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Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie

by Annelies Detmar-van der Meulen Arris Schuurkamp

Het leerboek 'Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie' is een helder geschreven boek dat op overzichtelijke wijze de meest gangbare, in de mond-, kaak en aangezichtschirurgie voorkomende operaties beschrijft. Het leerboek bestaat uit zeven hoofdstukken. Elk hoofdstuk begint met een inleiding waarin wordt ingegaan op de achtergronden van de in dat hoofdstuk beschreven operaties.

Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie (Operatieve zorg en technieken)

by Arris Schuurkamp Annelies Detmar-van der Meulen

​Het leerboek Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie is een helder geschreven boek dat op overzichtelijke wijze de meest gangbare, in de mond-, kaak-en aangezichtschirurgie voorkomende operaties beschrijft. Het leerboek bestaat uit zeven hoofdstukken. Elk hoofdstuk begint met een inleiding waarin wordt ingegaan op de achtergronden van de in dat hoofdstuk beschreven operaties. Hoofdstuk 1 behandelt de operaties aan of gerelateerd aan het gebit. Hoofdstuk 2 gaat over  fracturen en hoofdstuk 3 over kaakstandcorrecties. In hoofdstuk 4 komen de operaties aan het kaakgewricht aan bod en in hoofdstuk 5 de preprothetische chirurgie en implantologie. Hoofdstuk 6 beschrijft de meest voorkomende oncologische operaties in de kaakchirurgie. Tot slot wordt in hoofdstuk 7 een aantal operaties beschreven die niet onder een van de voornoemde onderwerpen vallen.Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie is bedoeld als leerboek voor operatieassistenten in opleiding en als leerboek en naslagwerk voor gediplomeerde operatieassistenten. De reeks ‘Operatieve Zorg en Technieken’ is bestemd voor de opleiding tot operatieassistent. Naast het basisboek bestaat de reeks uit een aantal vervolgdelen, waarin de verschillende specialismen van de chirurgie worden behandeld. Elk deel in de reeks heeft dezelfde indeling. Ieder hoofdstuk begint met een inleiding, gevolgd door een uitwerking van de pre-, per- en postoperatieve fase van de operatie. Bij alle operatiebeschrijvingen staat een vermelding van de operatie-indicatie en het doel van de operatie. De opstelling van het operatieteam wordt per operatiebeschrijving verduidelijkt door een afbeelding. Achter in het boek wordt altijd een selectie opgenomen van veelvoorkomend specifiek  instrumentarium. De reeks ‘Operatieve Zorg en Technieken’ benadert de beroepsuitoefening van de operatieassistent zo dicht mogelijk. De talrijke afbeeldingen onderbouwen deze benadering.

Monday Mornings: A Novel

by Sanjay Gupta

Every time surgeons operate, they're betting their skills are better than the brain tumor, the faulty heart valve, the fractured femur. Sometimes, they're wrong. At Chelsea General, surgeons answer for bad outcomes at the Morbidity and Mortality conference, known as M & M. This extraordinary peek behind the curtain into what is considered the most secretive meeting in all of medicine is the back drop for the entire book.Monday Mornings, by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, follows the lives of five surgeons at Chelsea General as they push the limits of their abilities and confront their personal and professional failings, often in front of their peers at M & M. It is on Monday mornings that reflection and introspection occurs, usually in private. It is Monday Mornings that provides a unique look at the real method in which surgeons learn - through their mistakes. It is Monday Mornings when, if you're lucky, you have a chance at redemption.

Mondbranden: Leidraad voor de mondzorg

by Isaäc van der Waal

Dit boek is bedoeld als leidraad voor tandheelkundige en medische gezondheidswerkers in de eerste- en tweede lijn bij de behandeling en begeleiding van patiënten, die lijden aan het relatief zeldzame, maar onaangename fenomeen van mondbranden. De tekst berust deels op literatuurgegevens, maar vooral op ruime praktijkervaring van de auteur. Hoewel de oorzaak van mondbranden onbekend is en de behandeling derhalve alleen symptomatisch van aard kan zijn, is het toch vaak mogelijk om een voor veel patiënten bijna ondraaglijke aandoening tot een aanvaardbaar niveau terug te brengen.

