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Showing 30,726 through 30,750 of 63,631 results

Korruptionsbekämpfung vermitteln: Didaktische, ethische und inhaltliche Aspekte in Lehre, Unterricht und Weiterbildung

by Sebastian Wolf Peter Graeff

​Der Band widmet sich der Vermittlung von Kompetenzen und Wissen zu den Themen Korruption und Korruptionsbekämpfung in unterschiedlichen Bildungseinrichtungen und Wissenschaftsdisziplinen. Es werden übergreifende methodische, empirische und theoretische Themen ebenso behandelt wie verschiedene Anwendungsfelder und Veranstaltungsformate. Die Bereiche Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft werden praxisnah angesprochen. Der Sammelband schließt eine Lücke in der wissenschaftlichen Korruptionsliteratur, die bisher überwiegend die Forschung, aber kaum die Perspektive der Wissensvermittlung in unterschiedlichen Kontexten thematisiert hat.

Kósmos Noetós: The Metaphysical Architecture of Charles S. Peirce (Philosophical Studies Series #131)

by Ivo Assad Ibri

This pioneering book presents a reconstitution of Charles Sanders Peirce philosophical system as a coherent architecture of concepts that form a unified theory of reality. Historically, the majority of Peircean scholars adopted a thematic approach to study isolated topics such as semiotics and pragmatism without taking into account the author’s broader philosophical framework, which led to a poor and fragmented understanding of Peirce’s work. In this volume, professor Ivo Assad Ibri, past president of The Charles Sanders Peirce Society and a leading figure in the Brazilian community of Peircean scholars, adopts a systemic approach to Peirce’s thought and presents Peirce’s scientific metaphysics as a deep ontological architecture based on a semiotic logic and on pragmatism as criteria of meaning. Originally published in Portuguese, this book became a classic among Brazilian Peircean scholars by presenting a conceptual matrix capable of providing a clear reference system to ground the thematic studies into the broader Peircean system. Now translated to English, this reviewed, amplified and updated edition aims to make this contributions available to the international community of Peircean scholars and to serve as a tool to understand Peirce’s work in a more systemic way by integrating concepts such as experience, phenomenon, existence and reality, as well as theories such as Chance, Continuity, Objective Idealism, Cosmology and Pragmatism, in a coherent system that reveals Peirce’s complex metaphysical architecture."As the philosophical reputation of Charles S. Peirce continues to rise to first-tier prominence in the history of American philosophy, Ivo Ibri’s Kósmos Noetós assumes a unique status in both a pioneering and a magisterial work of transcontinental Peirce scholarship. This original work of this internationally renowned scholar and editor, and Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of San Paulo, penetrates to the heart of Peirce’s architectonic system of phenomenological, metaphysical, and semiotic categories which heuristically characterize our world as “a universe perfused with signs.” Ibri’s own synergistic commentary on the radiating registers of Peirce’s cosmogonically and pragmatistically conceived “one intelligible theory of the universe” also instructively contributes to the illumination of significant nodes of interface with a range of relevant theoretical trends in the contemporary academy; as well, it places Peirce in the company of such thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Kant, and Schelling who preceded Peirce in providing a legacy of first-tier reasoning on our intelligibly developing world. Kosmos Noetos impresses as Ibri’s pure, lucid, passionately thought-loving, philosophical articulation of his own and as the indispensable prolegomena to all future Peirce studies." David Dilworth, State University of New York at Stone Brook – USA"Ivo Ibri has offered us in this exquisite work a framing of the inner logic of Charles S. Peirce's core metaphysical vision and its existential implications. It is a deep and nuanced exploration of the internal dynamics of Peirce’s central metaphysical categories, developed through rigorous and detailed attention to the evolution of Peirce’s thought on the ‘vitally important topics’ of the appearing, the reality, and the intelligibility of the world. The two-leveled format of the book, an intricate weaving of Peirce’s texts and discursive elaboration and linkage by Ibri, gives it a distinctive feel and is the bedrock of its value. The book is a remarkable combination of presentation and analysis. It is informed by Ibri’s deep philosophical culture and is a gentle and convincing argument for the centrality of metaphysics in understanding Peirce’s thought. It offers in a new way indispensable suggestions for our own attempts to think about our places in an evolving universe with the aid of Peirce and offers threads of thought to be followed up by others." Robert E. Innis, University of Massachusetts Lowell – USA

