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10 for 10: Hedley Verity and the Story of Cricket’s Greatest Bowling Feat

by Chris Waters

Hedley Verity was one of Yorkshire and England's greatest cricketers. In a career that ran from 1930 to 1939, the left-arm spin bowler took 1,956 wickets at an average of 14.90. Verity was chiefly responsible for England's only Ashes victory at Lord's in the 20th century, when his 15 wickets helped to win the 1934 Test - 14 of them captured in a single day. And he dismissed the legendary Australian batsman Don Bradman more times than anyone in Test cricket, claiming his wicket on eight occasions - and a record-equalling 10 times in first class cricket. But the high-water mark of Verity's career came during a long-forgotten County Championship match in 1932. On the Headingley ground near his birthplace, Verity returned staggering figures of 10 for 10 against Nottinghamshire - a world record that still stands.Now, for the first time, the story of this amazing game has been told as Chris Waters narrates it in relation to Verity's career - a career that ended with the outbreak of a war in which Verity was tragically killed at the age of 38.Warm and wistful, charming and colourful, 10 for 10: Hedley Verity and the story of cricket's greatest bowling feathonours the history of our summer sport.

10 Good Questions About Life And Death

by Christopher Belshaw

10 Good Questions about Life and Death makes us think again about some of the most important issues we ever have to face. Addresses the fundamental questions that many of us ask about life and death. Written in an engaging and straightforward style, ideal for those with no formal background in philosophy. Focuses on commonly pondered issues, such as: Is life sacred? Is it bad to die? Is there life after death? Does life have meaning? And which life is best? Encourages readers to think about and respond to the human condition. Features case studies, thought-experiments, and references to literature, film, music, religion and myth.

The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time: Decoding History's Unsolved Mysteries

by Brad Meltzer

From #1 bestselling author Brad Meltzer, a riveting collection of the 10 greatest historical conspiracies of all time, from around the world and across the eras, including Hitler's interest in capturing the Roman "Spear of Destiny" to the Kennedy assassination (did Oswald act alone?) to Area 51. Previously collected in the interactive book History Decoded, these stories are now collected in a reading book for any history buff.

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

by Dan Harris

#1 New York Times Bestseller and winner of the 2014 Living Now Book Award for Inspirational Memoir.'An enormously smart, clear-eyed, brave-hearted, and quite a personal look at the benefits of meditation' - Elizabeth Gilbert10% Happier is a spiritual book written for - and by - someone who would otherwise never read a spiritual book. It is both a deadly serious and seriously funny look at mindfulness and meditation as the next big public health revolution.Dan Harris always believed the restless, relentless, impossible-to-satisfy voice in his head was one of his greatest assets. How else can you climb the ladder in an ultra-competitive field like TV news except through nonstop hand-wringing and hyper vigilance? For a while, his strategy worked. Harris anchored national broadcasts and he covered wars. Then he hit the brakes, and had a full-blown panic attack live on the air. What happened next was completely unforeseen. Through a bizarre series of events - involving a disgraced evangelical pastor, a mysterious self-help guru and a fateful gift from his wife - Harris stumbled upon something that helped him tame the voice in his head: meditation. At first, he was deeply suspicious. He had long associated meditation with bearded swamis and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with mounting scientific evidence that just a few minutes a day can literally rewire the brain for focus,happiness, and reduced reactivity, Harris took a deep dive. He spent years mingling with scientists,executives and marines on the front lines of a quiet revolution that has the potential to reshape society. He became a daily meditator, and even found himself on a ten-day, silent meditation retreat, which was simultaneously the best and worst experience he'd ever had.Harris's life was not transformed into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, but he did gain a passion for daily meditation. While the book itself is a narrative account of Dan's conversion amid the harried and decidedly non-Zen world of the newsroom, it concludes with a section for the novice on how to get started.

