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20% Chance of Rain: Exploring the Concept of Risk (J-b Tl Single Issue Teaching And Learning Ser. #129)

by Richard B. Jones

There are plenty of books on specialized risk topics but few that deal with the broad diversity and daily applicability of this subject. Risk applications require a robust knowledge of many attributes of this seemingly simple subject. This book teaches the reader through examples and case studies the fundamental (and subtle) aspects of risk - regardless of the specific situation. The text allows the reader to understand the concept of risk analysis while not getting too involved in the mathematics; in this method the reader can apply these techniques across a wide range of situations. The second edition includes new examples from NASA and several other industries as well as new case studies from legal databases. The many real-life discussion topics enable the reader to form an understanding of the concepts of risk and risk management and apply them to day-to-day issues.

20% Chance of Rain: Exploring the Concept of Risk

by Richard B. Jones

There are plenty of books on specialized risk topics but few that deal with the broad diversity and daily applicability of this subject. Risk applications require a robust knowledge of many attributes of this seemingly simple subject. This book teaches the reader through examples and case studies the fundamental (and subtle) aspects of risk - regardless of the specific situation. The text allows the reader to understand the concept of risk analysis while not getting too involved in the mathematics; in this method the reader can apply these techniques across a wide range of situations. The second edition includes new examples from NASA and several other industries as well as new case studies from legal databases. The many real-life discussion topics enable the reader to form an understanding of the concepts of risk and risk management and apply them to day-to-day issues.

20 Claves para mejorar la fica

by Iwao Kobayashi

These 20 essential keys have helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and productivity. This program provides the strategies necessary to achieve ambitious goals through a five-level scoring system. The revised edition is improved with upgraded criteria for the system to guide your company to world-class status. New material and updated layout make implementation even easier. Two valuable case studies demonstrate effective use by both a Japanese company and an American manufacturer.

20 Claves para mejorar la fica

by Iwao Kobayashi

These 20 essential keys have helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and productivity. This program provides the strategies necessary to achieve ambitious goals through a five-level scoring system. The revised edition is improved with upgraded criteria for the system to guide your company to world-class status. New material and updated layout make implementation even easier. Two valuable case studies demonstrate effective use by both a Japanese company and an American manufacturer.

20 Essential Games to Study

by Joshua Bycer

The purpose of this book is to look over the past 35 years of games to discuss titles whose design deserves to be studied by anyone with an interest in game design. While there are plenty of books that focus on the technical side of Game Development, there are few that study the nature of game design itself. Featuring a mix of console and PC offerings, I purposely left off some of the easy choices (Mario, Starcraft, Call of Duty, Overwatch) to focus on games that stood out thanks to their designs. Key Features An informative breakdown focusing on the design and gameplay of successful games Written to be useful for students or designers starting out in game development Books focused specifically on design are rare Perfect for students and professionals alike, or can be read for the nostalgia and history

20 Essential Games to Study

by Joshua Bycer

The purpose of this book is to look over the past 35 years of games to discuss titles whose design deserves to be studied by anyone with an interest in game design. While there are plenty of books that focus on the technical side of Game Development, there are few that study the nature of game design itself. Featuring a mix of console and PC offerings, I purposely left off some of the easy choices (Mario, Starcraft, Call of Duty, Overwatch) to focus on games that stood out thanks to their designs. Key Features An informative breakdown focusing on the design and gameplay of successful games Written to be useful for students or designers starting out in game development Books focused specifically on design are rare Perfect for students and professionals alike, or can be read for the nostalgia and history

20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work: A Guide Across Content and Grade Levels

by Kate Wolfe Maxlow Karen L. Sanzo

This book provides teachers and school leaders with practical, effective, and proven assessment strategies that are immediately implementable in classrooms. You’ll learn about 20 high-impact formative assessment strategies, with details on how they can be applied to a variety of content areas and grade levels, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and various electives. In this accessible book, these experienced authors demonstrate the how and why, along with a framework for folding these new ideas into job-embedded professional development. 20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work provides the full toolkit for implementing, managing, and modifying these assessment strategies in your school and classrooms today.