Kosovo and the "Internationals": Hope, Hubris, and the End of History (New Perspectives on South-East Europe)

by Aidan Hehir

This book applies insights into the nature and impact of hope from medical studies and political philosophy to contemporary international politics. It shows how the promotion of hope was central to the rise of the West, focusing on the case of statebuilding in Kosovo – widely regarded as one of the most iconic Western initiatives in the unipolar era. The book explores the effects of hope on both the internationals charged with governing Kosovo and local residents, and how two related pathologies of hope – “wilful” and “wishful” – have aligned to slow Kosovo’s progress since 1999. The author argues that Kosovo’s current plight is indicative of both the West’s decline and the dark side of hope, vividly illustrating the perils of “bad hope”. Yet the book explains why “dashed hope” need not lead to despair or violence, and why local initiatives in Kosovo demonstrate groups’ and individuals’ agency in forging progressive movements based on the principles and strategies of “good hope”.

Kotarbiński: Logic, Semantics and Ontology (Nijhoff International Philosophy Series #40)

by Jan Wolenski

Tadeusz Kotarbinski is one of towering figures in contemporary Polish philosophy. He was a great thinker, a great teacher, a great organizer of philosophical and scientific life (he was, among others, the rector of the Uni versi ty of t6dz, the president of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the president of the International Institute of Philosophy), and, last but not least, a great moral authority. He died at the age of 96 on October 3, 1981. Kotarbinski was active in almost all branches of philosophy. He made many significant contributions to logic, semantics, ontology, epistemology, history of philosophy, and ethics. He created a new field, namely praxiology. Thus, using an ancient distinction, he contributed to theoretical as well as practical philoso~hy. Kotarbinski regarded praxiology as his major philosophical "child". Doubtless, praxiology belongs to practical philosophy. This collection, howewer, is mainly devoted to Kotarbinski' s theoretical philosophy. Reism - Kotarbinski' s fundamental idea of ontology and semantics - is the central topic of most papers included here; even Pszczolowski' s essay on praxiology considers its ontological basis. ,Only two papers, namely that of Zarnecka-Bialy and that of Wolenski, are not linked with reism. However, both fall under the general label "Kotarbinski: logic, semantics and ontology". The collection partly consists of earlier published papers.

Kracauer: A Biography

by Jörg Später

Siegfried Kracauer was one of the most important German thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings on Weimar culture, mass society, photography and film were groundbreaking and they anticipated many of the themes later developed members of the Frankfurt School and other cultural theorists. No less remarkable were the circumstances under which he made these contributions. After his early years as a journalist in Germany, the rise of the Nazis forced Kracauer into exile – first in Paris and then, after a protracted flight via Marseilles and Lisbon, to the United States. The existential challenges, personal losses and unrelenting hardship Kracauer faced during these years of exile formed the backdrop against which he offered his acute observations of modern life. Jörg Später provides the first comprehensive biography of this extraordinary man. Based on extensive archival research, Später’s biography expertly traces the key influences on Kracauer’s intellectual development and presents his most important works and ideas with great clarity. At the same time, Später ably documents the intensity of Kracauer’s personal relationships, the trauma of his flight and exile, and his embrace of his new homeland, where, finally, the ‘groundlessness’ of refugee existence gave way to a more stable life and, with it, some of the intellectually most fruitful years of Kracauer’s career. The result is a vivid portrait of a man driven both by an urge to capture reality – to attend to the things that are ‘overlooked or misjudged’, that still ‘lack a name’, as he put it – and by a need to find his place in a hostile, threatening world.

