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Bulldozer: Demolition and Clearance of the Postwar Landscape

by Francesca Russello Ammon

Although the decades following World War II stand out as an era of rapid growth and construction in the United States, those years were equally significant for large-scale destruction. In order to clear space for new suburban tract housing, an ambitious system of interstate highways, and extensive urban renewal development, wrecking companies demolished buildings while earthmoving contractors leveled land at an unprecedented pace and scale. In this pioneering history, Francesca Russello Ammon explores how postwar America came to equate this destruction with progress. The bulldozer functioned as both the means and the metaphor for this work. As the machine transformed from a wartime weapon into an instrument of postwar planning, it helped realize a landscape-altering “culture of clearance.” In the hands of the military, planners, politicians, engineers, construction workers, and even children’s book authors, the bulldozer became an American icon. Yet social and environmental injustices emerged as clearance projects continued unabated. This awareness spurred environmental, preservationist, and citizen participation efforts that have helped to slow, though not entirely stop, the momentum of the postwar bulldozer.

Bullets in Envelopes: Iraqi Academics in Exile

by Louis Yako

'A vivid, inspiring and sometimes poetic history of modern Iraq' - miriam cooke Following the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, many Iraqi academics were assassinated. Countless others received bullets in envelopes and instructions to leave their institutions (and in many cases the country) or get killed. Many heeded the warning and fled into exile. Having played such a pivotal role in shaping post-independence Iraqi society, the exile and internal displacement of its academics has had a profound impact. Tracing the academic, political and social lives of 63 academics, Bullets in Envelopes offers a 'genealogy of loss', and a groundbreaking appraisal of the dismantling and restructuring of Iraqi institutions, culture and society. Through extensive fieldwork in the UK, Jordan and Iraqi Kurdistan, Louis Yako shows the human side of the destructive 2003 occupation, and asks us to imagine a better future.

Bullets in Envelopes: Iraqi Academics in Exile

by Louis Yako

'A vivid, inspiring and sometimes poetic history of modern Iraq' - miriam cooke Following the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, many Iraqi academics were assassinated. Countless others received bullets in envelopes and instructions to leave their institutions (and in many cases the country) or get killed. Many heeded the warning and fled into exile. Having played such a pivotal role in shaping post-independence Iraqi society, the exile and internal displacement of its academics has had a profound impact. Tracing the academic, political and social lives of 63 academics, Bullets in Envelopes offers a 'genealogy of loss', and a groundbreaking appraisal of the dismantling and restructuring of Iraqi institutions, culture and society. Through extensive fieldwork in the UK, Jordan and Iraqi Kurdistan, Louis Yako shows the human side of the destructive 2003 occupation, and asks us to imagine a better future.

Bullets Not Ballots: Success in Counterinsurgency Warfare (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)

by Jacqueline L. Hazelton

In Bullets Not Ballots, Jacqueline L. Hazelton challenges the claim that winning "hearts and minds" is critical to successful counterinsurgency campaigns. Good governance, this conventional wisdom holds, gains the besieged government popular support, denies support to the insurgency, and makes military victory possible. Hazelton argues that major counterinsurgent successes since World War II have resulted not through democratic reforms but rather through the use of military force against civilians and the co-optation of rival elites.Hazelton offers new analyses of five historical cases frequently held up as examples of the effectiveness of good governance in ending rebellions—the Malayan Emergency, the Greek Civil War, the Huk Rebellion in the Philippines, the Dhofar rebellion in Oman, and the Salvadoran Civil War—to show that, although unpalatable, it was really brutal repression and bribery that brought each conflict to an end. By showing how compellence works in intrastate conflicts, Bullets Not Ballots makes clear that whether or not the international community decides these human, moral, and material costs are acceptable, responsible policymaking requires recognizing the actual components of counterinsurgent success—and the limited influence that external powers have over the tactics of counterinsurgent elites.

