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Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida

Spanning the centuries, from the seventeenth to the twentieth, and ranging across cultures, from England to Mexico, this collection gathers together important statements on the function and feasibility of literary translation. The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, Ortega, Benjamin, Pound, Jakobson, Paz, Riffaterre, Derrida, and others. A fine companion to The Craft of Translation, this volume will be a valuable resource for all those who translate, those who teach translation theory and practice, and those interested in questions of language philosophy and literary theory.

Theories of Truth: An Introduction

by Timothy M. Mosteller

From the Pre-Socratics to the 21st century, Theories of Truth: An Introduction provides a clear, introductory account of the major theories of truth. Starting with a defense of the importance of truth in reflection, this introduction guides readers through correspondence, coherence, deflationist and pragmatic theories to the connection between truth and rationality. Without assuming prior knowledge, it thematically introduces the key theories and explains the challenges and objections that exist as well as the links that can be made with other areas of human inquiry. Informative and critical, each chapter covers a single theory and presents a robust coverage of the debates, accessible descriptions of technicalities and an accurate account of the history. For undergraduates looking to understand the place, development and importance of truth in either epistemology specifically or philosophy in general, Theories of Truth: An Introduction offers a straightforward understanding of truth, clarifying both the history of the theories and the current debates about them.

Theories of Truth: An Introduction

by Timothy M. Mosteller

From the Pre-Socratics to the 21st century, Theories of Truth: An Introduction provides a clear, introductory account of the major theories of truth. Starting with a defense of the importance of truth in reflection, this introduction guides readers through correspondence, coherence, deflationist and pragmatic theories to the connection between truth and rationality. Without assuming prior knowledge, it thematically introduces the key theories and explains the challenges and objections that exist as well as the links that can be made with other areas of human inquiry. Informative and critical, each chapter covers a single theory and presents a robust coverage of the debates, accessible descriptions of technicalities and an accurate account of the history. For undergraduates looking to understand the place, development and importance of truth in either epistemology specifically or philosophy in general, Theories of Truth: An Introduction offers a straightforward understanding of truth, clarifying both the history of the theories and the current debates about them.

Theories, Sites, Toposes: Relating and studying mathematical theories through topos-theoretic 'bridges'

by Olivia Caramello

According to Grothendieck, the notion of topos is "the bed or deep river where come to be married geometry and algebra, topology and arithmetic, mathematical logic and category theory, the world of the continuous and that of discontinuous or discrete structures". It is what he had "conceived of most broad to perceive with finesse, by the same language rich of geometric resonances, an "essence" which is common to situations most distant from each other, coming from one region or another of the vast universe of mathematical things". The aim of this book is to present a theory and a number of techniques which allow to give substance to Grothendieck's vision by building on the notion of classifying topos educed by categorical logicians. Mathematical theories (formalized within first-order logic) give rise to geometric objects called sites; the passage from sites to their associated toposes embodies the passage from the logical presentation of theories to their mathematical content, i.e. from syntax to semantics. The essential ambiguity given by the fact that any topos is associated in general with an infinite number of theories or different sites allows to study the relations between different theories, and hence the theories themselves, by using toposes as 'bridges' between these different presentations. The expression or calculation of invariants of toposes in terms of the theories associated with them or their sites of definition generates a great number of results and notions varying according to the different types of presentation, giving rise to a veritable mathematical morphogenesis.

Theories, Sites, Toposes: Relating and studying mathematical theories through topos-theoretic 'bridges'

by Olivia Caramello

According to Grothendieck, the notion of topos is "the bed or deep river where come to be married geometry and algebra, topology and arithmetic, mathematical logic and category theory, the world of the continuous and that of discontinuous or discrete structures". It is what he had "conceived of most broad to perceive with finesse, by the same language rich of geometric resonances, an "essence" which is common to situations most distant from each other, coming from one region or another of the vast universe of mathematical things". The aim of this book is to present a theory and a number of techniques which allow to give substance to Grothendieck's vision by building on the notion of classifying topos educed by categorical logicians. Mathematical theories (formalized within first-order logic) give rise to geometric objects called sites; the passage from sites to their associated toposes embodies the passage from the logical presentation of theories to their mathematical content, i.e. from syntax to semantics. The essential ambiguity given by the fact that any topos is associated in general with an infinite number of theories or different sites allows to study the relations between different theories, and hence the theories themselves, by using toposes as 'bridges' between these different presentations. The expression or calculation of invariants of toposes in terms of the theories associated with them or their sites of definition generates a great number of results and notions varying according to the different types of presentation, giving rise to a veritable mathematical morphogenesis.

