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Displaced: The Human Cost of Development and Resettlement (Palgrave Studies in Oral History)

by O. Bennett C. McDowell

A collection of oral histories that reveal the loss of cultural continuity, identity, shifts in family responsibilities, gender roles and fractured relationships between generations that are just some of the challenges people face as they attempt to rebuild lives and communities.

Displaced by Disaster: Recovery and Resilience in a Globalizing World (Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience)

by Ann-Margaret Esnard Alka Sapat

Displacement has traditionally been conceptualized as a phenomenon that results from conflict or other disruptions in developing or unstable countries. Hurricane Katrina shattered this notion and highlighted the various dilemmas of population displacement in the United States. The dilemmas stem from that of inconsistent terminology and definitions; lack of efforts to quantify displacement risk potential and that factor displacement vulnerability into community plans; lack of understanding of differential needs of "displacees" especially during long-term recovery periods; and policy and institutional responses (or lack thereof) especially as it relates to post-disaster sheltering and housing. Incorporating relevant examples, cases, and policies Esnard and Sapat look at the experience of other countries and how the international community has dealt with hundreds of thousands of individuals who have been forced to leave their homes. Displaced by Disaster addresses such issues from a planning and policy perspective informed by scholarship in disciplines such as emergency management; political science; sociology and anthropology. It is ideal for students and practitioners working in the areas of disaster management, planning, public administration and policy, housing, and the many disciplines connected to disaster issues.

Displaced by Disaster: Recovery and Resilience in a Globalizing World (Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience)

by Ann-Margaret Esnard Alka Sapat

Displacement has traditionally been conceptualized as a phenomenon that results from conflict or other disruptions in developing or unstable countries. Hurricane Katrina shattered this notion and highlighted the various dilemmas of population displacement in the United States. The dilemmas stem from that of inconsistent terminology and definitions; lack of efforts to quantify displacement risk potential and that factor displacement vulnerability into community plans; lack of understanding of differential needs of "displacees" especially during long-term recovery periods; and policy and institutional responses (or lack thereof) especially as it relates to post-disaster sheltering and housing. Incorporating relevant examples, cases, and policies Esnard and Sapat look at the experience of other countries and how the international community has dealt with hundreds of thousands of individuals who have been forced to leave their homes. Displaced by Disaster addresses such issues from a planning and policy perspective informed by scholarship in disciplines such as emergency management; political science; sociology and anthropology. It is ideal for students and practitioners working in the areas of disaster management, planning, public administration and policy, housing, and the many disciplines connected to disaster issues.

Displaced Comrades: Politics and Surveillance in the Lives of Soviet Refugees in the West

by Ebony Nilsson

This book explores the lives of left-wing Soviet refugees who fled the Cold War to settle in Australia, and uncovers how they adjusted to life under surveillance in the West. As Cold War tensions built in the postwar years, many of these refugees happily resettled in the West as model refugees, proof of capitalist countries' superiority. But for a few, this was not the case. Displaced Comrades provides an account of these Cold War misfits, those refugees who fled East for West, but remained left-wing or pro-Soviet. Drawing on interviews, government records and surveillance dossiers from multiple continents this book explores how these refugees' ideas took root in new ways. As these radical ideas drew suspicion from western intelligence these everyday lives were put under surveillance, shadowed by the persistent threat of espionage. With unprecented access to intelligence records, Nilsson focuses on how a number of these left-wing refugees adjusted to life in Australia, opening up a previously invisible segment of postwar migration history, and offering a new exploration of life as a Soviet 'enemy alien' in the West.

