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Asthma: Grundlagen — Diagnostik — Therapie

by Gerhard Schultze-Werninghaus M. Debelic

Das Interesse an pulmonalen Erkrankungen, besonders an Asthma, hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren in erheblichem Maße verstärkt, bedingt durch Hinweise auf eine zunehmende Häufigkeit derartiger Krankheitsbilder und durch die Annahme eines Zusammenhanges mit den Umweltbedingungen in der Industriegesellschaft. Asthma ist eine vielschichtige Krankheit - Ätiologie, Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Befunde sind uneinheitlich - die in der verfügbaren Literatur in unterschiedlicher Weise abgehandelt wird. In diesem Buch beschreiben 26 Autoren das Krankheitsbild Asthma unter dem aktuellen Gesichtpunkt der Entzündung der Atemwege und der daraus resultierenden Hyperreagibilität. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der nervösen und neurohumoralen Regulation, den Grundlagen der Hyperreagibilität sowie Diagnostik und Therapie. Das Buch ist sowohl für den niedergelassenen Arzt als auch den Krankenhausarzt eine umfassende Informationsquelle über das aktuelle Krankheitsbild.

Asthma: (pdf)

by Friedrich Verzár Willem Strom van Leeuwen

Asthma, Allergic and Immunologic Diseases During Pregnancy: A Guide to Management

by Jennifer A. Namazy Michael Schatz

With insight and research from world-renowned experts, this book provides specific approaches to diagnosis and treatment, addressing pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management. Specific conditions examined include asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis, anaphylaxis, atopic and contact dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema, hereditary angioedema, drug allergies, and primary immune deficiency. An overview of obstetric management of the high risk asthmatic and allergic patient is provided, and the book concludes with a discussion of the prevention of asthma and allergic diseases during childhood.

Asthma And Beyond

by Dr Paul Sherwood

After helping thousands of people with back and heart problems, Doctor Sherwood deals with more ailments - from the small but irritating symptoms of colds to the life-threatening diseases such as appendicitis. Having studied the human lymphatic system for most of his life Paul Sherwood has come to the conclusion that many of our afflictions are rooted in blockages and malfunctions of this vital but over-looked fluid network. Using case histories from his long experience as an eminent West-End physician he illustrates his theories with proven examples - explaining the causes of symptoms in simple terms and the means by which they were relieved. The book concentrates on preventative measures and especially in children where catarrh, ear and throat trouble can cause such misery. There is also an emphasis of this theory in the treatment of Asthma, the bane of modern urban life - with diet, exercise and environmental considerations all playing an important part in health recovery. His original theories on preventing cot-death, asthma, arthritis, sinusitis etc. have already cured his patients - this book will help many more suffers.

Asthma and Bronchitis

by Jan De Vries

It is clear that asthma and bronchitis are on the increase, especially in Britain, and there are strong indications that this rise may be linked to atmospheric influences. Jan de Vries has over 30 years' experience of treating these conditions and in this important title in the By Appointment Only series he sets out his own ideas about respiratory disorders. He shows, for example, how many allergic reactions can result in asthma-related problems, hay-fever being a case in point. Viruses, bacteria and irritants may result in dry coughs, mucus formation, breathlessness, muscle pain and even light fever, depression and sometimes emphysema. Emphysema is known to be incurable, but Jan de Vries shows his treatments can bring welcome relief.

Asthma and Respiratory Infections

by David P. Skoner

Performing a thorough and detailed study of one of the most common yet less accurately understood causes of human illness, this all-inclusive reference examines the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and future treatment options for asthma and respiratory infections. Contains up-to-date results from clinical trials of antiviral agents that expl

Asthma bei Kindern: Hilfen für Eltern und Kind

by Karl P. Paul

Jedes 10. Kind in Deutschland hat Asthma bronchiale, und die Erkrankungszahlen steigen weiter. Entsprechend wichtig sind für Eltern und Kinder allgemeinverständliche Informationen über die Krankheit, die sie neben dem Gespräch mit Ärzten und Betreuern in Ruhe zu Hause nachlesen können. Diese Aufgabe erfüllt das Buch des Kinderarztes Karl Paul in ausgezeichneter Weise - der Erfolg der ersten Auflage bestätigt das Konzept. Verständlich, mit lustigen Bildern für Kinder, erklärt es alles, was sie und ihre Eltern über Asthma wissen müssen. Die überarbeitete 2. Auflage berücksichtigt die neuesten Therapiekonzepte und enthält wieder das Asthmalexikon zum schnellen Nachschlagen sowie wichtige Adressen.

