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Perspectives in Environmental Management

by Ralf Buckley

The author, experienced in industry and academia, presents a set of 15 recent review essays which identify and examine critical current issues of environmental management. Topics covered include environmental accounting, economics and taxation, environmental audit and insurance, institutional and administrative frameworks, regional environmental planning, international aid and trade, and the growth of ecotourism. The book concludes with a summary of likely trends for the 1990's. Readable, concise, practical, and well-referenced, these essays will be essential reading for corporate and governmental executives, engineers, accountants, and lawyers with any responsibility for environmental management. It will also be an invaluable resource book for university ecologists and environmental scientists and for anyone concerned with the practicalities of today's environmental problems.

Perspectives in Sustainable Nematode Management Through Pochonia chlamydosporia Applications for Root and Rhizosphere Health (Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection)

by Rosa H. Manzanilla-López Luis V. Lopez-Llorca

This volume reviews our current knowledge and novel research areas on Pochonia chlamydosporia, a cosmopolitan fungus occurring in soils as a saprophyte yet capable of colonizing the rhizosphere of crops as an endophyte and behaving as a parasite of eggs of plant-parasitic nematodes. The book is divided into six sections containing 18 chapters, starting with a historical background chapter, followed by 16 chapters, each contributed by experts, concerning those key aspects necessary to work with this biocontrol agent in a multidisciplinary treatise. Topics covered include systematics, biology, nematode-fungus interactions, nematode management strategies, secondary metabolites, and other methods including more novel research areas such as molecular, –omics, plant growth enhancement and endophytic abilities of P. chlamydosporia. The final chapter deals with the future perspectives of P. chlamydosporia research.

Perspectives on Biogeochemistry

by Egon T. Degens

Perspectives on Biogeochemistry is an account of the origin of forces and matter at the dawn of time, and the way they evolved to planet Earth of today. Several fields of natural sciences are consulted to present a coherent view on the cycling of terrestrial elements and molecules, both organic and inorganic, in the course of time. Critical data are drawn together from astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and geology in order to provide some understanding of the complexity of the system Earth. In this book, E.T. Degens abstracts his knowledge of biogeochemical interactions acquired in more than thirty years of research and teaching. Students and anyone in the natural sciences wanting to familiarize themselves with phenomena prevailing at the periphery of their disciplines will profit by the very thorough and personal view of this pressing topic.

Perspectives On Conservation: Essays on America's Natural Resources (RFF Natural Resource Management Set)

by Henry Jarrett

A collection of papers based on those prepared by authorities who participated in the 1958 RFF forum, including contributions by Samuel Hays and John Kenneth Galbraith. Originally published in 1958

Perspectives On Conservation: Essays on America's Natural Resources (RFF Natural Resource Management Set)

by Henry Jarrett

A collection of papers based on those prepared by authorities who participated in the 1958 RFF forum, including contributions by Samuel Hays and John Kenneth Galbraith. Originally published in 1958

Perspectives on Ecological Integrity (Environmental Science and Technology Library #5)

by JohnLemons LauraWestra

Concepts of ecological integrity have recently been proposed to facilitate enhanced protection of biological and ecological resources against the threat of human activities. The promotion of ecological integrity as a basis for public policy and decision making stems from scientists and others concerned about the threats of human activities to ecosystems and species, and from philosophers attempting to derive a more suitable ethic to guide the relationships between humans and the non-human environment. Although ecological integrity has been proposed as a norm for public policy and decision making, the concept is relatively new and therefore the underlying scientific and philosophical rationales have not been fully developed. This book offers a number of perspectives to stimulate and inform future discussion on the importance and consequences of ecological integrity for science, morality and public policy. Audience: Environmental professionals, whether academic, governmental or industrial, or working in the private consultancy sector. Also suitable as an upper-level reference text.

Perspectives on Ecology: A Critical Essay

by Koula Mellos

Perspectives On Embodiment: The Intersections Of Nature And Culture (PDF)

by Gail Weiss Honi F. Haber

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Perspectives on Environmental Management and Technology in Asian River Basins (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by David Higgitt

Asian river basins are undergoing rapid transformation. This volume considers the implications of the environmental change-development nexus for water management, river health and hazard awareness. As Biswas and Tortajada (2011) have recently commented, water management in Asia will likely change more in the next twenty years than in the last 2000 years. Critical environmental trends include decreasing flows of water and sediment due to dam construction and increased water extraction, land use change (especially forest removal), encroachment and degradation of floodplain and wetland environments, increased water demand and concerns about water security, urban expansion and associated pollution of rivers and contamination of groundwater reserves. These challenges are being reframed by new approaches to water management which represent a transition from engineering-dominated approaches towards integrated water management, from technology transfer to adaptive technologies. The volume comprises an introduction and five chapters. Brierley and Callum reframe approaches to river repair within emerging theories of in ecology and earth science which regard nature as a complex adaptive system replete with inherent uncertainties. These ideas are mirrored in the four case study chapters which deal with water governance in the Mekong Basin (Hirsch); hybrid adoption of water resource technologies in India (Barbanente et al.); determination of sediment dynamics in Java Rijsdijk); and ecological conservation imperatives in the headwaters of the Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong rivers in western China (Li et al.).

Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America

by Roger A. Sedjo

The vast size of the United States and extensive variation of its climate, topography, and biota across different regions contribute to both the richness of the nation?s natural heritage and the complexities involved in managing its resources. A follow-up to RFF?s popular America?s Renewable Resources (1990), Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America updates readers about the current challenges involved in managing America?s natural resources, especially in light of the increasing emphasis on sustainability and ecosystem approaches to management. Written to inform general audiences and students, as well as to engage the interest of experts, the book includes assessments by some of the nation?s most renowned scholars in natural resource economics and policy. An introductory chapter critically examines the concept of sustainability as it has been developed in recent years and asks how the concept might apply to individual resource systems. It considers the interrelatedness of ecosystem, economic, and social sustainability; the paradigms of resource sufficiency and functional integrity; and the contrast between weak and strong sustainability. The chapters that follow examine America?s experience with forests, water, agricultural soils, and wildlife. Highlighting the adaptability and resilience of resource systems, each chapter provides a description of the physical characteristics of the resource, a history of its use, a policy history, and a review of ongoing debates in management and policy. Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America concludes with an innovative treatment of biodiversity as a natural resource. The chapter reviews the definitions of biodiversity, the ecological and economic meanings of biodiversity, and current efforts to preserve biodiversity, especially through regulatory approaches.

Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America

by Roger A. Sedjo

The vast size of the United States and extensive variation of its climate, topography, and biota across different regions contribute to both the richness of the nation?s natural heritage and the complexities involved in managing its resources. A follow-up to RFF?s popular America?s Renewable Resources (1990), Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America updates readers about the current challenges involved in managing America?s natural resources, especially in light of the increasing emphasis on sustainability and ecosystem approaches to management. Written to inform general audiences and students, as well as to engage the interest of experts, the book includes assessments by some of the nation?s most renowned scholars in natural resource economics and policy. An introductory chapter critically examines the concept of sustainability as it has been developed in recent years and asks how the concept might apply to individual resource systems. It considers the interrelatedness of ecosystem, economic, and social sustainability; the paradigms of resource sufficiency and functional integrity; and the contrast between weak and strong sustainability. The chapters that follow examine America?s experience with forests, water, agricultural soils, and wildlife. Highlighting the adaptability and resilience of resource systems, each chapter provides a description of the physical characteristics of the resource, a history of its use, a policy history, and a review of ongoing debates in management and policy. Perspectives on Sustainable Resources in America concludes with an innovative treatment of biodiversity as a natural resource. The chapter reviews the definitions of biodiversity, the ecological and economic meanings of biodiversity, and current efforts to preserve biodiversity, especially through regulatory approaches.

Perspectives on the Marine Animal Forests of the World

by Sergio Rossi Lorenzo Bramanti

Marine Animal Forests (MAFs) are spread all over the world. Composed by suspension feeding organisms (e.g. corals, gorgonians, sponges, bryozoans, bivalves, etc.), MAFs constitute a vast number of marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, cold water corals, sponge grounds, bivalve beds, etc. The surface covered by these systems is prominent (at the scale of the oceans of the planet), though poorly known. In a previous book (Marine Animal Forests, the ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots), several aspects of the MAFs were described and discussed, building the basis for a holistic approach with the aim of putting these shallow and deep sea ecosystems under a common umbrella. The main target of the present book is to identify and address important topics which were not covered in the previous three volumes. Bryozoans or Polychaeta, for example, are treated in this volume, as well as hydrothermal vents ecosystems and submarine caves, the chemical ecology in MAFs or the nursery effect on these ecosystems. The vastity of the MAF concept opens new insights in the biology, physiology, biodiversity of the organisms structuring these highly biodiverse ecosystems and on the dangers threatening them (such as microplastics or the role of invasive species as an impact of their trophic ecology or distribution). In a fast changing world, in which the complexity of MAFs is at risk, we propose an in-depth analysis of many aspects that may be inspirational for future research lines in marine biology and ecology.