20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work: A Guide Across Content and Grade Levels

by Kate Wolfe Maxlow Karen L. Sanzo

This book provides teachers and school leaders with practical, effective, and proven assessment strategies that are immediately implementable in classrooms. You’ll learn about 20 high-impact formative assessment strategies, with details on how they can be applied to a variety of content areas and grade levels, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and various electives. In this accessible book, these experienced authors demonstrate the how and why, along with a framework for folding these new ideas into job-embedded professional development. 20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work provides the full toolkit for implementing, managing, and modifying these assessment strategies in your school and classrooms today.

20 Ground-Breaking Directors of Eastern Europe: 30 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain

by Kalina Stefanova Marvin Carlson

Directors have long been the main figures on Eastern European stages. During the last three decades some of the most outstanding among them have risen to international stardom thanks to their ground-breaking productions that speak to audiences far beyond local borders. Not by chance, a considerable number of these directors have won the second-biggest theatre award on the continent – the European Prize for (New) Theatrical Realities. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the top directors of the region have been pushing contemporary theatre as a whole ahead into new territories. This book offers informative and in-depth portraits of twenty of these directors, written by leading critics, scholars, and researchers, who shed light on the directors’ signature styles with examples of their emblematic productions and outline the reasons for their impact. In addition, in two chapters the selected directors themselves discuss their artistic family trees as well as the main stakes theatre faces today. The book will be of interest to theatre scholars, students, and anybody engaged with theatre on a global scale.

20 Habits That Break Habits: Growing Greatness

by Pepe Marais

After hitting a brick wall in both his business and personal life in 2006, Pepe Marais discovered his purpose on which he rebuilt all aspects of his life over the course of the next fourteen years. The results of his purposeful approach to life have been nothing short of spectacular and in this, his second book, Pepe once again sets out to deliver on his personal purpose: to bring out the best in those around him.The life lessons that Pepe provides in 20 Habits That Break Habits are based on Aristotle’s insight that we are what we repeatedly do, and that excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit. Through his own experience, Pepe has learnt that there are two kinds of habits: those that limit us and those that liberate us. And in order to eradicate a limiting habit, you simply have to replace it with a liberating one. Throughout this book, Pepe shares some of his own most limiting habits that held him back over the course of his journey, and the liberating habits he replaced each of them with in order to create a significant breakthrough in his own life. From turning wine into water, to replacing television with the kitchen table, if a book could come with a warning sign, then this one should. Because …it may just change your life!20 Habits That Break Habits reflects a deep concern for developing human potential and is in service of your journey towards discovering your own inner greatness.

20 Ideas for Teaching Gifted Kids in the Middle School and High School

by Joel E. McIntosh

Imagine taking your gifted and talented students to a mysterious old graveyard in town and teaching them to conduct history research using the information they gather, teaching gifted children the concepts behind great literature using modern science fiction, allowing your students to conduct independent research in their mathematics classroom, or encouraging your students to plan and participate in exotic travel around the world—without ever leaving your classroom.In this book, you will receive the best ideas and lessons for teachers of secondary gifted kids developed by master teachers across the nation. This exciting book features ideas for starting a mentorship program, teaching history using scientific surveys, using simulations to teach content, organizing historical debates, producing documentaries, and much more.20 Ideas features exciting activities and lessons such as: Be a Capitalist in Jolly Old England (an exciting activity for the world history classroom),Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics (producing innovative ways to solve problems),Creating Simulations for the History Classroom (tips for using simulations with gifted students),Another Fine Mess . . . (building creative problem-solving activities that help teach subject area content), andmany more creative ideas and lessons.Bring some of the most innovative and inspirational lessons being offered today into your classroom with 20 Ideas.Grades 5-12

