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MR Imaging and Spectroscopy of Central Nervous System Infection
by Rakesh K. Gupta Robert B. LufkinCentral nervous system (CNS) infections continue to pose a serious problem in health care even with improved knowledge and treatment. Despite the introduction of newer antimicrobial agents and diagnostic techniques, the morbidity and mortality associated with CNS infections remain high. The morbidity associated with CNS infections may be even more important than the death rate especially in developing countries as neurological sequelae may deprive the survivors of intellect and physical ability, demeaning the quality of life and burdening health resources and social services. MR imaging is an important integral part of the protocol for the management of CNS infections and MR spectroscopy is increasingly being utilized in its management. This work is an attempt to provide a comprehensive review of imaging and spectroscopy of the commonly encountered CNS infections in the clinical practice in developing and developed countries. The first chapter deals with basic physical principles of MR imaging and spectroscopy that will help beginners to understand the technical terms used in subsequent chapters. The remaining 10 chapters deal with clinical, pathological, MR imaging and spectroscopy features and their applications in CNS infections. This will help in giving a comprehensive understanding to readers with a background in clinical, radiological, basic MRI, and neurological sciences. The T2 hypointense lesions are a real diagnostic dilemma especially in developing countries for which an algorithm has been suggested in the concluding chapter.
MR Imaging in White Matter Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord (Medical Radiology)
by Nicola De Stefano Vincent Dousset Joseph C. McGowan Massimo Filippi K. SartorIn recent decades, the use of neuroimaging techniques has resulted in outstanding progress in the diagnosis and management of neurological diseases, and this is particularly true of those diseases that affect the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. This book, written by internationally acclaimed experts, comprises a series of comprehensive and up-to-date reviews on the use of MR imaging in these major neurological conditions. The diverse available MR techniques, such as magnetization transfer MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI, MR spectroscopy, functional MRI, cell-specific MRI, perfusion MRI, and microscopic imaging with ultra-high field MRI, offer an extraordinarily powerful means of gaining fundamental in vivo insights into disease processes. The strengths and weaknesses of all these techniques in the study of multiple sclerosis and other relevant diseases are extensively considered. After an introductory section on neuroimaging technology, subsequent sections address disorders of myelination, demyelinating diseases, immune-mediated disorders, and white matter disorders related to aging and other conditions. This book provides a valuable summary of the state of the art in the field, and defines important areas for future research.
MR Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer (Series in Radiology #23)
by J.A Castelijns G.B. Snow Jaap ValkMRI is assuming a dominant role in imaging of the larynx. Its superior soft tissue contrast resolution makes it ideal for differentiating invasion of tumors of the larynx from normal or more sharply circumscribed configuration of most of the benign lesions. Over ten years ago CT made a major impact on laryngeal examination because it was the first time that Radiologists were beginning to look at submucosal disease. All of the previous examinations duplicated the infor mation that was available to the clinician via direct and in-direct laryngo scopy. With the advent of rigid and flexible endoscopes, clinical examination became sufficiently precise that there was little need to perform studies such as laryngography which merely showed surface anatomy. The status of deep structures by these techniques was implied based on function. Fortunately laryngography is now behind us together with all of the gagging and contrast reactions which we would all like to forget. CT is still an excellent method of examining the larynx but it is unfortunately limited to the axial plane. With presently available CT techniques motion deteriorates any reformatting in sagittal or coronal projections. The latter two planes are extremely helpful in delineating the vertical extent of submucosal spreads. MRI has proven extremely valuable by producing all three basic projections, plus superior soft tissue contrast. Although motion artifacts still degrade the images in some patients, newer pulsing sequences that permit faster scanning are elimi nating most of these problems.
MR Imaging of the Fetus
by R. RajeswaranThis book presents the anatomy and MRI features of the normal fetus and describes the anomalies of each system in a systematic way. The normal fetal brain at different gestational ages is also extensively illustrated. It features a treasure of MR images illustrating several clinical conditions. Sonographic images, line diagrams and post-natal images are supplemented for easy learning. It also addresses the differential diagnoses and prognostic indicators of the various fetal anomalies.This book will help the consultants and postgraduates of radiology, obstetrics, fetal medicine and pediatrics in understanding various fetal anomalies and in patient counseling.
