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Showing 12,251 through 12,275 of 21,223 results

Marine Mammals: the Evolving Human Factor (Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals)

by Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara Bernd Würsig

The seventh volume in the series “Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals” describes aspects of the often-complex relationship between humans and marine mammals. From a primeval condition of occasional predators, during the last century humans have become a major factor negatively affecting the status of most marine mammals through over-hunting, habitat encroachment and environmental degradation. This has led to the extirpation of many marine mammal populations and even to the extinction of species. However, in parallel to this destructive drive, since antiquity humanity has been influenced by a strong fascination for marine mammals, which contributes today to an increased human appreciation of the natural world admixed with widespread concern for its degrading condition. The special status occupied by marine mammals in human imagination and affection stands in stark contrast with the current predicament of many populations still threatened by the doings of Homo sapiens: a condition emblematic of the relationship of humanity with nature, and key to understanding where humanity is heading.

Marine Otter Conservation

by Liliana Ayala Raúl Sánchez-Scaglioni Gonzalo Medina-Vogel

This book offers a multidisciplinary approach to conservation issues related to the marine otter (Lontra felina). The main goal is the systematization of different research efforts on this species, to contribute with conservation policy design and implementation. The authors contribute their achievements in conservation, ecology, status in freshwater habitats, habitat fragmentation effects, interaction with human activities and recommendations for an effective conservation of the species. The book is directed first and foremost towards researchers and authorities and people involved in conservation tasks of otters.Despite in the last decades some studies and efforts on Lontra felina has carried in Peru and Chile, some information can be gathered to fill the gaps on marine otter conservation in Peru. That is the main goal of the book Conservation of Marine Otter. Moreover, the publication will be the first book published at international level on Lontra felina with the participation of several experimented researchers on this threatened and endemic species.

Marine Phytoplankton and Productivity: Proceedings of the invited lectures to a symposium organized within the 5th conference of the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry — Taormina, Sicily, Italy, September 5–8, 1983 (Coastal and Estuarine Studies #8)

by O. Holm-Hansen L. Bolis R. Gilles

When I was asked to organize this symposium on marine producti­ vity, it made me reflect on what aspects of this subject would be stimulating to a heterogeneous group of laboratory-oriented physiolo­ gists and biochemists. In recent years there have been several books which discusses the methodology commonly used in primary production studies and described the magnitude of photosynthetic CO reduction 2 in various areas of the world's oceans. I therefore decided to dis­ pense with these conventional aspects of primary production and invite researchers to speak on a variety of problems relating the abundance and activity of phytoplankton to environmental conditions. The lectures I invited were thus quite diverse in character, but all were related either to factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis or to the fate of reduced carbon as it passes through the microbial food web. In addition to these talks the participants benefited from a number of shorter presentations and poster sessions which dealt with production and cycling of organic carbon in the marine environment. February 1984 Osmund HOLM-HANSEN CONTENTS 1. Factors Governing Pelagic Production in Polar Oceans E. SAKSHAUG and O. HOLM-HANSEN •. ••. ••••. . . . . . •. •••. . ••••. •. •••• 1 2. Productivity of Antarctic Waters. A Reappraisal S. Z. EL-SAYED •. . . ••••••••. . •••. •. •••••••••. •••. •. •. . . . •. . . . •. 19 3. A Thermodynamic Description of Phytoplancton Growth D. A. KIEFER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4. Mechanisms of Organic Matter Utilization by Marine Bacterio­ plankton 45 F. AZAM and J. W.

Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans

by Mark Zacharias

This textbook provides the reader with a foundation in policy development and analysis and describes how policy, including legal mechanisms, is applied to marine environments around the world. It offers a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including environmental protection, fisheries, transportation, energy, mining and climate change. It starts with a biophysical overview of the structure and function of the marine environment with a particular emphasis on the challenges and opportunities of managing the marine environment. An overview of the creation and function of international law is then provided with a focus on international marine law. It explores the geographic and jurisdictional dimensions of marine policy, as well the current and anticipated challenges facing marine systems, including climate change-related impacts and resource over-exploitation. The book should appeal to senior undergraduate and graduate students and form a core part of the curriculum for marine affairs, science and policy courses. It will also provide supplementary reading for students taking a course in the law of the oceans, but is not aimed at legal specialists.

Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans

by Mark Zacharias

This textbook provides the reader with a foundation in policy development and analysis and describes how policy, including legal mechanisms, is applied to marine environments around the world. It offers a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including environmental protection, fisheries, transportation, energy, mining and climate change. It starts with a biophysical overview of the structure and function of the marine environment with a particular emphasis on the challenges and opportunities of managing the marine environment. An overview of the creation and function of international law is then provided with a focus on international marine law. It explores the geographic and jurisdictional dimensions of marine policy, as well the current and anticipated challenges facing marine systems, including climate change-related impacts and resource over-exploitation. The book should appeal to senior undergraduate and graduate students and form a core part of the curriculum for marine affairs, science and policy courses. It will also provide supplementary reading for students taking a course in the law of the oceans, but is not aimed at legal specialists.

Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans (Earthscan Oceans)

by Mark Zacharias Jeff Ardron

This book provides readers with a foundation in policy development and analysis, describing how policy, including legal mechanisms, are applied to the marine environment. It presents a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including climate change, energy, environmental protection, fisheries, mining and transportation. The health of marine environments worldwide is steadily declining, and these trends have been widely reported. Marine Policy summarizes the importance of the ocean governance nexus, discussing current and anticipated challenges facing marine ecosystems, human activities, and efforts to address these threats. This new, fully revised edition has been updated throughout, including content to reflect the recent advances in ocean management and international law. Chapters on shipping, energy/mining and integrated approaches to ocean management have been significantly reworked, plus completely new chapters on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the impacts of climate change have been added. Pedagogical features for students are included throughout. Aligned with current course offerings, this book is an ideal introduction for undergraduates and graduate students taking marine affairs, science and policy courses.

Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans (Earthscan Oceans)

by Mark Zacharias Jeff Ardron

This book provides readers with a foundation in policy development and analysis, describing how policy, including legal mechanisms, are applied to the marine environment. It presents a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including climate change, energy, environmental protection, fisheries, mining and transportation. The health of marine environments worldwide is steadily declining, and these trends have been widely reported. Marine Policy summarizes the importance of the ocean governance nexus, discussing current and anticipated challenges facing marine ecosystems, human activities, and efforts to address these threats. This new, fully revised edition has been updated throughout, including content to reflect the recent advances in ocean management and international law. Chapters on shipping, energy/mining and integrated approaches to ocean management have been significantly reworked, plus completely new chapters on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the impacts of climate change have been added. Pedagogical features for students are included throughout. Aligned with current course offerings, this book is an ideal introduction for undergraduates and graduate students taking marine affairs, science and policy courses.

Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs to Know® (What Everyone Needs To Know®)

by Judith S. Weis

For millennia, human societies have viewed the ocean as a dumping ground for waste products of all kinds. The sources of marine pollution are extensive, including oil spills, sewage, fertilizers, pesticides, industrial wastes, heavy metals, ocean acidification, plastics, and even invasive species, considered biological pollution. Yet, the solutions are not as clear. Updated to reflect recent research, this book discusses the sources of marine pollutants, their effects on marine organisms and humans, and how to reduce or eliminate them. Weis covers the aftermath of oil spills in addition to "emerging" topics like flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, noise pollution, and PFAS. A new chapter examines the prevalence of microplastics and how they rise through the food chain into human beings, along with their associated toxic chemicals. Additional chapters address the deadly effects of climate change in the ocean but also focus on actions that all people can take, citing recent environmental improvements as a cause for hope.

Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs to Know® (What Everyone Needs To Know®)

by Judith S. Weis

For millennia, human societies have viewed the ocean as a dumping ground for waste products of all kinds. The sources of marine pollution are extensive, including oil spills, sewage, fertilizers, pesticides, industrial wastes, heavy metals, ocean acidification, plastics, and even invasive species, considered biological pollution. Yet, the solutions are not as clear. Updated to reflect recent research, this book discusses the sources of marine pollutants, their effects on marine organisms and humans, and how to reduce or eliminate them. Weis covers the aftermath of oil spills in addition to "emerging" topics like flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, noise pollution, and PFAS. A new chapter examines the prevalence of microplastics and how they rise through the food chain into human beings, along with their associated toxic chemicals. Additional chapters address the deadly effects of climate change in the ocean but also focus on actions that all people can take, citing recent environmental improvements as a cause for hope.

