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Showing 30,226 through 30,250 of 63,623 results

Key Thinkers of the English, Scottish and American Enlightenments: From Locke to Madison

by Sabrina P. Ramet Torbjørn L. Knutsen

This book summarizes and explains the way in which political thinkers in England, Scotland, and North America reshaped Western thinking about government and citizens. Although the ideas of the Anglo-American Enlightenment can be traced back, in embryo, to the Italian Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, it was responses to wars – the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) and the English Civil War (1642-1651) which were fought above all over religion – that defined it. Algernon Sidney demanded an end to royal absolutism. John Locke called for a government based on religious toleration. Benedictus de Spinoza, Samuel von Pufendorf and others elaborated on the ideas that society was composed of sovereign individuals endowed with reason and rights. Building on the works of these thinkers, Scottish philosophers including David Hume and Adam Smith, and American revolutionaries including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison advanced arguments defending human reason, individual freedom, including religious freedom, and democracy.

Key Thinkers of the Radical Right: Behind the New Threat to Liberal Democracy

Since the start of the twenty-first century, the political mainstream has been shifting to the right. The liberal orthodoxy that took hold in the West as a reaction to the Second World War is breaking down. In Europe, populist political parties have pulled the mainstream in their direction; in America, a series of challenges to the Republican mainstream culminated in the 2016 election of Donald Trump. In Key Thinkers of the Radical Right, sixteen expert scholars explain sixteen thinkers, providing an introduction to their life and work, a guide to their thought, and an explanation of their work's reception. The chapters focus on thinkers who are widely read across the political right in both Europe and America, such as Julius Evola, Alain de Benoist, and Richard B. Spencer. Featuring classic, modern, and emerging thinkers, this selection provides a good representation of the intellectual right and avoids making political or value judgments. In an increasingly polarized political environment, Key Thinkers of the Radical Right offers a comprehensive and unbiased introduction to the thinkers who form the foundation of the radical right.

KEY THINKERS OF THE RADICAL RIGHT C: Behind the New Threat to Liberal Democracy

by Mark Sedgwick

Since the start of the twenty-first century, the political mainstream has been shifting to the right. The liberal orthodoxy that took hold in the West as a reaction to the Second World War is breaking down. In Europe, populist political parties have pulled the mainstream in their direction; in America, a series of challenges to the Republican mainstream culminated in the 2016 election of Donald Trump. In Key Thinkers of the Radical Right, sixteen expert scholars explain sixteen thinkers, providing an introduction to their life and work, a guide to their thought, and an explanation of their work's reception. The chapters focus on thinkers who are widely read across the political right in both Europe and America, such as Julius Evola, Alain de Benoist, and Richard B. Spencer. Featuring classic, modern, and emerging thinkers, this selection provides a good representation of the intellectual right and avoids making political or value judgments. In an increasingly polarized political environment, Key Thinkers of the Radical Right offers a comprehensive and unbiased introduction to the thinkers who form the foundation of the radical right.

Key to Exercises in Logic and Scientific Method (Routledge Revivals)

by A. Wolf

Originally published in 1926, this book was written in the first instance for the benefit of those students of Logic and Scientific Method who receive insufficient or no help in the way of oral instruction. The main function of the following pages is to deal with the exercises, as distinguished from the book-questions. It includes chapters on the scope of logic, theory of judgment and immediate inference, and theory of induction.

Key to Exercises in Logic and Scientific Method (Routledge Revivals)

by A. Wolf

Originally published in 1926, this book was written in the first instance for the benefit of those students of Logic and Scientific Method who receive insufficient or no help in the way of oral instruction. The main function of the following pages is to deal with the exercises, as distinguished from the book-questions. It includes chapters on the scope of logic, theory of judgment and immediate inference, and theory of induction.