MR Imaging of the Skull and Brain: A Correlative Text-Atlas
by Klaus SartorSubject of the book is MR imaging in all kinds of diseases that may affect the skull and brain. Primary purpose of the book is to provide the reader with a descriptive as well as pictorial overview of MRI in the various pathologic processes. An important additional purpose is to explain how to make the best use of MRI if a particular disease is suspected. Extensive information on differential diagnosis will also be included.
MR Mammography (MRM)
by Werner A. KaiserBreast cancer is the most frequent cancer of women in the western hemisphere. This book presents a new imaging modality of the breast which improves the possibilities of mammography at a very high level: Cancers can be detected at a very early stage y MRM. The huge number ofbreast biopsies can be reduced dramatically. Even tiny breast cancers (e.g.3mm) can be detected. The prognosis for women with breast cancer will improve due to earlier detection.
Mr Nasty: Misadventures in the Drug World (The True Crime Collection Ser.)
by Cameron WhiteMr Nasty charts the rise, fall and ultimate redemption of a wannabe player in the global narcotics business. From humble beginnings on the streets of London's East End, Cameron White rapidly ascended the drug ladder of London's club scene before notorious local criminals forced him to move to the US. There, he soon found himself aboard a cocaine-fuelled roller-coaster ride, transporting him from encounters with psychotic, crack-dealing Jamaicans in New York to luncheons with Hollywood's glitterati. The American adventure was to reach its inevitable conclusion in a drive-by shooting in the barrios of LA.Back in London, a dull nine-to-five existence did nothing to quell White's narco-inclinations. Cue a chemical vacation in Thailand and an effortless metamorphosis from recreational drug user to fully fledged smack addict in Berlin. White's eventual wake-up call came after he robbed some innocent tourists to feed his heroin habit. Stunned to realise how low he had sunk, he was determined to get clean and his gold-star efforts at rehabilitation were rewarded with an opportunity to start again in Australia. Faced with temptation once more, White's good intentions were to prove short-lived and he slid into the murky world of substance abuse in Sydney. But this time things were different and a gradual but life-defining epiphany rescued White from the edge. Mr Nasty is a thrilling yet cautionary tale of a decade lived within the narcotics underworld. Illuminating both the exciting and destructive sides of such an existence, it is ultimately a testament to how a strong will can sometimes overcome the lure of vice and break the chains of addiction.
MR Spectroscopy of Pediatric Brain Disorders
by Stefan Blüml and Ashok PanigrahyMagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a modality available on most clinical MR scanners and readily integrated with standard MR imaging (MRI). For the brain in particular, MRS has been a powerful research tool providing additional clinically relevant information for several disease families such as brain tumors, metabolic disorders, and systemic diseases. The most widely-available MRS method, proton (1H; hydrogen) spectroscopy, is FDA approved for general use in the US and can be ordered by clinicians for patient studies if indicated. There are several books available that describe applications of MRS in adults. However, to the best of our knowledge there is currently no book available that focuses exclusively on applications in pediatrics. MR spectroscopy in the pediatric population is different from adults for two main reasons. Particularly in the newborn phase the brain undergoes biochemical maturation with dramatic changes of the "normal" biochemical fingerprint. Secondly, brain diseases in the pediatric population are different from adult disorders. For example, brain tumors, which are mostly gliomas in the adults, often originate from different cell types and are also more diverse even within the same type and grade of tumor. This diversity of diseases and its implications for MR spectroscopy has not been addressed sufficiently in the literature, we believe. The target audience for "MR Spectroscopy of Pediatric Brain Disorders" are thus both clinicians and researchers involved with pediatric brain disorders. This includes radiologists, neurologists, neurooncologists, neurosurgeons, and more broadly the neuroscience and neurobiology community. This book will provide the necessary background information to understand the basics of MR spectroscopy. This will be followed by a detailed discussion of the normal biochemical maturation which will highlight the metabolic differences between the pediatric and adult brain. Thereafter, in SECTION I individual chapters will address various pediatric brain disease families. Of particular importance for pediatrics are case studies. For that reason, SECTION II will contain a large number of case studies. This will be particularly important for clinicians who may want to see examples of MRS for various conditions. A standardized format will be used for case reports that allow the reader to quickly understand the history of each case presented and the significance of the findings. The case reports will also include information from other imaging modalities to point out any added value of MRS in addition to conventional studies and clinical information. This section is necessary because the format of providing more complete information about individual patients is not practical for the chapters in SECTION I.