Theorieübersetzungsgeschichte: Deutsch-französischer und transatlantischer Theorietransfer im 20. Jahrhundert (Globalisierte Literaturen. Theorie und Geschichte transnationaler Buchkultur / Globalized Literatures. Theory and History of Transnational Book Culture #2)

by Wolfgang Hottner

Im Zuge der Historisierung von Theorie ist die Rolle von Übersetzungen sowie die vermittelnde Rolle der Übersetzer*innen bisher nur am Rande berücksichtigt worden. Doch für die Rezeption, Internationalisierung und Kanonisierung von Theorie spielen diese eine entscheidende Rolle, weshalb sich dieser Band der Geschichte der Theorie in Hinblick auf ihre Übersetzungen nähert. Die Brisanz, die Theorie in Deutschland, Frankreich und den USA von Anfang der 1960er bis Ende der 1990er Jahre entfalten konnte, verdankt sich nicht nur der Mobilität ihrer Protagonist*innen, sondern auch der Verfügbarkeit von Übersetzungen, in denen Theorie von einer Sprache in die andere übergeht, dabei ‚anschlussfähig‘ wird. Theorieübersetzungsgeschichte rückt die Arbeit von Übersetzer*innen in den Blick, die wechselseitige Beziehung von Übersetzungstheorie und poststrukturalistisch-dekonstruktivem Denken sowie ein spezifisches Verständnis von Übersetzung, das mit dem Anspruch verbunden ist, im Verlauf gegenwärtiger Debatten zu intervenieren.

Theorising Democide: Why and How Democracies Fail (The Theories, Concepts and Practices of Democracy)

by M. Chou

Beginning with the premise that democracies are often deeply implicated in their own downfall, The Theory of Democide challenges the conventional view of how and why democracies collapse by demonstrating that democratic collapse is often a direct result of the inherent logic of democracy itself.

Theorising International Society: English School Methods (Palgrave Studies in International Relations)

by C. Navari

This volume outlines the methods appropriate to an English School understanding of international relations and their assumptions about how knowledge of the social is gained. It makes clear what is involved in 'an English School approach' and what such an approach delivers in the contemporary understanding of international relations.

Theorising NATO: New perspectives on the Atlantic alliance

by Mark Webber Adrian Hyde-Price

Scholarship on NATO is often preoccupied with key episodes in the development of the organisation and so, for the most part, has remained inattentive to theory. This book addresses that gap in the literature. It provides a comprehensive analysis of NATO through a range of theoretical perspectives that includes realism, liberalism and constructivism, and lesser-known approaches centred on learning, public goods, securitisation and risk. Focusing on NATO’s post-Cold War development, it considers the conceptualisation, purpose and future of the Alliance. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international organisation, international relations, security and European Politics.

Theorising NATO: New perspectives on the Atlantic alliance

by Mark Webber Adrian Hyde-Price

Scholarship on NATO is often preoccupied with key episodes in the development of the organisation and so, for the most part, has remained inattentive to theory. This book addresses that gap in the literature. It provides a comprehensive analysis of NATO through a range of theoretical perspectives that includes realism, liberalism and constructivism, and lesser-known approaches centred on learning, public goods, securitisation and risk. Focusing on NATO’s post-Cold War development, it considers the conceptualisation, purpose and future of the Alliance. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international organisation, international relations, security and European Politics.

