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The Myth That Will Not Die: The Formation of the National Government 1931 (Routledge Revivals)

by Humphry Berkeley

No figure in the Labour movement has attracted such extremes of emotion as has James Ramsay MacDonald. Loved and almost worshipped for more than 30 years, his formation of the National Government in August 1931 incurred hatred, bitterness and contempt from those whom he had led for so long. MacDonald’s career and the admiration and odium which it engendered is without parallel in British politics. Originally published in 1978, this book provides an answer to the charge that MacDonald deliberately betrayed the Labour movement by forming a coalition government with the Conservative and Liberal Parties. It examines the criticism that he ruthlessly proceeded to destroy the Labour Party in the General Election of October 1931 – an election which he pledged, only two months earlier, would not be held. Using the private papers and authorised (auto)biographies, and the Cabinet minutes of the day, this book reconstructs what really happened between August 1 and 24 1931, and accounts for the mercilessness with which he is remembered by the Labour Party.

The Myth That Will Not Die: The Formation of the National Government 1931 (Routledge Revivals)

by Humphry Berkeley

No figure in the Labour movement has attracted such extremes of emotion as has James Ramsay MacDonald. Loved and almost worshipped for more than 30 years, his formation of the National Government in August 1931 incurred hatred, bitterness and contempt from those whom he had led for so long. MacDonald’s career and the admiration and odium which it engendered is without parallel in British politics. Originally published in 1978, this book provides an answer to the charge that MacDonald deliberately betrayed the Labour movement by forming a coalition government with the Conservative and Liberal Parties. It examines the criticism that he ruthlessly proceeded to destroy the Labour Party in the General Election of October 1931 – an election which he pledged, only two months earlier, would not be held. Using the private papers and authorised (auto)biographies, and the Cabinet minutes of the day, this book reconstructs what really happened between August 1 and 24 1931, and accounts for the mercilessness with which he is remembered by the Labour Party.

Mythenweber: Soziales Handeln und Mythos

by Wilhelm Kuehs

Wilhelm Kuehs entwirft mithilfe des Formalismus, Strukturalismus und der postmodernen Textsemiotik eine Theorie menschlichen Handelns und Seins, die es ermöglicht, jede Erzählung und jede Handlung auf den ihnen zugrundeliegenden Mythos zurückzuverfolgen. Dadurch entsteht ein Entwurf einer neuen Soziosemiotik, die ungeahnte Perspektiven der Forschung eröffnet. Die Welt ist dem Menschen nur als Erzählung fassbar. Schon wenn wir die Welt betrachten, entsteht durch Abduktion, Abstraktion und Analogie eine Erzählung. Erzählen beginnt also auf neurologischer Ebene, setzt sich fort und mündet in ein von Empathie getragenes gemeinsames Erzählen auf sozialer Ebene. Diese komplexen Zusammenhänge beleuchtet Wilhelm Kuehs und schlägt dabei z. B. Brücken zwischen phänomenologischer Soziologie und den Theorien von Douglas R. Hofstadter und Umberto Eco.

Mythic-Symbolic Language and Philosophical Anthropology: A Constructive Interpretation of the Thought of Paul Ricœur

by David M. Rasmussen

This book will attempt to achieve a constructive and positive correla­ tion between mythic-symbolic language and philosophical anthropolo­ gy. It is intended as a reflection on the philosophical accomplishment of Paul Ricoeur. The term mythic-symbolic language in this context means the language of the multivalent symbol given in the myth with its psychological and poetic counterparts. The term symbol is not con­ ceived as an abstract sign as it is used in symbolic logic, but rather as a concrete phenomenon - religious, psychological, and poetic. The task inherent in this correlation is monumental when one considers the dual dilemma of problematic and possibility which is at its heart. The prob­ lematic arises out of the apparent difficulty presented by the so-called challenge of modernity which seems to require the elimination of my­ thic-symbolic language as an intelligible mode of communication. Mythic-symbolic language is sometimes eliminated because in a world molded by abstract conceptualizations of science, such a language is thought to be unintelligible. The claim is that its "primitive" explana­ tions have been transcended by our modernity. Others believe that the problem of mythic-symbolic language is the problem of the myth. If the mythic forms of language could be eliminated, the truth of such language could be preserved through its translation into an intelligible mode of discourse. The problematic is heightened further by the relation of consider­ ations of language to philosophical anthropology. Any consideration of language involves a related view of the nature of man.

