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Beratung in der Schulsozialarbeit: Clear-Box-Forschung zu wirkungsvollen Praxiselementen (Beiträge zur Sozialen Arbeit an Schulen #6)

by Florian Baier

In diesem Buch werden vertiefte Analysen von Daten aus einem Forschungsprojekt zu wirkungsvollen Elementen in der Beratungspraxis der Schulsozialarbeit vorgestellt. Für das Forschungsprojekt wurde ein Clear-Box-Design entwickelt, über das angestrebt wurde, die Komplexität von Beratungen durch verschiedene Formen der Datenerhebung (Videographie, Interviews, Auto-Konfrontation, Beobachtungen, quantitative Befragungen) möglichst umfangreich zu erfassen.

Beratung in der Schulsozialarbeit: Clear-Box-Forschung zu wirkungsvollen Praxiselementen (Beiträge zur Sozialen Arbeit an Schulen #6)

by Florian Baier

In diesem Buch werden vertiefte Analysen von Daten aus einem Forschungsprojekt zu wirkungsvollen Elementen in der Beratungspraxis der Schulsozialarbeit vorgestellt. Für das Forschungsprojekt wurde ein Clear-Box-Design entwickelt, über das angestrebt wurde, die Komplexität von Beratungen durch verschiedene Formen der Datenerhebung (Videographie, Interviews, Auto-Konfrontation, Beobachtungen, quantitative Befragungen) möglichst umfangreich zu erfassen.

Beratung und Kommunikation (essentials)

by David Kergel Birte Heidkamp-Kergel

Der vorliegende Band liefert eine kurze und praxisorientierte Einführung in Beratungs- und Kommunikationsstrategien. Dabei stehen lösungsorientierte Formen der Kommunikation sowie praxisorientierten Übungen im Fokus der Darstellung. So werden v.a. Strategien vermittelt, die ressourcenorientiert die Potenziale und Stärken der Gesprächspartner*innen adressieren. Neben Kommunikationsmodellen zur Konfliktlösung werden daher Beratungsansätze und Fragestrategien praxisorientiert dargestellt, durch die Stärken identifiziert, Ressourcen aktiviert und Wachstumspotenziale freigelegt werden können.Den kostenlosen Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.

The Berbers: Their Social and Political Organisation

by Robert Montagne

France entered the North African world in 1830. Its overt political role there ended in 1962. The interpenetration of cultures and languages which resulted from the colonial conquest has not ended yet. No doubt a time will come when an intellectual balance sheet of this epoch comes to be drawn up. When this is done, Robert Montagne’s name will head the list of those Frenchmen who have made a study of Berber society. The brilliance of his ideas, the thoroughness and perceptiveness of his documentation, the range of his historical and comparative vision, and (a trait not always found in scholarly writing on North Africa) the simplicity and vigour of his style, all help to make plain that we have here a social thinker and observer of the very first rank, and one who deserves to be far better known outside the French-speaking world than he is at present.

The Berbers: Their Social and Political Organisation (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Robert Montagne

France entered the North African world in 1830. Its overt political role there ended in 1962. The interpenetration of cultures and languages which resulted from the colonial conquest has not ended yet. No doubt a time will come when an intellectual balance sheet of this epoch comes to be drawn up. When this is done, Robert Montagne’s name will head the list of those Frenchmen who have made a study of Berber society. The brilliance of his ideas, the thoroughness and perceptiveness of his documentation, the range of his historical and comparative vision, and (a trait not always found in scholarly writing on North Africa) the simplicity and vigour of his style, all help to make plain that we have here a social thinker and observer of the very first rank, and one who deserves to be far better known outside the French-speaking world than he is at present.

Berdyaev’s Philosophy of History: An Existentialist Theory of Social Creativity and Eschatology