Theorising Noncitizenship: Concepts, Debates and Challenges

by Katherine Tonkiss and Tendayi Bloom

‘Noncitizenship’, if it is considered at all, is generally seen only as the negation or deprivation of citizenship. It is rarely examined in its own right, whether in relation to States, to noncitizens, or citizens. This means that it is difficult to examine successfully the status of noncitizens, obligations towards them, and the nature of their role in political systems. As a result, not only are there theoretical black holes, but also the real world difficulties created as a result of noncitizenship are not currently successfully addressed. In response, Theorising Noncitizenship seeks to define the theoretical challenge that noncitizenship presents and to consider why it should be seen as a foundational concept in social science. The contributions, from leading scholars in the field and across disciplinary backgrounds, capture a diversity of perspectives on the meaning, position and lived experience of noncitizenship. They demonstrate that, we need to look beyond citizenship in order to take noncitizenship seriously and to capture fully the lived realities of the contemporary State system. This book was previously published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies.

Theorising Noncitizenship: Concepts, Debates and Challenges

by Katherine Tonkiss Tendayi Bloom

‘Noncitizenship’, if it is considered at all, is generally seen only as the negation or deprivation of citizenship. It is rarely examined in its own right, whether in relation to States, to noncitizens, or citizens. This means that it is difficult to examine successfully the status of noncitizens, obligations towards them, and the nature of their role in political systems. As a result, not only are there theoretical black holes, but also the real world difficulties created as a result of noncitizenship are not currently successfully addressed. In response, Theorising Noncitizenship seeks to define the theoretical challenge that noncitizenship presents and to consider why it should be seen as a foundational concept in social science. The contributions, from leading scholars in the field and across disciplinary backgrounds, capture a diversity of perspectives on the meaning, position and lived experience of noncitizenship. They demonstrate that, we need to look beyond citizenship in order to take noncitizenship seriously and to capture fully the lived realities of the contemporary State system. This book was previously published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies.

Theorising Posthuman Childhood Studies (Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories)

by Karen Malone Marek Tesar Sonja Arndt

This book is a genealogical foregrounding and performance of conceptions of children and their childhoods over time. We acknowledge that children’s lives are embedded in worlds both inside and outside of structured schooling or institutional settings, and that this relationality informs how we think about what it means to be a child living and experiencing childhood. The book maps the field by taking up a cross-disciplinary, genealogical niche to offer both an introduction to theoretical underpinnings of emerging theories and concepts, and to provide hands-on examples of how they might play out. This book positions children and their everyday lived childhoods in the Anthropocene and focuses on the interface of children’s being in the everyday spaces and places of contemporary communities and societies. In particular this book examines how the shift towards posthuman and new materialist perspectives continues to challenge dominant developmental, social constructivist and structuralist theoretical approaches in diverse ways, to help us to understand contemporary constructions of childhoods. It recognises that while such dominant approaches have long been shown to limit the complexity of what it means to be a child living in the contemporary world, the traditions of many Eurocentric theories have not addressed the diversity of children’s lives in the majority of countries or in the Global South.

Theorising Public Pedagogy: The Educative Agent in the Public Realm (Routledge Research in Education)

by Karen Charman Mary Dixon

Drawing on the ideas of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault, this book extends the theoretical understanding of public pedagogy and brings into sharp focus the elements that constitute the public realm; the site of public pedagogy. Karen Charman and Mary Dixon offer a new theorisation of the public, a term at the heart of debate in the field, heightened in this post-truth era by the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of fake news and the technological reconfigurations of public life. The new theorization addresses the ‘public’, ‘pedagogy’ and their confluence in ‘public pedagogy’. The book explores a deep engagement with the architecture and dynamics of pedagogy and argues for the positioning of pedagogy with the public. The authors contribute to a theorisation that re-considers the individual and their capacity for agency within the public realm. The book presents knowledge and pedagogical encounters as key elements of public pedagogy and most significantly, the educative agent as a means of critically rethinking social life and learning in public spaces. Presenting an innovative theoretical approach, this book will be of interest to academics in the fields of public and critical pedagogy and postgraduate students in education, cultural studies and politics.

