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Rorty lesen (essentials)

by Martin Müller

Das essential bietet eine systematische Anleitung für eine fruchtbare Rorty-Lektüre. Zugleich stellt es eine kurze Einführung in die Grundzüge von Richard Rortys Neopragmatismus dar. Der Autor schlägt vor, ihn als fragile Balance von Pragmatismus und Romantik zu lesen, mit der Rorty unser Selbstbild ändern will. Außerdem erläutert er diesen transformativen Anspruch anhand einer Skizze von „Kontinenz, Ironie und Solidarität“ und der utopischen Figur der liberalen Ironikerin. Das essential schließt mit einem Hinweis auf Rortys bisher verkannte ethisch-politische Motivation und mit dem methodischen Vorschlag für das Weiterlesen seiner Texte: Man muss die pragmatistische Methode auf ihn selbst anwenden.

Rorty, Liberal Democracy, and Religious Certainty

by Neil Gascoigne

This book asks whether there any limits to the sorts of religious considerations that can be raised in public debates, and if there are, by whom they are to be identified. Its starting point is the work of Richard Rorty, whose pragmatic pluralism leads him to argue for a politically motivated anticlericalism rather than an epistemologically driven atheism. Rather than defend Rorty’s position directly, Gascoigne argues for an epistemological stance he calls ‘Pragmatist Fideism’. The starting point for this exercise in what Rorty calls ‘Cultural Politics’ is an acknowledgement that one must appeal to both secularists and those with religious commitments. In recent years ‘reformed’ epistemologists have aimed to establish a parity of epistemic esteem between religious and perceptual beliefs by exploiting an analogy in respect of their mutual vulnerability to sceptical challenges. Through an examination of this analogy, and in light of Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, this book argues that understood correctly the ‘parity’ argument in fact lends epistemological support to the argument that religious considerations should not be raised in public debate. The political price paid—paying the price of politics—is worth it: the religious thinker is provided with a good reason for maintaining that their practices and beliefs are not undermined by other forms of religious life.

Rosa Luxemburg: A Revolutionary Marxist at the Limits of Marxism (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Michael Brie Jörn Schütrumpf

This book analyses the development of Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) as an outstanding Marxist thinker and socialist politician in the era of imperialism and revolution. Identifying the driving force behind Luxemburg’s development as the deep unity between her passionate, emphatic life and her political and theoretical work, the authors retrace the inner dynamics of its different stages while highlighting the deep rupture caused by the experience of the Russian Revolution. On the basis of new publications of her Polish works and other writings, Luxemburg's strategic approaches are located in an Eastern European context. The authors discuss Luxemburg’s unique analyses of the first experiments in socialist participation in government, of the first Russian revolution and of the forms of accumulation of capital to outline the foundations of her novel understanding of both democratic-socialist revolution and of a society that would point beyond social democracy as well as Bolshevism – a vision that will gain new significance in the twenty first century. This book looks upon the lasting heritage of Rosa Luxemburg as the groundbreaking thinker of the unity between democracy and socialism.

Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Writings (Get Political)

by Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg's writings reveal one of the most brilliant and passionate minds drawn to the revolutionary socialist movement. Through the letters, pamphlets and theorising, we see an outstanding social and economic theorist, a dedicated political activist and a devoted confidant. *BR**BR*Providing an extensive overview of her writings, this volume contains a number of items never before anthologised. Her work was broad in scope tackling capitalism and socialism; globalisation and imperialism; history; war and peace; social struggles, trade unions, political parties; class, gender, race; the interconnection of humanity with the natural environment. The editors provide an extensive and informative introduction outlining and evaluating her life and thought.*BR**BR*This is the most comprehensive introduction to the range of Rosa Luxemburg's thought.

Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Writings (Get Political)

by Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg's writings reveal one of the most brilliant and passionate minds drawn to the revolutionary socialist movement. Through the letters, pamphlets and theorising, we see an outstanding social and economic theorist, a dedicated political activist and a devoted confidant. *BR**BR*Providing an extensive overview of her writings, this volume contains a number of items never before anthologised. Her work was broad in scope tackling capitalism and socialism; globalisation and imperialism; history; war and peace; social struggles, trade unions, political parties; class, gender, race; the interconnection of humanity with the natural environment. The editors provide an extensive and informative introduction outlining and evaluating her life and thought.*BR**BR*This is the most comprehensive introduction to the range of Rosa Luxemburg's thought.

Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy (Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice)

by J. Shulman

Collection with new contributions to the debate from New Politics concerning the legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. Publishing Stephen Eric Bronner's essay 'Red Dreams and the New Millennium' along with the numerous responses to the piece, a new introduction, and an interview with Bronner stimulates the discussion around Luxemburg's legacy.

Rosa Luxemburg and the Struggle for Democratic Renewal

by Jon Nixon

What can contemporary activists and political theorists learn from the life and work of Rosa Luxemburg? Examining her contribution to radical democracy and revolutionary socialism, Jon Nixon shows why Red Rosa's legacy lives on. *BR**BR*Luxemburg's political and intellectual formation was in itself a 'long revolution', conceived of over time and in response to world events; her groundbreaking ideas around internationalism and spontaneity were formulated in the context of revolution. Returning to her thinking on global capitalism, democratic renewal, state militarism, and the social question, Nixon draws out the enduring nature of her work, using her framework of ideas as a lens through which to view the contemporary debates.*BR**BR*By establishing a rich and distinctive account of Luxemburg, Nixon makes the argument for why her struggle for democratic renewal is as relevant as ever.

Rosa Luxemburg and the Struggle for Democratic Renewal

by Jon Nixon

What can contemporary activists and political theorists learn from the life and work of Rosa Luxemburg? Examining her contribution to radical democracy and revolutionary socialism, Jon Nixon shows why Red Rosa's legacy lives on. *BR**BR*Luxemburg's political and intellectual formation was in itself a 'long revolution', conceived of over time and in response to world events; her groundbreaking ideas around internationalism and spontaneity were formulated in the context of revolution. Returning to her thinking on global capitalism, democratic renewal, state militarism, and the social question, Nixon draws out the enduring nature of her work, using her framework of ideas as a lens through which to view the contemporary debates.*BR**BR*By establishing a rich and distinctive account of Luxemburg, Nixon makes the argument for why her struggle for democratic renewal is as relevant as ever.

A Rose Armed with Thorns: Spinoza’s Philosophy Under a Novel Lens (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #232)

by Amihud Gilead

This book presents a systemic analysis of Spinoza’s philosophy and challenges the traditional views. It deals with Spinoza’s concepts of substance, truth conditions, attributes, and the first, second, and supreme grades of knowledge. Based upon an analysis of the relevant details in all of Spinoza’s philosophical works, the book reveals many important points, including the following: Spinoza’s system is not, nor is meant to be, a foundational-deductive system but was meant to be a coherent system of a network model. Spinoza’s reality is not made in the image of a mathematical model. Imaginatio, the first grade of knowledge, and ratio, the second grade, are parts or properties of the supreme grade of knowledge, scientia intuitiva, which is their essence. Finite beings, especially humans, are necessary and eternal (unless they are mistakenly perceived by imaginatio) whereas time, place, and death are simply “entities of imagination.” The salvation, happiness, and blessedness that Spinoza’s Ethics offers us, are active and depend only upon us. Concluding a careful examination and interpretation, the book suggests additional novel viewpoints in interpreting Spinoza’s philosophical psychology and political philosophy.

Rose Elizabeth Cleveland: First Lady And Literary Scholar

by S. Salenius

Rose Elizabeth Cleveland was the First Lady of the United States when she assisted her brother, Grover Cleveland. She was also a literary scholar, novelist, and a poet who published work that empowered women. This book positions Cleveland in the historical context of the early twentieth century, when she helped shape female subjectivity and agency.

The Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind: Three languages to integrate neurobiology and psychology

by Vincenzo Sanguineti

The study of the brain-mind complex has been hampered by the dichotomy between objective biological neuroscience and subjective psychological science. This book presents a new theoretical model for how to "translate" between the two, using a third language: nonlinear physics and mathematics. It illustrates how the simultaneous use of these two approaches enriches the understanding of the neural and mental realms.

The Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind: Three Languages to Integrate Neurobiology and Psychology

by Vincenzo R. Sanguineti

The study of the brain-mind complex has been hampered by the dichotomy between objective biological neuroscience and subjective psychological science. This book presents a new theoretical model for how to "translate" between the two, using a third language: nonlinear physics and mathematics. It illustrates how the simultaneous use of these two approaches enriches the understanding of the neural and mental realms.

A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N.I. Novikov (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #190)

by Raffaella Faggionato

This is the first investigation of the history of Russian Freemasonry, based on the premise that the facts of the Russian Enlightenment preclude application of the interpretative framework commonly used for the history of western thought. Coverage includes the development of early Russian masonry, the formation of the Novikov circle in Moscow, the ‘programme’ of Rosicrucianism and its Russian variant and, finally, the clash between the Rosicrucians and the State.

The Roskilde Model: Problem-Oriented Learning and Project Work (Innovation and Change in Professional Education #12)

by Anders Siig Andersen Simon B. Heilesen

This book describes the pedagogical foundations of the Roskilde Model of education and educational design. It presents knowledge about how principles of problem-oriented, interdisciplinary and participant-directed project work may serve as a basis for planning and applying educational activities at institutions of higher learning. It discusses the dilemmas, problems, and diverging views that have challenged the model, provoking experiments and reforms that have helped develop practice without compromising the key principles. The Roskilde Model combines various student-centered learning concepts into a nexus, providing the foundation for a consistent pedagogical practice that is strongly supported by the educational structure and the academic profile of the university.A complex concept, the Roskilde Model refers to three different aspects: The first one is problem-oriented interdisciplinary and participant-directed project work (PPL). At Roskilde University, half of all study activities are organized in line with this particular pedagogical approach. The second aspect the model refers to is the organizing of university education on the basis of four interdisciplinary bachelor programmes. These programmes are part of the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and humanistic-technological sciences and give admission to two-year master programmes in a broad range of disciplines. The third aspect the model refers to is the interdisciplinary academic and educational profile of the university.

Rossian Ethics: W.D. Ross and Contemporary Moral Theory

by David Phillips

W.D. Ross (1877-1971) was the most important opponent of utilitarianism and consequentialism in British moral philosophy between 1861 and 1939. In Rossian Ethics, David Phillips offers the first monograph devoted exclusively to Ross's seminal contribution to moral philosophy. The book has two connected aims. The first is to interpret and evaluate Ross's moral theory, focusing on its three key elements: his introduction of the concept of prima facie duty, his limited pluralism about the right, and his limited pluralism about the good. The metaethical and epistemological framework within which Ross develops his moral theory is the subject of the fifth and final chapter of the book. The second aim is to articulate a distinctive view intermediate between consequentialism and absolutist deontology, which Phillips calls "classical deontology." According to classical deontology the most fundamental normative principles are principles of prima facie duty, principles which specify general kinds of reasons. Consequentialists are right to think that reasons always derive from goods; ideal utilitarians are right, contra hedonistic utilitarians, to think that there are a small number of distinct kinds of intrinsic goods. But consequentialists are wrong to think that all reasons have the same weight for all agents. Instead there are a small number of distinct kinds of agent-relative intensifiers: features that increase the importance of certain goods for certain agents. Phillips claims that classical deontology combines the best elements of the moral theories of Ross and of Sidgwick, ultimately arguing that Ross is best interpreted as a classical deontologist.

Rossian Ethics: W.D. Ross and Contemporary Moral Theory

by David Phillips

W.D. Ross (1877-1971) was the most important opponent of utilitarianism and consequentialism in British moral philosophy between 1861 and 1939. In Rossian Ethics, David Phillips offers the first monograph devoted exclusively to Ross's seminal contribution to moral philosophy. The book has two connected aims. The first is to interpret and evaluate Ross's moral theory, focusing on its three key elements: his introduction of the concept of prima facie duty, his limited pluralism about the right, and his limited pluralism about the good. The metaethical and epistemological framework within which Ross develops his moral theory is the subject of the fifth and final chapter of the book. The second aim is to articulate a distinctive view intermediate between consequentialism and absolutist deontology, which Phillips calls "classical deontology." According to classical deontology the most fundamental normative principles are principles of prima facie duty, principles which specify general kinds of reasons. Consequentialists are right to think that reasons always derive from goods; ideal utilitarians are right, contra hedonistic utilitarians, to think that there are a small number of distinct kinds of intrinsic goods. But consequentialists are wrong to think that all reasons have the same weight for all agents. Instead there are a small number of distinct kinds of agent-relative intensifiers: features that increase the importance of certain goods for certain agents. Phillips claims that classical deontology combines the best elements of the moral theories of Ross and of Sidgwick, ultimately arguing that Ross is best interpreted as a classical deontologist.

