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Showing 32,951 through 32,975 of 63,569 results

The Logic of Intentional Objects: A Meinongian Version of Classical Logic (Synthese Library #269)

by Jacek Pasniczek

Intentionality is one of the most frequently discussed topics in contemporary phenomenology and analytic philosophy. This book investigates intentionality from the point of view of intentional objects. According to the classical approach to this concept, whatever can be consciously experienced is regarded as an intentional object. Thus, not only ordinary existing individuals but also various kinds of non-existents and non-individuals are considered as intentional (including such bizarre entities as quantifier objects: `some dog', `every dog'). Alexius Meinong, an Austrian philosopher, is particularly well-known as the `inventor' of an abundant ontology of objects among which even incomplete and impossible ones, like `the round square', find their place. Drawing inspirations from Meinong's ideas, the author develops a simple logic of intentional objects, M-logic. M-logic closely resembles classical first-order logic and, as opposed to the formally complicated contemporary theories of non-existent objects, it is much more friendly in apprehending and applications. However, despite this resemblance, the ontological content of M-logic far exceeds that of classical logic. In this book formal investigations are intertwined with philosophical analyses. On the one hand, M-logic is used as a tool for investigating formal features of intentional objects. On the other hand, the study of intentionality phenomena suggests further ways of extending and modifying M-logic. Audience: The book is addressed to logicians, cognitive scientists, philosophers of language and metaphysics with either a phenomenological or an analytic background.

The Logic of Invariable Concomitance in the Tattvacintāmaṇi: Gaṅgeśa’s Anumitinirūpaṇa and Vyāptivāda with Introduction Translation and Commentary

by C. Goekoop

The history of Indian logic is roughly divided into three periods: old Nyaya, Buddhist logic and new Nyaya. Each period is characterized by the production of some outstanding Sanskrit text. The main texts of the first and second period have been translated into, and explained in, European languages. But the principal text of the third period, GaIigesa's Tattvacintamal).i, is still not accessible through a Western language. The present book is intended to fill up this gap to some extent. The object of this study is to present both to sanskritists and to logicians an essential part of Indian logic as laid down in the first two sections of the Anumanakhal).c;la of the Tattvacintamal).i. No attention will be paid here to the doctrines of GaIigesa's predecessors and the theories developed by his commentators. Though this study is not con­ cerned with comparative philosophy, Western logic will be employed for the purpose of interpretation. Under Western logic I bring both traditional logic and modern logic, which, in my opinion, form one discipline of reasoning. This may account for my use of some Latin terms belonging to scholastic thought. Transliteration and translation have been made from the text of the Anumitiniriipal).a and Vyaptivada in the Bibliotheca Indica edition of GaIigesa's Tattvacintamal).i (with Mathuranatha's commentary), Part II Anumanakhal).c;la from Anumiti to Biidha, Calcutta, 1892. A photostatic copy ofthat text precedes the transliteration, translation and commentary.

The Logic of Language: A Semiotic Study of Speech

by Michael Shapiro

This book serves as a basis for the exploration of language in a more systematic way. By surveying the several major divisions of language (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, tropology) and explicating the way in which sound and meaning cohere in them, this text lays bare––for students, scholars and advanced readers alike––the lineaments of an understanding of what makes language the sign system par excellence, in the service of its most important function as the instrument of cognition and of communication. This book is intended as a companion volume to Shapiro’s The Speaking Self: Language Lore and English Usage. The two volumes taken in tandem will provide a solid grounding in the observational science of linguistics, linking theory with practice in a way that will expand one’s understanding of language as a global phenomenon.

