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Showing 7,826 through 7,850 of 63,503 results

Church, Chapel and Party: Religious Dissent and Political Modernization in Nineteenth-Century England (Studies in Modern History)

by Richard D. Floyd

Through close examination of dozens of electoral contests in carefully chosen constituencies, the author demonstrates that the fundamental division separating the burgeoning liberal and conservative parties in England in the 1830s and 1840s was religion, and that this controversy was what created a perceptible two-party system in British politics.

The Church on Capitalism: Theology and the Market

by Eve Poole

An examination of the views on capitalism of bishops, academics and business people in the Church of England. Highlighting the richness and distinctiveness of these arguments, it also points to flaws and gaps. Offering a new framework for public theology, Poole urges the Church to take its proper place in re-shaping the global economy.

Church Vestments: Their Origin and Development

by Herbert Norris

The Christian church's earliest vestments were hardly distinguishable from the everyday dress of ordinary people in ancient Rome, but in time, ecclesiastical dress acquired its own distinguishing characteristics. This comprehensive reference by noted English costume authority Herbert Norris traces the evolution of clerical attire through the centuries until the end of the 1400s.The meticulously researched text is enhanced by more than 270 of the author's own illustrations, including 8 in full color, adapted from originals but specially redrawn to accentuate essential features of the garments. The vestments are treated in the approximate order of their appearance in liturgical ritual, beginning with the simple alb and including the pallium, chasuble, cassock, surplice, mitre, and many other items. Footwear, crosses, headgear, rings, gloves, and other accessories are also depicted and described in detail. Replete with fascinating historical facts and lore, this volume is an indispensable reference for students, scholars, and anyone interested in the history of ecclesiastical attire.

Churches Online in Times of Corona: Die CONTOC-Studie: Empirische Einsichten, Interpretationen und Perspektiven

by Thomas Schlag Ilona Nord Wolfgang Beck Arnd Bünker Georg Lämmlin Sabrina Müller Johann Pock Martin Rothgangel

Die CONTOC-Studie hat in ökumenischer und internationaler Ausrichtung die digitale kirchliche Praxis unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie im Frühsommer 2020 erforscht. Dieser Band dokumentiert die Rahmenbedingungen und Umfrageergebnisse in den beteiligten Ländern. Daran schließen sich Perspektiven zu den zukünftigen Herausforderungen für die digitale Angebotspraxis und das Selbstverständnis der kirchlichen Akteur*innen an. Churches Online in Times of Corona. The CONTOC study: Empirical insights, interpretations and perspectives The CONTOC study has explored digital church practice under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early summer of 2020 in an ecumenical and international way. This volume documents the framework conditions and survey results in the participating countries. This is followed by perspectives on the future challenges for the digital practice and the selfunderstanding of church actors.

Churchill: A Profile (pdf) (World Profiles)

by Peter Stansky

Churchill, America and Vietnam, 1941-45

by T. Smith

Put in the wider context of British imperial and diplomatic aims in 1941-1945, the book clarifies the importance of Vietnam to Britain's regional objectives in Southeast Asia; concluding that Churchill was willing to sacrifice French colonial interests in Vietnam for his all-important 'special relationship' with the United States.

Churchill and Company: Allies and Rivals in War and Peace

by David Dilks

Winston Churchill, the great wartime leader and peacetime Prime Minister, is one of the dominating figures of the 20th century. In this stimulating and original book, David Dilks - the eminent historian of modern Britain and a leading Churchill scholar - provides a fascinating source of new discoveries and insights. He shows Churchill, not only as a war leader and international statesman, but also as a private person - with a rich variety of interests, enthusiasms, friendships and rivalries. Churchill's relations with other leading politicians and statesmen of the age - both within Britain and internationally - illuminate his handling of friends and enemies. Sometimes these categories were not easily separated; for a long while, Churchill thought of Stalin as a friend or at least a comrade in arms, and only with extreme reluctance did he come to look upon him ultimately as an enemy. He regarded Roosevelt with admiration and gratitude, yet the balance of evidence suggests that the President felt less warmly towards him, especially after 1943. Dilks casts new and penetrating light on Churchill during World War II, including his dramatic and troubled relationship with Charles de Gaulle - where political problems were softened by Churchill's love of France. The aftermath of World War II, relations with Stalin, the Soviet Union and the Cold War all dominated Churchill's subsequent career. The last chapter draws attention to the influence of 'history' on statesmen and others, not least because no public man of the last century - with the possible exception of de Gaulle - has influenced on Churchill's scale, or with his effectiveness, the writing and the making of history. Whether in or out of office, Churchill's influence has been felt in all areas of British politics and national life. David Dilks brings Churchill to life for all those interested modern British and international history whether student, specialist or general reader.

