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Strukturtypen der Logik (Probleme und Resultate der Wissenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie #3)

by Matthias Varga Von Kibed

Diese Absicht wurde verstärkt durch den äußeren Umstand, daß in zunehmendem Maße Mathematikstudenten der Münchner Universität bei mir Logik als Nebenfach wählten. Da diese Kandidaten meist keine Zeit und Gelegenheit hatten, meine Veranstaltungen zu besuchen, kam der verständliche Wunsch auf, ich möge "etwas Schriftliches verfassen", das man mit nach Hause nehmen könne. Hinzu kam schließlich noch das Wissen um didaktische Nachteile vieler Logik-Bücher. In den meisten von ihnen werden nur spezielle syntaktische und semantische Verfahren behandelt. Wenn z. B. in einem Werk ausschließlich die axiomatische Methode, in einem weiteren allein das natürliche Schließen und in einem dritten nur der Kalkül der PositivfNegativ-Teile vorgeführt wird, so fällt es selbst einem routinier­ ten Mathematiker schwer, die Gleichwertigkeit dieser Kalkülisierungen einzusehen. Weichen dann auch noch die Systematisierungen der Se­ mantik erheblich voneinander ab, so wird ein Nichtmathematiker ver­ mutlich sogar den Eindruck gewinnen, die fraglichen Bücher handelten von verschiedenen Gegenständen. Doch dies ist nur die eine Seite der Medaille. In immer mehr Bücher, die das Wort ,Logik' im Titel tragen, werden nämlich umgekehrt mehr oder weniger ausführlich Bereiche einbezogen, die zwar für Untersuchungen zur Logik von Wichtigkeit sind, die jedoch weit über den Rahmen der Logik hinausführen, wie z. B. Rekursionstheorie, axiomatische Mengenlehre oder Hilbertsche Beweis­ theorie. Zieht man die Grenze einmal so weit, so ist nicht zu erkennen, warum nicht noch viel mehr einbezogen werden sollte. In zunehmendem Maße spielen z. B. algebraische Begriffe eine wichtige Rolle bei logischen Untersuchungen.

Strukturwandel als Prinzipienwandel: Theoretische, dogmatische und methodische Bausteine eines Prinzipienmodells des Völkerrechts und seiner Dynamik (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #272)

by Jochen Rauber

Das Buch versucht, zu einem besseren Verständnis des Strukturwandels des Völkerrechts beizutragen. Zu diesem Zweck entwirft es ein Prinzipienmodell des Völkerrechts, mit dem sich die völkerrechtlichen Entwicklungen, an die die Strukturwandelthese anknüpft, theoretisch erklären und dogmatisch erfassen lassen. Es weist nach, dass die Regeln des Völkerrechts in normativer Hinsicht auf völkerrechtlichen Grundprinzipien aufbauen, zeigt, dass der Bestand dieser Prinzipien wächst und analysiert, inwieweit das Aufkommen neuer Völkerrechtsprinzipien das Verständnis bestehender Völkerrechtsregeln beeinflusst. Ausgehend hiervon plädiert das Werk dafür, die Erscheinungen des völkerrechtlichen Strukturwandels als Konsequenz von Veränderungen im Bestand völkerrechtlicher Grundprinzipien zu verstehen. An Fallstudien aus unterschiedlichen Teilbereichen des Völkerrechts wird die Theorie abschließend erprobt.

Strung Together: The Cultural Currency of String Theory as a Scientific Imaginary

by Sean Miller

In Strung Together: The Cultural Currency of String Theory as a Scientific Imaginary, Sean Miller examines the cultural currency of string theory, both as part of scientific discourse and beyond it. He demonstrates that the imaginative component of string theory is both integral and indispensable to it as a scientific discourse. While mathematical arguments provide precise prompts for physical intervention in the world, the imaginary that supplements mathematical argument within string theory technical discourse allows theorists to imagine themselves interacting with the cosmos as an abstract space in such a way that strings and branes as phenomena become substantiated and legitimized. And it is precisely this sort of imaginary—which Miller calls a scientific imaginary—duly substantiated and acculturated, that survives the move from string theory technical discourse to popularizations and ultimately to popular and literary discourses. In effect, a string theory imaginary legitimizes the science itself and helps to facilitate a virtual domestication of a cosmos that was heretofore remote, alien, and incomprehensible.