20 Ideas for Teaching Gifted Kids in the Middle School and High School

by Joel E. McIntosh

Imagine taking your gifted and talented students to a mysterious old graveyard in town and teaching them to conduct history research using the information they gather, teaching gifted children the concepts behind great literature using modern science fiction, allowing your students to conduct independent research in their mathematics classroom, or encouraging your students to plan and participate in exotic travel around the world—without ever leaving your classroom.In this book, you will receive the best ideas and lessons for teachers of secondary gifted kids developed by master teachers across the nation. This exciting book features ideas for starting a mentorship program, teaching history using scientific surveys, using simulations to teach content, organizing historical debates, producing documentaries, and much more.20 Ideas features exciting activities and lessons such as: Be a Capitalist in Jolly Old England (an exciting activity for the world history classroom),Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics (producing innovative ways to solve problems),Creating Simulations for the History Classroom (tips for using simulations with gifted students),Another Fine Mess . . . (building creative problem-solving activities that help teach subject area content), andmany more creative ideas and lessons.Bring some of the most innovative and inspirational lessons being offered today into your classroom with 20 Ideas.Grades 5-12

20. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium: Automobil- und Motorentechnik (Proceedings)

Band IIIn einer sich rasant verändernden Welt sieht sich die Automobilindustrie fast täglichmit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Der problematischer werdende Rufdes Dieselmotors, verunsicherte Verbraucher durch die in der Berichterstattungvermischte Thematik der Stickoxid- und Feinstaubemissionen, zunehmendeKonkurrenz bei Elektroantrieben durch neue Wettbewerber, die immer schwierigerwerdende öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung, dass ein großer Unterschiedzwischen Prototypen, Kleinserien und einer wirklichen Großserienproduktion besteht.Dazu kommen noch die Fragen, wann die mit viel finanziellem Einsatz entwickeltenalternativen Antriebsformen tatsächlich einen Return of Invest erbringen, wer dienotwendige Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Massenmarkttauglichkeit der Elektromobilitätbauen und finanzieren wird und wie sich das alles auf die Arbeitsplätzeauswirken wird.Für die Automobilindustrie ist es jetzt wichtiger denn je, sich den Herausforderungenaktiv zu stellen und innovative Lösungen unter Beibehaltung des hohenQualitätsanspruchs der OEMs in Serie zu bringen. Die Hauptthemen sind hierbei,die Elektromobilität mit höheren Energiedichten und niedrigeren Kosten der Batterienvoranzutreiben und eine wirklich ausreichende standardisierte und zukunftssichereLadeinfrastruktur darzustellen, aber auch den Entwicklungspfad zum schadstofffreienund CO2-neutralen Verbrennungsmotor konsequent weiter zu gehen. Auch dasautomatisierte Fahren kann hier hilfreich sein, weil das Fahrzeugverhalten dann –im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - kalkulierbarer wird.Dabei ist es für die etablierten Automobilhersteller strukturell nicht immer einfach,mit der rasanten Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit mitzuhalten. Hier haben Start-upseinen großen Vorteil: Ihre Organisationsstruktur erlaubt es, frische, unkonventionelleIdeen zügig umzusetzen und sehr flexibel zu reagieren. Schon heute werdenStart-ups gezielt gefördert, um neue Lösungen im Bereich von Komfort, Sicherheit,Effizienz und neuen Kundenschnittstellen zu finden. Neue Lösungsansätze,gepaart mit Investitionskraft und Erfahrungen, bieten neue Chancen auf dem Weg derElektromobilität, der Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors und ganz allgemein für dasAuto der Zukunft.

20. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium: Automobil- und Motorentechnik (Proceedings)

