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Der Wohlfahrtsstaat: Eine Einführung in den historischen und internationalen Vergleich

by Manfred G. Schmidt Tobias Ostheim Nico A. Siegel Reimut Zohlnhöfer

Dieses Studienbuch führt umfassend in die Sozialpolitik ein. Neben einem grundlegenden Kapitel zu den Theorien und Methoden der Sozialpolitikforschung enthält es Teile zur Geschichte der Sozialpolitik in Deutschland, zur vergleichenden Perspektive auf andere Länder, zu verwandten Politikfeldern wie Wirtschafts-, Steuer-, Arbeitsmarkt-, Beschäftigungs- und Bildungspolitik. Abgeschlossen wird der Band durch eine Bewertung der positiven und negativen Wirkungen von Sozialpolitik.

Der Wohlfahrtsstaat und seine Politik des Strafens (Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung)

by Hans Haferkamp

In den modernen Wohlfahrtsstaaten sind Nivellierungstendenzen der sozialen Schichtung unübersehbar.Sie wirken sich auch auf die Politik des Strafens aus, die im Strafrecht und seiner Anwendung ihren Ausdruck findet. Dabei ergibt sich im ganzen das Bild eines milden Wohlfahrtsstaates, der Devianzen "unten" wie "oben" duldet und nur vereinzelt Sanktionen erhält und erhöht. Dieser Befund ergibt sich aus der Analyse der Entwicklungen der Kriminalität unddes Strafens in den modernen Gesellschaften Westeuropas und darüber hinaus den USA und Japans sowie aus Fallstudien zur Auseinandersetzung um das 2. Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Wirtschaftskriminalität und über die Gesetzgebung zur Strafaussetzung für "Lebenslängliche".

Der ‚Writing Code’ - kompakt: Schnell zum Profi werden: Für exzellente Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten die Abkürzung nehmen (essentials)

by Harald Rau

"Zum Prozess des Schreibens empfehle ich ehrlich den Writing Code, ich habe ihn vor meiner Masterarbeit gelesen und hätte ihn mir schon für meine BA gewünscht.“ Der Leserkommentar bringt es auf den Punkt. Für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten geht es hier um Zeitersparnis. Deshalb wird der gewohnte Schreibprozess auf den Kopf gestellt, Abschlussarbeiten entstehen nicht länger von vorne nach hinten – sondern von innen nach außen. Es werden nicht länger streng nacheinander Kapitel abgearbeitet und da nur zu einem Teil um Schreiben geht, gibt es auch keine Schreibblockade. Es wird recherchiert, gelesen, exzerpiert, gegliedert, geordnet, strukturiert, verbalisiert, überarbeitet und korrigiert – wer weiß, dass er nicht nur schreibt, bleibt immer und überall arbeitsfähig.

Der Wunsch nach mehr Praxis: Zur Bedeutung von Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung)

by Livia Makrinus

Geht es um die Qualität in der Lehrerbildung, geht es vor allem um die Frage der Relevanz und Integration von Praxisphasen. Praxiserfahrungen und Berufsfeldorientierung erscheinen im Kontext der bildungspolitischen und Reformdiskussionen, um die Organisation und Strukturierung der Lehramtsausbildung häufig nahezu per se als Qualitätsmerkmale. Wie aber gehen Studierende mit diesen Ausbildungsformen um und wie werden sie im Rückblick bewertet? Können Praktika eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis darstellen? Anhand von Falldarstellungen liefert die Studie Hinweise auf die Bedeutung schulpraktischer Phasen, die vor dem Hintergrund der Gestaltung des Lehramtsstudiums reflektiert werden.

Der zündende Funke: Innovationen fördern als Weg zu sauberer und bezahlbarer Energie für alle

by Nico Stehr

Diese Schrift ist ein Versuch, nützliche und positive Lehren aus den ungewöhnlichen letzten zehn Jahren der Klimapolitik von 2003 bis 2013 zu ziehen. Eine der wichtigsten Schlussfolgerungen lautet: „Top-down“-Klimaschutzmaßnahmen haben bis jetzt ihre Ziele nicht erreicht und werden sie wohl nie erreichen. Nur eine spontane, grundsätzlich bezahlbare und politisch nachhaltige Energiewende kann erfolgreich sein. Hierzu sind sowohl Inventionen (Entdeckungen) als auch Innovationen (Anwendungen von Entdeckungen) nötig, wobei klar ist, dass politische Agenden, die auf der Anwendung bestehender Technologien basieren, Einschränkungen vor allem im Hinblick auf Inventionen mit sich bringen können. Die beteiligten Autoren schlagen daher eine Reihe von insgesamt elf pragmatischen Bausteinen vor, an denen sich Versuche orientieren können, der ganzen Menschheit Zugang zu einer Energieversorgung zu verschaffen, die sowohl bezahlbar als auch weniger CO2-intensiv und weniger umweltbelastend ist.