MR-Tomographie des Skeletts und der peripheren Weichteile
by Klaus BohndorfDas Hineinwachsen der MR-Tomographie in die klinische Routine und die Entdeckung neuer Anwendungen vollziehen sich vor unseren Augen schrittweise und doch mit bemerkenswerter Schnelligkeit, ganz ähnlich wie bei der Entwicklung der Computertomographie. Hier wie dort stand zunächst die zerebrale und medulläre Diagnostik ganz im Vordergrund. Die systematische Prüfung der Methode in anderen Organbereichen, die virtuose Beherrschung des komplizierten Instru mentariums der Physik und der Technik eröffneten nach und nach weitere Möglichkeiten. Die Skelettdiagnostik ist dem Radiologen zwar wohl vertraut, dennoch bietet die MR-Tomographie hier Neues und Ergänzendes, zweifellos Besonderes aber auf dem Gebiet der Weichteildiagnostik. Aufgrund seines Interesses an der konventionel len Röntgendiagnostik bei Ki10chen- und Gelenkprozessen wandte sich Herr Hohndorf sehr frühzeitig der MR-Thematik zu und sam melte in Köln und Aachen Erfahrungen. Er hatte dabei das Glück, gewissermaßen mit dieser neuen Untersuchungstechnik aufzuwachsen und die neuen Möglichkeiten mit zu erkunden. Von diesen Erfahrun gen aus erster H~md lebt das Buch; es faßt den derzeit erreichten Stand eines interessanten, bisher in dieser Form nicht behandelten Aspekts der sich ausweitenden MR-Diagnostik in prägnanter Form zusammen und gibt damit wertvolle Hinweise sowohl für die Auswer tung der MR-Untersuchung selbst und als auch für die Entscheidung zur MRT als weiterführende radiologische Diagnostik. Aachen, im Herbst 1990 Prof. Dr. R. W. Günther Vorwort Die Magnetresonanztomographie der Knochen, peripheren Weich teile und Gelenke hat sich in den meisten MR-Zentren zum wichtig sten, nichtneuroradiologischen Anwendungsgebiet entwickelt.
