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Showing 651 through 675 of 100,000 results

100 Inspirational Quotes: And the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind Them

by Joyce Meyer

100 Inspirational Quotes from Beloved Bible Teacher Joyce Meyer, and the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind ThemThose who know and love Joyce Meyer often say it's her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is approach to teaching the Bible that resonates with them so strongly. For more than forty years now, God has given Joyce the ability to take Biblical principles and express them in ways that stick with you.In this book, you'll find many of her most familiar sayings--along with the scriptures that inspired them--that will help keep your mind focused on God's Word so you can live with more peace and joy in your day-to-day routine. The truth is, "where the mind goes, the man follows," and these godly, practical words of wisdom will make a positive impact that will turn your day around!

100 Inspirational Quotes: And the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind Them

by Joyce Meyer

100 Inspirational Quotes from Beloved Bible Teacher Joyce Meyer, and the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind ThemThose who know and love Joyce Meyer often say it's her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is approach to teaching the Bible that resonates with them so strongly. For more than forty years now, God has given Joyce the ability to take Biblical principles and express them in ways that stick with you.In this book, you'll find many of her most familiar sayings -- along with the scriptures that inspired them -- that will help keep your mind focused on God's Word so you can live with more peace and joy in your day-to-day routine. The truth is, "where the mind goes, the man follows," and these godly, practical words of wisdom will make a positive impact that will turn your day around!

100 Irish Rugby Greats

by John Scally

Bursting with humour and full of amusing anecdotes, 100 Irish Rugby Greats is a unique celebration of the most significant stars of the sport from the 1930s to the present day. A veritable who’s who of Irish rugby, it takes in all of the true greats, including Jack Kyle, Tony O’Reilly, Mike Gibson, Willie John McBride, Moss Keane, Keith Wood, Brian O’Driscoll and Paul O’Connell.Many of the in-depth and revealing profiles are based on interviews with the legends themselves, as well as with those who have lined up against them. The result offers remarkable insights into the myriad controversies, epic matches, thrilling contests and pivotal events on and off the field in which each player has been involved.Written with an insider’s knowledge, 100 Irish Rugby Greats will prove to be a thrilling read for all fans of the sport.

100 Jahre Bunsen-Gesellschaft 1894 – 1994

by Walther Jaenicke

I. Die Zeit und der Verein II. Die Repräsentanten der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft Kurzbiographien und Bilder Der erste Teil schildert die Wandlungen der Zeit und die der Gesellschaft in ihr. Der zweite Teil ist in Bild und Kurzbiographie den Repräsentanten der Bunsen-Gesellschaft gewidmet.

100 Jahre Dermatologische Klinik Zürich: 100 Jahre translationale Forschung

by Michael Geiges Günter Burg Catherine Frey-Blanc

1916 wurde die Dermatologische Klinik Zürich gegründet und Bruno Bloch als erster Lehrstuhlinhaber für Dermatologie und Venerologie und Direktor der Klinik nach Zürich berufen. Die direkte Umsetzung von Forschungsresultaten in die klinische Praxis - die translationale, klinisch orientierte Forschung - zieht sich seit der Klinikgründung wie ein roter Faden durch die hundertjährige Erfolgsgeschichte der Zürcher Dermatologie. Dieses Buch zeigt den Weg von den ersten Meilensteinen wie dem experimentell erzeugten Teerkrebs und dem im Selbstversuch nachgewiesenen kontaktallergischen Ekzem hin zu den heutigen Forschungsschwerpunkten von internationaler Bedeutung: den entzündlichen Hautkrankheiten, den schweren Arzneimittelnebenwirkungen und der Behandlung und Prävention von Hautkrebs.

100 Jahre Musikvideo: Eine Genregeschichte vom frühen Kino bis YouTube (Film)

by Martin Lilkendey

Von der Pariser Weltausstellung 1900 über Elvis Presley hin zu MTV und der heutigen Generation YouTube - Martin Lilkendey zeichnet erstmals detailliert die ganze Geschichte des Musikvideos in der westlichen Welt nach. Auf Grundlage einer präzisen Definition des populären Musikkurzfilms sowie vieler Beispiele kann die Einführung eine filmhistorische Klammer zwischen dem frühen Kino und YouTube setzen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Geschichte des Musikvideos auch eine Geschichte der Medien ist. Die präzise Einordnung des Musikvideos als eigenständiges Genre außerhalb des Musikfilms sowie das empirisch-deskriptive Vorgehen erlauben es, viel weiter historisch zurückzuschauen als alle anderen bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen.

