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The Politics of Urban Sustainability Transitions: Knowledge, Power and Governance (Routledge Research in Sustainable Urbanism)

by Jens Stissing Jensen Philipp Späth Matthew Cashmore

Cities, the world over, are increasingly recognised to be both a principal source of the environmental and social sustainability challenges facing contemporary society and a critical site for addressing these challenges. Socio-technical systems are at the heart of these challenges as they configure central aspects of urban life: from mobility and energy infrastructures to leisure activities and patterns of mobility. This observation has led to substantial interest in how societies might initiate and actively steer radical transitions in these systems in the pursuit of sustainable urban futures. This book contributes to emerging debates on the politics of urban transitions by examining the intimate interlinkages between knowledge, power and governance. Drawing upon real-world examples of urban governance, the authors explore the strategies, struggles and controversies involved in configuring knowledge and how knowledge constructions influence governance by rendering some concerns and issues visible and valuable, while obscuring others. The book draws attention to how novel ways of conceptualising, knowing and observing socio-technical systems may be harnessed productively in redefining the power relationships underpinning unsustainable practices. Understanding these dynamics can ultimately inform and enable new approaches to support much-needed urban transitions. This book provides a compelling examination of urban knowledge politics for the twenty-first century that will be of great value to academics, policy-makers and practitioners working in the social sciences, urban studies, geography, urban governance or sustainability transitions.

Politiken der Naturgestaltung: Ländliche Entwicklung und Agro-Gentechnik zwischen Kritik und Vision

by Daniela Gottschlich Tanja Mölders

Ausgehend von der Frage, wie die vielfältigen Beziehungen zwischen Natur und Gesellschaft durch Politik gestaltet werden, behandelt dieser Band Themen wie Agrobiodiversität, Geschlechterverhältnisse, widerständige Praktiken und Alternativen in den Politikfeldern Ländliche Entwicklung und Agro-Gentechnik. Die inhaltliche Klammer bildet ein kritisch-emanzipatorisches Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis, mit dem die Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse analysiert wird. In der Verbindung von theoretischen Reflexionen zu Gesellschaft-Natur-Verhältnissen und empirischen Untersuchungen in Deutschland und Polen leisten die Autorinnen und Autoren einen Beitrag zur kritischen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Sozial-ökologischen Forschungsnachwuchsgruppe „PoNa – Politiken der Naturgestaltung. Ländliche Entwicklung und Agro-Gentechnik zwischen Kritik und Vision“.

Politischer Wandel in der bundesdeutschen Kernenergiepolitik von 1975 bis 1997: Eine Multiple Streams Analyse

by Christian von Falkenhausen

Im Frühjahr 2023 gingen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die letzten Kernkraftwerke vom Netz. Es war das politisch beschlossene Ende einer Technologie, die vor rund 50 Jahren noch als unumstrittene Zukunftshoffnung zur Sicherung von Wachstum und Wohlstand gegolten hatte und dann als Gegenstand der Kernenergiekontroverse eine ganze Generation begleitet und teilweise sogar nachhaltig geprägt hatte. Christian von Falkenhausen unternimmt in diesem Buch den Versuch, anhand einer Multiple Streams Analyse der politischen Prozesse der Jahre 1975 bis 1997 zu zeigen, dass die Grundlagen für die späteren politischen Atomausstiege in dieser Frühphase gelegt wurden.

Pollination: The Enduring Relationship between Plant and Pollinator

by Pollination Timothy Walker

An enticing illustrated look at pollination, one of the most astonishing marvels of the natural worldPollination is essential to the survival of most plants on Earth. Some plants rely on the wind to transport pollen from one flower to another. Others employ an array of ingenious strategies to attract and exploit pollinators, whether they be insects, birds, or mammals. This beautifully illustrated book provides an unprecedented look at the wonders of pollination biology, drawing on the latest science to explain the extraordinarily complex relationship between plant and pollinator, and revealing why pollination is vital for healthy ecosystems and a healthy planet.Timothy Walker offers an engaging introduction to pollination biology and explores the many different tactics of plant reproduction. He shows how wind and water can be effective yet wildly unpredictable means of pollination, and describes the intimate interactions of pollinating plants with bees and butterflies, beetles and birds, and lizards and bats. Walker explores how plants entice pollinators using scents, colors, and shapes, and how plants rely on rewards as well as trickery to attract animals. He sheds light on the important role of pollination in ecology, evolution, and agriculture, and discusses why habitat management, species recovery programs, and other conservation efforts are more critical now than ever.Featuring hundreds of color photos and illustrations, Pollination is suitable for undergraduate study and is an essential resource for naturalists, horticulturalists, and backyard gardeners.