Mythic Thinking in Twentieth-Century Britain: Meaning for Modernity

by M. Sterenberg

A variety of thinkers used the concept of myth to articulate their anxieties about modernity. By telling the story of mythic thinking in Britain from its origins in Victorian social anthropology to its postwar cultural mainstreaming, this book reveals a yearning for transcendence in an age long assumed to be disenchanted.

Mythologies of Transhumanism

by Michael Hauskeller

This book examines the dependence of transhumanist arguments on the credibility of the narratives of meaning in which they are embedded. By taking the key ideas from transhumanist philosophy – the desirability of human self-design and immortality, the elimination of all suffering and the expansion of human autonomy – Michael Hauskeller explores these narratives and the understanding of human nature that informs them. Particular attention is paid to the theory of transhumanism as a form of utopia, stories of human nature, the increasing integration of the radical human enhancement project into the cultural mainstream, and the drive to upgrade from flesh to machine.

Mythologies Without End: The US, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1917-2020

by Jerome Slater

The history of modern Israel is a fiercely contested subject. From the Balfour declaration to the Six-Day War to the recent assault on Gaza, ideologically-charged narratives and counter-narratives battle for dominance not just in Israel itself but throughout the world. In the United States and Israel, the Israeli cause is treated as the more righteous one, albeit with important qualifiers and caveats. In Mythologies Without End, Jerome Slater takes stock of the conflict from its origins to the present day and argues that US policies in the region are largely a product of mythologies that are often flatly wrong. For example, the Israelis' treatment of Palestinians after 1948 undermined its claim that it was a true democracy, and the argument that Arab states refused to negotiate with Israel for decades is simply untrue. Because of widespread acceptance of these myths in both the US and Israel, the consequences have been devastating to all of the involved parties. In fact, the actual history is very nearly the converse of the mythology: it is Israel and the US that have repeatedly lost, discarded, or even deliberately sabotaged many opportunities to reach fair compromise settlements of the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. As Slater reexamines the entire history of the conflict from its onset at the end of WWI through the Netanyahu era, he argues that a refutation of the many mythologies that is a necessary first step toward solving the Arab-Israeli conflict. Focusing on both the US role in the conflict and Israel's actions, this book exposes the self-defeating policies of both nations policies which have only served to prolong the conflict far beyond when it should have been resolved.

Mythologies Without End: The US, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1917-2020

by Jerome Slater

The history of modern Israel is a fiercely contested subject. From the Balfour declaration to the Six-Day War to the recent assault on Gaza, ideologically-charged narratives and counter-narratives battle for dominance not just in Israel itself but throughout the world. In the United States and Israel, the Israeli cause is treated as the more righteous one, albeit with important qualifiers and caveats. In Mythologies Without End, Jerome Slater takes stock of the conflict from its origins to the present day and argues that US policies in the region are largely a product of mythologies that are often flatly wrong. For example, the Israelis' treatment of Palestinians after 1948 undermined its claim that it was a true democracy, and the argument that Arab states refused to negotiate with Israel for decades is simply untrue. Because of widespread acceptance of these myths in both the US and Israel, the consequences have been devastating to all of the involved parties. In fact, the actual history is very nearly the converse of the mythology: it is Israel and the US that have repeatedly lost, discarded, or even deliberately sabotaged many opportunities to reach fair compromise settlements of the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. As Slater reexamines the entire history of the conflict from its onset at the end of WWI through the Netanyahu era, he argues that a refutation of the many mythologies that is a necessary first step toward solving the Arab-Israeli conflict. Focusing on both the US role in the conflict and Israel's actions, this book exposes the self-defeating policies of both nations policies which have only served to prolong the conflict far beyond when it should have been resolved.

Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism

by Markus Gabriel Slavoj Žižek

Mythology, Madness and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism explores some long neglected but crucial themes in German idealism. Markus Gabriel, one of the most exciting young voices in contemporary philosophy, and Slavoj Žižek, the celebrated contemporary philosopher and cultural critic, show how these themes impact on the problematic relations between being and appearance, reflection and the absolute, insight and ideology, contingency and necessity, subjectivity, truth, habit and freedom. Engaging with three central figures of the German idealist movement, Hegel, Schelling, and Fichte, Gabriel, and Žižek, who here shows himself to be one of the most erudite and important scholars of German idealism, ask how is it possible for Being to appear in reflection without falling back into traditional metaphysics. By applying idealistic theories of reflection and concrete subjectivity, including the problem of madness and everydayness in Hegel, this hugely important book aims to reinvigorate a philosophy of finitude and contingency, topics at the forefront of contemporary European philosophy.MARKUS GABRIEL is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, NY. He has published a number of books and journal articles in German, including Der Mensch im Mythos (De Gruyter, 2006), and Das Absolute und die Welt in Schellings Freiheitsschrift (Bonn University Press, 2006).

Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism

by Markus Gabriel Slavoj Žižek

Mythology, Madness and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism explores some long neglected but crucial themes in German idealism. Markus Gabriel, one of the most exciting young voices in contemporary philosophy, and Slavoj Žižek, the celebrated contemporary philosopher and cultural critic, show how these themes impact on the problematic relations between being and appearance, reflection and the absolute, insight and ideology, contingency and necessity, subjectivity, truth, habit and freedom. Engaging with three central figures of the German idealist movement, Hegel, Schelling, and Fichte, Gabriel, and Žižek, who here shows himself to be one of the most erudite and important scholars of German idealism, ask how is it possible for Being to appear in reflection without falling back into traditional metaphysics. By applying idealistic theories of reflection and concrete subjectivity, including the problem of madness and everydayness in Hegel, this hugely important book aims to reinvigorate a philosophy of finitude and contingency, topics at the forefront of contemporary European philosophy.MARKUS GABRIEL is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, NY. He has published a number of books and journal articles in German, including Der Mensch im Mythos (De Gruyter, 2006), and Das Absolute und die Welt in Schellings Freiheitsschrift (Bonn University Press, 2006).

The Mythopoetics of Currere: Memories, Dreams, and Literary Texts as Teaching Avenues to Self-Study (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series #43)

by Mary Aswell Doll

In The Mythopoetics of Currere, Doll uses depth psychology, myth, and literature to offer a new approach to currere, the root of curriculum, through essays exploring significant literary images that open doorways into the fictions that layer the self. Offering a focus on the body, queer love, false belief, strangeness, otherness, and chaos, this book suggests new metaphors for understanding why currere is what matters most in curriculum.

The Mythopoetics of Currere: Memories, Dreams, and Literary Texts as Teaching Avenues to Self-Study (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series #43)

by Mary Aswell Doll

In The Mythopoetics of Currere, Doll uses depth psychology, myth, and literature to offer a new approach to currere, the root of curriculum, through essays exploring significant literary images that open doorways into the fictions that layer the self. Offering a focus on the body, queer love, false belief, strangeness, otherness, and chaos, this book suggests new metaphors for understanding why currere is what matters most in curriculum.