Churchill and the Strategic Dilemmas before the World Wars: Essays in Honor of Michael I. Handel

by John Maurer

Before Michael I. Handel died his colleagues and students compiled this collection of essays that were written for a conference on strategy held during 2001. The papers address Churchill's views and ideas on war, strategy and realpolitik.

Churchill and the Strategic Dilemmas before the World Wars: Essays in Honor of Michael I. Handel

by John H. Maurer

Before Michael I. Handel died his colleagues and students compiled this collection of essays that were written for a conference on strategy held during 2001. The papers address Churchill's views and ideas on war, strategy and realpolitik.

Churchill, Borden and Anglo-Canadian Naval Relations, 1911-14

by Martin Thornton

In 1911, Winston S. Churchill and Robert L. Borden became companions in an attempt to provide naval security for the British Empire as a naval crisis loomed with Germany. Their scheme for Canada to provide battleships for the Royal Navy as part of an Imperial squadron was rejected by the Senate with great implications for the future.

Churchill’s Peacetime Ministry, 1951–55

by Henry Pelling

The first study of the Churchill government of 1951-55 based on the Prime Minister's political papers (including his correspondence with President Eisenhower) and diaries and letters of Eden, Butler and other ministers. A picture emerges, not of a Government dominated by Churchill as in wartime, but of many sharp disagreements about foreign and domestic policy. But in spite of Churchill's stroke in 1953 and Eden's serious illness they emerged to win major diplomatic successes. Meanwhile Butler and Macmillan both attained leadership status.

Cicero: Philippics 7-14 (Understanding Classics #507)

by Gesine Manuwald

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BCE) introduced Romans to the major schools of Greek philosophy, forging a Latin conceptual vocabulary that was entirely new. But for all the sophistication of his thinking, it is perhaps for his political and oratorical career that Cicero is best remembered. He was the nemesis of Catiline, whose plot to overthrow the Republic he famously denounced to the Senate. He was the selfless Consul who turned down the opportunity to join Julius Caesar and Pompey in their ruling triumvirate with Crassus. He was briefly Rome's leading man after Caesar's assassination in 44 BCE. And he was the indecisive schemer whose personal ambitions and bitter rivalry with Mark Antony led to his own violent death in 43 BCE as an enemy of the state. In her authoritative survey, Gesine Manuwald evokes the many faces of Cicero, as well as his complexities and seeming contradictions. She focuses on his major writings, allowing the great rhetorician to speak for himself. Cicero's rich legacy is seen to endure in the works of Plutarch and Quintilian as well as in the speeches of Winston Churchill and Barack Obama.

Cicero: Political Philosophy (Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought)

by Malcolm Schofield

This book offers an innovative analytic account of Cicero's treatment of key political ideas: liberty and equality, government, law, cosmopolitanism and imperialism, republican virtues, and ethical decision-making in politics. Cicero (106-43 BC) is well known as a major player in the turbulent politics of the last three decades of the Roman Republic. But he was a political thinker, too, influential for many centuries in the Western intellectual and cultural tradition. His theoretical writings stand as the first surviving attempt to articulate a philosophical rationale for republicanism. They were not written in isolation either from the stances he took in his political actions and political oratory of the period, or from his discussions of immediate political issues or questions of character or behaviour in his voluminous correspondence with friends and acquaintances. In this book, Malcolm Schofield situates the intimate interrelationships between Cicero's writings in all these modes within the historical context of a fracturing Roman political order. It exhibits the continuing attractions of Cicero's scheme of republican values, as well as some of its limitations as a response to the crisis that was engulfing Rome.

