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Biosynthesis of Bioactive Compounds in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Manipulation by Conventional and Biotechnological Approaches (Food Bioactive Ingredients)

by Nitish Kumar Ravi S. Singh

Plant bioactive compounds are plant-based natural products that display a variety of pharmacological applications. These bioactive compounds are important as medicines, pigments and flavorings since most of the pharmaceutical industries are highly dependent on medicinal plants and their extraction. The types and concentrations of bioactive compounds produced by plants are determined by the species, genotype, physiology, developmental stage and environmental factors during growth, determining the physiological adaptive responses employed by various plant taxonomic groups in coping with the stress and defensive stimuli. In the past two decades there has been a renewed interest in the study of conventional aspects such as elicitors and biotic and abiotic stress factors that influence secondary metabolism during in vitro and in vivo growth of plants. the application of molecular biology tools and techniques are facilitating increased understanding of the signaling processes and pathways involved in the bioactive compounds production in subcellular, cellular, organ and whole plant systems during in vivo and in vitro growth, with application in the metabolic engineering of biosynthetic pathways intermediates. Biosynthesis and Manipulation of Bioactive compounds in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants provides a comprehensive introduction and review of the state-of-the-art biotechnological tools used in enhancement of bioactive compounds in medicinal and aromatic plants. Readers will find a systematic overview of techniques such as Omics, Crisper /Cas9 and RNAi to enhance plant bioactive contents including various in vitro techniques, hairy root culture and transgenic technology to enhance plant bioactive contents using plant tissue culture approaches. The chapters provide an overview of the role of induced mutation, biotic and abiotic stress to increase the bioactive contents in plants, plus the role of endophytes to enhance the contents of plant bioactive compounds and standard operating procedures using hydroponics system of cultivation for significant enhancement of bioactive compounds.This book serves as a single source for researchers working in plant secondary metabolites and the pharmaceutical industry.

Biosynthesis of Heterocycles: From Isolation to Gene Cluster

by Patrizia Diana Girolamo Cirrincione

This book describes biosynthetic methods to synthesize heterocyclic compounds, offering a guide for the development of new drugs based on natural products. The authors explain the role of natural products in chemistry and their formation along with important analytical methods and techniques for working with heterocycles. • Covers methods and techniques: isotopic labelling, enzymes and mutants, and pathway identification • Provides a thorough resource of information specifically on heterocyclic natural products and their practical biosynthetic relevance • Explains the role of natural products in chemistry and their formation • Discusses gene cluster identification and the use of biogenetic engineering in pharmaceutical application

Biosynthesis of Heterocycles: From Isolation to Gene Cluster

by Patrizia Diana Girolamo Cirrincione

This book describes biosynthetic methods to synthesize heterocyclic compounds, offering a guide for the development of new drugs based on natural products. The authors explain the role of natural products in chemistry and their formation along with important analytical methods and techniques for working with heterocycles. • Covers methods and techniques: isotopic labelling, enzymes and mutants, and pathway identification • Provides a thorough resource of information specifically on heterocyclic natural products and their practical biosynthetic relevance • Explains the role of natural products in chemistry and their formation • Discusses gene cluster identification and the use of biogenetic engineering in pharmaceutical application

Biosynthesis of Natural Products in Plants: Bioengineering in Post-genomics Era

by Nitish Kumar

This book discusses the importance of plants in terms of their natural bioactive products and medicinal, nutraceutical and health benefits. Plants are natural sources of many pharmaceutical compounds used in traditional and modern medicine, and their mass production and efficient use is imperative in view of the new emerging diseases. This book covers breakthroughs in the research of plant natural products by focusing on how different state-of-the-art biotechnologies facilitate their discovery, the molecular basis of their biosynthesis, as well as synthetic biology. Research on plant's natural products in the pre-genomic era was focused on discovering bioactive molecules with pharmaceutical activities, and identifying individual genes responsible for biosynthesis. In the post-genomics era, however, integration of inter-disciplinary approaches and detailed analysis of all accessible data from multi-informatics is necessary. This would accelerate the full characterization of biosynthetic and regulatory circuit for producing plant natural products.This book is an important reference book for the researchers working in the field of plant natural products and pharmaceutical industries at global level.