Mondchirurgie voor tandartsen

by P.J.W. Stoelinga J. J. Brouns M. A. Merkx

Tegenwoordig vervullen tandartsen steeds vaker aanvullend de rol van mondarts. Terwijl zij een deel van hun 'routineuze' werk aan mondverzorgers en mondhygiënisten delegeren, houden zij zich steeds vaker bezig met complexe gevallen en mondchirurgie. Deze ontwikkeling is reeds zichtbaar in het onderwijs, waarin mondziekten en kaakchirurgie een belangrijkere positie hebben ingenomen.Mondchirurgie voor tandartsen speelt in op deze ontwikkeling. Deze tweede druk dient als leidraad voor de tandarts-algemeen practicus die zich (meer) wil toeleggen op de mondchirurgie. Het boek gaat uitgebreid in op de anamnese van de patiënt en op ziekten en afwijkingen die van invloed op het behandelplan kunnen zijn. Verder geeft het boek met behulp van kleurenfoto's en stapsgewijze instructies een duidelijk overzicht van de chirurgische tandtechnieken die in de algemene tandartspraktijk kunnen worden uitgevoerd.Mondchirurgie voor tandartsen is bedoeld voor tandartsen met belangstelling voor mondchirurgie. Daarnaast is het ook een leerboek voor studenten tandheelkunde.

Mondslijmvliesafwijkingen: Handboek voor de praktijk

by Isaäc van der Waal

Dit boek geeft een helder overzicht van de diagnostiek en behandeling van veelvoorkomende mondslijmvliesafwijkingen. Het is bedoeld voor gebruik in de dagelijkse praktijk, maar is ook zeer geschikt als naslagwerk. Het richt zich  op een breed scala aan gezondheidsprofessionals, zoals mondhygiënisten, tandartsen, mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgen, dermatologen en  keel-, neus- en oorartsen. Mondslijmvliesafwijkingen, handboek voor de praktijk is ingedeeld op basis van de klinische presentatie van de afwijkingen. Zo zijn  er verschillende hoofdstukken voor overwegend witte, wit-rode en rode afwijkingen. En zijn er hoofdstukken die gewijd zijn aan afwijkingen die zich voordoen op het tandvlees, de tong of de lippen. Het inleidende hoofdstuk gaat in op de vraag wanneer en hoe te verwijzen naar een meer deskundige specialist, en hoe de patiënt daarin betrokken kan worden. Isaäc van der Waal werd in 1979 hoogleraar in de Orale Pathologie aan de Vrije Universiteit. Van 1989 tot 2011 was hij hoofd van de afdeling Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie van het VUmc/ACTA.  Hij droeg bij aan ruim 400 wetenschappelijke publicaties en schreef verschillende leerboeken en atlassen op het gebied van mond- en kaakaandoeningen.  

Mondziekten, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie: Een Leidraad Voor De Medische Praktijk

