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Biomechanics of the Knee: With Application to the Pathogenesis and the Surgical Treatment of Osteoarthritis
by P.G.J. MaquetPathological conditions affecting the hip and knee joints occupy a particular place amongst the important orthopaedic entities affect ing the extremities. On the one hand they are relatively frequent and on the other they mean for the patient limitation of his ability to walk, because of their considerable detrimental effects. A purposeful basic treatment of these joint diseases (and here osteoarthritis takes pride of place) is only possible if it stems from a reliable biomechanical analysis of the normal and pathological stressing of the joint in question. Whilst the situation in the hip can be considered to be fundamentally clarified, a comprehensive representation of the knee is still lacking, particularly when taking into account the latest knowledge of biomechanics. Recently our concepts of the kinematics of the knee have been completely changed, but the clinically important question of articular stressing remains unanswered. Dr. Maquet has carried out pioneer work in this field for some years in adapting, by analogy, to the knee joint principles already accepted for the hip joint. Since the knee is not a ball and socket joint, a complicated problem arises for which new thoughts are necessary. The results of the numerous operations carried out by Dr. Maquet according to the biomechanical considerations demon strate that his thinking is fundamentally correct. Above all, it is here again proven (as earlier in the case of the hip) that healing of osteoarthritis depends decisively on reducing and evenly dis tributing joint pressure.
Biomechanics of the Knee: With Application to the Pathogenesis and the Surgical Treatment of Osteoarthritis
by P.G.J. MaquetPathological conditions affecting the hip and knee joints occupy a particular place amongst the important orthopaedic entities affecting the extremities. On the one hand they are relatively frequent and on the other they mean for the patient limitation of his ability to walk, because of their considerably detrimental effects. A purposeful basic treatment of these joint diseases (and here osteoarthritis takes pride of place) is only possible if it stems from a reliable biomechanical analysis of the normal and patho logical stressing of the joint in question. Whilst the situation in the hip can be considered to be fundamentally clarified, a com prehensive representation of the knee is still lacking particularly when taking into account the latest knowledge of biomechanics. Recently our concepts of the kinematics of the knee have been completely changed, but the clinically important question of articular stressing remains unanswered. Dr. Maquet has carried out pioneer work in this field for some years in adapting, by analogy, to the knee joint, principles already accepted for the hip joint. Since the knee is not a ball and socket joint, a complicated problem arises for which new thoughts are necessary. The results of the numerous operations carried out by Dr. Maquet according to the biomechanical con siderations, demonstrate that his thinking is fundamentally correct. Above all, it is here again proven (as earlier in the case of the hip) that healing of osteoarthritis depends decisively on reducing and evenly distributing joint pressure.
Biomechanics of the Locomotor Apparatus: Contributions on the Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor Apparatus
by Friedrich PauwelsThe contents of this book are based almost exclusively on purely anatomical researches. These were stimulated by questions posed in clinical practice. The results are directed to practicing surgeons. Their chronological sequence leads to a step by step development of theoretical bases and to a progressive rejection of old conceptions. Especially in the field of orthopaedic surgery, a responsible attitude is possible neither without solid anatomical knowledge, nor without an idea of functional relationships. W. Roux had already demonstrated this and he wanted his works of functional anatomy to be considered from this point of view. He above all preoccupied himself with a uniform theory of functional adaptation. Thus it is understandable that the theories ofRoux formed the basis from which to start. Our own researches seemed at first to corroborate the ideas of Roux, at least in part. This is still evident in the monograph concerning fractures of the femoral neck. Later it appeared that ST. KROMPECHER had made a step forwards in the matter of chondrogenesis when he abandoned the shear theory postulated by Roux and held that compression was the only effective stimulus for the forma tion of cartilage. The research concerning the healing of fractures relies partly on the theory of KROMPECHER which was new at that time. But ultimately more and more discoveries could no longer be explained by this conception which was only slightly different from the older theories (1. WOLF, W. Roux, W.
Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System: Modeling of Data Uncertainty and Knowledge
by Tien Tuan Dao Marie-Christine Ho ThoThe topic of this book is the modeling of data uncertainty and knowledge for a health engineering problem such as the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. This is the first book on this subject. It begins with the state of the art in related topics such as data uncertainty, knowledge modeling, and the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, followed by fundamental and theoretical aspects of this field. Clinically relevant applications of musculoskeletal system modeling are then introduced. The book finishes with a chapter on practical software and tools for knowledge modeling and reasoning purposes.
Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System: Modeling of Data Uncertainty and Knowledge
by Tien Tuan Dao Marie-Christine Ho ThoThe topic of this book is the modeling of data uncertainty and knowledge for a health engineering problem such as the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. This is the first book on this subject. It begins with the state of the art in related topics such as data uncertainty, knowledge modeling, and the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, followed by fundamental and theoretical aspects of this field. Clinically relevant applications of musculoskeletal system modeling are then introduced. The book finishes with a chapter on practical software and tools for knowledge modeling and reasoning purposes.
Biomechanics of the Normal and Diseased Hip: Theoretical Foundation, Technique and Results of Treatment An Atlas
by Friedrich PauwelsOrthopaedic surgery today is undergoing a phase of vara, pseudarthrosis of the neck of the femur, and osteo turbulent development. Once the essential aim of treatment arthritis, even in cases which up to now would usually have been considered incurable. consisted in restitution of anatomy by surgery in order to This atlas not only shows convincing results of such restore function. Various forms of alloplasty have recently become fashionable for the treatment of joint diseases. treatment. Above all, it gives interested clinicians a line to The main reason for this vogue is that restoration of follow and sets out precise indications for the practical normal anatomy improves function and alleviates pain steps of the operations. only in certain special instances. I am especially grateful to Professor B. Kummer who, as Alternatively, the implantation of artificial joints of an anatomist, acted as the devil's advocate, and subjected different types has been presented as the method of the new concepts in functional anatomy and biomechanics choice because the immediate results are often spectacular shown in the atlas to critical analysis.
Biomechanics of the Primate Skull Base (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #94)
by Brigitte DemesIn the search for explanations for differences in the shape of skulls and their phylogenetic development, the morphology of the skull must be seen in connec tion with the functions it has to perform. The skull encloses the brain and the sense organs and provides them with physical protection. It also houses the initial parts of the respiratory and digestive systems and together with the jaws constitutes a tool capable of cutting and grinding food. The skull must be able to withstand forces imposed upon it by chewing, by movement of the head, by the weight of the head itself, and by impact loadings. An investigation of the factors influencing the shape of the skull has to take into account not only the above-mentioned functions. The shape also de pends on the phylogenetic history 9f the species concerned, which prescribes a basic bauplan and places restrictions on the extent to which functions can influence the design of structural units. The possibilities for variations in skull shape are also limited by ontogenetic development, since the shape of the adult skull is the result of intermediate stages of development, at each of which the skull was a functioning unit. Body size and absolute and relative size of the sense organs in the head also play an important role in determining the shape of the skull.
The Biomechanics of the Tactile Perception of Friction (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems)
by Laurence WillemetHumans rely on their sense of touch to perceive subtle movements and micro slippages to manipulate an impressive range of objects. This incredible dexterity relies on fast and unconscious adjustments of the grip force that holds an object strong enough to avoid a catastrophic fall yet gentle enough not to damage it. The Biomechanics of the Tactile Perception of Friction covers how the complex mechanical interaction is perceived by the nervous system to quickly infer the state of the contact for a swift and precise regulation of the grip. The first part focuses on how humans assess friction at the contact initialization and the second part highlights an efficient coding strategy that the nervous system might use to continuously adjust the grip force to keep a constant safety margin before slippage. Taken together, these results reveal how the perception of frictional information is encoded in the deformation of our skin. The findings are useful for designing bio-inspired tactile sensors for robotics or prosthetics and for improving haptic human-machine interactions.
Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition
by Andris FreivaldsThere is already a wealth of literature covering cumulative trauma disorders and medical management, as well as the biomechanics of manual material handling and lower back problems. However, despite a spike in the number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) in the upper limbs-due to a sharp increase in the amount of computer-related j
Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint
by Kai-Nan An Richard A. Berger William P. Iii CooneyClinical interest in the wrist joint has accelerated markedly in the last two decades. Clinical diagnosis based on a greater understanding of wrist anatomy, biomechanics and increasingly sophisticated imaging techniques has markedly enhanced our ability to treat disorders of this joint. As our clinical acumen becomes better, we increasingly need more accurate understanding of the basic mechanisms by which the wrist is able to carry out its function. This book represents a compendium of work done by a number of authors in the basic sciences and their presentations at a recent workshop on biomechanics. This work, while at the forefront of current research in this area, is but an indicator of the type of information that is increasingly required to progress in this field. The authors have made some sound contributions and this book should be of considerable interest and help to those individuals who are contributing to progress in this field. It will be of even greater importance if it helps to stimulate the reader to become involved in further research into the intricacies of the wrist and help us to solve its numerous problems. I hope the reader will enjoy reading these chapters as much as I did in listening to them at the time of their presentations. Ronald L. Linscheid, M.D. President 1989-1990 American Society for Surgery of the Hand Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota Preface Work related injury lIas become a major factor in current world economics.
Biomechanics of Training and Testing: Innovative Concepts and Simple Field Methods
by Jean-Benoit Morin Pierre SamozinoThis book presents an account of innovative methods and, for most of them, gives direct and practical insights into how practitioners can benefit from their use in their everyday practice. It also explains how to interpret the data measured, and the underlying neuromechanical and biomechanical factors related to sports performance. Written and edited by the same researchers who proposed and validated these methods, this book not only presents innovative methods for an efficient training and testing process (most of which are based on very simple technology and data processing methods), but also discusses the associated background information. Although it is a young scientific discipline, sport biomechanics has taken on an important role in routine sports training, medicine and rehabilitation. It allows both a better understanding of human locomotion and performance and better design of training and injury prevention. In those processes, the testing of athletes is crucial, and the quality and quantity of the variables analysed directly influences the efficiency of physicians’, coaches’, physiotherapists’ and other practitioners’ interventions.
Biomechanik: Grundlagen, Beispiele, Übungen
by Werner NachtigallPhysikalische Randbedingungen beherrschen die belebte Welt bis in die kleinsten Details. Analogien aus Biologie und Technik miteinander zu vergleichen, stärkt das Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge. Beide Gesichtspunkte sind hier am Beispiel der Mechanik dargestellt. Aus dem Bereich der Energetik sind einige Aspekte mit aufgenommen, ohne die die Probleme des Wärmehaushalts und der Lokomotion bei Tieren nicht zu verstehen sind; sie ergänzen die reine Biomechanik. Die Darstellung ist so einfach wie möglich gehalten. Sie wendet sich an Studierende technischer Disziplinen, die einen Einblick in die Zusammenhänge mit der Biologie brauchen wie auch an Biowissenschaftler, die sich in einführender Weise über Technische Mechanik informieren wollen.
Biomechanik: Grundlagen Beispiele Übungen
by Werner NachtigallPhysikalische Randbedingungen beherrschen die belebte Welt bis in die kleinsten Details. Analogien aus Biologie und Technik miteinander zu vergleichen, stärkt das Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge. Beide Gesichtspunkte sind hier am Beispiel der Mechanik dargestellt. Aus dem Bereich der Energetik sind einige Aspekte mit aufgenommen, ohne die die Probleme des Wärmehaushalts und der Lokomotion bei Tieren nicht zu verstehen sind; sie ergänzen die reine Biomechanik. Die Darstellung ist so einfach wie möglich gehalten. Sie wendet sich an Studierende technischer Disziplinen, die einen Einblick in die Zusammenhänge mit der Biologie brauchen wie auch an Biowissenschaftler, die sich in einführender Weise über Technische Mechanik informieren wollen.