Theorising Public Pedagogy: The Educative Agent in the Public Realm (Routledge Research in Education)

by Karen Charman Mary Dixon

Drawing on the ideas of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault, this book extends the theoretical understanding of public pedagogy and brings into sharp focus the elements that constitute the public realm; the site of public pedagogy. Karen Charman and Mary Dixon offer a new theorisation of the public, a term at the heart of debate in the field, heightened in this post-truth era by the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of fake news and the technological reconfigurations of public life. The new theorization addresses the ‘public’, ‘pedagogy’ and their confluence in ‘public pedagogy’. The book explores a deep engagement with the architecture and dynamics of pedagogy and argues for the positioning of pedagogy with the public. The authors contribute to a theorisation that re-considers the individual and their capacity for agency within the public realm. The book presents knowledge and pedagogical encounters as key elements of public pedagogy and most significantly, the educative agent as a means of critically rethinking social life and learning in public spaces. Presenting an innovative theoretical approach, this book will be of interest to academics in the fields of public and critical pedagogy and postgraduate students in education, cultural studies and politics.

Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism: Solidarity, Mimesis and Radical Social Change

by Iwona Janicka

The turn of the Millennium demonstrated a fully-fledged revival and fusion of various left-wing social movements with differing agendas. Movements for women's, black, indigenous, LGTB and animal liberation as well as ecological, anti-nuclear and anti-war groups unified against the global capital. Considering the diverse emphases of these movements, is there a philosophical framework that could help us understand their nature and their modes of operation in the 21st century? This book provides a set of conceptual tools offering a theoretical model of 'slow' social transformation, a modality of social change that explicitly differs from the irruptive model of a revolution or a paradigm-changing event. Instead, it proposes the two concepts of mimetic contagion and solidarity with singularity which allow us to understand what is currently happening in the activist milieu. By bringing together some of today's most important thinkers, including Butler, Girard, Badiou, and Sloterdijk this book suggests a philosophical lens to look at the alternative living projects that contemporary left-wing activists undertake in practice. At the heart of their projects lie the pressing concerns that these contemporary philosophers currently debate.Breaking from the conceptual apparatus of the Marxian tradition, Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism instead takes Hegelian concepts and feeds them through the thought of contemporary theorists in order to form an original, productive, and inclusive scaffold with which to understand today's world of social and political movements.

Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism: Solidarity, Mimesis and Radical Social Change

by Iwona Janicka

The turn of the Millennium demonstrated a fully-fledged revival and fusion of various left-wing social movements with differing agendas. Movements for women's, black, indigenous, LGTB and animal liberation as well as ecological, anti-nuclear and anti-war groups unified against the global capital. Considering the diverse emphases of these movements, is there a philosophical framework that could help us understand their nature and their modes of operation in the 21st century? This book provides a set of conceptual tools offering a theoretical model of 'slow' social transformation, a modality of social change that explicitly differs from the irruptive model of a revolution or a paradigm-changing event. Instead, it proposes the two concepts of mimetic contagion and solidarity with singularity which allow us to understand what is currently happening in the activist milieu. By bringing together some of today's most important thinkers, including Butler, Girard, Badiou, and Sloterdijk this book suggests a philosophical lens to look at the alternative living projects that contemporary left-wing activists undertake in practice. At the heart of their projects lie the pressing concerns that these contemporary philosophers currently debate.Breaking from the conceptual apparatus of the Marxian tradition, Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism instead takes Hegelian concepts and feeds them through the thought of contemporary theorists in order to form an original, productive, and inclusive scaffold with which to understand today's world of social and political movements.

Theorizing Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, and Research through Duoethnographic Pedagogy

by Joe Norris Richard D. Sawyer

This book explores the value of duoethnography to the study of interdisciplinary practice. Illustrating how dialogic and relational forms of research help to facilitate deeply emic, personal, and situated understandings of practice, the editors and contributors promote personal reflexivity and changes in practice. Education, drama, nursing counselling, and art in classroom, university, and larger professional spaces are examined by students, teachers, and practitioners using duoethnography to become more aware, dialogic, imaginative, and relational in their teaching.

Theorizing Justice in Contemporary Arabo-Islamic Philosophy: A Transcultural Approach with Fatima Mernissi and Mohammed Arkoun (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Kaouther Karoui

What is »justice« from the perspective of contemporary Arabo-Islamic philosophy? Kaouther Karoui takes a transcultural approach, open to different philosophical traditions, and seeks to decenter Western notions of normativity. She focuses on two thinkers, namely the feminist Fatima Mernissi (d.2015) and Mohammed Arkoun (d.2010), a well-known critic of hegemony and orthodoxy. She situates their thinking within current debates among Arab thinkers and brings their ideas into dialog with Western political philosophy. This study thus challenges stereotypes about the Arab-Islamic world by discussing postcolonial theories of gender justice, political freedom, and religion.