Band IIn einer sich rasant verändernden Welt sieht sich die Automobilindustrie fast täglichmit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Der problematischer werdende Rufdes Dieselmotors, verunsicherte Verbraucher durch die in der Berichterstattungvermischte Thematik der Stickoxid- und Feinstaubemissionen, zunehmendeKonkurrenz bei Elektroantrieben durch neue Wettbewerber, die immer schwierigerwerdende öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung, dass ein großer Unterschiedzwischen Prototypen, Kleinserien und einer wirklichen Großserienproduktion besteht.Dazu kommen noch die Fragen, wann die mit viel finanziellem Einsatz entwickeltenalternativen Antriebsformen tatsächlich einen Return of Invest erbringen, wer dienotwendige Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Massenmarkttauglichkeit der Elektromobilitätbauen und finanzieren wird und wie sich das alles auf die Arbeitsplätzeauswirken wird.Für die Automobilindustrie ist es jetzt wichtiger denn je, sich den Herausforderungenaktiv zu stellen und innovative Lösungen unter Beibehaltung des hohenQualitätsanspruchs der OEMs in Serie zu bringen. Die Hauptthemen sind hierbei,die Elektromobilität mit höheren Energiedichten und niedrigeren Kosten der Batterienvoranzutreiben und eine wirklich ausreichende standardisierte und zukunftssichereLadeinfrastruktur darzustellen, aber auch den Entwicklungspfad zum schadstofffreienund CO2-neutralen Verbrennungsmotor konsequent weiter zu gehen. Auch dasautomatisierte Fahren kann hier hilfreich sein, weil das Fahrzeugverhalten dann –im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - kalkulierbarer wird.Dabei ist es für die etablierten Automobilhersteller strukturell nicht immer einfach,mit der rasanten Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit mitzuhalten. Hier haben Start-upseinen großen Vorteil: Ihre Organisationsstruktur erlaubt es, frische, unkonventionelleIdeen zügig umzusetzen und sehr flexibel zu reagieren. Schon heute werdenStart-ups gezielt gefördert, um neue Lösungen im Bereich von Komfort, Sicherheit,Effizienz und neuen Kundenschnittstellen zu finden. Neue Lösungsansätze,gepaart mit Investitionskraft und Erfahrungen, bieten neue Chancen auf dem Weg derElektromobilität, der Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors und ganz allgemein für dasAuto der Zukunft.

20 Jahre Begrüßungsgeld: 100 Mark auf Zeitreise - was ist daraus geworden?

by Stefan Calefice

Kennen Sie das Gefühl, wenn ein Kindheitstraum wahr wird? Ein Gefühl von Erfüllung, Euphorie, Zufriedenheit... So oder ähnlich muss es auch meinem langjährigen Weggefä- ten und Autoren dieses Buches, Stefan Calefice, ergangen sein, als der Gabler Verlag ihm die Möglichkeit gab, dieses Werk hier zu schreiben. „20 Jahre Begrüßungsgeld“ – dieser Titel zog ihn in seinen Bann. Konnte er sich doch mit der Verfassung dieses Buches auf seine ganz persönliche Zeitreise begeben. Eine Ze- reise durch Wirtschaft, Politik und Finanzen, die im Jahr 1989 beginnt - dem Jahr, in dem das Begrüßungsgeld für DDR-Bürger zum letzten Mal ausgezahlt wurde – und bis in das Jahr 2009 reicht. Nach der Wende siedelte Stefan Calefice im Oktober 1990 vom Rheinland nach Berlin über – der Stadt, in der er wie in k- ner anderen in den nächsten 17 Jahren das Zusammenwachsen beider deutscher Staaten erleben konnte. Mauerabriss, Üb- bauung des Potsdamer Platzes, Regierungsumzug - um nur - nige Höhepunkte dieser spannenden Zeit zu nennen. Beruflich in der Wertpapier- und Vermögensverwaltung tätig, ist er eng verbunden mit den Geschehnissen an den Kapitalmärkten, der Geld- und Wirtschaftspolitik. Diese Kombination aus beruflich und privat versetzt ihn in die Lage, die jüngste deutsche - schichte eindrucksvoll zu beleuchten. Seine Zeitreise teilt Stefan Calefice in Jahresscheiben auf.

20 Jahre Kardiologie 1973–1993

by U. Gleichmann H. Mannebach

20 Jahre Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen: Theoretische und empirische Analysen zur Ökonomisierung von Medizin und Pflege (Gesundheit und Gesellschaft)

by Alexandra Manzei Rudi Schmiede

​Während das Wettbewerbsparadigma in anderen gesellschaftlichen Teilbereichen spätestens nach der Finanzkrise 2009 nicht mehr unhinterfragt als Königsweg politischer Regulierung propagiert wird, scheint es in der Gesundheitspolitik völlig ungebrochen. Dies verwundert umso mehr, als mittlerweile zahlreiche empirische Studien vorliegen, die die problematischen Folgen der Ökonomisierung von Medizin und Pflege belegen. Intention des vorliegenden Bandes ist es, qualitative und quantitative Analysen zur Arbeits- und Lebenswirklichkeit von Beschäftigen und PatientInnen zu bündeln, sie durch Berichte aus der Praxis zu ergänzen und so einen umfassenden Einblick in die Realität des wettbewerbsgesteuerten Gesundheitswesens zu eröffnen.