by Markus C Schulte von Drach

Eine Expedition ins Herz des Dschungels. Eine Reise an den Anfang und das Ende des Glaubens. Eine abenteuerliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Religion und der Evolution. Im Jahr 1539 begegnet der spanische Konquistador Juan de la Torre im Amazonasdschungel dem Teufel. Als fast 500 Jahre später die deutsche Schriftkundlerin Nora Tilly im Indienarchiv von Sevilla auf Dokumente des Spaniers stößt, entdeckt sie Hinweise auf einen Inka-Schatz. Doch bald muss sie feststellen, dass sie nicht die einzige ist, die sich auf den Weg macht, um das Gold zu finden. Die irische Journalistin Brea MacLoughlin reist mit einer Delegation katholischer Geistlicher ebenfalls nach Peru, um ein angebliches Wunder in den Anden zu überprüfen. Zu dieser Delegation gehört auch der junge Priester Arnaud d’Albret, der in Südamerika über eine ihm verbotene Liebe hinwegzukommen hofft. Nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seines Mentors schließt d’Albret sich Nora Tilly an. Auch Brea MacLoughlin folgt der Expedition der Schatzsucher. Im Dschungel Perus entdeckt unterdessen der Biologiestudent Francisco Pérez etwas, das eigentlich nicht existieren dürfte: das fünfzehn Millionen Jahre alte Fossil eines Riesenkrokodils, in dessen Schädel eine Pfeilspitze steckt. Der Versuch, dieses Rätsel zu lösen, führt ihn schließlich mit den Schatzjägern aus Europa zusammen. Doch was die Expedition im Dschungel erwartet, ist nicht nur das Gold der Inka. Tief im Wald stoßen sie auf etwas, das ihr Weltbild in Stücke reißt. ......... „Eine abenteuerliche Melange aus Dawkins‘ Gotteswahn, Indiana Jones und Jurassic Park. Schulte von Drach gelingt, was Dan Brown nie schaffte: den Leser zu fesseln, ohne seinen Verstand zu lähmen. Absolut empfehlenswert!“ Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Philosoph und Schriftsteller, Vorstandssprecher der Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung, Autor von „Jenseits von Gut und Böse“ „Wie viel Menschenwerk steckt in der Religion? Im Unterschied zum ätzenden Stil neoatheistischer Gotteswahn-Polemik setzt dieses Buch auf eine Strategie à la Umberto Eco: Der Reigen religionskritischer Überlegungen ist eingepackt in eine Rahmenhandlung, deren Spannung – Science-Fiction und Thriller im besten Sinn – den Leser mitnimmt zu den Etappen der intellektuellen Auseinandersetzung.“ Christian Kummer, Biologe, Philosoph und Jesuit, Professor an der Hochschule für Philosophie in München, Autor von „Der Fall Darwin“ _____ Terra X und Theodizee, Evolution und El Dorado, Schatzjagd und Gottessuche – Markus C. Schulte von Drachs neuer Roman entführt Sie auf eine abenteuerliche Reise um die halbe Welt und zurück bis ins 16. Jahrhundert: Von Sevilla, Kismayoo, Florida und Iquitos aus machen sich seine Helden auf den Weg ins Herz des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Auf der Suche nach dem legendären Inka-Gold, einem unglaublichen Fossil und ihrem Seelenfrieden stoßen ein französischer Priester, eine deutsche Schatzjägerin, eine irische Journalistin, ein peruanischer Biologiestudent und ein türkischer Kreationist auf die Spuren des Matararo. Doch gibt es dieses Wesen überhaupt? Lassen Sie sich von den Abenteuern genauso fesseln wie von den Auseinandersetzungen über Religion und Wissenschaft, die diesen Thriller so außergewöhnlich machen. Folgen Sie den unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten auf ihrem Weg, bis am Ende alle gemeinsam vor einer einzigen Aufgabe stehen: zu überleben.

Mythos Determinismus: Wieviel erklärt uns die Hirnforschung?

by Brigitte Falkenburg

Aus Sicht von Neurobiologen regiert das neuronale Geschehen im Kopf unser Bewusstsein. Als Physikerin und Philosophin hinterfragt die Autorin in diesem Buch die Aussagen von Hirnforschern und stellt fest, dass die Neurobiologie an längst überholten mechanistischen Vorstellungen festhält und dadurch zu Fehlschlüssen über den menschlichen Geist und den freien Willen gelangt. Der Band liefert die Grundzüge einer Wissenschaftstheorie der Hirnforschung und weist damit den Weg zu einem differenzierteren Naturverständnis und Menschenbild.

Mythos Determinismus: Wieviel erklärt uns die Hirnforschung?

by Brigitte Falkenburg

Aus der Sicht der Neurobiologie regiert im Kopf das neuronale Geschehen. Doch was wissen die Hirnforscher genau über die Mechanismen des Hirngeschehens und ihren Einfluss auf den menschlichen Geist? Dieser Frage geht Brigitte Falkenburg nach. Die Physik hat sich längst vom mechanistischen Weltbild gelöst, in der Neurobiologie bleiben überholte mechanistische Vorstellungen bis heute wirksam. Dabei sind die "mechanistischen" Erklärungen der Hirnforschung ganz anders als ihr Name suggeriert; und wer annimmt, der Geist sei so strukturiert wie die Materie, zieht atomistische und kausale Fehlschlüsse über das Bewusstsein. Falkenburgs Buch möchte die Debatte um Geist und Gehirn, freien Willen und Determinismus endlich davon befreien. Es liefert Grundzüge einer Wissenschaftstheorie der Hirnforschung und eröffnet den Weg zu einem differenzierteren Naturverständnis und Menschenbild. Das beliebte Sachbuch ist für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert worden.