BULLSH!T: 50 Fibs That Made South Africa

by Jonathan Ancer

An outrageous miscellany of serious and light-hearted lies, myths, untruths, fibs and fabrications that tells the tall tale of South Africa. The fibs come thick and fast, like a burst sewerage pipe: • Why everything we've learnt about Shaka Zulu, 'Africa's Napoleon', is a pack of lies. • Back in the darkest of ages (the 1970s!), citizens were told that there were satanic messages if you played some of The Beatles songs backwards. • National icon Hansie Cronje was a paragon of virtue, and integrity … until he wasn't. • President Nelson Mandela told us that we, as a nation, were 'special'. Turns out we aren't. Whether a fabulous fib, an artful con, a doctor's spin, or simply a bald-faced lie, there's something for everyone.

Bullshit Jobs: A Theory

by David Graeber

'Spectacular and terrifyingly true' Owen Jones'Thought-provoking and funny' The TimesBe honest: if your job didn't exist, would anybody miss it? Have you ever wondered why not? Up to 40% of us secretly believe our jobs probably aren't necessary. In other words: they are bullshit jobs. This book shows why, and what we can do about it.In the early twentieth century, people prophesied that technology would see us all working fifteen-hour weeks and driving flying cars. Instead, something curious happened. Not only have the flying cars not materialised, but average working hours have increased rather than decreased. And now, across the developed world, three-quarters of all jobs are in services, finance or admin: jobs that don't seem to contribute anything to society. In Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber explores how this phenomenon - one more associated with the Soviet Union, but which capitalism was supposed to eliminate - has happened. In doing so, he looks at how, rather than producing anything, work has become an end in itself; the way such work maintains the current broken system of finance capital; and, finally, how we can get out of it. This book is for anyone whose heart has sunk at the sight of a whiteboard, who believes 'workshops' should only be for making things, or who just suspects that there might be a better way to run our world.

The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt and the Golden Age of Journalism

by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of the acclaimed multi-million copy bestseller Team of Rivals, filmed by Spielberg as Lincoln, turns to the birth of America's Progressive Era - that heady, optimistic time when the 20th Century is fresh. Reform is in the air, and it is time to take on the robber barons and corrupt politicians who have brought the country to its knees.The story is told through the close friendship between two Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) and his handpicked successor William Howard Taft (1909-1913). The decades-long intimacy strengthens both men as they reform America, breaking up monopolies, protecting the rights of labour, banning unsafe drugs and closing sweatshops.Also at the heart of the story are the original 'muckrakers' - a brilliant group of investigative journalists at the celebrated magazine McClure's. They publish popular exposes of fraudulent railroads and millionaire senators, aiding Roosevelt in his quest for change and fairness.As Roosevelt, Taft and the muckrakers confront corruption and expose exploitation, America is reborn.

Bullying: Experiences and discourses of sexuality and gender (Foundations And Futures Of Education Ser.)

by Ian Rivers Neil Duncan

Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender provides a valuable insight into the experiences of young people and how bullying can impact upon them in the school environment. The book offers an introduction to the key issues associated with bullying on the grounds of sex and sexual orientation, and points to key policies and guidanc

Bullying: Experiences and discourses of sexuality and gender

by Ian Rivers Neil Duncan

Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender provides a valuable insight into the experiences of young people and how bullying can impact upon them in the school environment. The book offers an introduction to the key issues associated with bullying on the grounds of sex and sexual orientation, and points to key policies and guidanc

Bullying Bonn: Anglo-German Diplomacy on European Integration, 1955–61 (St Antony's Series)

by M. Schaad

This study explores the formulation, tactics and impact of Britain's diplomatic efforts to induce the German government to abandon, modify and later to enlarge the European Economic Community. Its main contention is that British diplomacy between the Messina conference of 1955 and the first membership application of 1961 was counterproductive.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention at School: Integrating Theory and Research into Best Practices