The Logic of Legal Argumentation: Multi-Modal Perspectives (Law, Language and Communication)

by Marko Novak

Multi-modal argumentation with its logical, emotional, visceral and kisceral arguments is an important addition to logical argumentation, especially when real-life situations are considered. It does not discard logic but adds other modes of argumentation to complement it, to emphasize the realistic environments of communication. In this sense, the multi-modal theory is important for the area of legal argumentation, where even in the reasoning of judicial decisions traces of a flesh-and-blood personality, who decided the case and wrote the reasons, can be found. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of this informal logic in legal argumentation and its practicality within the law. It argues that by building on the dialectical and rhetorical models of legal argument, the former being important for clear cases while the latter for unclear ones, the multi-modal theory of legal argumentation brings together logic and psychology in a holistic or integral perspective. The approach is not only descriptive, identifying the traces of alternate arguments in judicial decisions, but is also normative, presenting the criteria for evaluation that multi-modal arguments need to face to attain validity in the legal context. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Theory, Legal Linguistics, Philosophy of Law, and Communication Studies.

The Logic of Legal Argumentation: Multi-Modal Perspectives (Law, Language and Communication)

by Marko Novak

Multi-modal argumentation with its logical, emotional, visceral and kisceral arguments is an important addition to logical argumentation, especially when real-life situations are considered. It does not discard logic but adds other modes of argumentation to complement it, to emphasize the realistic environments of communication. In this sense, the multi-modal theory is important for the area of legal argumentation, where even in the reasoning of judicial decisions traces of a flesh-and-blood personality, who decided the case and wrote the reasons, can be found. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of this informal logic in legal argumentation and its practicality within the law. It argues that by building on the dialectical and rhetorical models of legal argument, the former being important for clear cases while the latter for unclear ones, the multi-modal theory of legal argumentation brings together logic and psychology in a holistic or integral perspective. The approach is not only descriptive, identifying the traces of alternate arguments in judicial decisions, but is also normative, presenting the criteria for evaluation that multi-modal arguments need to face to attain validity in the legal context. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Theory, Legal Linguistics, Philosophy of Law, and Communication Studies.

Logic of Mathematics: A Modern Course of Classical Logic (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts #22)

by Zofia Adamowicz Pawel Zbierski

A thorough, accessible, and rigorous presentation of the central theorems of mathematical logic . . . ideal for advanced students of mathematics, computer science, and logic Logic of Mathematics combines a full-scale introductory course in mathematical logic and model theory with a range of specially selected, more advanced theorems. Using a strict mathematical approach, this is the only book available that contains complete and precise proofs of all of these important theorems: * Gödel's theorems of completeness and incompleteness * The independence of Goodstein's theorem from Peano arithmetic * Tarski's theorem on real closed fields * Matiyasevich's theorem on diophantine formulas Logic of Mathematics also features: * Full coverage of model theoretical topics such as definability, compactness, ultraproducts, realization, and omission of types * Clear, concise explanations of all key concepts, from Boolean algebras to Skolem-Löwenheim constructions and other topics * Carefully chosen exercises for each chapter, plus helpful solution hints At last, here is a refreshingly clear, concise, and mathematically rigorous presentation of the basic concepts of mathematical logic-requiring only a standard familiarity with abstract algebra. Employing a strict mathematical approach that emphasizes relational structures over logical language, this carefully organized text is divided into two parts, which explain the essentials of the subject in specific and straightforward terms. Part I contains a thorough introduction to mathematical logic and model theory-including a full discussion of terms, formulas, and other fundamentals, plus detailed coverage of relational structures and Boolean algebras, Gödel's completeness theorem, models of Peano arithmetic, and much more. Part II focuses on a number of advanced theorems that are central to the field, such as Gödel's first and second theorems of incompleteness, the independence proof of Goodstein's theorem from Peano arithmetic, Tarski's theorem on real closed fields, and others. No other text contains complete and precise proofs of all of these theorems. With a solid and comprehensive program of exercises and selected solution hints, Logic of Mathematics is ideal for classroom use-the perfect textbook for advanced students of mathematics, computer science, and logic.