Rostock, Kiel, Wien: Aufsätze, Beiträge, Rezensionen 1919-1925 (Moritz Schlick. Gesamtausgabe #5)

by Moritz Schlick

Band 5 der Edition umfasst über 20 Publikationen des Philosophen und Physikers Moritz Schlick (1882 – 1936). Die Texte sind fast alle naturphilosophischer Art und befassen sich mit der Relativitätstheorie, den Anfängen der Quantenphysik, aber auch mit biologischen Fragen. Schlicks Interesse an der Relativitätstheorie ist besonders durch die Auseinandersetzung mit den Neukantianern Ernst Cassirer und Hans Reichenbach, aber auch Autoren wie Hermann von Helmholtz oder Werner Bloch geprägt und durch den ständigen Austausch mit Einstein gekennzeichnet.

Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words (Cognitive Technologies)

by Sankar Kumar Pal Lech Polkowski

Soft computing comprises various paradigms dedicated to approximately solving real-world problems, e.g. in decision making, classification or learning; among these paradigms are fuzzy sets, rough sets, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and others. It is well understood now in the soft computing community that hybrid approaches combining various paradigms are very promising approaches for solving complex problems. Exploiting the potential and strength of both neural networks and rough sets, this book is devoted to rough-neuro computing which is also related to the novel aspect of computing based on information granulation, in particular to computing with words. It provides foundational and methodological issues as well as applications in various fields.

Rough Set and Knowledge Technology: 5th International Conference, RSKT 2010, Beijing, China, October 15-17, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6401)

by Guoyin Wang Andrzej Skowron Jian Yu Salvatore Greco Pawan Lingras

TheInternationalConferenceonRoughSetandKnowledgeTechnology(RSKT) has been held every year since 2006. RSKT serves as a major forum that brings researchers and industry practitioners together to discuss and deliberate on fundamental issues of knowledge processing and management and knowled- intensive practical solutions in the current knowledge age. Experts from around the world meet to present state-of-the-art scienti?c results, to nurture academic and industrial interaction, and to promote collaborative research in rough sets and knowledge technology. The ?rst RSKT was held in Chongqing, China, f- lowed by RSKT 2007 in Toronto, Canada, RSKT 2008 in Chengdu, China and RSKT 2009 in Gold Coast, Australia. RSKT 2010, the 5th in the series, was held in Beijing, China, October 15–17, 2010. This volume contains 98 papers selected for presentation at RSKT 2010. Following the success of the previous conferences, RSKT 2010 continued the tradition of a very rigorous reviewing process. Every submission was reviewed byatleasttworeviewers.Moreover,RSKT2010invitedseveralareachairsto- pervise the review process of every submission. Most submissions were reviewed by three experts. The Program Committee members were deeply involved in a highly engaging selection process with discussions among reviewers and area chairs. When necessary, additional expert reviews were sought. As a result, only top-quality papers were chosen for presentation at the conference, including 49 regular papers (acceptance rate of 28%) and 25 short papers (acceptance rate of 14.3%). We would like to thank all the authors for contributing their best papers. Without their support, this conference would not have been possible.

Rough Set and Knowledge Technology: 6th International Conference, RSKT 2011, Banff, Canada, October 9-12, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6954)

by JingTao Yao Sheela Ramanna Guoyin Wang Zbigniew Suraj

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, RSKT 2011, held in Banff, Canada, in September 2011. The 89 revised full papers presented together with 3 keynote lectures and 1 invited tutorial session were carefully reviewed and selected from 229 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on attribute reduction and feature selection, generalized rough set models, machine learning with rough and hybrid techniques, knowledge technology and intelligent systems and applications.