by Jacob U’Mofe Gordon

This book examines the continuum of bullying services, including prevention, intervention, and recovery. It reviews current theories, studies, and programs relating to this issue as well as outcome-based solutions to enhance best practices. Chapters discuss prevention and intervention services such as enhancing and promoting teacher skills in identifying abusive behaviors; interventions with bullies, victims, bystanders, and enablers; and curbing digital forms of bullying. International perspectives on program development and delivery offer fresh approaches to conceptualizing a school’s particular bullying problems and creating effective policy. In addition, chapters cover program evaluation, guiding principles for evaluators, measurement methods, and documenting and disseminating findings. The book also provides recommendations for program development. Topics featured in this book include:An Adlerian approach to predicting bullying behavior.Bibliotherapy as a strategy for bullying prevention.Coaching teachers in bullying detection and intervention.Cyberbullying prevention and intervention.The “Coping with Bullying” program in Greek secondary schools.Factors that affect reporting victimization in South African schools. Bullying Prevention and Intervention at School is a must-have resource for researchers, clinicians and other practitioners, graduate students, and policymakers across such disciplines as child and school psychology, social work/counseling, pediatrics/school nursing, and educational policy and politics.

The Bundesbank Myth: Towards a Critique of Central Bank Independence

by J. Leaman

Until recently, central bank independence was confined to just two major capitalist countries: the USA and Germany. As a result of stagflation and the voguish espousal of neo-liberalism in the 1980s, the institution has been adopted in most OECD and in many other countries. This book questions the principle of autonomy, examining the Bundesbank in historical context and exposing the flaws in both the technical and the political case for the wholesale adoption of the Bundesbank model by other states.

Bundestagswahl 2021 – Die metaphorischen Konzepte der Kandidatin und der Kandidaten: Ein politolinguistischer Vergleich anhand der fünf Trielle (BestMasters)

by Martin Böhm

Unser Denken unterliegt vielfältiger Konzeptualisierung. Deutlich zu Tage tritt dies bei der Konstruktion von Metaphern, die oft einer prägenden Erfahrung folgen. Welche Konzepte die Metaphorik der Kandidierenden in den TV-Triellen zur Bundestagswahl 2021 prägen, ist Kern der Forschung hier.Methodisch wird dem mit einem Mix aus qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse und strukturierender Häufigkeitsanalyse beigekommen. Beide Methoden ergänzen sich, denn eine Häufigkeit kann nur nach vorheriger qualitativer Interpretation erkannt werden – die Erforschung von Intensität und Ausprägung setzt Wissen um die Häufigkeit voraus. Um diese Methode zu fundieren, wird die konzeptuelle Metapherntheorie von Lakoff und Johnson diskutiert, kritisiert und in den Kontext weiterer Forschung gestellt Auf dieser Basis wird deduktiv ein Codebuch erstellt und induktiv erweitert.Um die Kategorien des Codebuches zu beleben, wird auf Beispiele aus dem Korpus zugegriffen. Die hier begründete Berechnung eines Mi-Wertes der metaphorischen Intensität ermöglicht die Vergleichbarkeit des metaphorischen Einsatzes der Kandidierenden. Guter Anlass, diese Forschung auf frühere und künftige Duell- und Triell-Formate auszuweiten.

Bundestagswahlen: Wahlverhalten - Parteiensystem - Koalitionsszenarien (essentials)

by Eckhard Jesse

Dieses essential interpretiert und erklärt den Bundestagswahlkampf 2017. ​Nach einleitenden Überlegungen, die sich einerseits auf frühere Wahlen beziehen und andererseits die spezifische Relevanz der Bundestagswahl 2017 herausstellen, folgen die Hauptkapitel Wahlverhalten und Wahlen – Parteien und Parteiensystem – politisch und arithmetisch mögliche Koalitionsszenarien. Der abschließende Ausblick bietet einige Hinweise, vor welchen Herausforderungen die regierenden Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl stehen. Der Beitrag berücksichtigt zwar vor allem die Vorgänge im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl 2017, verzichtet aber nicht darauf, Parallelen und Unterschiede zu früheren Wahlen herauszuarbeiten.

Bundesverfassungsgericht und politische Theorie: Ein Forschungsansatz zur Politologie der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit

by Robert Chr. van Ooyen

Das Buch skizziert einen Forschungsansatz, der im Unterschied zu eher machtanalytisch orientierten Zugängen auf die politisch-theoretischen Verständnisse und ideengeschichtlichen Rezeptionslinien von „Staat“, „Demokratie“, „Politik und Recht“, „Volk“, „Parlamentarismus“, „Föderalismus,“ „Parteien“, „Europa“, „innere und äußere Sicherheit“, „Grundrechte“ und „Beamtentum“ abzielt. Es ist das Ergebnis der rund zehnjährigen Forschungen des Autors zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit, insb. zum Bundesverfassungsgericht.

