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Wie wäre es, ein Mensch zu sein?: Über das Humane für eine Welt von morgen

by Gerhard Danzer

Die globalen politischen, gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Fragen und Probleme im 21. Jahrhundert bedeuten enorme Herausforderungen für die Humanität. Dieses Buch beleuchtet diese Herausforderungen aus drei Perspektiven: aus der Perspektive des einzelnen Individuums, aus der Sicht von Welt- und Lebensanschauungen (Humanismus, Pazifismus, Agnostizismus) sowie aus dem Blickwinkel von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Philosophie; und es untersucht deren jeweiliges Humanisierungs-Potential.

Wie wir zu dem werden, was wir sind: Sozialisations-, biographie- und bildungstheoretische Aspekte

by Detlef Garz Boris Zizek

Die Frage nach der menschlichen Entwicklung, die Frage nach dem ‘Wie wir werden, was wir sind’, steht im Zentrum dieses Bandes, der das Thema aus drei Perspektiven spiegelt: Aus der Perspektive der Sozialisationstheorie, der Biographietheorie sowie der Bildungstheorie. Im Rekurs auf neueste Erkenntnisse der einschlägigen theoretischen Konzepte und empirischen Studien bringen die Herausgeber erstmals die maßgeblichen FachwissenschaftlerInnen zusammen.

Wie wird man ein Mensch?: Anthropologie als Grundlage der Philosophie (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Gunter Gebauer

Wie machen wir uns als Menschen? Diese Frage liegt vor allen Problemen der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften vom Menschen. In diesem Band wird sie als Grundfrage der Anthropologie behandelt. Anthropologie ist als »erste Philosophie« eine Reflexion über die Selbst-Verständigung des Menschen. Wie der Mensch sich macht, wird als Entwurf seiner selbst untersucht. Gunter Gebauer exploriert das Projekt aus verschiedenen Richtungen, die in das Zentrum der aktuellen Wissenschaften vom Menschen führen: die Körpertechniken, der Habitus, die Sprache, die Selbstsorge, die Empathie. Der Band wendet sich an Leser*innen mit Interesse an einem vertieften Verständnis des Menschen und der Wissenschaften vom Menschen.

Wie Wissenschaft Länder, Gesellschaften, Religionen vereint: Ein Überblick für Wissenschaftler und Politiker (essentials)

by Heiko Herwald

Unsere heutige Welt ist geprägt von einer rasanten technologischen Entwicklung. Die daraus resultierende digitale Reizüberflutung, das unermessliche Sammeln von Daten und die Entwicklung von Algorithmen, die für uns jetzt schon Entscheidungen übernehmen, haben das Wertesystem der Menschen verändert. Anhand des Höhlengleichnisses von Platon beschreibt der Autor, wieso der Mensch seine Unabhängigkeit aufgibt und er sich von einem Homo sapiens zu einem Homo accumulans (speichernder Mensch) entwickelt hat. Er zeigt auf, warum Paradigmenwechsel in Religion, Politik und Wissenschaft für die Weiterentwicklung der Menschheit von großer Bedeutung waren und wieso dies für die Wissenschaft auch weiterhin notwendig sein wird, um Lösungen für globale Probleme zu entwickeln.

Wiedergeborene Freiheit: Der Einfluss des Pietismus auf die Ethik Immanuel Kants

by Anna Szyrwińska

Anna Szyrwińska geht in ihrem Buch der Frage nach, ob und inwieweit die pietistische Theologie Einfluss auf die Philosophie Immanuel Kants hatte. Ihre historische und systematisch-philosophische Analyse zeigt, dass Kants praktische Philosophie an mehreren Punkten an die pietistische Lehre und vor allem an die Theologie Philipp Jakob Speners anschließt. Weiter ergeben ihre Untersuchungen, dass dies insbesondere für die internalistische Motivationstheorie und die radikal inkompatibilistische Freiheitsvorstellung bei pietistischen Denkern gilt, die sich dann auch bei Kant wiederfinden.

