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Showing 33,526 through 33,550 of 63,556 results

Macht und Architektur: Hauptstadtbau, Demokratie und die Politik des Raumes

by Michael Minkenberg

Der Fokus dieses Buches liegt auf der Rolle von Hauptstadtgestaltung und Architektur und deren Verhältnis zur politischen Ordnung, insbesondere der Demokratie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die These, dass sich aufgrund der abstrakten und kollektiven Natur des Souveräns im demokratischen Staat keine eindeutige Formensprache an der Staatsarchitektur „demokratischer Hauptstädte“ ablesen lässt. Vielmehr kommt Demokratie darin zum Ausdruck, dass Hauptstädte die politischen Strukturen durch ihr Design und ihre öffentliche Architektur sichtbar machen und zugleich eine funktionierende Bühne für die performativen Aufgaben der Demokratie bereitstellen.

Macht und Effizienz: Studien zur kapitalistischen Rationalisierung der Arbeit (Ausgewählte Schriften von Claus Offe #1)

by Claus Offe

Im ersten Band der „Ausgewählten Schriften von Claus Offe“ sind wichtige Arbeiten zu Arbeitsmarkt und Arbeitsgesellschaft sowie deren Zusammenhang mit der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsordnung zusammengestellt. Die Studien sind überwiegend in der zweiten Hälfte der 1970er und in den 1980er Jahren entstanden, aber wohl auch heute von mehr als antiquarischem Interesse, weil die Kerninstitutionen kapitalistischer (Erwerbsarbeits-)Gesellschaften mit ihren Machtstrukturen, Verteilungsergebnissen und ihrer Konfliktdynamik zu wesentlichen Teilen unverändert geblieben sind. Unverändert oder sogar verstärkt sind wir mit Problemen der Arbeitsmarkt-Spaltung, der Prekarität, des Niedriglohnsektors, der durch Stagnation, technischen Wandel und/oder „Globalisierung“ bedingten Beschäftigungsrisiken, des Übergangs von der „industriellen“ in die „Dienstleistungsgesellschaft“, dem Verhältnis von Erwerbsarbeit und anderen Arten nutzenstiftender Tätigkeit sowie mit Motiven und politischen Möglichkeiten konfrontiert, Lage und Dauer der Arbeitszeit neu zu gestalten.

Macht- und Gestaltungszielverfolgung von Regierungsparteien: Strategische Muster der SPD 1998–2005

by Jochen Sunken

Diese Arbeit entwickelt erstmals ein Analysekonzept strategischer Muster der Macht- und Gestaltungszielverfolgung, welches auf die Regierungszeit der SPD 1998-2005 angewendet wird. Politische Strategie ist entgegen vorherrschender Sichtweisen nicht nur ein in die Zukunft gerichteter Plan, sondern kann auch ein sich aus vielen Einzelschritten ergebendes strategisches Muster sein. Dies gilt auch und insbesondere für Strategien der Macht- und Gestaltungszielverfolgung von Regierungsparteien, die von Zielkonflikten, aber auch Zielabhängigkeiten geprägt sind.

Macht und Gewalt. Hannah Arendts „On Violence" neu gelesen

Dieses Buch vereinigt Studien, die Arendts Überlegungen zu den Begriffen von Macht- und Gewalt kritisch prüfen, in den theoriegeschichtlichen Überlieferungszusammenhang von der Antike bis in das 20. Jahrhundert stellen und im aktuellen Diskursumfeld verorten. Dabei sollen die Stärken und ggf. auch die Schwächen der Entgegensetzung von Macht und Gewalt zur Sprache kommen. Es ist zu prüfen, inwiefern Arendts Überlegungen nicht nur die blinden Flecken der gegenwärtigen Diskussion zu identifizieren erlauben, sondern die Grundlage für weiterführende Theoriebildung liefern können.

Macht und Herrschaft: Zur Revision zweier soziologischer Grundbegriffe

by Peter Gostmann Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz

Das Buch befasst sich mit Kernbegriffen der Sozialwissenschaften: Macht und Herrschaft. Mit Beiträgen von Gerhard Wagner, Guy Oakes, Hubert Treiber, Peter Gostmann, Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz, Dirk Tänzler und Stephen Turner.

Macht und Herrschaft: Zur Revision zweier soziologischer Grundbegriffe

by Peter Gostmann Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz

Das Buch befasst sich mit Kernbegriffen der Sozialwissenschaften: Macht und Herrschaft. Mit Beiträgen von Gerhard Wagner, Guy Oakes, Hubert Treiber, Peter Gostmann, Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz, Dirk Tänzler und Stephen Turner.