Bundeswehr am Wendepunkt: Perspektiven deutscher Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (essentials)

by Franz-Josef Meiers

In der vorliegenden Analyse wird der Ist-Zustand der Bundeswehr unter der Fragestellung untersucht, ob die drei von der Verteidigungsministerin identifizierten „Leerstellen“ bei Personal, Material und Finanzen im Hinblick auf die aktuellen Bedrohungen nachhaltig und substanziell beseitigt werden können. Im zweiten Teil wird überprüft, wo und wie sich die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik bei der Bewältigung vielfältiger Krisen und Konflikte in den letzten drei Jahren eingesetzt hat. Folgt sie der Forderung Gaucks, Steinmeiers und von der Leyens und übernimmt mehr Verantwortung im internationalen Krisenmanagement mit Rückgriff, wenn geboten, auf deutsche Streitkräfte? Spiegelt sich in einer aktiveren deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik die Haltung der deutschen Öffentlichkeit wider?

Bundeswehr and Western Society

by Stephen F. Szabo

The American institute for contemporary German studies, which sponsors research and discussion on German politics, foreign policy and history since 1945, has compiled this book on the German army and its involvement with NATO, German politics and future strategic alternatives.

Bundeswehr und Außenpolitik: Zur Rolle des Militärs im Diskurs um mehr Verantwortung Deutschlands in der Welt (essentials)

by Ulf von Krause

Ulf von Krause skizziert die politische Rolle der Bundeswehr seit ihrer Gründung („Eintrittskarte“ ins westliche Bündnis, Abschreckungsinstrument, Tauschobjekt bei der Wiedervereinigung, Hineingleiten in Auslandseinsätze bis hin zum Krieg, Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der Sicht der politischen Eliten und der Gesellschaft). Vor diesem Hintergrund erörtert der Autor aktuelle Forderungen nach mehr Verantwortung Deutschlands. Diesen stellt er den Zustand der Bundeswehr gegenüber, die aufgrund chronischer Unterfinanzierung für weitere Aufgaben nur begrenzt einsetzbar ist. Er diskutiert an, wie das zu verändern wäre.

Bundeswehr und Gesellschaft - Wahrnehmungen im Wandel (Militär und Sozialwissenschaften/The Military and Social Research #57)

by Martin Elbe Angelika Dörfler-Dierken

Das Buch erscheint als Band 57 der Reihe Militär und Sozialwissenschaften/The Military and Social Research, herausgegeben von Martin Elbe und Angelika Dörfler-Dierken im Auftrag des Arbeitskreises Militär und Sozialwissenschaften (AMS). Anlässlich des 50. Jahrestages des AMS fand eine Tagung in Kiel zum Thema „Bundeswehr und Gesellschaft – Wahrnehmungen im Wandel" statt. Das vorliegende Buch fasst die dort vorgestellten Beiträge zum Thema zusammen und ergänzt diese um ausgewählte Beiträge. Das Thema wird von zahlreichen Professorinnen und Professoren, Praktikern aus dem BMVg und von Forschenden aus unterschiedlichen Forschungseinrichtungen beleuchtet sowie von der Wehrbeauftragten des Deutschen Bundestages kommentiert. Wandlungspotenziale und -bedarfe werden ebenso deutlich wie Kontinuitätsmuster.