100 Jahre Politikwissenschaft in Hamburg: Bruchstücke zu einer Institutsgeschichte (Edition Politik #102)

by Peter Niesen David Weiß

Von der Universitätsgründung bis in die Gegenwart: die Geschichte des politischen Denkens in Hamburg hat viele Gesichter. Den professionellen Kern bildet das Fachgebiet Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg, das 1951 mit der Berufung von Siegfried Landshut begründet wurde. Die über 70 in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge zeichnen ein sorgfältiges Bild der Institutsgeschichte und ihres intellektuellen Kontexts. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Rainer Nicolaysen, Jüürgen Habermas, Wolfgang Knöbl, Clara Maier, Florian Meinel, Frank Nullmeier, Rainer Schmalz-Bruns und Lisbeth Zimmermann.

100 Jahre Produktionstechnik: Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der RWTH Aachen von 1906 bis 2006

by Walter Eversheim Tilo Pfeifer Manfred Weck

Ein Buch zum 100-jährigen Bestehen des Laboratoriums für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebslehre der RWTH Aachen, kurz Werkzeugmaschinenlabor (WZL) genannt. Ausführlich beschreibt es die Entwicklungsgeschichte von der kleinen Versuchswerkstatt im Keller zu einem der größten und leistungsfähigsten Hochschulinstitute in Europa. Mit 32 Fachbeiträgen zu Forschungsschwerpunkten, die das WZL initiierte. Plus: Habilitationen, Dissertationen, Kolloquien.

100 Jahre Reiterclub Beider Basel: Jubiläumsschrift


100 Jahre Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft: Festveranstaltung vom 25. bis 29. Mai 1999 in Berlin

by H. Keil

In diesem Buch wird die gesamte Jubiläumsfeier mit zugehörigen Vorträgen zusammengefaßt. Die 100 Jahre einer dynamischen Entwicklung wird lebendig. Die Entwicklung im Schiffbau ist gerade in dieser Zeit das Zeugnis einer Epoche, die zu Ende geht. Schiffbau lebte immer schon von technischer Innovation. Gerade heute, wo nur die innovativen Schiffbauunternehmen im Konkurrenzkampf bestehen können, ist der Rückblick auf geleistete Fortschritte besonders interessant. Die Biografien, die persönlichen Erfolge und Mißerfolge der Unternehmer und technischen Genies dieser Epoche zeigen, wie schwer technische Kompetenz zu erwerben ist und wie ertvoll der Erhalt dieser Kompetenz für die Wirtschaft ist.

100 Jahre Türkei – 100 Köpfe: Biografische Skizzen zu Gegenwart und Geschichte der türkischen Republik 1923-2023 (Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Spannungsverhältnis der Regionen Südosteuropa und Mittlerer Osten)

by Wolfgang Gieler

Zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum der Gründung der türkischen Republik am 29. Oktober 2023 werden 100 Personen aus der Türkei vorgestellt, die nicht nur die Politik, sondern auch die Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur des Landes entscheidend charakterisiert und beeinflusst haben.Neben ehemaligen und aktuellen Politiker*innen, Staats- und Regierungschef*innen, Außenminister*innen werden insbesondere auch Schriftsteller*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Künstler*innen, Musiker*innen, Designer*innen, Sportler*innen anhand ihrer Biografien behandelt und in den jeweiligen zeithistorischen Kontext gestellt. Der Band ist um ein erweitertes Verständnis der Türkei bemüht. Wesentlicher Beweggrund des Autors – der 15 Jahre an verschiedenen türkischen Universitäten gelehrt hat - ist hierbei eine zumeist fehlende Auseinandersetzung mit den in der Türkei handelnden Personen anzuregen und damit die Türkei auch besser zu verstehen.

100 Jams, Jellies, Preserves & Pickles: Recipes and techniques for preserving fruits and vegetables

by Gloria Nicol

100 delicious and original recipes for jams, jellies, marmalades, curds, cordials, fruits in syrup, chutneys and pickles. There's something about homemade produce which always tastes so much better. You only have to look on the shelves of the smartest delicatessens to see that making jams and jellies has never been so popular, with flavours and combinations that range from the traditional tried-and-tested recipes to the more adventurous and exotic. In times of abundance it makes perfect sense to squirrel away food for use in times less plentiful: jam- and jelly-making and food preservation have always been an important household craft as well as an essential part of the culinary calendar. Jam-packed with lip-smacking recipes, including ways to pickle vegetables and dry fruit, the secrets to great flavours, simply made, are unlocked in this delightful book. Gloria Nicol is a journalist and photographer. She has written features for many leading magazines and has authored a number of lifestyle books. After 30 years of city life, relocation to a rural setting has given Gloria the opportunity to live 'the good life' for real. Gloria runs the online company The Laundry , selling vintage homeware and linens, as well as writing the excellent online blog

