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World Christianity and Marxism

by Denis R. Janz

Denis Janz argues that the encounter with Marxism has been the defining event for twentieth century Christianity. No other worldview shook Christianity more dramatically and no other movement had as profound an impact on so many. Now the Cold War is over and as we approach the end of the century we need, Janz says, to ask ourselves what happened. This book is the first unified and comprehensive attempt to analyze this historic meeting between these two antagonistic worlds of thought and action. The intellectual foundation of this antagonism is to be found in Karl Marx himself, and thus the book begins with an account of Marx's assault on Christianity. All the diverse philosophical and political manifestations of Marxism were ultimately rooted in Marx's thought, and supporters based their greater or lesser hostilities toward Christianity on their reading of his critique. Janz follows this with an overview of Christian responses to Marx, extending from the mid-19th century to the onset of the Cold War. He argues that within this time frame Christianity's negation of Marx was not absolute; the loud "no" to Marx bore with it an important, if muted, "yes." With this intellectual groundwork in place, Janz turns to an examination of the encounter as it unfolded in specific national contexts: the United States, the Soviet Union, Poland, Nicaragua, Cuba, China, and Albania. The experiences of these countries varied widely, from Poland where Christianity maintained its strongest independence, to Nicaragua where a Christian alliance with Marxism contributed to revolutionary change, to Albania where a Stalinist government attempted to abolish religion entirely. From this survey emerges the evidence that world Christianity has clearly internalized some of the prominent features of its antagonist, suggesting that the "Marxist project" is not as utterly defunct as many have assumed.

World, Class, Britain: Political Economy, Political Theory and British Politics

by C. Paton

This book begins by tracing the sea-change in British politics from the 1970s to the end of the twentieth century. The dominance of market ideology, the decline of social democracy and the 'marketization' of public policy are related to a widespread acceptance of globalization. Contemporary global capitalism is analyzed, not least as to its likely effect on countries such as Britain. New Labour's 'Third Way' is portrayed as reinforcing the apparent inevitability of globalization. In this environment, political and economic alternatives tend to be dismissed fatalistically. Politics is no longer about real choice. The second part of the book, as well as sketching an economic alternative, investigates how political theory and ethical concepts can help us today to re-establish the search for human freedom and a 'balanced' society. Such a vision can appeal to conservatives, liberals and socialists alike. It argues that a political coalition to further such ends is conceivable, if very difficult to organise or maintain. Finally, the 'postmodern' stance of eschewing ethical and political progress is criticized.

World Class Initiatives and Practices in Early Education: Moving Forward in a Global Age (Educating the Young Child #9)

by Louise Boyle Swiniarski

This book offers current international initiatives, developed for working with children from “Birth to Eight” by a diverse group of noted professional authors. Their readings present an overview of early education as it evolved from the Froebelian kindergarten to today’s practices in various Early Education settings around the globe. The international voices of the authors represent a balanced perspective of happenings in various nations and lend a conversational approach to each chapter. The chapters analyze the Universal Preschool Education movement promoted by various countries, states, and agencies; examine model curriculum programs in a variety of teaching/learning settings; and identify directions the community can take in promoting effective early education programs. Particular attention is given to key issues and concerns faced by practitioners and families world-wide. Studies reveal successful approaches to bilingual education in a Chilean kindergarten, research findings on gender differences in primary school girls for learning science in Wales, literacy development strategies for teaching in UK multicultural classrooms and childhood centres, the process of integration special education with early childhood practices in China, and exemplars of community outreach to improve the well being of children through advocacy for governmental changes in early education policies and professional development. This book is for everyone interested in the well being of young children moving forward in a global age to meet the challenges of early citizenship in their world.

World Class Universities: A Contested Concept (Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices)

by Michael A. Peters Sharon Rider Mats Hyvönen Tina Besley

This open access book focuses on the dimensions of the discourse of 'The World Class University', its alleged characteristics, and its policy expressions. It offers a broad overview of the historical background and current trajectory of the world-class-university construct. It also deepens the theoretical discussion, and points a way forward out of present impasses resulting from the pervasive use and abuse of the notion of "world-class" and related terms in the discourse of quality assessment. The book includes approaches and results from fields of inquiry not otherwise prominent in Higher Education studies, including philosophy and media studies, as well as sociology, anthropology, educational theory.The growing impact of global rankings and their strategic use in the restructuring of higher education systems to increase global competitiveness has led to a ‘reputation race’ and the emergence of the global discourse of world class universities. The discourse of world class universities has rapid uptake in East Asian countries, with China recently refining its strategy. This book provides insights into this process and its future development.