Asthma bei Kindern: Hilfen für Eltern und Kind

by Karl-Peter Paul

Verständlich, mit kindgerechten Cartoons und Comics, erklärt das Buch Kindern und Eltern alles über Asthma. Die 3. Auflage enthält die neuesten Therapiekonzepte, wichtige Adressen und das Asthma-Lexikon.

Asthma bei Kindern: Informationen für Eltern und Kinder

by Karl-Peter Paul

Als Fachmann oder Fachfrau sollten Sie das Buch kennen, obwohl und weil es in erster Linie für Eltern und die Asthmapatienten selber geschrieben ist. Es erleichtert Ihnen das Gespräch mit beiden, denn das sehr liebevoll und anschaulich gestaltete Buch erklärt sachkundig, was Eltern und Kinder über Asthma und seine Behandlung wissen müssen.

Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter

by D. Berdel M. Griese H. Küster J. Lecheler H. Lemoine E. Von Mutius T. Nicolai F. Peterman

Das Asthma bronchiale stellt die häufigste chronische Erkrankung im Kindesalter dar und hat in den letzten Jahren weltweit deutlich zugenommen. Trotz vieler Gemeinsamkeiten unterscheidet sich das Asthma des Kindes von dem des Erwachsenen in mancherlei Hinsicht. Dies betrifft das klinische Bild ebenso wie besondere Probleme in Diagnostik, Prognose und Therapie. Die Unterschiede sind um so größer, je jünger das Kind ist.Die hier vorliegende 3. Auflage trägt durch zwei neue Kapitel den aktuellen Entwicklungen bei Diagnose und Therapie Rechnung und wurde vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neben der Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhänge wird vor allem Wert auf Praxisrelevanz gelegt. Eine Dosierungstabelle im Anhang erleichtert die Anwendung des Dargestellten in der Praxis.

Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter

by Dietrich Reinhardt

Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter

by Dietrich Reinhardt

Asthma bronchiale wird im Kindesalter immer häufiger diagnostiziert und entsprechend groß ist der Bedarf an einem umfassenden, aktuellen Fachbuch, das die Besonderheiten des kindlichen Asthmas fundiert und anwendungsbezogen darstellt. Genau diese Anforderungen erfüllt das für Praktiker geschriebene "Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter" in einer Vollständigkeit und Aktualität, die derzeit kein anderes Buch bietet.Der Autor hat die zweite Auflage grundlegend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert.Schwerpunkte der NEUAUFLAGE:-> umfassende Darstellung der kinderspezifischen Asthmabehandlung auf dem neuesten Kenntnisstand - Klinik, Diagnostik, Prognose und Therapie,-> insgesamt noch stärkerer Praxisbezug, der sich auch in den erweiterten praktischen Therapiehinweisen und Dosierungsanleitungen widerspiegelt,-> neue Kapitel "Lungenfunktion" und "Entstehung von Allergien",-> zahlreiche neue Tabellen und Abbildungen,-> moderne Didaktik und zweifarbige Gestaltung, die der Übersichtlichkeit und schnellen Orientierung dienen."Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter" stellt in leicht abrufbarer Form das ganze praxisrelevante Expertenwissen zur Verfügung, das von jedem Arzt gefordert wird, der Kinder behandelt.

Asthma Care in the Community

by Jill Waldron

Written by nurses for nurses, Asthma Care in the Community emphasizes the "back to basics" approach, which is often forgotten in a high technology healthcare system. The book covers epidemiology, including prevalence, morbidity, and mortality; the economic and social burden of asthma; the pathology and pathophysiology of asthma; managing patients with asthma, both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically; managing uncomplicated asthma, right through to the more complex issues surrounding acute episodes and "difficult to manage" situations.

