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Logische Untersuchungen Ergänzungsband Erster Teil: Entwürfe zur Umarbeitung der VI. Untersuchung und zur Vorrede für die Neuauflage der Logischen Untersuchungen (Sommer 1913) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #20/1)

by Edmund Husserl

Vom Sommer 1913 bis zum Sommer 1914 arbeitete Husserl zunächst an der Umarbeitung und dann an einer völligen Neufassung der VI. Logischen Untersuchung. Im vorliegenden ersten Teil einer zweibändigen Ausgabe gelangen die im Nachlass erhaltenen Entwürfe zur Umarbeitung der VI. Untersuchung aus dem Sommer 1913 zur Veröffentlichung. Diese Entwürfe lagen zum Teil bereits in Druckproben bzw. Druckfahnen vor, die Husserl dann erneut intensiv überarbeitet und handschriftlich erweitert hat. Nach dem Erscheinen der Ideen I im April 1913 war es nicht nur Husserls Absicht, die VI. Untersuchung seinem neuen methodologischen Standpunkt anzupassen, sondern auch seine langjährigen und weitverzweigten aktphänomenologischen Forschungen, vor allem seine Analysen der Wahrnehmung, der Phantasie und der Aktmodalitäten sowie seine urteilstheoretischen Analysen in den Text einfliessen zu lassen. Der Versuch einer Umarbeitung der VI. Untersuchung erfolgte im Hinblick auf die Neuausgabe der Logischen Untersuchungen im Herbst 1913. Dieser Neuausgabe wollte Husserl eine längere Vorrede voranstellen. Die im Nachlass erhaltenen Bruchstücke von zwei im September 1913 entstandenen Entwürfen dieser Vorrede ergänzen die hier veröffentlichten Umarbeitungsentwürfe.

Logische Untersuchungen. Ergänzungsband. Zweiter Teil.: Texte für die Neufassung der VI. Untersuchung. Zur Phänomenologie des Ausdrucks und der Erkenntnis (1893/94-1921) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #20/2)

by Edmund Husserl

Vom Dezember 1913 bis April 1914 arbeitete Husserl an einer Neufassung der VI. Logischen Untersuchung. Der vorliegende Band enthält zum einen die im Zuge dieser Arbeit entstandenen Manuskripte und zum anderen ältere Manuskripte, die zum Teil bis vor der ersten Veröffentlichung der Logischen Untersuchungen im Jahre 1900/1901 zurückreichen. Diese älteren Manuskripte dienten Husserl als Material für die Neufassung, von der nur das Anfangsstück zu einer Ausarbeitung gelangte. Im Mittelpunkt von Husserls Arbeiten für die Neufassung steht die Ausdrucks- und Zeichenlehre sowie die Rolle des Ausdrückens im Erkennen. Ist das Ausdrücken selbst ein Erkennen oder setzt es ein Erkennen voraus, und worin besteht seine über die kommunikative Funktion hinausgehende Leistung? Bei dem Versuch diese Fragen zu beantworten entwickelt Husserl eine neue Zeichenlehre, eine neue Bestimmung des Bedeutungsbewusstseins und eine daraus folgende neue Lehre des Erfüllungsgeschehens, d.h. eine neue Erkenntnislehre. Von großer Bedeutung in Husserls Überlegungen erweist sich eine fundamentale Differenzierung im Intentionalitätsbegriff zwischen Intention als Tendenz und Intention als Meinung. Einen eigenen Schwerpunkt in den Manuskripten für die Neufassung bildet die Frage nach dem Ausdruck des Wünschens bzw. des Wunsches.

Logischer Empirismus, Lebensreform und die deutsche Jugendbewegung: Logical Empiricism, Life Reform, and the German Youth Movement (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis #32)

by Christian Damböck Günther Sandner Meike G. Werner

This open-access book is the first to investigate the roots of Logical Empiricism in the context of the Life Reform and the German Youth Movements. Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach are the key protagonists; they both belonged to the German Youth Movement and developed their early philosophical views in this setting. By combining scholarly essays with unpublished and hard to access manuscripts, letters, and articles, this volume recasts our understanding of the early years of Logical Empiricism.