Rough Set Methods and Applications: New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #56)

by Lech Polkowski Shusaku Tsumoto Tsau Y. Lin

Rough set approach to reasoning under uncertainty is based on inducing knowledge representation from data under constraints expressed by discernibility or, more generally, similarity of objects. Knowledge derived by this approach consists of reducts, decision or association rules, dependencies, templates, or classifiers. This monograph presents the state of the art of this area. The reader will find here a deep theoretical discussion of relevant notions and ideas as well as rich inventory of algorithmic and heuristic tools for knowledge discovery by rough set methods. An extensive bibliography will help the reader to get an acquaintance with this rapidly growing area of research.

Rough Sets: Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data (Theory and Decision Library D: #9)

by Z. Pawlak

To-date computers are supposed to store and exploit knowledge. At least that is one of the aims of research fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems. However, the problem is to understand what knowledge means, to find ways of representing knowledge, and to specify automated machineries that can extract useful information from stored knowledge. Knowledge is something people have in their mind, and which they can express through natural language. Knowl­ edge is acquired not only from books, but also from observations made during experiments; in other words, from data. Changing data into knowledge is not a straightforward task. A set of data is generally disorganized, contains useless details, although it can be incomplete. Knowledge is just the opposite: organized (e.g. laying bare dependencies, or classifications), but expressed by means of a poorer language, i.e. pervaded by imprecision or even vagueness, and assuming a level of granularity. One may say that knowledge is summarized and organized data - at least the kind of knowledge that computers can store.

Rough Sets: Mathematical Foundations (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing #15)

by Lech Polkowski

A comprehensive introduction to mathematical structures essential for Rough Set Theory. The book enables the reader to systematically study all topics of rough set theory. After a detailed introduction in Part 1 along with an extensive bibliography of current research papers. Part 2 presents a self-contained study that brings together all the relevant information from respective areas of mathematics and logics. Part 3 provides an overall picture of theoretical developments in rough set theory, covering logical, algebraic, and topological methods. Topics covered include: algebraic theory of approximation spaces, logical and set-theoretical approaches to indiscernibility and functional dependence, topological spaces of rough sets. The final part gives a unique view on mutual relations between fuzzy and rough set theories (rough fuzzy and fuzzy rough sets). Over 300 excercises allow the reader to master the topics considered. The book can be used as a textbook and as a reference work.

Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 6th International Conference, RSCTC 2008 Akron, OH, USA, October 23 - 25, 2008 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #5306)

by Chien-Chung Chan Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse Wojciech P. Ziarko

The articles in this volume were selected for presentation at the Sixth Inter- tional Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2008), which took place on October 23–25 in Akron, Ohio, USA. The conference is a premier event for researchersand industrial professionals interested in the theory and applications of rough sets and related methodo- gies. Since its introduction over 25 years ago by Zdzislaw Pawlak, the theory of rough sets has grown internationally and matured, leading to novel applications and theoretical works in areas such as data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, neural nets, granular and soft computing, Web intelligence, pattern recognition and control. The proceedings of the conferences in this - ries, as well as in Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT), and the Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC) series report a variety of innovative applications of rough set theory and of its extensions. Since its inception, the mathematical rough set theory was closely connected to application ?elds of computer science and to other areas, such as medicine, which provided additional motivation for its further development and tested its real-life value. Consequently, rough set conferences emphasize the - teractionsandinterconnectionswith relatedresearchareas,providingforumsfor exchanging ideas and mutual learning. The latter aspect is particularly imp- tant since the development of rough set-related applications usually requires a combination of often diverse expertise in rough sets and an application ?eld.

Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 9th International Conference, RSCTC 2014, Granada and Madrid, Spain, July 9-13, 2014, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8536)

by Chris Cornelis Marzena Kryszkiewicz Dominik Slezak Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz Rafael Bello Lin Shang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, RSCTC 2014, held in Granada and Madrid, Spain, in July 2014. RSCTC 2014 together with the Conference on Rough Sets and Emerging Intelligent Systems Paradigms (RSEISP 2014) was held as a major part of the 2014 Joint Rough Set Symposium (JRS 2014) The 23 regular and 17 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 120 submissions. They are organized in topical sections such as fuzzy logic and rough set: tools for imperfect information; fuzzy-rough hybridization; three way decisions and probabilistic rough sets; new trends in formal concept analysis and related methods; fuzzy decision making and consensus; soft computing for learning from data; web information systems and decision making; image processing and intelligent systems.

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