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Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement. Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen. Arbeitsmaterialien auf CD

by Thorsten Uhle Michael Treier

Leistungsdruck, Flexibilisierungszwang und demografischer Wandel kennzeichnen unsere Arbeitswelt. Damit Mitarbeiter trotz zunehmender Belastungen gesund bleiben, sind Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsarbeit gefragt. Die Autoren zeigen Kernprozesse und neue Wege im Gesundheitsmanagement auf und präsentieren ein direkt umsetzbares Modell für die Praxis, arbeitspsychologische Ansätze für die zentralen Bereiche Psyche, Körper, Wissen, Motivation, Verhalten sowie Instrumente, mit denen Probleme identifiziert und Erfolge gemessen werden können.

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in der Entwicklung: Perspektiven und Grenzen nationaler Gesundheitsförderungs- und Präventionsansätze (essentials)

by Manuela Maack-Schulze Anna Lina Kauffmann Tina Baß Karin Agor Rolf Kaestner Hans-R. Hartweg

Die Autoren analysieren in diesem essential die nationale Gesundheitspolitik. Sie geben einen Überblick, in welchen Rechtsvorschriften der Sozialversicherung arbeitnehmerbezogene Gesundheitsförderungs- und Präventionsansätze enthalten sind. Die qualitative Forschung umfasst verschiedene Themen praktizierter Gesundheitsförderung und Präventionsmöglichkeiten sowie soziodemografische Parameter. Darauf basierend konnten sie Hauptstoßrichtungen für viele dieser Ansätze identifizieren.

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in digitalen Zeiten (essentials)

by Argang Ghadiri Theo Peters

Die Digitalisierung des BGM ist schon länger zu beobachten und hat durch den technologischen Fortschritt in der Entwicklung von Wearables, Apps und sozialen Medien gute Möglichkeiten, in einen digitalen Arbeitsalltag integriert zu werden. Dafür ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Instrumenten notwendig, um Mitarbeiter für die das Thema Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren. Eine entscheidende Rolle wird auch den Führungskräften zuteil, die ihr Führungsverständnis an die digitalen Zeiten anpassen müssen. Denn der digitale Alltag bedingt zum Teil erhebliche Veränderungen im Arbeitsalltag.

Betriebsführung im Gesundheitswesen: Führungskompendium für Gesundheitsberufe

by Andreas Frodl

Die klassische Ausbildung von Ärzten, Zahnmedizinern, Pflegekräften oder Praxispersonal streift die Betriebs- und Mitarbeiterführung thematisch, wenn überhaupt, nur am Rande. Nicht selten werden ihnen Führungsaufgaben übertragen, auf die sie völlig unvorbereitet sind. Hinzu kommt, dass die Leistung hervorragender medizinischer Spezialisten in vielen Fällen mit der Übertragung von Führungsfunktionen honoriert wird, sich diese aber in der für sie neuen, ungewohnten Führungsrolle überfordert fühlen. Manchmal gibt es auch gar keine Wahlmöglichkeit, eine Führungsfunktion abzulehnen, denn beispielsweise ist jede ärztliche Niederlassung in der Regel mit der Führung eines Praxisbetriebs verbunden. Das vorliegende Buch soll daher als Nachschlagewerk und Ausbildungshilfe einen Beitrag leisten, das Führungsverständnis im Gesundheitswesen zu verbessern. Anhand wichtiger Aspekte der Betriebs- und Menschenführung werden die Grundzüge einer Führungslehre für das Gesundheitswesen beschrieben. Dazu zählen die Bereiche der Führungsgrundlagen, der aufbau- und ablauforganisatorischen Aspekte der Führung, der Führungsfelder, sowie die speziellen Merkmale der Mitarbeiter- und Patientenführung in Gesundheitsbetrieben. Die Quellenangaben und Literaturhinweise wurden am Ende des Buches zusammengefasst, so dass zugunsten eines vereinfachten Lesens dadurch auf zahlreiche Fußnoten verzichtet werden konnte.