World, Class, Women: Global Literature, Education, and Feminism

by Robin Truth Goodman

World, Class, Women begins the extraordinarily important task of bringing a postcolonial, feminist voice to critical pedagogy and, by extension explores how current debates about education could make a contribution to feminist thought. Robin Truth Goodman deftly weaves together the disciplines of literature, postcolonialism, feminism, and education in order to theorize how the shrinking of the public sphere and the rise of globalization influence access to learning, what counts as knowledge, and the possibilities of a radical feminism.

World, Class, Women: Global Literature, Education, and Feminism

by Robin Truth Goodman

World, Class, Women begins the extraordinarily important task of bringing a postcolonial, feminist voice to critical pedagogy and, by extension explores how current debates about education could make a contribution to feminist thought. Robin Truth Goodman deftly weaves together the disciplines of literature, postcolonialism, feminism, and education in order to theorize how the shrinking of the public sphere and the rise of globalization influence access to learning, what counts as knowledge, and the possibilities of a radical feminism.

World Classics Library: Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, Beyond Good and Evil (Arcturus World Classics Library)

by Frederich Nietzsche

Could it be possible? This old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that God is dead! - Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra This beautiful jacketed hardback brings together three of Friedrich Niezsche's most influential essays, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo and Beyond Good and Evil. This German philosopher was one of the most prominent thinkers of the 19th century. His work contains a radical critique of objective truth, rejecting Christian morality and arguing instead that nihilism has become an inherent condition of the modern world. These influential works have profoundly shaped modern philosophy and their ideas remain as pertinent now as they ever were. ABOUT THE SERIES: The World Classics Library series gathers together the work of authors and philosophers whose ideas have stood the test of time. Perfect for bibliophiles, these gorgeous jacketed hardbacks are a wonderful addition to any bookshelf.

World Classics Library: The Republic, Charmides, Meno, Gorgias, Parmenides, Symposium, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo (Arcturus World Classics Library)

by Plato Plato

"The European philosophical tradition ... consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." - Alfred North Whitehead Plato's ideas on morality, reason, justice, and religion have laid the foundations of Western philosophy. This beautiful jacketed hardback collects some of his most celebrated writings, including his iconic work The Republic. These Ancient Greek dialogues are written as conversations between Plato's mentor Socrates and various Athenian citizens, covering vast range of topics including the construction of communities, immortality of the soul, temperance, rhetoric and virtue. His writings have been studied for hundreds of years and yet remain strikingly relevant and accessible for a modern readership.Includes:• The Republic• Symposium• Apology• Euthyphro• Meno• Crito• Charmides• Gorgias• ParmenidesABOUT THE SERIES: The World Classics Library series gathers together the work of authors and philosophers whose ideas have stood the test of time. Perfect for bibliophiles, these gorgeous jacketed hardbacks are a wonderful addition to any bookshelf.

World Communism at the Crossroads: Military Ascendancy, Political Economy, and Human Welfare

by S. S. Rosefielde

The collection of essays presented in this volume grew out of a series of lec­ tures given at the University of North Carolina during the academic year 1976-1977. The series was sponsored by the Soviet and East European Stud­ ies Program, which I chaired at the time, and the Curriculum of Peace, War and Defense, headed by James Leutze. In the ensuing years almost all the manuscripts have been redrafted at frequent intervals to reflect the changing state of knowledge in each respective discipline. The final version of the text that appears here is therefore the outcome of a long developmen­ tal process. It is up to date and embodies our individual views on world communism at the present juncture. Although the recent Soviet invasion of Afghanistan occurred shortly after this volume was completed, that event has not impaired the book's timeliness. The findings of Rosefielde, Lee, Valenta, and Leutze all point toward a resurgence of Soviet expansionism, and Parker explicitly predicted the Afghan invasion in the first draft of his essay, June 1978 (see p. 32).

