andrology to be recognized as a medical subspecialty in some countries such as Germany, Poland, and Estonia. The European Academy of Andrology (EAA) served as a pacemaker for this development and continues to strive for establishment of andrology as a clinical ? eld. Well-designed curricula and qualifying examinations have contributed to the of? cial recognition of andrology as a speciality. This recognition of the ? eld helps patients with andrological problems to ? nd the specialist they seek. This textbook summarizes the current state of knowledge in the ? eld of andrology. It is a source of knowledge to all those who are or want to become andrologists. In addition, as andrology is clearly an interdisciplinary ? eld, this book may serve as a compendium and source of reference for all those physicians and biologists active in neighboring areas, who want to obtain an overview of andrology and who require information on special problems. The extensive references are timely and up to date.

Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction

by S.M.A. Nieschlag

Covering basic science as well as clinical andrology, this book includes chapters on biology of reproduction, testicular function, sperm maturation and fertilization, endocrinology of the male, environmental factors, psychology, senescence, contraception; as well as chapters on the diagnosis and therapy of andrological diseases including: infertility, hypogonadism, assisted reproduction: ICSI and TESE, therapy with testosterone, erectile dysfunction.

Andrology and Sexual Medicine (Management of Urology)

by Selcuk Sarikaya Giorgio Ivan Russo David Ralph

Andrology & Sexual Medicine is a comprehensive source for urologists, andrologists, sexologists and general practitioners. It contains general and up-to-date information about almost all topics within andrology and sexual medicine, and is a unique source that can be used for both exams and general daily practice. Easily accessible to clinicians and researchers and specialists, it tackles the controversial and complex topics of andrology and sexual medicine for urologists.

Andrology for the Clinician

by Wolf-Bernhard Schill Frank H. Comhaire Timothy B. Hargreave

Andrology for the Clinician consists of two parts: In Part One, the busy clinician can easily find the problem-orientated information he or she needs on such issues as male factor fertility problems, male contraception, and male genital tract infection and tumours. Part Two contains in-depth subject-orientated information and adds important scientific background information to the recommendations received in Part One. Several leading experts have contributed to this work, which has been extensively subedited by world-renowned editors to ensure a well-structured didactic design and homogeneous content. This outstanding book is of great value for all Urologists, Andrologists, Dermatologists, Endocrinologists, Gynaecologists, Reproductive Biologists, GPs, Gerontologists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Paediatricians and anyone else interested in the problems of male sex and constitution.

Andy & Me and the Hospital: Further Adventures on the Lean Journey

by Pascal Dennis

Based on the author's years of experience working with Toyota’s master teachers and with companies in the midst of great change, this book follows the story established in the Shingo Prize-winning book, Andy & Me: Crisis & Transformation on the Lean Journey.In a cool and readable style, Andy & Me and the Hospital: Further Adventures on the Lean Journey follows Tom Pappas's relationship with Andy Saito, a reclusive retired Toyota guru. Tom and Andy are pulled into a major New York City hospital in crisis. Can they translate and apply Toyota’s powerful methods and thinking to save the hospital from disaster?Using a compelling novel format, the book demonstrates how to apply Lean thinking in a healthcare setting. It illustrates the situations, characters, and plant politics you will most likely face as you progress through your Lean healthcare journey. As the story unfolds, you will discover the way of thinking and behavioral changes required to implement proven Toyota Production System (TPS) methods, tools, and thinking in healthcare. You will learn: What a Lean transformation in a hospital should look like The overall approach you need to take The leadership and behavioral changes required How to improve processes and better develop and engage people How to build and sustain a Lean management system How to translate and apply Deming’s "profound system of knowledge" This book provides clear and simple guidance on what it takes to successfully implement Toyota methods in healthcare settings. It shares helpful insights on how the different elements need to fit together to deliver measurable process improvement results. Just like its bestselling predecessors, this book includes study questions after each chapter to support learning and to facilitate discussion in workshops or classroom settings.