Betriebshandbuch für Gesundheitseinrichtungen: Leitfaden für das Regelwerk von Gesundheitsbetrieben

by Andreas Frodl

Krankenhäuser und Pflegeeinrichtungen verfügen in der Regel über einfache Organisationshandbücher, um Aufbau und Abläufe ihres Betriebs zusammenzufassen. Diese fallen in Qualität, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität aber höchst unterschiedlich aus und bieten oft noch Raum für Verbesserungen. Zudem kommen stets neue Aufgabenbereiche hinzu, die gleichfalls dokumentiert und in das Gesamtkonzept integriert werden müssen. Dieses Fachbuch unterstützt bei der Erstellung und Optimierung von OHBs in Unternehmen des Gesundheitswesens.Da jedes Betriebshandbuch an die individuellen Gegebenheiten der jeweiligen Gesundheitseinrichtung angepasst werden muss, versucht der vorliegende Leitfaden das Regelwerk von Gesundheitsbetrieben inhaltlich allgemein zu beschreiben, Hinweise auf notwendige Informationsinhalte zu geben und damit die Fragen zu beantworten, was zu regeln ist bzw. wie es geregelt werden kann. Die BHB-Inhalte werden übersichtlich dargestellt und durch viele konkrete Beispiele zur Formulierung einzelner Regelungsvorschläge ergänzt.

Betriebsstörung: Burnout- und Stressprophylaxe für Physio- und Ergotherapeuten (Fit für die Praxis)

by German Quernheim Maria Schreier

Stress lass nach!Als Berufsgruppen des Gesundheitswesen stehen Logopäden, Physio- oder Ergotherapeuten unter besonderer Belastung. Die Nöte der Patienten, Termindruck, Rationalisierung, zu wenig Zeit für zu viele Patienten lassen kaum einen Blick auf das eigene Wohlbefinden zu – und steigern so das Risiko des Burnout.Der "gelassenere" Umgang mit Stress würde helfen, dem täglichen Belastungskreislauf zu entkommne, ist aber leichter gesagt als getan. Basierend auf dem Buch „Nicht ärgern – ändern! Raus aus dem Burnout“ finden Logopäden, Physio- und Ergotherapeuten hier angepasst an ihren Berufsalltag eine erste Hilfestellung:Erste Anzeichen eines BurnoutsTipps und Tricks zur EntlastungZahlreiche Tests, Übungen und TrainingsprogrammeSo können Angehörige therapeutischer Berufe ihre Strategien gegen Stress entwickeln und sich damit für den therapeutischen Alltag stärken!

Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen für Mediziner und medizinisches Fachpersonal

by Ado Ampofo

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt Grundkenntnisse im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre für praxisnah ausgebildete medizinische Fachkräfte, die Ärzte im Bereich der Verwaltung, Praxisorganisation, Administration und Leistungsabrechnung unterstützen. Zahlreiche Reformen innerhalb des Gesundheitssystems führen seit Jahren dazu, dass sich auch Praxen und Krankenhäuser mehr und mehr an den Bedürfnissen des Marktes orientieren müssen. Dies macht es für verwaltungsnah eingesetztes medizinisches Fachpersonal erforderlich, sich mit grundlegenden betriebswirtschaftlichen Vorgängen und Zusammenhängen auseinanderzusetzen. Im beruflichen Alltag stellt sich oft die Herausforderung Leistungen abzurechnen und mit Krankenkassen, Ärztekammern, Steuerberatern, Lieferanten und Patienten auch über wirtschaftliche Vorgänge zu kommunizieren. Selbst wenn eine Vielzahl der Aufgaben häufig delegiert werden kann, ist es dennoch erforderlich, über das notwendige Wissen zu verfügen, um die Ergebnisse oder angebotenen Konzepte zu überprüfen und zu bewerten zu können. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Mitarbeiter in Arztpraxen, Krankenhäusern und an Beschäftigte von Pflegeeinrichtungen, die Grundkenntnisse realitäts- und anwendungsnah erlernen möchten.

