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Showing 16,151 through 16,175 of 62,437 results

The Entrepreneurship Movement and the University

by C. Sá A. Kretz

Entrepreneurship is widely embraced today in political discourse, popular culture, and economic policy prescriptions. Several groups actively promote entrepreneurial thinking and practices in higher education. This book examines how this 'Entrepreneurship Movement' impacts higher education in Canada and the United States.

Entscheidbarkeit bei Petri Netzen: Überblick und Kompendium (

by Harro Wimmel

Petri Netze sind das am besten untersuchte Modell für parallele Rechnungen und Stellen/Transitionennetze. In diesem Buch werden erstmals alle wichtigen Fragen zur Entscheidbarkeit für klassische Stellen/Transitionennetze zusammengestellt und systematisch behandelt. Dazu gehören neben dem Erreichbarkeitsproblem Fragen, die sich mit Markierungen und Sprachen von Petri Netzen befassen. Dabei werden verschiedene Sprach- und Akzeptanzmodelle in Betracht gezogen. Zusätzlich beleuchtet der Autor einige Erweiterungen von Netzen.

Entwicklungspolitik: Eine Einführung in Zielsetzungen und Ergebnisse

by Joachim Betz

Entwicklungsländer haben seit den 1990er Jahren rasche, aber höchst unterschiedliche Fortschritte gemacht. So weit, dass sich die Grenzen zu den traditionellen Industrieländern teilweise verwischt haben. Andererseits gibt es eine Reihe von meist fragilen Staaten, denen das nicht oder nur ansatzweise gelungen ist. Die Rede von der einen „Dritten Welt“ und gemeinsamen Entwicklungsproblemen erklärt also nur noch wenig. Stattdessen ist Entwicklung eine Anforderung an alle Staaten geworden, die in diesem Lehrbuch nach den wesentlichen Entwicklungszielen aufgeschlüsselt und bewertet werden.

Entzauberung des Politischen Urteils: Eine didaktische Rekonstruktion zum Politikbewusstsein von Politiklehrerinnen und Politiklehrern (Bürgerbewusstsein)

by Andreas Klee

Durch das Forschungsmodell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion werden bisherige Erkenntnisweisen der Politikdidaktik gleichsam "vom Kopf auf die Füße" gestellt. Alltägliche und wissenschaftliche Vorstellungen zur Politischen Urteilsbildung werden dabei als produktive Ausgangspunkte fachdidaktischen Denkens ernst genommen und in die Theoriebildung integriert. Die Dringlichkeit dieses Vorgehens zeigt sich in der Erkenntnis der Studie, dass die im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs als zentral erachtete Kernkompetenz der Urteilsbildung in der alltäglichen Vermittlung von Politik randständig ist und teilweise sogar eine Entpolitisierung des Unterrichtsfachs Politik begünstigt. Die Diskussion um die Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis der Politischen Bildung muss neu belebt und vor allem empirisch geerdet werden. Das Buch leistet hierzu einen wichtigen Beitrag.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Environment: Ecological And Human Health Considerations (Object Lessons #1048)

by Rolf Halden

Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things.What is the environment, this elusive object that impacts us so profoundly--our odds to be born; the way we look, feel, and function; and how long and comfortable we may live? The environment is not only everything we see around us but also, at a lesser scale, a hailstorm of molecules large and small that constantly penetrates our bodies, simultaneously nourishing and threatening our health. The concept of oneness with our surroundings urges a reckoning of what we are doing to 'the environment,' and consequently, what we are doing to ourselves. By taking us through this journey of questioning, Rolf Halden's Environment empowers readers with new knowledge and a heightened appreciation of how our daily lifestyle decisions are impacting the places we occupy, our health, and humanity's prospect of survival.With illustrations by Griffin Finke.Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in the The Atlantic.

Environment: Ecological And Human Health Considerations (Object Lessons #1048)

by Rolf Halden

Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things.What is the environment, this elusive object that impacts us so profoundly--our odds to be born; the way we look, feel, and function; and how long and comfortable we may live? The environment is not only everything we see around us but also, at a lesser scale, a hailstorm of molecules large and small that constantly penetrates our bodies, simultaneously nourishing and threatening our health. The concept of oneness with our surroundings urges a reckoning of what we are doing to 'the environment,' and consequently, what we are doing to ourselves. By taking us through this journey of questioning, Rolf Halden's Environment empowers readers with new knowledge and a heightened appreciation of how our daily lifestyle decisions are impacting the places we occupy, our health, and humanity's prospect of survival.With illustrations by Griffin Finke.Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in the The Atlantic.