The Logic of Metaphor: Analogous Parts of Possible Worlds (Synthese Library #299)

by Eric Steinhart

1. Metaphors and Logic Metaphors are among the most vigorous offspring of the creative mind; but their vitality springs from the fact that they are logical organisms in the ecology of l- guage. I aim to use logical techniques to analyze the meanings of metaphors. My goal here is to show how contemporary formal semantics can be extended to handle metaphorical utterances. What distinguishes this work is that it focuses intensely on the logical aspects of metaphors. I stress the role of logic in the generation and int- pretation of metaphors. While I don't presuppose any formal training in logic, some familiarity with philosophical logic (the propositional calculus and the predicate c- culus) is helpful. Since my theory makes great use of the notion of structure, I refer to it as the structural theory of m etaphor (STM). STM is a semant ic theory of m etaphor : if STM is correct, then metaphors are cognitively meaningful and are n- trivially logically linked with truth. I aim to extend possible worlds semantics to handle metaphors. I'll argue that some sentences in natural languages like English have multiple meanings: "Juliet is the sun" has (at least) two meanings: the literal meaning "(Juliet is the sunkIT" and the metaphorical meaning "(Juliet is the sun)MET". Each meaning is a function from (possible) worlds to truth-values. I deny that these functions are identical; I deny that the metaphorical function is necessarily false or necessarily true.

The Logic of Mind (Synthese Library #155)

by R.J. Nelson

This book presents a mechanist philosophy of mind. I hold that the human mind is a system of computational or recursive rules that are embodied in the nervous system; that the material presence of these rules accounts for perception, conception, speech, belief, desire, intentional acts, and other forms of intelligence. In this edition I have retained the whole of the fIrst edition except for discussion of issues which no longer are relevant in philosophy of mind and cognitive psychology. Earlier reference to disputes of the 1960's and 70's between hard-line empiricists and neorationalists over the psychological status of grammars and language acquisition, for instance, has simply been dropped. In place of such material I have entered some timely or new topics and a few changes. There are brief references to the question of computer versus distributed processing (connectionist) theories. Many of these questions dissolve if one distinguishes as I now do in Chapter II between free and embodied algorithms. I have also added to my comments on artifIcal in­ telligence some reflections. on Searle's Chinese Translator. The irreducibility of machine functionalist psychology in my version or any other has been exaggerated. Input, output, and state entities are token identical to physical or biological things of some sort, while a machine system as a collection of recursive rules is type identical to representatives of equivalence classes. This nuld technicality emerges in Chapter XI. It entails that so-called "anomalous monism" is right in one sense and wrong in another.

The Logic of Number

by Neil Tennant

In The Logic of Number, Neil Tennant defines and develops his Natural Logicist account of the foundations of the natural, rational, and real numbers. Based on the logical system free Core Logic, the central method is to formulate rules of natural deduction governing variable-binding number-abstraction operators and other logico-mathematical expressions such as zero and successor. These enable 'single-barreled' abstraction, in contrast with the 'double-barreled' abstraction effected by principles such as Frege's Basic Law V, or Hume's Principle. Natural Logicism imposes upon its account of the numbers four conditions of adequacy: First, one must show how it is that the various kinds of number are applicable in our wider thought and talk about the world. This is achieved by deriving all instances of three respective schemas: Schema N for the naturals, Schema Q for the rationals, and Schema R for the reals. These provide truth-conditions for statements deploying terms referring to numbers of the kind in question. Second, one must show how it is that the naturals sit among the rationals as themselves again, and the rationals likewise among the reals. Third, one should reveal enough of the metaphysical nature of the numbers to be able to derive the mathematician's basic laws governing them. Fourth, one should be able to demonstrate that there are uncountably many reals. Natural Logicism is realistic about the limits of logicism when it comes to treating the real numbers, for which, Tennant argues, one needs recourse to geometric intuition for deeper starting-points, beyond which logic alone will then deliver the sought results, with absolute formal rigor. The resulting program enables one to delimit, in a principled way, those parts of number theory that are produced by the Kantian understanding alone, and those parts that depend on recourse to (very simple) a priori geometric intuitions.