A Key to Whitehead's Process and Reality

by Donald W. Sherburne

Whitehead's magnum opus is as important as it is difficult. It is the only work in which his metaphysical ideas are stated systematically and completely, and his metaphysics are the heart of his philosophical system as a whole. Sherburne has rearranged the text in a way designed to lead the student logically and coherently through the intricacies of the system without losing the vigor of Whitehead's often brilliant prose. "The Key renders Process and Reality pedagogically accessible for the first time."—Journal of Religion

Key Writings: Key Writings (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Henri Bergson

The twentieth century – with its unprecedented advances in technology and scientific understanding – saw the birth of a distinctively new and 'modern' age. Henri Bergson stood as one of the most important philosophical voices of that tumultuous time. An intellectual celebrity in his own life time, his work was widely discussed by such thinkers as William James, Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, as well as having a profound influence on modernist writers such as Wallace Stevens, Willa Cather and Wyndham Lewis and later thinkers, most notably Gilles Deleuze.Key Writings brings together Bergson's most essential writings in a single volume, including crucial passages from such major work as Time and Free Will, Matter and Memory, Creative Evolution, Mind-Energy, The Creative Mind, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion and Laughter. The book also includes Bergson's correspondences with William James and a chronology of his life and work.

Key Writings (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Henri Bergson Keith Ansell Pearson John Ó Maoilearca

The twentieth century – with its unprecedented advances in technology and scientific understanding – saw the birth of a distinctively new and 'modern' age. Henri Bergson stood as one of the most important philosophical voices of that tumultuous time. An intellectual celebrity in his own life time, his work was widely discussed by such thinkers as William James, Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, as well as having a profound influence on modernist writers such as Wallace Stevens, Willa Cather and Wyndham Lewis and later thinkers, most notably Gilles Deleuze.Key Writings brings together Bergson's most essential writings in a single volume, including crucial passages from such major work as Time and Free Will, Matter and Memory, Creative Evolution, Mind-Energy, The Creative Mind, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion and Laughter. The book also includes Bergson's correspondences with William James and a chronology of his life and work.

Key Writings (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Henri Lefebvre Stuart Elden Elizabeth Lebas Eleonore Kofman

Henri Lefebvre is widely recognized as one of the most influential social theorists of the Twentieth Century. His writings on cities, everyday life, and the production of space have become hugely influential across Cultural Studies, Sociology, Geography and Architecture. Key Writings presents the full range of Lefebvre's thought in a single volume. The selection of essays spanning 1933 to 1990, reinforce the relevance of Lefebvre's work to current debates in social theory, politics and philosophy. The book is divided into five sections: 'Philosophy and Marxism', 'The Critique of Everyday Life', 'The Country and the City' 'History, Time and Space' and 'Politics' and includes a general introduction by the editors as well as separate introductions to each section.

Key Writings: Key Writings (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Henri Lefebvre Stuart Elden Elizabeth Lebas Eleonore Kofman

Henri Lefebvre is widely recognized as one of the most influential social theorists of the Twentieth Century. His writings on cities, everyday life, and the production of space have become hugely influential across Cultural Studies, Sociology, Geography and Architecture. Key Writings presents the full range of Lefebvre's thought in a single volume. The selection of essays spanning 1933 to 1990, reinforce the relevance of Lefebvre's work to current debates in social theory, politics and philosophy. The book is divided into five sections: 'Philosophy and Marxism', 'The Critique of Everyday Life', 'The Country and the City' 'History, Time and Space' and 'Politics' and includes a general introduction by the editors as well as separate introductions to each section.

Keynes aus nachkeynesscher Sicht: Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr der „Allgemeinen Theorie” von John Maynard Keynes

by Karl Georg Zinn

Die fünfzigjährige Wirkungsgeschichte der "Allgemeinen Theorie der Beschäf­ tigung, des Zinses und des Geldes" von John Maynard Keynes bildete den An­ laß eines wirtschaftstheoretischen Kolloquiums, das am 23. und 24. Oktober 1986 auf Einladung des Instituts für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Rheinisch­ Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule, Aachen, stattfand. Die hier veröffentlichten Kolloquiumsbeiträge wurden zum Teil von den Auto­ ren überarbeitet und ergänzt. Die Reihenfolge entspricht der der Referate des Kolloquiums. Eine besondere Gruppierung der Abhandlungen erschien nicht sinnvoll, da es sich jeweils um selbständige und abgeschlossene Texte handelt, die nicht direkt aufeinander Bezug nehmen. Die Einleitung beschränkt sich darauf, die einzelnen Beiträge kurz vorzustellen, ohne daß Verbindungen zwischen ihnen hergestellt oder Unterschiede in dem jeweiligen Zugang zur Theorie Keynes' herausgehoben werden. Unvoll­ kommenheiten, mögliche Irrtümer oder falsche Gewichtung von Thesen und Ar­ gumenten in der einleitenden Präsentation der Aufsätze sind ausschließlich vom Herausgeber zu verantworten. Den Autoren sei für die Bereitschaft gedankt, ihre Referate der Veröffent­ lichung verfügbar zu machen. 4 EINLEITUNG Das Interludium der monetaristischen Wirtschaftspolitik scheint sich in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er Jahre seinem Ende zuzuneigen. Damit dürfte auch die monetaristische Theorie an schulbiIdendem Einfluß verlieren. Ob damit allerdings auch eine Rückkehr des Keynesianismus als wirtschaftspolitischer Orientierungslehre verbunden sein wird, läßt sich noch nicht erkennen. Sollte eine wirtschaftspolitische Keynes-Renaissance eintreten, so dürfte allerdings sicher sein, daß es sich um einen Keynesianismus neuer Prägung handeln wird, und zwar in zweifacher Hinsicht.