Displaced Comrades: Politics and Surveillance in the Lives of Soviet Refugees in the West

by Ebony Nilsson

This book explores the lives of left-wing Soviet refugees who fled the Cold War to settle in Australia, and uncovers how they adjusted to life under surveillance in the West. As Cold War tensions built in the postwar years, many of these refugees happily resettled in the West as model refugees, proof of capitalist countries' superiority. But for a few, this was not the case. Displaced Comrades provides an account of these Cold War misfits, those refugees who fled East for West, but remained left-wing or pro-Soviet. Drawing on interviews, government records and surveillance dossiers from multiple continents this book explores how these refugees' ideas took root in new ways. As these radical ideas drew suspicion from western intelligence these everyday lives were put under surveillance, shadowed by the persistent threat of espionage. With unprecented access to intelligence records, Nilsson focuses on how a number of these left-wing refugees adjusted to life in Australia, opening up a previously invisible segment of postwar migration history, and offering a new exploration of life as a Soviet 'enemy alien' in the West.

The Displaced Rohingyas: A Tale of a Vulnerable Community

by Sk Tawfique M Haque, Bulbul Siddiqi, and Mahmudur Rahman Bhuiyan

This volume offers a comprehensive overview of the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh. It analyses the socio-cultural and humanitarian challenges of the crisis, along with the discourses that have developed on this issue via the local and international media and literature. The volume also suggests ways to build sustainable solutions for the Rohingya refugees. It discusses wide-ranging issues including a historical overview of the Rohingyas; the Rakhine State of Myanmar and the issue of religious toleration; the struggle for existence in Malaysia and Thailand; vulnerable Rohingya in Bangladesh; and stratified lives in Bangladeshi camps. It also sheds light on social insecurity among Rohingya adolescent girls; understanding gender-based violence in camps; the portrayal of the crisis in Chinese and Indian newspapers; and Bangladesh’s policy in addressing the Rohingya crisis and repatriation. This book will be useful for scholars and researchers of sociology, social anthropology, refugee studies, peace and conflict studies, international relations, human rights, political studies, gender studies, and South Asian studies.

The Displaced Rohingyas: A Tale of a Vulnerable Community

This volume offers a comprehensive overview of the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh. It analyses the socio-cultural and humanitarian challenges of the crisis, along with the discourses that have developed on this issue via the local and international media and literature. The volume also suggests ways to build sustainable solutions for the Rohingya refugees. It discusses wide-ranging issues including a historical overview of the Rohingyas; the Rakhine State of Myanmar and the issue of religious toleration; the struggle for existence in Malaysia and Thailand; vulnerable Rohingya in Bangladesh; and stratified lives in Bangladeshi camps. It also sheds light on social insecurity among Rohingya adolescent girls; understanding gender-based violence in camps; the portrayal of the crisis in Chinese and Indian newspapers; and Bangladesh’s policy in addressing the Rohingya crisis and repatriation. This book will be useful for scholars and researchers of sociology, social anthropology, refugee studies, peace and conflict studies, international relations, human rights, political studies, gender studies, and South Asian studies.

Displacement, Development, and Climate Change: International organizations moving beyond their mandates (Global Institutions)

by Nina Hall

This book focuses on one critical challenge: climate change. Climate change is predicted to lead to an increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. An increase in extreme weather events, global temperatures and higher sea levels may lead to displacement and migration, and will affect many dimensions of the economy and society. Although scholars are examining the complexity and fragmentation of the climate change regime, they have not examined how our existing international development, migration and humanitarian organizations are dealing with climate change. Focusing on three institutions: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations Development Programme, the book asks: how have these inter-governmental organizations responded to climate change? And are they moving beyond their original mandates, given none were established with a mandate for climate change? It traces their responses to climate change in their rhetoric, policy, structure, operations and overall mandate change. Hall argues that international bureaucrats can play an important role in mandate expansion, often deciding whether and how to expand into a new issue-area and then lobbying states to endorse this expansion. They make changes in rhetoric, policy, structure and operations on the ground, and therefore forge, frame and internalize new issue-linkages. This book helps us to understand how institutions established in the 20th century are adapting to a 21st century world. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of International Relations, Development Studies, Environmental Politics, International Organizations and Global Governance, as well as international officials.