Betriebswirtschaftliche Praxisführung für Ärzte: Steigern Sie Ihren Praxis-Erfolg in wenigen Schritten

by Helmut Börkircher

Der wirtschaftliche Druck auf Ärzte nimmt ständig zu. Fehlentscheidungen in der Arztpraxis kosten nicht nur Gewinn, sondern gefährden die Selbständigkeit. Dieses Praxis-Buch hilft Ihnen - die Erfolgsfaktoren Ihrer Arztpraxis zu steuern - wirtschaftliches Handeln konkret anzuwenden - fit in Fachausdrücken zu werden - Gesprächskompetenz bei Steuerberatern, Anwälten, Banken und Behörden zu erlangen - Ihren Erfolg zu planen Steigern Sie Ihren Praxis-Erfolg in wenigen Schritten! Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Maßnahmen. Senken Sie Kosten und Steuern! Mit zahlreichen Checklisten.

Better Births: The Midwife 'With Woman'

by Anna Brown

Better Births: The Midwife 'with Woman’ provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts at the heart of all midwifery practice. Written for student midwives and qualified practitioners alike, this evidence-based textbook examines what it means to be 'with woman' from a range of perspectives, in a variety of contexts, and in diverse areas of practice. Based on Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis—the theoretical approach to developing knowledge in nursing science—this authoritative resource systematically examines and analyses the most recent literature and evidence, presenting findings of high relevance to midwives and childbearing women with contributions from international experts. Introduces the concept of being 'with woman' and explains the evolutionary concept analysis approach Provides insights on the relationship between woman and midwife and on fulfilling the 'with woman' concept Reviews contemporary literature to identify new knowledge and generate questions about the concept Includes discussion of global and historical perspectives, high risk midwifery, mental health issues, supporting the bereaved woman, delivering nurturing care to the older childbearing woman, midwifery education, public health, the future of midwifery, and more Better Births is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in midwifery programmes, scholars and educators in the field, sociologists and researchers in related disciplines, and general readers interested in women’s position in society, birth and motherhood, and feminism.

Better Births: The Midwife 'With Woman'

by Anna Brown

Better Births: The Midwife 'with Woman’ provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts at the heart of all midwifery practice. Written for student midwives and qualified practitioners alike, this evidence-based textbook examines what it means to be 'with woman' from a range of perspectives, in a variety of contexts, and in diverse areas of practice. Based on Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis—the theoretical approach to developing knowledge in nursing science—this authoritative resource systematically examines and analyses the most recent literature and evidence, presenting findings of high relevance to midwives and childbearing women with contributions from international experts. Introduces the concept of being 'with woman' and explains the evolutionary concept analysis approach Provides insights on the relationship between woman and midwife and on fulfilling the 'with woman' concept Reviews contemporary literature to identify new knowledge and generate questions about the concept Includes discussion of global and historical perspectives, high risk midwifery, mental health issues, supporting the bereaved woman, delivering nurturing care to the older childbearing woman, midwifery education, public health, the future of midwifery, and more Better Births is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in midwifery programmes, scholars and educators in the field, sociologists and researchers in related disciplines, and general readers interested in women’s position in society, birth and motherhood, and feminism.