by J. A. Baart I. Waal

Het werkterrein van de kaakchirurg bevindt zich op het raakvlak van de tandheelkunde en de geneeskunde. Hierdoor is er sprake van een nauwe samenwerking met uiteenlopende specialisten, zoals de tandarts, de huisarts, de orthodontist, de keel- neus- en oorarts, de huidarts en de plastisch chirurg. In het onderwijs aan studenten tandheelkunde wordt altijd ruim besteed aan afwijkingen en aandoeningen op het gebied van mondziekten en kaakchirurgie. Het is voor de tandarts-algemeen practicus belangrijk zijn kennis op dit gebied bij te houden. In Mondziekten, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie beschrijven de deskundige auteurs uitgebreid de meest voorkomende problemen waarmee de tandarts kan worden geconfronteerd. Er wordt ruim aandacht besteed aan anamnese, speciaal onderzoek en diagnostiek. Daarnaast worden chirurgische behandelingen van uiteenlopende verworven en aangeboren afwijkingen behandeld. Denk hierbij aan afwijkingen die verband houden met trauma's van het gebit en aangezichtsskelet, aandoeningen van het kaakbot, het kaakgewricht en sinus maxillaris, de hals, de speekselklieren en het mondslijmvlies, groei- en ontwikkelingsstoornissen van het gelaat, tumoren in het gelaat, dermatologie, implantologie en slaapgerelateerde stoornissen. Deels kunnen deze aandoeningen in de algemene praktijk worden behandeld en deels betreft het behandelingen van meer specialistische aard. Voor de algemeen practicus is het relevant van de laatste specialistische behandelmethoden op de hoogte te zijn in verband met voorlichting aan de patiënt en noodzakelijke tandheelkundige vervolgbehandelingen.

Mondzorg en beroepshouding: Adviezen aan mondhygiënisten en tandartsen

by Joost Dupont

Wat verwachten mondhygiënisten en tandartsen van elkaar? Kunnen mondhygiënisten en tandartsen gelijkwaardige gesprekpartners zijn en willen ze dat wel zijn? Hoe blijf je met passie werken? Hoe voorkom je het betuttelen van patiënten? Wat is volgens patiënten 'een professionele uitstraling'?Deze en veel meer vragen worden in dit boek beantwoord aan de hand van interviews met mondhygiënisten, tandartsen en patiënten. De honderden adviezen die zij geven, vragen om een kritische reactie. De beslissing over ‘wie er gelijk heeft’ zullen (aankomende) mondhygiënisten en tandartsen als reflectieve beroepsbeoefenaars zelf maken.Dit boek helpt studenten mondzorgkunde en tandheelkunde een goede beroepshouding te ontwikkelen en zich kritisch op te stellen richting collega’s en wat het werkveld adviseert. Het roept op tot discussie, reflectie en intervisie.Dit boek is tevens interessant voor ervaren mondhygiënisten en tandartsen. De adviezen uit het werkveld kunnen hen sterken in de eigen beroepshouding naar patiënten en collega’s en nieuwe visies brengen.Joost Dupont studeerde ethiek en promoveerde op de narratieve identiteitstheorie van Paul Ricoeur (Identiteit is kwaliteit, Uitgeverij Damon, 2010). Vanuit deze theorie probeert hij een kenniscirculatie tussen 'opleiding', student en werkveld tot stand te brengen door het werkveld uitgebreid het woord te geven over de beroepshouding van een professional. Hij doceert ethiek aan de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen.Dit boek helpt een eigen beroepshouding te ontwikkelen.

Mondzorg in sociaal perspectief

by J. den Dekker

Dit boek beschrijft de structuur en het functioneren van de mondzorg, bezien vanuit verschillende invalshoeken. Aan de orde komen onder meer de ontwikkeling van de zorgverlening en van de mondzorg in de sociale zorgverzekering, belangrijke wetgeving, toezicht, kwaliteitsborging en de resultaten van de zorg. Veel aandacht wordt geschonken aan de werking van het systeem van mondzorg in de praktijk, aan problemen die daarbij aan het licht komen en aan discussie over mogelijke verbetering in de toekomst.Dr. J. den Dekker, tandarts, is als tandheelkundig adviseur verbonden aan het College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) en als universitair docent sociale tandheelkunde aan het Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (ACTA).Het boek is bestemd voor studenten tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde, tandartsen en mondhygiënisten en anderen die belang stellen in (de ontwikkeling van) de mondzorg.