Cicero: Political Philosophy (Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought)

by Malcolm Schofield

This book offers an innovative analytic account of Cicero's treatment of key political ideas: liberty and equality, government, law, cosmopolitanism and imperialism, republican virtues, and ethical decision-making in politics. Cicero (106-43 BC) is well known as a major player in the turbulent politics of the last three decades of the Roman Republic. But he was a political thinker, too, influential for many centuries in the Western intellectual and cultural tradition. His theoretical writings stand as the first surviving attempt to articulate a philosophical rationale for republicanism. They were not written in isolation either from the stances he took in his political actions and political oratory of the period, or from his discussions of immediate political issues or questions of character or behaviour in his voluminous correspondence with friends and acquaintances. In this book, Malcolm Schofield situates the intimate interrelationships between Cicero's writings in all these modes within the historical context of a fracturing Roman political order. It exhibits the continuing attractions of Cicero's scheme of republican values, as well as some of its limitations as a response to the crisis that was engulfing Rome.

Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic (Philosophy in the Roman World)

by Raphael Woolf

Cicero’s philosophical works introduced Latin audiences to the ideas of the Stoics, Epicureans and other schools and figures of the post-Aristotelian period, thus influencing the transmission of those ideas through later history. While Cicero’s value as documentary evidence for the Hellenistic schools is unquestioned, Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic explores his writings as works of philosophy that do more than simply synthesize the thought of others, but instead offer a unique viewpoint of their own. In this volume Raphael Woolf describes and evaluates Cicero’s philosophical achievements, paying particular attention to his relation to those philosophers he draws upon in his works, his Romanizing of Greek philosophy, and his own sceptical and dialectical outlook. The volume aims, using the best tools of philosophical, philological and historical analysis, to do Cicero justice as a distinctive philosophical voice. Situating Cicero’s work in its historical and political context, this volume provides a detailed analysis of the thought of one of the finest orators and writers of the Roman period. Written in an accessible and engaging style, Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic is a key resource for those interested in Cicero’s role in shaping Classical philosophy.

Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic (Philosophy in the Roman World)

by Raphael Woolf

Cicero’s philosophical works introduced Latin audiences to the ideas of the Stoics, Epicureans and other schools and figures of the post-Aristotelian period, thus influencing the transmission of those ideas through later history. While Cicero’s value as documentary evidence for the Hellenistic schools is unquestioned, Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic explores his writings as works of philosophy that do more than simply synthesize the thought of others, but instead offer a unique viewpoint of their own. In this volume Raphael Woolf describes and evaluates Cicero’s philosophical achievements, paying particular attention to his relation to those philosophers he draws upon in his works, his Romanizing of Greek philosophy, and his own sceptical and dialectical outlook. The volume aims, using the best tools of philosophical, philological and historical analysis, to do Cicero justice as a distinctive philosophical voice. Situating Cicero’s work in its historical and political context, this volume provides a detailed analysis of the thought of one of the finest orators and writers of the Roman period. Written in an accessible and engaging style, Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic is a key resource for those interested in Cicero’s role in shaping Classical philosophy.

Cicero on the Emotions: Tusculan Disputations 3 and 4

by Marcus Tullius Cicero

The third and fourth books of Cicero's Tusculan Disputations deal with the nature and management of human emotion: first grief, then the emotions in general. In lively and accessible style, Cicero presents the insights of Greek philosophers on the subject, reporting the views of Epicureans and Peripatetics and giving a detailed account of the Stoic position, which he himself favors for its close reasoning and moral earnestness. Both the specialist and the general reader will be fascinated by the Stoics' analysis of the causes of grief, their classification of emotions by genus and species, their lists of oddly named character flaws, and by the philosophical debate that develops over the utility of anger in politics and war. Margaret Graver's elegant and idiomatic translation makes Cicero's work accessible not just to classicists but to anyone interested in ancient philosophy and psychotherapy or in the philosophy of emotion. The accompanying commentary explains the philosophical concepts discussed in the text and supplies many helpful parallels from Greek sources.

Cicero Scepticus: A Study of the Influence of the Academica in the Renaissance (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #52)

by Charles B. Schmitt

As originally planned this volume was meant to cover a somewhat wider scope than, in fact, it has turned out to do. When, in rg68, I initially conceived of preparing it, it was proposed to deal with several aspects of early modern scepticism, in addition to the fortuna of the Academica, and to publish various loosely related pieces under the title of 'Studies in the History of Early Modern Scepticism. ' Thereby, I foresaw that I would exhaust my knowledge of the subject and would then be able to turn my attention to other matters. In initiating my research on this topic, however, I soon found that there remained a much greater bulk of material to study than could possibly be dealt with between the covers of the single modest volume which I envisioned. My proposed section on Cicero's Academica was to cover between 50 and 75 pages in the original plan. It soon became apparent, however, especially after Joannes Rosa's hitherto unstudied commentary on Cicero's work was uncovered, that this material would have to be treated at a much greater length than I had foreseen. The present volume is the result of this expanded investigation. The monograph which has come from this alteration in plans has, I think, the virtues of continuity and cohesive­ ness and one hopes that these advantages offset the benefits of a broader scope which were sacrificed.

