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Morphological Tumor Markers: General Aspects and Diagnostic Relevance (Current Topics in Pathology #77)
by M. Altmannberger R. Berndt P. Brandtzaeg J. Caselitz T. M. Chu A. D. Cox I. Damjanov H. Denk P. U. Heitz R. V. Iozzo R. C. Janzer M. Kiessling P. Kleihues G. Klöppel F. R. Korsrud T. Löning K. Milde P. Möller R. Moll M. Osborn H. F. Otto T. O. Rognum K. Schwechheimer P. S. Thrane G.L. Jr. WrightNew methods in immunocytochemistry and hybridization techniques enable the pathologist active in diagnosis to clarify more effectively problems in the classification and prognosis of tumors. By adopting these methods into his diagnostic repertoire it will be possible to create a closer, more productive connection between morphological diagnosis and clinical work. This volume gives the reader an up-to-date general survey from international experts of the method, technique and practical application of these new procedures.
Morphologie der Papillae fungiformes: Rasterelektronenmikroskopische, licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #50/6)
by H.W. Beckers W. EisenacherMorphologie und Biologie der Spirochaeta Pallida Experimentelle Syphilis (Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten #15/1)
by Erich Hoffmann Edmund Hofmann Paul MulzerDieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Morphologie von Nierentransplantaten: unter Berücksichtigung von Ciclosporineffekten und Virusinfektionen
by Walter UlrichMorphologische Abdominaldiagnostik im Kindesalter: Sonographie, Röntgen, Nuklearmedizin, Computertomographie
by D. Weitzel J. TrögerMorphologische Äquivalentbilder immunologischer Vorgänge im Organismus (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften #1971 / 1)
by Erich LettererMorphologische Aspekte der Epilepsien: Pathogenetische, Pathologisch-Anatomische und Klinische Probleme der Epilepsien (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie #100)
by J. PfeifferMorphologische Folgen der Nierenpunktion: Tierexperimentelle und humanpathologische Befunde (Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und Klinik #29)
by G. DitscherleinMorphologische Spätveränderungen und nephrotisches Syndrom nach einseitiger Nierenvenendrosselung bei der Ratte: Inaugural-Dissertation
by Martin MannMorphologische und anatomische Studien an höheren Pflanzen (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften #1949 / 6)
by W. Troll H. WeberMorphologische und funktionelle Untersuchungen zur Neurosekretbildung: Enzymhistochemische, autoradiographische und elektronenmikroskopische Beobachtungen an Ratten unter osmotischer Belastung (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #41/4)
by C. PilgrimMorphology and Function in MRI: Cardiovascular and Renal Systems
by Gustav K.v. SchulthessMRI has opened up new possibilities in combined morphological and functional imaging, and now there is a book which discusses both aspects together. Two systems which already demonstrate the advantages of MRI are presented. In the cardiovascular system, motion and flow can be imaged so that even flow velocities in the deep vessels of the body can be measured, and turbulences can be identified. In the study of the kidneys, a combination of renally excreted contrast media and imaging provides within seconds insight into glomerular filtration in health and disease. These current possibilities, and their limitations, bring insight into the future potential of MRI.
The Morphology and Pathogenicity of the Bladder Worms: Cysticercus cellulosae and Cysticercus bovis
by J. SlaisMorphology and Physiology of Plant Tumors: Pathologie des Protoplasmas (Protoplasmatologia Cell Biology Monographs #10 / 5a)
by Armin C. Braun Tom StonierMorphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques
by Ricardo V. LloydThe past several decades have witnessed an impressive array of conceptual and techno logical advances in the biomedical sciences. Much of the progress in this area has developed directly as a result of new morphology-based methods that have permitted the assessment of chemical, enzymatic, immunological, and molecular parameters at the cellular and tissue levels. Additional novel approaches including laser capture microdissection have also emerged for the acquisition of homogeneous cell popula tions for molecular analyses. These methodologies have literally reshaped the approaches to fundamental biological questions and have also had a major impact in the area of diagnostic pathology. Much of the groundwork for the development of morphological methods was estab th lished in the early part of the 19 century by Francois-Vincent Raspail, generally acknowledged as the founder of the science of histochemistry. The earliest work in the field was primarily in the hands of botanists and many of the approaches to the under standing of the chemical composition of cells and tissues involved techniques such as microincineration, which destroyed structural integrity. The development of aniline th dyes in the early 20 century served as a major impetus to studies of the structural rather than chemical composition of tissue. Later in the century, however, the focus returned to the identification of chemical constituents in the context of intact cell and tissue structure.