Biomechanik: Anwendungen mechanischer Prinzipien auf den menschlichen Bewegungsapparat
by Hans Albert Richard Gunter KullmerDieses Lehrbuch behandelt anschaulich mit aussagekräftigen Abbildungen die Grundlagen der Biomechanik sowie Anwendungen auf den menschlichen Bewegungsapparat. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Mechanik der Knochenbrüche und dem Einsatz der FEM in der Biomechanik. Anschauliche Beispiele vertiefen die Theorie und geben hilfreiche Hinweise für die professionelle Behandlung von Knochenbrüchen.
Biomechanik: Grundlagen und Anwendungen auf den menschlichen Bewegungsapparat
by Hans Albert Richard Gunter KullmerDieses Lehrbuch behandelt anschaulich mit aussagekräftigen Abbildungen die Grundlagen der Biomechanik sowie Anwendungen auf den menschlichen Bewegungsapparat. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Mechanik der Knochenbrüche und dem Einsatz der FEM in der Biomechanik. Anschauliche Beispiele vertiefen die Theorie und geben hilfreiche Hinweise für die professionelle Behandlung von Knochenbrüchen.
Biomechanik der Sportarten: Grundlagen der Sportmechanik und Messtechnik - Fokus Leichtathletik
by Veit WankDieses Lehrbuch bietet einen reichhaltig illustrierten und kompakten Überblick über die kausalen Zusammenhänge, die bei Bewegungsabläufen im Sport auftreten. Sie erlernen damit die Grundkenntnisse im Fach Biomechanik wie auch die wesentlichen biomechanischen Messverfahren und Methoden zur Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung. Dazu erhalten Sie einen umfassenden Einblick in die Strukturen sportlicher Bewegungen. Dabei steht ersten Bandes die Anwendung biomechanischer Analysen in der Leichtathletik im Mittelpunkt. Didaktisch ausgereift werden Ihnen anhand originaler Datenbeispiele von aktuellen Spitzenathleten die Möglichkeiten, die biomechanische Analysen zur Bewertung und Optimierung der sportlichen Technik bieten, anschaulich und gut verständlich erklärt. So können Sie sich optimal auf die Prüfung vorbereiten, dazulernen, nachschlagen oder sich einen Ein- und Überblick verschaffen. Dazu bietet eine Begleitwebseite Online-Zusatzmaterialien zur weiteren Veranschaulichung und Vertiefung. Zielgruppen: Studierende des Faches Sportwissenschaft (Lehramt, Bachelor und Master), besonders geeignet zum Studium und als Prüfungslektüre des Kernfaches Bewegungswissenschaft. Ebenso werden Athleten, Trainer und Leistungsdiagnostiker im leistungsorientierten Sport von diesem Werk profitieren. Das Buch bietet auch eine optimale und kompakte Wissenssammlung für Sportlehrer der gymnasialen Oberstufe (speziell für Neigungsfächer und Leistungskurse).Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Veit Wank ist Professor für Sportwissenschaft und Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Biomechanik, Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Seit 2007 ist er Sprecher der Sektion Biomechanik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (DVS). Nach Studien der Sportwissenschaft, Biologie und Physik an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena arbeitete er als wissenschaftlicher Assistent und in verschiedenen Sportarten als Praxisausbilder an den Universitäten Jena und Karlsruhe. Er war selbst über viele Jahre aktiver Leichtathlet.
Biomechanische Grenzwerte für die sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
by Roland BehrensBiomechanische Grenzwerte sind der Schlüssel für eine sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration. Bisher stützte sich die Robotik mehrheitlich auf Grenzwerte aus der Unfallforschung, die allenfalls Schutz vor letalen Verletzungen bieten. Roland Behrens widmet sich der Erarbeitung maßgeschneiderter Grenzwerte. Seine Empfehlungen beruhen auf Daten einer Probandenstudie, die den Schmerz- und Verletzungseintritt an unterschiedlichen Bereichen des menschlichen Körpers untersucht.
