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Development and Decolonization in Latin America (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Julie Cupples

Written in an accessible language, this book is a fully updated and revised edition of Latin American Development, a text that provides a comprehensive introduction to Latin American development in the twenty-first century and is anchored in decolonial theory and other critical approaches. This new edition has been revised and updated in a way that takes into account recent changes in political leadership, the retreat of the Pink Tide, the Colombian peace accords, new forms of political and territorial mobilization, the intensification of extractivism, murders of environmental defenders, major disasters, and the new contours of feminist and anti-patriarchal struggles. It features new chapters on decolonial theory, Latin America in the world, disastrous development, Afrodescendant struggles, and the Latin American city. The book emphasizes political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of development and considers key challenges facing the region and the diverse ways in which its people are responding, as well as providing analysis of the ways in which such challenges and responses can be theorized. It explores the region’s historical trajectories, the implementation and rejection of the neoliberal model, and the role played by diverse social movements. It is an indispensable resource for students and university lecturers and professors in development studies, Latin American studies, geography, anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, and cultural studies. In addition, it provides an invaluable introduction to the region for journalists and development practitioners.

Development and Diffusionism: Looking Beyond Neopatrimonialism in Nigeria, 1962–1985

by J. Dibua

This book deconstructs the neopatrimonial paradigm that has dominated analysis of Nigerian and African development. It shows that by denying agency to Nigerian societies and devaluing indigenous culture and local realities, Eurocentric diffusionism played a significant role in the failure of development planning.

Development and Disaster Management: A Study Of The Northeastern States Of India

by Amita Singh Milap Punia Nivedita P. Haran Thiyam Bharat Singh

This book highlights the relationship between disasters and development through a socio-cultural study of human geography and governance institutions. It studies the cause, context and consequences of disasters in one of the most fragile Himalayan regions in India. The book establishes the fact that disaster management is built within the framework of good governance, without which it has no meaning. For lack of effective and responsive governance, development has lagged behind and even though the frequency of disasters has been increasing, little is being done to redesign developmental frameworks to prevent ensuing losses. Besides, the near absence of governmental support during recurrent disasters, communities have cumulatively become reservoirs of innovations to cope up with disasters. The resilience plans need not follow implanted models but may be cost effective only if they apply a bottom up approach. Just as the region is culturally diverse so are the challenges encountered by local communities in terms of generating resilience to every disaster. Despite more than a decade of the Disaster Management Act (DMA) of 2005, most of the states in this northeastern fringe of India continue to wait for its implementation beyond mere structures and offices. The book suggests that urgent action is required in accordance with the DMA 2005 towards inter-agency coordination, proactive participation of local governance, mobilization of Community based Organizations (CBOs) and curriculum based training in every academic and technical institution. Governments of these northeastern states of India should establish accountability of State Disaster Management Authorities and inspire them to participate proactively with communities for an effective resilience building in the region.

Development and Disaster Management (PDF)

by Amita Singh Milap Punia Nivedita P. Haran Thiyam Bharat Singh

This book highlights the relationship between disasters and development through a socio-cultural study of human geography and governance institutions. It studies the cause, context and consequences of disasters in one of the most fragile Himalayan regions in India. The book establishes the fact that disaster management is built within the framework of good governance, without which it has no meaning. For lack of effective and responsive governance, development has lagged behind and even though the frequency of disasters has been increasing, little is being done to redesign developmental frameworks to prevent ensuing losses. Besides, the near absence of governmental support during recurrent disasters, communities have cumulatively become reservoirs of innovations to cope up with disasters. The resilience plans need not follow implanted models but may be cost effective only if they apply a bottom up approach. Just as the region is culturally diverse so are the challenges encountered by local communities in terms of generating resilience to every disaster. Despite more than a decade of the Disaster Management Act (DMA) of 2005, most of the states in this northeastern fringe of India continue to wait for its implementation beyond mere structures and offices. The book suggests that urgent action is required in accordance with the DMA 2005 towards inter-agency coordination, proactive participation of local governance, mobilization of Community based Organizations (CBOs) and curriculum based training in every academic and technical institution. Governments of these northeastern states of India should establish accountability of State Disaster Management Authorities and inspire them to participate proactively with communities for an effective resilience building in the region.

Development And Disenchantment In Rural Tunisia: The Bourguiba Years

by Mira Zussman

My first introduction to the lower Medjerda Valley was in 1976 byWerner Kiene, then director of economic development programs in NorthAfrica for the Ford Foundation, and by professors Ali Ben Zaid Salmi andMonee£ Ben Said, codirectors of the Department of Rural Social Sciences atthe National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia (INA TI. The region ofMedjerdaturned out to be an ideal fieldsite, and I am grateful to the team at INAT forintroducing me to the region. My fieldwork in the late 1970s was supportedby two sources: A Fulbright Hays Research Fellowship and an InternationalDoctoral Research Fellowship provided jointly by the Social Science ResearchCouncil (SSRC) and the American Council for Learned Societies. Subsequenttravel grants from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the Universityof California, Berkeley, and California State University Faculty ResearchGrants also were instrumental to this study. Without the financial supportof these organizations, this research could riot have been conducted.