Perspectives on Water Usage for Biofuels Production: Aquatic Contamination and Climate Change

by Muhammad Arshad

The book integrates the fundamental factors that determine current and future impacts of biofuels production on water supply and demand in the context of climatic changes. The effects of biofuels production on ground water quality with increasing water scarcity are examined, and the utilization of water sources in the commercial scale production of biofuels are sketched, covering the complete route from growing of crops to biorefinery. Biofuel's chemical composition, characteristics and uses as fuel in terms of water consumption are also investigated. Overall, the diversity of biomass, various technological approaches and microbial contribution are reviewed.Learning objectives on this topic are presented by means of a series of tables and figures in order to guide both professionals and students. The present manuscript deals with biofuel and bioenergy courses and is therefore invaluable to students. The book provides thorough coverage of all industrial aspects of biofuels production, including impacts of climate change and water availability. It will play vital role for industry employees involved in product development, production management, quality management and helpful source to those studying for professional qualification. Academics involved in teaching elements of the subject and persons involved in an environment regulatory capacity would be able to take advantage from this book.

Perspektiven der Abfallwirtschaft: nach der B-VG-Novelle 1988 (Wirtschafts- und verwaltungsrechtliche Studien #3)

by Peter S. Kubanek

Der AnstoB zu dieser Arbeit geht zuriick auf den Herbst 1989, als ich ge­ gen Ende meines Diplomstudiums Prof. Dr. Bernhard Raschauer ein erwar­ tungsvolles ,Ja" zur Betreuung einer Dissertation tiber die "Abfallwirt­ schaft" zu entlocken vermochte. Das "Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz" schien damals zum Greifen nahe und mir als brandneues Gesetz ein idealer Themenbereich fur eine Doktorarbeit. Insbesondere reizte der Gedanke, der erste zu sein, der eine Arbeit tiber eine neue und auf ihrem Gebiet bahnbrechende Rechtslage vorlegen konnte. Bald jedoch muBte ich feststellen, daB die Geburt des neuen Gesetzes Hinger dauern sollte, als es der ehrgeizige Zeitplan fur meine Disser­ tation erlaubte. "Eine Dissertation muG wachsen; wohin sie aber wachst, das kann man im vorhinein nicht beurteilen!" Mit diesen Worten ermunterte mich Prof. Raschauer, zunachst einmal die Kompetenzbestimmung, die eben in das B-VG eingefUgt worden war, naher zu untersuchen. Die Probleme, die allein diese Bestimmung bald aufwarf, wuchsen, und mit ihnen meine Dissertation. Es war abzusehen, daB meine Untersuchungen nie einen AbschluB finden wlirden, so umfassend stellte sich die Problemlage dar. Da einer Dissertation einfach ein gewisser zeitlicher Rahmen gesetzt werden muBte, konnte das Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz nur in seinen Entwlirfen beriicksichtigt werden: 1m Juni 1990 wurden die Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchungen zur Begutachtung eingereicht, im Oktober 1990 wurden sie von beiden Gutachtern, Prof. DDr. Gtinther Winkler und Prof. Dr. Bernhard Raschauer, approbiert.

Perspektiven menschlichen Handelns: Umwelt und Ethik

by K. Töpfer Karl-Heinz Erdmann

Im interdisziplinären Dialog diskutieren Vertreter aus Theologie, Philosophie, Geographie, Pädagogik, Psychologie und Verhaltenswissenschaft beispielhaft ethische Fragestellungen zum Umgang des Menschen mit Natur und Umwelt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird Ethik als richtungsweisendes Konzept zur Realisierung neuer Wertorientierungen verstanden. Aufbauend auf den verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungsweisen der beteiligten Fachdisziplinen werden vielfältige Möglichkeiten zur Förderung umweltgerechten Verhaltens aufgezeigt und konkrete Wege zur Lösung dieser umfassenden Menschheitsfrage entwickelt.

Pesticide Law and Compliance Decision Making: A Case Study of Chinese Farmers

by Huiqi Yan

This book investigates pesticide compliance in China in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of compliance and offers some feasible and adaptable suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of this compliance. It discusses the weak implementation of Chinese laws and rules and emphasizes the necessity and importance of a compliance perspective in China that focuses on why laws are obeyed or broken. It examines how vegetable farmers’ perceptions of amoral calculation affect their pesticide compliance behavior and analyzes how the legitimacy of law is related to compliance to better explain how all the variables interact to shape compliance. It discusses both qualitative and quantitative methods, and uses a large-N qualitative approach, which allows for systematic analysis and in-depth exploration. This book will help readers to understand compliance in developing China by adopting and developing compliance theories which are broadly developed in the West.