Krass! Beauty-OPs und Soziale Medien (Essays zur Gegenwartsästhetik)

by Daniel Hornuff

Beauty-OPs boomen. Weltweit. Und dies nicht zuletzt durch den Aufstieg der Sozialen Medien. Instagram, Facebook und YouTube haben die Körperkultur grundlegend verändert. Heute präsentieren sich Millionen Menschen in Bildern, und ebenso viele betrachten und bewerten diese Bilder. Entsprechend groß ist das Bedürfnis, den Körper ästhetisch zu optimieren, ihn als „krasses“ Ereignis in Szene zu setzen. Vor dem Auftritt im Bild steht daher zunehmend die Arbeit am eigenen Fleisch.Zentral ist die Frage der Gestaltung: Welche Schönheitsnormen werden aufgebaut? Welche verworfen? Wie ist zu erklären, dass solche Operationen einerseits florieren – es andererseits aber noch immer einem Outing gleicht, sich zu ihnen zu bekennen? Welche Vorstellungen von Öffentlichkeit und Intimität, von Geschlecht und Sexualität, von Kultur und Natur werden dabei verhandelt?Ein Essay über die Frage, wie tief das Design in Körper eingreift – und wie sich das Label „krass“ zu einer neuen ästhetischen Kategorie entwickeln konnte.


by Samarpan

Cursed with eternal memory for transgressing the thin line between orthodoxy and liberty, Kratu, a young man from the ancient era, moves through time and worldly spheres, exploring both the illusions and the wisdom permeating the universe. Burdened by deathless memory, he pines for freedom while traversing successive worlds and epochs, deeply empathizing with the characters, bound in various shades of shackles that populate these sojourns. By the time he is born in a city in the present time, Kratu has dedicated himself to sprinkling joy and freedom from entrapment to people and personalities of all hues. As the story weaves together the successive births of Kratu, tales of wisdom, told masterfully through the medium of divinities and great seers, get knit into a unified whole of past, present and future, bringing alive the consciousness of a millennia of Indian tradition. Kratu, as an engaging novel, not only narrates a multitude of absorbing tales but goes beyond – indeed, as Kratu, the pan-temporal traveller, embeds our psyche with priceless wisdom deeply imbued in the numerous streams coursing through the consciousness of India and its people.

Kreativität als Lernstrategie: Die Bedeutung für Lese- und Rechenkompetenzen in der Grundschule

by Samuel Krähenbühl

Samuel Krähenbühl entwickelt eine theoretische Erklärung für den Einfluss von Kreativität auf Lernprozesse, welche zudem auf eine mögliche Funktion bei der Entstehung sozialer Bildungsungleichheiten verweist. An einer Stichprobe von rund 2000 Kindern wird die Bedeutung von Kreativität für schulische Grundkompetenzen und deren Entwicklung im zweiten Grundschuljahr untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf qualitativ unterschiedliche Lernprozesse vor und nach dem Schuleintritt hin.

Kreativität grenzenlos!?: Inner- und außerschulische Expertisen zu inklusiver Kultureller Bildung (Pädagogik)

by Ina Henning Sven Sauter Katharina Witte

Wie kann die Kulturelle Bildung die Barrieren überwinden, die die Teilhabe an Kunst und Kultur erschweren? Dieser Band sammelt und systematisiert bereits bestehende inner- und außerschulische Expertisen aus dem weiten Feld der inklusiven kulturellen Bildung mit dem Fokus auf Musik, Tanz/Bewegung, Theater und Kunst. Die Beiträger_innen zeigen, dass die diskriminierungsfreie Teilhabe daran ermöglicht werden kann, indem die Kulturelle Bildung die Menschen in ihrem kreativen Vermögen anspricht und im konkreten Handeln Mut macht zur Begegnung mit der gelebten Vielfalt.

Kreativität und Form: Programm eines Glasperlenspiels zum Experimentieren mit Wissen

by Rainer E. Zimmermann Simon M. Wiedemann

Ausgehend von der Idee des Glasperlenspiels, die Hermann Hesse in seinem gleichnamigen Roman entwirft, haben die Autoren in diesem Band die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines solchen Spiels im Umgang mit Wissen ausgelotet. Sie zeigen neue Methoden für das Wissensmanagement auf und verbinden dafür Erkenntnisse verschiedener Wissenschaftsgebiete wie Logik, System- und Erkenntnistheorie sowie Semiotik, Kognition und Kommunikation. Das begleitende Computerprogramm unterstützt Leser beim Experimentieren mit Wissen.