Cicero's Academici libri and Lucullus: A Commentary with Introduction and Translations

by Tobias Reinhardt

Cicero's so-called Academica is a significant text for European cultural and intellectual history: as a substantial and self-contained body of evidence for one of the two varieties of scepticism in antiquity, as evidence for Stoic thought presented on its own terms and in interaction with objections, as a key text in a broader tradition which is devoted to the possibility of knowledge arising from perceptual experience, and as evidence for the fate of Plato's Academy in its final phase as a functioning school. This volume is the first detailed commentary on this set of texts since Reid's, published in 1885. It takes full account of the scholarly debate to date and seeks to elucidate the dialogues and fragmentary remains from a philosophical, historical, literary, and linguistic point of view.

Cicero's Ideal Statesman in Theory and Practice

by Jonathan Zarecki

The resurgence of interest in Cicero's political philosophy in the last twenty years demands a re-evaluation of Cicero's ideal statesman and its relationship not only to Cicero's political theory but also to his practical politics.Jonathan Zarecki proposes three original arguments: firstly, that by the publication of his De Republica in 51 BC Cicero accepted that some sort of return to monarchy was inevitable. Secondly, that Cicero created his model of the ideal statesman as part of an attempt to reconcile the mixed constitution of Rome's past with his belief in the inevitable return of sole-person rule. Thirdly, that the ideal statesman was the primary construct against which Cicero viewed the political and military activities of Pompey, Caesar and Antony, and himself.

Cicero's Ideal Statesman in Theory and Practice

by Jonathan Zarecki

The resurgence of interest in Cicero's political philosophy in the last twenty years demands a re-evaluation of Cicero's ideal statesman and its relationship not only to Cicero's political theory but also to his practical politics.Jonathan Zarecki proposes three original arguments: firstly, that by the publication of his De Republica in 51 BC Cicero accepted that some sort of return to monarchy was inevitable. Secondly, that Cicero created his model of the ideal statesman as part of an attempt to reconcile the mixed constitution of Rome's past with his belief in the inevitable return of sole-person rule. Thirdly, that the ideal statesman was the primary construct against which Cicero viewed the political and military activities of Pompey, Caesar and Antony, and himself.

Cicero's Orations: In Catilinam I-iv, Pro Caelio, Pro Milone, Pro Archia (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Marcus Tullius Cicero Charles Duke Yonge

The greatest orator of the late Roman Republic, Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 B.C.), influenced the course of European letters for centuries after his death. Through his writings, Renaissance and Enlightenment scholars encountered the riches of Classical rhetoric and philosophy. The elegance of his style, his skill and erudition, his worldly wisdom, and his profound humanity made Cicero a model for latter-day thinkers and keep his works ever relevant. This collection presents examples of rhetoric from throughout the ancient Roman's illustrious career. Selections include a series of famous speeches delivered during Cicero's term as consul which thwarted the Catiline conspiracy to overthrow the Republic — but led to his own prosecution and exile. The compilation concludes with the bold orations delivered in defiance of Marc Anthony, which sealed Cicero's doom.

Cicero’s Skepticism and His Recovery of Political Philosophy (Recovering Political Philosophy)

by Walter Nicgorski

This book explores Cicero’s moral and political philosophy with great attention to his life and thought as a whole. The author “thinks through” Cicero with a close reading of his most important philosophical writings. Nicgorski often resolves apparent tensions in Cicero’s thought that have posed obstacles to the appreciation of his practical philosophy. Some of the major tensions confronted are those between his Academic skepticism and apparent Stoicism, between his commitment to philosophy and to politics, rhetoric and oratory, and between his attachment to Greek philosophy and his profound engagement in Roman culture. Moreover, the key theme within Cicero’s writings is his intended recovery, within his Roman context, of both the Socratic focus on great questions of practical philosophy and Socratic skepticism. Cicero’s recovery of Socratic political philosophy in Roman garb is then the basis for recovery of Cicero as a notable political thinker relevant to our time and its problems.

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