Logischer Empirismus, Werte und Moral: Eine Neubewertung (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis)

by Anne Siegetsleitner

Trotz ihres sozialen und politischen Engagements wurden die Logischen Empiristen – allen voran die Mitglieder des Wiener Kreises – nicht für ihr Interesse an Ethik und Wertphilosophie bekannt. Ihnen wurde sogar vorgeworfen, Werte und Moral zu zerstören. Die Autorinnen und Autoren liefern in diesem Band eine längst fällige Neubewertung logisch-empiristischer Positionen hinsichtlich der Frage von Werten und Moral. Sie beleuchten die wissenschaftlich-humanistisch motivierte Ablehnung traditioneller Ethik jenseits von vorherrschenden Klischeebildern.

Logos and Alogon: Thinkable and the Unthinkable in Mathematics, from the Pythagoreans to the Moderns

by Arkady Plotnitsky

This book is a philosophical study of mathematics, pursued by considering and relating two aspects of mathematical thinking and practice, especially in modern mathematics, which, having emerged around 1800, consolidated around 1900 and extends to our own time, while also tracing both aspects to earlier periods, beginning with the ancient Greek mathematics. The first aspect is conceptual, which characterizes mathematics as the invention of and working with concepts, rather than only by its logical nature. The second, Pythagorean, aspect is grounded, first, in the interplay of geometry and algebra in modern mathematics, and secondly, in the epistemologically most radical form of modern mathematics, designated in this study as radical Pythagorean mathematics. This form of mathematics is defined by the role of that which beyond the limits of thought in mathematical thinking, or in ancient Greek terms, used in the book’s title, an alogon in the logos of mathematics. The outcome of this investigation is a new philosophical and historical understanding of the nature of modern mathematics and mathematics in general. The book is addressed to mathematicians, mathematical physicists, and philosophers and historians of mathematics, and graduate students in these fields.

Logos and Life: The Spontaneous and the Creative in Man’s Self-Interpretation-in-the-Sacred (Analecta Husserliana #25)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

PART I THE CRITIQUE OF REASON CONTINUED: FROM LOGOS TO ANTI-LOGOS 1. THE NEW CRITIQUE OF REASON A new critique of reason is the crucial task imposed on the philosophy of our times as we emerge more and more from so-called "modernism" into a historical phase which will have to take its own paths and find its own determination. It may be considered that the main developmental line of modern times in its philosophy as well as in its culture at large was traced by the Cartesian cogito. The unfolding of Occidental philos­ ophy has culminated in reason or intellect's being awarded the central place. This is its specific trait. We can see a direct line of progression from the cogito to Kant's Critique. It is no wonder that this work is the landmark of modern philosophy. Kant's Critique was concerned with the foundation of the sciences. Edmund-Husserllaunched a second major, renewed, critique of reason, one which addresses not only the critical situation of the sciences but extends the critique even to the situation of Occidental culture as its malaise is diagnosed by this great thinker. Edmund Husserl voiced, in fact, the conviction that Occidental humanity has reached in our age the peak of its unfolding. His identify­ ing this peak with the formulation of phenomenological philosophy strikes at the point in which the significant and novel developments of Occidental culture and philosophy (phenomenology, that is) coincide.

Logos and Life: Introduction to the Phenomenology of Life and the Human Condition (Analecta Husserliana #24)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

It is rare that we feel ourselves to be participating in history. Yet, as Bertrand Russell observed, philosophy develops in response to the challenges of socio-cultural problems and situations. The present-day philosophical endeavor is prompted not by one or two, but by a conundrum of problems and controversies in which the forces carrying life are set against each other. The struggles in which contemporary mankind is fiercely engaged are not confined, as in the past, to economic, territorial, or religious rivalries, nor to the quest for power, but extend to the primary conditions of human existence. They under­ mine man's primogenital confidence in life and shatter the intimacy of his home on earth. Philosophical reflection today cannot fail to feel the pressure of the current situation within which it unfolds. Since this situation now involves the ultimate conditions of human existence, its demands have at last given to philosophy the impetus and direction needed for conceiving that the first and last of its concerns should be life itself.

Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos. Book Four: The Logos of Scientific Interrogation, Participating in Nature-Life-Sharing in Life (Analecta Husserliana #91)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

Prompted and ever diversified by the specifically human interrogative logos, scientific inquiries seek a common system of links in order to mutually confirm and rectify their results. Coming closer and closer to phenomenology, the sciences of life find the common ground of the reality in the ontopoiesis of life. Could it not be that the interrogative logos of science, participating in human creative inventiveness will bring together also the divergent scientific methods in a common network? A network which comprises natural processes, societal sharing-in-life, and existential communication.

Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos. Book Three: Logos of History - Logos of Life, Historicity, Time, Nature, Communication, Consciousness, Alterity, Culture (Analecta Husserliana #90)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

Situated at the crossroads of nature and culture, physics and consciousness, cosmos and life, history – intimately conjoined with time – continues to puzzle the philosopher as well as the scientist. Does brute nature unfold a history? Does human history have a telos? Does human existence have a purpose? Phenomenology of life projects a new interrogative system for reexamining these questions. We are invited to follow the logos of life as it spins in innumerable ways the interplay of natural factors, human passions, social forces, science and experience – through interruptions and kairic moments of accomplishment – in the human creative imagination and intellective reasoning. There then run a cohesive thread of reality.

Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos. Book Two: The Human Condition in-the-Unity-of-Everything-there-is-alive Individuation, Self, Person, Self-determination, Freedom, Necessity (Analecta Husserliana #89)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

The human being is today at the center of scientific, social, ethical and philosophical debates. The Human Condition-in-the-unity-of-everything-there-is-alive, under whose aegis the present selection of essays falls, offers the urgently needed new approach to reinvestigating humanness. While recent advances in the neurosciences, genetics and bio-engineering challenge the traditional abstract conception of "human nature", indicating its transformability, thus putting in question the main tenets of traditional philosophical anthropology, in the new perspective of the Human Creative Condition the human individual is seen in its emergence and unfolding within the dynamic networks of the logos of life, and within the evolution of living types. Just the same, the creative logos of the mind lifts the human person into a sphere of freedom. Within the networks of the logos we retrieve the classical principles – human subject, ego, self, body, soul, person – reinterpret them to counter the naturalistic critique (Tymieniecka). Thus principles of a new philosophical anthropology satisfying the requirements of the present time are laid down.

Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of the Logos. Book Five: The Creative Logos. Aesthetic Ciphering in Fine Arts, Literature and Aesthetics (Analecta Husserliana #92)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

Having established in the ontopoiesis/phenomenology of life the creative function of the human being as the fulcrum of our beingness-in-becoming, let us now turn to investigate the creative logos. In this collection, the momentum of a gathering "creative brainstorm" leads to the vertiginous imaginative transformability of the creative logos as it ciphers through the aesthetic sense, the elements of experience – sensing, feeling, emotions, forming – in works of art, thus lifting human experience into spirit and culture.

Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of the Logos. Book One: Phenomenology as the Critique of Reason in Contemporary Criticism and Interpretation (Analecta Husserliana #88)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

During its century-long unfolding, spreading in numerous directions, Husserlian phenomenology while loosening inner articulations, has nevertheless maintained a somewhat consistent profile. As we see in this collection, the numerous conceptions and theories advanced in the various phases of reinterpretations have remained identifiable with phenomenology. What conveys this consistency in virtue of which innumerable types of inquiry-scientific, social, artistic, literary – may consider themselves phenomenological? Is it not the quintessence of the phenomenological quest, namely our seeking to reach the very foundations of reality at all its constitutive levels by pursuing its logos? Inquiring into the logos of the phenomenological quest we discover, indeed, all the main constitutive spheres of reality and of the human subject involved in it, and concurrently, the logos itself comes to light in the radiation of its force (Tymieniecka).