Kreativität und Visionen bei politischen Projekten: Ein Transfer aus der Kreativitätsforschung in die Politische Theorie

by Paula Scholemann

Paula Scholemann überträgt in einem Gedankenexperiment das begriffliche Netzwerk der Kreativitätsforschung auf die Politikwissenschaft. Politik definiert sie als das Ergebnis von Kreativität. Die innovative These ist, dass wir Kreativität brauchen, um die Demokratie weiter zu entwickeln. Die Stärke der Demokratie ist, dass sie Räume für Kreativität lässt. Und diese kreativen Räume sollten auch dafür genutzt werden, politische Kreativität und politische Visionen zu entwickeln, um Antworten auf die sich stellenden Probleme zu finden – wie die Digitalisierung, die Überbevölkerung und den Klimawandel. Die Vision als Bestandteil von Kreativität wird im kreativen Prozess verwendet. In jeder Utopie steckt eine Vision, aber aus einer Vision können andere Dinge werden als (nur) Utopien.

Kripke (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by John P. Burgess

Saul Kripke has been a major influence on analytic philosophy and allied fields for a half-century and more. His early masterpiece, Naming and Necessity, reversed the pattern of two centuries of philosophizing about the necessary and the contingent. Although much of his work remains unpublished, several major essays have now appeared in print, most recently in his long-awaited collection Philosophical Troubles. In this book Kripke’s long-time colleague, the logician and philosopher John P. Burgess, offers a thorough and self-contained guide to all of Kripke’s published books and his most important philosophical papers, old and new. It also provides an authoritative but non-technical account of Kripke’s influential contributions to the study of modal logic and logical paradoxes. Although Kripke has been anything but a system-builder, Burgess expertly uncovers the connections between different parts of his oeuvre. Kripke is shown grappling, often in opposition to existing traditions, with mysteries surrounding the nature of necessity, rule-following, and the conscious mind, as well as with intricate and intriguing puzzles about identity, belief and self-reference. Clearly contextualizing the full range of Kripke’s work, Burgess outlines, summarizes and surveys the issues raised by each of the philosopher’s major publications. Kripke will be essential reading for anyone interested in the work of one of analytic philosophy’s greatest living thinkers.

Kripke (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by John P. Burgess

Saul Kripke has been a major influence on analytic philosophy and allied fields for a half-century and more. His early masterpiece, Naming and Necessity, reversed the pattern of two centuries of philosophizing about the necessary and the contingent. Although much of his work remains unpublished, several major essays have now appeared in print, most recently in his long-awaited collection Philosophical Troubles. In this book Kripke’s long-time colleague, the logician and philosopher John P. Burgess, offers a thorough and self-contained guide to all of Kripke’s published books and his most important philosophical papers, old and new. It also provides an authoritative but non-technical account of Kripke’s influential contributions to the study of modal logic and logical paradoxes. Although Kripke has been anything but a system-builder, Burgess expertly uncovers the connections between different parts of his oeuvre. Kripke is shown grappling, often in opposition to existing traditions, with mysteries surrounding the nature of necessity, rule-following, and the conscious mind, as well as with intricate and intriguing puzzles about identity, belief and self-reference. Clearly contextualizing the full range of Kripke’s work, Burgess outlines, summarizes and surveys the issues raised by each of the philosopher’s major publications. Kripke will be essential reading for anyone interested in the work of one of analytic philosophy’s greatest living thinkers.

Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40 (Cambridge Philosophical Anniversaries)

by Claudine Verheggen

Saul Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language is one of the most celebrated and important books in philosophy of language and mind of the past forty years. It generated an avalanche of responses from the moment it was published and has revolutionized the way in which we think about meaning, intentionality, and the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. It introduced a series of questions that had never been raised before concerning, most prominently, the normativity of meaning and the prospects for a reductionist account of meaning. This volume of new essays reassesses the continuing influence of Kripke's book and demonstrates that many of the issues first raised by Kripke, both exegetical and philosophical, remain as thought-provoking and as relevant as they were when he first introduced them.