Wiederholung als zentrales universelles Gestaltungsmittel der Musik (Zeitgenössische Musikwissenschaft)

by Ulli Götte

Im Zentrum des Buches steht die Betrachtung der Wiederholung in ihren vielfältigen, kulturübergreifenden Erscheinungsformen. Zahlreiche Analysen aus den Bereichen der abendländischen Kunstmusik, der europäischen Volksmusik, der afrikanischen, indonesischen und indischen Musik sowie der populären Musik untermauern die einzigartige Bedeutung der Wiederholung als musikalisches Gestaltungsmittel. Die europäische Theorie der musikalischen Form, mathematische Betrachtungen, Minimal Music (als Inbegriff repetitiver Musik) sowie ästhetische Überlegungen werden in einzelnen Kapiteln behandelt. Eine Systematisierung der Wiederholungsstrukturen steht am Ende des Buches. Entsprechend dieser Bedeutung wird die Schrift eingeleitet mit einer streifzugartigen Darstellung der Wiederholung als einer universellen, kunstspartenübergreifenden Strategie.

Wild: Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered

by Solveig Bøe, Hege Charlotte Faber and Eivind Kasa

In this interdisciplinary work, philosophers from different specialisms connect with the notion of the wild today and interrogate how it is mediated through the culture of the Anthropocene. They make use of empirical material like specific artworks, films and other cultural works related to the term 'wild' to consider the aesthetic experience of nature, focusing on the untamed, the boundless, the unwieldy, or the unpredictable; in other words, aspects of nature that are mediated by culture. This book maps out the wide range of ways in which we experience the wildness of nature aesthetically, relating both to immediate experience as well as to experience mediated through cultural expression. A variety of subjects are relevant in this context, including aesthetics, art history, theology, human geography, film studies, and architecture. A theme that is pursued throughout the book is the wild in connection with ecology and its experience of nature as both a constructive and destructive force.

Wild: Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered

In this interdisciplinary work, philosophers from different specialisms connect with the notion of the wild today and interrogate how it is mediated through the culture of the Anthropocene. They make use of empirical material like specific artworks, films and other cultural works related to the term 'wild' to consider the aesthetic experience of nature, focusing on the untamed, the boundless, the unwieldy, or the unpredictable; in other words, aspects of nature that are mediated by culture. This book maps out the wide range of ways in which we experience the wildness of nature aesthetically, relating both to immediate experience as well as to experience mediated through cultural expression. A variety of subjects are relevant in this context, including aesthetics, art history, theology, human geography, film studies, and architecture. A theme that is pursued throughout the book is the wild in connection with ecology and its experience of nature as both a constructive and destructive force.

Wild Animal Ethics: The Moral and Political Problem of Wild Animal Suffering

by Kyle Johannsen

Though many ethicists have the intuition that we should leave nature alone, Kyle Johannsen argues that we have a duty to research safe ways of providing large-scale assistance to wild animals. Using concepts from moral and political philosophy to analyze the issue of wild animal suffering (WAS), Johannsen explores how a collective, institutional obligation to assist wild animals should be understood. He claims that with enough research, genetic editing may one day give us the power to safely intervene without perpetually interfering with wild animals’ liberties. Questions addressed include: In what way is nature valuable and is intervention compatible with that value? Is intervention a requirement of justice? What are the implications of WAS for animal rights advocacy? What types of intervention are promising? Expertly moving the debate about human relations with wild animals beyond its traditional confines, Wild Animal Ethics is essential reading for students and scholars of political philosophy and political theory studying animal ethics, environmental ethics, and environmental philosophy.

Wild Animal Ethics: The Moral and Political Problem of Wild Animal Suffering

by Kyle Johannsen

Though many ethicists have the intuition that we should leave nature alone, Kyle Johannsen argues that we have a duty to research safe ways of providing large-scale assistance to wild animals. Using concepts from moral and political philosophy to analyze the issue of wild animal suffering (WAS), Johannsen explores how a collective, institutional obligation to assist wild animals should be understood. He claims that with enough research, genetic editing may one day give us the power to safely intervene without perpetually interfering with wild animals’ liberties. Questions addressed include: In what way is nature valuable and is intervention compatible with that value? Is intervention a requirement of justice? What are the implications of WAS for animal rights advocacy? What types of intervention are promising? Expertly moving the debate about human relations with wild animals beyond its traditional confines, Wild Animal Ethics is essential reading for students and scholars of political philosophy and political theory studying animal ethics, environmental ethics, and environmental philosophy.

Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law (HERETICAL THOUGHT SERIES)

by Anne Norton

Wild Democracy calls for a more anarchic, more courageous democracy. This is an ethic for people who know the rights they hold, and who struggle to rule themselves. This is an ethic for unfinished revolutions; an ethic for those who will not be mastered. This is an ethic for those who hold fast to the rights they have by nature. This is an ethic that requires courage. Democracy is always a risky business; full of promise and danger. The promise is the freedom to rule ourselves. The danger is fear: fear of the unknown, fear of the unruly, fear of one another, fear of anarchy. Fear leads to authoritarianism. The fearful look for a strong hand, a powerful leader, a protector, a gun. Anarchy leads to courage, to self-reliance, self-discipline, self-rule, and solidarity. Anarchy is the nursery of democracy. It is not anarchy we have to fear, it is authoritarianism. We have been taught to see the people as a problem to be managed. Anne Norton sees them as a source of strength. Anarchic democracy grows wild: springing from the everyday actions of ordinary human beings. Liberalism and conservatism alike have turned away from the democratic, to institutions, rules, and regulations. Anne Norton turns to anarchic people who practice democratic ethics.

Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law (HERETICAL THOUGHT SERIES)

by Anne Norton

Wild Democracy calls for a more anarchic, more courageous democracy. This is an ethic for people who know the rights they hold, and who struggle to rule themselves. This is an ethic for unfinished revolutions; an ethic for those who will not be mastered. This is an ethic for those who hold fast to the rights they have by nature. This is an ethic that requires courage. Democracy is always a risky business; full of promise and danger. The promise is the freedom to rule ourselves. The danger is fear: fear of the unknown, fear of the unruly, fear of one another, fear of anarchy. Fear leads to authoritarianism. The fearful look for a strong hand, a powerful leader, a protector, a gun. Anarchy leads to courage, to self-reliance, self-discipline, self-rule, and solidarity. Anarchy is the nursery of democracy. It is not anarchy we have to fear, it is authoritarianism. We have been taught to see the people as a problem to be managed. Anne Norton sees them as a source of strength. Anarchic democracy grows wild: springing from the everyday actions of ordinary human beings. Liberalism and conservatism alike have turned away from the democratic, to institutions, rules, and regulations. Anne Norton turns to anarchic people who practice democratic ethics.

Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals

by Marc Bekoff Jessica Pierce

Scientists have long counseled against interpreting animal behavior in terms of human emotions, warning that such anthropomorphizing limits our ability to understand animals as they really are. Yet what are we to make of a female gorilla in a German zoo who spent days mourning the death of her baby? Or a wild female elephant who cared for a younger one after she was injured by a rambunctious teenage male? Or a rat who refused to push a lever for food when he saw that doing so caused another rat to be shocked? Aren’t these clear signs that animals have recognizable emotions and moral intelligence? With Wild Justice Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce unequivocally answer yes. Marrying years of behavioral and cognitive research with compelling and moving anecdotes, Bekoff and Pierce reveal that animals exhibit a broad repertoire of moral behaviors, including fairness, empathy, trust, and reciprocity. Underlying these behaviors is a complex and nuanced range of emotions, backed by a high degree of intelligence and surprising behavioral flexibility. Animals, in short, are incredibly adept social beings, relying on rules of conduct to navigate intricate social networks that are essential to their survival. Ultimately, Bekoff and Pierce draw the astonishing conclusion that there is no moral gap between humans and other species: morality is an evolved trait that we unquestionably share with other social mammals. Sure to be controversial, Wild Justice offers not just cutting-edge science, but a provocative call to rethink our relationship with—and our responsibilities toward—our fellow animals.