The Better Brain: How Nutrition Will Help You Overcome Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and Stress

by Julia J Rucklidge Bonnie J Kaplan

The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in our mental health, and how diet and micronutrients can be used to help treat and prevent anxiety, depression, ADHD and other mental health disorders.'The Better Brain is the first book that will tell you both how and why nutrients can be used to treat mental-health issues. We are scientists who've uncovered that many symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD and more are caused by suboptimal nutrition. We've been doing research and clinical studies on this crucial topic for decades, yet we have never published our findings for a general audience before. Following our lectures and Julia's TEDx Talk, we get asked questions all the time about our findings and why nutrients are so important for our brains. People want to know more. They're desperate for answers. This is our solution.' Leading scientists Bonnie Kaplan and Julia Rucklidge have dedicated their careers to researching the role that diet and nutrition play in our mental health. Together they have published several hundred peer-reviewed studies - those from the last two decades reveal the healing power of nutrients and the surprising role they play in brain health. In this paradigm-shifting book, Kaplan and Rucklidge share their groundbreaking research for the first time and explain how to feed your brain to stabilise your mood, stave off depression and make yourself more resilient to daily stress. The Better Brain also reveals the hidden causes of the rising rates of depression, from the nutrients in our soil to our reliance on processed food. It explains why a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses, fish and olive oil is healthiest for your brain, and why some people benefit from supplementary minerals and vitamins added to such a diet. Complete with a nutritional plan and thirty delicious, mood-boosting recipes, this book will be a complete guide to a healthier, happier brain.

Better Buildings for Better Services: Innovative Developments in Primary Care

by Jackie Bailey Helen Gould

Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind, this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition, Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way, offering definitions, assessment outlines, detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical, the forty-eight chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes, and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners, health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and educational psychologists, many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people, will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES

Better Buildings for Better Services: Innovative Developments in Primary Care

by Jackie Bailey Helen Gould

Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind, this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition, Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way, offering definitions, assessment outlines, detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical, the forty-eight chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes, and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners, health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and educational psychologists, many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people, will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES

Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950

by Richard G. Frank Sherry A. Glied

The past half-century has been marked by major changes in the treatment of mental illness: important advances in understanding mental illnesses, increases in spending on mental health care and support of people with mental illnesses, and the availability of new medications that are easier for the patient to tolerate. Although these changes have made things better for those who have mental illness, they are not quite enough. In Better But Not Well, Richard G. Frank and Sherry A. Glied examine the well-being of people with mental illness in the United States over the past fifty years, addressing issues such as economics, treatment, standards of living, rights, and stigma. Marshaling a range of new empirical evidence, they first argue that people with mental illness—severe and persistent disorders as well as less serious mental health conditions—are faring better today than in the past. Improvements have come about for unheralded and unexpected reasons. Rather than being a result of more effective mental health treatments, progress has come from the growth of private health insurance and of mainstream social programs—such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, housing vouchers, and food stamps—and the development of new treatments that are easier for patients to tolerate and for physicians to manage. The authors remind us that, despite the progress that has been made, this disadvantaged group remains worse off than most others in society. The "mainstreaming" of persons with mental illness has left a policy void, where governmental institutions responsible for meeting the needs of mental health patients lack resources and programmatic authority. To fill this void, Frank and Glied suggest that institutional resources be applied systematically and routinely to examine and address how federal and state programs affect the well-being of people with mental illness.

The Better End: Surviving (and Dying) on Your Own Terms in Today's Modern Medical World

by Dan Morhaim

While modern Americans strive to control nearly every aspect of their lives, many of us abandon control of life's final passage. But the realities of twenty-first-century medicine will allow most of us to have a say in how, when, and where we die, so we need to make decisions here, too. Through compelling real-life stories and practical guidance, this book helps readers navigate end-of-life care for themselves and their loved ones.The Better End is about hope, empowerment, and inspiration. What we choose for our end-of-life care depends on accurate information and on our personal values. We need not only to understand new medical advances but also to appreciate the wisdom of humanity's past and present. Dan Morhaim, a practicing physician and Maryland state legislator, guides readers through the medical and legal maze of end-of-life care. He details the care choices available to patients and explains why living wills and advance directives are a necessity for every American. He tells readers where to find free and readily available living wills and advance directives and why it is so important for everyone—young and old—to complete them. Dr. Morhaim helps readers keep decisions in their own hands and spare their families the uncertainty and trauma of guessing about their end-of-life wishes. With this book, he breaks down the barriers to a difficult but essential topic, helping readers to open this often avoided discussion with their loved ones and providing the information and guidance needed to ensure that deeply held values are reflected and honored.