Displacement, Development, and Climate Change: International organizations moving beyond their mandates (Global Institutions)

by Nina Hall

This book focuses on one critical challenge: climate change. Climate change is predicted to lead to an increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. An increase in extreme weather events, global temperatures and higher sea levels may lead to displacement and migration, and will affect many dimensions of the economy and society. Although scholars are examining the complexity and fragmentation of the climate change regime, they have not examined how our existing international development, migration and humanitarian organizations are dealing with climate change. Focusing on three institutions: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations Development Programme, the book asks: how have these inter-governmental organizations responded to climate change? And are they moving beyond their original mandates, given none were established with a mandate for climate change? It traces their responses to climate change in their rhetoric, policy, structure, operations and overall mandate change. Hall argues that international bureaucrats can play an important role in mandate expansion, often deciding whether and how to expand into a new issue-area and then lobbying states to endorse this expansion. They make changes in rhetoric, policy, structure and operations on the ground, and therefore forge, frame and internalize new issue-linkages. This book helps us to understand how institutions established in the 20th century are adapting to a 21st century world. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of International Relations, Development Studies, Environmental Politics, International Organizations and Global Governance, as well as international officials.

Displacement Governance and the Illusion of Integration: From Population Movement to Movement of the People

by Hakan Shearer Demir

There is a poetic convergence between the struggles of people on the move and people in the peripheries of power, as they may collectively envision alternative forms of coexistence and fight together for fundamental rights and a dignified life. The emergence of fresh perspectives on solidarity from local communities across the board can become the driving force behind a transformative movement of the people. Examples of small yet impactful acts of solidarity in the northern Mediterranean region illustrate how migration fuels social change, leading to the alteration of established norms. These examples further challenge the dominant populist narrative of migration, and integration into mainstream society as the only viable solution.The recent influx of migrant arrivals in Europe challenges established paradigms, rekindling discussions on human rights and democracy regarding the treatment of people on the move and their experiences after arriving in a new location. Despite dominant nation-state narratives and inadequate institutional approaches to displacement, narratives of solidarity among local communities have emerged transcending borders, shedding light on the class, race, and gender-based dimensions of migration. In this book, Hakan Shearer Demir examines how displacement and governance influence the meaning of what it means to be "local," as it is constantly reshaped by the diverse experiences, cultural norms, and the connections of newcomers to places, people, and stories in the northern Mediterranean region. Through his Displacement Triggered Community Co-Construction Framework (CCF), Shearer Demir presents an alternative approach that combines meta-integration and municipalist principles, while taking on patriarchy and hierarchies. The CCF offers a potential pathway to establishing a community of equals that prioritizes meeting essential human needs and upholding human dignity. It is a groundbreaking approach to one of the burning questions of our time. Shearer Demir’s book serves as a valuable source for professionals, practitioners, and academics working in the field of displacement, integration, and governance.

Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life)

by Esther Dermott and Julie Seymour

This edited collection uses the concept of 'displaying families' as a new way to understand contemporary family and personal life, addressing how, in a world of fluid relationships, family life must not only be 'done' but also be 'seen to be done'.

Disposable City: Miami's Future on the Shores of Climate Catastrophe

by Mario Alejandro Ariza

A deeply-reported personal investigation by a Miami journalist into the present and future effects of climate change in the Magic City-a watery harbinger for coastal cities worldwide.Miami, Florida, is likely to be entirely underwater by the end of this century. Residents are already starting to see the effects of sea level rise today. From sunny day flooding caused by higher tides to a sewer system on the brink of total collapse, the city undeniably lives in a climate changed world. In Disposable City, Miami resident Mario Alejandro Ariza shows us not only what climate change looks like on the ground today, but also what Miami will look like 100 years from now, and how that future has been shaped by the city's racist past and present. As politicians continue to kick the can down the road and Miami becomes increasingly unlivable, real estate vultures and wealthy residents will be able to get out or move to higher ground, but the most vulnerable communities, disproportionately composed of people of color, will face flood damage, rising housing costs, dangerously higher temperatures, and stronger hurricanes that they can't afford to escape. Miami may be on the front lines of climate change, but the battle it's fighting today is coming for the rest of the U.S.--and the rest of the world--far sooner than we could have imagined even a decade ago. Disposable City is a thoughtful portrait of both a vibrant city with a unique culture and the social, economic, and psychic costs of climate change that call us to act before it's too late.