10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Cats: (Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-261) (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin)

by Lura Rogers

Catnip Isn't the Only Herb Your Cat Will Love!If you're a dedicated cat lover, you know the amazing intoxicating effect that catnip has on most cats. But did you also know that catnip can help calm a frantic feline during an extended car trip? Or that catnip can ease feline gastrointestinal distress? In fact, there are many common herbs that can do wonders for your cat's health. In 10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Cats you'll find ten of the safest, most versatile herbs for feline health. You'll learn everything you need to know about growing these herbs and buying or making your own herbal teas, tinctures, capsules, and poultices. You'll also find expert advice on calculating the proper dosage of an herbal remedy and administering it to your cat -- including how to catch that feisty feline and help make the medicine go down easily!

10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Dogs: Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-260 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin)

by Kathleen Brown

Are you curious about using alternative health care for your dog, but not sure where to start? Let herbalist Kathleen Green be your guide! In 10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Dogs, Brown identifies 10 of the safest and most versatile herbs to use with dogs. You'll find everything you need to know to prepare herbal remedies at home and administer them to your dog, including how to calculate the proper dosage. You'll also find a wide array of herbal remedies designed for everything from soothing hot spots to relieving bowel problems to healing cuts and scrapes. You can even make daily herbal boosters - nature's vitamins! - to help your dog stay at the peak of health for a lifetime.

10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold The Key To Health And Happiness

by Alanna Collen

Obesity, autism, mental health problems, IBS, allergies, auto-immunity, cancer. Does the answer to the modern epidemic of ‘Western’ diseases lie in our gut?

10 Jahre Bologna Prozess: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Problematiken

by Tobias Brändle

Mittlerweile hat die erste Generation von Studierenden ihr Studium nach der europaweiten Angleichung von Studiengangsstrukturen und Studienabschlüsse, die mit dem Bologna-Prozess angestoßen wurde, abgeschlossen. Sie waren es, die die Hürden und Ungereimtheiten in diesem bildungspolitischen Großexpe- ment aushalten mussten und sie waren es auch, die die Interessen der Studierenden in die Politik trugen. Dass eben diese Betroffenen sich auch in ihrem Studium mit der Frage beschäftigten, welche Akteure eigentlich den Bologna-Prozess gestaltet haben und inwieweit es sich dabei um einen de- kratischen und von allen Beteiligten gleichermaßen getragenen Prozess handelt, verwundert daher nicht. Das dürfte vor allem auch für jene Studierende gelten, die sich im Rahmen ihres Studiums mit Fragen der Bildungspolitik, der Bildungsforschung und hier insbesondere der Hochschulforschung auseinand- setzten und dort ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte gesucht und gefunden haben. Der dabei immer auch ins Visier tretende, kritische Fokus auf die Akteure, die sich bildungspolitisch an solchen Großexperimenten beteiligen, eröffnet dabei auch eine reflexive Perspektive auf jene gesellschaftlichen Steuerungsprozesse, die das eigene Leben – hier vor allem die eigene Hochschulbiografie – maßgeblich mitprägen. Ein solches wissenschaftliches, gleichwohl auch persönliches Engagement liegt der vorliegenden Studie zugrunde und zeichnet sie zugleich aus. In ihr werden dezidierte Analysen des Bologna-Prozesses vorgelegt, die nicht nur profunde Kenntnis der Studienstrukturreform und der sie kennzeichnenden E- scheidungsstrukturen belegen. So besticht die Arbeit nicht nur durch die mul- perspektivische Sicht auf den Prozess selbst, sondern auch durch die sich - zeichnende bildungssoziologische Rahmung der vorgelegten Analysen.

