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Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument: A Study of Defeasible Reasoning in Law (Law and Philosophy Library #32)

by H. Prakken

This book is a revised and extended version of my PhD Thesis 'Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument', which I defended on 14 January 1993 at the Free University Amsterdam. The first five chapters of the thesis have remained almost completely unchanged but the other chapters have undergone considerable revision and expansion. Most importantly, I have replaced the formal argument-based system of the old Chapters 6, 7 and 8 with a revised and extended system, whieh I have developed during the last three years in collaboration with Giovanni Sartor. Apart from some technical improvements, the main additions to the old system are the enriehment of its language with a nonprovability operator, and the ability to formalise reasoning about preference criteria. Moreover, the new system has a very intuitive dialectieal form, as opposed to the rather unintuitive fixed-point appearance of the old system. Another important revision is the split of the old Chapter 9 into two new chapters. The old Section 9. 1 on related research has been updated and expanded into a whole chapter, while the rest of the old chapter is now in revised form in Chapter 10. This chapter also contains two new contributions, a detailed discussion of Gordon's Pleadings Game, and a general description of a multi-Iayered overall view on the structure of argu­ mentation, comprising a logieal, dialectical, procedural and strategie layer. Finally, in the revised conclusion I have paid more attention to the relevance of my investigations for legal philosophy and argumentation theory.

Logical Writings

by J. Herbrand

In 1968 Jean van Heijenoort published an edition of Herbrand's collected logic papers (Herbrand 1968). The core of the present volume comprises translations of these papers and of the biographical notes also appearing in that edition. With two exceptions, this is their first appearance in English; the exceptions are Chap. 5 of Herbrand's thesis and Herbrand 1931c, both of which appeared in van Heijenoort 1967, the former trans­ lated by Burton Dreben and van Heijenoort, and the latter by van Heijenoort. These two translations have been reprinted here, thanks to the permission ofthe Harvard University Press, with only minor changes. The remainder of the present translations are my own; I am grateful to van Heijenoort for providing an English draft of 1931, which forms the basis of the translation appearing here. In these translations, the bibliographical references have been stan­ dardized (see p. 299 below) and the notation has been changed so that it is fairly uniform throughout (any differences from Herbrand's original notation are mentioned in footnotes). Herbrand's technical terminology is not always translated literally; the principal instances of this are 'reduite', translated 'expansion' (except in 1930, Chap. 3, § 3, where it is translated 'relativization'), 'champ', translated 'domain', and 'symbole de variable apparente', translated 'quantifier'. In other cases of this sort, the French terms appear in double brackets immediately following the English renderings.

The Logical Writings of Karl Popper (Trends in Logic #58)

This open access book is the first ever collection of Karl Popper's writings on deductive logic.Karl R. Popper (1902-1994) was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. His philosophy of science ("falsificationism") and his social and political philosophy ("open society") have been widely discussed way beyond academic philosophy. What is not so well known is that Popper also produced a considerable work on the foundations of deductive logic, most of it published at the end of the 1940s as articles at scattered places. This little-known work deserves to be known better, as it is highly significant for modern proof-theoretic semantics.This collection assembles Popper's published writings on deductive logic in a single volume, together with all reviews of these papers. It also contains a large amount of unpublished material from the Popper Archives, including Popper's correspondence related to deductive logic and manuscripts that were (almost) finished, but did not reach the publication stage. All of these items are critically edited with additional comments by the editors. A general introduction puts Popper's work into the context of current discussions on the foundations of logic. This book should be of interest to logicians, philosophers, and anybody concerned with Popper's work.

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age

by Paul J. Nahin

Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age

by Paul J. Nahin

Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.