Bündnis für Arbeit: Konstruktion · Kritik · Karriere

by Hans-Jürgen Arlt Sabine Nehls

Alle werden gewinnen oder eine wird alles verlieren. Die rot-grüne Bundesregierung hat ihr politisches Schicksal eng an den Erfolg des "Bündnisses für Arbeit, Ausbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit" gekoppelt. Ein Mißerfolg des Bündnisses dürfte ihr Scheitern, ein Erfolg könnte ihre Wiederwahl bedeuten. Das Bündnis ist mehr als das wichtigste Werkzeug im eiligen Einsatz gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit. Es bildet zugleich die politische Bühne, auf der in Deutschland die Zukunft der Arbeitsgesellschaft und des Sozialstaates verhandelt wird. Der Vorhang ist auf und noch jede Frage offen. Die Bündnis-Akteure stehen im historischen Rampenlicht, jetzt sind sie gezwungen, Geschichte zu machen. Ob das Bündnis als Stückwerk oder als Meisterstück endet, ob es zur Blamage oder der große Wurf wird - noch ist der Bündnis-Prozeß ereignis- und ergebnisoffen. Alles ist ungewiß, viele wissen wenig: Was man davon halten soll, was daraus werden wird, wie es bislang überhaupt funktioniert - das zentrale innenpolitische Projekt, wechselweise im Scheinwerferlicht und unter Geheimhaltungspflicht, ist Gegenstand zahlloser Berichte, Kommentare und Interviews. Im Widerstreit von Drohungen und Ermutigungen, in der Fülle der Deutungen und Vermutungen verschwimmen Kontur und Konzeption des Bündnisprojekts. Das "Bündnis-Buch" des Westdeutschen Verlages will Einblicke in die inzwischen gewachsene Konstruktion und die potentielle Karriere dieses Projekts verschaffen. Mit Tiefenschärfe und immer neuen Perspektivwechseln wird das - so sein offizieller Name - "Bündnis für Arbeit, Ausbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit" ausgeleuchtet, geröngt und in gesellschaftspolitische Zusammenhänge eingeordnet.

Bündnissolidarität und ihre friedensethischen Kontroversen: Fragen zur Gewalt • Band 4 (Gerechter Frieden)

by Ines-Jacqueline Werkner Michael Haspel

Die bundesdeutsche Außen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik ist angesichts historischer Erfahrungen durch eine Kultur der militärischen Zurückhaltung geprägt. Zugleich setzt sie auf Integration, Westbindung und einen Multilateralismus. Haben sich diese Prämissen über Jahrzehnte bewährt, scheinen sie nun zunehmend in Widerspruch zueinander zu treten. Der Afghanistaneinsatz hat diese Spannung zwischen Bedenken gegenüber militärischen Interventionen und geforderter Solidarität mit den Bündnispartnern offen zutage befördert. Aber auch die deutsche Enthaltung im Falle der Libyen-Resolution zeigte Normdifferenzen auf. Deutschland habe sich – so die Kritik – damit gegen seine westlichen Verbündeten gestellt und einen Fehler von historischer Dimension begangen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes nehmen diese Kontroversen zum Anlass, die Handlungsmaxime der Bündnissolidarität aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und friedensethisch im Lichte des Leitbildes des gerechten Friedens zu reflektieren.

Bunker: Building for the End Times

by Bradley Garrett

Today, the bunker has become the extreme expression of our greatest fears: from pandemics to climate change and nuclear war. And once you look, it doesn't take long to start seeing bunkers everywhere.In Bunker, acclaimed urban explorer and cultural geographer Bradley Garrett explores the global and rapidly growing movement of 'prepping' for social and environmental collapse, or 'Doomsday'. From the 'dread merchants' hustling safe spaces in the American mid-West to eco-fortresses in Thailand, from geoscrapers to armoured mobile bunkers, Bunker is a brilliant, original and never less than deeply disturbing story from the frontlines of the way we live now: an illuminating reflection on our age of disquiet and dread that brings it into new, sharp focus.The bunker, Garrett shows, is all around us: in malls, airports, gated communities, the vehicles we drive. Most of all, he shows, it's in our minds.

Bunny Surprise: Book 8 (Secret Princesses #8)

by Rosie Banks

A magical new series where best friends become Secret Princesses! In the sparkly second series, Princess Poison has stolen Princess Ella's magic wand. Without it, Princess Ella won't be able to grant any animal-related wishes. Best friends, and Secret Princess trainees, Charlotte and Mia have to help Princess Ella get her wand back by granting four animal-related wishes. Can they help Aisha get the bunny she's always wanted? And can they defeat Princess Poison and get Princess Ella's wand back once and for all?

