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Multinational Military Forces: Problems and Prospects (Adelphi series #No.294)

by Roger Palin

First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Multinational Military Intervention: NATO Policy, Strategy and Burden Sharing

by Stephen J. Cimbala Peter K. Forster

War, as Clausewitz reminds, is the most uncertain of human political and social activities. It also imposes burdens. In an alliance among states for the promotion of collective defense or security, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), burdens have to be shared. This study looks at the experience of the United States and other member states of NATO in four situations of multinational military intervention - Lebanon, the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, and South Asia - and considers the implications of nuclear arms reductions and nonproliferation for the US and NATO. Each case study represents an important period in the distribution of power, interest, and values, amounting to more than a sequential consideration of incidents of military intervention and/or conflict prevention. These politico-military challenges include a major coalition war, a traditional peacekeeping operation, an exercise in peace enforcement, and a conflict that combines counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism with stability and security operations.

Multinational Military Intervention: NATO Policy, Strategy and Burden Sharing

by Stephen J. Cimbala Peter K. Forster

War, as Clausewitz reminds, is the most uncertain of human political and social activities. It also imposes burdens. In an alliance among states for the promotion of collective defense or security, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), burdens have to be shared. This study looks at the experience of the United States and other member states of NATO in four situations of multinational military intervention - Lebanon, the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, and South Asia - and considers the implications of nuclear arms reductions and nonproliferation for the US and NATO. Each case study represents an important period in the distribution of power, interest, and values, amounting to more than a sequential consideration of incidents of military intervention and/or conflict prevention. These politico-military challenges include a major coalition war, a traditional peacekeeping operation, an exercise in peace enforcement, and a conflict that combines counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism with stability and security operations.

Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation (Global Institutions)

by John Karlsrud Yf Reykers

The track record of military rapid response mechanisms, troops on standby, ready to be deployed to a crisis within a short time frame by intergovernmental organizations, remains disappointing. Yet, many of the obstacles to multinational actors launching a rapid and effective military response in times of crisis are largely similar. This book is the first comprehensive and comparative contribution to explore and identify the key factors that hamper and enable the development and deployment of multinational rapid response mechanisms. Examining lessons from deployments by the AU, the EU, NATO, and the UN in the Central African Republic, Mali, Somalia and counter-piracy in the Horn of Africa, the contributors focus upon the following questions: Was there a rapid response to the crises? By whom? If not, what were the major obstacles to rapid response? Did inter-organizational competition hinder responsiveness? Or did cooperation facilitate responsiveness? Bringing together leading scholars working in this area offers a unique opportunity to analyze and develop lessons for policy-makers and for theorists of inter-organizational relations. This work will be of interest to scholars and students of peacebuilding, peacekeeping, legitimacy and international relations.

Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation (Global Institutions)

by John Karlsrud Yf Reykers

The track record of military rapid response mechanisms, troops on standby, ready to be deployed to a crisis within a short time frame by intergovernmental organizations, remains disappointing. Yet, many of the obstacles to multinational actors launching a rapid and effective military response in times of crisis are largely similar. This book is the first comprehensive and comparative contribution to explore and identify the key factors that hamper and enable the development and deployment of multinational rapid response mechanisms. Examining lessons from deployments by the AU, the EU, NATO, and the UN in the Central African Republic, Mali, Somalia and counter-piracy in the Horn of Africa, the contributors focus upon the following questions: Was there a rapid response to the crises? By whom? If not, what were the major obstacles to rapid response? Did inter-organizational competition hinder responsiveness? Or did cooperation facilitate responsiveness? Bringing together leading scholars working in this area offers a unique opportunity to analyze and develop lessons for policy-makers and for theorists of inter-organizational relations. This work will be of interest to scholars and students of peacebuilding, peacekeeping, legitimacy and international relations.