10 Keys to Happier Living: 10 Keys to Happier Living

by Vanessa King

'Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions' The Dalai Lama, patron of Action for Happiness. Vanessa King, positive psychology expert for Action for Happiness has created 10 key evidence-based actions that have been shown to increase happiness and wellbeing - at home, at work and in the world around you. If you have read The Art of Happiness, The Happiness Project or Sane New World, this book will be the perfect complement.We all want to be happy but what does that actually mean and what can we do in our everyday lives to be happier? Fortunately, psychologists, neuroscientists and other experts now have evidence of what really makes a difference and helps us to be happier and more resilient to life's ups and downs.In this book, Vanessa King of Action for Happiness has drawn on the latest scientific studies to create a set of evidence-based practical actions. They will help you connect with people, nurture your relationships and find purpose. You'll get ideas for taking care of your body, making the most of what's good and finding new ways to stimulate your mind. So here are the 10 Keys to Happier Living - ideas, insights and practical actions that you can take to create more happiness for yourself and those around you.

10 Keys to Student Empowerment: Unlocking the Hero in Each Child

by Cathleen Beachboard Marynn Dause

Discover how to work alongside your students to unlock their potential. This powerful book reveals 10 keys to creating a classroom where your students can take ownership of their learning and become heroes in their own lives. You’ll learn how to build relationships, support, strength, willpower, soft skills, service, agency, curiosity, innovation, and productive failure. Each key is illustrated in a narrative format, designed with tips and notes to help you make practical changes immediately. By the end of the book, you’ll have the foundational pieces you need to create a student-powered classroom where students can learn about themselves, fail forward, and gain courage to face challenges head on.

10 Keys to Student Empowerment: Unlocking the Hero in Each Child

by Cathleen Beachboard Marynn Dause

Discover how to work alongside your students to unlock their potential. This powerful book reveals 10 keys to creating a classroom where your students can take ownership of their learning and become heroes in their own lives. You’ll learn how to build relationships, support, strength, willpower, soft skills, service, agency, curiosity, innovation, and productive failure. Each key is illustrated in a narrative format, designed with tips and notes to help you make practical changes immediately. By the end of the book, you’ll have the foundational pieces you need to create a student-powered classroom where students can learn about themselves, fail forward, and gain courage to face challenges head on.

The 10 Keys to Success

by John Bird

In his inimitable no-nonsense style, John Bird - founder of the Big Issue - shows us how to be successful in whatever we choose in just ten easy steps.No one is born deserving anything - you only deserve what you achieve by yourself. Drawing from this, John's philosophy is based on the idea that success is about deciding what you want, working out what is important to you and then going out to grab it. The beauty of this approach is that we can all achieve whatever we want; we just need to go after it. With unique lessons such as 'Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Instead, make mistakes and learn from them' and 'Take responsibility for yourself as you are no one else's problem', The 10 Keys to Success shows us how uncomplicated success can be.

10. Kongreß der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation und refraktive Chirurgie: 22. bis 23. März 1996, Budapest

by Daniel Vörösmarthy Gernot Duncker Christian Hartmann

Auf Ihre Fragen zur Katarakt- und Hornhautchirurgie finden Sie in diesem Band aktuelle und praxisgerechte Antworten. Für Anschaulichkeit sorgen Illustrationen, Tabellen, Diagramme und zahlreiche Abbildungen (z.B. mikrochirurgische Aufnahmen).Die Hauptthemen:- Intra- und postoperative Komplikationen der moderenen Kataraktchirurgie und Linsenimplantation- Vorbeugung von Komplikationen bei der Intraokularlinsen-, Katarakt- und refraktiven Chirurgie- Rekonstruktionsverfahren der Spätfolgen möglicher Komplikationen- Vor- und Nachteile der refraktiven Chirurgie- Neue Techniken der Kataraktchirurgie und Kunstlinsenimplantation sowie der refraktiven und Hornhautchirurgie- Neue Erkenntnisse der Biometrie, Linsenchirurgie und Hornhauttopographie