Marine Pollution Control: Legal and Managerial Frameworks (Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides)

by Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi

This book discusses in a concise manner the key aspects that are important for the understanding of regulations and managerial framework governing marine pollution. It identifies the practical context in which marine pollution comes into play and addresses the international legal regime governing the numerous sources of marine pollution, as well as the ways in which these regulations affect the conduct of day-to-day shipping operations. With illustrations, case studies, emphasis boxes, references to case law and to national jurisdictions and other tools facilitating understanding and knowledge, readers will find helpful guidance on: the sources of marine pollution (including ship-source pollution and pollution from the offshore oil and gas sector); the forms of cooperation needed in order to tackle the prevention, management and response to marine pollution; overview of MARPOL Convention, other key IMO conventions, and selected regional regimes; legal ramifications, including P & I Clubs and limitation of liability; involvement of the flag State, coastal State and port State; industry best practice; the human element Marine Pollution Control will be a useful guidance tool for shipping Industry professionals, (P & I) Clubs, Legal practitioners, maritime administrators, as well as academics and students of marine pollution.

Marine Pollution Control: Legal and Managerial Frameworks (Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides)

by Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi

This book discusses in a concise manner the key aspects that are important for the understanding of regulations and managerial framework governing marine pollution. It identifies the practical context in which marine pollution comes into play and addresses the international legal regime governing the numerous sources of marine pollution, as well as the ways in which these regulations affect the conduct of day-to-day shipping operations. With illustrations, case studies, emphasis boxes, references to case law and to national jurisdictions and other tools facilitating understanding and knowledge, readers will find helpful guidance on: the sources of marine pollution (including ship-source pollution and pollution from the offshore oil and gas sector); the forms of cooperation needed in order to tackle the prevention, management and response to marine pollution; overview of MARPOL Convention, other key IMO conventions, and selected regional regimes; legal ramifications, including P & I Clubs and limitation of liability; involvement of the flag State, coastal State and port State; industry best practice; the human element Marine Pollution Control will be a useful guidance tool for shipping Industry professionals, (P & I) Clubs, Legal practitioners, maritime administrators, as well as academics and students of marine pollution.

Marine Protected Areas: Principles and techniques for management (Conservation Biology #5)

by SusanGubbay

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have an important role in marine conserva­ tion programmes around the world. Although most have been established relatively recently when compared with protected areas on land, there is considerable expertise on their identification, setting up and management. Some techniques have been adapted from those used on land. Others are novel, and unique to marine conservation. The chapters in this book give an insight into this fast developing field where experiment and innovation work alongside techniques which have been tried and tested. The guiding princi­ ples behind key stages in the setting up and management of MP As are described, and case studies illustrate how they have worked. While it is most encouraging to read about the successes, the case studies also point to difficulties which have been encountered. Not all of the examples are new or recent but, together, they illustrate what is happening in this field.

Marine Protists: Diversity and Dynamics

by Susumu Ohtsuka Toshinobu Suzaki Takeo Horiguchi Noritoshi Suzuki Fabrice Not

This comprehensive book provides a unique overview of advances in the biology and ecology of marine protists. Nowadays marine protistology is a hot spot in science to disclose life phenomena using the latest techniques. Although many protistological textbooks deal with the cytology, genetics, ecology, and pathology of specific organisms, none keeps up with the quick pace of new discoveries on the diversity and dynamics of marine protists in general. The bookMarine Protists: Diversity and Dynamics gives an overview of current research on the phylogeny, cytology, genomics, biology, ecology, fisheries, applied sciences, geology and pathology of marine free-living and symbiotic protists. Poorly known but ecologically important protists such as labyrinthulids and apostome ciliates are also presented in detail. Special attention is paid to complex interactions between marine protists and other organisms including human beings. An understanding of the ecological roles of marine protists is essential for conservation of nature and human welfare. This book will be of great interest not only to scientists and students but also to a larger audience, to give a better understanding of protists’ diverse roles in marine ecosystems.

Marine Radioecology, Volume 6

by Jean-Claude Amiard

Marine Radioecology, Volume 6

by Jean-Claude Amiard

Marine Resource Damage Assessment: Liability and Compensation for Environmental Damage

by F. Maes

The main focus of this important book is on civil liability regimes to compensate for ecological/environmental damage, the impact of EC decision-making on the international regime for oil pollution damage, the use of environmental funds in this respect, the economic valuation of damage to the environment from a theoretical perspective and the application of the Contingent Valuation Method in Belgium for ecological damage at sea.