Pollination and Floral Ecology

by Pat Willmer

Pollination and Floral Ecology is the most comprehensive single-volume reference to all aspects of pollination biology--and the first fully up-to-date resource of its kind to appear in decades. This beautifully illustrated book describes how flowers use colors, shapes, and scents to advertise themselves; how they offer pollen and nectar as rewards; and how they share complex interactions with beetles, birds, bats, bees, and other creatures. The ecology of these interactions is covered in depth, including the timing and patterning of flowering, competition among flowering plants to attract certain visitors and deter others, and the many ways plants and animals can cheat each other. Pollination and Floral Ecology pays special attention to the prevalence of specialization and generalization in animal-flower interactions, and examines how a lack of distinction between casual visitors and true pollinators can produce misleading conclusions about flower evolution and animal-flower mutualism. This one-of-a-kind reference also gives insights into the vital pollination services that animals provide to crops and native flora, and sets these issues in the context of today's global pollination crisis. Provides the most up-to-date resource on pollination and floral ecology Describes flower advertising features and rewards, foraging and learning by flower-visiting animals, behaviors of generalist and specialist pollinators--and more Examines the ecology and evolution of animal-flower interactions, from the molecular to macroevolutionary scale Features hundreds of color and black-and-white illustrations

Pollination and Floral Ecology

by Pat Willmer

Pollination and Floral Ecology is the most comprehensive single-volume reference to all aspects of pollination biology--and the first fully up-to-date resource of its kind to appear in decades. This beautifully illustrated book describes how flowers use colors, shapes, and scents to advertise themselves; how they offer pollen and nectar as rewards; and how they share complex interactions with beetles, birds, bats, bees, and other creatures. The ecology of these interactions is covered in depth, including the timing and patterning of flowering, competition among flowering plants to attract certain visitors and deter others, and the many ways plants and animals can cheat each other. Pollination and Floral Ecology pays special attention to the prevalence of specialization and generalization in animal-flower interactions, and examines how a lack of distinction between casual visitors and true pollinators can produce misleading conclusions about flower evolution and animal-flower mutualism. This one-of-a-kind reference also gives insights into the vital pollination services that animals provide to crops and native flora, and sets these issues in the context of today's global pollination crisis. Provides the most up-to-date resource on pollination and floral ecology Describes flower advertising features and rewards, foraging and learning by flower-visiting animals, behaviors of generalist and specialist pollinators--and more Examines the ecology and evolution of animal-flower interactions, from the molecular to macroevolutionary scale Features hundreds of color and black-and-white illustrations

Pollination Biology: Biodiversity Conservation and Agricultural Production

by Dharam P. Abrol

This book has a wider approach not strictly focused on crop production compared to other books that are strictly oriented towards bees, but has a generalist approach to pollination biology. It also highlights relationships between introduced and wild pollinators and consequences of such introductions on communities of wild pollinating insects. The chapters on biochemical basis of plant-pollination interaction, pollination energetics, climate change and pollinators and pollinators as bioindicators of ecosystem functioning provide a base for future insights into pollination biology. The role of honeybees and wild bees on crop pollination, value of bee pollination, planned honeybee pollination, non-bee pollinators, safety of pollinators, pollination in cages, pollination for hybrid seed production, the problem of diseases, genetically modified plants and bees, the role of bees in improving food security and livelihoods, capacity building and awareness for pollinators are also discussed.