MR- und PET-Bildgebung der Prostata: Diagnostik und Therapieplanung
by Ulrike Attenberger Manuel Ritter Frederik WenzMultimodale Bildgebung und interdisziplinäre Therapie in einem Buch!Dieses Buch behandelt in einem ganzheitlichen, interdisziplinären Ansatz die Bildgebung, Diagnostik und Therapie des Prostatakarzinoms, der Benignen Prostatahyperplasie und der Prostatitis aus radiologischer, nuklearmedizinischer, urologischer und strahlentherapeutischer Sicht. Der Stellenwert der modernsten bildgebenden Verfahren für die Prostatadiagnostik wird dabei im Hinblick auf ihre unmittelbaren therapeutische Konsequenzen interdisziplinär und reich bebildert diskutiert. Das Buch bietet:Interdisziplinäre Betrachtung der Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinoms aus radiologischer, urologischer, nuklearmedizinscher und strahlentherapeutischer Sichtenge Verzahnung zwischen Diagnostik und unmittelbarer therapeutischer KonsequenzHinweise und Empfehlungen zur PI-RADS Klassifikationkomplettes Work Up der Prostatakarzinomdiagnostik bis hin zur NachsorgeAlle Imagingmodalitäten von Ultraschall über mpMRT bis PET-CT
MRC Psych Part 1 In a Box
by Bhaskar Punukollu MBBS MRCPsych Michael Phelan BSc MBBS MRCPsych Anish Unadkat BMBS BmedsciExam-specific question and answer cards, using standard question formats from the Royal College exams, these cards make exam preparation time as efficient and straightforward as possible. They also lend. themselves studying with a partner or colleague. They are aimed specifically at candidates taking the first part of the examination for the Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych Part 1) and provide a condensed review of highly relevant information for the exam. Key areas covered are Psychopathology; neuroscience; neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders; schizophrenia and other psychoses; affective disorders; psycho-pharmacology; psychology; psychotherapy; and dementia syndromes. The first nine sections of cards are broadly divided into commonly tested areas on the exam: 1. Neurotic disorders 2. Affective disorders 3. Dementia syndromes 4. Neuropsychiatry 5. Psychology 6. Psychotherapy 7. Schizophrenia 8. Pharmacology 9. Human development
MRC Psych Part 1 In a Box
by Michael Phelan Bhaskar Punukollu Anish UnadkatExam-specific question and answer cards, using standard question formats from the Royal College exams, these cards make exam preparation time as efficient and straightforward as possible. They also lend. themselves studying with a partner or colleague. They are aimed specifically at candidates taking the first part of the examination for the Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych Part 1) and provide a condensed review of highly relevant information for the exam. Key areas covered are Psychopathology; neuroscience; neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders; schizophrenia and other psychoses; affective disorders; psycho-pharmacology; psychology; psychotherapy; and dementia syndromes. The first nine sections of cards are broadly divided into commonly tested areas on the exam: 1. Neurotic disorders 2. Affective disorders 3. Dementia syndromes 4. Neuropsychiatry 5. Psychology 6. Psychotherapy 7. Schizophrenia 8. Pharmacology 9. Human development
MRCGP (MCQ's...Brainscan)
by Peter G. ElliottThis book contains 300 multiple choice questions and is equivalent to five full MRCGP examinations. However, the layout is not as five examinations, but in the 15 subjects which have been chosen as relevant to general practice by the MCQ group of the Royal College of General Practitioners Examiners. I hope that using this format of individual sections will enable the book to have a wider use than just as a crammer for the exam: it should also serve as an aid to trainers and course organisers in assessing trainees during their vocational training. The questions themselves are in the usual multiple choice style with a stem followed by five responses, which can be answered true, false or don't know. The usual scoring method for examinations is + 1 for a true, -1 for a false and 0 for a don't know. In keeping with the current thinking of the College MCQ group, the stems have been kept as short as possible and an attempt has been made to adhere to standard nomenclature.
The MRCGP Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) Workbook
by Monal Wadhera Rajeev GulatiThis revision book for the clinical skills assessment (CSA) portion of the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) exams includes a range of scenarios representative of those candidates will encounter, each created with direct input from an MRCGP examiner. The book enables candidates to role-play the scenarios with colleagu
The MRCGP Examination: A comprehensive guide to preparation and passing
by A. Moulds T.A.I. Bouchier-Hayes K.H.M. YoungJOHN JOHN FRY FRY All All examinations examinations create create problems problems and and stresses stresses in in examinees. examinees. The The examination examination for for the the Membership Membership of of the the Royal Royal College College of of General General Practitioners Practitioners is is no no exception. exception. Although Although the the examiners examiners state state that that their their objectives objectives are are to to pass pass candidates candidates wherever wherever and and whenever whenever possible, possible, nevertheless nevertheless the the failure failure rate rate remains remains con sistently sistently at at 30% 30% plus plus of of those those taking taking the the examination. examination. The The reasons reasons for for failure failure fall fall into into a a number number of of groups. groups. The The candidate candidate may, may, through through over-confidence, over-confidence, not not have have prepared prepared for for the the examination. examination. He He may may have have assumed assumed that that it it is is not not necessary necessary to to read, read, learn learn and and digest digest data, data, facts facts and and experience experience on on general general practice. practice. How How wrong wrong that that is, is, he he will will discover discover when when he he sits sits the the exam. exam.