Morphology of Blood Disorders
by Giuseppe d'Onofrio Gina ZiniMorphology of Blood Disorders, 2nd edition is an outstanding atlas with over 800 high-quality digital images, covering the whole spectrum of blood and bone marrow morphology, with particular emphasis on malignant haematology. Originally written in the Italian language by two world leaders in the field, the book has been expertly translated by the renowned haematologist and teacher, Barbara Bain. This book explores the major topics of haematological pathology, blending classical teaching with up-to-date WHO classification and terminology. Each image in this book is derived from material obtained for diagnostic purposes from patients with serious haematological conditions. Morphological details are supplemented by detailed descriptions of the output and role of automated instruments in disorders of the blood. Morphology of Blood Disorders, 2nd edition is an essential reference source for diagnosis in the haematology laboratory, designed to be the go-to guide for anyone with an interest in blood cell morphology.
Morphology of Blood Disorders
by Giuseppe d'Onofrio Gina ZiniMorphology of Blood Disorders, 2nd edition is an outstanding atlas with over 800 high-quality digital images, covering the whole spectrum of blood and bone marrow morphology, with particular emphasis on malignant haematology. Originally written in the Italian language by two world leaders in the field, the book has been expertly translated by the renowned haematologist and teacher, Barbara Bain. This book explores the major topics of haematological pathology, blending classical teaching with up-to-date WHO classification and terminology. Each image in this book is derived from material obtained for diagnostic purposes from patients with serious haematological conditions. Morphological details are supplemented by detailed descriptions of the output and role of automated instruments in disorders of the blood. Morphology of Blood Disorders, 2nd edition is an essential reference source for diagnosis in the haematology laboratory, designed to be the go-to guide for anyone with an interest in blood cell morphology.
Morphology of Hypothalamus and Its Connections (Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology #7)
by Y. AraiWith contributions by numerous experts
Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia (Springer Series in Neuropsychology)
by PierreVilliard Jean-LucNespoulousNeuropsycholinguistics - the interaction between linguistics, psycholinguistics, and aphasiology - has, over the past two decades, established itself as a multidisciplinary science worthy of its recent attention in Drs. Nespoulous and Villiard's Morphology, Phonology and Aphasia. In this new volume in the Springer Series in Neuropsychology, the editors have most successfully developed a multidisciplinary team of research through the organization of two symposia - one on "Morphology and Aphasia", the other focused on "Phonology and Aphasia". Toward the goal of better understanding the aphasic patients' verbal behavior, the contributing authors of this important work offer their respective expertise, continuing the recent evolution of developments in the fields of morphology and phonology.
Morphometrics with R (Use R!)
by Julien ClaudeThis book aims to explain how to use R to perform morphometrics. Morpho- tric analysis is the study of shape and size variations and covariations and their covariations with other variables. Morphometrics is thus deeply rooted within stat- tical sciences. While most applications concern biology, morphometrics is becoming common tools used in archeological, palaeontological, geographical, or medicine disciplines. Since the recent formalizations of some of the ideas of predecessors, such as D’arcy Thompson, and thanks to the development of computer techno- gies and new ways for appraising shape changes and variation, morphometrics have undergone, and are still undergoing, a revolution. Most techniques dealing with s- tistical shape analysis have been developed in the last three decades, and the number of publications using morphometrics is increasing rapidly. However, the majority of these methods cannot be implemented in available software and therefore prosp- tive students often need to acquire detailed knowledge in informatics and statistics before applying them to their data. With acceleration in the accumulation of me- ods accompanying the emerging science of statistical shape analysis, it is becoming important to use tools that allow some autonomy. R easily helps ful?ll this need. Risalanguage andenvironment forstatisticalcomputingandgraphics. Although there is an increasing number of computer applications that perform morphometrics, using R has several advantages that confer to users considerable power and possible new horizons in a world that requires rapid adaptability.
Morphometrie in der klinischen Pathologie: Allgemeine Grundlagen
by M. OberholzerDie experimentell wie auch klinisch-orientierte wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit des Pathologen spielt sich heute mehr denn je in einem interdisziplinären Umfeld ab. Dieser Umstand bedingt eine Bereit schaft zum wissenschaftlichen Dialog. Eine fruchtbare Korrelation von Befunden der Morphologie, der pathologisch veränderten Ge webe- oder Zellstrukturen mit klinischen Ergebnissen bedingt eine geeignete, kritisch gesichtete Präsentation pathologisch-anatomi scher Fakten. Eine Quantifizierung morphologischer Befunde ist heute unab dingbare Voraussetzung für eine interdisziplinäre klinische For schungsarbeit. Erste Ansätze für den Einsatz dieser quantitativ-morpholgischen Methoden im diagnostischen Bereich zeichnen sich ab. Diese auf mathematisch-statistischen Axiomen beruhenden Methoden haben sich in der experimentellen Pathologie seit Jahren vielfältig bewährt. Im klinisch-pathologisch-anatomischen Bereich bei der Quantifizie rung menschlichen Biopsiematerials hingegen eröffnet sich vor allem methodisches Neuland und damit eine Vielzahl von komplexen Pro blemen, deren Lösung auch vom erfahrenen "Morphometer" größte Kritik und mathematisch-statistische Sachkenntnis abfordert. Der Autor vermag in diesem Sinne mit seiner Monographie eine Lücke zu schließen und eröffnet damit neue Perspektiven interdiszi plinärer Zusammenarbeit. Seine Monographie wird wegweisend sein und wertvolle neue Impulse setzen. Wenn diese Monographie neben ihrer Funktion als Leitfaden und Nachschlagewerk für jeden an der Stereologie Interessierten auch noch anregt zu weiteren interdisziplinären Studien und zur konsequenten Anwendung der Stereologie, dann dürfte dies für die große Arbeit des Autors der wohl schönste Lohn sein.