The Student: A Short History

by Michael S. Roth

From the president of Wesleyan University, an illuminating history of the student, spanning from antiquity to Zoom In this sweeping book, Michael S. Roth narrates a vivid and dynamic history of students, exploring some of the principal models for learning that have developed in very different contexts, from the sixth century BCE to the present. Beginning with the followers of Confucius, Socrates, and Jesus and moving to medieval apprentices, students at Enlightenment centers of learning, and learners enrolled in twenty-first-century universities, he explores how students have been followers, interlocutors, disciples, rebels, and children becoming adults. There are many ways to be a student, Roth argues, but at their core is developing the capacity to think for oneself by learning from others, and thereby finding freedom. In an age of machine learning, this book celebrates the student who develops more than mastery, cultivating curiosity, judgment, creativity, and an ability to keep learning beyond formal schooling. Roth shows how the student throughout history has been someone who interacts dynamically with the world, absorbing its lessons and creatively responding to them.

Student Activism in 1960s America: Stories from Queens College (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements)

by Magnus O. Bassey

This book sheds light on the untold stories of individual student activists at Queens College, New York City, during the 1960s. Against the backdrop of the ongoing Vietnam War and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, some Americans began to lose faith in their government. Based on injustices that students saw in their campuses, in the country, and in the world at large, they began to question their political leaders. Students organized their discontents over three major issues: civil rights, free speech, and anti-war sentiments. Their protests involved direct actions such as sit-ins, marches, picketing, and boycotts. At Queens College (QC), as the students moved away from the repressive McCarthy era of the 1950s, they began to confront and challenge those in power at the college in the 1960s. The defining characteristic of this break from the past was a student strike in 1961 in objection to the ban of controversial speakers who had been invited to campus by student clubs. The student strike of 1961 gave the activists among them a direct and immediate way to fight power on campus and to fight racism and discrimination. The author argues that student movements cannot be attributed to a single explanation, and therefore, he focuses on individual historical contexts, presenting first-person narratives from the actual participants, and tells their stories in their own voices, from their own records, and from the documents they left behind. The book identifies the QC student activists of the 1960s, exploring how and why they became activists; their activities; their achievement as activists; and what motivated them to think that they could make history themselves by confronting racism. It provides an intimate look at the students’ lives and their social justice journey, beginning at Queens College and as they moved into their careers.

Student Activism in the Global South: The Formation of Political Capabilities in Higher Education

by Kurauone Masungo

This book makes an original conceptual and empirical contribution to debates on the role of student activism in enhancing social justice within education in the Global South, using South Africa as a case study. The book explores the development of higher education students’ political capabilities through student activism – that is, the freedom to express political ideas and engage in protests, including the following key capabilities: participation, dialogue, practical reasoning, voice, emotional expression, contextual knowledge and physical wellbeing. The author considers the possibility of enhancing justice and democracy in higher education through the formation of such student freedoms. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers in student activism, higher education and social justice, as well as institutional staff members with knowledge of student governance, members of student representative councils and higher education administrators.

Student Agency and Self-Formation in Higher Education (Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education)

by Yusuf Ikbal Oldac Lili Yang Soyoung Lee

This edited volume argues for positioning students at the centre of higher education, drawing from the concepts of student agency and self-formation. The volume highlights that higher education has broader and more important purposes than what a neoliberal human capital approach would suggest, and explores how students exercise their agency and realise self-formation as inherently connected concepts throughout university education. With disciplinary, cultural, and contextual diversity, this volume will provide international perspectives to readers interested in higher education theories, policies, and practices.

Student and Graduate Mobility in Armenia

by David Cairns Marine Sargsyan

Based on exploratory research with students and graduates conducted in Armenia and its diaspora during summer 2018, Cairns and Sargsyan provide insight into some of the challenges involved in moving abroad, focusing on three different destinations: Russia, the United States and the European Union. Additionally, Student and Graduate Mobility in Armenia considers issues that have an impact on life chances for highly qualified young people who wish to remain in Armenia, including perceptions of corruption in the local labour market and hopes for the future following the Velvet Revolution of spring 2018. This research will be of interest to students and scholars of mobility, youth, employment and education.