Macht und Magie: Tiefenhermeneutische Rekonstruktion nationalsozialistischer, neokonservativer und rechtspopulistischer Inszenierungen in Deutschland (Kritische Sozialpsychologie)

by Hans-Dieter König

Dieses Buch beantwortet die sozialpsychologische Frage, wie politische Akteure und Akteurinnen die Mehrheit der Deutschen für partikulare Machtinteressen eingenommen haben. Die tiefenhermeneutische Analyse zeigt, wie politische Reden ihre Wirkung durch eine Magie der Worte und durch magische Inszenierungen entfalten.

Macht und Recht: Festschrift für Heinrich Popitz zum 65. Geburtstag

by Hans Oswald

Die Aufsätze von Weggefährten und Schülern von Heinrich Popitz beziehen sich auf zwei zentrale Fragen von dessen Arbeit, nämlich - unter der Überschrift "Recht" - auf die normative Konstruktion von Gesellschaft und - unter der Überschrift "Macht" - auf Prozesse der Machtbildung und Phänomene der Über- und Unterordnung. Die Autoren behandeln diese Themen unter soziologischen, politikwissenschaftlichen und ethnologischen Gesichtspunkten.

MacLaurin's Physical Dissertations (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Ian Tweddle

This book presents important works by the Scottish mathematician Colin MacLaurin (1698-1746), translated in English for the first time. It includes three of the mathematician’s less known and often hard to obtain works. A general introduction puts the works in context and gives an outline of MacLaurin's career. Each translation is also accompanied by an introduction and analyzed both in modern terms and from a historical point of view.

The Macmillan-Eisenhower Correspondence, 1957-69

by E. Geelhoed A. Edmonds

The Macmillan-Eisenhower Correspondence provides, for the first time, an edition of the messages exchanged between Harold Macmillan and Dwight D. Eisenhower during their tenures as national leaders in the late 1950s. The collection consists of more than 400 letters, cables and transcripts of telephone conversations. This extensive correspondence reveals the agreements and disagreements between Macmillan and Eisenhower and their approaches to the major political issues of their time. The correspondence also shows how Macmillan and Eisenhower preserved and strengthened the Anglo-American alliance at a critical time in the history of the Cold War.

Macrocognition: A Theory of Distributed Minds and Collective Intentionality

by Bryce Huebner

We live in an age of scientific collaboration, popular uprisings, failing political parties, and increasing corporate power. Many of these kinds of collective action derive from the decisions of intelligent and powerful leaders, and many others emerge as a result of the aggregation of individual interests. But genuinely collective mentality remains a seductive possibility. This book develops a novel approach to distributed cognition and collective intentionality. It argues that genuine cognition requires the capacity to engage in flexible goal-directed behavior, and that this requires specialized representational systems that are integrated in a way that yields fluid and skillful coping with environmental contingencies. In line with this argument, the book claims that collective mentality should be posited where and only where specialized subroutines are integrated to yields goal-directed behavior that is sensitive to the concerns that are relevant to a group as such. Unlike traditional claims about collective intentionality, this approach reveals that there are many kinds of collective minds: some groups have cognitive capacities that are more like those that we find in honeybees or cats than they are like those that we find in people. Indeed, groups are unlikely to be "believers" in the fullest sense of the term, and understanding why this is the case sheds new light on questions about collective intentionality and collective responsibility.

Macroeconomic Aspects of Aging and Retirement of College and University Teachers: Indo-French Perspectives

by Geeta Nair

This book explores the universal and highly topical issues of ageing and retirement. It places a particular focus on the macroeconomic aspects of the ageing and retirement of college and university teachers, through a case study of teachers and professors in France and India. While the ageing of the population and the financing of the pension system are notoriously pressing issues in Western nations such as France, it has previously not been acknowledged that these issues are also critical to the development trajectory of emerging countries such as India. The book also highlights the importance of pensions for welfare, well-being and stability in all categories of workers, including workers in the informal sector and private companies devoid of pension schemes, where jobs are largely irregular and temporary in nature. It will be of great interest to researchers in the fields of comparative education, sociology and economics.