Wild Man: The Life and Times of Daniel Ellsberg

by T. Wells

On September 4, 1971, the office of Lewis Fielding, a psychiatrist practicing in Los Angeles, was broken into. It looked like a run of the mill drug raid. A month later, a homeless man was charged with burglary and the case was considered closed. On June 17, 1972, five men were charged with breaking and entering at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. With these two burglaries, one seemingly innocuous while the other was more serious because of the venue, the scandal known as Watergate was born. As the tale of Richard Nixon and his Plumbers began to unfold, it was discovered that one of Lewis Fielding's patients was Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times . Ellsberg was high on Nixon's list of enemies and he vowed to destroy him at all costs. In Wild Man , Tom Wells explores the life of Daniel Ellsberg to discover what makes an individual enact the most severe breach of government security ever to occur in the United States. As Wells follows Ellsberg from his early days as a piano prodigy to his years of great promise at Harvard, we see the development of a volatile, narcissistic loner with a voracious sexual appetite, a highly developed intelligence and, most importantly, the overwhelming need to take centre stage in the pageant known as America. In Wild Man , Tom Wells creates an unforgettable picture of Daniel Ellsberg, an American Everyman for the seventies who embodied the promise and paranoia of that uncertain time. This is a thrilling piece of biography that will stand as one of the great American portraits.

Wild Pedagogies: Touchstones For Re-negotiating Education And The Environment In The Anthropocene (Palgrave Studies In Educational Futures Ser.)

by Bob Jickling Sean Blenkinsop Nora Timmerman Michael De Danann Sitka-Sage

This book explores why the concept of wild pedagogy is an essential aspect of education in these times; a re-negotiated education that acknowledges the necessity of listening to voices in a more than human world, and (re)learning how to dwell in a place. As the geological epoch inexorably shifts to the Anthropocene, the authors argue that learning to live in and engage with the world is increasingly crucial in such times of uncertainty. The editors and contributors examine what wild pedagogy can truly become, and how it can be relevant across disciplinary boundaries: offering six touchstones as working tools to help educators forge an onward path. This collaborative work will be of interest to students and scholars of wild pedagogies, alternative education and the Anthropocene, and for all those engaged in re-wilding education.

Wild Pedagogies (PDF)

by Bob Jickling Sean Blenkinsop Nora Timmerman Michael De Danann Sitka-Sage

This book explores why the concept of wild pedagogy is an essential aspect of education in these times; a re-negotiated education that acknowledges the necessity of listening to voices in a more than human world, and (re)learning how to dwell in a place. As the geological epoch inexorably shifts to the Anthropocene, the authors argue that learning to live in and engage with the world is increasingly crucial in such times of uncertainty. The editors and contributors examine what wild pedagogy can truly become, and how it can be relevant across disciplinary boundaries: offering six touchstones as working tools to help educators forge an onward path. This collaborative work will be of interest to students and scholars of wild pedagogies, alternative education and the Anthropocene, and for all those engaged in re-wilding education.

Wild Thought: A New Translation of “La Pensée sauvage”

by Claude Lévi-Strauss

As the most influential anthropologist of his generation, Claude Lévi-Strauss left a profound mark on the development of twentieth-century thought. Through a mixture of insights gleaned from linguistics, sociology, and ethnology, Lévi-Strauss elaborated his theory of structural unity in culture and became the preeminent representative of structural anthropology. La Pensée sauvage, first published in French in 1962, was his crowning achievement. Ranging over philosophies, historical periods, and human societies, it challenged the prevailing assumption of the superiority of modern Western culture and sought to explain the unity of human intellection. Controversially titled The Savage Mind when it was first published in English in 1966, the original translation nevertheless sparked a fascination with Lévi-Strauss’s work among Anglophone readers. Wild Thought rekindles that spark with a fresh and accessible new translation. Including critical annotations for the contemporary reader, it restores the accuracy and integrity of the book that changed the course of intellectual life in the twentieth century, making it an indispensable addition to any philosophical or anthropological library.

Wild Thought: A New Translation of “La Pensée sauvage”

by Claude Lévi-Strauss

As the most influential anthropologist of his generation, Claude Lévi-Strauss left a profound mark on the development of twentieth-century thought. Through a mixture of insights gleaned from linguistics, sociology, and ethnology, Lévi-Strauss elaborated his theory of structural unity in culture and became the preeminent representative of structural anthropology. La Pensée sauvage, first published in French in 1962, was his crowning achievement. Ranging over philosophies, historical periods, and human societies, it challenged the prevailing assumption of the superiority of modern Western culture and sought to explain the unity of human intellection. Controversially titled The Savage Mind when it was first published in English in 1966, the original translation nevertheless sparked a fascination with Lévi-Strauss’s work among Anglophone readers. Wild Thought rekindles that spark with a fresh and accessible new translation. Including critical annotations for the contemporary reader, it restores the accuracy and integrity of the book that changed the course of intellectual life in the twentieth century, making it an indispensable addition to any philosophical or anthropological library.