Development And Disenchantment In Rural Tunisia: The Bourguiba Years

by Mira Zussman

My first introduction to the lower Medjerda Valley was in 1976 byWerner Kiene, then director of economic development programs in NorthAfrica for the Ford Foundation, and by professors Ali Ben Zaid Salmi andMonee£ Ben Said, codirectors of the Department of Rural Social Sciences atthe National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia (INA TI. The region ofMedjerdaturned out to be an ideal fieldsite, and I am grateful to the team at INAT forintroducing me to the region. My fieldwork in the late 1970s was supportedby two sources: A Fulbright Hays Research Fellowship and an InternationalDoctoral Research Fellowship provided jointly by the Social Science ResearchCouncil (SSRC) and the American Council for Learned Societies. Subsequenttravel grants from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the Universityof California, Berkeley, and California State University Faculty ResearchGrants also were instrumental to this study. Without the financial supportof these organizations, this research could riot have been conducted.

Development and Environmental Policy in India: The Last Few Decades (SpringerBriefs in Economics)

by Kanchan Chopra

This book examines the nuances of the relationship between development and environmental conservation policy in India over the last three decades. While India is taken as the focal point, the study extends to an analysis of global aspects and other developing countries as and when the situation demands. Understanding that development always has to take environmental issues into consideration, the book undertakes critical reviews of the different ways in which this has been done. The review is based on a grasp of the simultaneous developments in the theoretical understanding of the environment and ecosystems and provides pointers towards directions for possible change. The motivation for the book lies in the continuing distance between theoretical knowledge of the role of the environment, in particular the underlying long-term links between human wellbeing and wise use of nature, and its application in public policy. The book also proposes that whichever theoretical cornerstone is taken as the starting point, it is the ethical undertones that drive the analysis in directions that acquire meaning in terms of the quality and legitimacy of decision-making. It explores the relevance to policy of a variety of radical conceptual development and policy directions, such as dematerialising growth, the social metabolism approach and the degrowth movement. Further, the dilemma facing environmental policy continues to be how to simultaneously borrow from developments in and across disciplines while at the same time, and at a more practical level, dealing with a diversity of stakeholders.

Development and Foreign Policy in Turkey: Rethinking Interconnectedness in a Multipolar World (International Political Economy Series)

by Mustafa Kutlay H. Emrah Karaoğuz

This book sketches an institutional political economy framework to discuss the interaction between development and foreign policy in the global South with reference to Turkey. The authors argue that although the developmental state framework has commonly been employed to explore domestic economic development processes without analytically focusing on the foreign policy dimension, developmental state institutions are highly relevant in the creation and pursuit of a development-oriented foreign policy at a time of growing uncertainty marred by geopolitical and geoeconomic tensions. The book develops a two-level ‘Regime Coherence Framework’ to account for the domestic and international dimensions of development-oriented foreign policy. The main argument posits that the development regime in Turkey and associated foreign policies lack coherence, due to weak institutional complementarities between economic governance, state-business relations, and financial statecraft at the domestic-external nexus.

The Development and Governance of Private Universities in China (Governance and Citizenship in Asia)

by Xu Liu

This book investigates the form and features of governance and the factors that shape governance in practice in private universities in China. Building on an exploration of the growth of private universities in China after the Communist Party took over the power, the study examines the specific context in China, including the role of the Communist Party, and integrates with shareholders and senior managers to achieve its governance role. It shows that two distinct forms of institutional governance have developed, namely the supervision form and the managerial form. While external policies provide an impetus for change for each university, how key actors in institutional governance understand these policies have significant effect on how the policies are implemented. This can result in change that can be viewed as either symbolic alteration or as operational change. The internal factors that act to shape institutional governance mainly relate to the different developmental stages of the private university, the characteristics of shareholders and senior managers, and the various ways the universities respond to the external policy.