Der Zusammenhang zwischen politischer Versiertheit und Wahlentscheidungsqualität: Eine Fundierung auf Basis der Bundestagswahl 2017 (Politisches Wissen)

by Reinhold Melcher

Dass die politischen Kenntnisse der Bürgerinnen und Bürger Einfluss darauf haben, ob sie sich bei einer Wahl für jene Partei entscheiden, die ihre eigenen Einstellungen widerspiegelt – d.h. „korrekt wählen“, ist bereits in mehreren Untersuchungen nachgewiesen worden. Die Arbeit geht über diese Befunde in mehrfacher Hinsicht hinaus: Es wird auf Basis von Daten der GLES-Vor- und Nachwahlbefragung zur Bundestagswahl 2017 gezeigt, dass die kognitive Verfügbarkeit der gespeicherten Wissensbestände – gemessen an der Reaktionszeit der Respondenten – den Zusammenhang zwischen politischem Wissen und der Wahrscheinlichkeit einstellungskonsistent zu wählen moderiert. Das bedeutet, dass Befragte mit überdurchschnittlich schneller und korrekter Beantwortung von Wissensfragen eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, eine einstellungskonsistente Wahlentscheidung zu treffen, als Befragte, die dafür überdurchschnittlich lange brauchen. Die Befunde verdeutlichen, dass dieser Mechanismus auch auf politisches Falschwissen zutrifft.

Der zweite Kalte Krieg: Zur Geopolitik und strategischen Dimension der USA

by Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira

Die Geopolitik und strategische Dimension der US-amerikanischen Außenpolitik unter den Präsidenten George W. Bush und Barack Obama steht im Zentrum dieser Argumentation des brasilianischen Politikwissenschaftlers und Historikers Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira. Der Autor eröffnet in seiner Monografie ein politisch-historisches Panorama und analysiert den Einfluss der USA auf historische und politische Prozesse in der Welt seit den 2000er Jahren.

Der Zypernkonflikt: Eine sozialpsychologische Diskursanalyse (Innovative Konfliktforschung – Innovation in Conflict Research)

by Carolina Rehrmann

Seit Jahrzehnten wird um eine Wiedervereinigung Zyperns gerungen. Mit sozialpsychologischer Expertise und interkultureller Sensitivität wird in diesem Buch das Ineinanderwirken von Politik und Alltagswelt der Mittelmeerinsel untersucht. In ihrer Analyse der zypriotischen Konfliktgeschichte, der mit ihr verbundenen Diskurse, Geschichtsbücher und Erinnerungspraktiken zeigt die Autorin die bis heute andauernde Strahlkraft nationaler Narrative auf, die einer Überwindung des Konfliktes im Wege stehen.

Deradicalising Violent Extremists: Counter-Radicalisation and Deradicalisation Programmes and their Impact in Muslim Majority States

by Hamed El-Said Jane Harrigan

Terrorism remains one of the major threats facing the world community. While literature on the subject is dominated by discussion of the factors leading individuals and groups to join violent extremist, terrorist groups, the question of what can lead them to disengage from such groups is an equally important one. This book is the first study to provide a detailed analysis of both counter-radicalization and deradicalization programmes in eight Muslim-majority states, representing hitherto one of the largest, detailed, and most systematic inventory of such programmes in the world. Drawing on detailed case-studies from a number of countries, the book: traces the historical evolution of violent extremist groups and individuals in each country case study, including the period before independence; describes in detail states’ response to this phenomenon in each period; provides important empirical analyses for counter-and-deradicalization policies and programmes based on extensive fieldwork and interviews with state officials, former radicals, and members of civil society organizations in each country; provides a first systematic evaluation of the effectiveness and success of these programmes and policies; focuses simultaneously on factors that have led to deradicalization at an individual or organizational level, and on the macro environment, both external-global and internal, that encourages counter-radicalization and deradicalization of groups and individuals. The detailed comparative analyses allow the reader to identify conditions, both internal and external, which are conducive to both success and failure of counter-radicalization and deradicalization programmes, and the authors identify best practice and provide policy implications for states facing threats from violent extremism, as well as for international institutions and organizations working in the field of counter-terrorism.