Andy & Me and the Hospital: Further Adventures on the Lean Journey

by Pascal Dennis

Based on the author's years of experience working with Toyota’s master teachers and with companies in the midst of great change, this book follows the story established in the Shingo Prize-winning book, Andy & Me: Crisis & Transformation on the Lean Journey.In a cool and readable style, Andy & Me and the Hospital: Further Adventures on the Lean Journey follows Tom Pappas's relationship with Andy Saito, a reclusive retired Toyota guru. Tom and Andy are pulled into a major New York City hospital in crisis. Can they translate and apply Toyota’s powerful methods and thinking to save the hospital from disaster?Using a compelling novel format, the book demonstrates how to apply Lean thinking in a healthcare setting. It illustrates the situations, characters, and plant politics you will most likely face as you progress through your Lean healthcare journey. As the story unfolds, you will discover the way of thinking and behavioral changes required to implement proven Toyota Production System (TPS) methods, tools, and thinking in healthcare. You will learn: What a Lean transformation in a hospital should look like The overall approach you need to take The leadership and behavioral changes required How to improve processes and better develop and engage people How to build and sustain a Lean management system How to translate and apply Deming’s "profound system of knowledge" This book provides clear and simple guidance on what it takes to successfully implement Toyota methods in healthcare settings. It shares helpful insights on how the different elements need to fit together to deliver measurable process improvement results. Just like its bestselling predecessors, this book includes study questions after each chapter to support learning and to facilitate discussion in workshops or classroom settings.

Anemia in the Elderly

by Lodovico Balducci William B. Ershler John M. Bennett

Anemia in the elderly has been properly defined as the silent epidemic, representing 3 million people in the United States aged 65 years and older. Incidence and prevalence of this condition increase with age. It differs in its etiology, pathogenesis and treatment from anemia in children and younger adults. Anemia is associated with reduced survival, increased risk of functional dependence and hospitalization, increased risk of congestive heart failure and stage renal disease and cognitive disorders. Approximately 70% of anemia in older individuals is reversible.

Anemia in the Young and Old: Diagnosis and Management

by Robert T. Means Jr.

This text provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of anemia in the young and old. The first section of the volume features age-specific diagnostic approaches to anemia, from the perinatal period to the elderly, with a particular emphasis on age-specific epidemiology, differential diagnosis, and testing. The second section focuses on specific anemia disorders, including inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, iron deficiency anemia, renal anemia, pure red cell anemia, and anemia of inflammation and chronic disease. Each chapter in this section revolves around a specific syndrome or group of syndromes, and addresses pathophysiology, diagnostic issues, natural history/prognosis, and treatment. Written by experts in the field, Anemia in the Young and Old: Diagnosis and Management is a valuable resource for clinicians and practitioners who treat the pediatric and elderly patient population afflicted with anemia.

Anemia of Chronic Disease

by Günter Weiss Victor R. Gordeuk Chaim Hershko

This book summarizes the most current research on the anemia of chronic disease and identifies effective diagnostic strategies for this common clinical condition-covering key topics related to the design and selection of therapeutic options including the treatment of the underlying disease, the biology of erythropoietin and the regulation of erythr

Anerkennungskonflikte in der Gerontologischen Pflege: Grundlagen für ein partnerschaftliches Verhältnis (Vallendarer Schriften der Pflegewissenschaft)

by Helen Güther

Die qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie untersucht Konflikte von beruflich Pflegenden gegenüber Angehörigen von langzeit-pflegebedürftigen älteren Menschen. Die Autorin arbeitet drei Typen von Anerkennungskonflikten heraus: der Theorie-Praxis-Konflikt, die Nähe-Distanz-Problematik, die Widersprüchlichkeit der Beziehungskonstellationen. Dabei wird erkennbar, dass einfache, lineare und scheinbar naheliegende Problemlösungen keine echte Problembewältigung bedeuten. Zur Überwindung der Konflikte bedarf es der Selbstsorge, der Solidarität und der wissenschaftlichen Diskussionsbereitschaft. Die Analyse veranschaulicht eine pflegewissenschaftlich geleitete Professionalisierung und antwortet auf aktuelle Bedarfslagen in der partnerschaftlichen Pflege mit Angehörigen.