Theorizing Race in the Americas: Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos

by Juliet Hooker

In 1845 two thinkers from the American hemisphere - the Argentinean statesman Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, and the fugitive ex-slave, abolitionist leader, and orator from the United States, Frederick Douglass - both published their first works. Each would become the most famous and enduring texts in what were both prolific careers, and they ensured Sarmiento and Douglass' position as leading figures in the canon of Latin American and U.S. African-American political thought, respectively. But despite the fact that both deal directly with key political and philosophical questions in the Americas, Douglass and Sarmiento, like African-American and Latin American thought more generally, are never read alongside each other. This may be because their ideas about race differed dramatically. Sarmiento advocated the Europeanization of Latin America and espoused a virulent form of anti-indigenous racism, while Douglass opposed slavery and defended the full humanity of black persons. Still, as Juliet Hooker contends, looking at the two together allows one to chart a hemispheric intellectual geography of race that challenges political theory's preoccupation with and assumptions about East / West comparisons, and questions the use of comparison as a tool in the production of theory and philosophy. By juxtaposing four prominent nineteenth and twentieth-century thinkers - Frederick Douglass, Domingo F. Sarmiento, W. E. B. Du Bois, and José Vasconcelos - her book will be the first to bring African-American and Latin American political thought into conversation. Hooker stresses that Latin American and U.S. ideas about race were not developed in isolation, but grew out of transnational intellectual exchanges across the Americas. In so doing, she shows that nineteenth and twentieth-century U.S. and Latin American thinkers each looked to political models in the 'other' America to advance racial projects in their own countries. Reading these four intellectuals as hemispheric thinkers, Hooker foregrounds elements of their work that have been dismissed by dominant readings, and provides a crucial platform to bridge the canons of Latin American and African-American political thought.

Theorizing Race in the Americas: Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos

by Juliet Hooker

In 1845 two thinkers from the American hemisphere - the Argentinean statesman Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, and the fugitive ex-slave, abolitionist leader, and orator from the United States, Frederick Douglass - both published their first works. Each would become the most famous and enduring texts in what were both prolific careers, and they ensured Sarmiento and Douglass' position as leading figures in the canon of Latin American and U.S. African-American political thought, respectively. But despite the fact that both deal directly with key political and philosophical questions in the Americas, Douglass and Sarmiento, like African-American and Latin American thought more generally, are never read alongside each other. This may be because their ideas about race differed dramatically. Sarmiento advocated the Europeanization of Latin America and espoused a virulent form of anti-indigenous racism, while Douglass opposed slavery and defended the full humanity of black persons. Still, as Juliet Hooker contends, looking at the two together allows one to chart a hemispheric intellectual geography of race that challenges political theory's preoccupation with and assumptions about East / West comparisons, and questions the use of comparison as a tool in the production of theory and philosophy. By juxtaposing four prominent nineteenth and twentieth-century thinkers - Frederick Douglass, Domingo F. Sarmiento, W. E. B. Du Bois, and José Vasconcelos - her book will be the first to bring African-American and Latin American political thought into conversation. Hooker stresses that Latin American and U.S. ideas about race were not developed in isolation, but grew out of transnational intellectual exchanges across the Americas. In so doing, she shows that nineteenth and twentieth-century U.S. and Latin American thinkers each looked to political models in the 'other' America to advance racial projects in their own countries. Reading these four intellectuals as hemispheric thinkers, Hooker foregrounds elements of their work that have been dismissed by dominant readings, and provides a crucial platform to bridge the canons of Latin American and African-American political thought.