London Politics, 1760-1914

by M. Cragoe A. Taylor

This collection offers the first detailed investigation of political life in nineteenth-century London. London politics did not share the free-trade and civil-equality preoccupations of the provinces which currently dominate scholarly literature. As these essays reveal, the capital remained more concerned with older struggles for political independence. By highlighting the inability of existing accounts to accommodate metropolitan distinctiveness, the collection aims to stimulate a major reappraisal not of London politics alone, but of Victorian political history more generally.

London Writing of the 1930s (Midcentury Modern Writers Ser.)

by Anna Cottrell

Analyses our modern obsession with intense experiences in terms of the metaphysics of intensity

London Writing of the 1930s

by Anna Cottrell

Maps materiality's importance in the emergent posthuman future of architecture

Loneliness as a Way of Life

by Thomas Dumm

“What does it mean to be lonely?” Thomas Dumm asks. His inquiry, documented in this book, takes us beyond social circumstances and into the deeper forces that shape our very existence as modern individuals. The modern individual, Dumm suggests, is fundamentally a lonely self. Through reflections on philosophy, political theory, literature, and tragic drama, he proceeds to illuminate a hidden dimension of the human condition. His book shows how loneliness shapes the contemporary division between public and private, our inability to live with each other honestly and in comity, the estranged forms that our intimate relationships assume, and the weakness of our common bonds. A reading of the relationship between Cordelia and her father in Shakespeare’s King Lear points to the most basic dynamic of modern loneliness—how it is a response to the problem of the “missing mother.” Dumm goes on to explore the most important dimensions of lonely experience—Being, Having, Loving, and Grieving. As the book unfolds, he juxtaposes new interpretations of iconic cultural texts—Moby-Dick, Death of a Salesman, the film Paris, Texas, Emerson’s “Experience,” to name a few—with his own experiences of loneliness, as a son, as a father, and as a grieving husband and widower. Written with deceptive simplicity, Loneliness as a Way of Life is something rare—an intellectual study that is passionately personal. It challenges us, not to overcome our loneliness, but to learn how to re-inhabit it in a better way. To fail to do so, this book reveals, will only intensify the power that it holds over us.

Loneliness of the Dying

by Norbert Elias

Originally published in 1985, this is a short meditation by a great old man on people relating to other people who are dying, and the need for all of us to open up.

Lonergan, Meaning and Method: Philosophical Essays

by Andrew Beards

Bernard Lonergan (1904-84) is acknowledged as one of the most significant philosopher-theologians of the 20th century. Lonergan, Meaning and Method in many ways complements Andrew Beards' previous book on Lonergan, Insight and Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2010). Andrew Beards applies Lonergan's thought and brings it into critical dialogue and discussion with other contemporary philosophical interlocutors, principally from the analytical tradition. He also introduces themes and arguments from the continental tradition, as well as offering interpretative analysis of some central notions in Lonergan's thought that are of interest to all who wish to understand the importance of Lonergan's work for philosophy and Christian theology. Three of the chapters focus upon areas of fruitful exchange and debate between Lonergan's thought and the work of three major figures in current analytical philosophy: Nancy Cartwright, Timothy Williamson and Scott Soames. The discussion also ranges across such topics as meaning theory, metaphilosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science and aesthetics.

Lonergan, Meaning and Method: Philosophical Essays

by Andrew Beards

Bernard Lonergan (1904-84) is acknowledged as one of the most significant philosopher-theologians of the 20th century. Lonergan, Meaning and Method in many ways complements Andrew Beards' previous book on Lonergan, Insight and Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2010). Andrew Beards applies Lonergan's thought and brings it into critical dialogue and discussion with other contemporary philosophical interlocutors, principally from the analytical tradition. He also introduces themes and arguments from the continental tradition, as well as offering interpretative analysis of some central notions in Lonergan's thought that are of interest to all who wish to understand the importance of Lonergan's work for philosophy and Christian theology. Three of the chapters focus upon areas of fruitful exchange and debate between Lonergan's thought and the work of three major figures in current analytical philosophy: Nancy Cartwright, Timothy Williamson and Scott Soames. The discussion also ranges across such topics as meaning theory, metaphilosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science and aesthetics.

