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Showing 12,226 through 12,250 of 21,223 results

Marine Biology

by Jeffrey Levinton

Levinton's Marine Biology is highly acclaimed and regarded by many as the best, most authoritative text for the sophomore/junior/senior marine biology course. The text is characterized by its exceptionally clear and conversational writing style, comprehensive coverage, and sophisticated presentation featuring organismal and ecosystem ecology topics from an evolutionary perspective. Over the course of five editions, Jeff Levinton has balanced his organismal and ecological focus by including the latest developments from the world of molecular biology, global climate change, and oceanic processes.

Marine Climate and Climate Change: Storms, Wind Waves and Storm Surges (Springer Praxis Books)

by Ralf Weisse

Marine environmental conditions such as storms, storm surges and wave heights are directly experienced by, for example, off-shore operations or coastal populations. The authors review and bring together the state-of-the-art and present day knowledge about historical changes, recent trends and concepts on how marine environmental conditions may change in the future as well as discuss models and data problems.

Marine Coastal Ecosystems Modelling and Conservation: Latin American Experiences

by Marco Ortiz Ferenc Jordán

The book presents a collection of large-scale network-modeling studies on coastal systems in Latin America. It includes a novel description of the functioning of coastal complex ecosystems and also predicts how natural and human-made disturbances percolate through the networks. Coastal areas belong to the most populated ecosystems around the globe, and are massively influenced by human impacts such as shipping, mining, fisheries, tourism, pollution and human settlements. Even though many of these activities have facilitated socio-economic development, they have also caused a significant deterioration in natural populations, communities and ecosystems worldwide. Covering coastal marine ecosystems of Latin America such as the NE and SE Pacific, NW Atlantic and Caribbean areas, it discusses the construction of quantitative (Ecopath-Ecosim-Ecospace and Centrality of Node Sets) and semi-quantitative (Loop Analysis) multispecies trophic-network models to describe and assess the impacts of natural and human interventions like pelagic and benthic fishing as well as natural events such as El Niño, and La Niña. The book also features steady state (and/or near moving equilibrium) and dynamical models to support the management of exploited organisms, and applies and quantifies macroscopic indices, based on Ascendency (Ulanowicz) and Local Stability (Levins´ Loop Analysis). Further, it discusses the determination of the Keystone Species Complex Index, which is a holistic extension of the classical concept of Keystone Species (Paine), offering novel strategies for conservation monitoring and management.

Marine Conservation and International Law: Legal Instruments for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law)

by Sarah Louise Lothian

This book provides a blueprint for an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). The development of an ILBI could signify a pivotal turning point in the law of the sea by addressing regulatory, governance and institutional gaps and deficiencies in the existing international law framework for BBNJ. This book analyses the essential components an ILBI will require to effectively conserve and sustainably use BBNJ, focusing on marine genetic resources, areabased management tools, environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and marine technology transfer. It investigates potential areas of compromise, as the success of an ILBI will rely upon the support of a powerful bloc of maritime States, principally the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, France and Japan. The participation of major maritime powers will be critical as it is their nationals, corporations and flag vessels that have the financial and technical wherewithal to undertake activities beyond national jurisdiction. This bloc of States has historically been the strongest proponent of the Grotian doctrine of ‘freedom of the seas’ as it aligns with their predominant interest to preserve navigational freedom for their merchant and military fleets. Accordingly, this book assesses the extent to which the Grotian doctrine continues to exert influence on the development of the law of the sea and the development of an ILBI. Providing a comprehensive overview of this important development in international law, this book will be of interest to students, lecturers and academics of law of the sea, international environmental law and biodiversity law.

Marine Conservation and International Law: Legal Instruments for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law)

by Sarah Louise Lothian

This book provides a blueprint for an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). The development of an ILBI could signify a pivotal turning point in the law of the sea by addressing regulatory, governance and institutional gaps and deficiencies in the existing international law framework for BBNJ. This book analyses the essential components an ILBI will require to effectively conserve and sustainably use BBNJ, focusing on marine genetic resources, areabased management tools, environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and marine technology transfer. It investigates potential areas of compromise, as the success of an ILBI will rely upon the support of a powerful bloc of maritime States, principally the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, France and Japan. The participation of major maritime powers will be critical as it is their nationals, corporations and flag vessels that have the financial and technical wherewithal to undertake activities beyond national jurisdiction. This bloc of States has historically been the strongest proponent of the Grotian doctrine of ‘freedom of the seas’ as it aligns with their predominant interest to preserve navigational freedom for their merchant and military fleets. Accordingly, this book assesses the extent to which the Grotian doctrine continues to exert influence on the development of the law of the sea and the development of an ILBI. Providing a comprehensive overview of this important development in international law, this book will be of interest to students, lecturers and academics of law of the sea, international environmental law and biodiversity law.