The Keynesian Revolution and Our Empty Economy: We're All Dead

by Victor V. Claar Greg Forster

This book considers the cultural legacy of the Keynesian Revolution in economics. It assesses the impact of Keynes and Keynesian thinking upon economics and policy, as well as the response of the Chicago and Austrian schools, and the legacy of all three in shaping economic life. The book is a call to restore economics to its roots in moral and cultural knowledge, reminding us that human beings are more than consumers. The Keynesian Revolution taught us that we should be happy if we are prosperous, but instead we feel hollow and morally anxious – our economy feels empty. Drawing on paradigms from earlier historical periods while affirming modern market systems, this book encourages a return to a view of human beings as persons with the right and responsibility to discover, and do, the things in life that are intrinsically good and enduring. Because in the long run, the legacy of our choices will continue long after “we’re all dead.”

Keynes’s Evolutionary Spirit: A Philosophical Journey through His Work (Palgrave Insights into Apocalypse Economics)

by Jesús Muñoz-Bandala

This book chronicles the way Keynes’s generous philosophy of practice evolved in consonance with the needs of his epoch. From a youngster reflecting on ethics and the classics, to becoming a leading voice in both wars in terms of political philosophy and international relations, to playing the role of innovator in both probability and economics, to taking a stance as an art appreciator, Keynes’s life and multidisciplinary contributions to humankind were permeated by his philosophical milieu. However, only a flexible, dynamic, and broad philosophy could have reflected and led the economic and political events in the world of the first part of the 20th Century, which is what Keynes managed to accomplish, and that is what the book suggests. This book captures the gist of Keynes’ evolutionary philosophy for our times. The book adds an evolutionary perspective to the existing literature on Keynes. As a case in point, the theoretical foundations of both macroeconomics and laissez faire are dissected. But the book also tells the story of how Keynes’s philosophy is adapted to a convulsed world, which is akin to ours, his legacy being gifted with multiple human considerations. The book offers an outline of Keynes’s philosophical stance—also compared with those of other European thinkers—at a moment when new ethical, epistemological, economic, and political perspectives are required, especially after the crisis of 2020. The conclusion is that Keynes´s theoretical and practical insights were far ahead of his time.

Keywords;: For Further Consideration and Particularly Relevant to Academic Life, &c.

by D. Graham Burnett a Community of Inquiry Matthew Rickard Jessica Terekhov

An irreverent critical lexicon of academic life and cultureThe university: The very name evokes knowledge, culture, and the magnificently universal ambition at the heart of this essential institution. Bastions of free inquiry and a free society, engines of social transformation and economic progress, enclosed gardens of ennobling reflection and creation, universities encompass the wisdom of the past and the hope of the future. Or do they? This critical glossary—written by a group of Princeton graduate students and faculty—defines fifty-eight terms common to academic life in a style that will prick both egos and consciences. From “academia” to “vocation,” “canon” to “peer review,” “discipline” to “methodology,” the book scrutinizes the often stultifying structures of modern disciplinary life, calls out a slavish devotion to “knowledge production” as the enemy of thought, and even dissects the notion of “academic excellence.” Feisty and darkly funny, passionate and deeply insightful, this book raises hard questions about teaching, research, theory, practice, and academic labor. The result is a must-read dispatch from today’s academic trenches—one that is sure to provoke discussion and debate.