The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality

by Jean Moritz Müller

This book engages with what are widely recognized as the two core dimensions of emotion. When we are afraid, glad or disappointed, we feel a certain way; moreover, our emotion is intentional or directed at something: we are afraid of something, glad or disappointed about something. Connecting with a vital strand of recent philosophical thinking, Müller conceives of these two aspects of emotion as unified. Examining different possible ways of developing the view that the feeling dimension of emotion is itself intentional, he argues against the currently popular view that it is a form of perception-like receptivity to value. Müller instead proposes that emotional feeling is a specific type of response to value, an affective ‘position-taking’. This alternative conceives of emotional feeling as intimately related to our cares and concerns. While situating itself within the analytic-philosophical debate on emotion, the discussion crucially draws on ideas from the early phenomenological tradition and thinks past the theoretical strictures of many contemporary approaches to this subject. The result is an innovative view of emotional feeling as a thoroughly personal form of engagement with value.

The World Disorder: US Hegemony, Proxy Wars, Terrorism and Humanitarian Catastrophes

by Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira

This book offers a historical analysis of the geopolitical and geoeconomic competition between the USA and Russia, which has recently heated up again due to the eastward expansion of NATO. The analysis departs from an exploration of the USA’s foreign policy and geopolitical ambitions by illustrating the influence of Wall Street and the military-industrial complex on the country’s political decision-making. The historical review covers a wide timespan, from the Second World War and the birth of NATO, to the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, to the rebellions that erupted in Eurasia, Northern Africa and the Middle East in the 2010’s, as well as the wars in the Ukraine and in Syria. By doing so, it reveals the influence of US neocons, the US intelligence services and the military complex on the Arab Spring, the Color Revolutions and the armed conflicts in Ukraine and Syria. Ultimately, the book depicts a new era of worldwide instability and disorder, dominated by violence and arbitrariness.

World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part A)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia, These forces include the ecological crisis, the population explosion, the changing nature of work, the rise of knowledge economies, economic internationalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology revolution, changing social relations, the empowerment of minority interest groups, the rise of multicultural societies, the diminishing stature of the nation-state, and the rise of supra-national and international political structures.

World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part A)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia, These forces include the ecological crisis, the population explosion, the changing nature of work, the rise of knowledge economies, economic internationalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology revolution, changing social relations, the empowerment of minority interest groups, the rise of multicultural societies, the diminishing stature of the nation-state, and the rise of supra-national and international political structures.

World Education Patterns in the Global South: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part B)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global South surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of the powerful global forces that are demanding change within the Global South’s educational contexts, including Central and South-East Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean,. These forces include urbanisation in the Global South, the rise of the informal economic sector in the Global South, the changing presence of religion, the Creed of Human Rights, democratisation, and the rise of supranational and international political structures on the one hand and, on the other, sub-national and decentralised structures.

World Education Patterns in the Global South: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (International Perspectives on Education and Society #V43, Part B)

by C. C. Wolhuter

Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global South surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of the powerful global forces that are demanding change within the Global South’s educational contexts, including Central and South-East Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean,. These forces include urbanisation in the Global South, the rise of the informal economic sector in the Global South, the changing presence of religion, the Creed of Human Rights, democratisation, and the rise of supranational and international political structures on the one hand and, on the other, sub-national and decentralised structures.

A World History of Ancient Political Thought: Its Significance and Consequences

by Antony Black

This revised and expanded edition of A World History of Ancient Political Thought examines the political thought of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Iran, India, China, Greece, Rome and early Christianity, from prehistory to c.300 CE. The book explores the earliest texts of literate societies, beginning with the first written records of political thought in Egypt and Mesopotamia and ending with the collapse of the Han dynasty and the Western Roman Empire. In most cultures, sacred monarchy was the norm, but this ranged from absolute to conditional authority. 'The people' were recipients of royal (and divine) beneficence. Justice, the rule of law and meritocracy were generally regarded as fundamental. In Greece and Rome, democracy and liberty were born, while in Israel the polity was based on covenant and the law. Confucius taught humaneness, Mozi and Christianity taught universal love; Kautilya and the Chinese 'Legalists' believed in realpolitik and an authoritarian state. The conflict between might and right was resolved in many different ways. Chinese, Greek and Indian thinkers reflected on the origin and purposes of the state. Status and class were embedded in Indian and Chinese thought, the nation in Israelite thought. The Stoics and Cicero, on the other hand, saw humanity as a single unit. Political philosophy, using logic, evidence and dialectic, was invented in China and Greece, statecraft in China and India, political science in Greece. Plato and Aristotle, followed by Polybius and Cicero, started 'western' political philosophy. This book covers political philosophy, religious ideology, constitutional theory, social ethics, official and popular political culture.