by David Bonner Richardson

BERDYAEV AS A PHILOSOPHER How shall a non-Russian, above all a North American, assimilate the extraordinary assemblage of ideas which is Berdyaev's philosophy? Dr. Richardson does not exaggerate the difficulties. And he introduces us with great care (and what a formidable task it must have been) precisely to what is most strange in this writer, his fusion of historical .. eschatological-metaphysical-mystical-Christian conceptions. By some standards Berdyaev is a theologian rather than a philosopher; for he takes the truth of the Christian revelation for granted and his work can readily be viewed as an elaborate apologetic for one religion against all others and against irreligion. Yet I incline to sympathize with him in his claim to be a philosopher. What an eccentric one, however! There are indeed some partial analogies in the general European tradition. Certainly this Russian is a disciple of Kant, and strong traces of Kantianism survive in him. He also moved away from Kant somewhat as did Fichte, Hegel, and, above all, Schelling in his last period. His sympathetic response to Heracleitos and Boehme recalls Hegel. The interest in Boehme and Schelling is found also in Tillich. Like the late German-American, Berdyaev rejects conceptual in favor of symbolic speech about God. Like Bergson, he stresses intuition and makes a radical distinction between scientific logical analytic thought and the mode of apprehension by which, he believes, metaphysical truth is to be appropriated. Here one thinks also of Heidegger.

Berechenbarkeit: Rekursive und Programmierbare Funktionen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Walter Felscher

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt verständlich, umfassend und modern die Theorie der Berechenbarkeit, ein klassisches Gebiet der Mathematischen Logik, das als Grundlagengebiet auch für die Informatik von höchster Bedeutung ist. Lebendig und didaktisch klar wird das Studium der berechenbaren Funktionen auf dem Programmbegriff aufgebaut. Dabei sind die Induktion als Beweisprinzip und die Rekursion als Konstruktionsprinzip die beiden grundlegenden Werkzeuge für den Umgang mit Zahlen und Funktionen. Obwohl über eine gewisse Vertrautheit mit der mathematischen Argumentationsweise hinaus keine inhaltlichen Kenntnisse aus der Mathematik oder der Informatik vorausgesetzt werden, findet auch der Kenner eine durch viele neuartige Details angereicherte und an neuesten Ergebnissen orientierte Darstellung.

Berechenbarkeit: Berechnungsmodelle und Unentscheidbarkeit (essentials)

by Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

In diesem essential werden wesentliche Konzepte der Berechenbarkeitstheorie erörtert. Zunächst werden unterschiedliche Modelle der Berechenbarkeit eingeführt und ihre semantische Gleichwertigkeit gezeigt. Dieses Resultat steht in Einklang mit der Church-Turing-These, nach der jede intuitiv berechenbare Funktion partiell-rekursiv ist. Neben zentralen Instrumenten der Berechenbarkeit, wie etwa der Gödelisierung von berechenbaren Funktionen und der Existenz universeller berechenbarer Funktionen, stehen unentscheidbare Probleme im Fokus, wie etwa das Halteproblem sowie das Wortproblem für die Term-Ersetzung. Semi-entscheidbare Mengen werden beleuchtet und die zentralen Sätze von Rice und Rice-Shapiro werden skizziert.

Berechenbarkeit der Welt?: Philosophie und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter von Big Data

by Wolfgang Pietsch Jörg Wernecke Maximilian Ott

Der Sammelband untersucht Entwicklungen in der Wissenschaft, die in den letzten Jahren durch moderne Informationstechnologien und die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Daten angestoßen wurden. Aufgrund dieser neuen Ansätze werden eine Reihe von Phänomenen zum Beispiel aus den Sozial- oder den Lebenswissenschaften berechenbar, die zuvor als zu komplex für eine wissenschaftliche Analyse galten. Der Band versammelt Texte aus einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Perspektiven, von der Physik über die Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften bis hin zur Informatik. Neben Beiträgen, die die aktuellen Entwicklungen direkt thematisieren, untersuchen andere Aufsätze zentrale Begriffe in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang wie Komplexität oder Information.

Bereit für die Wissensgesellschaft?: Bildung und Ausbildung auf dem Prüfstand

by C. Egle D. Gustke

Auf dem Weg in die Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft werden Wissen und Bildung zu zentralen Größen. Facettenreich sind die Visionen einer zukunftsfähigen Bildung und Ausbildung, die den Erfolg in der Wissensgesellschaft versprechen, doch inwiefern wird unser heutiges Bildungssystem diesen Anforderungen gerecht? Es ist an der Zeit, sich wieder neu über die Funktionen und Aufgaben von Bildung zu verständigen. Im Spannungsfeld der Anforderungen seitens der Wirtschaft (Bildung als Humankapital), der Gesellschaft (Bildung zur Förderung sozialer Kompetenz) und des einzelnen Individuums (Bildung als Hilfe zur Lebensorientierung) entsteht so eine spannende Diskussion, die in dem vorliegenden Band von namhaften Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik anschaulich geführt wird.

Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition

by Keith Ansell Pearson

A thought-provoking contribution to the renaissance of interest in Bergson, this study brings him to a new generation of readers. Ansell-Pearson contends that there is a Bergsonian revolution, an upheaval in philosophy comparable in significance to those that we are more familiar with, from Kant to Nietzsche and Heidegger, that make up our intellectual modernity. The focus of the text is on Bergson's conception of philosophy as the discipline that seeks to 'think beyond the human condition'. Not that we are caught up in an existential predicament when the appeal is made to think beyond the human condition; rather that restricting philosophy to the human condition fails to appreciate the extent to which we are not simply creatures of habit and automatism, but also organisms involved in a creative evolution of becoming. Ansell-Pearson introduces the work of Bergson and core aspects of his innovative modes of thinking; examines his interest in Epicureanism; explores his interest in the self and in time and memory; presents Bergson on ethics and on religion, and illuminates Bergson on the art of life.

Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Ser.)

by Keith Ansell Pearson

A thought-provoking contribution to the renaissance of interest in Bergson, this study brings him to a new generation of readers. Ansell-Pearson contends that there is a Bergsonian revolution, an upheaval in philosophy comparable in significance to those that we are more familiar with, from Kant to Nietzsche and Heidegger, that make up our intellectual modernity. The focus of the text is on Bergson's conception of philosophy as the discipline that seeks to 'think beyond the human condition'. Not that we are caught up in an existential predicament when the appeal is made to think beyond the human condition; rather that restricting philosophy to the human condition fails to appreciate the extent to which we are not simply creatures of habit and automatism, but also organisms involved in a creative evolution of becoming. Ansell-Pearson introduces the work of Bergson and core aspects of his innovative modes of thinking; examines his interest in Epicureanism; explores his interest in the self and in time and memory; presents Bergson on ethics and on religion, and illuminates Bergson on the art of life.

Bergson (The Routledge Philosophers)

by Mark Sinclair

Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was one of the most celebrated and influential philosophers of the twentieth century. He was awarded in 1928 the Nobel prize for literature for his philosophical work, and his controversial ideas about time, memory and life shaped generations of thinkers, writers and artists. In this clear and engaging introduction, Mark Sinclair examines the full range of Bergson's work. The book sheds new light on familiar aspects of Bergson’s thought, but also examines often ignored aspects of his work, such as his philosophy of art, his philosophy of technology and the relation of his philosophical doctrines to his political commitments. After an illuminating overview of his life and work, chapters are devoted to the following topics: the experience of time as duration the experience of freedom memory mind and body laughter and humour knowledge art and creativity the élan vital as a theory of biological life ethics, religion, war and modern technology With a final chapter on his legacy, Bergson is an outstanding guide to one of the great philosophers. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary, it is essential reading for those interested in metaphysics, time, free will, aesthetics, the philosophy of biology, continental philosophy and the role of European intellectuals in World War I.

Bergson (The Routledge Philosophers)

by Mark Sinclair

Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was one of the most celebrated and influential philosophers of the twentieth century. He was awarded in 1928 the Nobel prize for literature for his philosophical work, and his controversial ideas about time, memory and life shaped generations of thinkers, writers and artists. In this clear and engaging introduction, Mark Sinclair examines the full range of Bergson's work. The book sheds new light on familiar aspects of Bergson’s thought, but also examines often ignored aspects of his work, such as his philosophy of art, his philosophy of technology and the relation of his philosophical doctrines to his political commitments. After an illuminating overview of his life and work, chapters are devoted to the following topics: the experience of time as duration the experience of freedom memory mind and body laughter and humour knowledge art and creativity the élan vital as a theory of biological life ethics, religion, war and modern technology With a final chapter on his legacy, Bergson is an outstanding guide to one of the great philosophers. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary, it is essential reading for those interested in metaphysics, time, free will, aesthetics, the philosophy of biology, continental philosophy and the role of European intellectuals in World War I.

Bergson and American Culture: The Worlds of Willa Cather and Wallace Stevens

by Tom Quirk

Bergsonian "vitalism" challenged the dominance of Spencerian determinism in the early twentieth century and seemed to offer a new foundation for belief in human freedom and individual possibility. Quirk traces the impact of Bergsonism upon the American sensibility and shows how individual writers -- particularly two such different artists as Willa Cather and Wallace Stevens -- appropriated vitalistic notions and made them serve the peculiar requirements of their own unique creative imaginations.Originally published in 1990.A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.