Kripke’s Worlds: An Introduction to Modal Logics via Tableaux (Studies in Universal Logic)

by Olivier Gasquet Andreas Herzig Bilal Said François Schwarzentruber

Possible worlds models were introduced by Saul Kripke in the early 1960s. Basically, a possible world's model is nothing but a graph with labelled nodes and labelled edges. Such graphs provide semantics for various modal logics (alethic, temporal, epistemic and doxastic, dynamic, deontic, description logics) and also turned out useful for other nonclassical logics (intuitionistic, conditional, several paraconsistent and relevant logics). All these logics have been studied intensively in philosophical and mathematical logic and in computer science, and have been applied increasingly in domains such as program semantics, artificial intelligence, and more recently in the semantic web. Additionally, all these logics were also studied proof theoretically. The proof systems for modal logics come in various styles: Hilbert style, natural deduction, sequents, and resolution. However, it is fair to say that the most uniform and most successful such systems are tableaux systems. Given logic and a formula, they allow one to check whether there is a model in that logic. This basically amounts to trying to build a model for the formula by building a tree. This book follows a more general approach by trying to build a graph, the advantage being that a graph is closer to a Kripke model than a tree. It provides a step-by-step introduction to possible worlds semantics (and by that to modal and other nonclassical logics) via the tableaux method. It is accompanied by a piece of software called LoTREC ( LoTREC allows to check whether a given formula is true at a given world of a given model and to check whether a given formula is satisfiable in a given logic. The latter can be done immediately if the tableau system for that logic has already been implemented in LoTREC. If this is not yet the case LoTREC offers the possibility to implement a tableau system in a relatively easy way via a simple, graph-based, interactive language.

Krisengeschöpfe: Zur Theorie und Methodologie der Objektiven Hermeneutik (Literaturwissenschaft / Kulturwissenschaft)

by Dirk Pilz

Dirk Pilz stützt seine These, Leser und Literatur teilten die Eigenschaft, ein Krisengeschöpf zu sein, auf die Objektive Hermeneutik. Er legt zunächst die erkenntnis- und forschungstheoretischen Grundlagen in ihrem systematischen Zusammenhang dar und erarbeitet dann - vor allem in Auseinandersetzung mit Derrida und Gadamer - die Grundzüge einer objektiv-hermeneutischen Ästhetiktheorie. Abschließend überträgt er seine Erkenntnisse auf die literaturwissenschaftliche Methodik.

Krishna's Other Song: A New Look at the Uddhava Gita

by Steven J. Rosen

Students of religion and Eastern thought will welcome this readable translation and practical commentary on the Uddhava Gita, a Hindu text in which Krishna's teachings introduced in the Bhagavad Gita are extended and nuanced.Krishna's Other Song: A New Look at the Uddhava Gita examines the entire Uddhava Gita in relation to other Hindu scriptures, especially the Bhagavad Gita, and shares its teachings in light of interreligious understanding and nonsectarian spirituality. This edition's elaborate commentary, written by a prominent American scholar of Hindu studies, who is also a practitioner, opens up the text's esoteric teaching to a Western audience for the first time, adding context and relevance that make the book accessible and its teachings practicable for a Western readership.A foreword, written by prominent Hinduism scholar Charles S. J. White joins the author's own introduction to lay out the Uddhava Gita's background, philosophical dimensions, and religious significance. This edition does not include the original Sanskrit, nor does it labor to translate each word verbatim. Rather, it gives the reader all 1,030 verses in plain English, offering accessible commentary that allows the meaning and relevance of the Uddhava Gita to unfold to one and all.