20 Keys to Workplace Improvement

by Iwao Kobayashi

20 Keys has helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and productivity. This program provides the strategies necessary to achieve ambitious goals through a five-level scoring system.The revised edition is improved with upgraded criteria for the five-level scoring system to guide your company to world-class status. New material and updated layout make implementation even easier. Two valuable case studies demonstrate effective use by both a Japanese company and an American manufacturer.

20 Keys to Workplace Improvement

by Iwao Kobayashi

20 Keys has helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and productivity. This program provides the strategies necessary to achieve ambitious goals through a five-level scoring system.The revised edition is improved with upgraded criteria for the five-level scoring system to guide your company to world-class status. New material and updated layout make implementation even easier. Two valuable case studies demonstrate effective use by both a Japanese company and an American manufacturer.

20 Life-Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make, Second Edition

by Sherrie Eldridge

As an adoptee, do you have mixed feelings about your adoption? If you do, you are not alone - adoptees often experience complex feelings of grief, anger, and questions about their identity. Sherrie Eldridge is an adoptee and adoption expert, and in this book she draws on her personal experiences and feelings relating to adoption as well as interviews with over 70 adoptees. Sherrie reveals how you can discover your own unique life purpose and worth, and sets out 20 life-transforming choices which you have the power to make. The choices will help you discover answers about issues such as: Why do I feel guilty when I think about my birth parents? Why can't I talk about the painful aspects of adoption? Where can I gain an unshakable sense of self-esteem? Sherrie also addresses the problem of depression among adoptees and common dilemmas such as if, when and how to contact a birth mother or father. This fully updated second edition includes new material on finding support online, contacting family through social media, and features three new chapters, including Sherrie's story of reuniting with her birth brother, Jon, in adulthood.

20 Life-Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make, Second Edition (PDF)

by Sherrie Eldridge

As an adoptee, do you have mixed feelings about your adoption? If you do, you are not alone - adoptees often experience complex feelings of grief, anger, and questions about their identity. Sherrie Eldridge is an adoptee and adoption expert, and in this book she draws on her personal experiences and feelings relating to adoption as well as interviews with over 70 adoptees. Sherrie reveals how you can discover your own unique life purpose and worth, and sets out 20 life-transforming choices which you have the power to make. The choices will help you discover answers about issues such as: Why do I feel guilty when I think about my birth parents? Why can't I talk about the painful aspects of adoption? Where can I gain an unshakable sense of self-esteem? Sherrie also addresses the problem of depression among adoptees and common dilemmas such as if, when and how to contact a birth mother or father. This fully updated second edition includes new material on finding support online, contacting family through social media, and features three new chapters, including Sherrie's story of reuniting with her birth brother, Jon, in adulthood.

The 20-Minute Vegan: Quick, Easy Food (That Just So Happens to be Plant-based)

by Calum Harris

'Calum's vegan recipes are super easy and tasty' Joe Wicks80 fast, fresh and flavour-packed recipes!Eager to introduce more veg to your weekly meals?Looking to eat less meat but still want protein-packed mains?Want hearty and comforting dishes that are maximum flavour but minimum fuss?Calum Harris is here to show you how you can feed yourself and your loved ones hearty, healthy and delicious vegan fare in under twenty minutes – including the time you spend chatting while you cook.From proper pastas to creamy curries, chocolatey puddings to fluffy pancakes, this hearty, vibrant food will appeal to everyone – whether you’re vegan full-time or simply want to eat more plant-based meals when you can. Calum will teach you how to quick and easy cook vegan food that is bursting with flavour with easy-to-find ingredients that don’t cost the earth.If you’re all about indulgent sweet treats, protein-rich mains and big family favourites to impress a crowd, Calum’s delicious recipes will keep you coming back for more.The 20-Minute Vegan is perfect for flexitarians, students, home cooks on a budget and anyone wanting to cook more meals that just happen to be plant-based.

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