Asthma, COPD, and Overlap: A Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences

by Jonathan A. Bernstein Louis-Philippe Boulet Michael E. Wechsler, MD,MMSc

Using illustrative case examples, this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment, particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued.

Asthma, COPD, and Overlap: A Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences

by Jonathan A. Bernstein Louis-Philippe Boulet Michael E. Wechsler, MD,MMSc

Using illustrative case examples, this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment, particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued.

Asthma, COPD, and Overlap: A Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences

by Jonathan A. Bernstein Louis-Philippe Boulet MMSc Michael E. Wechsler

Using illustrative case examples, this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment, particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued.

Asthma Education: Principles and Practice for the Asthma Educator

by Ian Mitchell Gaynor Govias

This book comprehensively presents all the necessary information health professionals need to become Certified Asthma Educators. Competent asthma educators must possess a number of skills: they must have appropriate and sound medical and pharmaceutical knowledge; be proficient and effective educators who can influence their patients’ behaviors for the better; and, finally, they need the administrative and organizational skills needed to set up and run efficient clinics at their places of work. The book is divided into three sections to meet those needs: Asthma: The Fundamentals; The Role of Education; and, The Effective Asthma Educator. The first section covers clinical knowledge of asthma, with chapters including lung structure and function, clinical presentation of asthma, and environmental issues in asthma management. The second section delves into the role of educating patients and teaches readers how to best do that with an integrated approach between physician, educator, and patient. The third section looks further into educating techniques with a view of the learning process, considerations for instruction locations, and the role the educator plays overall. The final chapter in the book presents example cases for readers to assess the knowledge they have learned throughout. This second edition serves as both textbook and study guide for certification as well as a long-term reference publication. It has been fully updated from the previous edition with the latest treatment guidelines, medications, and disease monitoring methods. This is an ideal guide for asthma educators, those seeking NAECB certification, and any health professional involved with individuals who have asthma.

Asthma: Epidemiology, Anti-Inflammatory Therapy and Future Trends (Respiratory Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy)

by Brian J. O’Connor Mark A. Giembycz

1. 1. Invasive versus Non-Invasive Clinical Measurements in Medicine Clinical measurement has become an essential complement to traditional physical diagnosis. An ideal clinical measurement should be quantitative, have a high level of reliability and accuracy, be safe, acceptable to the patient, easy to perform and non-invasive. The latter demands that the technique should not break the skin or the lining epithelium and should be devoid of effects on the tissues of the body by the dissipation of energy or the introduction of infection [1]. It is therefore logical that for a given measurement, a non-invasive test will be preferred if it provides the same information with the same accuracy and precision. In the following sections, we will discuss the role of various non-invasive or relatively non-invasive methods to assess airway inflammation in asthma and concentrate on the only direct method of induced sputum examination. 1. 2. Why Is Assessment of Airway Inflammation Important in Asthma? Inflammation is a localized protective response elicited by injury or destruc­ tion of tissues which serves to destroy, dilute or wall off both the injurious agent and the injured tissue [2]. The role of inflammation in asthma was rec­ ognized long ago. In his textbook The Principles and Practice of Medicine, in 1892, Sir William Osler described "bronchial asthma . . . in many cases is a spe­ cial form of inflammation of the smaller bronchioles . . .

Asthma For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by William E. Berger