Money and Medicine: The Evolution of National Health Expenditures

by Thomas E. Getzen

A unique historical review that traces health spending from ancient times to the present and forecasts 21st century trends. There are many histories of medicine, yet none that assess the dynamics of expenditures over decades and centuries. Economists have not yet addressed the magnitude of the transformation that occurred during the twentieth century as payments shifted from solo physician practices to health systems, nor the legacy effects of social practices accumulated over millennia that will shape health spending in the twenty-first. In Money and Medicine, Thomas E. Getzen provides a unified narrative of medical spending from ancient Egypt and Babylonia to the present day. Drawing on a wealth of historical reports, data, and documents, Getzen concentrates on a single ratio-the share of income devoted to medical care-to frame the evolutionary path of medicine, revealing an S-shaped growth curve that rose rapidly after 1900 as science made therapies more effective and more expensive, inflected as national health systems coalesced and rates of expansion peaked in the 1960s, then decelerated after 1975. International trends in forty-three countries are graphically illustrated with analysis supporting a parsimonious financial model. Significant lags are seen between medical innovation or macroeconomic shocks and the corresponding changes in national health expenditures. Getzen explains inertial responses to the 2008 financial crisis and Covid-19 recession, provides a method for projecting trends over the next fifty years, and suggests why spending is so much higher in the United States than other countries. As rising costs and unequal distribution of medical care have created a sense of crisis in many countries, Money and Medicine shows that we must look beyond the last few years to craft sensible solutions.

Money and Medicine: The Evolution of National Health Expenditures

by Thomas E. Getzen

A unique historical review that traces health spending from ancient times to the present and forecasts 21st century trends. There are many histories of medicine, yet none that assess the dynamics of expenditures over decades and centuries. Economists have not yet addressed the magnitude of the transformation that occurred during the twentieth century as payments shifted from solo physician practices to health systems, nor the legacy effects of social practices accumulated over millennia that will shape health spending in the twenty-first. In Money and Medicine, Thomas E. Getzen provides a unified narrative of medical spending from ancient Egypt and Babylonia to the present day. Drawing on a wealth of historical reports, data, and documents, Getzen concentrates on a single ratio-the share of income devoted to medical care-to frame the evolutionary path of medicine, revealing an S-shaped growth curve that rose rapidly after 1900 as science made therapies more effective and more expensive, inflected as national health systems coalesced and rates of expansion peaked in the 1960s, then decelerated after 1975. International trends in forty-three countries are graphically illustrated with analysis supporting a parsimonious financial model. Significant lags are seen between medical innovation or macroeconomic shocks and the corresponding changes in national health expenditures. Getzen explains inertial responses to the 2008 financial crisis and Covid-19 recession, provides a method for projecting trends over the next fifty years, and suggests why spending is so much higher in the United States than other countries. As rising costs and unequal distribution of medical care have created a sense of crisis in many countries, Money and Medicine shows that we must look beyond the last few years to craft sensible solutions.

Money and Mind

by Sheila Klebanow Eugene L. Lowenkopf

Money, like sex, has been essential to the rise and development of civilization. The first known writings were records of simple business transactions and later on money came to be used as a common denominator for all goods. Current dealings with money have become infinitely more complicated than at the beginning of recorded history but its basic meaning is the same, a medium underlying all goods and services, in which comparative values are measured and by which they are acquired. Certainly, money is a vital and essential part of our everyday life. It is hard, if not impossible, to conceive of any of us going through a single day's series of experiences without using it or one of its symbolic equivalents: checks, credit cards, letters of credit, IOU's, scrip, food stamps or what have you. Both of us have had a longstanding interest in money, in what it could and could not buy, in investing, spending and allocating. Our personal interest in money antedated our professional training and our career pathways for we were people first before we became people who were therapists.

Money Matters in Medicine: Managing Personal Finances as a Physician

by Jordan D. Frey

This book addresses both the philosophical and more tangible actionable components of attaining financial well-being as a medical professional. In an engaging, narrative-driven format, it relays the importance of managing one’s finances—even with the high salary of a doctor. Money Matters in Medicine is an accessible, invaluable resource for early-career physicians who wish to incorporate intelligent money management skills in their development as medical professionals. Chapters include information on becoming financially literate, how to approach insurance, creating a savings rate, and the top mistakes most doctors make with their money. Though there are many financial self-help books in the market, this book stands out, as it rests on philosophies and core standards held by those in the medical community. It presents the strategies to promote financial well-being and ultimately help doctors become more effective physicians with financial freedom. The book includes easy-to-understand guidelines and intuitive steps for readers to take massive action in their lives to improve their financial well-being.