Theorizing Transboundary Waters in International Relations (Springer Water)

by Kinga Szálkai Máté Szalai

This book is the first collection of state-of-the-art research projects analyzing water conflict and cooperation with an explicitly theoretical point of view. Its fourteen chapters offer a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on how the application of various theoretical perspectives can support the work of scholars and practitioners in mitigating water conflict and developing cooperation.The volume starts out from a literature review on the theorization of transboundary waters in International Relations, which prepares the ground for the demonstration of the latest approaches of scholars currently working on this field. The discussion of their findings is divided into four main sections. The first section deals with reflections and critiques on the grand theories of International Relations, proposing new and more nuanced frameworks for understanding and managing transboundary water relations by going beyond the traditional assumptions. The second section focuses on the catalysts and barriers of cooperation, applying theoretical frameworks which reveal the consequences of the dynamics in power relations and institutional frameworks. The third section investigates into the perspectives at the intersections of theory and practice related to the most practical field within the scope of the volume: water diplomacy. The fourth section introduces new perspectives to provide specific entry points for understanding and managing water conflict and cooperation.Overall, the work intends to demonstrate that the theorization of transboundary waters can significantly contribute to the deeper understanding and the more efficient management of water conflicts and cooperation from several aspects.The authors come from diverse backgrounds, and their individual careers are often related to the intersections of theory and practice in the field of transboundary water management. Their expertise covers water issues from all around the globe, which is reflected in the range of the analyzed case studies. The diversity of the experts involved, their backgrounds, their perspectives, the applied theories, and the analyzed cases was an important priority for the editors.

Theorizing War: From Hobbes to Badiou

by N. Mansfield

War is always defined in relation to something else: peace, society, civilisation, friendship or love. What is the relationship between war and its 'other'? Are they opposites or versions of one another? This book surveys four hundred years of thinking about the definition of war, from Hobbes and Clausewitz to Badiou and Žižek.

Theory after Derrida: Essays in Critical Praxis

by R. Radhakrishnan Kailash C. Baral

A critical anthology that re-examines Jacques Derrida’s thought by way of theory and praxis, this volume reflects on his striking legacy and the future of theory. Among contemporary thinkers, Derrida challenges not only our ways of thinking but also hitherto methods of inquiry. This book captures how Derrida renovates and re-energises philosophy by questioning the fundamental assumptions of Western philosophical thought. By doing so, he exposes the intricate lie behind binaries, such as speech/writing, nature/culture, male/female, black/white, literature/criticism, etc., which have continued to shape our worldview, where a hegemonic centre is always already in place dominating or marginalising the ‘other’. A significant contribution to literary theory, this book explores not only the status of Derrida’s contribution as a critical thinker but also the status of critical theory as such in the contemporary milieu. The central question that it asks is whether we should dismiss Derrida as a thinker who espoused an extreme form of relativism, bordering on nihilism, or has he something fundamental to contribute to the future of theory. Could it be that deconstruction is not destruction but a possibility that casts doubts on whether the present can have faith in future? This second edition includes a new Postscript and addresses some important concerns of our times, such as religious practice, art and aesthetics, translation, sociology of philosophy, and democracy. Scholars and researchers of English literature, philosophy, sociology and cultural studies will find this work particularly interesting.

Theory after Derrida: Essays in Critical Praxis

by R. Radhakrishnan Kailash C. Baral

A critical anthology that re-examines Jacques Derrida’s thought by way of theory and praxis, this volume reflects on his striking legacy and the future of theory. Among contemporary thinkers, Derrida challenges not only our ways of thinking but also hitherto methods of inquiry. This book captures how Derrida renovates and re-energises philosophy by questioning the fundamental assumptions of Western philosophical thought. By doing so, he exposes the intricate lie behind binaries, such as speech/writing, nature/culture, male/female, black/white, literature/criticism, etc., which have continued to shape our worldview, where a hegemonic centre is always already in place dominating or marginalising the ‘other’. A significant contribution to literary theory, this book explores not only the status of Derrida’s contribution as a critical thinker but also the status of critical theory as such in the contemporary milieu. The central question that it asks is whether we should dismiss Derrida as a thinker who espoused an extreme form of relativism, bordering on nihilism, or has he something fundamental to contribute to the future of theory. Could it be that deconstruction is not destruction but a possibility that casts doubts on whether the present can have faith in future? This second edition includes a new Postscript and addresses some important concerns of our times, such as religious practice, art and aesthetics, translation, sociology of philosophy, and democracy. Scholars and researchers of English literature, philosophy, sociology and cultural studies will find this work particularly interesting.

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