Dispositive des Lernens: Analyse der Formierung schulischer Lernprozesse unter ideologiekritischen Aspekten (Theorie und Praxis der Diskursforschung)

by Michael Brandmayr

Michael Brandmayr präsentiert eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung eines gegenwärtigen schulpädagogischen Leitbildes von Lernen. Was als ideale Art des Lernens erachtet und wie letztlich in der Schule gelernt wird, wird als Resultat eines gesellschaftlichen Diskurses betrachtet. Eine zentrale Annahme ist dabei, dass Praktiken des Lernens Prozesse von Subjektivierung anleiten und Deutungsmuster von idealem Lernen immer auch Deutungen enthalten, die über das Lernen selbst hinausgehen. Der Autor zeigt eine Rekonstruktion von Deutungsmustern auf Basis von drei Diskurssträngen – der Frage der Chancengleichheit im Bildungssystem, dem Postulat nach Freude am Lernen sowie der Kompetenzorientierung von Unterricht. Abschließend wird diskutiert, welche Funktion dem Lernen bei der Reproduktion von gesellschaftlichen Ideologien zukommt und welche Konsequenzen sich daraus für handelnde Akteurinnen und Akteure ergeben können.

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia (S.F. MASTERWORKS)

by Ursula K. Le Guin

One of the very best must-read novels of all time - with a new introduction by Roddy Doyle'A well told tale signifying a good deal; one to be read again and again' THE TIMES'The book I wish I had written ... It's so far away from my own imagination, I'd love to sit at my desk one day and discover that I could think and write like Ursula Le Guin' Roddy Doyle'Le Guin is a writer of phenomenal power' OBSERVER'There was a wall. It did not look important - even a child could climb it. But the idea was real. Like all walls it was ambiguous, two-faced. What was inside it and what was outside it depended upon which side of it you were on...'Shevek is brilliant scientist who is attempting to find a new theory of time - but there are those who are jealous of his work, and will do anything to block him. So he leaves his homeland, hoping to find a place of more liberty and tolerance. Initially feted, Shevek soon finds himself being used as a pawn in a deadly political game.With powerful themes of freedom, society and the natural world's influence on competition and co-operation, THE DISPOSSESSED is a true classic of the 20th century.

Dispossession without Development: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India (Modern South Asia)

by Michael Levien

Winner of the 2019 Global and Transnational Sociology Best Book Award, American Sociological Association Winner of the 2019 Political Economy of World System (PEWS) Distinguished Book Award, American Sociological Association Received Honorable Mention for the 2019 Asia/Transnational Book Award, American Sociological Association Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the postcolonial Indian state dispossessed land mostly for public-sector industry and infrastructure, since the 1990s state governments have become land brokers for private real estate capital. Using the case of a village in Rajasthan that was dispossessed for a private Special Economic Zone, the book ethnographically illustrates the exclusionary trajectory of capitalism driving dispossession in contemporary India. Taking us into the lives of diverse villagers in "Rajpura," the book meticulously documents the destruction of agricultural livelihoods, the marginalization of rural labor, the spatial uneveness of infrastructure provision, and the dramatic consequences of real estate speculation for social inequality and village politics. Illuminating the structural underpinnings of land struggles in contemporary India, this book will resonate in any place where "land grabs" have fueled conflict in recent years.

DISPOSSESSION WITHOUT DEVELOPMENT MSA C: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India (Modern South Asia)

by Michael Levien

Winner of the 2019 Global and Transnational Sociology Best Book Award, American Sociological Association Winner of the 2019 Political Economy of World System (PEWS) Distinguished Book Award, American Sociological Association Received Honorable Mention for the 2019 Asia/Transnational Book Award, American Sociological Association Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the postcolonial Indian state dispossessed land mostly for public-sector industry and infrastructure, since the 1990s state governments have become land brokers for private real estate capital. Using the case of a village in Rajasthan that was dispossessed for a private Special Economic Zone, the book ethnographically illustrates the exclusionary trajectory of capitalism driving dispossession in contemporary India. Taking us into the lives of diverse villagers in "Rajpura," the book meticulously documents the destruction of agricultural livelihoods, the marginalization of rural labor, the spatial uneveness of infrastructure provision, and the dramatic consequences of real estate speculation for social inequality and village politics. Illuminating the structural underpinnings of land struggles in contemporary India, this book will resonate in any place where "land grabs" have fueled conflict in recent years.

Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education (Springer Series on Child and Family Studies)

by Nicholas Gage Luke J. Rapa Denise K. Whitford Antonis Katsiyannis

This book examines disproportionality in education, focusing on issues of social justice for diverse and marginalized students. It addresses disproportionality as an indicator of biased practices and uses social justice as the frame for conceptualizing disproportionality historically and as a means to improve educational practice. Chapters explore the historical issue of disproportionality in education; outcomes experienced by racially and ethnically diverse students and students with disabilities, including discipline, bullying, and academic achievement; and ways in which social justice can inform policy and practice to make a positive impact reducing disproportionality in education. Key areas of coverage include:Methodological and statistical concerns in disproportionality research in education.Reviews research and data on disproportionality in education (e.g., disciplinary exclusion, bullying, seclusion and restraint, corporal punishment, school-based arrests, and academic achievement).Social justice as a theoretical and legal driver for change in policy and practice.Educational assessment and intervention practices designed to address disproportionality in education. Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, practitioners, and policymakers across such disciplines as clinical child and school psychology, educational psychology and teaching and teacher education, social work and counselling, pediatrics and school nursing, educational policy and politics, public health, and all interrelated disciplines.

The Dispute Over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: How Media Narratives Shape Public Opinion and Challenge the Global Order (The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication)

by Thomas A. Hollihan

The small unpopulated islands in the East China Sea that the Chinese call the Diaoyu and the Japanese call the Senkaku, have long been a source of contention. This volume will undertake an examination of the controversy as it plays out in legacy and new social media in China, Japan, and the West.

Dispute Processing and Conflict Resolution: Theory, Practice and Policy (Collected Essays in Law)

by Carrie Menkel-Meadow

This insightful volume is essential for a clearer understanding of dispute resolution. After examining the historical and intellectual foundations of dispute processing, Carrie Menkel-Meadow turns her attention to the future of conflict resolution.

Dispute Processing and Conflict Resolution: Theory, Practice and Policy (Collected Essays in Law)

by Carrie Menkel-Meadow

This insightful volume is essential for a clearer understanding of dispute resolution. After examining the historical and intellectual foundations of dispute processing, Carrie Menkel-Meadow turns her attention to the future of conflict resolution.

Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative

by Guiguo Wang Yuk-Lun Lee Mei-Fun Leung

This book examines resolution of the disputes between both sides of Belt and Road economic cooperation. To address the problems surrounding legal guarantee and dispute resolution, the International Academy of the Belt and Road has gathered almost 50 experts from over 30 Belt and Road countries and regions to utilize current advances in the dispute resolution mechanism, taking into account the legal systems, legal environment and historical and cultural characteristics of Belt and Road countries and regions. The dispute resolution mechanism presented advocates giving priority to mediation when a dispute arises—arbitration is necessary only when mediation is ineffective. In addition, arbitration should be highly transparent, show respect to both contracting parties, and be equipped with an appeal system. This hands-on book offers detailed explanations of mediation rules, arbitration rules and appeal procedures. On the one hand, this mechanism embodies the integration of the cultures, traditions, legal systems, legal values and legal thoughts of Belt and Road countries and regions. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of mediation, which not only is the idea of oriental culture carrying forward traditional Chinese culture, but also follows the trend of dispute resolution. As a result, the dispute resolution mechanism established in this book is beneficial to the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Disputed Archival Heritage