Deradicalising Violent Extremists: Counter-Radicalisation and Deradicalisation Programmes and their Impact in Muslim Majority States

by Hamed El-Said Jane Harrigan

Terrorism remains one of the major threats facing the world community. While literature on the subject is dominated by discussion of the factors leading individuals and groups to join violent extremist, terrorist groups, the question of what can lead them to disengage from such groups is an equally important one. This book is the first study to provide a detailed analysis of both counter-radicalization and deradicalization programmes in eight Muslim-majority states, representing hitherto one of the largest, detailed, and most systematic inventory of such programmes in the world. Drawing on detailed case-studies from a number of countries, the book: traces the historical evolution of violent extremist groups and individuals in each country case study, including the period before independence; describes in detail states’ response to this phenomenon in each period; provides important empirical analyses for counter-and-deradicalization policies and programmes based on extensive fieldwork and interviews with state officials, former radicals, and members of civil society organizations in each country; provides a first systematic evaluation of the effectiveness and success of these programmes and policies; focuses simultaneously on factors that have led to deradicalization at an individual or organizational level, and on the macro environment, both external-global and internal, that encourages counter-radicalization and deradicalization of groups and individuals. The detailed comparative analyses allow the reader to identify conditions, both internal and external, which are conducive to both success and failure of counter-radicalization and deradicalization programmes, and the authors identify best practice and provide policy implications for states facing threats from violent extremism, as well as for international institutions and organizations working in the field of counter-terrorism.

Derailed: How to fix Britain's broken railways (Manchester Capitalism)

by Tom Haines-Doran

Why don't trains run on time? Why are fares so expensive? Why are there so many strikes? Few would disagree that Britain's railways are broken, and have been for a long time. This insightful new book calls for a radical rethink of how we view the railways, and explains the problems we face and how to fix them. Haines-Doran argues that the railways should be seen as a social good and an indispensable feature of the national economy. With passengers and railway workers holding governments to account, we could then move past the incessant debates on whether our railways are an unavoidably loss-making business failure. An alternative vision is both possible and affordable, enabling the railways to play an instrumental role in decreasing social inequalities, strengthening the economy and supporting a transition to a sustainable future.This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9, Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Derailed: How to fix Britain's broken railways (Manchester Capitalism)

by Tom Haines-Doran

Why don't trains run on time? Why are fares so expensive? Why are there so many strikes? Few would disagree that Britain's railways are broken, and have been for a long time. This insightful new book calls for a radical rethink of how we view the railways, and explains the problems we face and how to fix them. Haines-Doran argues that the railways should be seen as a social good and an indispensable feature of the national economy. With passengers and railway workers holding governments to account, we could then move past the incessant debates on whether our railways are an unavoidably loss-making business failure. An alternative vision is both possible and affordable, enabling the railways to play an instrumental role in decreasing social inequalities, strengthening the economy and supporting a transition to a sustainable future.This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9, Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The Deregulatory Moment?: A Comparative Perspective on Changing Campaign Finance Laws

by Robert G Boatright

For those who assume that increased regulation of political spending is inevitable in democratic nations, recent developments in U.S. campaign finance law appear puzzling. Is deregulation, exemplified by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC, a harbinger of things to come elsewhere or further evidence that the United States remains an anomaly? In this volume, experts on the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Sweden, France, and several other European nations explore what deregulation means in the context of political campaigns and demonstrate how such comparisons can inform the study of campaign finance in the U.S. Whereas the contributors do not settle on any single theory of change in campaign finance law or any single perspective on the relationship between changes seen in the U.S. and those in other nations over the past decade, they do concur that the U.S. is rapidly retreating from the types of regulations that defined campaign finance law in most democratic nations during the latter decades of the twentieth century. By tracing and analyzing the recent history of regulation, the contributors shed light on many pressing topics, including the relationship between public opinion and campaign finance law, the role of scandals in inspiring reform, and the changing incentives of political parties, interest groups, and the courts.

Deregulierte Telekommunikationsmärkte: Internationalisierungstendenzen, Newcomer-Dynamik, Mobilfunk- und Internetdienste (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge #178)

by Robert F. Pelzel

Grundlegende technologische und regulatorische Veränderungen haben zur Jahrtausendwende die Telekommunikationsmärkte mit erheblichem Anpassungsdruck konfrontiert. Im Mittelpunkt der hier untersuchten Problemstellung steht der Wandlungsprozeß dieses dynamischen Marktes, in dem auch eine verstärkte Ausnutzung der vorhandenen Innovationspotentiale zu beobachten ist. Dabei ist die Qualität und der Preis der Informationsübermittlung im Fest- und Mobilfunknetz zu einem determinierenden Element der Leistungsfähigkeit von Volkswirtschaften geworden. Zusätzlich verändern die technologischen Meilensteine wie Internet, E-Commerce und UMTS die "Spielregeln" für alle Marktteilnehmer in immer kürzerer Zeit. Der Vergleich der Märkte in den USA, in Großbritannien und in Deutschland zeigt dabei einige Parallelen, aber auch überraschende Unterschiede.