The Logico-Algebraic Approach to Quantum Mechanics: Volume I: Historical Evolution (The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science #5a)

by C. A. Hooker

The twentieth century has witnessed a striking transformation in the un­ derstanding of the theories of mathematical physics. There has emerged clearly the idea that physical theories are significantly characterized by their abstract mathematical structure. This is in opposition to the tradi­ tional opinion that one should look to the specific applications of a theory in order to understand it. One might with reason now espouse the view that to understand the deeper character of a theory one must know its abstract structure and understand the significance of that struc­ ture, while to understand how a theory might be modified in light of its experimental inadequacies one must be intimately acquainted with how it is applied. Quantum theory itself has gone through a development this century which illustrates strikingly the shifting perspective. From a collection of intuitive physical maneuvers under Bohr, through a formative stage in which the mathematical framework was bifurcated (between Schrödinger and Heisenberg) to an elegant culmination in von Neumann's Hilbert space formulation the elementary theory moved, flanked even at the later stage by the ill-understood formalisms for the relativistic version and for the field-theoretic altemative; after that we have a gradual, but constant, elaboration of all these quantal theories as abstract mathematical struc­ tures (their point of departure being von Neumann's formalism) until at the present time theoretical work is heavily preoccupied with the manip­ ulation of purely abstract structures.

Logico-Linguistic Papers

by P.F. Strawson

P.F. Strawson has been a major and influential spokesman for ordinary language philosophy throughout the late twentieth century, studying the relationship between common language and the language of formal logic. This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor corrections to the text, these classic essays remain original and intact. Logico-Linguistic Papers contains Strawson's major essay, 'On Referring', in which he disputed Bertrand Russell's theory of definite descriptions, distinguishing between referring to an entity and asserting its existence. The book contains twelve essays in all, grouped by subject matter. The first five are concerned with the topic of singular reference and predication and the last three are all responses to J.L. Austin's treatment of the topic of truth. Strawson disputes the correspondence theory of truth, maintaining that facts are what statements (when true) state. The remaining papers deal with meaning, speech acts, logical truth and Chomsky's views on syntax.

Logico-Linguistic Papers

by P.F. Strawson

P.F. Strawson has been a major and influential spokesman for ordinary language philosophy throughout the late twentieth century, studying the relationship between common language and the language of formal logic. This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor corrections to the text, these classic essays remain original and intact. Logico-Linguistic Papers contains Strawson's major essay, 'On Referring', in which he disputed Bertrand Russell's theory of definite descriptions, distinguishing between referring to an entity and asserting its existence. The book contains twelve essays in all, grouped by subject matter. The first five are concerned with the topic of singular reference and predication and the last three are all responses to J.L. Austin's treatment of the topic of truth. Strawson disputes the correspondence theory of truth, maintaining that facts are what statements (when true) state. The remaining papers deal with meaning, speech acts, logical truth and Chomsky's views on syntax.

Logico-Linguistic Papers

by P.F. Strawson

P.F. Strawson has been a major and influential spokesman for ordinary language philosophy throughout the late twentieth century, studying the relationship between common language and the language of formal logic. This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor corrections to the text, these classic essays remain original and intact. Logico-Linguistic Papers contains Strawson's major essay, 'On Referring', in which he disputed Bertrand Russell's theory of definite descriptions, distinguishing between referring to an entity and asserting its existence. The book contains twelve essays in all, grouped by subject matter. The first five are concerned with the topic of singular reference and predication and the last three are all responses to J.L. Austin's treatment of the topic of truth. Strawson disputes the correspondence theory of truth, maintaining that facts are what statements (when true) state. The remaining papers deal with meaning, speech acts, logical truth and Chomsky's views on syntax.

Logico-Linguistic Papers

by P.F. Strawson

P.F. Strawson has been a major and influential spokesman for ordinary language philosophy throughout the late twentieth century, studying the relationship between common language and the language of formal logic. This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor corrections to the text, these classic essays remain original and intact. Logico-Linguistic Papers contains Strawson's major essay, 'On Referring', in which he disputed Bertrand Russell's theory of definite descriptions, distinguishing between referring to an entity and asserting its existence. The book contains twelve essays in all, grouped by subject matter. The first five are concerned with the topic of singular reference and predication and the last three are all responses to J.L. Austin's treatment of the topic of truth. Strawson disputes the correspondence theory of truth, maintaining that facts are what statements (when true) state. The remaining papers deal with meaning, speech acts, logical truth and Chomsky's views on syntax.