100 Jams, Jellies, Preserves & Pickles: Recipes and techniques for preserving fruits and vegetables

by Gloria Nicol

100 delicious and original recipes for jams, jellies, marmalades, curds, cordials, fruits in syrup, chutneys and pickles. There's something about homemade produce which always tastes so much better. You only have to look on the shelves of the smartest delicatessens to see that making jams and jellies has never been so popular, with flavours and combinations that range from the traditional tried-and-tested recipes to the more adventurous and exotic. In times of abundance it makes perfect sense to squirrel away food for use in times less plentiful: jam- and jelly-making and food preservation have always been an important household craft as well as an essential part of the culinary calendar. Jam-packed with lip-smacking recipes, including ways to pickle vegetables and dry fruit, the secrets to great flavours, simply made, are unlocked in this delightful book .Gloria Nicol is a journalist and photographer. She has written features for many leading magazines and has authored a number of lifestyle books. After 30 years of city life, relocation to a rural setting has given Gloria the opportunity to live 'the good life' for real. Gloria runs the online company The Laundry , selling vintage homeware and linens, as well as writing the excellent online blog

100 Japanese Stencil Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Friedrich Deneken

The natural Japanese affinity for decorative art is apparent in this striking collection of exquisite stencil designs. A centuries-old tradition of capturing nature in striking floral and wildlife motifs is reflected in the graceful shapes and lovely lines of more than 100 illustrations. Lush blossoms, bamboo branches, butterflies, birds on the wing, and rustic country homes, among other subjects long associated with Japanese art, are boldly printed in black and white.Ready for use as patterns for wallpaper, textiles, graphics, and needlework, these delicate royalty-free images are ideal for a host of modern decorative and graphic needs.

100 Key Concepts in Environmental Psychology

by Dorothée Marchand

This accessible book defines 100 key concepts, ideas and processes in Environmental Psychology to provide an introductory reference work that brings together research and theory in a bite-size format. With contributions from leading figures within Environmental Psychology, each concept is clearly defined and explained within the context of issues around the environment, sustainability, climate change, nature and architecture. This book considers the involvement of psychological, physiological and social processes to understand the mechanisms that explain and contribute to the evolution of behavior and attitudes that relate to our relationship with the environment. Concepts covered include biodiversity, eco-anxiety, place identity, sustainable behaviour, climate justice and environmental attitudes. By integrating ideas from different disciplinary orientations in the field of Environmental Psychology, this book allows for a better understanding of the processes related to the individual-environment relationship, as well as the applications that they allow for in various fields of intervention. This is essential reading for students and researchers in Environmental Psychology, Sustainability Studies, Architecture and Built Environment Studies and related fields.

100 Key Concepts in Environmental Psychology

This accessible book defines 100 key concepts, ideas and processes in Environmental Psychology to provide an introductory reference work that brings together research and theory in a bite-size format. With contributions from leading figures within Environmental Psychology, each concept is clearly defined and explained within the context of issues around the environment, sustainability, climate change, nature and architecture. This book considers the involvement of psychological, physiological and social processes to understand the mechanisms that explain and contribute to the evolution of behavior and attitudes that relate to our relationship with the environment. Concepts covered include biodiversity, eco-anxiety, place identity, sustainable behaviour, climate justice and environmental attitudes. By integrating ideas from different disciplinary orientations in the field of Environmental Psychology, this book allows for a better understanding of the processes related to the individual-environment relationship, as well as the applications that they allow for in various fields of intervention. This is essential reading for students and researchers in Environmental Psychology, Sustainability Studies, Architecture and Built Environment Studies and related fields.

100 Keywords Wirtschaftsprüfung: Grundwissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Staff

Von der Abstimmungsprüfung über Financial Auditing und Management Audit bis zur Wesentlichkeit: Die Sprache der Wirtschaftsprüfung zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. Anhand von 100 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die grundlegenden Theorien und Konzepte erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Praxis suchen, sich für Wirtschaftsprüfung interessieren oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