The Multinational Subsidiary: Management Economic Development and Public Policy

by N. Hood

This book highlights the evolution of the thinking on the multinational subsidiary over a quarter of a century, from the early concerns about the 'branch plant syndrome' to very current topics relating to the Multinational Enterprise as a differentiated corporate network and its role in innovation and entrepreneurship. It summarises and evaluates the state of the art in research on the multinational subsidiary, with particular reference to managerial and economic development dimensions. The volume presents the articles of Neil Hood (written in conjunction with other leading scholars, particularly Julian Birkinshaw and Stephen Young), along with new contributions. The book will be of major interest to students, researchers and policy makers.

Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa: Herausforderungen und Strategien

by Andreas Breinbauer Louis Brennan Johannes Jäger Andreas G. M. Nachbagauer Andreas Nölke

In letzter Zeit hat die Öffentlichkeit Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern geäußert. Die Expansion chinesischer multinationaler Unternehmen nach Europa und die Belt and Road Initiative ist ein prominentes Beispiel, das Hoffnung geweckt hat, aber auch das Bewusstsein für die langfristigen Auswirkungen geschärft hat. Auf der Grundlage einer systematischen Analyse von Internationalisierungstheorien, der Rolle ausländischer Direktinvestitionen und multinationaler Unternehmen in Verbindung mit eingehender empirischer Forschung anhand von Fallstudien in der Türkei, Russland, Lateinamerika, Asien und Europa befasst sich dieser aktuelle Sammelband mit den Chancen und Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit diesem neuen Trend. Darüber hinaus liefert er neue Erkenntnisse, die für Wissenschaftler, politische Entscheidungsträger, regionale Wirtschaftsagenturen und Studenten sowie für die breite Öffentlichkeit von großer Bedeutung sind. Durch die Konzentration auf die (potenziellen) Auswirkungen der Expansion multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern auf Europa und die Einbeziehung einer langfristigen Perspektive bietet das Buch eine neue Sichtweise auf ein äußerst kontroverses Thema.

Multinationale Unternehmen und Globalisierung: Zur Neuorientierung der Theorie der Multinationalen Unternehmung (Ethische Ökonomie. Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsethik und Wirtschaftskultur #9)

by Andreas Georg Scherer

In der globalisierten Welt gilt die klassische Arbeitsteilung zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik nicht mehr. Die Unternehmen unterliegen keiner zentral definierten politischen Rahmenordnung, vielmehr können sie unter alternativen Rechtssystemen nach ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten auswählen und so das Primat der nationalstaatlichen Politik aushebeln. Zugleich sind die transnationalen Institutionen, wie etwa die UNO oder die ILO, nicht in der Lage, die von ihnen formulierten Regeln durchzusetzen. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss die Frage nach der Verantwortung der Unternehmen gestellt werden. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ökonomismus und dem Postmodernismus versucht dieses Buch, eine republikanische Perspektive zu entwickeln: Die Unternehmen dürfen sich nicht mehr ausschließlich auf ihre ökonomische Rolle zurückziehen, sondern müssen sich als verantwortliche politische Akteure an der Fortentwicklung der Rahmenordnung in den entstehenden Politiknetzwerken beteiligen.

Multinationals and East-West Relations: Towards Transideological Collaboration

by J Wilczynski

WHEN in the future historians examine the second half of the twentieth century, they will no doubt identify the accelerated inter-nationalization of production as a landmark comparable with the Industrial Revolution. In this process multinational enterprises have been leading actors in the past twenty-five years and are certain to continue to be so in the next quarter-century. In 1975 the sales of the Western multinational corporations represented one-fifth of the Gross National Product of all capitalist countries. If their growth is maintained at the same rate as over the period 195o-75, by the end of the century this share will be nearly one-half and the whole capitalist economy may very well be dominated by some 200 giant corporations of which three-quarters may be American-based.