Morphometrie in der Zyto- und Histopathologie
by Georg Burger Martin Oberholzer Wolfgang GössnerPathologie, Klinische Zytologie, Histochemie, Onkologie, Hämatologie, Medizinische Informatik Das Buch beschreibt die Grundlagen und wichtige Anwendungen stereologisch-morphometrischer Methoden sowie der rechnergestützten Bildverarbeitung auf dem Gebiet der klinischen Zytologie und Histopathologie. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der Histometrie, einer sehr jungen Disziplin, in der bisher eher stereologische interaktive Methoden Anwendung fanden. Nicht nur die verschiedenen Meßverfahren, sondern auch die Merkmalsalgorithmen und die zur Datenanalyse verwendeten biostatistischen Methoden werden allgemeinverständlich und ausführlich dargestellt. Das Buch will die immer noch bestehende Unwissenheit über existierende quantitative und analytische Methoden in der Zyto- und Histopathologie und deren Leistungsfähigkeit zur Verbesserung der Diagnostik abbauen und diesen Methoden einen weiteren Eingang in die klinische Praxis eröffnen.
Morphometry of the Human Lung
by Ewald R. WeibelThe work presented in this monograph marks a new era, we believe, both in the development of quantitative anatomy of the lung, and in the correlation of anatomy with physiology. For many years, physiologists interested in the overall functioning of the lung have felt a need for better quantitative descriptions of pulmonary anatomy. As physiologists, we know a good deal about the forces operating to producepulmonary ventilation, and the quantities that define this function in rest and exercise ; and the same for effective distribution of air within the lung - "alveolar" ventilation-, and for the exchange of respiratory gases between air and blood. There have been no correspondingly precise quantitative measurements of the pulmonary structures that serve theese functions. The great advances in the study of pulmonary anatomy in the past decade have been chiefly in the realm of "fine structure". This has tended to bring together anatomy and biochemistry or physical chemistry, rather than anatomy and physiology. This conjunction has aided, for example, the conception of diffusion as a physicochemical process, but not that of diffusion as a metabolic bodily function. It was, therefore, a remarkably fortunate circumstance which brought together in our laboratory, about three years ago, Professor DoMINGO GoMEZ and Dr. EWALD R. WEIBEL: Professor GoMEZ a mathematician and biophysicist of dis tinction and long experience; Dr. WEIBEL a young anatomist trained under Pro fessor GIAN TöNDURY in Zürich, and with additional research experience with Professor A VERILL LIEBOW at Y ale.
Morphometry of the Placental Exchange Area (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #53/1)
by R. BaurMorrey's The Elbow and Its Disorders E-Book
by Bernard F. Morrey Joaquin Sanchez Sotelo Mark E. MorreyRevised to include the most up-to-date surgical techniques and their outcomes, Morrey's The Elbow and Its Disorders, 5th Edition, is an essential reference for today's orthopaedic surgeons, appealing both to those in general practice and those with a subspecialty interest in elbow surgery. This edition by Drs. Bernard Morrey, Mark Morrey, and Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, provides a practical focus on technique – both in the text and on dozens of high-quality instructional videos produced at the Mayo Clinic. Authoritative guidance from leading experts enables you to provide optimal care to your patients – even those with the most challenging elbow problems. - Covers all major areas of elbow surgery, including arthroscopy, trauma, sports, pediatrics, arthroplasty, and salvage procedures. - Supplements the text with full-color-photos, illustrations, and diagrams for a more instructive and visually appealing approach. - Provides expanded coverage of key topics in trauma, soft tissue procedures, joint replacement techniques, and innovative techniques for addressing cartilage lesions and restoring joint motion. - Includes over 2 hours of exam and procedural videos – such as arthroscopic procedures, fracture fixation, arthroplasty, and other reconstructive techniques – performed by the experts online for step-by-step guidance. - Features a new section on arthroscopic surgical procedures, now with expanded indications and evolving techniques. - Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.