Better health in harder times: Active citizens and innovation on the frontline (PDF)

by Celia Davies Jan Walmsley

For years the NHS has been the most trusted of public institutions and the envy of many around the world. But today there is turmoil. Painful shortcomings in clinical care and patient experience, together with funding cuts, threaten to dig deep into service levels and standards. Seventy years of technically advanced medicine provided free to the population has produced a widespread perception of patients as passive consumers of health care. This book explores how we may renew for our times the collective compact that created our public services in the 1940s. Voices from service users and service providers show how this can be done. They offer testimony of what goes wrong and what can be put right when working together becomes the norm. Sections explore new ways of living and working with long-term conditions, more meaningful and effective approaches to service redesign, use of information technology, leadership, co-production and creating and accounting for quality. Accessible to a wide range of readers, with short, accessible contributions, this is a book to provoke and inspire.

Better health in harder times: Active citizens and innovation on the frontline

by Celia Davies Jan Walmsley

For years the NHS has been the most trusted of public institutions and the envy of many around the world. But today there is turmoil. Painful shortcomings in clinical care and patient experience, together with funding cuts, threaten to dig deep into service levels and standards. Seventy years of technically advanced medicine provided free to the population has produced a widespread perception of patients as passive consumers of health care. This book explores how we may renew for our times the collective compact that created our public services in the 1940s. Voices from service users and service providers show how this can be done. They offer testimony of what goes wrong and what can be put right when working together becomes the norm. Sections explore new ways of living and working with long-term conditions, more meaningful and effective approaches to service redesign, use of information technology, leadership, co-production and creating and accounting for quality. Accessible to a wide range of readers, with short, accessible contributions, this is a book to provoke and inspire.

Better Physician Writing and Speaking Skills: Improving Communication, Grant Writing and Chances for Publication

by John Gartland Mithilesh Lal

This book covers the theory and practice of writing and speaking in professional settings for practitioners, educators and researchers in healthcare. A thought-provoking work, written by John J. Gartland, MD, Medical Editor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and past president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it will stimulate readers and change their perspectives on all forms of communication with their patients and colleagues. Uniquely, it also shows how to prepare an interesting, well-organized and well-written grant proposal to maximize the chances of obtaining funding. An essential resource for physicians and residents in all specialties, medical students, and educators and researchers, particularly those applying for research grants or wanting to publish articles. "Developing acceptable writing and speaking skills should be major goals for all physicians to attain because the very nature of the medical profession is such that few physicians can escape the need to speak and write in their professional careers. I share with you concepts and strategies about medical writing, medical speaking, and patient communication skills that have worked well for me over a long medical career. My hope is that these suggested communication and writing strategies will work as well for you as they have for me." - John Gartland, in the foreword.

Better Physician Writing and Speaking Skills: Improving Communication, Grant Writing and Chances for Publication

by John Gartland Mithilesh Lal

This book covers the theory and practice of writing and speaking in professional settings for practitioners, educators and researchers in healthcare. A thought-provoking work, written by John J. Gartland, MD, Medical Editor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and past president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it will stimulate readers and change their perspectives on all forms of communication with their patients and colleagues. Uniquely, it also shows how to prepare an interesting, well-organized and well-written grant proposal to maximize the chances of obtaining funding. An essential resource for physicians and residents in all specialties, medical students, and educators and researchers, particularly those applying for research grants or wanting to publish articles. "Developing acceptable writing and speaking skills should be major goals for all physicians to attain because the very nature of the medical profession is such that few physicians can escape the need to speak and write in their professional careers. I share with you concepts and strategies about medical writing, medical speaking, and patient communication skills that have worked well for me over a long medical career. My hope is that these suggested communication and writing strategies will work as well for you as they have for me." - John Gartland, in the foreword.