Logico-Philosophical Studies: Partly translated by Horace S. Glover

by A. Menne

Logicomix: An epic search for truth

by Apostolos Doxiadis Christos Papadimitriou

This exceptional graphic novel recounts the spiritual odyssey of philosopher Bertrand Russell. In his agonized search for absolute truth, Russell crosses paths with legendary thinkers like Gottlob Frege, David Hilbert, and Kurt Gödel, and finds a passionate student in the great Ludwig Wittgenstein. But his most ambitious goal-to establish unshakable logical foundations of mathematics-continues to loom before him. Through love and hate, peace and war, Russell persists in the dogged mission that threatens to claim both his career and his personal happiness, finally driving him to the brink of insanity. This story is at the same time a historical novel and an accessible explication of some of the biggest ideas of mathematics and modern philosophy. With rich characterizations and expressive, atmospheric artwork, the book spins the pursuit of these ideas into a highly satisfying tale. Probing and ingeniously layered, the book throws light on Russell's inner struggles while setting them in the context of the timeless questions he spent his life trying to answer. At its heart, Logicomix is a story about the conflict between an ideal rationality and the unchanging, flawed fabric of reality.

Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics (Trends in Logic #40)

by Andreas Kapsner

This volume examines the concept of falsification as a central notion of semantic theories and its effects on logical laws. The point of departure is the general constructivist line of argument that Michael Dummett has offered over the last decades. From there, the author examines the ways in which falsifications can enter into a constructivist semantics, displays the full spectrum of options, and discusses the logical systems most suitable to each one of them. While the idea of introducing falsifications into the semantic account is Dummett's own, the many ways in which falsificationism departs quite radically from verificationism are here spelled out in detail for the first time.The volume is divided into three large parts. The first part provides important background information about Dummett’s program, intuitionism and logics with gaps and gluts. The second part is devoted to the introduction of falsifications into the constructive account and shows that there is more than one way in which one can do this. The third part details the logical effects of these various moves. In the end, the book shows that the constructive path may branch in different directions: towards intuitionistic logic, dual intuitionistic logic and several variations of Nelson logics. The author argues that, on balance, the latter are the more promising routes to take."Kapsner’s book is the first detailed investigation of how to incorporate the notion of falsification into formal logic. This is a fascinating logico-philosophical investigation, which will interest non-classical logicians of all stripes."Graham Priest, Graduate Center, City University of New York and University of Melbourne

Logics and Languages

by M. J. Cresswell

Originally published in 1973, this book shows that methods developed for the semantics of systems of formal logic can be successfully applied to problems about the semantics of natural languages; and, moreover, that such methods can take account of features of natural language which have often been thought incapable of formal treatment, such as vagueness, context dependence and metaphorical meaning. Parts 1 and 2 set out a class of formal languages and their semantics. Parts 3 and 4 show that these formal languages are rich enought to be used in the precise description of natural languages. Appendices describe some of the concepts discussed in the text.

Logics and Languages

by M. J. Cresswell

Originally published in 1973, this book shows that methods developed for the semantics of systems of formal logic can be successfully applied to problems about the semantics of natural languages; and, moreover, that such methods can take account of features of natural language which have often been thought incapable of formal treatment, such as vagueness, context dependence and metaphorical meaning. Parts 1 and 2 set out a class of formal languages and their semantics. Parts 3 and 4 show that these formal languages are rich enought to be used in the precise description of natural languages. Appendices describe some of the concepts discussed in the text.

Logics for Computer Science: Classical And Non-classical

by Anita Wasilewska

Providing an in-depth introduction to fundamental classical and non-classical logics, this textbook offers a comprehensive survey of logics for computer scientists. Logics for Computer Science contains intuitive introductory chapters explaining the need for logical investigations, motivations for different types of logics and some of their history. They are followed by strict formal approach chapters. All chapters contain many detailed examples explaining each of the introduced notions and definitions, well chosen sets of exercises with carefully written solutions, and sets of homework. While many logic books are available, they were written by logicians for logicians, not for computer scientists. They usually choose one particular way of presenting the material and use a specialized language. Logics for Computer Science discusses Gentzen as well as Hilbert formalizations, first order theories, the Hilbert Program, Godel's first and second incompleteness theorems and their proofs. It also introduces and discusses some many valued logics, modal logics and introduces algebraic models for classical, intuitionistic, and modal S4 and S5 logics.The theory of computation is based on concepts defined by logicians and mathematicians. Logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, and this book explains the basic theorems, as well as different techniques of proving them in classical and some non-classical logics. Important applications derived from concepts of logic for computer technology include Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. In addition to Computer Science, this book may also find an audience in mathematics and philosophy courses, and some of the chapters are also useful for a course in Artificial Intelligence.

Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases

by Jan Chomicki Ron Van Der Meyden Gunter Saake

In this era of heterogeneous and distributed data sources, ranging from semistructured documents to knowledge about coordination processes or workflows, logic provides a rich set of tools and techniques with which to address the questions of how to represent, query and reason about complex data. This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of research on the application of logic-based methods to information systems, covering highly topical and emerging fields: XML programming and querying, intelligent agents, workflow modeling and verification, data integration, temporal and dynamic information, data mining, authorization, and security. It provides both scientists and graduate students with a wealth of material and references for their own research and education.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 16th European Conference, JELIA 2019, Rende, Italy, May 7–11, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11468)

by Francesco Calimeri Nicola Leone Marco Manna

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2019, held in Rende, Italy, in May 2019. The 50 full papers and 10 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. Additionally, the book contains 3 invited papers. The accepted papers span a number of areas within Logics in AI, including: belief revision and argumentation; causal, defeasible and inductive reasoning; conditional, probabilistic and propositional logic; description logics; logic programming; modal and default logic; and temporal logic.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: European Workshop, JELIA ’98 Dagstuhl, Germany, October 12–15, 1998 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1489)

by Farinas Luis Del Cerro Ulrich Furbach

This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the conference and two abstracts from invited speakers. The programme committee selected these 25 papers from 12 countries out of 65 submissions from 17 countries. The rst JELIA meeting was in Rosco , France, ten years ago. Afterwards, it took place in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, and now again in Germany. The proceedings of the last four meetings appeared in the Springer-Verlag LNCS series, and a selected series of papers of the English and the Portuguese meeting appeared as special issues in the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics and in the Journal of Automated Reasoning, respectively. The aim of JELIA was and still is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and results in the domain of foundations of AI, focusing on rigorous descriptions of some aspects of intelligence. These descriptions are promoted by applications, and produced by logical tools and methods. The papers contained in this volume cover the following topics: 1. Logic programming 2. Epistemic logics 3. Theorem proving 4. Non-monotonic reasoning 5. Non-standard logics 6. Knowledge representation 7. Higher order logics We would like to warmly thank the authors, the invited speakers, the m- bers of the program committee, and the additional reviewers listed below. They all have made these proceedings possible and ensured their quality.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 13th European Conference, JELIA 2012, Toulouse, France, September 26-28, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7519)

by Luis Fariñas Del Cerro Andreas Herzig Jérôme Mengin

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, held in Toulouse, France, in September 2012. The book includes 3 invited talks, 36 regular papers, and 5 system descriptions, selected from 107 submissions. The papers cover various aspects of theory and methods of logic for artificial intelligence.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 17th European Conference, JELIA 2021, Virtual Event, May 17–20, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12678)

by Wolfgang Faber Gerhard Friedrich Martin Gebser Michael Morak

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2021, held as a virtual event, in May 2021. The 27 full papers and 3 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. The accepted papers span a number of areas within Logics in AI, including: argumentation; belief revision; reasoning about actions, causality, and change; constraint satisfaction; description logics and ontological reasoning; non-classical logics; and logic programming (answer set programming).

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 14th European Conference, JELIA 2014, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, September 24-26, 2014, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8761)

by Eduardo Fermé Joao Leite

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2014, held in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, in September 2014. The 35 full papers and 14 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 121 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: description logics; automated reasoning; logics for uncertain reasoning; non-classical logics; answer-set programming; belief revision; dealing with inconsistency in ASP and DL; reason about actions and causality; system descriptions; short system descriptions; and short papers. The book also contains 4 full paper invited talks.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4160)

by Michael Fisher Wiebe Van Der Hoek Boris Konev Alexei Lisitsa

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2006. The 34 revised full papers and 12 revised tool description papers presented together with 3 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 96 submissions. The papers cover a range of topics within the remit of the Conference, such as logic programming, description logics, non-monotonic reasoning, agent theories, automated reasoning, and machine learning.

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