Wild-Tier-Fotografie: Ökologische, postkoloniale und ästhetische Perspektiven (Cultural Animal Studies #15)

by Martin Bartelmus Maurice Saß

Technische Innovationen der Fotografie erlaubten Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, Wildtiere nicht mehr nur als Kadaver und Beute oder in Studio und Gehege abzulichten, sondern ihnen in ihrem natürlichen Habitat nachzuspüren. Die frühe Wildtierfotografie bediente damit ein populäres Interesse an der als lokal, national oder kolonial geschätzten Fauna, lieferte wichtige Beiträge zur zoologischen Forschung und verstand sich häufig als Vorkämpfer des Naturschutzes. Ganz neu stellte sich damit aber auch die Frage, wie man Tiere richtig fotografiert: technisch, ästhetisch, ethisch. ​Der Band beantwortet diese Fragen in historischer Perspektive und erschließt damit das Forschungsfeld der Wildtierfotografie.

A Wild West of the Mind

by George Sher

Can unexpressed thoughts be morally wrong? Are people subject to moral condemnation not only for their malicious, biased, and cruel actions, but also for their private malice, biased beliefs, and ugly fantasies? Although many would answer "yes," George Sher argues in A Wild West of the Mind that none of the main approaches to morality support this view and that to accept it would be to relinquish an essential aspect of our mental freedom. To preserve that freedom, we must allow our beliefs to follow the evidence wherever it leads and must give our private feelings, attitudes, and fantasies free rein. As so understood, the realm of the purely mental is a morality-free zone, one within which no thoughts or attitudes are either forbidden or required. Even when our beliefs are irrational or repugnant and our desires reflect badly on our character, it is never morally wrong for us to have them. A Wild West of the Mind advances a provocative thesis of normative ethics and offers a powerful defense of freedom of mind. Broad in scope and tightly argued, the book will have much to offer philosophers working in ethics, free will, and epistemology.

A Wild West of the Mind

by George Sher

Can unexpressed thoughts be morally wrong? Are people subject to moral condemnation not only for their malicious, biased, and cruel actions, but also for their private malice, biased beliefs, and ugly fantasies? Although many would answer "yes," George Sher argues in A Wild West of the Mind that none of the main approaches to morality support this view and that to accept it would be to relinquish an essential aspect of our mental freedom. To preserve that freedom, we must allow our beliefs to follow the evidence wherever it leads and must give our private feelings, attitudes, and fantasies free rein. As so understood, the realm of the purely mental is a morality-free zone, one within which no thoughts or attitudes are either forbidden or required. Even when our beliefs are irrational or repugnant and our desires reflect badly on our character, it is never morally wrong for us to have them. A Wild West of the Mind advances a provocative thesis of normative ethics and offers a powerful defense of freedom of mind. Broad in scope and tightly argued, the book will have much to offer philosophers working in ethics, free will, and epistemology.

Wild Words: A Collection Of Words From Around The World That Describe Happenings In Nature

by Kate Hodges

The book showcases 75 beautiful words evocative of the wild, from all around the world, that describe natural happenings in nature. It includes words that describe weather, or a feeling you have when in nature as well as sensory words that explain the smell or sound of a place.