Environment across Cultures (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment #19)

by Katharina Mader

Disparate perceptions and conceptual frameworks of environment and the relationship between humans and nature often lead to confusion, constraints on co-operation and collaboration and even conflict when society tries to deal with today’s urgent and complex environment research and policy challenges. Such disparities in perception and "world view" are driven by many factors. They include differences in culture, religion, ethical frameworks, scientific methodologies and approaches, disciplines, political, social and philosophical traditions, life styles and consumption patterns as well as alternative economic paradigms. Distribution of poverty or wealth between north and south may thus be seen as consequence of the above mentioned disparities, which is a challenge for it’s universal reasoned evaluation. This volume discusses a wide range of factors influencing "Environment across Cultures" with a view to identifying ways and means to better understand, reflect and manage such disparities within future global environmental research and policy agendas for bridging the gap between ecology and economy as well as between societies. The book is based upon the results of a scientific symposium on this topic and covers the following sections: Cross Cultural Perception of Environment; Ethics and Nature; Environment, Sustainability and Society. Corresponding contributions were made by well-known scientific authors representing different cultural spheres in accordance with the inter-cultural approach of this effort.

Environment and Social Justice: An International Perspective (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy #18)

by Dorceta E. Taylor Ted I. Youn

This volume examines domestic and international environmental issues from an environmental justice perspective. The book is a compilation of original research articles and is divided into six parts. Articles in Part I focus on urban environmental issues and sustainability including Central Park's influence on historical and contemporary models of funding public parks, London's community-based efforts to deliver affordable fresh food to the poor and the relationship between sustainable living, green consumption and social justice concerns in an ecovillage in New York. Part II concentrates on water resources and the hazards of toxic fish consumption. Part III features food security, agriculture and land loss. Energy and the theme of land and resource loss in host communities is the focus in Part IV. It discusses the poverty that is pervasive in communities hosting extractive oil and gas installations and the industry and attitudes towards it in rural Trinidad and Nigeria. Part V employs spatial analyses techniques to examine siting and toxic releases and Part VI examines diversity and environmental attitudes and presents findings of national studies and environmental conflicts.

Environment and Society: Socionatural Relations in the Anthropocene (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Manuel Arias-Maldonado

This short book sets out to explore the concept of nature in the context of a changing reality, in which the extent of our transformation of the environment has become evident: What is nature and to what extent has humanity transformed it? How do nature and society relate to one another? What does the idea of a sustainable society entail and how can nature be understood as a political subject? What is the Anthropocene and how does it affect nature as both an idea and a material entity? Has nature perhaps “ended?” In addressing these questions, the author delivers a concise but meaningful study of contemporary understandings of nature, one that goes beyond the limits posed by a single discipline. Adopting a truly comprehensive perspective, the work incorporates classical disciplines such as philosophy, evolutionary theory and the history of ideas; new and mixed approaches ranging from environmental sociology to neurobiology and ecological economics and the emerging area of the environmental humanities and represents a growing branch of political thought that views nature as a new political subject.

Environment, Political Representation and the Challenge of Rights: Speaking for Nature

by Mihnea Tanasescu

Tanasescu examines the rights of nature in terms of its constituent parts. Besides offering a thorough theoretical grounding, the book gives a first detailed overview of the actual cases of rights for nature so far. This is the first comprehensive treatment of the rights of nature to date, both analytically and in terms of actual cases.