The MRCGP Study Book: Tests and self-assessment exercises devised by MRCGP examiners for those preparing for the exam
by T. A. Hayes John Fry Eric Gambrill Alistair Moulds K. YoungThe Membership examination of the Royal College of General Practitioners has evolved and matured as a seal and a test on completion of vocational training. More than 1000 candidates are taking the examination each year and an increasing majority are trainees who have completed their three year training period. The whole concept and philosophy of the MRCGP has been questioned by critical cynics who refuse to accept general practice as a field of medical practice worthy of recognition as a specialty with its own core of know ledge, skills and expertise and with its own special epidemiology, pathology, clinical presentations and management. These cynical critics are being answered by the growth of the examination and its recognition within the profession as an important and necessary goal to be achieved. The MRCGP exam has arrived, it is here to stay and it will continue to grow and evolve. The exam is no easy obstacle to negotiate. It has a regular failure rate of I in 3 and it requires special preparation and study of its examinees if they are to understand its aims, contents and methods. It must not be assumed that even the brightest trainee can walk off the street, enter the examin ation hall and be confident of passing. It requires a few months of careful and guided preparation.
MRCOG: Pt. 2, 2008 (MasterPass)
by Marwan Habiba Andrea Akkad Justin KonjeThis title includes Foreword by David Taylor, Professor and Vice Dean of Leicester Medical School. Preparing for the Part 2 MRCOG examination remains a daunting and complex task, particularly as learning and revision often need to fit around clinical commitments. Much has been written about how to prepare for and pass exams, yet it remains surprising how often well-read candidates provide unsatisfactory answers in areas which they know well. Clearly, a sound understanding of the topic area is essential, but deeper knowledge also increases uncertainty, and the vast developments in the field mean that proficiency in all areas is next to impossible. Thus a critical point for postgraduate candidates, who more often than not will prepare for the examination in isolation, is to develop a real understanding of what the examination is meant to assess...This revision aid in obstetrics and gynaecology is based on the Extended Matching Question format (EMQ). It contains forty-two questions of varying degrees of difficulty, along with detailed answers. "MRCOG Part 2 Essential EMQs" is an indispensable study and revision aid for postgraduate medical students preparing for Part 2 of the Membership of the Royal College of Gynaecologists (MRCOG) examination or equivalent. "The number of published revision aids including this question format in postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology remains limited. With this book we wanted to produce a comprehensive selection of EMQ, covering broad areas relevant to the speciality, which would be useful those preparing for postgraduate examinations at Part 2 MRCOG level or equivalent." - Marwan Habiba, Andrea Akkad, Justin Konje.
MRCOG: Pt. 2, 2008 (MasterPass)
by Marwan Habiba Andrea Akkad Justin KonjeThis title includes Foreword by David Taylor, Professor and Vice Dean of Leicester Medical School. Preparing for the Part 2 MRCOG examination remains a daunting and complex task, particularly as learning and revision often need to fit around clinical commitments. Much has been written about how to prepare for and pass exams, yet it remains surprising how often well-read candidates provide unsatisfactory answers in areas which they know well. Clearly, a sound understanding of the topic area is essential, but deeper knowledge also increases uncertainty, and the vast developments in the field mean that proficiency in all areas is next to impossible. Thus a critical point for postgraduate candidates, who more often than not will prepare for the examination in isolation, is to develop a real understanding of what the examination is meant to assess...This revision aid in obstetrics and gynaecology is based on the Extended Matching Question format (EMQ). It contains forty-two questions of varying degrees of difficulty, along with detailed answers. "MRCOG Part 2 Essential EMQs" is an indispensable study and revision aid for postgraduate medical students preparing for Part 2 of the Membership of the Royal College of Gynaecologists (MRCOG) examination or equivalent. "The number of published revision aids including this question format in postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology remains limited. With this book we wanted to produce a comprehensive selection of EMQ, covering broad areas relevant to the speciality, which would be useful those preparing for postgraduate examinations at Part 2 MRCOG level or equivalent." - Marwan Habiba, Andrea Akkad, Justin Konje.