Bergson and Modern Physics: A Reinterpretation and Re-evaluation (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #7)

by M. Capek

Milic Capek has devoted his scholarship to the history and philosophy of modern physics. With impeccable care, he has mastered the epistemologi­ cal and scientific developments by working through the papers, treatises, correspondence of physicists since Kant, and likewise he has put his learning and critical skill into the related philosophical literature. Coming from his original scientific career with a philosophy doctorate from the Charles University in Prague, Capek has ranged beyond a narrowly defined philosophy of physics into general epistemology of the natural sciences and to the full historical evolution of these matters. He has ex­ pounded his views on these matters in a number of articles and, systema­ tically, in his book The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary PhYSiCS, published in 1961 and reprinted with two new appendices in 1969. His particular gift for many of his readers and students lies in the great period from the mid-nineteenth century through the foundations of the physics and philosophy of the twentieth, and within this spectacular time, Profes­ sor Capek has become a principal expositor and sympathetic critic of the philosophy of Henri Bergson. He joins a distinguished group of scholars -physicists and philosophers -who have been stimulated to some of their most profound and imaginative thought by Bergson's metaphysical and psychological work: Cassirer, Meyerson, de Broglie, Metz, Jankelevitch, Zawirski, and in recent years, Costa de Beauregard, Watanabe, Blanche, and others.

Bergson and Phenomenology

by M. Kelly

Examining the revival of Bergsonism for phenomenology, leading scholars of both areas inaugurate a dialogue long overdue. By assessing phenomenology's readings of Bergson and Bergsonian challenges to phenomenological methods, the essays in this volume explore anew the issues of central concern in contemporary continental philosophy.

Bergson and the Metaphysics of Media

by S. Crocker

What is a medium? Why is there always a middle? Can media produce 'immediacy'? Henri Bergson recognized mediation as the central philosophical problem of modernity. This book traces his influence on the 'media philosophies' of Gilles Deleuze, Marshall McLuhan, Walter Benjamin and Michel Serres.

Bergson, Complexity and Creative Emergence

by David Kreps

This is a book about evolution from a post-Darwinian perspective. It recounts the core ideas of French philosopher Henri Bergson and his rediscovery and legacy in the poststructuralist critical philosophies of the 1960s, and explores the confluences of these ideas with those of complexity theory in environmental biology.

The Bergsonian Mind (Routledge Philosophical Minds)

by Mark Sinclair

Henri Bergson (1859–1941) is widely regarded as one of the most original and important philosophers of the twentieth century. His work explored a rich panoply of subjects, including time, memory, free will and humour and we owe the popular term élan vital to a fundamental insight of Bergson’s. His books provoked responses from some of the leading thinkers and philosophers of his time, including Albert Einstein, William James and Bertrand Russell, and he is acknowledged as a fundamental influence on Marcel Proust. The Bergsonian Mind is an outstanding, wide-ranging volume covering the major aspects of Bergson’s thought, from his early influences to his continued relevance and legacy. Thirty-six chapters by an international team of leading Bergson scholars are divided into five clear parts: Sources and Scene Mind and World Ethics and Politics Reception Bergson and Contemporary Thought. In these sections fundamental topics are examined, including time, freedom and determinism, memory, perception, evolutionary theory, pragmatism and art. Bergson’s impact beyond philosophy is also explored in chapters on Bergson and spiritualism, physics, biology, cinema and post-colonial thought. An indispensable resource for anyone in Philosophy studying and researching Bergson’s work, The Bergsonian Mind will also interest those in related disciplines, such as Literature, Religion, Sociology and French Studies.

The Bergsonian Mind (Routledge Philosophical Minds)

by Mark Sinclair Yaron Wolf

Henri Bergson (1859–1941) is widely regarded as one of the most original and important philosophers of the twentieth century. His work explored a rich panoply of subjects, including time, memory, free will and humour and we owe the popular term élan vital to a fundamental insight of Bergson’s. His books provoked responses from some of the leading thinkers and philosophers of his time, including Albert Einstein, William James and Bertrand Russell, and he is acknowledged as a fundamental influence on Marcel Proust. The Bergsonian Mind is an outstanding, wide-ranging volume covering the major aspects of Bergson’s thought, from his early influences to his continued relevance and legacy. Thirty-six chapters by an international team of leading Bergson scholars are divided into five clear parts: Sources and Scene Mind and World Ethics and Politics Reception Bergson and Contemporary Thought. In these sections fundamental topics are examined, including time, freedom and determinism, memory, perception, evolutionary theory, pragmatism and art. Bergson’s impact beyond philosophy is also explored in chapters on Bergson and spiritualism, physics, biology, cinema and post-colonial thought. An indispensable resource for anyone in Philosophy studying and researching Bergson’s work, The Bergsonian Mind will also interest those in related disciplines, such as Literature, Religion, Sociology and French Studies.