The Biosynthesis of Polysaccharides

by R. W. Stoddart

For many years studies of the structure and biosynthesis of saccharides formed a specialised and somewhat abstruse part of biochemistry, with little or no place in molecular biology. In recent years this has changed profoundly, as has the character of much of carbohydrate biochemistry. Saccharides are now seen as generally possessing specific structures, which are potentially informational-though there is little firm evidence, as yet, as to the nature and expression of this information. Biosynthetic studies, especially upon glyco­ proteins, have provided major new insights into the ways by which specific sugar sequences can be assembled and the relationship of this to membranes and membrane flow. While the study of polysaccharide 'biosynthesis has developed more slowly, its future progress will be profoundly affected by the new knowledge of glycoproteins and this, in turn, will have major implications in the understanding of biological matrices and microenvironments. With this rapid growth and change, ever more scientists - of increasingly diverse backgrounds - are needing to understand something of carbohydrate biochemistry. This book is directed towards them, not with the intention that it should compete with existing text books, or simply be an elementary introduction, but with the intent that it should provide a bridge between the rather disparate and diverging lines of development in the subject and to bring out the important principles of saccharide assembly that are emerging.

The Biosynthesis of Secondary Metabolites

by R. B. Herbert

This is a book about experiments and results of experiments. The results described are the fruit of thirty years' labour in the field of secondary metabolism. Secondary metabolism, more than any other part of the chemistry of life, has been the special preserve of organic chemists. Investiga­ tion of secondary metabolism began with curiosity about the struc­ tures of compounds isolated from natural sources, i.e. secondary metabolites. Coeval with structure determination there has been a curiosity about the origins and mechanism of formation of secondary metabolites (or natural products as they have been called). It is the experimental outcome of this curiosity that is described here. This account is primarily intended to be an introduction to the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. I have also endeavoured, however, to make the book as comprehensive as possIble. This has meant that some of the material has had to be presented in abbrevi­ ated form. The abbreviated material is largely confined to particular sections of the book. The paragraphs marked with a dagger (t) can be omitted by the reader wishing to acquire a general introduction to the subject. A blend of the most significant and the most recent references is cited to provide the reader with ready access to the primary litera­ ture. This is clearly most necessary for the material presented in abbreviated form. Relevant reviews are also cited.

The Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Pigments (Novartis Foundation Symposia #180)

by Kate Ackrill Derek J. Chadwick

Prestigious contributors summarize current knowledge regarding the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole pigments--chlorophyll, haem, vitamin B12. Describes the structure and regulation of key enzymes along with various pathways, molecular genetic studies and structural characterization of the natural biosynthetic intermediates.

Biosynthetic Products for Cancer Chemotherapy: Volume 2

by George Pettit

An overall view of the cancer problem and development of cancer chemothera­ 231 peutic biosynthetic products to February 1976 was presented in Volume 1. In the short time that has elapsed since the preparation of Volume 1, several very stimulating advances in application of biosynthetic cancer chemotherapeutic drugs in cancer treatment have been reported. At the May 1976 meeting (in Toronto) of the American Association for Cancer Research, a Sloan-Kettering research group summarized an improved treatment of human neuroblastoma using a combination of vincristine, cytoxan, trifluorothymidine, and papaverine. In the same period other clinical groups described significant advances in the cancer chemotherapeutic treatment of human breast cancer and oat cell carcinoma of the lung. Each of these newer advances in cancer treatment was based on combinations of biosynthetic and synthetic cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. Certainly, further examination of the antineoplastic biosynthetic agents summarized in this volume and the vast number yet to be discovered will eventually provide the means for controllil).g and/or curing the various types of human cancer.

Biosynthetic Products for Cancer Chemotherapy: Volume 1

by George Pettit

Cancer exacts an incredibly destructive toll on the world's human populations. In recent years we have frequently heard the expression "war on cancer," but compared to the carnage inflicted by cancer, our scientific and medical efforts, to date, would seem more like a minor skirmish. Some comprehension of the cancer problem can be obtained from a look at the current and projected casualty list for the United States. In this country, about 700,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in 1976 and over 1 million known cases will continue to be treated. Over 400,000 of these patients will die from cancer in our bicentennial year. With the incidence of cancer in the United States increasing to 5.2% in 1975, compared to the 1.1 % yearly rate experienced for decades, Dr. F. J. Rauscher, Jr.,338 Director of the National Cancer Institute, has estimated that more than 10 million people will be under treatment for cancer and nearly 4 million will expire from cancer in this decade. At that rate, cancer will appear in nearly two of three families and the necessary medical care will cost some $15-20 billion per year. Thus unless methods for the treatment and control of cancer are markedly improved, about 53 million Americans now alive will eventually be cancer patients. Unfor­ tunately the major types of human cancer are still beyond curative care by surgical and radiological techniques and because of the paucity of currently available cancer chemotherapeutic drugs with curative potential.