Myths in Education, Learning and Teaching: Policies, Practices and Principles

by Marcus K. Harmes Patrick Alan Danaher Henk Huijser

This collection brings together international scholars to interrogate a range of educational practices, procedures and policies, around the organizing principle that 'myths' often require critical scrutiny. Engaging with key themes in contemporary global education, the contributors challenge and address educational myths and their consequences.

Myths of the Oil Boom: American National Security in a Global Energy Market

by Steve A. Yetiv

The last decade has seen a far-reaching revolution in the oil industry, both in the US and globally. By some measures, America is on pace to become the world's biggest oil producer, an outcome that was inconceivable just a few years ago. But what does this shift really mean for American and global security? In Myths of the Oil Boom, Steve A. Yetiv, an award-winning expert on the geopolitics of oil, takes stock of our new era of heightened petroleum production and sets out to demolish both the old myths and misconceptions about oil and the new ones that are quickly proliferating. As he explains, increased production in the US will not lead to a major reduction in longer term oil prices, even if it has contributed to their precipitous fall in the short run. America will not intervene less in the Persian Gulf just because it is producing more oil domestically. Saudi Arabia is less willing or able to play global gas pump to the world economy than in the past. Building an electric car industry does not mean that consumers will buy in, but neither is it true that a broad shift toward eco-friendly cars will have very little impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Most importantly, raising the level of domestic production will never solve America's energy and strategic problems, and it may in fact worsen climate change unless it is accompanied by a serious national and global strategy to decrease oil consumption. While Yetiv takes on these and a number of other misconceptions in this panoramic account, this is not just an exercise in myth-busting; it's also a comprehensive overview of the global geopolitics of oil and America's energy future, cross-cutting some of the biggest economic and security issues in world affairs. Accessibly written and sharply argued, Myths of the Oil Boom will reframe our understanding of the most politicized commodity in the world.

Myths of the Oil Boom: American National Security in a Global Energy Market

by Steve A. Yetiv

The last decade has seen a far-reaching revolution in the oil industry, both in the US and globally. By some measures, America is on pace to become the world's biggest oil producer, an outcome that was inconceivable just a few years ago. But what does this shift really mean for American and global security? In Myths of the Oil Boom, Steve A. Yetiv, an award-winning expert on the geopolitics of oil, takes stock of our new era of heightened petroleum production and sets out to demolish both the old myths and misconceptions about oil and the new ones that are quickly proliferating. As he explains, increased production in the US will not lead to a major reduction in longer term oil prices, even if it has contributed to their precipitous fall in the short run. America will not intervene less in the Persian Gulf just because it is producing more oil domestically. Saudi Arabia is less willing or able to play global gas pump to the world economy than in the past. Building an electric car industry does not mean that consumers will buy in, but neither is it true that a broad shift toward eco-friendly cars will have very little impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Most importantly, raising the level of domestic production will never solve America's energy and strategic problems, and it may in fact worsen climate change unless it is accompanied by a serious national and global strategy to decrease oil consumption. While Yetiv takes on these and a number of other misconceptions in this panoramic account, this is not just an exercise in myth-busting; it's also a comprehensive overview of the global geopolitics of oil and America's energy future, cross-cutting some of the biggest economic and security issues in world affairs. Accessibly written and sharply argued, Myths of the Oil Boom will reframe our understanding of the most politicized commodity in the world.

Myths, Politicians and Money: The Truth Behind the Free Market

by B. Gould

Bryan Gould draws on his experience as a leading British politician and as a lawyer, academic, diplomat and television journalist to explain why the political and economic doctrines that have dominated the western world for three decades have meant that western countries have found that their democratic governments no longer serve them well.

Myths, State Expansion, and the Birth of Globalization: A Comparative Perspective

by J. Carlson

Many of the present problems of 'globalization' are mirrored in the historical expansion of the European state system. This title is a structured, comparative case study analysis of four regions and examines how these regions and their peoples were absorbed into the expanding European-centered state system from roughly the 1400s through to 1800.