Anestetici locali in analgesia ostetrica. Il modello MLAC: dalla teoria alla pratica clinica

by Michela Camorcia

Questa monografia contiene una dettagliata descrizione del metodo MLAC e delle sue applicazioni e un'ampia ed aggiornata revisione degli studi più significativi sull'argomento e delle loro implicazioni cliniche. Gli studi che usano il metodo dell'allocazione sequenziale up-down hanno portato un contributo significativo al chiarimento di numerosi interrogativi che l'anestesista si pone quotidianamente in sala parto e oggi giustamente affiancano gli studi tradizionali rappresentando, insieme ad essi, la fonte primaria di aggiornamento e di conoscenze che sono indispensabili per una buona pratica clinica basata non solo sull'esperienza ma anche sull'evidenza ed il razionale scientifico.

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review: A Comprehensive Review

by Brian A. Hall Robert C. Chantigian

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review is an invaluable study tool for certification and recertification as well as a superb way to ensure mastery of all the key knowledge in anesthesiology. Brian A. Hall and Robert C. Chantigian present nearly 1000 completely updated review questions—vetted by Mayo residents—that cover the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. They cover everything from the basic sciences to general anesthesia and subspecialty considerations, with an emphasis on the most important and clinically relevant principles. Access discussions of each question as well as page references to major anesthesia texts. You’ll have the ultimate review guide for the ABA written exam.Tests your knowledge of anesthesia through the most comprehensive coverage of basic science and clinical practice for an effective review. Features questions vetted by Mayo residents to ensure a consistent level of difficulty from trustworthy sources.Presents 997 thoroughly revised questions for the most current and comprehensive review of board material, covering the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. Complies with the new ABA format so you have an accurate representation of the new question style and can prepare effectively. Includes discussions after each question, along with references to major anesthesia texts so it’s easy to find more information on any subject.

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review

by Brian A. Hall Robert C. Chantigian

Lead editor of Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Dr. Douglas L. Mann, and nationally and internationally recognized heart failure expert Dr. G. Michael Felker, bring you the latest, definitive state-of-the art information on heart failure in this outstanding Braunwald’s companion volume. Heart Failure, 3rd Edition, keeps you current with recent developments in the field, improved patient management strategies, and new drug therapies and implantable devices that will make a difference in your patients’ lives and in your practice. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Test your knowledge of anesthesia through the most comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of basic science and clinical practice for an effective review. Rely on trustworthy sources and a consistent level of difficulty with questions vetted by Mayo residents. This edition includes 67 new authors, who are experts in the field of heart failure Stay on the cutting edge with new chapters on: The latest practice guidelines for medical and device therapy Hemodynamic assessment of heart failure Contemporary medical therapy for heart failure patients with reduced and preserved ejection fraction Biomarkers in heart failure Pulmonary hypertension Management of co-morbidities in heart failure Mechanical cardiac support devices Get up to speed with the latest clinical trials, as well as how they have influenced current practice guidelines Explore what’s changing in key areas such as basic mechanisms of heart failure, genetic screening, cell and gene therapies, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure prevention, co-morbid conditions, telemedicine/remote monitoring, and palliative care

Anesthesia: Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review E-Book

by Brian A. Hall Robert C. Chantigian

Offering complete, up-to-date coverage of everything from basic science through current clinical practice, Hall Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review, 6th Edition, provides 1,000 review questions that help you improve your mastery of anesthesiology. You'll reinforce your current knowledge, identify areas that require more study, and improve your long-term retention of the material – all while preparing for certification and re-certification examinations as well as clinical practice. - Provides 1,000 completely updated review questions (more than 100 are brand-new) with explanations in the answers. Every question has been reviewed by at least one additional author and vetted by Mayo residents to ensure a consistent level of difficulty. - Familiarizes you with the current ABA exam content and format, with challenging board review questions and answers covering the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. - Offers discussions after each question, along with corresponding page references to major anesthesia texts so it's easy to find more information on any subject.

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