Marine Shells of Goa: A Guide to Identification

by Sangeeta M. Sonak

This book offers a unique introduction to the study of shells and molluscs for all those who take pleasure in shells, the treasure of the sea. However, unlike other shell albums, compendiums or guides, the central focus of this book is on shells and not molluscs. Therefore, in addition to the classification and identification of shells, the book also addresses aspects including the shell art and shell craft of Goa, the importance of shells, and literary works related to shells and their writers. The book also describes various shell habitats of Goa. The primary objective of this book is to introduce readers to the concept of shell heritage and to spark curiosity and scientific interest, not just among conchologists but also local and visiting beachgoers. Accordingly, it primarily uses straightforward, non-technical language. The book will also appeal to those readers without any previous knowledge of the subject, helping them to understand and appreciate the shells that they collect from the seashores of Goa.

Marine Transboundary Conservation and Protected Areas (Earthscan Oceans)

by Edited by Peter Mackelworth

The marine environment does not naturally respect arbitrary international boundaries. The establishment and management of transboundary marine protected areas therefore presents major governance challenges. This book analyses a series of marine transboundary conservation initiatives embedded in varying contextual situations to examine the underlying reasons for their success or failure. Utilising an adapted ‘pathways of influence’ framework, it provides insights into the development of marine transboundary conservation initiatives looking at the effectiveness of international rules, international norms and discourse, market forces and direct access to policy making. Examples come from a wide range of jurisdictions, including territorial seas, continental shelves, exclusive economic zones and areas beyond national jurisdiction. Case studies include initiatives in the Coral Triangle, West Africa, Central America, the Wadden Sea, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. In addition the authors assess the potential for developing wider international cooperation as a result of relationships forged though involvement within these marine transboundary conservation initiatives.

Marine Transboundary Conservation and Protected Areas (Earthscan Oceans)

by Peter Mackelworth

The marine environment does not naturally respect arbitrary international boundaries. The establishment and management of transboundary marine protected areas therefore presents major governance challenges. This book analyses a series of marine transboundary conservation initiatives embedded in varying contextual situations to examine the underlying reasons for their success or failure. Utilising an adapted ‘pathways of influence’ framework, it provides insights into the development of marine transboundary conservation initiatives looking at the effectiveness of international rules, international norms and discourse, market forces and direct access to policy making. Examples come from a wide range of jurisdictions, including territorial seas, continental shelves, exclusive economic zones and areas beyond national jurisdiction. Case studies include initiatives in the Coral Triangle, West Africa, Central America, the Wadden Sea, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. In addition the authors assess the potential for developing wider international cooperation as a result of relationships forged though involvement within these marine transboundary conservation initiatives.

The Marine World: A Natural History of Ocean Life (Wild Nature Press)

by Frances Dipper

The Marine World is a book for everyone with an interest in the ocean, from the marine biologist or student wanting expert knowledge of a particular group to the naturalist or diver exploring the seashore and beyond.With colour illustrations, line drawings, more than 1,500 colour photographs, and with clear accessible text, this book encompasses all those organisms that live in, on and around the ocean, bringing together in a single text everything from the minuscule to the immense. It includes sections on all but the most obscure marine groups, covering invertebrate phyla from sponges to sea squirts, as well as plants, fungi, bacteria, fish, reptiles, mammals and birds. It incorporates information on identification, distribution, structure, biology, ecology, classification and conservation of each group, addressing the questions of ‘what?’, ‘where?’ and ‘how?’.Today global warming, overfishing, ocean acidification and pollution are just a few of the ever increasing number of threats and challenges faced by ocean life. Without knowledge of the animals, plants and other organisms that live in the marine world, we cannot hope to support or implement successful conservation and management measures, nor truly appreciate the incredible wealth and variety of marine life.The Marine World is the product of a lifetime spent by Frances Dipper happily observing and studying marine organisms the world over. It has been brought to colourful life by a myriad of enthusiastic underwater photographers and by Marc Dando, the renowned natural history illustrator.