The Logic of Partial Information (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)

by Areski Nait Abdallah

One must be able to say at all times - in­ stead of points, straight lines, and planes - tables, chairs and beer mugs. (David Hilbert) One service mathematics has rendered the human race. It has put common sense back where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next to the dusty canister labelled "discarded nonsense. " (Eric T. Bell) This book discusses reasoning with partial information. We investigate the proof theory, the model theory and some applications of reasoning with par­ tial information. We have as a goal a general theory for combining, in a principled way, logic formulae expressing partial information, and a logical tool for choosing among them for application and implementation purposes. We also would like to have a model theory for reasoning with partial infor­ mation that is a simple generalization of the usual Tarskian semantics for classical logic. We show the need to go beyond the view of logic as a geometry of static truths, and to see logic, both at the proof-theoretic and at the model-theoretic level, as a dynamics of processes. We see the dynamics of logic processes bear with classical logic, the same relation as the one existing between classical mechanics and Euclidean geometry.

The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to M. Polanyi on his Seventieth Birthday, 11th March, 1961 (Routledge Library Editions: Epistemology)

by Polanyi Festschrift Committee

Originally published in 1961. Michael Polanyi was a polymath who influenced economics and the sciences as well as philosophy. His wide-ranging research in physical science is as well-known as his work on freedom and knowledge and his arguments against positivism and reductionism. This collection of essays written for him touches on all aspects of his influence but rotates around his published lectures Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. The contributors address four areas – The Scientist as Knower, Historical Perspectives, The Knowledge of Society and the Knowledge of Living Things.

The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to M. Polanyi on his Seventieth Birthday, 11th March, 1961 (Routledge Library Editions: Epistemology)

by Polanyi Festschrift Polanyi Festschrift Committee

Originally published in 1961. Michael Polanyi was a polymath who influenced economics and the sciences as well as philosophy. His wide-ranging research in physical science is as well-known as his work on freedom and knowledge and his arguments against positivism and reductionism. This collection of essays written for him touches on all aspects of his influence but rotates around his published lectures Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. The contributors address four areas – The Scientist as Knower, Historical Perspectives, The Knowledge of Society and the Knowledge of Living Things.

The Logic of Reliable Inquiry (Logic and Computation in Philosophy)

by Kevin T. Kelly

There are many proposed aims for scientific inquiry--to explain or predict events, to confirm or falsify hypotheses, or to find hypotheses that cohere with our other beliefs in some logical or probabilistic sense. This book is devoted to a different proposal--that the logical structure of the scientist's method should guarantee eventual arrival at the truth given the scientist's background assumptions. Interest in this methodological property, called "logical reliability," stems from formal learning theory, which draws its insights not from the theory of probability, but from the theory of computability. Kelly first offers an accessible explanation of formal learning theory, then goes on to develop and explore a systematic framework in which various standard learning theoretic results can be seen as special cases of simpler and more general considerations. This approach answers such important questions as whether there are computable methods more reliable than Bayesian updating or Popper's method of conjectures and refutations. Finally, Kelly clarifies the relationship between the resulting framework and other standard issues in the philosophy of science, such as probability, causation, and relativism. His work is a major contribution to the literature and will be essential reading for scientists, logicians, and philosophers

The Logic of Responsibility Voids (Synthese Library #456)

by Hein Duijf

This book focuses on the problem of responsibility voids: these are cases where responsibility for a morally undesirable outcome cannot be attributed to any of the involved agents. Responsibility voids are thought to occur in collective decision-making and in the context of artificial intelligent systems. In these cases, philosophers worry that there is a shortfall of moral responsibility. In particular, such voids are often assumed to justify a notion of collective responsibility that cannot be reduced to individual responsibility. One of the aims of the book is to study how collective responsibility and joint action relate to individual responsibility and individual actions. The book offers a unifying framework for modelling moral responsibility by drawing from modal logic and game theory.The book investigates the possibility and scope of the problem of responsibility voids. One of its characteristics is its pluralistic perspective on moral responsibility: in contrast to giving a unique and all-encompassing definition of it, the book makes progress by spelling out and modelling several conceptions of moral responsibility. One of the appealing features of the book is that a relatively small range of models is used to investigate a variety of conceptions of moral responsibility. The unifying framework can thus be used to characterize the conditions under which responsibility voids are ruled out.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics)