by James Lowry

Disputed Archival Heritage brings important new perspectives into the discourse on displaced archives. In contrast to shared or joint heritage framings, the book considers the implications of force, violence and loss in the displacement of archival heritage. With chapters from established and emerging scholars in archival studies, Disputed Archival Heritage extends and enriches the conversation that started with the earlier volume, Displaced Archives. Advancing novel theories and methods for understanding disputes and claims over archives, the volume includes chapters that focus on Indigenous records in settler colonial states; literary and community archives; sub-national and private sector displacements; successes in repatriating formerly displaced archives; comparisons with cultural objects seized by colonial powers and the relationship between repatriation and reparations. Analysing key concepts such as joint heritage and provenance, the contributors unsettle Western understandings of records, place and ownership. Disputed Archival Heritage speaks to the growing interest in shared archival heritage, repatriation of cultural artefacts and cultural diasporas. As such, it will be a useful resource for academics, students and practitioners working in the field of archives, records and information management, as well as cultural property and heritage management, peace and conflict studies and international law.

Disputed Archival Heritage

by James Lowry

Disputed Archival Heritage brings important new perspectives into the discourse on displaced archives. In contrast to shared or joint heritage framings, the book considers the implications of force, violence and loss in the displacement of archival heritage. With chapters from established and emerging scholars in archival studies, Disputed Archival Heritage extends and enriches the conversation that started with the earlier volume, Displaced Archives. Advancing novel theories and methods for understanding disputes and claims over archives, the volume includes chapters that focus on Indigenous records in settler colonial states; literary and community archives; sub-national and private sector displacements; successes in repatriating formerly displaced archives; comparisons with cultural objects seized by colonial powers and the relationship between repatriation and reparations. Analysing key concepts such as joint heritage and provenance, the contributors unsettle Western understandings of records, place and ownership. Disputed Archival Heritage speaks to the growing interest in shared archival heritage, repatriation of cultural artefacts and cultural diasporas. As such, it will be a useful resource for academics, students and practitioners working in the field of archives, records and information management, as well as cultural property and heritage management, peace and conflict studies and international law.

Disputed Territories and International Criminal Law: Israeli Settlements and the International Criminal Court

by Simon McKenzie

It has been over 50 years since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories. It is estimated that there are over 600,000 Israeli settlers living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and they are supported, protected, and maintained by the Israeli state. This book discusses whether international criminal law could apply to those responsible for allowing and promoting this growth, and examines what this application would reveal about the operation of international criminal law. It provides a comprehensive analysis of how the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court could apply to the settlements in the West Bank through a close examination of the potential operation of two relevant Statute crimes: first, the war crime of transfer of population; and second, the war crime of unlawful appropriation of property. It also addresses the threshold question of whether the law of occupation applies to the West Bank, and how the principles of individual criminal responsibility might operate in this context. It explores the relevance and coherence of the legal arguments relied on by Israel in defence of the legality of the settlements and considers how these arguments might apply in the context of the Rome Statute. The work also has wider aims, raising questions about the Rome Statute’s capacity to meet its aim of establishing a coherent and legally effective system of international criminal justice.

Disputed Territories and International Criminal Law: Israeli Settlements and the International Criminal Court

by Simon McKenzie

It has been over 50 years since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories. It is estimated that there are over 600,000 Israeli settlers living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and they are supported, protected, and maintained by the Israeli state. This book discusses whether international criminal law could apply to those responsible for allowing and promoting this growth, and examines what this application would reveal about the operation of international criminal law. It provides a comprehensive analysis of how the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court could apply to the settlements in the West Bank through a close examination of the potential operation of two relevant Statute crimes: first, the war crime of transfer of population; and second, the war crime of unlawful appropriation of property. It also addresses the threshold question of whether the law of occupation applies to the West Bank, and how the principles of individual criminal responsibility might operate in this context. It explores the relevance and coherence of the legal arguments relied on by Israel in defence of the legality of the settlements and considers how these arguments might apply in the context of the Rome Statute. The work also has wider aims, raising questions about the Rome Statute’s capacity to meet its aim of establishing a coherent and legally effective system of international criminal justice.

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