Maritime Clusters and the Ocean Economy: An Integrated Approach to Managing Coastal and Marine Space (Earthscan Oceans)

by Peter B. Myles

Over the last decade the concept of clustering has become a central idea for analyzing the competitiveness of nations, industries and firms. This book shows how the cluster concept can be usefully applied to the study of maritime activities. Such activities, including shipping, shipbuilding and port and maritime services, are clearly geographically concentrated in a number of maritime clusters. However, as the author shows, these are having to compete with other uses of the coasts and oceans including capture fisheries, marine aquaculture, offshore energy and tourism. Sound governance and planning is therefore required to manage the competing claims for ocean space. The book shows how competing industries and other stakeholders can cooperate and benefit from an integrated approach to the development of maritime clusters. The contribution of approaches such as integrated coastal zone management and innovations such as ocean business councils, as well as coordinated networks of maritime clusters are reviewed. Case studies are included from around the world, including detailed examples of the development of the Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster in South Africa and from Poland in the Baltic Sea.

Maritime Clusters and the Ocean Economy: An Integrated Approach to Managing Coastal and Marine Space (Earthscan Oceans)

by Peter B. Myles

Over the last decade the concept of clustering has become a central idea for analyzing the competitiveness of nations, industries and firms. This book shows how the cluster concept can be usefully applied to the study of maritime activities. Such activities, including shipping, shipbuilding and port and maritime services, are clearly geographically concentrated in a number of maritime clusters. However, as the author shows, these are having to compete with other uses of the coasts and oceans including capture fisheries, marine aquaculture, offshore energy and tourism. Sound governance and planning is therefore required to manage the competing claims for ocean space. The book shows how competing industries and other stakeholders can cooperate and benefit from an integrated approach to the development of maritime clusters. The contribution of approaches such as integrated coastal zone management and innovations such as ocean business councils, as well as coordinated networks of maritime clusters are reviewed. Case studies are included from around the world, including detailed examples of the development of the Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster in South Africa and from Poland in the Baltic Sea.

Maritime Liabilities In A Global And Regional Context

by Swansea University Institute of International Shipping Trade Law Annual Colloquium Staff Baris Soyer A. M. Tettenborn Trade Law Staff

Maritime Liabilities in a Global and Regional Context consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law’s 13th International Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2017. Written by a combination of top academics and highly-experienced legal practitioners, these papers have been carefully co-ordinated to give the reader a first-class insight into the issues surrounding maritime liabilities. The book is set out in two parts: - Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary importance concerning maritime liabilities - Part 2 discusses contemporary issues concerning the enforcement of maritime liabilities. An invaluable guide to recent legal and practical developments in maritime liabilities, this book is vital reading for both professional and academic readers.

Maritime Liabilities In A Global And Regional Context (PDF)

by Swansea University Institute of International Shipping Trade Law Annual Colloquium Staff Baris Soyer A. M. Tettenborn Trade Law Staff

Maritime Liabilities in a Global and Regional Context consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law’s 13th International Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2017. Written by a combination of top academics and highly-experienced legal practitioners, these papers have been carefully co-ordinated to give the reader a first-class insight into the issues surrounding maritime liabilities. The book is set out in two parts: - Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary importance concerning maritime liabilities - Part 2 discusses contemporary issues concerning the enforcement of maritime liabilities. An invaluable guide to recent legal and practical developments in maritime liabilities, this book is vital reading for both professional and academic readers.

Maritime Salvage Operations and Environmental Protection (Routledge Research on the Law of the Sea)

by Durand Martin Cupido

This book questions the use of salvage law as legal regulatory framework for the remuneration of environmental services in salvage operations, proposing that such services should be based on direct contracting between commercial salvors and coastal States. Adopting an environment-first approach, it argues that direct contracting better serves and promotes environmental protection outcomes. It also takes a functional view of the law as a tool to promote values and sought outcomes. Salvage operations are recognised as the first line of defence against pollution following shipping incidents. Although regulated under the law of salvage, these operations form an integral component of a framework of environmental protection measures regulated under different legal instruments or laws. The law of salvage fails to effectively integrate salvage operations into broader pollution response mechanisms because it does not align comfortably with this framework of laws. Despite the emphasis on environmental protection in the 1989 London Salvage Convention, the Convention maintains the traditional notion of salvage operations as a service to property, while environmental outcomes and the remuneration of environmental services are positioned as a secondary outcome of the law of salvage. This book argues that directly contracting for environmental services bolsters the primacy of environmental protection and the functional use of law to further environmental protection and policy formulation. Direct contracting between coastal States and salvors for environmental services complements existing practices and pollution response mechanisms and provides a sound legal basis for the effective realisation of salvage operations as the first line of defence against pollution following shipping incidents without fundamentally altering the established commercial identity of the traditional law of salvage. This book will be key reading for students, academics, and practitioners working at the intersection of shipping and environmental law.

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