by Karl Popper

Described by the philosopher A.J. Ayer as a work of 'great originality and power', this book revolutionized contemporary thinking on science and knowledge. Ideas such as the now legendary doctrine of 'falsificationism' electrified the scientific community, influencing even working scientists, as well as post-war philosophy. This astonishing work ranks alongside The Open Society and Its Enemies as one of Popper's most enduring books and contains insights and arguments that demand to be read to this day.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery: 14th Printing (Routledge Classics)

by Karl Popper

Described by the philosopher A.J. Ayer as a work of 'great originality and power', this book revolutionized contemporary thinking on science and knowledge. Ideas such as the now legendary doctrine of 'falsificationism' electrified the scientific community, influencing even working scientists, as well as post-war philosophy. This astonishing work ranks alongside The Open Society and Its Enemies as one of Popper's most enduring books and contains insights and arguments that demand to be read to this day.

The Logic of Scientific Inference: An Introduction

by Jennifer Trusted

The Logic of Sentiment: Stowe, Hawthorne, and Melville

by Kenneth Dauber

The Logic of Sentiment is a study of sentimentality, a literary mode that aims to answer the question, "What hold us together?" Against the grain of cultural studies, which understands sentimentality as consolidating communities on the basis of material or historical foundations, Kenneth Dauber takes a philosophical approach. He argues that sentimentality is love conceptualized in denial of a skepticism--understood as the problem of people's otherness to each other--that material associations cannot dispel. Through close readings in the style of "ordinary language" criticism, Dauber analyzes mid-19th-century American novels, where sentimentality achieved its most complete articulation, with a focus on three novels published nearly simultaneously–Uncle Tom's Cabin, The House of the Seven Gables, and Pierre. Referencing a wide range of philosophical and literary texts, Dauber examines the response of sentimental writers to their growing awareness of love's lack of foundation, the waywardness with which individuals dispose themselves as they succeed and fail in achieving a viable "we." The Logic of Sentiment traces the movement from sentimentality to realism, the relation between epistemology and ethics, and the kind of investments that writers attempt to solicit from their readers.

The Logic of Sentiment: Stowe, Hawthorne, and Melville

by Kenneth Dauber

The Logic of Sentiment is a study of sentimentality, a literary mode that aims to answer the question, "What hold us together?" Against the grain of cultural studies, which understands sentimentality as consolidating communities on the basis of material or historical foundations, Kenneth Dauber takes a philosophical approach. He argues that sentimentality is love conceptualized in denial of a skepticism--understood as the problem of people's otherness to each other--that material associations cannot dispel. Through close readings in the style of "ordinary language" criticism, Dauber analyzes mid-19th-century American novels, where sentimentality achieved its most complete articulation, with a focus on three novels published nearly simultaneously–Uncle Tom's Cabin, The House of the Seven Gables, and Pierre. Referencing a wide range of philosophical and literary texts, Dauber examines the response of sentimental writers to their growing awareness of love's lack of foundation, the waywardness with which individuals dispose themselves as they succeed and fail in achieving a viable "we." The Logic of Sentiment traces the movement from sentimentality to realism, the relation between epistemology and ethics, and the kind of investments that writers attempt to solicit from their readers.

The Logic of Social Control

by A.V. Horwitz

The Logic of Social Practices (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #52)

by Raffaela Giovagnoli Robert Lowe

This book reports on cutting-edge research concerning social practices. Merging perspectives from various disciplines, including philosophy, biology, and cognitive science, it discusses theoretical aspects of social behavior along with models to investigate them, and also presents key case studies. Further, It describes concepts related to habits, routines, and rituals and examines important features of human action, such as intentionality and choice, exploring the influence of specific social practices in different situations. Based on a workshop held in June 2018 at the 6th World Congress of Universal Logic, UNILOG2018, in Vichy, and including additional invited chapters, the book offers fresh insights into the fields of social practice and the cognitive, computational, and philosophical tools to understand them.