Biomechanisms Regulating Growth and Development (Beltsville Symposia in Agricultural Research #12)
by George L. Steffens Theron S. RumseyThe Annual Beltsville Symposium provides a forum for interaction among scientists involved in research that is vitally important to agri culture and to the agricultural sciences. The Twelfth Symposium in this series focused on the unifying biochemical and physiological mechan isms controlling growth and development of biological systems - ani mals, plants insects. Unraveling the complex biochemical mechanisms associated with the sequencing of organism growth and development and identifying, locating, and manipulating key control mechanisms are essential in utilizing the full potential of biotechnology for improving the composition and quality of agricultural products and the profitability of agriculture. Accordingly, speakers directed their remarks to basic aspects of biological mechanisms in their area of specialization with considera tion given to current status, future direction, potential impact, and limitations to progress. The Symposium addressed fundamental questions in: -Tissue specific gene regulation: cell division and differentiation -Mechanisms for regulating hormone concentration -Hormonal regulation of growth and development -Non-hormonal regulation of growth and development -Nutritional regulation of growth and development Because the backgrounds of the symposium attendees covered a wide spectrum in the basic biological and physical sciences, each topic was introduced by a brief overview, but general reviews were avoided in favor of findings from on-going research projects. The symposium brought together a distinguished group of invited scientists from around the world who are leaders. Many attendees made poster presentations which increased the exchange of ideas and sti mulated informal discussion.
Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology: A Methodology for Development of Biotechnological Products
by Carl-Fredrik Mandenius Mats Björkman“… a must-read for all modern bio-scientists and engineers working in the field of biotechnology.” – Biotechnology Journal, 2012, 7 A cutting-edge guide on the fundamentals, theory, and applications of biomechatronic design principles Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology presents a complete methodology of biomechatronics, an emerging variant of the mechatronics field that marries biology, electronics, and mechanics to create products where biological and biochemical, technical, human, management-and-goal, and information systems are combined and integrated in order to solve a mission that fulfills a human need. A biomechatronic product includes a biological, mechanical, and electronic part. Beginning with an overview of the fundamentals and theory behind biomechatronic technology, this book describes how general engineering design science theory can be applied when designing a technical system where biological species or components are integrated. Some research methods explored include schemes and matrices for analyzing the functionality of the designed products, ranking methods for screening and scoring the best design solutions, and structuring graphical tools for a thorough investigation of the subsystems and sub-functions of products. This insightful guide also: Discusses tools for creating shorter development times, thereby reducing the need for prototype testing and verification Presents case study-like examples of the technology used such as a surface plasmon resonance sensor and a robotic cell culturing system for human embryonic stem cells Provides an interdisciplinary and unifying approach of the many fields of engineering and biotechnology used in biomechatronic design By combining designs between traditional electronic and mechanical subsystems and biological systems, this book demonstrates how biotechnology and bioengineering design can utilize and benefit from commonly used design tools— and benefit humanity itself.
Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology: A Methodology for Development of Biotechnological Products
by Carl-Fredrik Mandenius Mats Björkman“… a must-read for all modern bio-scientists and engineers working in the field of biotechnology.” – Biotechnology Journal, 2012, 7 A cutting-edge guide on the fundamentals, theory, and applications of biomechatronic design principles Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology presents a complete methodology of biomechatronics, an emerging variant of the mechatronics field that marries biology, electronics, and mechanics to create products where biological and biochemical, technical, human, management-and-goal, and information systems are combined and integrated in order to solve a mission that fulfills a human need. A biomechatronic product includes a biological, mechanical, and electronic part. Beginning with an overview of the fundamentals and theory behind biomechatronic technology, this book describes how general engineering design science theory can be applied when designing a technical system where biological species or components are integrated. Some research methods explored include schemes and matrices for analyzing the functionality of the designed products, ranking methods for screening and scoring the best design solutions, and structuring graphical tools for a thorough investigation of the subsystems and sub-functions of products. This insightful guide also: Discusses tools for creating shorter development times, thereby reducing the need for prototype testing and verification Presents case study-like examples of the technology used such as a surface plasmon resonance sensor and a robotic cell culturing system for human embryonic stem cells Provides an interdisciplinary and unifying approach of the many fields of engineering and biotechnology used in biomechatronic design By combining designs between traditional electronic and mechanical subsystems and biological systems, this book demonstrates how biotechnology and bioengineering design can utilize and benefit from commonly used design tools— and benefit humanity itself.