Bergsonism and the History of Analytic Philosophy (History of Analytic Philosophy)

by Andreas Vrahimis

During the first quarter of the twentieth century, the French philosopher Henri Bergson became an international celebrity, profoundly influencing contemporary intellectual and artistic currents. While Bergsonism was fashionable, L. Susan Stebbing, Bertrand Russell, Moritz Schlick, and Rudolf Carnap launched different critical attacks against some of Bergson’s views. This book examines this series of critical responses to Bergsonism early in the history of analytic philosophy. Analytic criticisms of Bergsonism were influenced by William James, who saw Bergson as an ‘anti-intellectualist’ ally of American Pragmatism, and Max Scheler, who saw him as a prophet of Lebensphilosophie. Some of the main analytic objections to Bergson are answered in the work of Karin Costelloe-Stephen. Analytic anti-Bergsonism accompanied the earlier refutations of idealism by Russell and Moore, and later influenced the Vienna Circle’s critique of metaphysics. It eventually contributed to the formation of the view that ‘analytic’ philosophy is divided from its ‘continental’ counterpart.

Bergson’s Philosophy of Self-Overcoming: Thinking without Negativity or Time as Striving

by Messay Kebede

This book proposes a new reading of Bergsonism based on the admission that time, conceived as duration, stretches instead of passes. This swelling time is full and so excludes the negative. Yet, swelling requires some resistance, but such that it is more of a stimulant than a contrariety. The notion of élan vital fulfills this requirement: it states the immanence of life to matter, thereby deriving the swelling from an internal effort and allowing its conceptualization as self-overcoming. With self-overcoming as the inner dynamics of reality, Bergson dismisses all forms of dualism and reductionist monism because both the absence of negativity and the swelling nature of time posit a creative process yielding a qualitatively diverse world. This graded oneness is how the lower level activates intensification by turning into limitation, making possible higher levels of achievement, in particular through the union of mind and body and the integration of openness and closed sociability.

Bergson's Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today

by Yasushi Hirai

This volume brings Bergson's key ideas from Matter and Memory into dialogue with contemporary themes on memory and time in science, across analytic and continental philosophy. Focusing specifically on the application of Bergson's ideas to cognitive science, the circuit between perception and memory receives full explication in 15 different essays. By re-reading Bergson through a cognitive lens, the essays provide a series of alternative analytic interpretations to the standard continental approach to Bergson's oeuvre, without fully discounting either approach. The relevance of philosophies of mind and memory sit alongside the role of a metaphysics of time in exploring connections to psychology, biology, and physics. This eclecticism includes an exciting focus on numerous topics that are not given sufficient attention in extant studies of Bergson, including the precise nature of his ideas on dualism, memory, and ecological theories of perception, especially in relation to his contemporaries. Led by leading Bergson scholars from France and Japan, this book maps the rich terrain of Bergson's contemporary relevance alongside the historical context of his ideas.

Bergson's Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today

This volume brings Bergson's key ideas from Matter and Memory into dialogue with contemporary themes on memory and time in science, across analytic and continental philosophy. Focusing specifically on the application of Bergson's ideas to cognitive science, the circuit between perception and memory receives full explication in 15 different essays. By re-reading Bergson through a cognitive lens, the essays provide a series of alternative analytic interpretations to the standard continental approach to Bergson's oeuvre, without fully discounting either approach. The relevance of philosophies of mind and memory sit alongside the role of a metaphysics of time in exploring connections to psychology, biology, and physics. This eclecticism includes an exciting focus on numerous topics that are not given sufficient attention in extant studies of Bergson, including the precise nature of his ideas on dualism, memory, and ecological theories of perception, especially in relation to his contemporaries. Led by leading Bergson scholars from France and Japan, this book maps the rich terrain of Bergson's contemporary relevance alongside the historical context of his ideas.

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