Development and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality in India

by Joel E. Oestreich

In 2003, the United Nations adopted a common rights-based approach to development in their efforts to promote an international standard of human rights throughout the world. The approach emphasizes economic, social, and cultural rights, but plays down the role of civil and political rights in development. Intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies operate only at the invitation and sufferance of their hosts, and states retain full sovereignty and control over their territory; and the direct promotion of civil and political rights by foreign organizations has seemed beyond the ability of multilateral development agencies. But as Development and Human Rights shows, UN agencies have begun to take on a remarkable set of development priorities that, while carefully circumscribed and defined, constitute greater involvement in a state's internal affairs than anyone would have considered in the past. In this book, Joel E. Oestreich presents the first full-length study of how international agencies evaluate the rights situation in a single country, and the first study to look at both the good and the bad in a rights-based approach. It looks particularly at the human rights challenges faced in India, considering the work of five UN agencies: UNICEF, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the UN Fund for Population Activities, and UN Women. Over the course of the book, Oestreich summarizes how the UN navigates this difficult political terrain, and how effectively these policies are being implemented. Development and Human Rights ultimately considers how rights-based approaches fit in the traditional discourse on human rights, and the ability of these agencies to initiate meaningful change on state behavior in the rights arena.

Development and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality in India

by Joel E. Oestreich

In 2003, the United Nations adopted a common rights-based approach to development in their efforts to promote an international standard of human rights throughout the world. The approach emphasizes economic, social, and cultural rights, but plays down the role of civil and political rights in development. Intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies operate only at the invitation and sufferance of their hosts, and states retain full sovereignty and control over their territory; and the direct promotion of civil and political rights by foreign organizations has seemed beyond the ability of multilateral development agencies. But as Development and Human Rights shows, UN agencies have begun to take on a remarkable set of development priorities that, while carefully circumscribed and defined, constitute greater involvement in a state's internal affairs than anyone would have considered in the past. In this book, Joel E. Oestreich presents the first full-length study of how international agencies evaluate the rights situation in a single country, and the first study to look at both the good and the bad in a rights-based approach. It looks particularly at the human rights challenges faced in India, considering the work of five UN agencies: UNICEF, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the UN Fund for Population Activities, and UN Women. Over the course of the book, Oestreich summarizes how the UN navigates this difficult political terrain, and how effectively these policies are being implemented. Development and Human Rights ultimately considers how rights-based approaches fit in the traditional discourse on human rights, and the ability of these agencies to initiate meaningful change on state behavior in the rights arena.

Development and International Relations: A Critical Introduction

by Anna Dickson

This introductory textbook examines the role of the Third World and the processes of development from the study of international politics and argues that in an increasingly globalized world development can no longer be seen as an isolated practice.

Development and International Relations: A Critical Introduction

by Anna Dickson

This introductory textbook examines the role of the Third World and the processes of development from the study of international politics and argues that in an increasingly globalized world development can no longer be seen as an isolated practice.

Development and Planning Economy: Environmental and resource issues

by P.A. Stone

This book describes in detail how the property market operates, giving a clear picture of the economics of development and the way which development issues are defined by (and in their turn have an effect on) community and individual needs. By describing how the market works and explaining the factors which need to be analysed, the author aims to improve decision-making techniques and machinery.

Development and Planning Economy: Environmental and resource issues

by P.A. Stone

This book describes in detail how the property market operates, giving a clear picture of the economics of development and the way which development issues are defined by (and in their turn have an effect on) community and individual needs. By describing how the market works and explaining the factors which need to be analysed, the author aims to improve decision-making techniques and machinery.

Development and Politics from Below: Exploring Religious Spaces in the African State (Non-Governmental Public Action)

by Barbara Bompani & Maria Frahm-Arp

Religion is playing an increasingly central role in African political and developmental life. This book offers an empirical and theoretical reflection on the relationships between religion, politics and development in Africa; the meanings of religion in non-Western contexts and the way that is embedded in the everyday life of people in Africa.

Development And The Politics Of Administrative Reform: Lessons From Latin America

by Linn A. Hammergren

This book addresses the problems of administrative reform in Third World countries by examining recent reform efforts in Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. Dr. Hammergren discusses the politics of administrative change and the interaction of the political and technical dimensions of reform in the three countries. The failure of many reform programs, she suggests, can be traced to their conception primarily in technical terms; the neglect of the political dimension encourages a division between the interests dominating the technical, planning stages and the groups needed for implementation. In the case of Third World programs, this division is further aggravated by the impact of external actors on the power base and orientation of national reform planners. While international support helped establish reform programs in the three countries studied, it also dissuaded planners from building ties with other national groups and from broadening and intensifying their political bases. Dr. Hammergren explores the sources of program content in the case studies and the notion of reform success or failure and examines alternative strategies for designing reform programs. Her emphasis is on identifying political, programmatic, and organizational variables that can be manipulated to enhance program implementation and effectiveness.