Krishna's Other Song: A New Look at the Uddhava Gita

by Steven J. Rosen

Students of religion and Eastern thought will welcome this readable translation and practical commentary on the Uddhava Gita, a Hindu text in which Krishna's teachings introduced in the Bhagavad Gita are extended and nuanced.Krishna's Other Song: A New Look at the Uddhava Gita examines the entire Uddhava Gita in relation to other Hindu scriptures, especially the Bhagavad Gita, and shares its teachings in light of interreligious understanding and nonsectarian spirituality. This edition's elaborate commentary, written by a prominent American scholar of Hindu studies, who is also a practitioner, opens up the text's esoteric teaching to a Western audience for the first time, adding context and relevance that make the book accessible and its teachings practicable for a Western readership.A foreword, written by prominent Hinduism scholar Charles S. J. White joins the author's own introduction to lay out the Uddhava Gita's background, philosophical dimensions, and religious significance. This edition does not include the original Sanskrit, nor does it labor to translate each word verbatim. Rather, it gives the reader all 1,030 verses in plain English, offering accessible commentary that allows the meaning and relevance of the Uddhava Gita to unfold to one and all.

Krister Segerberg on Logic of Actions (Outstanding Contributions to Logic #1)

by Robert Trypuz

This volume describes and analyzes in a systematic way the great contributions of the philosopher Krister Segerberg to the study of real and doxastic actions. Following an introduction which functions as a roadmap to Segerberg's works on actions, the first part of the book covers relations between actions, intentions and routines, dynamic logic as a theory of action, agency, and deontic logics built upon the logics of actions. The second section explores belief revision and update, iterated and irrevocable beliefs change, dynamic doxastic logic and hypertheories.Segerberg has worked for more than thirty years to analyze the intricacies of real and doxastic actions using formal tools - mostly modal (dynamic) logic and its semantics. He has had such a significant impact on modal logic that "It is hard to roam for long in modal logic without finding Krister Segerberg's traces," as Johan van Benthem notes in his chapter of this book.

Kristeva (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by Stacey Keltner

Julia Kristeva is one of the most creative and prolific writers to address the personal, social, and political trials of our times. Linguist, psychoanalyst, social and cultural theorist, and novelist, Kristeva's broad interdisciplinary appeal has impacted areas across the humanities and social sciences. S. K. Keltner's book provides the first comprehensive introduction to the breadth of Kristeva's work. In an original and insightful analysis, Keltner presents Kristeva's thought as the coherent development and elaboration of a complex, multidimensional threshold constitutive of meaning and subjectivity. The ‘threshold' indicates Kristeva's primary sphere of concern, the relationship between the speaking being and its particular social and historical conditions; and Kristeva's interdisciplinary approach. Kristeva's vision, Keltner argues, opens a unique perspective within contemporary discourses attentive to issues of meaning, subjectivity, and social and political life. By emphasizing Kristeva's attention to the permeable borders of psychic and social life, Keltner offers innovative readings of the concepts most widely discussed in Kristeva scholarship: the semiotic and symbolic, abjection, love, and loss. She also provides new interpretations of some of the most controversial issues surrounding Kristeva's work, including Kristeva's conceptions of intimacy, social and cultural difference, and Oedipal subjectivity, by contextualizing them within her methodological approach and oeuvre as a whole. Julia Kristeva: Thresholds is an engaging and accessible introduction to Kristeva's theoretical and fictional works that will be of interest to both students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences.

Kristeva (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by Stacey Keltner

Julia Kristeva is one of the most creative and prolific writers to address the personal, social, and political trials of our times. Linguist, psychoanalyst, social and cultural theorist, and novelist, Kristeva's broad interdisciplinary appeal has impacted areas across the humanities and social sciences. S. K. Keltner's book provides the first comprehensive introduction to the breadth of Kristeva's work. In an original and insightful analysis, Keltner presents Kristeva's thought as the coherent development and elaboration of a complex, multidimensional threshold constitutive of meaning and subjectivity. The ‘threshold' indicates Kristeva's primary sphere of concern, the relationship between the speaking being and its particular social and historical conditions; and Kristeva's interdisciplinary approach. Kristeva's vision, Keltner argues, opens a unique perspective within contemporary discourses attentive to issues of meaning, subjectivity, and social and political life. By emphasizing Kristeva's attention to the permeable borders of psychic and social life, Keltner offers innovative readings of the concepts most widely discussed in Kristeva scholarship: the semiotic and symbolic, abjection, love, and loss. She also provides new interpretations of some of the most controversial issues surrounding Kristeva's work, including Kristeva's conceptions of intimacy, social and cultural difference, and Oedipal subjectivity, by contextualizing them within her methodological approach and oeuvre as a whole. Julia Kristeva: Thresholds is an engaging and accessible introduction to Kristeva's theoretical and fictional works that will be of interest to both students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences.