The Money Trap: Grand Fortunes and Lost Illusions Inside the Tech Bubble

by Alok Sama

‘A riveting page-turner about the world of technology and dealmaking’ – Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Extremely Loud & Incredibly CloseA gripping, wildly entertaining memoir that takes you behind the scenes of global business and shines a rare light on the people that are reshaping our world.Veteran Morgan Stanley banker Alok Sama thought he’d seen it all. Then he found himself chief dealmaker at the most influential technology investor in the world: SoftBank, backer of Arm Holdings, Yahoo, Nvidia, TikTok, Uber, T-Mobile, Alibaba and WeWork.The Money Trap is Sama’s thrilling, stranger-than-fiction story, detailing his experiences alongside SoftBank’s iconic founder Masayoshi Son – a visionary maverick who wants to be remembered as ‘the crazy guy who bet on the future’ and whose mission is ‘happiness for everyone’. Sama takes the reader on a wild ride as he consorts with billionaire CEOs and heads of state, negotiates mega-deals across the world and contends with a mysterious dark-arts smear campaign that takes a toll on his private life.This fascinating and humorous saga provides a unique insider perspective on an industry that is disrupting our daily lives. Written with self-deprecating wit, unflinching honesty and searing introspection, The Money Trap is ultimately a morality tale: in life, as in technology investing, more money isn’t always the answer.‘Sama’s witty, incisive and introspective writing is a genuine pleasure to read. This simultaneously funny and eye-opening memoir from a globe-trotting protagonist is a rare window onto a world most only hear about’ – Bradley Hope, bestselling co-author of Billion Dollar Whale

MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market

by Harry Glorikian Malorye Allison Branca

How can a smartwatch help patients with diabetes manage their disease? Why can’t patients find out prices for surgeries and other procedures before they happen? How can researchers speed up the decade-long process of drug development? How will "Precision Medicine" impact patient care outside of cancer? What can doctors, hospitals, and health systems do to ensure they are maximizing high-value care? How can healthcare entrepreneurs find success in this data-driven market? A revolution is transforming the $10 trillion healthcare landscape, promising greater transparency, improved efficiency, and new ways of delivering care. This new landscape presents tremendous opportunity for those who are ready to embrace the data-driven reality. Having the right data and knowing how to use it will be the key to success in the healthcare market in the future. We are already starting to see the impacts in drug development, precision medicine, and how patients with rare diseases are diagnosed and treated. Startups are launched every week to fill an unmet need and address the current problems in the healthcare system. Digital devices and artificial intelligence are helping doctors do their jobs faster and with more accuracy. MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market, which includes interviews with dozens of healthcare leaders, describes the business challenges and opportunities arising for those working in one of the most vibrant sectors of the world’s economy. Doctors, hospital administrators, health information technology directors, and entrepreneurs need to adapt to the changes effecting healthcare today in order to succeed in the new, cost-conscious and value-based environment of the future. The authors map out many of the changes taking place, describe how they are impacting everyone from patients to researchers to insurers, and outline some predictions for the healthcare industry in the years to come.

MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market

by Harry Glorikian Malorye Allison Branca

How can a smartwatch help patients with diabetes manage their disease? Why can’t patients find out prices for surgeries and other procedures before they happen? How can researchers speed up the decade-long process of drug development? How will "Precision Medicine" impact patient care outside of cancer? What can doctors, hospitals, and health systems do to ensure they are maximizing high-value care? How can healthcare entrepreneurs find success in this data-driven market? A revolution is transforming the $10 trillion healthcare landscape, promising greater transparency, improved efficiency, and new ways of delivering care. This new landscape presents tremendous opportunity for those who are ready to embrace the data-driven reality. Having the right data and knowing how to use it will be the key to success in the healthcare market in the future. We are already starting to see the impacts in drug development, precision medicine, and how patients with rare diseases are diagnosed and treated. Startups are launched every week to fill an unmet need and address the current problems in the healthcare system. Digital devices and artificial intelligence are helping doctors do their jobs faster and with more accuracy. MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market, which includes interviews with dozens of healthcare leaders, describes the business challenges and opportunities arising for those working in one of the most vibrant sectors of the world’s economy. Doctors, hospital administrators, health information technology directors, and entrepreneurs need to adapt to the changes effecting healthcare today in order to succeed in the new, cost-conscious and value-based environment of the future. The authors map out many of the changes taking place, describe how they are impacting everyone from patients to researchers to insurers, and outline some predictions for the healthcare industry in the years to come.


by Uuganaa Ramsay

"Exteremely interesting…emotionally engaging" (Stuart Kelly). Uuganaa is a Mongol living in Britain, far from the world she grew up in: as a nomadic herder she lived in a rt, eating marmot meat, distilling vodka from goat's yoghurt and learning about Comrade Lenin. When her new-born son Billy is diagnosed with Down's Syndrome, she finds herself facing bigotry and taboo as well as heartbreak. In this powerful memoir, Uuganaa skilfully interweaves the extraordinary story of her own childhood in Mongolia with the sadly short life of Billy, who becomes a symbol of union and disunion, cultures and complexity, stigma and superstition - and inspires Uuganaa to challenge prejudice. Mongol is the touching story of one woman's transformation from outsider to fearless champion of love, respect and tolerance. It's a moving tribute by a remarkable woman to her beloved baby son, testifying to his lasting impact on a sometimes imperfect world.

The Mongolian Gerbil Brain: Mitochondrial Function, Vasculature, and Pathophysiological States

by Avraham Mayevsky

The Mongolian gerbil brain lies in the anatomy of the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. In all mammals, there is a special mechanism that compensates for the decreased blood flow to the brain in the case of development of stroke. This mechanism is missing in the gerbil and therefore makes the Mongolian gerbil a unique model for stroke. Dr. Mayevsky adopted the gerbil as a model for stroke and his laboratory uniquely studied the mitochondria in the gerbil brain under various pathophysiological conditions.This book describes the history of the Mongolian gerbil in research, the brain energy metabolism and mitochondrial function and brain real-time monitoring systems used in gerbils, as well as the brain vasculature of the Mongolian gerbil. Further, the book includes chapters on brain multisite recording under brain perturbations, multiparametric responses to brain activation, and the effect of neuroprotectants on the gerbil brain. This is an ideal book for research teams researching stroke and epilepsy.

Monitoring and Evaluation in Health and Social Development: Interpretive and Ethnographic Perspectives

by Stephen Bell Peter Aggleton

New approaches are needed to monitor and evaluate health and social development. Existing strategies tend to require expensive, time-consuming analytical procedures. The growing emphasis on results-based programming has resulted in evaluation being conducted in order to demonstrate accountability and success, rather than how change takes place, what works and why. The tendency to monitor and evaluate using log frames and their variants closes policy makers’ and practitioners’ eyes to the sometimes unanticipated means by which change takes place.Two recent developments hold the potential to transcend these difficulties and to lead to important changes in the way in which the effects of health and social development programming are understood. First, there is growing interest in ways of monitoring programmes and assessing impact that are more grounded in the realities of practice than many of the ‘results-based’ methods currently utilised. Second, there are calls for the greater use of interpretive and ethnographic methods in programme design, monitoring and evaluation.Responding to these concerns, this book illustrates the potential of interpretative methods to aid understanding and make a difference in real people’s lives. Through a focus on individual and community perspectives, and locally-grounded explanations, the methods explored in this book offer a potentially richer way of assessing the relationships between intent, action and change in health and social development in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Monitoring and Evaluation in Health and Social Development: Interpretive and Ethnographic Perspectives