Pollination Ecology and the Rain Forest: Sarawak Studies (Ecological Studies #174)

by Shoko Sakai David Roubik Abg Abdul Hamid

The groundbreaking canopy-access and rain forest research at Lambir Hills National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia, has contributed an immense body of knowledge. Its major studies over more than a decade are synthesized here for the first time.

Pollutants in Porous Media: The Unsaturated Zone Between Soil Surface and Groundwater (Ecological Studies #47)

by B. Yaron G. Dagan J. Goldshmid

The unsaturated zone is the medium through which pollutants move from the soil surface to groundwater. Polluting substances are subjected to complex physical, chemical and biological transformations while moving through the unsaturated zone and their displacement depends on the transport properties of the water-air­ porous medium system. Pollution caused by human activities, agriculture, and industry, has brought about a growing interest in the role of the unsaturated zone in groundwater pollution. Due to the complexity and the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, it is being investigated by specialists from various scientific disciplines, such as soil physicists, chemists, biologists, and environmental engineers. This state of affairs has motivated the initiative taken by the Water Quality Commissions of IUPAC (the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and IAHS (the International Association of Hydrological Sciences) to convene an international workshop, which was organized and hosted by the Institute of Soils and Water of the Agricultural Research Organization in Bet­ Dagan, Israel in March 1983. The lecturers at the workshop were an invited group of specialists who are engaged in studying the many facets of the unsaturated zone, and the present book is a selection of their presentations. Each chapter of the book relates to a different aspect of the unsaturated zone.

The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment

by Benjamin Ross Steven Amter

The chemical pollution that irrevocably damages today's environment is, although many would like us to believe otherwise, the legacy of conscious choices made long ago. During the years before and just after World War II, discoveries like leaded gasoline and DDT came to market, creating new hazards even as the expansion and mechanization of industry exacerbated old ones. Dangers still felt today--smog, pesticides, lead, chromium, chlorinated solvents, asbestos, even global warming--were already recognized by chemists, engineers, doctors, and business managers of that era. A few courageous individuals spoke out without compromise, but still more ignored scientific truth in pursuit of money and prestige. The Polluters reveals at last the crucial decisions that allowed environmental issues to be trumped by political agendas. It spotlights the leaders of the chemical industry and describes how they applied their economic and political power to prevent the creation of an effective system of environmental regulation. Research was slanted, unwelcome discoveries were suppressed, and friendly experts were placed in positions of influence, as science was subverted to serve the interests of business. The story of The Polluters is one that needs to be told, an unflinching depiction of the onslaught of chemical pollution and the chemical industry's unwillingness to face up to its devastating effects.

The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment

by Benjamin Ross Steven Amter

The chemical pollution that irrevocably damages today's environment is, although many would like us to believe otherwise, the legacy of conscious choices made long ago. During the years before and just after World War II, discoveries like leaded gasoline and DDT came to market, creating new hazards even as the expansion and mechanization of industry exacerbated old ones. Dangers still felt today--smog, pesticides, lead, chromium, chlorinated solvents, asbestos, even global warming--were already recognized by chemists, engineers, doctors, and business managers of that era. A few courageous individuals spoke out without compromise, but still more ignored scientific truth in pursuit of money and prestige. The Polluters reveals at last the crucial decisions that allowed environmental issues to be trumped by political agendas. It spotlights the leaders of the chemical industry and describes how they applied their economic and political power to prevent the creation of an effective system of environmental regulation. Research was slanted, unwelcome discoveries were suppressed, and friendly experts were placed in positions of influence, as science was subverted to serve the interests of business. The story of The Polluters is one that needs to be told, an unflinching depiction of the onslaught of chemical pollution and the chemical industry's unwillingness to face up to its devastating effects.

Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Judith S. Weis Francesca De Falco Mariacristina Cocca

This book examines the critical issue of environmental pollutants produced by the textiles industry. Comprised of contributions from environmental scientists and materials and textiles scientists, this edited volume addresses the environmental impact of microplastics, with a particular focus on microfibres released by textiles into marine and water environments. The chapters in Part I offer environmental perspectives focusing on the measurement of microplastics in the environment, their ingestion by small plankton and larger filter feeders, the effects of consuming microplastics, and the role of microplastics as a vector for transferring toxic contaminants in food webs. Written by environmental and material scientists, the chapters in Part II present potential solutions to the problem of microplastics released from textiles, discussing parameters of influence, water treatment, degradation in marine environment, textile end-of-life management, textile manufacturing and laundry, possible policy measures. This is a much needed volume which brings together in one place environmental research with technical solutions in order to provide a cohesive and practical approach to mitigating and preventing environmental pollution from the textiles industry going forward. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental conservation and management, environmental pollution and environmental chemistry and toxicology, sustainability, as well as students and scholars of material and textiles science, textile engineering and sustainable manufacturing.

Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Judith S. Weis Francesca De Falco Mariacristina Cocca

This book examines the critical issue of environmental pollutants produced by the textiles industry. Comprised of contributions from environmental scientists and materials and textiles scientists, this edited volume addresses the environmental impact of microplastics, with a particular focus on microfibres released by textiles into marine and water environments. The chapters in Part I offer environmental perspectives focusing on the measurement of microplastics in the environment, their ingestion by small plankton and larger filter feeders, the effects of consuming microplastics, and the role of microplastics as a vector for transferring toxic contaminants in food webs. Written by environmental and material scientists, the chapters in Part II present potential solutions to the problem of microplastics released from textiles, discussing parameters of influence, water treatment, degradation in marine environment, textile end-of-life management, textile manufacturing and laundry, possible policy measures. This is a much needed volume which brings together in one place environmental research with technical solutions in order to provide a cohesive and practical approach to mitigating and preventing environmental pollution from the textiles industry going forward. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental conservation and management, environmental pollution and environmental chemistry and toxicology, sustainability, as well as students and scholars of material and textiles science, textile engineering and sustainable manufacturing.

Pollution and Atmosphere in Post-Soviet Russia: The Arctic and the Environment (Library of Arctic Studies)

by Lars Rowe

This study addresses the many initiatives to decrease industrial pollution emitting from the Pechenganikel plant in the northwestern corner of Russia during the final years of the Soviet Union, and examines the wider implications for the state of pollution control in the Arctic today. By examining the efforts of Soviet industry and government agencies, Finnish and Swedish officials, and Norwegian environmental authorities to curb industrial pollution in the region, this book offers an environmental history of the Arctic as well as a transnational, geopolitical history.

Pollution and Atmosphere in Post-Soviet Russia: The Arctic and the Environment (Library of Arctic Studies)

by Lars Rowe

This study addresses the many initiatives to decrease industrial pollution emitting from the Pechenganikel plant in the northwestern corner of Russia during the final years of the Soviet Union, and examines the wider implications for the state of pollution control in the Arctic today. By examining the efforts of Soviet industry and government agencies, Finnish and Swedish officials, and Norwegian environmental authorities to curb industrial pollution in the region, this book offers an environmental history of the Arctic as well as a transnational, geopolitical history.

Pollution and the Atmosphere: Designs for Reduced Emissions

by Marco Ragazzi

This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. This new compendium volume examines the significant impact of air quality on human health. Assessing air pollution in complex morphologies has become an important issue in order to implement mitigation measures and limit emissions from the most relevant sources, such as waste incineration, traffic emissions, emissions from fuel and electricity production, and household emissions. These pollutants result in adverse health effects, material damage, damage to ecosystems, and global climate change. The book looks at these issues and is divided into several sections, covering air pollution and where we came from and where we’re headed waste incineration and its impact on air quality air pollution vehicle and transportation emissions emissions from fuel and electricity production The chapters in Pollution and the Atmosphere: Designs for Reduced Emissions contain recent research looking at the two major components of air pollution: air pollution control and air-quality engineering. Air pollution control focuses on the fundamentals of air pollutant formation in process technologies and the identification of options for mitigating or preventing air pollutant emissions. Air quality engineering deals with large-scale, multi-source control strategies, with focus on the physics and chemistry of pollutant interactions in the atmosphere.