A World History of Political Thought

by J. Babb

A World History of Political Thought is an innovative work with profound significance for the study of the history of political thought, providing a global overview of political thought from 600 BC to the twenty-first century. It treats both Western and non-Western systems of political thought as equally worthy of consideration. Outlining a methodological approach to enhance the study of comparative political thought, this book covers key political thinkers throughout history, analyzing the works and influence of both men and women around the world. With its chronological narrative of the development of ideas and contrasting the key concepts and the contexts in which they grew, this history unfolds as a readable and engaging story of different civilizations as they evolved and, in an increasingly connected world, competed. Constituting a significant advancement in the inclusiveness and internationalization of political thought and global history, this book will change the way the field of political thought is approached. For students seeking an introduction to global political thought this is an invaluable tool, and the methodological discussion is essential reading for those seeking to engage in comparative analysis of both historical and contemporary political thought.

The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics

by Alyssa Ney

If quantum theories of the world are true-and empirical evidence suggests they are-what do they tell us about us, and the world? How should quantum theories make us reevaluate our classical conceptions of material objects? Nearly a century after the development of quantum theories, a consensus has yet to emerge. Many still wonder about what these theories may be telling us about ourselves and our place in the universe. Alyssa Ney here defends and develops a particular framework for understanding the world as it is described by quantum theories. This framework was initially suggested by Schrödinger in the 1920's and was further defended as an account of reality by two philosophers of physics in the 1990's who described it as a necessary point of view for those who argue that quantum theories are correct representations of our world. This framework is called wave function realism, which interprets quantum theories such that its central object is the quantum wave function, interpreted as a field on an extremely high-dimension space. This theory views us, and all objects, as ultimately constituted out of the wave function, and though we seem to occupy three dimensions, the fundamental spatial framework of quantum worlds consists of many more dimensions. Alyssa Ney argues for and advances this view, with the goal of making a case for how this theory how it might be applied to more other relativistic quantum theories, including quantum field theories. Her conclusion develops an account of how we as human beings might ultimately see ourselves and the objects around us as constituted out of the wave function.

The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics

by Alyssa Ney

If quantum theories of the world are true-and empirical evidence suggests they are-what do they tell us about us, and the world? How should quantum theories make us reevaluate our classical conceptions of material objects? Nearly a century after the development of quantum theories, a consensus has yet to emerge. Many still wonder about what these theories may be telling us about ourselves and our place in the universe. Alyssa Ney here defends and develops a particular framework for understanding the world as it is described by quantum theories. This framework was initially suggested by Schrödinger in the 1920's and was further defended as an account of reality by two philosophers of physics in the 1990's who described it as a necessary point of view for those who argue that quantum theories are correct representations of our world. This framework is called wave function realism, which interprets quantum theories such that its central object is the quantum wave function, interpreted as a field on an extremely high-dimension space. This theory views us, and all objects, as ultimately constituted out of the wave function, and though we seem to occupy three dimensions, the fundamental spatial framework of quantum worlds consists of many more dimensions. Alyssa Ney argues for and advances this view, with the goal of making a case for how this theory how it might be applied to more other relativistic quantum theories, including quantum field theories. Her conclusion develops an account of how we as human beings might ultimately see ourselves and the objects around us as constituted out of the wave function.

A World In Transition: The Green Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” (Einstein Meets Magritte: An Interdisciplinary Reflection on Science, Nature, Art, Human Action and Society #5)

by Diederik Aerts Jan Broekaert Willy Weyns

A World in Transition, Humankind and Nature is appropriately entitled after its aim for an intrinsic property of reality: change. Of major concern, in this era of transformation, is the extensive and profound interaction of humankind with nature. The global-scale social and technological project of humankind definitely involves a myriad of changes of the ecosphere. This book develops, from the call for an interdisciplinary synthesis and respect of plurality, acknowledging the evolving scientific truth, to the need for an integrated but inevitably provisional worldview. Contributors from different parts of the world focus on four modes of change: (i) Social change and the individual condition, (ii) Complex evolution and fundamental emergent transformations, (iii) Ecological transformation and responsibility inquiries, (iv) The economic-ecological and socio-technical equilibria. Primarily concerned with the deep transformations of humankind and of the relationship between humans and nature, it is addressed to a broad and thinking public that wants to be kept informed.