by Stephen Bell Peter Aggleton

New approaches are needed to monitor and evaluate health and social development. Existing strategies tend to require expensive, time-consuming analytical procedures. The growing emphasis on results-based programming has resulted in evaluation being conducted in order to demonstrate accountability and success, rather than how change takes place, what works and why. The tendency to monitor and evaluate using log frames and their variants closes policy makers’ and practitioners’ eyes to the sometimes unanticipated means by which change takes place.Two recent developments hold the potential to transcend these difficulties and to lead to important changes in the way in which the effects of health and social development programming are understood. First, there is growing interest in ways of monitoring programmes and assessing impact that are more grounded in the realities of practice than many of the ‘results-based’ methods currently utilised. Second, there are calls for the greater use of interpretive and ethnographic methods in programme design, monitoring and evaluation.Responding to these concerns, this book illustrates the potential of interpretative methods to aid understanding and make a difference in real people’s lives. Through a focus on individual and community perspectives, and locally-grounded explanations, the methods explored in this book offer a potentially richer way of assessing the relationships between intent, action and change in health and social development in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20

by Rebecca Kirby Andrew Linklater

Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20 offers guidance for assessing the patient, interpreting diagnostic test results, and selecting appropriate monitoring procedures. Based on Rebecca Kirby’s time-tested Rule of 20, with a chapter devoted to each item on the checklist Provides comprehensive guidance for monitoring a critically ill small animal patient Emphasizes the interplay of each parameter with one another Designed for fast access on the clinic floor, with potentially life-saving ideas, tips, lists and procedures Presents tables, schematics, algorithms, and drawings for quick reference

Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20

by Rebecca Kirby Andrew Linklater

Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20 offers guidance for assessing the patient, interpreting diagnostic test results, and selecting appropriate monitoring procedures. Based on Rebecca Kirby’s time-tested Rule of 20, with a chapter devoted to each item on the checklist Provides comprehensive guidance for monitoring a critically ill small animal patient Emphasizes the interplay of each parameter with one another Designed for fast access on the clinic floor, with potentially life-saving ideas, tips, lists and procedures Presents tables, schematics, algorithms, and drawings for quick reference

Monitoring and surveillance of genetically modified higher plants: Guidelines for procedures and analysis of environmental effects

by Gösta Kjellson Morten Strandberg

There is an urgent need for guidelines for monitoring of genetically modified higher plants, GMHP. Biotech crops are now cultivated in large scale in North America and elsewhere. In Europe, new genetically modified (GM) products will probably be placed on the market soon and made available of any negative ef­ for cultivation in the field. Monitoring and surveillance programs for detection fects to the environment must be designed and ready when these crops are released. This also corre­ sponds to the current intentions made by the European Commission to include monitoring in current biotechnology regulation. Monitoring of changes in biological systems is different from other types of environmental monitoring, such as monitoring fate of chemical pollutants, by focusing primarily on organism survival and organism interactions instead of physical and chemical parameters. The difficulties involved in monitoring biological systems are great, due to the complex interactions between organisms and the variability in responses. Problems concerning spatial and temporal pa­ rameter variation increase the difficulties, but may be remedied somewhat by the use of "baselines". These and many other questions are discussed in the present book with the aim of presenting practi­ cal solutions to the needs of GMHP monitoring. A project was initiated in 1998 to produce a book with guidelines for monitoring and surveillance of GMHP. In two earlier books, compilations of current test methods for risk assessment of GMHP were presented (Kjellsson & Simonsen 1994, Kjellsson et al. 1997).

Monitoring Asthma

by Peter G. Gibson

Providing a solid foundation for specialists in asthma treatment and control, this guide illustrates the importance of asthma monitoring practices for up-to-date assessments of disease levels in specific population groups; the identification of social, geographical, and environmental factors that may influence the development of asthma; and the des

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