Macroevolution: Explanation, Interpretation and Evidence (Interdisciplinary Evolution Research #2)

by Emanuele Serrelli Nathalie Gontier

This book is divided in two parts, the first of which shows how, beyond paleontology and systematics, macroevolutionary theories apply key insights from ecology and biogeography, developmental biology, biophysics, molecular phylogenetics and even the sociocultural sciences to explain evolution in deep time. In the second part, the phenomenon of macroevolution is examined with the help of real life-history case studies on the evolution of eukaryotic sex, the formation of anatomical form and body-plans, extinction and speciation events of marine invertebrates, hominin evolution and species conservation ethics.The book brings together leading experts, who explain pivotal concepts such as Punctuated Equilibria, Stasis, Developmental Constraints, Adaptive Radiations, Habitat Tracking, Turnovers, (Mass) Extinctions, Species Sorting, Major Transitions, Trends and Hierarchies – key premises that allow macroevolutionary epistemic frameworks to transcend microevolutionary theories that focus on genetic variation, selection, migration and fitness.Along the way, the contributing authors review ongoing debates and current scientific challenges; detail new and fascinating scientific tools and techniques that allow us to cross the classic borders between disciplines; demonstrate how their theories make it possible to extend the Modern Synthesis; present guidelines on how the macroevolutionary field could be further developed; and provide a rich view of just how it was that life evolved across time and space. In short, this book is a must-read for active scholars and because the technical aspects are fully explained, it is also accessible for non-specialists.Understanding evolution requires a solid grasp of above-population phenomena. Species are real biological individuals and abiotic factors impact the future course of evolution. Beyond observation, when the explanation of macroevolution is the goal, we need both evidence and theory that enable us to explain and interpret how life evolves at the grand scale.

Macropolitics: Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Politics

by Friedrich Meinecke

A selection of essays by a pioneer in the application of systems theory to political analysis, Macropolitics develops the author's concern with the philosophical foundations of political science, and with the extension of philosophical principles into the realm of empirical analysis. For this volume, Kaplan has written a long essay on the philosophical foundations of his work, which constitutes one of his most important statements. He develops and explains within a philosophical context his contention that values can be treated in an empirically meaningful fashion. Organized to expand or illustrate the major points raised in this introduction, the essays that follow deal with such topics as the nature and utility of systems theory, empirical treatment of historical explanations, the systemic and psychological foundations of values, and empirical applications of systems theory in analyzing international political systems. Enlarging the dialogue between conflicting viewpoints, Kaplan exposes the common roots of Western scientific thought and Marxist philosophy, emphasizing that both status quo and revolutionary philosophies are one-sided. In his new introduction, Ira Sharkansky sees this as a truly groundbreaking work: "thanks in considerable part to the contributions of Professor Kaplan, international relations theory is a major component of political sciencei?1/2a milestone on our quest for understanding i?1/2 a distinguished part of the ongoing record." When the book first appeared, William Welch in the American Political Science Review called it "excellent: his weighing against the evidence of competing hypotheses is truly exemplary i?1/2 thorough, careful, fair-minded."

Macropolitics: Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Politics

by Friedrich Meinecke

A selection of essays by a pioneer in the application of systems theory to political analysis, Macropolitics develops the author's concern with the philosophical foundations of political science, and with the extension of philosophical principles into the realm of empirical analysis. For this volume, Kaplan has written a long essay on the philosophical foundations of his work, which constitutes one of his most important statements. He develops and explains within a philosophical context his contention that values can be treated in an empirically meaningful fashion. Organized to expand or illustrate the major points raised in this introduction, the essays that follow deal with such topics as the nature and utility of systems theory, empirical treatment of historical explanations, the systemic and psychological foundations of values, and empirical applications of systems theory in analyzing international political systems. Enlarging the dialogue between conflicting viewpoints, Kaplan exposes the common roots of Western scientific thought and Marxist philosophy, emphasizing that both status quo and revolutionary philosophies are one-sided. In his new introduction, Ira Sharkansky sees this as a truly groundbreaking work: "thanks in considerable part to the contributions of Professor Kaplan, international relations theory is a major component of political sciencei?1/2a milestone on our quest for understanding i?1/2 a distinguished part of the ongoing record." When the book first appeared, William Welch in the American Political Science Review called it "excellent: his weighing against the evidence of competing hypotheses is truly exemplary i?1/2 thorough, careful, fair-minded."