A Student-centred Sociology of Australian Education: Voices of Experience (Critical Studies of Education #13)

by Tiffany Jones

This book is based on a comparative study from 2018, of four different approaches to education, according to 2,500 Australians’ experiences of them, on a range of topics. It shows that whilst the critical approach has strong research-based support across the board, sometimes a liberal, conservative or post-modern approach may have some merit for certain outcomes. This is a book about challenging our biases and calling on ourselves to aim higher for education, than what our own pre-conceived ideas might allow. What and who is valued in education, and the social roles and identity messages learned, differ wildly from school to school. Education is most impacted by the orientation of education dominant in that context – whether conservative, liberal, critical or post-modern. These terms are often used with little practical data on the real-life schooling they entail. Who learns what in which approach? Who learns best with which approach, on which topic and why? This book provides this previously missing information. It offers holistic, detailed descriptions of conservative, liberal, critical and post-modern approaches to education broadly. It provides statistics and stories from real students on how the four approaches work practically in schools in relation to: age, gender, sexuality, social class, race, news-media, popular culture and technology. Chapters offer background information to the four perspectives, data from student participants, tutorial questions and activities, and suggestions for further reading.

Student Development and Social Justice: Critical Learning, Radical Healing, and Community Engagement

by Tessa Hicks Peterson

This book weaves together critical components of student development and community building for social justice to prepare students to engage effectively in community-campus partnerships for social change. The author combines diverse theoretical models such as critical pedagogy, asset-based community development, and healing justice with lessons from programs promoting indigenous knowledge, decolonization, and mindfulness. Most importantly, this book links theory to practice, offering service-learning classroom activities, course and community partnership criteria, learning outcomes, and assessment rubrics. It speaks to students, faculty, administrators, and community members who are interested in utilizing community engagement as a vehicle for the development of students and communities towards wellbeing and social justice.

Student Engagement and Educational Rapport in Higher Education

by Leonie Rowan Peter Grootenboer

This book outlines a range of innovative methods to gather student feedback, and explores the complex relation between student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success. Drawing on results from a set of numerous case-studies carried out at a school of education, the book reports on a range of theoretically-informed teaching innovations, including focus groups, learning analytics data, collegial conversations and insights from student researchers, that have been designed to create respectful, student-centred, and engaging learning environments. In the current climate of ever-increasing pressure on delivering high student satisfaction rates, these results are invaluable for university students and teachers across the globe.With its unique thematic focus on educational rapport and relationship-centred education, the book is an excellent reference point for staff with a commitment to the scholarship of learning and teaching. It will be of great interest to students, practitioners, teachers and policy makers in higher education.

Student Engagement and Educational Rapport in Higher Education

by Leonie Rowan Peter Grootenboer

This book outlines a range of innovative methods to gather student feedback, and explores the complex relation between student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success. Drawing on results from a set of numerous case-studies carried out at a school of education, the book reports on a range of theoretically-informed teaching innovations, including focus groups, learning analytics data, collegial conversations and insights from student researchers, that have been designed to create respectful, student-centred, and engaging learning environments. In the current climate of ever-increasing pressure on delivering high student satisfaction rates, these results are invaluable for university students and teachers across the globe.With its unique thematic focus on educational rapport and relationship-centred education, the book is an excellent reference point for staff with a commitment to the scholarship of learning and teaching. It will be of great interest to students, practitioners, teachers and policy makers in higher education.

Student Engagement, Higher Education, and Social Justice: Beyond Neoliberalism and the Market

by Corinna Bramley Keith Morrison

Student engagement is a catch-all term, irresistible to educators and policy makers, and serving many agendas and purposes. This ground-breaking book provides a powerful theory of student engagement, rooted in critical theory and social justice. It sets out a compelling argument for student engagement to promote social justice and to repel neoliberalism in, and through, higher education, addressing three key questions: Student engagement in what? Student engagement for what? Student engagement for whom? The answers draw on Habermas, Honneth, Gramsci, Foucault, and Giroux in examining ideology, power, recognition, resistance, and student engagement, with examples drawn from across the world. It sets out key features, limitations, and failures of neoliberalism in higher education, and indicates how student engagement can resist it. Student engagement calls for higher education institutions to be sites for challenge, debate on values and power, action for social justice, and for students to engage in the struggle to resist neoliberalism, taking action to promote social justice, democracy, and the public good. This book is essential reading for educators, researchers, managers and students in higher education, social scientists, and social theorists. It is a call to reawaken higher education for social justice, human rights, democracy, and freedoms.