10% Less Democracy: Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less

by Garett Jones

During the 2016 presidential election, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders argued that elites were hurting the economy. But, drawing together evidence and theory from across economics, political science, and even finance, Garett Jones says otherwise. In 10% Less Democracy, he makes the case that the richest, most democratic nations would be better off if they slightly reduced accountability to the voting public, turning up the dial on elite influence. To do this, Jones builds on three foundational lines of evidence in areas where he has personal experience. First, as a former staffer in the U.S. Senate, he saw how senators voted differently as elections grew closer. Second, as a macroeconomist, Jones knows the merits of "independent" central banks, which sit apart from the political process and are controlled by powerful insiders. The consensus of the field is that this detached, technocratic approach has worked far better than more political and democratic banking systems. Third, his previous research on the effects of cognitive skills on political, social, and economic systems revealed many ways in which well-informed voters improve government. Discerning repeated patterns, Jones draws out practical suggestions for fine-tuning, focusing on the length of political terms, the independence of government agencies, the weight that voting systems give to the more-educated, and the value of listening more closely to a group of farsighted stakeholders with real skin in the game—a nation's sovereign bondholders. Accessible to political news junkies while firmly rooted and rigorous, 10% Less Democracy will fuel the national conversation about what optimal government looks like.

10 Machine Learning Blueprints You Should Know for Cybersecurity: Protect Your Network And Data With Cutting-edge Ai Techniques And Projects To Boost Your Cybersecurity Defenses

by Rajvardhan Oak

Protect your systems and boost your defenses with cutting-edge AI techniques

10 Mindframes for Visible Learning: Teaching for Success

by John Hattie Klaus Zierer

The original Visible Learning research concluded that one of the most important influencers of student achievement is how teachers think about learning and their own role. In Ten Mindframes for Visible Learning, John Hattie and Klaus Zierer define the ten behaviors or mindframes that teachers need to adopt in order to maximize student success. These include: thinking of and evaluating your impact on students’ learning; the importance of assessment and feedback for teachers; working collaboratively and the sense of community; the notion that learning needs to be challenging; engaging in dialogue and the correct balance between talking and listening; conveying the success criteria to learners; building positive relationships. These powerful mindframes, which should underpin every action in schools, are founded on the principle that teachers are evaluators, change agents, learning experts, and seekers of feedback who are constantly engaged with dialogue and challenge.This practical guide, which includes questionnaires, scenarios, checklists, and exercises, will show any school exactly how to implement Hattie’s mindframes to maximize success.

10 Mindframes for Visible Learning: Teaching for Success

by John Hattie Klaus Zierer

The original Visible Learning research concluded that one of the most important influencers of student achievement is how teachers think about learning and their own role. In Ten Mindframes for Visible Learning, John Hattie and Klaus Zierer define the ten behaviors or mindframes that teachers need to adopt in order to maximize student success. These include: thinking of and evaluating your impact on students’ learning; the importance of assessment and feedback for teachers; working collaboratively and the sense of community; the notion that learning needs to be challenging; engaging in dialogue and the correct balance between talking and listening; conveying the success criteria to learners; building positive relationships. These powerful mindframes, which should underpin every action in schools, are founded on the principle that teachers are evaluators, change agents, learning experts, and seekers of feedback who are constantly engaged with dialogue and challenge.This practical guide, which includes questionnaires, scenarios, checklists, and exercises, will show any school exactly how to implement Hattie’s mindframes to maximize success.

10 Mindful Minutes: Giving our children - and ourselves - the skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives (Playaway Adult Nonfiction Ser.)

by Wendy Holden Goldie Hawn

'This is a remarkable book . . . Read it and use it: you may find you are doing nothing less than giving back to your children their childhood, while they still have the chance to live it' Mark Williams, Director, University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and author of Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world'10 Mindful Minutes can help any adult - parent, grandparent, teacher - make double use of their moments with the children they love and have a terrific time while helping shape that child's brain for a lifetime of resilience and happiness' Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceBestselling author Goldie Hawn offers parents a practical guide for helping their children to learn better and live more happily. Based on the MindUP programme, supported by the Hawn Foundation, 10 Mindful Minutes outlines short, practical exercises for parents and children - taking less than 10 minutes - to help young children and teenagers reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and academic performance, effectively manage emotions and behaviour, develop greater empathy for others and the world, and be more optimistic and happy. Representing the culmination of years of research and programmes developed by the Hawn Foundation currently being used by schools internationally, this book will help children and parents develop mindfulness which has been proven to promote more effective learning and happier lives.