Multinationals and East-West Relations: Towards Transideological Collaboration

by J Wilczynski

WHEN in the future historians examine the second half of the twentieth century, they will no doubt identify the accelerated inter-nationalization of production as a landmark comparable with the Industrial Revolution. In this process multinational enterprises have been leading actors in the past twenty-five years and are certain to continue to be so in the next quarter-century. In 1975 the sales of the Western multinational corporations represented one-fifth of the Gross National Product of all capitalist countries. If their growth is maintained at the same rate as over the period 195o-75, by the end of the century this share will be nearly one-half and the whole capitalist economy may very well be dominated by some 200 giant corporations of which three-quarters may be American-based.

Multinationals and European Integration: Trade, Investment and Regional Development (Regions and Cities)

by Nicholas A. Phelps

This book examines the role of the multinational firms in processes of European integration. It is primarily concerned with the implications of market integration and industrial restructuring for peripheral European regions. Nicholas Phelps argues that, because of the complex relationship between competition and economies of scale, the persistence of market segmentation, and because of the embeddedness of multinational investment in established production locations, there is considerable inertia in the existing trade and investment patterns of multinationals in the EU. This argument is explored empirically in relation to multinationals operating in Wales. This study suggests that processes of restructuring accompanying market integration are slow to take effect and based on a diversity of motives.

Multinationals and European Integration: Trade, Investment and Regional Development (Regions and Cities)

by Nicholas A. Phelps

This book examines the role of the multinational firms in processes of European integration. It is primarily concerned with the implications of market integration and industrial restructuring for peripheral European regions. Nicholas Phelps argues that, because of the complex relationship between competition and economies of scale, the persistence of market segmentation, and because of the embeddedness of multinational investment in established production locations, there is considerable inertia in the existing trade and investment patterns of multinationals in the EU. This argument is explored empirically in relation to multinationals operating in Wales. This study suggests that processes of restructuring accompanying market integration are slow to take effect and based on a diversity of motives.

Multinationals and Foreign Investment in Economic Development (International Economic Association Series)

by E. Graham

During the past twenty or so years, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows have increased at rates approaching the astounding, especially so during the 1990s. While much of the increase was due to unprecedented cross-border mergers and acquisitions among high-income countries, the amount of FDI flowing to developing nations also grew substantially. This volume examines the economics of this FDI to developing countries. Some chapters are theoretical in nature, others empirical, and still others are largely policy-oriented. Topics covered include whether FDI makes an autonomous contribution to growth in these nations and whether or not 'spillovers' are generated by this investments. Also covered are effects of policy intervention by governments on FDI flows and whether non-economic factors (e.g. cultural factors) might figure as determinants of location of FDI.

Multinationals and Maldevelopment: Alternative Development Strategies in Argentina, the Ivory Coast and Korea

by L. Alschuler

An important contribution to the increasingly topical debate over which development strategies work best for newly industrializing countries. This new edition of a highly successful book, not previously available in paperback, offers a thorough and up-to-date assessment of development theories leading to clear policy prescriptions. There are two completely new chapters on the current debate on the East Asian Model and the different development path taken in Latin America, and on the New Comparative Political Economy. Alschuler demonstrates that a new conceptual framework, incorporating features of dependency theory and world system analysis, is needed in order to capture the complex interaction between multinationals, development strategies and class alliances and their impact on development.

Multinationals, Clusters and Innovation: Does Public Policy Matter?

by A. Tavares A. Teixeira

Countries adopt policies that attract foreign multinationals, stimulate industrial clustering and foster innovation. This book links these topical issues, examining activities of multinational enterprises alongside the efficiency, appropriateness and sufficiency of such policies. With new empirical evidence, it makes practical proposals throughout.

Multinationals in the Global Political Economy

by Lorraine Eden Evan H. Potter

Multinationals in the Global Political Economy looks at the new diplomacy between the multinational firm and the nation-state, focusing on the interdependencies, conflictual and co-operative, between the two primary actors in the global economy. An international group of scholars (the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Sweden) from a variety of disciplines (international relations, political science, public policy, economics and business studies) discuss the theory and practice of MNE-state relations in the 1990s.