Keywords;: For Further Consideration and Particularly Relevant to Academic Life, &c.

by D. Graham Burnett a Community of Inquiry Matthew Rickard Jessica Terekhov

An irreverent critical lexicon of academic life and cultureThe university: The very name evokes knowledge, culture, and the magnificently universal ambition at the heart of this essential institution. Bastions of free inquiry and a free society, engines of social transformation and economic progress, enclosed gardens of ennobling reflection and creation, universities encompass the wisdom of the past and the hope of the future. Or do they? This critical glossary—written by a group of Princeton graduate students and faculty—defines fifty-eight terms common to academic life in a style that will prick both egos and consciences. From “academia” to “vocation,” “canon” to “peer review,” “discipline” to “methodology,” the book scrutinizes the often stultifying structures of modern disciplinary life, calls out a slavish devotion to “knowledge production” as the enemy of thought, and even dissects the notion of “academic excellence.” Feisty and darkly funny, passionate and deeply insightful, this book raises hard questions about teaching, research, theory, practice, and academic labor. The result is a must-read dispatch from today’s academic trenches—one that is sure to provoke discussion and debate.

Keywords In Youth Studies: Tracing Affects, Movements, Knowledges (PDF)

by Andy Furlong Susan Talburt Nancy Lesko

With recent attention to issues such as youth social exclusion, poverty, school underachievement, school violence, gang activity, sexuality, and youth#65533;s interactions with media and the internet, youth studies has emerged as a significant interdisciplinary field. It has moved beyond its roots in subcultural studies to encompass a diverse array of disciplines, subfields, and theoretical orientations. Yet no volume exists that systematically presents and puts into dialogue the field#65533;s areas of focus and approaches to research. As a unique blend of reference guide, conceptual dictionary, and critical assessment, Keywords in Youth Studies presents and historicizes the "state of the field. " It offers theoretically-informed analysis of key concepts, and points to possibilities for youth studies#65533; reconstruction. Contributors include internationally-renowned field experts who trace the origins, movements, and uses and meanings of "keywords" such as resistance, youth violence, surveillance, and more. The blending of section essays with focused keywords offers beginning and advanced readers multiple points of entry into the text and connections across concepts. A must-read for graduate students, faculty, and researchers across a range of disciplines, this extraordinary new book promotes new interdisciplinary approaches to youth research and advocacy.

Khans and Shahs: A History of the Bakhtiyari Tribe in Iran

by Gene R. Garthwaite

The Bakhtiyari are one of the most important nomadic societies in the Middle East but although this tribe has many powerful romantic associations it has also been the subject of much misunderstanding, even today. This penetrating examination of the Bakhtiyari in Iran explores their powerful political and economic role in Iranian society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and provides a key to understanding how political power is created, maintained and lost in a tribal society.Based on an extraordinary archive of documents now lost as a result of the upheavals of the Iranian Revolution, Khans and Shahs offers a complete picture of the tribe, placing it in the context of its full history from the 14th century to the present day. While focussing primarily on a single elite family, the Duraki khans, over the course of the 19th century, Gene Garthwaite also teases out wider lessons about the interaction between this traditional tribe and the State and society in Iran. Among much else Khans and Shahs examines the role of the Bakhtiyari in the exploration and development of Iranian oil, which was first discovered on their tribal lands by the British entrepreneur William Knox D'Arcy. This ground-breaking study explores the Bakhtiyari's interaction with the State and the effects of the wider world on their social and political structure and offers unique insights into a complex but important aspect of Iran's history.

Kharkov/Kharkiv: A Borderland Capital

by Volodymyr Kravchenko

Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second largest city and its former capital. Situated within 40 km of the Ukrainian-Russian border it is one of those East-Central European “liminal” cities which became a center of modernization and pluralization in the borderland area, playing a prominent role in the process of nation building. Volodymyr Kravchenko’s expanded edition of Kharkov/Kharkiv, now in the English-language and including a new chapter on the reconfiguration of the Ukrainian-Russian borderland during and after the watershed Euromaidan event, uniquely uncovers the city’s long history, from the 17th century to today. Addressing issues of regional and national identities, Ukrainian-Russian relations, mental mapping, historical narratives and the ensuing de/reconstruction of national mythologies, this book, fills a unique gap in the literature on Kharkiv.