Student Engagement, Higher Education, and Social Justice: Beyond Neoliberalism and the Market

by Corinna Bramley Keith Morrison

Student engagement is a catch-all term, irresistible to educators and policy makers, and serving many agendas and purposes. This ground-breaking book provides a powerful theory of student engagement, rooted in critical theory and social justice. It sets out a compelling argument for student engagement to promote social justice and to repel neoliberalism in, and through, higher education, addressing three key questions: Student engagement in what? Student engagement for what? Student engagement for whom? The answers draw on Habermas, Honneth, Gramsci, Foucault, and Giroux in examining ideology, power, recognition, resistance, and student engagement, with examples drawn from across the world. It sets out key features, limitations, and failures of neoliberalism in higher education, and indicates how student engagement can resist it. Student engagement calls for higher education institutions to be sites for challenge, debate on values and power, action for social justice, and for students to engage in the struggle to resist neoliberalism, taking action to promote social justice, democracy, and the public good. This book is essential reading for educators, researchers, managers and students in higher education, social scientists, and social theorists. It is a call to reawaken higher education for social justice, human rights, democracy, and freedoms.

Student Engagement in Neoliberal Times: Theories and Practices for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

by Nick Zepke

This book investigates origins, meanings, uses and effects of student engagement in higher education, and addresses three core questions: (1) Why is student engagement so visible in higher education today? (2) What are its dominant characteristics? (3) What is missing in the popular view of student engagement? These questions pave the way for a fresh approach to student engagement. The book argues that an elective affinity between student engagement and policies embedded in neoliberalism, the dominant ideology of the early 21st century, enables student engagement to transcend diverse intellectual and practice contexts. This affinity encourages quality learning and teaching that enables student to succeed in their studies and future careers. The book shows that focusing on neoliberal objectives for learning and teaching limits the potential of student engagement in higher education. This conclusion leads to a critical and practical social-ecological perspective that approaches engagement more as a pathway to social justice than as a list of techniques. This book is a work of critical scholarship backed by empirical research. It questions accepted theories and practices and offers fresh insights into student engagement in higher education, including how engagement could promote social justice.

Student Engagement in the Digital University: Sociomaterial Assemblages

by Martin Oliver Lesley Gourlay

Student Engagement in the Digital University challenges mainstream conceptions and assumptions about students’ engagement with digital resources in Higher Education. While engagement in online learning environments is often reduced to sets of transferable skills or typological categories, the authors propose that these experiences must be understood as embodied, socially situated, and taking place in complex networks of human and nonhuman actors. Using empirical data from a JISC-funded project on digital literacies, this book performs a sociomaterial analysis of student–technology interactions, complicating the optimistic and utopian narratives surrounding technology and education today and positing far-reaching implications for research, policy and practice.

Student Engagement in the Digital University: Sociomaterial Assemblages

by Martin Oliver Lesley Gourlay

Student Engagement in the Digital University challenges mainstream conceptions and assumptions about students’ engagement with digital resources in Higher Education. While engagement in online learning environments is often reduced to sets of transferable skills or typological categories, the authors propose that these experiences must be understood as embodied, socially situated, and taking place in complex networks of human and nonhuman actors. Using empirical data from a JISC-funded project on digital literacies, this book performs a sociomaterial analysis of student–technology interactions, complicating the optimistic and utopian narratives surrounding technology and education today and positing far-reaching implications for research, policy and practice.

The Student Guide to Freire's 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'

by Antonia Darder

This book serves as an important companion to Freire's seminal work, providing powerful insights into both a philosophically sound and politically inspired understanding of Freire's book, supporting application of his pedagogy in enacting emancipatory educational programs in the world today. Antonia Darder closely examines Freire's ideas as they are articulated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, beginning with a historical discussion of Freire's life and a systematic discussion of the central philosophical traditions that informed his revolutionary ideas. She engages and explores Freire's fundamental themes and ideas, including the issues of humanization, the teacher/student relationship, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and his larger emancipatory vision. Questions are included throughout Chapter 3, Reading the Text Chapter-by-Chapter, to enable greater discussion of, and engagement with, the text itself. The book includes an incisive interview with Freire's widow, Ana Maria Araujo Freire. The bibliography offers invaluable support to those looking to read and study other works by Paulo Freire.

The Student Guide to Freire's 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'

by Antonia Darder

This book serves as an important companion to Freire's seminal work, providing powerful insights into both a philosophically sound and politically inspired understanding of Freire's book, supporting application of his pedagogy in enacting emancipatory educational programs in the world today. Antonia Darder closely examines Freire's ideas as they are articulated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, beginning with a historical discussion of Freire's life and a systematic discussion of the central philosophical traditions that informed his revolutionary ideas. She engages and explores Freire's fundamental themes and ideas, including the issues of humanization, the teacher/student relationship, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and his larger emancipatory vision. Questions are included throughout Chapter 3, Reading the Text Chapter-by-Chapter, to enable greater discussion of, and engagement with, the text itself. The book includes an incisive interview with Freire's widow, Ana Maria Araujo Freire. The bibliography offers invaluable support to those looking to read and study other works by Paulo Freire.