Pesticide Policy and Politics in the European Union: Regulatory Assessment, Implementation and Enforcement

by Emanuela Bozzini

This book explores the regulation of pesticides in the European Union in order to reveal the complex, controversial, and contested nature of an assessment system proudly declared by the EU to be ‘the strictest in the world’. The current regulatory framework is based on Regulation 1107/2009, which substantially reformed the previous system. The analysis describes the new criteria and procedures for the authorization of active substances to be used in the production of pesticides, traces the lengthy policy formulation process, and identifies factors that made policy change possible. Further, the book illustrates the current controversies that characterise the implementation of Regulation 1107/2009: the ban of pesticides harmful to pollinators, the renewal of the authorization of glyphosate, and the definition of criteria for the assessment of endocrine disruption. The author provides information on policy outcomes and highlights persisting shortcomings in the enforcement of EU regulation. This book will appeal to students and scholars from a variety of disciplines, including political science, political sociology, and public policy.

Pesticide Policy and Politics in the European Union: Regulatory Assessment, Implementation and Enforcement

by Emanuela Bozzini

This book explores the regulation of pesticides in the European Union in order to reveal the complex, controversial, and contested nature of an assessment system proudly declared by the EU to be ‘the strictest in the world’. The current regulatory framework is based on Regulation 1107/2009, which substantially reformed the previous system. The analysis describes the new criteria and procedures for the authorization of active substances to be used in the production of pesticides, traces the lengthy policy formulation process, and identifies factors that made policy change possible. Further, the book illustrates the current controversies that characterise the implementation of Regulation 1107/2009: the ban of pesticides harmful to pollinators, the renewal of the authorization of glyphosate, and the definition of criteria for the assessment of endocrine disruption. The author provides information on policy outcomes and highlights persisting shortcomings in the enforcement of EU regulation. This book will appeal to students and scholars from a variety of disciplines, including political science, political sociology, and public policy.

Pesticide Policy, Production Risk, and Producer Welfare: An Econometric Approach to Applied Welfare Economics (Routledge Revivals)

by John M. Antle

The use of pesticides to control agricultural pests both benefits farm production and imposes health and environmental costs on producers and society. This title, first published in 1988, includes an application of the author’s methodology to tomato production, in which Antle illuminates the roles that alternative methods of pest management play in producer welfare. He also develops a more general empirical framework for studying producer welfare under uncertainty – a framework in which production risk, sequential decision making, and attitudes toward risk are integrated. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies.

Pesticide Policy, Production Risk, and Producer Welfare: An Econometric Approach to Applied Welfare Economics (Routledge Revivals)

by John M. Antle

The use of pesticides to control agricultural pests both benefits farm production and imposes health and environmental costs on producers and society. This title, first published in 1988, includes an application of the author’s methodology to tomato production, in which Antle illuminates the roles that alternative methods of pest management play in producer welfare. He also develops a more general empirical framework for studying producer welfare under uncertainty – a framework in which production risk, sequential decision making, and attitudes toward risk are integrated. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies.

The Pesticide Problem: An Economic Approach to Public Policy (Routledge Revivals)

by J.C. Headley J.N. Lewis

The widespread use of chemicals to control pests has resulted in adverse effects for both wildlife and humans. Originally published in 1967, this title seeks to clearly explain the key issues for understanding public policy in the pesticide problem. Authors Headley and Lewis provide simple clarification of the economic issues involved in creating public policy for pest control and present how policy formation for pesticides will be improved by further economic analysis. This title is a valuable and relevant resource for students interested in environmental studies, especially the impact of public policy making on the environment.

The Pesticide Problem: An Economic Approach to Public Policy (Routledge Revivals)

by J.C. Headley J.N. Lewis

The widespread use of chemicals to control pests has resulted in adverse effects for both wildlife and humans. Originally published in 1967, this title seeks to clearly explain the key issues for understanding public policy in the pesticide problem. Authors Headley and Lewis provide simple clarification of the economic issues involved in creating public policy for pest control and present how policy formation for pesticides will be improved by further economic analysis. This title is a valuable and relevant resource for students interested in environmental studies, especially the impact of public policy making on the environment.

Pesticide Toxicity to Non-target Organisms: Exposure, Toxicity and Risk Assessment Methodologies

by Johnson Stanley Gnanadhas Preetha

The pesticide should cause effect on the target pests and be selective enough to spare the non-target beneficial. The book deals with the pesticide toxicity to predators, parasitoids and microbes which are used for pest management in the agroecosystem. The other beneficials exposed to pesticides are pollinators, earthworms, silkworm and fishes. The book contains information on the modes of pesticide exposure and toxicity to the organisms, sub-lethal effects of insecticides and method of toxicity assessment, risk assessment of pesticidal application in the field. The purpose of the work is to compile and present the different procedures to assess pesticide poising in organisms related to the agroecosystem along with discussions on risk assessment procedures with clear comparison of toxicity of pesticides to target pests and non target beneficial organisms.

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