Biosynthetic Products for Cancer Chemotherapy: Volume 3

by George R. Pettit

Fortunately the scientific and medical literature related to cancer chemo­ therapy is now expanding rapidly. While this is most excellent for future cancer treatment prospects, it is becoming more difficult for all the resear­ chers in chemotherapy-bio-organic chemists involved with the discovery of new anticancer drugs, biologists and pharmacologists developing these new drugs, and physicians doing the clinical research-to keep abreast of current achievements in these disciplines so vitally important to effective cancer treatment. The purpose of Volumes 1 and 2 of this work was to provide useful reviews of current progress in discovery and clinical applica­ tion of new biosynthetic cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. Volume 1 gave a general view of the cancer problem and cancer treatment using biosynthetic products, based on literature available through December 1975. Volume 2 included mainly the first summary of plant and animal biosynthetic antineoplastic and/or cytotoxic constituents to April 1976. The survey comprising this third volume has been divided into two sections. Section A provides an extension of the Volume 2 data on plant and animal antineoplastic and/or cytotoxic constituents to July 1977. The introduction to Section A brings the summary of such biosynthetic products to literature available November 1, 1977. Section B incorporates a summary of data of essentially all previously isolated and characterized marine animal constituents irrespective of biological activity.

Biosynthetic Technology and Environmental Challenges (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Sunita J. Varjani Binod Parameswaran Sunil Kumar Sunil K. Khare

This book provides a comprehensive review of biosynthetic approaches to the production of industrially important chemicals and the environmental challenges involved. Its 19 chapters discuss different aspects of biosynthetic technology from the perspective of leading experts in the field. It covers various biorefinery approaches, including the use of microbes, metabolically engineered plants, biomass-based and green technology methods. Further, it examines important research in the areas of organic and hazardous waste composting, management and recovery of nutraceuticals from agro-industrial waste, biosynthesis and technological advancements of biosurfactants and waste water bioremediation. This book contributes to the scientific literature on biosynthetic technologies and the related environmental challenges for researchers and academics working in this area around the globe.

Biosynthetische Bildung des Ambruticin Ostfragments: In-vitro-Studien (BestMasters)

by Gesche Berkhan

Gesche Berkhan beschreibt die Aufklärung der Hydropyranring-Bildung in den Ambruticin-Biosynthesewegen. Durch Kombination von organischer Synthese mit molekularbiologischen und proteinbiochemischen Methoden konnte sie in in-vitro-Experimenten grundlegende Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss der Dehydratase-Domäne aus Modul 3 des Ambruticin-Biosynthesewegs auf die Tetrahydropyranring-Bildung gewinnen. Hierbei handelt es sich um die erste Untersuchung einer potenziellen Pyransynthase in einem cis-AT-PKS-System. In der Natur ist eine Vielzahl von pharmakologisch interessanten Polyketiden anzutreffen, die in ihrem Grundgerüst einen Hydropyranring tragen. Besonders die Klasse der Ambruticine bietet mit ihrer hohen antifungalen Aktivität einen interessanten Ansatz zur Entwicklung neuer Antimykotika. Über die biosynthetische Bildung des Hydropyrangrundgerüsts ist zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nur sehr wenig bekannt.

A Biosystematic Study of the African and Madagascan Rubiaceae-Anthospermeae (Plant Systematics and Evolution - Supplementa #3)

by Christian Puff

Biosystematic studies on the Rubiaceae have a long tradition at the Institute of Botany in Vienna. Within this family the Anthospermeae, and especially its African and Madagascan members, are of particular interest because of several aspects in their evolution: I) Perfection of anemophily within an otherwise nearly exclusively zoophilous family; 2) transitions from hermaphrodity to polygamy and finally dioecy; 3) differentiation from large and long-lived shrubs to short-lived herbs; 4) adaptive radiation from humid to seasonally dry, fire-exposed and xeric habitats. However, morphological diversity linked to sexual differentia­ tion, modificatory plasticity, and eco-geographical polymorphism have for a long time hampered our understanding of the relationships among these African Anthospermeae. Thus, it was imperative to put special emphasis on field observations and to carry out a variety of experiments with cultivated plants in addition to the analysis of an enormous herbarium material. The author, for this reason, carried out extensive field work, often under very adverse conditions, and covered most African countries from Ethiopia to Southern Africa and twice visited Madagascar. In this way a multitude of data was accumulated on the group in respect to germination and growth form, vegetative and reproductive morphology, anatomy and biology, embryology, karyology, crossing relationships, phytochemistry, distribu­ tion and ecology, etc.