Biomechatronics in Medical Rehabilitation: Biomodelling, Interface, and Control
by Shane S. Q. Xie Wei MengThis book focuses on the key technologies in developing biomechatronic systems for medical rehabilitation purposes. It includes a detailed analysis of biosignal processing, biomechanics modelling, neural and muscular interfaces, artificial actuators, robot-assisted training, clinical setup/implementation and rehabilitation robot control.Encompassing highly multidisciplinary themes in the engineering and medical fields, it presents researchers’ insights into the emerging technologies and developments that are being utilized in biomechatronics for medical purposes.Presenting a detailed analysis of five key areas in rehabilitation robotics: (i) biosignal processing; (ii) biomechanics modelling; (iii) neural and muscular interfaces; (iv) artificial actuators and devices; and (v) the use of neurological and muscular interfaces in rehabilitation robots control, the book describes the design of biomechatronic systems, the methods and control systems used and the implementation and testing in order to show how they fulfil the needs of that specific area of rehabilitation. Providing a comprehensive overview of the background of biomechatronics and details of new advances in the field, it is especially useful for researchers, academics and graduates new to the field of biomechatronics engineering, and is also of interest to researchers and clinicians in the medical field who are not engineers.
Biomedical Acupuncture for Pain Management - E-Book: Biomedical Acupuncture for Pain Management - E-Book
by Yun-Tao Ma Zang Hee ChoSynthesizing biomedicine and traditional acupuncture, this unique clinical manual allows medical professionals to learn acupuncture and implement it immediately into practice with ease. Biomedical Acupuncture for Pain Management explains the biomedical mechanism of acupuncture, as well as the non-specific nature of acupuncture and its neuro-psycho-immunological modulation. This straightford system of acupuncture – termed INMAS by the authors – provides a quantitative method to predict the effectiveness of treatment for each patient and an individually adjustable protocol for pain patients. - Introduction to the Integrative Neuromuscular Acupoint System (INMAS), as well as the Homeostatic Acupoint System (HAS), help western-trained acupuncturists understand classical techniques - A 16-point evaluation method provides a reliable quantitative method to accurately arrive at prognosis - Clinically relevant, integrative treatment approach in user-friendly language - Numerous detailed tables, photos, and line drawings to help readers understand the anatomy, symptomatic signs, and clinical procedures - Clear chapters organized by regional condition for easy readability and flow - Case studies to assist with application of concepts in clinical practice - Unique, clinical procedures for pain management with sections on examination and needling methods - Two appendices for quick reference of acronyms, abbreviations, and the 24 homeostatic acupoints - Up-to-date information on the latest techniques, including a chapter on electroacupuncture
Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation: Dry Needling Techniques
by Yun-Tao MaWritten by widely respected acupuncture expert Yun-tao Ma, PhD, LAc, Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation shows techniques that will enhance athletic performance, accelerate recovery after intensive workouts, and speed trauma rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. Evidence-based research is used to support the best and most effective techniques, with over 100 illustrations showing anatomy, injury, and clinical procedures. Unlike many other acupuncture books, this book uses a Western approach to make it easier to understand rationales, master techniques, and integrate biomedical acupuncture into your practice. "Finally, a well-referenced, common sense approach to dry needling in sports medicine that discusses maintenance, overtraining, and the effect of the stress response in atheletes. This is a long-awaited book that will leave you feeling comfortable with a technique that is very useful not only for atheletes, but for all patients of your practice." Rey Ximenes, MD The Pain and Stress Management Center Austin, Texas "For any clinician involved with assisting atheletes recover from injury, as well as providing services to enhance physical performance, this text will be indispensable. This book is a major accomplishment in the field of sports injury and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological pain." Mark A. Kestner, DC, FIAMA, CCSP, CSCS Kestner Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center Murfreesboro, Tennessee - Unique! Explores acupuncture treatments for sports injuries in the acute phase, rehabilitation, and prevention. - Includes acupuncture for performance enhancement and injury prevention, emphasizing pre-event acupuncture used to help increase muscle output, assist with pre-competition stress, and prevent soft tissue injury. - Provides evidence-based research to show the science behind the best and most effective techniques, based on the author's background in neuroscience and cell biology and his 35 years of clinical acupuncture experience. - Offers an overview of the science of biomedical acupuncture including the mechanisms of acupuncture, anatomy and physiology of acupoints, and discussion of human healing potential. - Uses terminology and concepts familiar to Western-trained health professionals, making the material easier to understand and incorporate into practice. - Includes more than 100 illustrations showing anatomy, injury, and clinical procedures. - Covers useful techniques including those that increase muscle force output, joint flexibility and stability; prevent sports injuries like muscle sprain, tendonitis, bone strain, stress/fatigue fracture and bone spurs; reinforce muscle output for specific sports; normalize physiology of dysfunctional soft tissues; predict treatment response; reduce physiological stress; use the new Vacuum Therapy for deep tissue dysfunctions; and balance the biomechanics of musculoskeletal system.
Biomedical Advances in Aging (Gwumc Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Spring Symposia)
by Allan L. GoldsteinThe VIIIth Annual International Spring Symposium on Health Sciences held at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., attracted over three hun dred fifty scientists from twenty-five countries. The leading scientific experts in the field reported on recent biomedical advances in aging. They provided an up-to-date account of the molecular, genetic, nutritional, and immunological mechanisms associated with the aging process and approaches to intervention and treatment of the major disorders associated with the aging process, including Alzheimer's disease. A unique aspect of this meeting was a concurrent one-day hearing of the U.S. Senate Sub-Committee on Aging, organized by the Alliance for Aging Research. The theme for the hearing was "Advances in Aging Research." Seven scientists attending our aging sym posium were asked to testify. They were Drs. Carl Cotman (University of California-Irvine), Trudy Bush (Johns Hopkins University), Takashi Makinodan (University of California-Los Angeles), William Ershler (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Gino Doria (ENEA, Rome), Mr. Dan Perry (Director of the Alliance for Aging Research), and myself.
Biomedical Advances in HIV Prevention: Social and Behavioral Perspectives
by Lisa A. Eaton Seth C. KalichmanBiomedical Advances in HIV Prevention: Social and Behavioral PerspectivesLisa A. Eaton and Seth C. Kalichman, editorsThree decades into the epidemic, a great deal is known about HIV and its transmission, more people are living with the disease, and the virus is no longer seen as a death sentence. But new people continue to be infected with HIV each year, making prevention strategies that are medically effective and behaviorally engaging as urgent a priority as ever.Biomedical Advances in HIV Prevention: Social and Behavioral Perspectives assembles the latest improvements, barriers to implementation, and possibilities for--and challenges to--future progress. Innovations such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (antiretroviral regimens for the high-risk uninfected) and treatment as prevention (early use of ART to reduce infectiousness of new patients) are examined, as are current findings on ongoing prevention and treatment concerns.Contributors illuminate the complex realities entailing adherence, pointing out technological, behavioral, and cultural roadblocks as well as opportunities to significantly reduce infection rates. Detailed up-to-the-minute coverage includes:Prevention services for persons living with HIVAdherence to HIV treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxisAdvocating for rectal microbicides and safe lubricantsMental health and substance use in the scale-up of HIV preventionRisk compensation in response to HIV preventionImplementing biomedical HIV prevention advances: reports from South Africa, Uganda, Australia, Thailand, United States, Ecuador, and PeruResearchers, practitioners, and policy makers working in the fields of HIV/AIDS and public health will look toward Biomedical Advances in HIV Prevention: Social and Behavioral Perspectives as both a means for developing and assessing current programs and a blueprint for the next generation of prevention efforts.