The incidence of asthma is rising dramatically in the United States and across the globe. Asthma affects 17 million people in the U.S. and is the most common chronic childhood disease. If you or someone you love suffers from asthma, you know that there is no cure—however, with proper care, asthmatics can lead normal, active, and fulfilling lives. Now you can breathe easy with this plain-English guide, which clearly explains the prevention, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of the disease. Asthma For Dummies will help asthma sufferers and their loved ones get a strong handle on managing the disease. Dr. William Berger, one of the nation’s foremost experts on allergies and asthma, gives you the tools you need to: Understand the relationship between allergies and asthma Identify your asthma triggers Prepare for your first doctor’s visit Allergy-proof your home or office environment Avoid asthma complications Find outside support Featuring up-to-date coverage of childhood asthma, this easy-to-understand guide covers all the vital issues surrounding asthma, including handling food allergies, exercising when asthmatic, asthma during pregnancy, and all the latest medications. You’ll find tips on avoiding allergens that cause respiratory symptoms, testing for allergies, and dealing with HMOs. This fact-packed guide also features: A dedicated chapter to asthma in the elderly The latest information on Claritin and Clarinex, two common allergy medications taken by those with asthma The interrelationships between asthma and other respiratory complications of untreated allergy such as ear, sinus, tonsil, and adenoid disease Extensive information on controller drugs and rescue medications Future trends in asthma therapy Offering the latest on allergy shots and tips for traveling with asthma, Asthma for Dummies will relieve your anxiety about asthma, help you control your triggers, and manage the disease long-term.

Asthma For Dummies

by William E. Berger Tonya A. Winders

Breathe easier and live a full life with proper asthma treatment Asthma For Dummies is a reassuring and realistic guide to managing asthma, whether you’re living with it yourself or have a loved one who suffers from the disease. It’s packed with authoritative information on symptoms and diagnosis, plus resources you can use to enhance long-term asthma management. Find the best treatments and reduce asthma complications with compassionate advice and all the latest details on medication options, including asthma controller drugs, rescue asthma medications, and future trends in asthma therapy. Discover the most common triggers and suggestions for avoiding them in daily life. With the expert advice in this Dummies guide, you can tackle asthma. Learn all the basics about diagnosing and managing asthma in adults and children Find out about the newest treatments, therapies, and alternative strategies Prepare for your doctor’s appointment with questions to ask and ideas for working through financial concerns Know what to do about complications, dual diagnoses, and special circumstancesThis updated edition of Asthma For Dummies is a must-have for asthmatics and parents of asthmatic children.

Asthma For Dummies

by William E. Berger Tonya A. Winders

Breathe easier and live a full life with proper asthma treatment Asthma For Dummies is a reassuring and realistic guide to managing asthma, whether you’re living with it yourself or have a loved one who suffers from the disease. It’s packed with authoritative information on symptoms and diagnosis, plus resources you can use to enhance long-term asthma management. Find the best treatments and reduce asthma complications with compassionate advice and all the latest details on medication options, including asthma controller drugs, rescue asthma medications, and future trends in asthma therapy. Discover the most common triggers and suggestions for avoiding them in daily life. With the expert advice in this Dummies guide, you can tackle asthma. Learn all the basics about diagnosing and managing asthma in adults and children Find out about the newest treatments, therapies, and alternative strategies Prepare for your doctor’s appointment with questions to ask and ideas for working through financial concerns Know what to do about complications, dual diagnoses, and special circumstancesThis updated edition of Asthma For Dummies is a must-have for asthmatics and parents of asthmatic children.

Asthma-Free Naturally: Everything You Need To Know About Taking Control Of Your Asthma

by Patrick McKeown

This is a highly effective programme for adults and children which incorporates the revolutionary Buteyko breathing method.

The Asthma Handbook: A Definitive Guide to the Causes,Symptoms and all the Latest Treatments

by Lewis , Jenny With The National Asthma Campaign

'Asthma has become something of a modern epidemic. Twenty years ago it affected one in ten people. Now, one if five children and nearly as many adults suffers from it. And despite better, more effective, drugs to combat the problem, the death rate is not going down. Around 2, 000 people die from the complaint each year. ' DAILY MAIL, TUESDAY APRIL 26, 1994. With no known cure for asthma, this comprehensive guide seeks to give practical help to all age groups in dealing with the growing problem, listing the many known triggers for the condition and giving advice on how to avoid them. And following the style established by her two previous titles, THE ASTHMA HANDBOOK contains case histories showing how individuals cope with asthma, as well as the various treatments available, both conventional and where sensible complementary. Packed with essential information such as what to do when faced with an asthma attack, THE ASTHMA HANDBOOK is THE guide for suffers, friends and relations and it may even save a life.

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