Development And The Politics Of Administrative Reform: Lessons From Latin America

by Linn A. Hammergren

This book addresses the problems of administrative reform in Third World countries by examining recent reform efforts in Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. Dr. Hammergren discusses the politics of administrative change and the interaction of the political and technical dimensions of reform in the three countries. The failure of many reform programs, she suggests, can be traced to their conception primarily in technical terms; the neglect of the political dimension encourages a division between the interests dominating the technical, planning stages and the groups needed for implementation. In the case of Third World programs, this division is further aggravated by the impact of external actors on the power base and orientation of national reform planners. While international support helped establish reform programs in the three countries studied, it also dissuaded planners from building ties with other national groups and from broadening and intensifying their political bases. Dr. Hammergren explores the sources of program content in the case studies and the notion of reform success or failure and examines alternative strategies for designing reform programs. Her emphasis is on identifying political, programmatic, and organizational variables that can be manipulated to enhance program implementation and effectiveness.

The Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law (The\library Of Essays In International Humanitarian Law Ser.)

by Michael N. Schmitt Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg

The essays selected for the first part of this volume offer an insight into the development, as distinguished from the history, of international humanitarian law. The focus of the majority of the works reprinted here is on an analysis of the adequacy of the law as it stood at the time of the respective publication and in the light of existing contemporary armed conflicts and military operations. Thus, the reader is afforded an in-depth look at the early roots of international humanitarian law, the continuing relevance of that body of law despite advances in weapons technology and the efforts to progressively develop it. International humanitarian law's development cannot be considered in isolation from its principles. The essays selected for the second part of the volume deal with the two fundamental principles underlying all of international humanitarian law: humanity and military necessity. The articles on the principles of humanity include reflections on the famous Martens Clause, and the analyses of military necessity take no account of 'Kriegsraison'. Moreover, they offer proof of the customary character of the principle of distinction in land, air and naval warfare.

The Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law

by MichaelN. Schmitt

The essays selected for the first part of this volume offer an insight into the development, as distinguished from the history, of international humanitarian law. The focus of the majority of the works reprinted here is on an analysis of the adequacy of the law as it stood at the time of the respective publication and in the light of existing contemporary armed conflicts and military operations. Thus, the reader is afforded an in-depth look at the early roots of international humanitarian law, the continuing relevance of that body of law despite advances in weapons technology and the efforts to progressively develop it. International humanitarian law's development cannot be considered in isolation from its principles. The essays selected for the second part of the volume deal with the two fundamental principles underlying all of international humanitarian law: humanity and military necessity. The articles on the principles of humanity include reflections on the famous Martens Clause, and the analyses of military necessity take no account of 'Kriegsraison'. Moreover, they offer proof of the customary character of the principle of distinction in land, air and naval warfare.

Development and Regional Stability in Africa: Unlocking Potential

by Adeoye O. Akinola Emmaculate Asige Liaga

This book critically engages with the development-security nexus in contemporary Africa, coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of the African Union (AU). Despite widespread discourse on the 'Africa Rising' narrative, many African states grapple with persistent economic challenges, violent conflicts, Afrophobia, and democratic setbacks. The AU's efforts, alongside those of other regional actors, to leverage regionalism for driving socio-economic and political development while ensuring peace and security have yielded limited results. Consequently, this edited volume takes an incisive approach to unpack the complex and vexed issues obstructing sustainable advancements in security and development in Africa. While existing studies have predominantly centered on conventional conflict and development concerns, this book sheds light on the emerging realities and evolving dynamics shaping the region's trajectory. Utilising a comprehensive case study approach, the book places Africa's challenges within both historical and contemporary contexts, aiming to present sustainable policy options to bridge the myriad gaps in the continent's peace, security, and governance architecture. By addressing the intricacies of balancing individual state interests with collective regional advancement, this volume offers a pathway toward unlocking Africa's potential for development and fostering a prosperous and harmonious 'Africa We Want'.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development and Stabilization in Small Open Economies: Theories and Evidence from Caribbean Experience (Europa Perspectives: Emerging Economies)

by DeLisle Worrell

This book analyses and explains the nature of the economies of small countries and territories. It includes an assessment of material prosperity in 41 small open economies worldwide, with case studies focusing on the Caribbean and Central America, with a review of the development of their economies in recent decades. The volume recommends a suite of economic policy tools for the management of these economies, demonstrating how these may best be employed in economies that live and breathe through international commerce. Among observations of interest is the fact that the devaluation of the local currency of a small nation makes the country worse off; even a currency that maintains its value is little more than a trophy, of little value if it is not readily convertible into US dollars. Also, that while government policies affect international competitiveness and a small country's growth prospects, more important is how governments use additional resources to improve the quality of health and educational services. Moreover, economic windfalls such as the discovery of mineral resources seldom bring prosperity commensurate with their economic value, and never in the short run. The volume will offer invaluable information and analysis to researchers and policy makers investigating small open economies.

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