The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment (Coursesmart Ser.)

by Knut Schroeder

Clinical assessment is at the heart of medicine. Health professionals working in busy clinical settings, such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners and hospital doctors on-call, often have to assess patients under considerable time constraints. This book teaches the reader how to gather clinical information effectively, accurately and safely even when time is at a premium. Provides a systematic method of collecting and assessing relevant clinical information by suggesting step-by-step examination routines, including important patient-centred questions Focuses on common symptoms and presentations Treatment reflects the latest in evidence based practice (including latest NICE Guidelines) Specifically covers the clinical skills assessment (CSA) part of the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) examination Written by an experienced medical educator and practicing GP, in consultation with a multidisciplinary team of medical students, GPs, PG trainees, hospital doctors and nurses

The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment

by Knut Schroeder

Clinical assessment is at the heart of medicine. Health professionals working in busy clinical settings, such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners and hospital doctors on-call, often have to assess patients under considerable time constraints. This book teaches the reader how to gather clinical information effectively, accurately and safely even when time is at a premium. Provides a systematic method of collecting and assessing relevant clinical information by suggesting step-by-step examination routines, including important patient-centred questions Focuses on common symptoms and presentations Treatment reflects the latest in evidence based practice (including latest NICE Guidelines) Specifically covers the clinical skills assessment (CSA) part of the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) examination Written by an experienced medical educator and practicing GP, in consultation with a multidisciplinary team of medical students, GPs, PG trainees, hospital doctors and nurses

The 10-minute Clinical Assessment (Coursesmart Ser.)

by Knut Schroeder

In the space of 10 minutes, how do you confidently assess your patient's condition and make an accurate diagnosis? This concise guide provides a systematic way of collecting the essential clinical information swiftly and effectively. The individual disease sections are uniformly structured to provide: Key features of the history, including questions relevant to patients and important for making a diagnosis The 'value' of present or absent symptoms for diagnosis and prognosis What should be examined and why A summary of 'red flags' – issues that must be assessed Important differential diagnoses and their clinical features Useful tips, tricks and hints for effective patient assessment Every health professional, who has to assess patients under time constraints, as well as advanced medical students preparing for final exams, will find this new, easily accessible and comprehensive guide invaluable "Being responsible for dealing with most of the health problems of most of the population most of the time is quite a challenge.... Both students and doctors, and not just those at the start of their careers, will benefit from reading this beautifully structured book which will help them get the very best out of clearly focused consultations. Combined with the vital attributes of listening and caring, using the knowledge and support this book provides will help us all become more effective doctors." —Professor David Haslam, CBE, FRCP, FFPH, FRCGP, Past President of the Royal College of General Practitioners, London, UK

The 10-Minute Life Coach

by Fiona Harrold

Fiona Harrold's "Be Your Own Life Coach" had great success with its powerfully inspiring message to take control of our lives and achieve our wildest dreams. Now, she shows us how in just 10 minutes each day we can accelerate towards attaining our goals. Follow her winning strategies and: believe in yourself 100 per cent; propel yourself into taking action; turn into a natural optimist; live a bigger, more interesting life. Fiona's is the winning formula to open the door to life's vast opportunities. Believe in yourself and others will too.

The 10-Minute Millionaire: The One Secret Anyone Can Use to Turn $2,500 into $1 Million or More

by D. R. Barton Jr.