Macroscopic Metaphysics: Middle-Sized Objects and Longish Processes (Synthese Library #390)

by Paul Needham

This book is about our ordinary concept of matter in the form of enduring continuants and the processes in which they are involved in the macroscopic realm. It emphasises what science rather than philosophical intuition tells us about the world, and chemistry rather than the physics that is more usually encountered in philosophical discussions. The central chapters dealing with the nature of matter pursue key steps in the historical development of scientific conceptions of chemical substance.Like many contemporary discussions of material objects, it relies heavily on mereology. The classical principles are applied to the mereological structure of regions of space, intervals of time, processes and quantities of matter. Quantities of matter, which don’t gain or lose parts over time, are distinguished from individuals, which are typically constituted of different quantities of matter at different times. The proper treatment of the temporal aspect of the features of material objects is a central issue in this book, which is addressed by investigating the conditions governing the application of predicates relating time and other entities. Of particular interest here are relations between quantities of matter and times expressing substance kind, phase and mixture. Modal aspects of these features are taken up in the final chapter.

Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Explore the philosophy at the core of the apocalyptic future of Mad Max Beneath the stylized violence and thrilling car crashes, the Mad Max films consider universal questions about the nature of human life, order and anarchy, justice and moral responsibility, society and technology, and ultimately, human redemption. In Mad Max and Philosophy, a diverse team of political scientists, historians, and philosophers investigates the underlying themes of the blockbuster movie franchise, following Max as he attempts to rebuild himself and the world around him. Requiring no background in philosophy, this engaging and highly readable book guides you through the barren wastelands of a post-apocalyptic future as you explore ethics and politics in The Wasteland, the importance of costumes and music, humankind's relationship with nature, commerce, gender, religion, madness, and much more. Covers all of George Miller's Mad Max films, including Mad Max: Fury Road Discusses connections between Mad Max and Nietzsche, Malthus, Mill, Foucault, Sartre, and other major philosophers Follows Max's journey from policeman and family man to lost soul in search of redemption Examines the future of technology and possible impacts on society, the environment, and access to natural resources Delves into feminist themes of Mad Max, such as the reversal of heroic gender roles in Fury Road and relationships between power and procreationPart of the bestselling Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland is a must-read for anyone wanting to philosophically engage with Max, Furiosa, and their dystopian world.

Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Explore the philosophy at the core of the apocalyptic future of Mad Max Beneath the stylized violence and thrilling car crashes, the Mad Max films consider universal questions about the nature of human life, order and anarchy, justice and moral responsibility, society and technology, and ultimately, human redemption. In Mad Max and Philosophy, a diverse team of political scientists, historians, and philosophers investigates the underlying themes of the blockbuster movie franchise, following Max as he attempts to rebuild himself and the world around him. Requiring no background in philosophy, this engaging and highly readable book guides you through the barren wastelands of a post-apocalyptic future as you explore ethics and politics in The Wasteland, the importance of costumes and music, humankind's relationship with nature, commerce, gender, religion, madness, and much more. Covers all of George Miller's Mad Max films, including Mad Max: Fury Road Discusses connections between Mad Max and Nietzsche, Malthus, Mill, Foucault, Sartre, and other major philosophers Follows Max's journey from policeman and family man to lost soul in search of redemption Examines the future of technology and possible impacts on society, the environment, and access to natural resources Delves into feminist themes of Mad Max, such as the reversal of heroic gender roles in Fury Road and relationships between power and procreationPart of the bestselling Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland is a must-read for anyone wanting to philosophically engage with Max, Furiosa, and their dystopian world.

Mad Men and Philosophy: Nothing Is as It Seems (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series #28)

by William Irwin

A look at the philosophical underpinnings of the hit TV show, Mad Men With its swirling cigarette smoke, martini lunches, skinny ties, and tight pencil skirts, Mad Men is unquestionably one of the most stylish, sexy, and irresistible shows on television. But the series becomes even more absorbing once you dig deeper into its portrayal of the changing social and political mores of 1960s America and explore the philosophical complexities of its key characters and themes. From Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to John Kenneth Galbraith, Milton Friedman, and Ayn Rand, Mad Men and Philosophy brings the thinking of some of history's most powerful minds to bear on the world of Don Draper and the Sterling Cooper ad agency. You'll gain insights into a host of compelling Mad Men questions and issues, including happiness, freedom, authenticity, feminism, Don Draper's identity, and more. Takes an unprecedented look at the philosophical issues and themes behind AMC's Emmy Award-winning show, Mad Men Explores issues ranging from identity to authenticity to feminism, and more Offers new insights on your favorite Mad Men characters, themes, and storylines Mad Men and Philosophy will give Mad Men fans everywhere something new to talk about around the water cooler.