The Student Guide to Freire's 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'

by Professor Antonia Darder

Now in its 2nd edition, this book serves as companion to Freire's seminal work, supporting the application of his pedagogy in enacting emancipatory educational programs in the world today. The new edition includes a new chapter called Teaching Pedagogy of the Oppressed with additional dialogue questions and activities designed to support students and instructors. It also includes an updated Bibliography and further reading list. Antonia Darder closely examines Freire's ideas as they are articulated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, beginning with a historical discussion of his life and a systematic discussion of the central philosophical traditions that informed his revolutionary ideas. Darder explores Freire's fundamental themes and ideas, including issues of humanization, teacher/student relationship, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and his larger emancipatory vision. The book also includes a chapter-by-chapter close reading of the text with sample questions to prompt discussion and engagement with Freire's ideas, as well as a new interview with Freire's widow, Ana Maria Araújo Freire, and a preface by Donaldo Macedo.

The Student Guide to Freire's 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'

by Professor Antonia Darder

Now in its 2nd edition, this book serves as companion to Freire's seminal work, supporting the application of his pedagogy in enacting emancipatory educational programs in the world today. The new edition includes a new chapter called Teaching Pedagogy of the Oppressed with additional dialogue questions and activities designed to support students and instructors. It also includes an updated Bibliography and further reading list. Antonia Darder closely examines Freire's ideas as they are articulated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, beginning with a historical discussion of his life and a systematic discussion of the central philosophical traditions that informed his revolutionary ideas. Darder explores Freire's fundamental themes and ideas, including issues of humanization, teacher/student relationship, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and his larger emancipatory vision. The book also includes a chapter-by-chapter close reading of the text with sample questions to prompt discussion and engagement with Freire's ideas, as well as a new interview with Freire's widow, Ana Maria Araújo Freire, and a preface by Donaldo Macedo.

Student Migrants and Contemporary Educational Mobilities

by Johanna Waters Rachel Brooks

This book explores questions around the meaning and significance of international student migration. Framed in relation to the mobilities – and immobilities – of international students, the book highlights various key themes emerging from the rich interdisciplinary scholarship in this area, including socio-economic diversification in mobile students, the differential value of international higher education, and citizenship and state-building projects. It also discusses the importance of considering ethics in relation to student migrants. This pioneering book will be of interest and value to scholars of student mobilities and the international student experience more widely, as well as practitioners and policy makers.

Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education

by R. Brooks J. Waters

This book develops a comprehensive understanding of the motivations and experiences of students who choose to study abroad for the whole or part of a degree. It includes case studies of students from East Asia, Europe and the UK, and considers the implications of their movement for contemporary higher education.

Student Movements for the Republic of Kosovo: 1968, 1981 and 1997 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements)

by Atdhe Hetemi

This book analyzes the central vision of three student movements organized by different generations of Kosovo Albanian students in 1968, 1981 and 1997. By examining the dynamics of the demonstrations, the author explores the dimensions, forms and implications of student uprisings and resistance, as well as the struggles for dominance by local (Kosovo), federal (SFRY), regional (Albania and Serbia) and international actors (outside the Balkans). While these demonstrations were organized by students, the book shows that these were not necessarily academic but political, highlighting the impact that students had on society to demonstrate. It examines how the vision for “Republic” status or independence impacted the first and subsequent student movements. Moreover, due to the richness of the empirical data included, this book contributes toward further discussions on social movements, nationalism and state theories.

Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism: Dynamics of Contention and Their Consequences (Social Movements and Transformation)

by Lorenzo Cini Donatella Della Porta César Guzmán-Concha

This book inquires into the global wave of student mobilizations that have arisen in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, accounting for their historical and sociological significance. More specifically, its eleven chapters explore the role of students as political actors: their ability to build effective organizations, to make political alliances with other actors, and to win public consensus, as well as their impact on cultural, political, and policy outcomes. To do so, the volume examines case studies in England, Chile, South Africa, Quebec, and Hong Kong, covering Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and Latin America. Grouped into two major sections, the collection covers the organizational structures of student movements and their alliances and outcomes. Ultimately, this volume examines the understudied political aspects of student unrest, exploring how student mobilizations—driven by indebtedness, precariousness, the corporatization of the university, and other issues—correspond to larger processes of change with wider implications in society.

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