Myths, Symbols and Legends of Solar System Bodies (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series #177)

by Rachel Alexander

This book is an amateur astronomer’s guide to the mythology and symbolism associated with the celestial bodies in the Solar System, and even includes some of the legendary tales of people who had or have a connection with these objects. It explores different cultures (for example, the Greco-Roman and the Norse) and different times and how stories were used to explain the worlds they saw above them. You’d be amazed how much of our world today reflects the myths and stories of these cultures! Most amateur astronomers are familiar with the various Solar System objects, but they will be only peripherally aware of what ancient cultures thought of these other worlds. In fact, the mythology of the planets challenges many twenty-first century concepts and beliefs There are other books available on astromythology, but this one focuses mostly on our own Solar System, as opposed to the constellations and deep sky objects. Alexander offers a new angle on timeless subjects and is exciting, informative and dramatic, as well as surprisingly relevant to everyday life. Find out for yourself how our modern world is steeped in the bygone worlds of yesteryear.

The Myths We Live By: Adventures in Democracy, Free Speech and Other Liberal Inventions

by Peter Cave

In this witty and mischievous book, philosopher Peter Cave dissects the most controversial disputes today and uses philosophical argument to reveal that many issues are less straightforward than we'd like to believe. Leaving no sacred cow standing, Cave uses ingenious stories and examples to challenge our most strongly held assumptions. Is democracy inherently a good thing? What is the basis of so-called human rights? Is discrimination always bad? Are we morally obliged to accept refugees?In an age of identity politics and so-called 'fake news', this book is an essential resource for reinvigorating genuine public debate - and an entertaining challenge to accepted wisdom.

The Myths We Live By

by Mary Midgley

With a new Introduction by the author 'An elegant and sane little book. – The New Statesman Myths, as Mary Midgley argues in this powerful book, are everywhere. In political thought they sit at the heart of theories of human nature and the social contract; in economics in the pursuit of self interest; and in science the idea of human beings as machines, which originates in the seventeenth century, is a today a potent force. Far from being the opposite of science, however, Midgley argues that myth is a central part of it. Myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols for interpreting the world. Tackling a dazzling array of subjects such as philosophy, evolutionary psychology, animals, consciousness and the environment in her customary razor-sharp prose, The Myths We Live By reminds us of the powerful role of symbolism and the need to take our imaginative life seriously. Mary Midgley is a moral philosopher and the author of many books including Wickedness, Evolution as a Religion, Beast and Man and Science and Poetry. All are published in Routledge Classics.

The Myths We Live By

by Mary Midgley

With a new Introduction by the author 'An elegant and sane little book. – The New Statesman Myths, as Mary Midgley argues in this powerful book, are everywhere. In political thought they sit at the heart of theories of human nature and the social contract; in economics in the pursuit of self interest; and in science the idea of human beings as machines, which originates in the seventeenth century, is a today a potent force. Far from being the opposite of science, however, Midgley argues that myth is a central part of it. Myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols for interpreting the world. Tackling a dazzling array of subjects such as philosophy, evolutionary psychology, animals, consciousness and the environment in her customary razor-sharp prose, The Myths We Live By reminds us of the powerful role of symbolism and the need to take our imaginative life seriously. Mary Midgley is a moral philosopher and the author of many books including Wickedness, Evolution as a Religion, Beast and Man and Science and Poetry. All are published in Routledge Classics.

The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity

by M. Litwa

This volume offers an accessible investigation of the Naassene discourse embedded in the anonymous Refutation of All Heresies (completed about 222 CE), in order to understand the theology and ritual life of the Naassene Christian movement in the late second and early third centuries CE. The work provides basic data on the date, genre, and provenance of the Naassene discourse as summarized by the author of the Refutation (or Refutator). It also offers an analysis of the Refutator’s sources and working methods, an analysis which allows for a full reconstruction of the original Naassene discourse. The book then turns to major aspects of Naassene Christianity: its intense engagement with Hellenic myth and “mysteries,” its biblical sources, its cosmopolitan hermeneutics, its snake symbology, as well as its distinctive approach to baptism, hymns, and celibacy. A concluding chapter outlines all we can securely reconstruct about the Naassene Christian movement in terms of its social identity and place in the larger field of early Christianity and ancient Mediterranean religions more broadly. The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity is suitable for students, scholars, and general readers interested in Early Christianity, Gnostic and Nag Hammadi Studies, Classics, and Ancient Philosophy, as well as hermeneutical issues like allegory and intertextuality.

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