The World is My Home: A Hamid Dabashi Reader

by Andrew Davison & Himadeep Muppidi

As recent events indicate, Iranian, Middle Eastern, and Islamic politics more broadly have been deeply influential in world affairs. Hamid Dabashi has been a highly visible and prominent commentator on these affairs, explaining, interpreting, and providing a critical perspective. This volume gathers together his most influential and insightful writings. As one of the foremost contemporary public intellectuals and scholars of our time, Dabashi's interests and writings span subjects ranging from Islamic philosophy and political ideology to Iranian art and Persian literature, from Sufism and Orientalism to Iranian and world cinema and contemporary Arab and Muslim visual arts; and from postcolonial theory and globalization to imperialism and public affairs. There is a direct connection between his theoretical innovations and the angle of his public interventions on the urgent global issues of the day. This book brings together some of his most important writings, especially those that offer new ways of understanding Islam, Iran, Islamist ideology, global art, and the condition of global modernity. The book shows the underlying conceptual themes that unify Dabashi's wide-ranging and brilliantly insightful corpus. Dabashi combines deep knowledge of the subject matter about which he writes, and highly refined sociological, hermeneutical, and cultural interpretive skills, moving far beyond the limiting, distorted, and intellectually stifling character of reigning absolutist conventions. He places existing authoritative frameworks under close scrutiny in order to produce novel and penetrating insights. These essays reflect historical and geographical worlds that are best viewed when Hamid Dabashi's work is read as a whole, which this one- volume work makes possible for the first time.

The World is My Home: A Hamid Dabashi Reader

by Andrew Davison

As recent events indicate, Iranian, Middle Eastern, and Islamic politics more broadly have been deeply influential in world affairs. Hamid Dabashi has been a highly visible and prominent commentator on these affairs, explaining, interpreting, and providing a critical perspective. This volume gathers together his most influential and insightful writings. As one of the foremost contemporary public intellectuals and scholars of our time, Dabashi's interests and writings span subjects ranging from Islamic philosophy and political ideology to Iranian art and Persian literature, from Sufism and Orientalism to Iranian and world cinema and contemporary Arab and Muslim visual arts; and from postcolonial theory and globalization to imperialism and public affairs. There is a direct connection between his theoretical innovations and the angle of his public interventions on the urgent global issues of the day. This book brings together some of his most important writings, especially those that offer new ways of understanding Islam, Iran, Islamist ideology, global art, and the condition of global modernity. The book shows the underlying conceptual themes that unify Dabashi's wide-ranging and brilliantly insightful corpus. Dabashi combines deep knowledge of the subject matter about which he writes, and highly refined sociological, hermeneutical, and cultural interpretive skills, moving far beyond the limiting, distorted, and intellectually stifling character of reigning absolutist conventions. He places existing authoritative frameworks under close scrutiny in order to produce novel and penetrating insights. These essays reflect historical and geographical worlds that are best viewed when Hamid Dabashi's work is read as a whole, which this one- volume work makes possible for the first time.

The World is Triangular

by Horst Czichos

This book gives a short presentation of the triad philosophy–physics–technology against the background of the common origin in ancient times. This is the first English edition of this book, previously published in German. The emergence of the book has been described in the foreword of the first German edition. This edition is updated and extended, whereby new physical research results and technological innovations were included: - The physics of space and time after the experimental detection of gravitational waves (Nobel Prize for Physics 2017). - The New International System of Units (SI) for Physics and Technology which is completely based on natural constants and entered into force on World Metrology Day, 20 May 2019. - Actual overview of basic technologies: Material, Energy, Information. - Technologies for the “Digital World” of information and communication. - Mechatronic and Cyber-physical systems for Industry 4.0. The significance of technology for the world in the 21st century is discussed in the final section of the book.

World Literature After Empire: Rethinking Universality in the Long Cold War (Routledge Studies in Comparative Literature)

by Pieter Vanhove

This book makes the case that the idea of a "world" in the cultural and philosophical sense is not an exclusively Western phenomenon. During the Cold War and in the wake of decolonization a plethora of historical attempts were made to reinvent the notions of world literature, world art, and philosophical universality from an anticolonial perspective. Contributing to recent debates on world literature, the postcolonial, and translatability, the book presents a series of interdisciplinary and multilingual case studies spanning Europe, the United States, and China. The case studies illustrate how individual anti-imperialist writers and artists set out to remake the conception of the world in their own image by offering a different perspective centered on questions of race, gender, sexuality, global inequality, and class. The book also discusses how international cultural organizations like the Afro-Asian Writers’ Bureau, UNESCO, and PEN International attempted to shape this debate across Cold War divides.

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