Pollution and the Atmosphere: Designs for Reduced Emissions

by Marco Ragazzi

This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. This new compendium volume examines the significant impact of air quality on human health. Assessing air pollution in complex morphologies has become an important issue in order to implement mitigation measures and limit emissions from the most relevant sources, such as waste incineration, traffic emissions, emissions from fuel and electricity production, and household emissions. These pollutants result in adverse health effects, material damage, damage to ecosystems, and global climate change. The book looks at these issues and is divided into several sections, covering air pollution and where we came from and where we’re headed waste incineration and its impact on air quality air pollution vehicle and transportation emissions emissions from fuel and electricity production The chapters in Pollution and the Atmosphere: Designs for Reduced Emissions contain recent research looking at the two major components of air pollution: air pollution control and air-quality engineering. Air pollution control focuses on the fundamentals of air pollutant formation in process technologies and the identification of options for mitigating or preventing air pollutant emissions. Air quality engineering deals with large-scale, multi-source control strategies, with focus on the physics and chemistry of pollutant interactions in the atmosphere.

Pollution Control in East Asia: Lessons from Newly Industrializing Economies

by Michael T. Rock

Why do some economies seem to excel at effective pollution management while others miss the mark when responding to deteriorating urban environments? These studies of pollution management in East Asia's newly industrialized economies (NIEs) include successful government responses in Singapore and Taiwan, qualified results in China and Indonesia, and much more limited success in Thailand and Malaysia. In each example, Michael Rock considers the starting point of the economy as it began its path toward industrialization in the post World War II period. He discusses the relevant historical and political context, the pressures placed on the political system from domestic and international sources, and the influence of ongoing trends in East Asia for democratization and economic liberalization. Rock's text makes it clear that each economy found unique, innovative ways to link environmental protection to its own political and economic institutions. Thus, while public pressure from both home and abroad gave strong impetus to successful programs in Taiwan, the development of policy in Singapore involved limited public review and a centralized, government-led process. The result of Rock's scholarship is a book that provides important lessons without being reductionist. The book offers insights to apply to pollution management in a diverse range of developing nations, but avoids attempts for precise prescriptions, or universally appealing, normative answers. A copublication of Resources for the Future and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS).

Pollution Control in East Asia: Lessons from Newly Industrializing Economies (Environmental Development Ser. #No. 9)

by Michael T. Rock

Why do some economies seem to excel at effective pollution management while others miss the mark when responding to deteriorating urban environments? These studies of pollution management in East Asia's newly industrialized economies (NIEs) include successful government responses in Singapore and Taiwan, qualified results in China and Indonesia, and much more limited success in Thailand and Malaysia. In each example, Michael Rock considers the starting point of the economy as it began its path toward industrialization in the post World War II period. He discusses the relevant historical and political context, the pressures placed on the political system from domestic and international sources, and the influence of ongoing trends in East Asia for democratization and economic liberalization. Rock's text makes it clear that each economy found unique, innovative ways to link environmental protection to its own political and economic institutions. Thus, while public pressure from both home and abroad gave strong impetus to successful programs in Taiwan, the development of policy in Singapore involved limited public review and a centralized, government-led process. The result of Rock's scholarship is a book that provides important lessons without being reductionist. The book offers insights to apply to pollution management in a diverse range of developing nations, but avoids attempts for precise prescriptions, or universally appealing, normative answers. A copublication of Resources for the Future and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS).

Pollution of the North Sea: An Assessment

by Dr Wim Salomons Dr Brian L. Bayne Professor Dr. Egbert Klaas Duursma Professor Dr. Ulrich Förstner

This preface is being written at a time of exceptional public interest in the North Sea, following media head­ lines on toxic algal blooms, the mass mortality of common seals, and concern over pollution levels. These headlines may suggest that pollution of the North Sea is a recent event. This is not the case. Although no data are available (methods simply did not exist), it is safe to assume that emission (both into air and water) of heavy metals already started to increase in the 19th cen­ tury. The growth of cities and introduction of sewer sys­ tems led to the discharge of raw sewage and sewage sludge. The introduction of man-made (xenobiotic) organ­ ic chemicals and their subsequent emission into the North Sea commenced before the second world war. The shallower and coastal areas of the North Sea receive the highest concentrations of these pollutants. Not unexpectedly, these areas - some Norwegian fjords, the Dutch coast, the German Bight - show signs of ecosystem deterioration and eutrophication. A certain percentage of the pollutants does not remain in the North Sea but is "exported" to the Atlantic. The North Sea therefore con­ tributes to the global input of pollutants to the world's oceans. The major part of the pollutants accumulate in the North Sea and are incorporated in the bottom sediments. Although they are "out of sight", they should not be "out of mind".