The Long East Asia: The Premodern State and Its Contemporary Impacts (Governing China in the 21st Century)

by Zhengxu Wang

This book brings together a range of studies that aim at illustrating the ideas, institutions, historical patterns, and contemporary relevance of the social-political system that existed in the main part of East Asia during the premodern era. This is most often known as the Confucian literati-bureaucratic state, the imperial Chinese bureaucratic state, or the Confucian-Legalist state, that was established and endured most notably in China, but also in several East Asian societies such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan. That state and sociopolitical system also greatly shaped state making in several kingdoms in the region – such as Ryukyu and Dali – which were later merged into larger polities. Illuminating the significance of these historical patterns for today, this book will interest political scientists, historians, philosophers, and the general public.

Long Problems: Climate Change and the Challenge of Governing across Time

by Thomas Hale

Political strategies for tackling climate change and other &“long problems&” that span generationsClimate change and its consequences unfold over many generations. Past emissions affect our climate today, just as our actions shape the climate of tomorrow, while the effects of global warming will last thousands of years. Yet the priorities of the present dominate our climate policy and the politics surrounding it. Even the social science that attempts to frame the problem does not theorize time effectively. In this pathbreaking book, Thomas Hale examines the politics of climate change and other &“long problems.&” He shows why we find it hard to act before a problem&’s effects are felt, why our future interests carry little weight in current debates, and why our institutions struggle to balance durability and adaptability. With long-term goals in mind, he outlines strategies for tilting the politics and policies of climate change toward better outcomes.Globalization &“widened&” political problems across national boundaries and changed our understanding of politics and governance. Hale argues that we must make a similar shift to understand the &“lengthening&” of problems across time. He describes tools and strategies that can, under certain conditions, allow policymakers to anticipate future needs and risks, make interventions that get ahead of problems, shift time horizons, adapt to changing circumstances, and set forward-looking goals that endure. As the climate changes, politics must, too. Efforts to solve long-term problems—not only climate change but other issues as well, including technology governance and demographic shifts—can also be a catalyst for a broader institutional transformation oriented toward the long term. With Long Problems, Hale offers an essential guide to governing across time.

A Long Saturday: Conversations

by George Steiner Laure Adler

George Steiner is one of the preeminent intellectuals of our time. The Washington Post has declared that no one else “writing on literature can match him as polymath and polyglot, and few can equal the verve and eloquence of his writing,” while the New York Times says of his works that “the erudition is almost as extraordinary as the prose: dense, knowing, allusive.” Reading in many languages, celebrating the survival of high culture in the face of modern barbarisms, Steiner probes the ethics of language and literature with unparalleled grace and authority. A Long Saturday offers intimate insight into the questions that have absorbed him throughout his career. In a stimulating series of conversations, Steiner and journalist Laure Adler discuss a range of topics, including Steiner’s boyhood in Vienna and Paris, his education at the University of Chicago and Harvard, and his early years in academia. Books are a touchstone throughout, but Steiner and Adler’s conversations also range over music, chess, psychoanalysis, the place of Israel in Jewish life, and beyond. Blending thoughts on subjects of broad interest in the humanities—the issue of honoring Richard Wagner and Martin Heidegger in spite of their politics, or Virginia Woolf’s awareness of the novel as a multivocal form, for example—with personal reflections on life and family, Steiner demonstrates why he is considered one of today’s greatest minds. Revealing and exhilarating, A Long Saturday invites readers to pull up a chair and listen in on a conversation with a master.