Kristeva in America: Re-Imagining the Exceptional (Pivotal Studies in the Global American Literary Imagination)

by Carol Mastrangelo Bové

This Pivot studies the influence of Julia Kristeva’s work on American literary and film studies. Chapters consider this influence via such innovative approaches as Hortense Spillers’s and Jack Halberstam’s to Paule Marshall’s fiction and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, respectively. The book also considers how critics in the United States receive Kristeva’s work on French feminism, semiotics, and psychoanalytic writing in complex, controversial ways, especially on the question of marginalized populations. Examples include Kelly Oliver and Benigno Trigo on Orson Welles’s The Lady from Shanghai and Touch of Evil as well as Frances Restuccia on David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. Carol Mastrangelo Bové also examines Kristeva’s take on the US in her essays and fiction, which provide a vital part of the dialogue with American critics. Like them, Bové incorporates Kristeva’s thought in her own creative readings of little-known authors and directors including Christiane Rochefort, Nancy Savoca, and Frank Lentricchia.

Kristeva, Psychoanalysis and Culture: Subjectivity in Crisis (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy)

by Sylvie Gambaudo

Examining Julia Kristeva's contention that contemporary Western society is witnessing a crisis of subjectivity due to the failure of the paternal function, Gambaudo places Kristeva's thesis within the context of Freudian psychoanalytic thought and shows how Kristeva defends her position against a cultural climate privileging scientific and cognitive answers to aesthetic concerns. Gambaudo argues that while Kristeva's position might be construed as defensive and a reactive clinging on to paternal modes of organisation of subjectivity, it also offers a unique and visionary analysis of subjectivity that rescues the paternal project from its decline. Eschewing a traditional emphasis on Kristeva's feminism, this book's primary interest is located at the intersection between psychoanalysis and culture, specifically analysing the superseding of Oedipus by narcissistic organisation.

Kristeva, Psychoanalysis and Culture: Subjectivity in Crisis (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy)

by Sylvie Gambaudo

Examining Julia Kristeva's contention that contemporary Western society is witnessing a crisis of subjectivity due to the failure of the paternal function, Gambaudo places Kristeva's thesis within the context of Freudian psychoanalytic thought and shows how Kristeva defends her position against a cultural climate privileging scientific and cognitive answers to aesthetic concerns. Gambaudo argues that while Kristeva's position might be construed as defensive and a reactive clinging on to paternal modes of organisation of subjectivity, it also offers a unique and visionary analysis of subjectivity that rescues the paternal project from its decline. Eschewing a traditional emphasis on Kristeva's feminism, this book's primary interest is located at the intersection between psychoanalysis and culture, specifically analysing the superseding of Oedipus by narcissistic organisation.

Kristeva Reframed: Interpreting Key Thinkers for the Arts (Contemporary Thinkers Reframed)

by Estelle Barrett

For Kristeva, in a world immersed in readymade images, art or aesthetic experience is a practice that constitutes both a subject (a sense of self) and an object that is able to transform meaning and consciousness. Kristeva Reframed examines key ideas in Kristeva's work to show how they are most relevant to artists, and how they can be applied in interpreting artworks. With examples from the paintings of van Gogh and Picasso, the work of contemporary eminist painters, the photography of Bill Henson and the film and animation work of Van Sowerine, Estelle Barrett demonstrates how Kristeva can lluminate the relationships between artist and art object, between artists, artworks and audiences, and between art and knowledge. Through these relationships she explores what Kristeva's work reveals about the role and function of art in society and offers a smooth passage through Kristeva's ideas and her relevance to visual culture.

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