Derivatives and Development: A Political Economy of Global Finance, Farming, and Poverty

by Sasha Breger Bush

Breger Bush argues that derivatives markets work in the development context as engines of inequality and instability, aggravating poverty among those they are purported to help and highlighting some of the dangers of neoliberal globalization for the poor.

Derrida and Hospitality: Theory and Practice

by Judith Still

This book is the first full-length study of hospitality in the writings of Jacques Derrida. Hospitality is critically important in Derrida's writings, and his insights in this have been influential across a range of disciplines from geography, politics and sociology to literary studies and philosophy. It functions as a way of both thinking about relations between individuals, and analysing the (often inhospitable) reception of outsiders, such as refugees or migrants, by the community or state. Still also follows the thread of sexual difference in Derrida's writing in order to shed light on his exploration of the complex and delicate, strange yet familiar, political and ethical dilemmas of how to be those impossible things, a good host and a good guest. This book sets Derrida's work in a series of contexts including the socio-political history of France, especially in relation to Algeria, and the writing on hospitality of other key thinkers, most importantly Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray and Emmanuel Levinas.

Derrida and Hospitality: Theory and Practice (Edinburgh University Press)

by Judith Still

The first full-length study of hospitality in the writings of Jacques Derrida

Derrida on Exile and the Nation: Reading Fantom of the Other

by Herman Rapaport

Providing crucial scholarship on Derrida's first series of lectures from the Nationality and Philosophical Nationalism cycle, Herman Rapaport brings all 13 parts of the Fantom of the Other series (1984-85) to our critical attention. The series, Rapaport argues, was seminal in laying the foundations for the courses given, and ideas explored, by Derrida over the next twenty years. It is in this vein that the full explication of Derrida's lectures is done, breathing life into the foundational lecture series which has not yet been published in its entirety in English.Derrida's examination of a master signifier of the social relation, Geschlecht, acts as the critical entry point of the series into wide-ranging meditations on the social construction and deconstruction of all possible relations denoted by the core concept, including race, gender, sex, and family. The lecture series' vast engagement with a range of major thinkers, including philosophers and poets alike – Arendt, Adorno, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Trakl, and Adonis – tackles core themes and debates about philosophical nationalism. Presenting Derrida's lectures on the implications of key 20th century philosopher's understandings of nationalism as they relate to concerns over idiomatic language, notions of race, exile, return, and social relations, adds richly to the literature on Derrida and reveals the potential for further application of his work to current polarising debates between universalism and tribalism.

Derrida on Exile and the Nation: Reading Fantom of the Other

by Herman Rapaport

Providing crucial scholarship on Derrida's first series of lectures from the Nationality and Philosophical Nationalism cycle, Herman Rapaport brings all 13 parts of the Fantom of the Other series (1984-85) to our critical attention. The series, Rapaport argues, was seminal in laying the foundations for the courses given, and ideas explored, by Derrida over the next twenty years. It is in this vein that the full explication of Derrida's lectures is done, breathing life into the foundational lecture series which has not yet been published in its entirety in English.Derrida's examination of a master signifier of the social relation, Geschlecht, acts as the critical entry point of the series into wide-ranging meditations on the social construction and deconstruction of all possible relations denoted by the core concept, including race, gender, sex, and family. The lecture series' vast engagement with a range of major thinkers, including philosophers and poets alike – Arendt, Adorno, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Trakl, and Adonis – tackles core themes and debates about philosophical nationalism. Presenting Derrida's lectures on the implications of key 20th century philosopher's understandings of nationalism as they relate to concerns over idiomatic language, notions of race, exile, return, and social relations, adds richly to the literature on Derrida and reveals the potential for further application of his work to current polarising debates between universalism and tribalism.