Marine Conservation Paleobiology (Topics in Geobiology #47)

by Carrie L. Tyler Chris L. Schneider

This volume describes and explores the emerging discipline of conservation paleobiology, and addresses challenges faced by established and young Conservation Paleobiologist's alike. In addition, this volume includes applied research highlighting how conservation paleobiology can be used to understand ecosystem response to perturbation in near and deep time. Across 10 chapters, the book aims to (1) explore the goals of conservation paleoecology as a science, (2) highlight how conservation paleoecology can be used to understand ecosystems’ responses to crises, (3) provide case studies of applications to modern ecosystems, (4) develop novel applications of paleontological approaches to neontological data, and (5) present a range of ecosystem response and recovery through environmental crises, from high-resolution impacts on organism interactions to the broadest scale of responses of the entire marine biosphere to global change. The volume will be of interest to paleoecologists, paleobiologists, and conservation biologists.

Marine Debris: Sources, Impacts, and Solutions (Springer Series on Environmental Management)

by James M. Coe Donald Rogers

Marine debris is a global pollution problem affecting marine life, maritime commerce and environmental quality. Scientists, policymakers and the public must be knowledgeable about the source, impact and control efforts if effective solutions are to be developed. Marine Debris addresses the origin of persistent solid waste in the ocean, from urban and rural discharges to waste from ships and the recreational use of oceans. The book identifies key issues from biological, technological, economic and legal perspectives, and gives a framework for controlling each of the main sources of marine debris.

Marine Ecology in a Changing World

by Andrés Hugo Arias María Clara Menendez

With contributions from an impressive group of Argentinean and German oceanographers, this book examines classical ecological issues relating to marine ecosystems in the context of climate change. It paints a picture of marine ecology at the crossroads of global warming. The book examines the fundamentals of marine ecology: ecosystem stability, wat

Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice: Different Pathways, Common Lessons

by Julia M. Wondolleck Steven L. Yaffee

This volume is the first practical guide for the marine conservation realm. In a unique collection of case studies, the authors showcase successful collaborative approaches to ecosystem-based management. The authors introduce the basic concepts of ecosystem-based management and five different pathways for making progress from community to multinational levels. They spotlight the characteristics that are evident in all successful cases —the governance structures and social motivations that make it work. Case analyses ranging from the Gulf of Maine to the Channel Islands in Southern California comprise the bulk of the book, augmented by text boxes showcasing examples of guiding documents important to the process. They devote several ending chapters to discussion of the interpersonal relationships critical to successful implementation of marine ecosystem-based management. The book concludes with a discussion of the implications for policy and on-the-ground practice.

Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation: The Application and Future Development of the IMO's Particularly Sensitive Sea Area Concept

by Julian Roberts

Despite the potential benefits that the IMO's Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) designation can deliver, recent practice within the IMO and by individual member states has considerably undermined confidence in this emerging concept. The focus of this book is on the events within the IMO that have led to this lack of confidence arising. In the process, this book presents an examination of coastal State practice with the PSSA concept.

Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters

by Frédéric Muttin Hélène Thomas

Understanding marine pollution and the contamination of coastal environments requires knowledge from a variety of scientific fields. Marine Environmental Quality promotes a multidisciplinary approach to investigations, drawing on not only natural sciences, but also applied mathematics and social sciences.The investigations in this book focus on both organic and inorganic pollutants, firstly in a study conducted in the city of La Rochelle, on the North Atlantic French coast, then expanding the areas under examination to regions of English and Portuguese waters and, lastly, to the Mediterranean Sea. The improvement such research can bring to biomarkers, models and experiments enables equal progress in the quality of seawater in ports and protected areas of coastal regions.The eight chapters of Marine Environmental Quality present many aspects of this research, including experiments with floating barriers, water governance in various areas, sampling sites and sentinel species that act as biomarkers in harbors. Also covered are environmental commitments, both international and local, the risk that marine contamination poses to human health, experimental designs for interactions with microplastics and a study biomonitoring the juveniles of sentinel species. Such results will bring many benefits, to human health, to economic inclusion and to regional development.

Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters

by Frédéric Muttin Hélène Thomas

Understanding marine pollution and the contamination of coastal environments requires knowledge from a variety of scientific fields. Marine Environmental Quality promotes a multidisciplinary approach to investigations, drawing on not only natural sciences, but also applied mathematics and social sciences.The investigations in this book focus on both organic and inorganic pollutants, firstly in a study conducted in the city of La Rochelle, on the North Atlantic French coast, then expanding the areas under examination to regions of English and Portuguese waters and, lastly, to the Mediterranean Sea. The improvement such research can bring to biomarkers, models and experiments enables equal progress in the quality of seawater in ports and protected areas of coastal regions.The eight chapters of Marine Environmental Quality present many aspects of this research, including experiments with floating barriers, water governance in various areas, sampling sites and sentinel species that act as biomarkers in harbors. Also covered are environmental commitments, both international and local, the risk that marine contamination poses to human health, experimental designs for interactions with microplastics and a study biomonitoring the juveniles of sentinel species. Such results will bring many benefits, to human health, to economic inclusion and to regional development.

Marine Eutrophication: A Global Perspective

by Michael Karydis Dimitra Kitsiou

Marine eutrophication has been recognized as a global problem with adverse effects on ecosystem’s health and the economies of coastal states. Most conventions regarding marine environmental protection of Regional Seas have given priority to eutrophication and relevant management practices. This book presents a global perspective of eutrophication in most of the Regional Seas, including the legal framework, assessment and management practices. Information on ecosystem’s impact as well as an outline of the methods used for assessing eutrophication is also provided. This volume will be useful to research students, marine scientists and policy makers working in marine environmental management. Key Features: Contributes to the understanding of the eutrophication processes and problems Presents an extensive account of the data analysis methods used for the quantitative assessment of eutrophication Looks the eutrophication status of the main regional seas Provides information on eutrophication politics and measures to mitigate eutrophication

Marine Eutrophication: A Global Perspective

by Michael Karydis Dimitra Kitsiou

Marine eutrophication has been recognized as a global problem with adverse effects on ecosystem’s health and the economies of coastal states. Most conventions regarding marine environmental protection of Regional Seas have given priority to eutrophication and relevant management practices. This book presents a global perspective of eutrophication in most of the Regional Seas, including the legal framework, assessment and management practices. Information on ecosystem’s impact as well as an outline of the methods used for assessing eutrophication is also provided. This volume will be useful to research students, marine scientists and policy makers working in marine environmental management. Key Features: Contributes to the understanding of the eutrophication processes and problems Presents an extensive account of the data analysis methods used for the quantitative assessment of eutrophication Looks the eutrophication status of the main regional seas Provides information on eutrophication politics and measures to mitigate eutrophication

Marine Genetics (Developments in Hydrobiology #144)

by Antonio M. Solé-Cava Claudia A. M. Russo John P. Thorpe

Our current knowledge of marine organisms and the factors affecting their ecology, distribution and evolution has been revolutionised by the use, in the last 20 years, of molecular population genetics tools. This book is the result of a meeting of world-leading experts, in Rio de Janeiro, where the state of the art of this field was reviewed. Topics covered include the molecular analysis of bio-invasions, the recent developments in marine biotechnology, the factors affecting levels of genetic variation and population structure in marine organisms and their application to conservation biology, fisheries and aquaculture. This is the first book dedicated to the genetic study of marine organisms. It will be very useful to biology students, scientists and anyone working or simply interested in areas such as marine biology, zoology, ecology, and population and molecular genetics.

Marine Greens: Environmental, Agricultural, Industrial and Biomedical Applications

by Sesan Abiodun Aransiola, Oluwafemi Adebayo Oyewole, Naga Raju Maddela, Udeme Joshua Josiah Ijah, and Bangeppagari Manjunatha

This book provides an in-depth overview of marine greens and their environmental and biotechnological applications. It addresses concepts such as the niche adaptation strategies of marine greens in their natural habitats, as well as their global distribution, and factors affecting their distribution and proliferation.Marine greens are posited as an alternative to fossil fuels, mitigating global climate change and thereby fostering future environmental sustainability. In addition, the book explains the remediation of xenobiotics, wastewater, microplastics, marine debris and marine green contamination. Expert authors from around the world explore the industrial and agricultural applications of marine greens in the production of enzymes and marine bioenergy, and what is needed to improve its production potential.This is important reading for government and non-governmental organizations as well as industries and research institutions looking for ways to combat current industrial and environmental challenges.