Environmental Activism and Global Media: Perspective from the Past, Present and Future (Springer Studies in Media and Political Communication)

by Pardeep Singh Bendangwapang Ao Dr Medhavi

This scholarly work discusses the historical, contemporary, and prospective dimensions of environmental activism and its intersection with global media. It provides a comprehensive view of the pivotal role played by the media in shaping awareness concerning environmental challenges and catalyzing actions to address them. Drawing upon the insights of an interdisciplinary cohort of scholars, the book systematically examines the diverse aspects of the nexus between media and environmental activism. Chapter contributions establish the foundational framework for comprehending how media as a whole lend support to activism; delineate the historical trajectory of environmental activism; the construction of narratives within the political, economic, and social domains of society; scrutinize the function of mass media within the context of globalization, digitization, and social media; and elucidate how governance structures influence the environmental activism process. By introducing readers to the basic narrative in environmental activism, globalization, and media, this book will be an important source of information for researchers, academicians and students engaged in various interdisciplinary studies linked to media, environment and activism.

Environmental Affectivity: Aesthetics of Inhabiting

by Dr Omar Felipe Giraldo Ms Ingrid Fernanda Toro

Following Spinoza's lead and Latin American environmental thought, this book imagines an embodied environmental ethics based on the relations between sentient beings and sustained by affections, sensibility, the senses, and contact. Engaging embodied, cognitive, phenomenological, aesthetic and psychoanalytic aspects of affectivity, Omar Felipe Giraldo and Ingrid Fernanda Toro help us understand how places inhabit us, and therefore, how places transformed lovingly have the immense capacity to modify the body, to redirect desire, to clarify our sensibility – creating an affectivity in direction opposition to the regime imposed by this global ecocidal capitalism.For the authors, the environmental crisis is more than a technological or economic problem. They see it as a threat to survival inscribed in the deepest foundations of our body, in the intimacy of our skin, in the intensity and tone of our affections, in our desires, in our perceptions and in our sensory-motor capacities. Hence, the immense need to dismantle this system of power embedded in the intimacy of our body and to cultivate a perceptual transformation guided by an empathic knowledge that leads to a different understanding of our belonging in that which exceeds us. This book is a vital manifesto on the political role of affects, an invitation to awaken the sensitive perception anesthetized by the ecologies of cruelty, and an urgent call to understand differently our place in the cosmos in the midst of this war that our civilization has declared on life.

Environmental Affectivity: Aesthetics of Inhabiting

by Dr Omar Felipe Giraldo Ms Ingrid Fernanda Toro

Following Spinoza's lead and Latin American environmental thought, this book imagines an embodied environmental ethics based on the relations between sentient beings and sustained by affections, sensibility, the senses, and contact. Engaging embodied, cognitive, phenomenological, aesthetic and psychoanalytic aspects of affectivity, Omar Felipe Giraldo and Ingrid Fernanda Toro help us understand how places inhabit us, and therefore, how places transformed lovingly have the immense capacity to modify the body, to redirect desire, to clarify our sensibility – creating an affectivity in direction opposition to the regime imposed by this global ecocidal capitalism.For the authors, the environmental crisis is more than a technological or economic problem. They see it as a threat to survival inscribed in the deepest foundations of our body, in the intimacy of our skin, in the intensity and tone of our affections, in our desires, in our perceptions and in our sensory-motor capacities. Hence, the immense need to dismantle this system of power embedded in the intimacy of our body and to cultivate a perceptual transformation guided by an empathic knowledge that leads to a different understanding of our belonging in that which exceeds us. This book is a vital manifesto on the political role of affects, an invitation to awaken the sensitive perception anesthetized by the ecologies of cruelty, and an urgent call to understand differently our place in the cosmos in the midst of this war that our civilization has declared on life.

Environmental Archaeology: Meaning and Purpose (Environmental Science and Technology Library #17)

by UmbertoAlbarella

Despite the fact that the human life of the past cannot be understood without taking into account its ecological relationships, environmental studies are often marginalized in archaeology. This is the first book that, by discussing the meaning and purpose we give to the expression `environmental archaeology', investigates the reasons for such a problem. The book is written in an accessible manner and is of interest to all students who want to understand the essence of archaeology beyond the boundary of the individual subdisciplines.