Biosystematics of Triticeae: Volume I. Triticum-Aegilops complex

by Chi Yen Junliang Yang

This book discusses the natural classification and biosystematics of Triticeae, and presents the most significant findings of comprehensive studies on the Triticeae, an important tribe in the grass family (Poaceae) that includes major crops such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale, as well as various forage crops found in different genera. The five-volume Chinese version of Biosystematics of Triticeae was published in 1998, 2004, 2006, 2011, and 2013, and included the 30 genera, 2 subgenera, 464 species, 9 subspecies, and 186 varieties of Triticeae identified to date. This completely revised English edition features up-to-date international research and the latest advances in the field. The book is divided into five volumes, covering a wide range of disciplines from traditional taxonomy and cytogenetics, to molecular phylogeny. Volume I, Triticum-Aegilops complex focuses on the taxonomy and generic relationships of Triticum and Aegilops, discussing the origin of common wheat as a crop. Volume II highlights the taxonomy and systematics of Secale, Tritiosecale, Pseudosecale, Eremopyrum, Henrardia, Taeniantherum, Heteranthelium, Crithopsis, and Hordeum.Volume III describes perennial genera and species including Kengyilia, Douglasdeweya, Agropyron, Australopyrum, and Anthosachne. Volume IV addresses perennial genera and species including Stenostachys, Psathyrostachys, Leymus, Pseudoroegneria, and Roegeneria. Volume V presents perennial genera and species such as Campeiostachys, Elymus,Pascopyrum, Lophopyrum, Trichopyrum, Hordelymus, Festucopsis, Peridictyon, and Psammopyrum.

Biosystematics of Triticeae: Volume V. Genera: Campeiostachys, Elymus,Pascopyrum, Lophopyrum, Trichopyrum, Hordelymus, Festucopsis, Peridictyon, and Psammopyrum

by Chi Yen Junliang Yang

This book review and rearrange the research data of Triticeae published over hundreds of years, applying a modern scientific approach. Triticeae is an important tribe in the grass family (Peaceae). It includes the major cereal crops, such as wheat, barley and rye, in addition to many valuable forage crops found in different genera, such as Elymus, Agropyron, Pasthyrostachys, and Leymus. The knowledge of appropriate Triticeae taxonomy and biosystematics will serve as genetic breeding of wheat, barley, rye and forage grass. The authors attempted to remain the truth and remove the false for deriving a more natural biosystematics of Triticeae. This book covers taxonomy, cytogenetics, and molecular phylogeny. It summarizes the biosystematics of Triticeae with comprehensive and updated data. This book is divided into five volumes (Volumes 1- 5), and includes 30 genera, 2 subgenera, 464 species, 9 subspecies, and 186 varieties in Triticeae. Volume 5 introduces nine perennial genera in Triticeae: Campeiostachys, Elymus, Pascopyrum, Lophopyrum, Trichopyrum, Hordelymus, Festucopsis, Peridictyon, and Psammopyrum. Elymus (StH), Campeiostachys (StYH), Lophopyrum (E), and Trichopyrum (ESt)are polymorphic genus. They show similar morphological characters, and it is difficult to distinguish them based merely on morphological variation. Pascopyrum (StHNsXm), Hordelymus (XoXr), Festucopsis (L), Peridictyon (Xp), and Psammopyrum (EL) are small genera, mostly monotypic genera. This book can serve as highly qualified, valuable, and convenient handbooks for audiences who are interested in Triticeae. This book also includes many illustrations, in addition to the description, to help the audience understand, morphological features of the concerned taxa, which makes the explanation more precise and obvious. It is a useful tool to understand the relationship among species in Triticeae.