America’s “Millionaires’ Club” now has 10.4 million members – the most ever, according to the latest statistics. And it’s a club you can join – much sooner than you might think, says D.R. Barton, Jr., a top trader, television analyst and former hedge fund officer. In his new book, the 10-Minute Millionaire, D.R. has distilled his decades of experience trading the markets into a system so simple that even a new investor can set it up and maintain it in increments of as little as 10 minutes. The 10-Minute Millionaire combines goal-setting, stock-screening and trading strategies whose ultimate objective is to give you membership in that Millionaires’ Club. The system is so simple D.R. has taught it to sixth graders, yet so powerful it can transform even a small starting stake into lifelong financial freedom – in a way that utterly destroys “buy-and-hold” investing. Loaded with step-by-step illustrations and personal stories, the 10-Minute Millionaire takes the powerful secrets of Wall Street insiders and breaks them down into an easy-to-understand blueprint for beating the markets, day after day, week after week. Using an easy three-step process, D.R. walks you through a repeatable and reliable way to identify the stock-market extremes that show up virtually every day. He trains you to properly frame each trade to maximize profit and minimize risk. Finally, he neutralizes the natural biases that lead most traders to financial destruction – and shows you how to book big profits from other trader’s irrational miscues. This isn’t an algorithmic “black box.” It’s not “robo-trading.” The 10-Minute Millionaire system still requires personal involvement. It still requires commitment. But it squeezes out emotion, filters out the noise, slashes the risk, and maximizes your potential for profits – and also for meaningful wealth. Once you learn the 10-Minute Millionaire way, it’s a system you can operate and update in tiny 10-minute increments. Before you know it, you’ll be trading better than a seasoned pro. And you’ll watch as your “assets” turn into true wealth. And you’ll learn the most-valuable lesson of all: Becoming a millionaire doesn’t have to be an unattainable dream. Make it a goal, and pursue that goal, and before long that dream will be real.

The 10-Minute Millionaire: The One Secret Anyone Can Use to Turn $2,500 into $1 Million or More

by D. R. Barton Jr.

America’s “Millionaires’ Club” now has 10.4 million members – the most ever, according to the latest statistics. And it’s a club you can join – much sooner than you might think, says D.R. Barton, Jr., a top trader, television analyst and former hedge fund officer. In his new book, the 10-Minute Millionaire, D.R. has distilled his decades of experience trading the markets into a system so simple that even a new investor can set it up and maintain it in increments of as little as 10 minutes. The 10-Minute Millionaire combines goal-setting, stock-screening and trading strategies whose ultimate objective is to give you membership in that Millionaires’ Club. The system is so simple D.R. has taught it to sixth graders, yet so powerful it can transform even a small starting stake into lifelong financial freedom – in a way that utterly destroys “buy-and-hold” investing. Loaded with step-by-step illustrations and personal stories, the 10-Minute Millionaire takes the powerful secrets of Wall Street insiders and breaks them down into an easy-to-understand blueprint for beating the markets, day after day, week after week. Using an easy three-step process, D.R. walks you through a repeatable and reliable way to identify the stock-market extremes that show up virtually every day. He trains you to properly frame each trade to maximize profit and minimize risk. Finally, he neutralizes the natural biases that lead most traders to financial destruction – and shows you how to book big profits from other trader’s irrational miscues. This isn’t an algorithmic “black box.” It’s not “robo-trading.” The 10-Minute Millionaire system still requires personal involvement. It still requires commitment. But it squeezes out emotion, filters out the noise, slashes the risk, and maximizes your potential for profits – and also for meaningful wealth. Once you learn the 10-Minute Millionaire way, it’s a system you can operate and update in tiny 10-minute increments. Before you know it, you’ll be trading better than a seasoned pro. And you’ll watch as your “assets” turn into true wealth. And you’ll learn the most-valuable lesson of all: Becoming a millionaire doesn’t have to be an unattainable dream. Make it a goal, and pursue that goal, and before long that dream will be real.

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