Environmental Biodynamics: A New Science of How the Environment Interacts with Human Health

by Manish Arora Paul Curtin

Is there a central scientific theory governing how human physiology interacts with the environment? Our environment exerts a profound effect on our health and well-being. Yet, the rules guiding such interaction between individual human physiology and the environment remain elusive. While various disciplines have emerged studying components and base interactions of each system, no method has successfully predicted the dynamic behavior between these complex systems in real time. Environmental Biodynamics offers a daring new inquiry into our environment and its impact on human health. Moving beyond a reductionist view of human physiology and the environment, this volume proposes a fundamental shift in environmental health science from quantifying structural relationships, such as static measures of environmental factors or momentary health indicators, to studying functional interdependencies in time. Across six chapters, the authors weave together the latest research from biology, environmental science, theoretical physics, mathematics, and philosophy to explore their Biodynamic Interface Theory, which states that complex systems connect primarily through a dynamic, operationally independent interface that regulates the bidirectional interactions between systems over time. Later chapters compare the proposed theory against current practice and provide suggestions for further methods of data collection and computational analysis. Supported by vivid full-color diagrams and a wealth of original data, Environmental Biodynamics is an accessible theoretical guide to this promising new field of environmental health

Environmental Biodynamics: A New Science of How the Environment Interacts with Human Health

by Manish Arora Paul Curtin

Is there a central scientific theory governing how human physiology interacts with the environment? Our environment exerts a profound effect on our health and well-being. Yet, the rules guiding such interaction between individual human physiology and the environment remain elusive. While various disciplines have emerged studying components and base interactions of each system, no method has successfully predicted the dynamic behavior between these complex systems in real time. Environmental Biodynamics offers a daring new inquiry into our environment and its impact on human health. Moving beyond a reductionist view of human physiology and the environment, this volume proposes a fundamental shift in environmental health science from quantifying structural relationships, such as static measures of environmental factors or momentary health indicators, to studying functional interdependencies in time. Across six chapters, the authors weave together the latest research from biology, environmental science, theoretical physics, mathematics, and philosophy to explore their Biodynamic Interface Theory, which states that complex systems connect primarily through a dynamic, operationally independent interface that regulates the bidirectional interactions between systems over time. Later chapters compare the proposed theory against current practice and provide suggestions for further methods of data collection and computational analysis. Supported by vivid full-color diagrams and a wealth of original data, Environmental Biodynamics is an accessible theoretical guide to this promising new field of environmental health

Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene: Values, Principles and Actions (Juris Diversitas)

by Domenico Amirante Silvia Bagni

This book examines the relationship between man and nature through different cultural approaches to encourage new environmental legislation as a means of fostering acceptance at a local level. In 2019, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) recognised that we have entered a new era, the Anthropocene, specifically characterised by the impact of one species, mankind, on environmental change. The Anthropocene is penetrating the discourse of both hard sciences and humanities and social sciences, by posing new epistemological as well as practical challenges to many disciplines. Legal sciences have so far been at the margins of this intellectual renewal, with few contributions on the central role that the notion of Anthropocene could play in forging a more effective and just environmental law. By applying a multidisciplinary approach and adopting a Law as Culture paradigm to the study of law, this book explores new paths of investigation and possible solutions to be applied. New perspectives for the constitutional framing of environmental policies, rights, and alternative methods for bottom-up participatory law-making and conflict resolution are investigated, showing that environmental justice is not just an option, but an objective within reach. The book will be essential reading for students, academics, and policymakers in the areas of law, environmental studies and anthropology.

Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene: Values, Principles and Actions (Juris Diversitas)

by Domenico Amirante Silvia Bagni

This book examines the relationship between man and nature through different cultural approaches to encourage new environmental legislation as a means of fostering acceptance at a local level. In 2019, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) recognised that we have entered a new era, the Anthropocene, specifically characterised by the impact of one species, mankind, on environmental change. The Anthropocene is penetrating the discourse of both hard sciences and humanities and social sciences, by posing new epistemological as well as practical challenges to many disciplines. Legal sciences have so far been at the margins of this intellectual renewal, with few contributions on the central role that the notion of Anthropocene could play in forging a more effective and just environmental law. By applying a multidisciplinary approach and adopting a Law as Culture paradigm to the study of law, this book explores new paths of investigation and possible solutions to be applied. New perspectives for the constitutional framing of environmental policies, rights, and alternative methods for bottom-up participatory law-making and conflict resolution are investigated, showing that environmental justice is not just an option, but an objective within reach. The book will be essential reading for students, academics, and policymakers in the areas of law, environmental studies and anthropology.

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