Pollution of the Sea - Prevention and Compensation (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs #10)

by Jürgen Basedow Ulrich Magnus

The International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs hosted a global conference addressing marine pollution. At this meeting, academics and practitioners came together to discuss their findings and debate recent developments from an interdisciplinary perspective. This volume reflects those discussions, examining a broad range of topics concerning the ecological, economic, political, and legal aspects of the pollution of the sea.

Pollution, Politics, and Power: The Struggle for Sustainable Electricity

by Thomas O. McGarity

Today’s electric power companies compete to provide cleaner electricity. That’s a good thing, but progress has come with costs, especially for communities reliant on the coal industry. Thomas McGarity examines the changes of recent decades and offers ideas for building a more sustainable grid while easing the economic downsides of coal’s demise.

Pollution Prevention: Sustainability, Industrial Ecology, and Green Engineering, Second Edition

by Ryan Dupont Kumar Ganesan Louis Theodore

This new edition has been revised throughout, and adds several sections, including: lean manufacturing and design for the environment, low impact development and green infrastructure, green science and engineering, and sustainability. It presents strategies to reduce waste from the source of materials development through to recycling, and examines the basic concepts of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of different pollutants. It includes case studies from several industries, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, metals, electronics, petrochemicals, refineries, and more. It also addresses the economic considerations for each pollution prevention approach.

Pollution Prevention: Sustainability, Industrial Ecology, and Green Engineering, Second Edition

by Ryan Dupont Kumar Ganesan Louis Theodore

This new edition has been revised throughout, and adds several sections, including: lean manufacturing and design for the environment, low impact development and green infrastructure, green science and engineering, and sustainability. It presents strategies to reduce waste from the source of materials development through to recycling, and examines the basic concepts of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of different pollutants. It includes case studies from several industries, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, metals, electronics, petrochemicals, refineries, and more. It also addresses the economic considerations for each pollution prevention approach.

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Environmental Toxin Series #1)

by R. L. Dedrick L. G. Hansen M. A. Hayes R. J. Lutz M. Mullin A. Parkinson L. Safe S. Safe R. G. Schnellmann I. G. Sipes

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been produced commercially since be­ fore 1930. They proved to be highly versatile mixtures and their uses continued to expand during the early 1970's even after the unanticipated world-wide en­ vironmental contamination had been discovered (Jensen et aI. , 1969; Koeman et aI. , 1969). Over 600,000 metric-tons were produced and/or used in the U. S. during this time and it is estimated that worldwide production totaled about 1,200,000 metric-tons (Table 1). With low acute toxicities (Fishbein, 1974), these mixtures were considered gen­ erally biologically inactive even though industrial exposure had demonstrated he­ patic and dermatological effects (Fishbein, 1974; Hansen, 1987). Thus, use and disposal were not carefully monitored and it is estimated that one-third of the world-wide production of PCBs has been released into the global environment (Table 1). Table 1. Estimated production and disposition of PCBs b U. s. a Worldwide 6 6 Production/use 610 X 10 kg 1200 X 10 kg Mobil environmental reservoir 82 400 Static reservoirs In service 340 Dumps 130 Total static 470 800 a NAS, 1979 b Tatsukawa and Tanaba, 1984 2 Environmental Distribution Many countries now impose strict controls on the use and release of PCBs. Re­ lease into the environment has declined dramatically in the last decade, but con­ tinued release from reservoirs (Table 1) into burdened ecosystems (Table 2) ap­ pears inevitable for several more decades (Barros et aI. , 1984).

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