Buraimi: The Struggle for Power, Influence and Oil in Arabia

by Michael Quentin Morton

Buraimi is an oasis in an otherwise bleak desert on the border between Oman and the UAE. In the early twentieth century, it shot to notoriety as oil brought the world's attention to this corner of the Arabian Peninsula, and the ensuing battle over energy resources between regional and global superpowers began. In this lively account, Michael Quentin Morton tells the story of how the power of oil and the conflicting interests of the declining British Empire and the United States all came to a head with the conflict between Great Britain and Saudi Arabia, shaping the very future of the Gulf states. The seeds of conflict over Buraimi were sown during the oil negotiations of 1933 in Jedda, where the international oil companies vied for control of the future industry in the Arabian Peninsula. As a result of lengthy discussions, including the efforts of men such as St John Philby and Ibn Saud himself, the Saudis granted an oil concession for Eastern Arabia without precisely defining the geographical limits of the area to be conceded.Matters came to a head in 1949 when Saudi Arabia made claim to the territory, and Great Britain, acting on behalf of Oman and Abu Dhabi, challenged the actions of the Saudis. Attempts at arbitration failed, and only one year before Britain's defeat over the Suez Canal, Britain expelled Saudi Arabia from the oasis. In the wake of Britain's withdrawal 'East of Suez' in the early 1970s, the dispute was apparently solved between Saudi Arabia and the UAE. But whilst the controversy dominated Anglo-Saudi relations for more than 30 years, it still casts its shadow across the Gulf today, threatening to expose the fragility of the West's ever-present dependency on the region for its supply of oil. Morton brings a range of historical figures to life, from the American oilmen arriving in steamy Jedda in the 1930s, to the rival sheikhs of Buraimi itself competing for power, wealth and allegiances as well as the great players in world politics: Churchill, Truman and Ibn Saud.This entertaining and thoroughly researched book is both a story of a decisive conflict in the history of Middle East politics and also of the great changes that the discovery of oil brought to this previously desolate land.

Buraimi: The Struggle for Power, Influence and Oil in Arabia

by Michael Quentin Morton

Buraimi is an oasis in an otherwise bleak desert on the border between Oman and the UAE. In the early twentieth century, it shot to notoriety as oil brought the world's attention to this corner of the Arabian Peninsula, and the ensuing battle over energy resources between regional and global superpowers began. In this lively account, Michael Quentin Morton tells the story of how the power of oil and the conflicting interests of the declining British Empire and the United States all came to a head with the conflict between Great Britain and Saudi Arabia, shaping the very future of the Gulf states.The seeds of conflict over Buraimi were sown during the oil negotiations of 1933 in Jedda, where the international oil companies vied for control of the future industry in the Arabian Peninsula. As a result of lengthy discussions, including the efforts of men such as St John Philby and Ibn Saud himself, the Saudis granted an oil concession for Eastern Arabia without precisely defining the geographical limits of the area to be conceded. Matters came to a head in 1949 when Saudi Arabia made claim to the territory, and Great Britain, acting on behalf of Oman and Abu Dhabi, challenged the actions of the Saudis. Attempts at arbitration failed, and only one year before Britain's defeat over the Suez Canal, Britain expelled Saudi Arabia from the oasis. In the wake of Britain's withdrawal 'East of Suez' in the early 1970s, the dispute was apparently solved between Saudi Arabia and the UAE. But whilst the controversy dominated Anglo-Saudi relations for more than 30 years, it still casts its shadow across the Gulf today, threatening to expose the fragility of the West's ever-present dependency on the region for its supply of oil.Morton brings a range of historical figures to life, from the American oilmen arriving in steamy Jedda in the 1930s, to the rival sheikhs of Buraimi itself competing for power, wealth and allegiances as well as the great players in world politics: Churchill, Truman and Ibn Saud. This entertaining and thoroughly researched book is both a story of a decisive conflict in the history of Middle East politics and also of the great changes that the discovery of oil brought to this previously desolate land.

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