Derrida's Secret: Perjury, Testimony, Oath (Incitements)

by Charles Barbour

The Snowden Affair, Wikileaks, the ‘lone wolf’ terrorist, Clinton’s private email account – the secret is arguably the central element of our contemporary political experience. Now, Charles Barbour looks at the basic ontological question ‘what is a secret?’ Organised as a reflection on Jacques Derrida’s later writings on secrecy, four chapters each look at a separate problematic: society and the oath, literature and testimony, philosophy and deception, and time and death. Barbour shows that secrecy is not a negation of our relations with others, but a necessary condition of those relations. We can only reveal ourselves to one another (and, indeed, to anything other) insofar as we conceal as well.

Derrida's Secret: Perjury, Testimony, Oath (Incitements)

by Charles Barbour

The Snowden Affair, Wikileaks, the ‘lone wolf’ terrorist, Clinton’s private email account – the secret is arguably the central element of our contemporary political experience. Now, Charles Barbour looks at the basic ontological question ‘what is a secret?’ Organised as a reflection on Jacques Derrida’s later writings on secrecy, four chapters each look at a separate problematic: society and the oath, literature and testimony, philosophy and deception, and time and death. Barbour shows that secrecy is not a negation of our relations with others, but a necessary condition of those relations. We can only reveal ourselves to one another (and, indeed, to anything other) insofar as we conceal as well.

Derrida's Social Ontology: Institutions in Deconstruction

by Ryan A. Gustafson

Derrida's Social Ontology: Institutions in Deconstruction presents the first dedicated study of Jacques Derrida’s philosophy of institutions. While previous studies of Derrida’s thought have considered his engagement with individual institutions—from the university to literature, law, and psychoanalysis, among others—Derrida’s Social Ontology offers the first attempt to reconstruct and defend the philosophical theory of institutions that underlies these engagements. In so doing, the book argues that the theme of “the institution” in Derrida's oeuvre offers the best throughline for understanding the substantively normative significance of deconstruction as a philosophical practice, arguing that Derrida is unique among so-called “postmodern” thinkers in providing an account of the relationship between the historically contingent character of institutions and the normative entitlements that such entities make possible. Specifically, the book shows how Derrida accounts for this relationship in a way that leaves room for a notion of “unconditional responsibility” for the social and political world to the extent that the latter is structured by perfectible institutions. In tracing the development of Derrida’s account of this link between the historicity and normativity of institutional life—from his early writings on the historicity of the institution of philosophy, to his later critiques of practices of institutional cruelty like the death penalty—Derrida's Social Ontology not only offers readers a new framework for making sense of the normative commitments that defined this philosopher's writings, but will also establish the terms for putting his works into conversation with contemporary debates in social and political philosophy and critical theory more broadly.

The Descendants of Cain

by Ji-moon Suh Sun-won Hwang Julie Pickering J. Suh

Hwang Sun-won, perhaps the most beloved and respected Korean writer of the 20th century, based this extraordinary novel on his own experiences in his North Korean home village between the end of World War II and the eve of the Korean War when Korea had been divided into North and South by its two "liberators" - the United States and the Soviet Union. In this story the Soviet-backed communist party, using the promise of land reform, sets people at each other's throat. Portrayed here is an entire community caught in the political and social firestorm that brings out the selfishness, cruelty and ignorance of simple people, but also shows their loyalty and nobility. Compelling here, too, is a heroine who represents the "eternally feminine" for all Korean men, and the setting, the harsh political, psychic and physical landscape of rural postwar North Korea rarely glimpsed by the outside world. Hwang Sun-won is an artist of consummate delicacy and subtlety, and his writing is marked by keen psychological insight and steely asceticism. While three collections of his short stories have appeared in Hong Kong and the West, "The Descendants of Cain" is the first English translation of a Hwang Sun-won novel.

The Descendants of Cain

by Ji-moon Suh Sun-won Hwang Julie Pickering J. Suh

Hwang Sun-won, perhaps the most beloved and respected Korean writer of the 20th century, based this extraordinary novel on his own experiences in his North Korean home village between the end of World War II and the eve of the Korean War when Korea had been divided into North and South by its two "liberators" - the United States and the Soviet Union. In this story the Soviet-backed communist party, using the promise of land reform, sets people at each other's throat. Portrayed here is an entire community caught in the political and social firestorm that brings out the selfishness, cruelty and ignorance of simple people, but also shows their loyalty and nobility. Compelling here, too, is a heroine who represents the "eternally feminine" for all Korean men, and the setting, the harsh political, psychic and physical landscape of rural postwar North Korea rarely glimpsed by the outside world. Hwang Sun-won is an artist of consummate delicacy and subtlety, and his writing is marked by keen psychological insight and steely asceticism. While three collections of his short stories have appeared in Hong Kong and the West, "The Descendants of Cain" is the first English translation of a Hwang Sun-won novel.

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