The 100 Kilo Case: The True Story of an Irish Ex-NYPD Detective Protected by the Mafia, and one of the Most Infamous Drug Busts in New York City

by James Durney

'Bizarre, dramatic, often funny and never less than compelling' Irish IndependentPeter Daly was nineteen when he left Donegal, bound for America. Nine years later, in 1961, following a stint with the US Army, he joined the New York Police Department.His beat was the Lower East Side of Manhattan during one of the worst crime-waves in the city and, determined to make his mark, Daly was quickly earmarked for promotion to the Special Investigating Unit - the Princes of the City. The SIU played by its own rules and answered to nobody and, in 1970, at the pinnacle of his career, Daly made one of the department's biggest drug bust: 105 kilos of pure heroin and cocaine.But only 100 kilos was surrendered ...From his remarkable rise within the NYPD to his time served in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary on 'Mafia' Row with some of the most notorious gangsters in American history, including the Lufthansa robber Jimmy 'the Gent' Burke, Benny Ong, 'Godfather of Chinatown', and New York wiseguy Charlie Brody, Peter Daly's story is the stuff of Hollywood scriptwriters. The only thing is: it is true.'Of course, I was dishonest, but you have to make your own judgement. I was brought up to know right from wrong. My regrets are innumerable. It is all part of life. But I would die rather than inform on my police friends. The oath of office I took included loyalty. I gave up my family, my life and all that it meant to me ...' Peter Daly

100 Knitted Tiles: Charts and patterns for knitted motifs inspired by decorative tiles

by Various

A collection of 100 knitting charts and patterns for designs based on decorative tiles.Decorative tiles have long been a source of inspiration for designers and artists due to their often intricate patterns and colours. This collection of knitting patterns and charts includes 100 designs inspired by decorative ceramic tiles from around the world.Choose from brightly coloured colourwork designs to simple textured motifs that evoke everything from Victorian floor tiles to the intricate and brightly coloured designs of ancient temples and palaces.Using a variety of different colourwork knitting techniques such as stranded knitting, mosaic knitting, and intarsia, as well as textured and lace knitting techniques and special stitches, a number of talented knitting designers have developed their own interpretations for you to create with yarn.All of the tiles are made using Metropolis, a 4 ply yarn by Scheepjes but you can supplement it with any 4ply yarn that meets the gauge (tension) recommendations. These knitted tile patterns are the perfect stash buster projects as they only use small amounts of yarn and they're a great way to try out different knitting techniques on a small scale.The tiles are constructed using a number of different knitting techniques including working in rows, modular knitting and centre out knitting so there are lots of different methods to try. All the knitting stitches and techniques you will need to make the motifs are included in the techniques section along with helpful step-by-step artworks and instructions.In addition to the motif patterns there are instructions for five knitting projects to show how specific tiles can be used to make blankets, pillow cases, a needlecase and a knitted bag. Or why not mix and match your favourite designs to create your own blankets or throws? This unique collection of 100 exciting designs will continue to inspire and delight knitters of all abilities.

100 Krankheitsbilder in der Physiotherapie: Behandlungsideen und Tipps (Physiotherapie Basics)

by Christine Mayer Werner Siems

Hundert Krankheitsbilder und ihre physiotherapeutische Behandlung sind in dem Band in alphabetischer Reihenfolge knapp und übersichtlich aufbereitet. Die Doppelseiten, die jeweils einem Krankheitsbild gewidmet sind, bieten auf der linken Seite Kurzinformationen zu Definition, Patientenbefragung bei Befund, Untersuchungstechniken, Komplikationen, Behandlungszielen und Therapie. Die rechte Seite enthält Abbildungen zum jeweiligen Krankheits-/Störungsbild sowie Illustrationen zu den im Text erwähnten Untersuchungs- und Behandlungstechniken.

100 Krankheitsbilder in der Physiotherapie

by Christine Mayer Werner Siems

Hundert Krankheitsbilder und ihre physiotherapeutische Behandlung sind in dem Band in alphabetischer Reihenfolge knapp und übersichtlich aufbereitet. Die Doppelseiten, die jeweils einem Krankheitsbild gewidmet sind, bieten auf der linken Seite Kurzinformationen zu Definition, Patientenbefragung bei Befund, Untersuchungstechniken, Komplikationen, Behandlungszielen und Therapie. Die rechte Seite enthält Abbildungen zum jeweiligen Krankheits-/Störungsbild sowie Illustrationen zu den im Text erwähnten Untersuchungs- und Behandlungstechniken.

100 Learning Games for Special Needs with Music, Movement, Sounds and...Silence

by Johanne Hanko

Games and activities are a great way for children with special needs to learn important skills. This book provides inspiration and guidance for special education teachers, teaching assistants, parents and carers on how to use lively and engaging play ideas to foster learning and development. Targeting key skills including listening, self-awareness, movement, creative thinking and relaxation, each game has been developed with the capabilities of children with special needs in mind. The appropriate age group is clearly identified, and possible variations for different abilities are provided. All of the instructions are easy to follow and there are cheerful illustrations throughout. Using music, dance, art, word games and breathing exercises, this book is packed with creative and enjoyable games that make learning fun. This user-friendly activity book will be an ideal resource for use in special education schools, inclusive mainstream classrooms, day-care, residential and respite settings, or at home.

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Showing 651 through 675 of 100,000 results