Wilderness Wanderings: Probing Twentieth-century Theology And Philosophy

by Stanley Hauerwas

Wilderness Wanderings slashes through the tangled undergrowth that Christianity in America has become to clear a space for those for whom theology still matters. Writing to a generation of Christians that finds itself at once comfortably ?at home? yet oddly fettered and irrelevant in America, Stanley Hauerwas challenges contemporary Christians to reimagine what it might mean to ?break back into Christianity? in a world that is at best semi-Christian. While the myth that America is a Christian nation has long been debunked, a more urgent constructive task remains; namely, discerning what it may mean for Christians approaching the threshold of the twenty-first century to be courageous in their convictions. Ironically, reclaiming the church's identity and mission may require relinquishing its purported ?gains??which often amount to little more than a sense of comfort, the seduction of feeling ?at ease in Zion?? to take up again the risk and adventure of life ?on the way.? Accordingly, this book gives no comfort to the religious right or left, which continues to think Christianity can be made compatible with the sentimentalities of democratic liberalism.Such a re-visioned church will not establish itself through conquest or in a reconstituted Christendom, but rather must develop within its own life the patient, attentive skills of a wayfaring people. At least a church seasoned by a peripatetic life stands a better chance of noticing the changing directions of God's leading. The wilderness, therefore, ought not to appear to contemporary Christians in America as a foreboding and frightening possibility but as an opportunity to rediscover the excitement and spirit, but also the rigorous discipline, of faithful itinerancy. At such a crucial time as this, Hauerwas challenges Christians to eschew the insidious dangers that attend too permanent a habitation in a place called America and to assume instead the holy risks and hazards characteristic of people called out, set apart, and led by God. Wilderness Wanderings is a clarion call for Christians to relinquish the impermanent citizenship of a home that can never be the church's final resting place and confidently take up a course of life the horizons of which are as wide and expansive as the God who promises to lead.The book engages, often quite critically, with major theological and philosophical figures, such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Martha Nussbaum, Jeff Stout, Tristram Engelhardt, Iris Murdoch, John Milbank, and Martin Luther King Jr. These interrogations illumine why theology must reclaim its own politics and ethics. Intent on avoiding abstraction, Hauerwas intervenes in current debates around medicine, the culture wars, and race.

Wilderness Wanderings: Probing Twentieth-century Theology And Philosophy (Radical Traditions Ser.)

by Stanley Hauerwas

Wilderness Wanderings slashes through the tangled undergrowth that Christianity in America has become to clear a space for those for whom theology still matters. Writing to a generation of Christians that finds itself at once comfortably ?at home? yet oddly fettered and irrelevant in America, Stanley Hauerwas challenges contemporary Christians to reimagine what it might mean to ?break back into Christianity? in a world that is at best semi-Christian. While the myth that America is a Christian nation has long been debunked, a more urgent constructive task remains; namely, discerning what it may mean for Christians approaching the threshold of the twenty-first century to be courageous in their convictions. Ironically, reclaiming the church's identity and mission may require relinquishing its purported ?gains??which often amount to little more than a sense of comfort, the seduction of feeling ?at ease in Zion?? to take up again the risk and adventure of life ?on the way.? Accordingly, this book gives no comfort to the religious right or left, which continues to think Christianity can be made compatible with the sentimentalities of democratic liberalism.Such a re-visioned church will not establish itself through conquest or in a reconstituted Christendom, but rather must develop within its own life the patient, attentive skills of a wayfaring people. At least a church seasoned by a peripatetic life stands a better chance of noticing the changing directions of God's leading. The wilderness, therefore, ought not to appear to contemporary Christians in America as a foreboding and frightening possibility but as an opportunity to rediscover the excitement and spirit, but also the rigorous discipline, of faithful itinerancy. At such a crucial time as this, Hauerwas challenges Christians to eschew the insidious dangers that attend too permanent a habitation in a place called America and to assume instead the holy risks and hazards characteristic of people called out, set apart, and led by God. Wilderness Wanderings is a clarion call for Christians to relinquish the impermanent citizenship of a home that can never be the church's final resting place and confidently take up a course of life the horizons of which are as wide and expansive as the God who promises to lead.The book engages, often quite critically, with major theological and philosophical figures, such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Martha Nussbaum, Jeff Stout, Tristram Engelhardt, Iris Murdoch, John Milbank, and Martin Luther King Jr. These interrogations illumine why theology must reclaim its own politics and ethics. Intent on avoiding abstraction, Hauerwas intervenes in current debates around medicine, the culture wars, and race.

The Wildness Pleases (Routledge Revivals): The Origins of Romanticism

by Christopher Thacker

First published in 1983. This book charts the growth of Romanticism from the initial reactions to the authoritarian classicism of Louis XIV, through the ‘codification’ of the Sublime by Burke in the 1750s, to the fascination with mystery, fear and violence which dominated the writing of the late eighteenth century. The origins of the movement are found in the writings of Rousseau and admiration for the ‘noble savage’, the development of the landscape garden, discoveries in the South Seas, new approaches to ‘primitive’ poetry and enthusiasm for gothic art and literature. These attitudes are contrasted with the more classical views of writers like Samuel Johnson.

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