MRCOG II Short Essay Questions
by Parveen Abedin Khaldoun W. SharifMRCOG Short Essay Questions is the essential aid for all trainees studying for the membership examination of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This book contains 150 short essay questions, clearly structured to facilitate both learning and practice. Questions are divided primarily into obstetrics and gynaecology and secondly by main topics such as infertility, operative gynaecology and antenatal care. The answers are written in the form of bullet points; a format that not only clearly identifies the key points but also emulates the structure of the model answers given to the examiners by the RCOG. Khaldoun Sharif is a consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Birmingham Women’s Hospital, and has a proven track record as an author of MRCOG revision books. His co-author, Parveen Abedin recently passed the examination and has therefore provided invaluable insights that have ensured the content is both appropriate and up-to-date.
MRCOG Part 2: Self-assessment in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Prepare for the MRCOG
by Alec S. McEwanThis new e-book presents a selection of over 200 self-assessment questions in EMQ, MCQ and SBA format from the trainee journal Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, mapped by module to the MRCOG Part 2 exam. These questions are designed to test and apply the knowledge essential for candidates to pass MRCOG Part 2. They are also ideal for life-long learning, CPD and, indeed, preparation for all post-graduate exams in obstetrics (not just MRCOG), including especially the new EBCOG exam in Europe and local college exams in India, the Middle East and Africa.
MRCOG Part 2: Essential Revision Guide
This book presents a high-yield, simple and efficient source of preparation for Membership of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG) part 2 examination.It is made to be very simple, extremely organized, easy to use, and focused. It will help candidates to perfectly prepare for the exam. This book is a perfect source for doctors who prepare for the exam while they are busy in their practice. In addition, it is an illustrated simple reference to obstetricians and gynaecologists to they can refer to UK-based guidelines in their practice.
MRCOG Part I: Part 1 (MCQ's...Brainscan)
by Tim Chard Richard LilfordMRCOG Part 1 is a multiple choice question and answer volume dealing with the basic sciences in obstetrics and gynaecology. The overall aim of the volume is to give candidates for examinations such as the MCROG Part 1 as close as possible a flavour of the examination itself. The material presented in the book covers cell biology, embryology and the placenta,,anatomy, general physiology and biochemistry, endocrinology, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, statistics, and ultrasound. For those who seek information in addition to the answer provided, a reference to the appropriate page number in the textbook "Basic Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd edition" by Professors Chard and Lilford is also included in the answer.
MRCOG Part I: Part 1 (MCQ's...Brainscan)
by Tim Chard Richard LilfordSpringer-Verlag's study guides have already helped thousands of candidates prepare for the examinations of the prestigious Royal Colleges. MRCOG, Part 1 is designed specifically for candidates sitting Part 1 of the Members of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists's examination and lets students taste the flavor of the real examination. The multiple choice questions have been updated and brief comments have been added for all the answers, whether true or false. MRCOG, Part 1 can be used as a companion volume to the successful "Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology" by the same authors. Both volumes cover the same material in the same order, and the answer to each question includes a reference to the appropriate page numbers in the textbook.
MRCP: With Explanatory Answers (MasterPass)
by Shibley Rahman Avinash SharmaThis book provides a bank of multiple-choice questions for candidates preparing for Part 2 of the Membership examination of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, the MRCP. The questions are arranged by subject area to enable structured revision and allow candidates to focus on particular areas where they feel less confident. The book has been written with a close focus on recent examinations, with the coverage of topics weighted to reflect the frequency with which they have appeared. The book is structured more as a manual than as a mock exam, and includes explanations for both correct and incorrect answers, focusing comprehensively on the fundamental principles of medical practice. As well as candiates for the MRCP, this book will also be of interest to medical students and students of related health sciences.