Kharkov/Kharkiv: A Borderland Capital

by Volodymyr Kravchenko

Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second largest city and its former capital. Situated within 40 km of the Ukrainian-Russian border it is one of those East-Central European “liminal” cities which became a center of modernization and pluralization in the borderland area, playing a prominent role in the process of nation building. Volodymyr Kravchenko’s expanded edition of Kharkov/Kharkiv, now in the English-language and including a new chapter on the reconfiguration of the Ukrainian-Russian borderland during and after the watershed Euromaidan event, uniquely uncovers the city’s long history, from the 17th century to today. Addressing issues of regional and national identities, Ukrainian-Russian relations, mental mapping, historical narratives and the ensuing de/reconstruction of national mythologies, this book, fills a unique gap in the literature on Kharkiv.

Khilafat in History and Indian Politics

by Zaheer Ali

This book is a brief historical account of Khilafat, an Islamic political institution mired in controversies from its inception. It is an attempt to present an objective critique of the Islamic polity that, in a way, was primarily responsible for crafting schisms in Islam with its commencement. By the time the last Khilafat of the Ottomans came to an end in the aftershock of the Second World War, the Muslim political elite in India launched a movement for the restoration and continuation of the Ottoman Khilafat. The most paradoxical dimension of the issue was that in the Arab peninsula, the epicenter of Islam, the people were struggling to cast away the yoke of the Ottoman Khilafat, then why were the Indian Muslims emotionally involved in a movement that was vehemently condemned and assailed by a majority of Muslims outside the Indian subcontinent? This title is co-published with Aakar Books. Print editions not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

Khilafat in History and Indian Politics

by Zaheer Ali

This book is a brief historical account of Khilafat, an Islamic political institution mired in controversies from its inception. It is an attempt to present an objective critique of the Islamic polity that, in a way, was primarily responsible for crafting schisms in Islam with its commencement. By the time the last Khilafat of the Ottomans came to an end in the aftershock of the Second World War, the Muslim political elite in India launched a movement for the restoration and continuation of the Ottoman Khilafat. The most paradoxical dimension of the issue was that in the Arab peninsula, the epicenter of Islam, the people were struggling to cast away the yoke of the Ottoman Khilafat, then why were the Indian Muslims emotionally involved in a movement that was vehemently condemned and assailed by a majority of Muslims outside the Indian subcontinent? This title is co-published with Aakar Books. Print editions not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

Khrushchev: A Political Life (St Antony's Series)

by William Tompson

Khrushchev: A Political Life traces the rise and fall of the late Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Drawing on newly available archival materials and a wealth of recently published Russian and Ukrainian sources, this standard biography provides much new information on Khrushchev's life and career. Khrushchev's ultimate failure to realise his vision of the Soviet future is linked to the unrealistic optimism of that vision as well as to the contradictions inherent in Khrushchev's views and policies.

Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders (Routledge Revivals): Building Authority in Soviet Politics

by George W. Breslauer

First published in 1982, this book explores how Khrushchev and Brezhnev manipulated their policies and personal images as they attempted to consolidate their authority as leader. Central issues of Soviet domestic politics are examined: investment priorities, incentive policy, administrative reform, and political participation. The author rejects the conventional images of Khrushchev as an embattled consumer advocate and decentraliser, and of Brezhnev’s leadership as dull and conservative. He looks at how they dealt with the task of devising programs that combined the post-Stalin elite’s goals of consumer satisfaction and expanded political participation with traditional Soviet values.

Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders (Routledge Revivals): Building Authority in Soviet Politics

by George W. Breslauer

First published in 1982, this book explores how Khrushchev and Brezhnev manipulated their policies and personal images as they attempted to consolidate their authority as leader. Central issues of Soviet domestic politics are examined: investment priorities, incentive policy, administrative reform, and political participation. The author rejects the conventional images of Khrushchev as an embattled consumer advocate and decentraliser, and of Brezhnev’s leadership as dull and conservative. He looks at how they dealt with the task of devising programs that combined the post-Stalin elite’s goals of consumer satisfaction and expanded political participation with traditional Soviet values.

KI 2007: 30th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September 10-13, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4667)

by Joachim Hertzberg Michael Beetz Roman Englert

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 30th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2007, held in Osnabrück, Germany, September 2007. The papers are organized in topical sections on cognition and emotion, semantic Web, analogy, natural language, reasoning, ontologies, spatio-temporal reasoning, machine learning, spatial reasoning, robot learning, classical AI problems, and agents.

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