Mad Men and Philosophy: Nothing Is as It Seems (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series #28)

by William Irwin

A look at the philosophical underpinnings of the hit TV show, Mad Men With its swirling cigarette smoke, martini lunches, skinny ties, and tight pencil skirts, Mad Men is unquestionably one of the most stylish, sexy, and irresistible shows on television. But the series becomes even more absorbing once you dig deeper into its portrayal of the changing social and political mores of 1960s America and explore the philosophical complexities of its key characters and themes. From Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to John Kenneth Galbraith, Milton Friedman, and Ayn Rand, Mad Men and Philosophy brings the thinking of some of history's most powerful minds to bear on the world of Don Draper and the Sterling Cooper ad agency. You'll gain insights into a host of compelling Mad Men questions and issues, including happiness, freedom, authenticity, feminism, Don Draper's identity, and more. Takes an unprecedented look at the philosophical issues and themes behind AMC's Emmy Award-winning show, Mad Men Explores issues ranging from identity to authenticity to feminism, and more Offers new insights on your favorite Mad Men characters, themes, and storylines Mad Men and Philosophy will give Mad Men fans everywhere something new to talk about around the water cooler.

Mad Men and Politics: Nostalgia and the Remaking of Modern America

by Lilly J. Goren Linda Beail

Mad Men, using the historical backdrop of the many events that came to demarcate the 1960s, has presented a beautifully-styled rendering of this tumultuous decade, while teasing out a number of themes that resonate throughout the show and connect to the contemporary discourses that dominate today's political landscape. The chapters of this book analyze the most important dimensions explored on the show, including issues around gender, race, prejudice, the family, generational change, the social movements of the 1960s, our understanding of America's place in the world, and the idea of work in the post-war period. Mad Men and Politics provides the reader with an understanding not only of the topics and issues that can be easily grasped while watching, but also contemplates our historical perspective of the 1960s as we consider it through the telescope of our current condition.

Mad Men and Politics: Nostalgia and the Remaking of Modern America

by Lilly J. Goren Linda Beail

Mad Men, using the historical backdrop of the many events that came to demarcate the 1960s, has presented a beautifully-styled rendering of this tumultuous decade, while teasing out a number of themes that resonate throughout the show and connect to the contemporary discourses that dominate today's political landscape. The chapters of this book analyze the most important dimensions explored on the show, including issues around gender, race, prejudice, the family, generational change, the social movements of the 1960s, our understanding of America's place in the world, and the idea of work in the post-war period. Mad Men and Politics provides the reader with an understanding not only of the topics and issues that can be easily grasped while watching, but also contemplates our historical perspective of the 1960s as we consider it through the telescope of our current condition.

Made by the USA: The International System

by A. Hybel

Made by the U.S.A., The International System is a historical account, embedded in a set of theoretical constructs, of the two hundred year drive by the United States to first, become a global power and, second, create an international security and economic system capable of protecting and promoting its strategic and economic interests.

Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music (Routledge Global Popular Music Series)

by Simon Frith Martin Cloonan John Williamson

Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music serves as a comprehensive and thorough introduction to the history, politics, culture, and musicology of twentieth- and twenty-first-century popular music in Scotland. The volume consists of essays by local experts and leading scholars in Scottish music and culture, and covers the major figures, styles, and social contexts of popular music in Scotland. Each essay provides adequate context so readers understand why the figure or genre under discussion is of lasting significance. The book includes a general introduction to Scottish popular music, followed by essays organized into three thematic sections: Histories, Politics and Policies, and Futures and Imaginings. Examining music as cultural expression in a country that is both a nation and a region within a larger state, this volume uses popular music to analyse Scottishness, independence, and diversity and offers new insights into the complexity of cultural identity, the power of historical imagination, and the effects of power structures in music. It is a vital read for scholars and students interested in how popular music interacts with and shapes such issues both within and beyond the borders of Scotland.

Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music (Routledge Global Popular Music Series)

Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music serves as a comprehensive and thorough introduction to the history, politics, culture, and musicology of twentieth- and twenty-first-century popular music in Scotland. The volume consists of essays by local experts and leading scholars in Scottish music and culture, and covers the major figures, styles, and social contexts of popular music in Scotland. Each essay provides adequate context so readers understand why the figure or genre under discussion is of lasting significance. The book includes a general introduction to Scottish popular music, followed by essays organized into three thematic sections: Histories, Politics and Policies, and Futures and Imaginings. Examining music as cultural expression in a country that is both a nation and a region within a larger state, this volume uses popular music to analyse Scottishness, independence, and diversity and offers new insights into the complexity of cultural identity, the power of historical imagination, and the effects of power structures in music. It is a vital read for scholars and students interested in how popular music interacts with and shapes such issues both within and beyond the borders of Scotland.

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