The Logic of Social Practices II (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #68)

by Raffaela Giovagnoli Robert Lowe

This book reports on cutting-edge research concerning social practices. Merging perspectives from various disciplines, including philosophy, biology, psychology and cognitive science, and economy, it discusses theoretical aspects of social behavior along with models to investigate them, and presenting key case studies as well. Further, it describes concepts related to habits, routines, and rituals and examines important features of human action, such as intentionality and choice, exploring the influence of specific social practices in different situations. Based on a workshop held on April 2022 at the World Congress on Universal Logic (UNILOG 22), in Crete, and including additional invited chapters, the book offers fresh insights into the fields of social practice and the cognitive, computational, and philosophical tools to understand them.

The Logic of Sortals: A Conceptualist Approach (Synthese Library #408)

by Max A. Freund

Sortal concepts are at the center of certain logical discussions and have played a significant role in solutions to particular problems in philosophy. Apart from logic and philosophy, the study of sortal concepts has found its place in specific fields of psychology, such as the theory of infant cognitive development and the theory of human perception. In this monograph, different formal logics for sortal concepts and sortal-related logical notions (such as sortal identity and first-order sortal quantification) are characterized. Most of these logics are intensional in nature and possess, in addition, a bidimensional character. That is, they simultaneously represent two different logical dimensions. In most cases, the dimensions are those of time and natural necessity, and, in other cases, those of time and epistemic necessity. Another feature of the logics in question concerns second-order quantification over sortal concepts, a logical notion that is also represented in the logics. Some of the logics adopt a constant domain interpretation, others a varying domain interpretation of such quantification. Two of the above bidimensional logics are philosophically grounded on predication sortalism, that is, on the philosophical view that predication necessarily requires sortal concepts. Another bidimensional logic constitutes a logic for complex sortal predicates. These three sorts of logics are among the important novelties of this work since logics with similar features have not been developed up to now, and they might be instrumental for the solution of philosophically significant problems regarding sortal predicates. The book assumes a modern variant of conceptualism as a philosophical background. For this reason, the approach to sortal predicates is in terms of sortal concepts. Concepts, in general, are here understood as intersubjective realizable cognitive capacities. The proper features of sortal concepts are determined by an analysis of the main features of sortal predicates. Posterior to this analysis, the sortal-related logical notions represented in the above logics are discussed. There is also a discussion on the extent to which the set-theoretic formal semantic systems of the book capture different aspects of the conceptualist approach to sortals. These different semantic frameworks are also related to realist and nominalist approaches to sortal predicates, and possible modifications to them are considered that might represent those alternative approaches.

The Logic of Strategy

by Cristina Bicchieri Richard Jeffrey Brian Skyrms

Edited by three leading figures in the field, this exciting volume presents cutting-edge work in decision theory by a distinguished international roster of contributors. These mostly unpublished papers address a host of crucial areas in the contemporary philosophical study of rationality and knowledge. Topics include causal versus evidential decision theory, game theory, backwards induction, bounded rationality, counterfactual reasoning in games and in general, analyses of the famous common knowledge assumptions in game theory, and evaluations of the normal versus extensive form formulations of complex decision problems.

The Logic of the Articles in Traditional Philosophy: A Contribution to the Study of Conceptual Structures (Synthese Historical Library #10)

by E.M. Barth

When the original Dutch version of this book was presented in 1971 to the University of Leiden as a thesis for the Doctorate in philosophy, I was prevented by the academic mores of that university from expressing my sincere thanks to three members of the Philosophical Faculty for their support of and interest in my pursuits. I take the liberty of doing so now, two and a half years later. First and foremost I want to thank Professor G. Nuchelmans warmly for his expert guidance of my research. A number of my most im­ portant sources were brought to my attention by him. During the whole process of composing this book his criticism and encouragement were carried out in a truly academic spirit. He thereby provided working conditions that are a sine qua non for every author who is attempting to approach controversial matters in a scientific manner, conditions which, however, were not easily available at that time. In a later phase I also came into contact with Professors L. M. de Rijk and J. B. Ubbink, with both of whom I had highly stimulating discussions and exchanges of ideas. The present edition contains some entirely new sections, viz. 1-9, IV-29, V-9, V-20, VII-14 (iii), (iv), VII-17 (i), VIII-22, IX-17, IX-19, X-9 and XI-8. Section X-9 was inspired by a remark made by Professor A.

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