Biosystematik: Alle Organismen Im Überblick (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Guillaume Lecointre Hervé Le Guyader

Wussten Sie, dass Sie mit einem Röhrling näher verwandt sind als mit einem Gänseblümchen oder Vögel den Krokodilen näher sind als Eidechsen? In den letzten 30 Jahren sind die Methoden der Klassifikation des Lebens völlig neu überdacht worden. Das Resultat stellt die bisherige Einteilung der mehr als 2 Millionen bekannten Arten auf den Kopf. Das Buch hilft, die organismische Vielfalt zu bewältigen, indem wesentliche Einteilungs- und Ordnungskriterien vorgestellt und bedeutende stammesgeschichtliche Entwicklungslinien diskutiert werden.

Biosystems Approach to Industrial Patient Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices, A (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering)

by Gail Baura

A medical device is an apparatus that uses engineering and scientific principles to interface to physiology and diagnose or treat a disease. In this Lecture, we specifically consider thosemedical devices that are computer based, and are therefore referred to as medical instruments. Further, the medical instruments we discuss are those that incorporate system theory into their designs. We divide these types of instruments into those that provide continuous observation and those that provide a single snapshot of health information. These instruments are termed patient monitoring devices and diagnostic devices, respectively.Within this Lecture, we highlight some of the common system theory techniques that are part of the toolkit of medical device engineers in industry. These techniques include the pseudorandom binary sequence, adaptive filtering, wavelet transforms, the autoregressive moving average model with exogenous input, artificial neural networks, fuzzy models, and fuzzy control. Because the clinical usage requirements for patient monitoring and diagnostic devices are so high, system theory is the preferred substitute for heuristic, empirical processing during noise artifact minimization and classification. Table of Contents: Preface / Medical Devices / System Theory / Patient Monitoring Devices / Diagnostic Devices / Conclusion / Author Biography

Biosystems, Biomedical & Drug Delivery Systems: Characterization, Restoration and Optimization

by A. K. Haghi Shrikaant Kulkarni Sonali Manwatkar

The book gives an insight into the thorough study and examination of incumbent biosystems, their present status and disruption in their integrity, causes and effects, measures to be taken for their characterization and restoration apart from advances and applications in the field of biosciences, drug design, discovery, bio-systems, biomedical and drug delivery technologies, tools in particular. The book collates information from several disciplines, such as chemistry, biology, material science, engineering, statistics, biomedicine, genetics, etc., as the subject in question is a confluence of many disciplines exhibiting numerous applications such as bioimaging, novel biological agents, synthesis, discovery testing, characterization of drugs right from selecting a suitable precursor to discovering and designing a drug following a correct synthetic route, adoption of computer simulation-based models, AI/ML-based models, application of statistical tools in analyzing and interpreting data, design, multi-functional, and operational drug delivery systems, their bio-compatibility, capacity of carrying and release of drug reproducibly etc. The book is helpful to postgraduate students, research scholars, academicians, and scientists from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and chemical engineering domains. The book covers a conceptual understanding of the exploration of drugs in unity with the applications desired, sound bio-system development, and carriers for drug and supplement delivery.

Biosystems Engineering: Biofactories For Food Production In The Century Xxi (Advances In Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology Ser. #Vol. 139)

by Ramon Guevara-Gonzalez Irineo Torres-Pacheco

This book presents new food production systems (for plants and animals) involving agrochemicals that increase in a controlled manner the bioactives content, under greenhouse conditions. Moreover, conception and design of new instrumentation for precision agriculture and aquiculture contributing in food production is also highlighted in this book.

Biosystems Engineering I: Creating Superior Biocatalysts (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #120)

by Christoph Wittmann Rainer Krull

-Integration of Systems Biology with Bioprocess Engineering: L-Threonine Production by Systems Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia Coli, By Sang Yup Lee and Jin Hwan Park; -Analysis and Engineering of Metabolic Pathway Fluxes in Corynebacterium glutamicum, By Christoph Wittmann; -Systems Biology of Industrial Microorganisms, Marta Papini, Margarita Salazar, and Jens Nielsen; -De Novo Metabolic Engineering and the Promise of Synthetic DNA, By Daniel Klein-Marcuschamer, Vikramaditya G. Yadav, Adel Ghaderi, and Gregory N. Stephanopoulos; -Systems Biology of Recombinant Protein Production in Bacillus megaterium, Rebekka Biedendieck, Boyke Bunk, Tobias Fürich, Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Martina Jahn, and Dieter Jahn; -Extending Synthetic Routes for Oligosaccharides by Enzyme, Substrate and Reaction Engineering; By Jürgen Seibel, Hans-Joachim Jördening, and Klaus Buchholz; -Regeneration of Nicotinamide Coenzymes: Principles and Applications for the Synthesis of Chiral Compounds; By Andrea Weckbecker, Harald Gröger, and Werner Hummel;