Marine Greens: Environmental, Agricultural, Industrial and Biomedical Applications

This book provides an in-depth overview of marine greens and their environmental and biotechnological applications. It addresses concepts such as the niche adaptation strategies of marine greens in their natural habitats, as well as their global distribution, and factors affecting their distribution and proliferation.Marine greens are posited as an alternative to fossil fuels, mitigating global climate change and thereby fostering future environmental sustainability. In addition, the book explains the remediation of xenobiotics, wastewater, microplastics, marine debris and marine green contamination. Expert authors from around the world explore the industrial and agricultural applications of marine greens in the production of enzymes and marine bioenergy, and what is needed to improve its production potential.This is important reading for government and non-governmental organizations as well as industries and research institutions looking for ways to combat current industrial and environmental challenges.

Marine Life of the Mediterranean

by Lawson Wood

A new and updated edition of this popular title covering the fishes, invertebrates and other marine life of the Mediterranean Sea.Almost entirely enclosed by land, the Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by many popular wildlife destinations, including Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Gibraltar, Greece and Turkey. From sharks and turtles to algae and sponges, Marine Life of the Mediterranean reveals the fascinating wealth of sea life found in this diverse region. Featuring more than 290 species of fish, corals and other vertebrates and invertebrates, each species account includes key information on identification, habitats, diet and behaviour. Recommendations on where to go scuba diving, as well as important information on dangerous marine life, conservation zones and marine protected areas are also included. This compact and easy-to-follow guidebook – illustrated with colour photographs taken in a number of unique and exotic locations – is an essential companion for divers, snorkellers and underwater photographers visiting the area.

Marine Life of the Mediterranean

by Lawson Wood

A new and updated edition of this popular title covering the fishes, invertebrates and other marine life of the Mediterranean Sea.Almost entirely enclosed by land, the Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by many popular wildlife destinations, including Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Gibraltar, Greece and Turkey. From sharks and turtles to algae and sponges, Marine Life of the Mediterranean reveals the fascinating wealth of sea life found in this diverse region. Featuring more than 290 species of fish, corals and other vertebrates and invertebrates, each species account includes key information on identification, habitats, diet and behaviour. Recommendations on where to go scuba diving, as well as important information on dangerous marine life, conservation zones and marine protected areas are also included. This compact and easy-to-follow guidebook – illustrated with colour photographs taken in a number of unique and exotic locations – is an essential companion for divers, snorkellers and underwater photographers visiting the area.

Marine Macrophytes as Foundation Species

by Emil Olafsson

Marine macrophytes (macroalgae, seagrasses, and mangroves) comprise thousands of species distributed in shallow water areas along the world’s coastlines. They play a key role in marine ecosystems regarding biodiversity and energy flow. A large proportion of macrophyte species can be characterised as ecosystem engineers—organisms that directly or indirectly affect the availability of resources to other species by modifying, maintaining, and creating habitats. This book is divided into three main themes: • Marine macroalgae and seagrasses as sources of biodiversity gives an overview of the diversity of the main organisms associated with macrophytes, and their functional role and interactions within their hosts. • Primary and secondary production of Macrophytes synthesizes research on food web structures derived from/or associated with, macrophytes and the transfer of macrophytic primary and secondary production from one ecosystem to another. • Threats to macrophytic ecosystem engineers addresses human-induced effects including eutrophication, physical destruction, invasive species, and global warming. The book is among the first one to concentrate on the value of macrophytes for the well-being of marine habitats. The book is aimed at academics but may be useful for students, policy makers, and laymen alike.

Marine Macrophytes as Foundation Species

by Emil Ólafsson

Marine macrophytes (macroalgae, seagrasses, and mangroves) comprise thousands of species distributed in shallow water areas along the world’s coastlines. They play a key role in marine ecosystems regarding biodiversity and energy flow. A large proportion of macrophyte species can be characterised as ecosystem engineers—organisms that directly or indirectly affect the availability of resources to other species by modifying, maintaining, and creating habitats. This book is divided into three main themes: • Marine macroalgae and seagrasses as sources of biodiversity gives an overview of the diversity of the main organisms associated with macrophytes, and their functional role and interactions within their hosts. • Primary and secondary production of Macrophytes synthesizes research on food web structures derived from/or associated with, macrophytes and the transfer of macrophytic primary and secondary production from one ecosystem to another. • Threats to macrophytic ecosystem engineers addresses human-induced effects including eutrophication, physical destruction, invasive species, and global warming. The book is among the first one to concentrate on the value of macrophytes for the well-being of marine habitats. The book is aimed at academics but may be useful for students, policy makers, and laymen alike.