A Long Saturday: Conversations

by George Steiner Laure Adler

George Steiner is one of the preeminent intellectuals of our time. The Washington Post has declared that no one else “writing on literature can match him as polymath and polyglot, and few can equal the verve and eloquence of his writing,” while the New York Times says of his works that “the erudition is almost as extraordinary as the prose: dense, knowing, allusive.” Reading in many languages, celebrating the survival of high culture in the face of modern barbarisms, Steiner probes the ethics of language and literature with unparalleled grace and authority. A Long Saturday offers intimate insight into the questions that have absorbed him throughout his career. In a stimulating series of conversations, Steiner and journalist Laure Adler discuss a range of topics, including Steiner’s boyhood in Vienna and Paris, his education at the University of Chicago and Harvard, and his early years in academia. Books are a touchstone throughout, but Steiner and Adler’s conversations also range over music, chess, psychoanalysis, the place of Israel in Jewish life, and beyond. Blending thoughts on subjects of broad interest in the humanities—the issue of honoring Richard Wagner and Martin Heidegger in spite of their politics, or Virginia Woolf’s awareness of the novel as a multivocal form, for example—with personal reflections on life and family, Steiner demonstrates why he is considered one of today’s greatest minds. Revealing and exhilarating, A Long Saturday invites readers to pull up a chair and listen in on a conversation with a master.

A Long Saturday: Conversations

by George Steiner Laure Adler

George Steiner is one of the preeminent intellectuals of our time. The Washington Post has declared that no one else “writing on literature can match him as polymath and polyglot, and few can equal the verve and eloquence of his writing,” while the New York Times says of his works that “the erudition is almost as extraordinary as the prose: dense, knowing, allusive.” Reading in many languages, celebrating the survival of high culture in the face of modern barbarisms, Steiner probes the ethics of language and literature with unparalleled grace and authority. A Long Saturday offers intimate insight into the questions that have absorbed him throughout his career. In a stimulating series of conversations, Steiner and journalist Laure Adler discuss a range of topics, including Steiner’s boyhood in Vienna and Paris, his education at the University of Chicago and Harvard, and his early years in academia. Books are a touchstone throughout, but Steiner and Adler’s conversations also range over music, chess, psychoanalysis, the place of Israel in Jewish life, and beyond. Blending thoughts on subjects of broad interest in the humanities—the issue of honoring Richard Wagner and Martin Heidegger in spite of their politics, or Virginia Woolf’s awareness of the novel as a multivocal form, for example—with personal reflections on life and family, Steiner demonstrates why he is considered one of today’s greatest minds. Revealing and exhilarating, A Long Saturday invites readers to pull up a chair and listen in on a conversation with a master.

A Long Saturday: Conversations

by George Steiner Laure Adler

George Steiner is one of the preeminent intellectuals of our time. The Washington Post has declared that no one else “writing on literature can match him as polymath and polyglot, and few can equal the verve and eloquence of his writing,” while the New York Times says of his works that “the erudition is almost as extraordinary as the prose: dense, knowing, allusive.” Reading in many languages, celebrating the survival of high culture in the face of modern barbarisms, Steiner probes the ethics of language and literature with unparalleled grace and authority. A Long Saturday offers intimate insight into the questions that have absorbed him throughout his career. In a stimulating series of conversations, Steiner and journalist Laure Adler discuss a range of topics, including Steiner’s boyhood in Vienna and Paris, his education at the University of Chicago and Harvard, and his early years in academia. Books are a touchstone throughout, but Steiner and Adler’s conversations also range over music, chess, psychoanalysis, the place of Israel in Jewish life, and beyond. Blending thoughts on subjects of broad interest in the humanities—the issue of honoring Richard Wagner and Martin Heidegger in spite of their politics, or Virginia Woolf’s awareness of the novel as a multivocal form, for example—with personal reflections on life and family, Steiner demonstrates why he is considered one of today’s greatest minds. Revealing and exhilarating, A Long Saturday invites readers to pull up a chair and listen in on a conversation with a master.

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