Better than Prozac: Creating the Next Generation of Psychiatric Drugs

by Samuel H. Barondes

Every day millions of people take psychiatric drugs. In Better Than Prozac Samuel Barondes considers the benefits and limitations of Prozac, Ritalin, Valium, Risperdal, and other widely used medications and the ways that superior ones are being created. In tracing the early history of these drugs Barondes describes the accidental observations that led to their discovery and their great impact on our view of mental illness. He goes on to show how their unexpected therapeutic effects were attributed to their influence on neurotransmitters that carry signals in the brain and how this guided their improvement. But Barondes reminds us that, like the originals, current psychiatric drugs don't always work, and often have negative side effects. Furthermore, none were crafted as remedies for known brain abnormalities. In contrast, the design of the drugs of the future will be based on a different approach: an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that give rise to specific patterns of mental symptoms. Using colorful examples of contemporary research, he shows how it is gradually leading to a new generation of psychiatric medications. A lucid evaluation of psychopharmacology, Better Than Prozac offers a deep understanding of psychiatric drugs for people who take them, those who are considering them, and those who are just fascinated by the powerful effects of these simple chemicals on our thoughts and our feelings.

Better Value Health Checks: A Practical Guide

by Nick Summerton

This book explores the practical aspects of setting up and assessing the quality of health checks. It is the first book to support clinicians and managers in enhancing the value of health checks in improving health outcomes, an increasingly essential goal for health services. The book will help maximise outcomes for individuals, families and employers by addressing each element within a health check from primary prevention, risk factor reduction and screening to early diagnosis and tertiary prevention. These are considered in relation to their ability to lead to subsequent improvements in individual health outcomes.

Better Value Health Checks: A Practical Guide

by Nick Summerton

This book explores the practical aspects of setting up and assessing the quality of health checks. It is the first book to support clinicians and managers in enhancing the value of health checks in improving health outcomes, an increasingly essential goal for health services. The book will help maximise outcomes for individuals, families and employers by addressing each element within a health check from primary prevention, risk factor reduction and screening to early diagnosis and tertiary prevention. These are considered in relation to their ability to lead to subsequent improvements in individual health outcomes.

Better with Age: The Psychology of Successful Aging

by Dr. Alan D. Castel

Age is an important number, but it can also be deceiving. After 40, most people say they feel younger than their years, some lie about their age, and many attempt to hide the signs of growing old. Better with Age addresses the many myths and paradoxes about the aging process. Although most people think of their later years in terms of decline, they can be one of the best times in life. This book presents the latest scientific research about the psychology of aging, coupled with insights from those who have succeeded in doing it well, such as Maya Angelou, Bob Newhart, Jared Diamond, John Glenn, and John Wooden. We are all aging, and many people are concerned about what to expect with advancing years. Retirement, happiness, and brain health are some of the many topics covered in this book. Better with Age shows what we can do now, at any stage in life, to make sure we enjoy old age.

Better with Age: The Psychology of Successful Aging

by Dr. Alan D. Castel

Age is an important number, but it can also be deceiving. After 40, most people say they feel younger than their years, some lie about their age, and many attempt to hide the signs of growing old. Better with Age addresses the many myths and paradoxes about the aging process. Although most people think of their later years in terms of decline, they can be one of the best times in life. This book presents the latest scientific research about the psychology of aging, coupled with insights from those who have succeeded in doing it well, such as Maya Angelou, Bob Newhart, Jared Diamond, John Glenn, and John Wooden. We are all aging, and many people are concerned about what to expect with advancing years. Retirement, happiness, and brain health are some of the many topics covered in this book. Better with Age shows what we can do now, at any stage in life, to make sure we enjoy old age.

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