Marine Mammal Conservation and the Law of the Sea

by Cameron S. Jefferies

Marine mammal conservation remains a hot-button international environmental issue, but progress towards addressing key conservation and management issues within existing governance structures-most notably the International Whaling Commission-has stalled. Cameron Jefferies offers a fresh look at the future of international marine mammal management in a way that advances the ongoing dialog surrounding UNCLOS implementation and effective living marine resource management, while employing the comprehensive rational decision-making model as a theoretical framework. Marine Mammal Conservation and the Law of the Sea lays out and critiques the marine mammal regulatory landscape. It introduces the rational conservation model, and details the modern threats to marine mammals, including climate change, by-catch, environmental pollution, ship strikes. Next, it discusses options for reform under UNCLOS and existing treaties, and finally introduces a new holistic treaty regime based on the rational conversation model, based in part on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement. This book will appeal to scholars, practitioners, and policymakers across public international law, international relations, political science, and environmental policy in the academic, governmental, IO, and NGO spheres.

Marine Mammal Conservation and the Law of the Sea

by Cameron S. Jefferies

Marine mammal conservation remains a hot-button international environmental issue, but progress towards addressing key conservation and management issues within existing governance structures-most notably the International Whaling Commission-has stalled. Cameron Jefferies offers a fresh look at the future of international marine mammal management in a way that advances the ongoing dialog surrounding UNCLOS implementation and effective living marine resource management, while employing the comprehensive rational decision-making model as a theoretical framework. Marine Mammal Conservation and the Law of the Sea lays out and critiques the marine mammal regulatory landscape. It introduces the rational conservation model, and details the modern threats to marine mammals, including climate change, by-catch, environmental pollution, ship strikes. Next, it discusses options for reform under UNCLOS and existing treaties, and finally introduces a new holistic treaty regime based on the rational conversation model, based in part on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement. This book will appeal to scholars, practitioners, and policymakers across public international law, international relations, political science, and environmental policy in the academic, governmental, IO, and NGO spheres.

Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare (Animal Welfare #17)

by Andy Butterworth

Marine mammals attract human interest – sometimes this interest is benign or positive – whale watching, conservation programmes for whales, seals, otters, and efforts to clear beaches of marine debris are seen as proactive steps to support these animals. However, there are many forces operating to affect adversely the lives of whales, seals, manatees, otters and polar bears – and this book explores how the welfare of marine mammals has been affected and how they have adapted, moved, responded and sometimes suffered as a result of the changing marine and human world around them. Marine mammal welfare addresses the welfare effects of marine debris, of human traffic in the oceans, of noise, of hunting, of whale watching and tourism, and of some of the less obvious impacts on marine mammals – on their social structures, on their behaviours and migration, and also of the effects on captivity for animals kept in zoos and aquaria. There is much to think and talk about – how marine mammals respond in a world dramatically influenced by man, how are their social structures affected and how is their welfare impacted?

Marine Mammals: Biology and Conservation

by Peter G. H. Evans Juan Antonio Raga

Interest in marine mammals has increased dramatically in the last few decades, as evidenced by the number of books, scientific papers, and conferences devoted to these animals. Nowadays, a conference on marine mammals can attract between one and two thousand scientists from around the world. This upsurge of interest has resulted in a body of knowledge which, in many cases, has identified major conservation problems facing particular species. At the same time, this knowledge and the associated activities of environmental organisations have served to introduce marine mammals to a receptive public, to the extent that they are now perceived by many as the living icons of biodiversity conservation. Much of the impetus for the current interest in marine mammal conservation comes from "Save the Whale" campaigns started in the 1960s by environmental groups around the world, in response to declining whale populations after over-exploitation by humans. This public pressure led to an international moratorium on whaling recommended in 1972 by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, and eventually adopted by the International Whaling Commission ten years later. This moratorium largely holds sway to this day, and further protective measures have included the delimitation of extensive areas of the Indian Ocean (1979) and Southern Ocean (1994) as whale sanctuaries.

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