Biosystems Engineering II: Linking Cellular Networks and Bioprocesses (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #121)

by Christoph Wittmann Rainer Krull

-Morphology of Filamentous Fungi: Linking Cellular Biology to Process Engineering Using Aspergillus niger, By Rainer Krull, Christiana Cordes, Harald Horn, Ingo Kampen, Arno Kwade, Thomas R. Neu, and Bernd Nörtemann; -Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Modeling: Lifelines of Microorganisms in Bioreactors and Tracking Molecules in Cells, By Alexei Lapin, Michael Klann, and Matthias Reuss; -Impact of Profiling Technologies in the Understanding of Recombinant Protein Production, By Chandran Vijayendran and Erwin Flaschel -Engineering the Escherichia coli Fermentative Metabolism, By M. Orencio-Trejo, J. Utrilla, M.T. Fernàndez-Sandoval, G. Huerta-Beristain, G. Gosset, and A. Martinez; -Modeling Languages for Biochemical Network Simulation: Reaction vs Equation Based Approaches, By Wolfgang Wiechert, Stephan Noack, and Atya Elsheikh; -Impact of Thermodynamic Principles in Systems Biology, By J.J. Heijnen;

Biotality-Index: Entwicklung eines Tests zur Bestimmung von individuellen und arbeitsbezogenen Vitalitätsparametern

by Anna Bartenschlager Volker Nürnberg

Gerade in der Zeit des demographischen Wandels und des späteren Renteneintrittsalters gilt es, Mitarbeiter möglichst lange fit und leistungsstark zu erhalten. Um jedoch zielführende Maßnahmen einzuleiten, bedarf es eines reflektierten Einsatzes von unternehmensspezifischen Bedingungen und Maßnahmen, die die individuellen Besonderheiten berücksichtigen. Ein Test über den Vitalitätszustand von Mitarbeitern kann hierfür sinnvoll sein, indem er als diagnostisches Verfahren Messgrößen zur Orientierung des IST-Zustandes liefert. Durch einen erneuten Einsatz des Biotality-Index nach einer bestimmten Zeit kann die Wirksamkeit eingeführter Maßnahmen bewertet werden. Der Biotality-Index möchte daher sowohl auf privater als auch beruflicher Ebene sensibilisieren, den Alterungsprozess über den Lebensstil positiv zu beeinflussen.

Biotargets of Cancer in Current Clinical Practice (Current Clinical Pathology)

by Mauro Bologna

Biotargets of Cancer in Current Clinical Practice presents an updated and reasoned review of the current status of knowledge concerning the major cancer types with a special focus on the current biomarkers, genes involved and the potential future targets of innovative therapies. The volume includes for each major cancer type, a comprehensive although concise discussion of epidemiology, affirmed and innovative biomarkers for diagnosis, and descriptions of the relevant genes for prognosis and (individualized) therapy through biotarget-specific new molecular treatments, with the latest information on the validation status of each novel biomarker. Individual chapters are dedicated to the major cancer types, plus a special chapter on metastasis. The present debate on patentability of genetic information applied to diagnostics and therapeutics of cancer is also discussed.

Biotech Animals in Research: Ethical and Regulatory Aspects

by Mickey Gjerris

This book explores central aspects of genetic modification of animals for scientific purposes in the context technological possibilities, regulatory issues in different regions, animal welfare implications and wider ethical issues exemplified through current theories and frameworks. This discussion of lab animals produced through modern biotechnologies becomes increasingly pressing as CRISPR-Cas9 technology advances rapidly, challenging legal and ethical frameworks all over the world. Such animals are now affordable and readily available to almost every branch of scientific research. This not only raises enormous potential for creating ‘tailored’ models for human diseases but also rubs up against the traditional guiding principles (the 3Rs) for the humane use of animals for scientific experiments and raises wider ethical issues around death, integrity and naturalness. In this book, expert authors from diverse backgrounds in laboratory animal care, animal research, technology and animal rights explore a range of topics, from the science behind biotech research animals and the regulation of their use, to utilitarian, animal rights, virtue ethics and ethics of care, and critical animal studiers' perspectives on the use of these technologies. Whatever your background or role in animal research, this book will challenge and stimulate deeper consideration of the benefits, disadvantages and ethical consequences of the use of biotechnology in the animal laboratory.

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