Multinationals on Trial: Foreign Investment Matters

by Henry Veltmeyer James Petras

The role and economic power of corporations that dominate the world economy has generated considerable controversy. The most heated debate and the most critical questions surrounding the role of multinational corporations relate to foreign direct investment (FDI). This key volume offers an entirely fresh perspective of the role of multinationals and the development impact of FDI. Contrary to prevailing opinion, it examines whether imperialism is a much more useful concept for describing and explaining the dynamics of world development than globalization. FDI is a mechanism for empire-centred capital accumulation, a powerful lever for political control and for re-ordering the world economy. This is a much needed analysis of global capitalism and its impact around the world, resulting in an excellent resource for students, academics and activists.

Multinationals on Trial: Foreign Investment Matters

by Henry Veltmeyer James Petras

The role and economic power of corporations that dominate the world economy has generated considerable controversy. The most heated debate and the most critical questions surrounding the role of multinational corporations relate to foreign direct investment (FDI). This key volume offers an entirely fresh perspective of the role of multinationals and the development impact of FDI. Contrary to prevailing opinion, it examines whether imperialism is a much more useful concept for describing and explaining the dynamics of world development than globalization. FDI is a mechanism for empire-centred capital accumulation, a powerful lever for political control and for re-ordering the world economy. This is a much needed analysis of global capitalism and its impact around the world, resulting in an excellent resource for students, academics and activists.

Multinationals, the State and Control of the Nigerian Economy

by Thomas J. Biersteker

Thomas Biersteker evaluates the sources of Third World economic nationalism and assesses the significance of the changes that have taken place between North and South since the early 1970s. Neo-classical and neo-Marxist approaches to international and comparative political economy are explored to develop methods and select criteria for the assessment of major change.Originally published in 1987.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Multiparty Elections in Authoritarian Regimes: Explaining their Introduction and Effects (Studien zur Neuen Politischen Ökonomie)

by Susanne Michalik

Susanne Michalik analyzes why authoritarian regimes allow for multiparty elections and how they affect political outcomes. Even though their introduction rarely leads to a change in power, such elections should not be regarded as mere window-dressing. She argues that competitive elections are installed to deal with a split among the incumbent elite and to facilitate the formation of a new ruling coalition. In a cross-national study the author finds that elections matter and the ruling party does more than just manipulate election results in order to be reelected. Incumbents provide a mix of public goods and targeted public goods depending on the level of electoral competition they are experiencing. The outcome of authoritarian multiparty elections in the form of the legislature’s party composition also has an effect on the regime’s international relations in the form of foreign aid allocation.

Multiparty Mediation in Violent Conflict: Peacemaking Diplomacy in the Tajikistan Civil War (Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management)

by Tetsuro Iji

This book presents a conceptual and empirical analysis of the UN-led multiparty mediation in the Tajikistan conflict. Multiparty mediation has been a significant research topic of international conflict management since the 1990s, but in-depth case studies on the peacemaking dynamics of violent conflicts are rare, particularly in regard to third-party roles. This volume addresses that gap in the literature by examining the multiparty mediation of the Tajikistan conflict, a largely forgotten but notably successful case of UN-orchestrated peacemaking in the post-Cold War era. It argues that several interrelated factors contributed to the "success" of the Tajik multiparty mediation: Russia, Iran, and other major interveners shared a common interest, and reached a broad consensus on the terms of settlement; the UN was widely accepted as a lead coordinator by other mediators, and succeeded in constructively engaging with them; as a consequence, there arose positive interconnections between different third-party roles. The book presents an analytical framework for understanding the complex interplay of these factors, not only to evaluate the Tajik case but also to help clarify policy implications for multiparty mediation in other cases of violent conflict, particularly civil wars. This book will be of much interest to students of conflict resolution, civil wars, international mediation, the UN, Central Asian politics, and International Relations.

Multiparty Mediation in Violent Conflict: Peacemaking Diplomacy in the Tajikistan Civil War (Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management)

by Tetsuro Iji

This book presents a conceptual and empirical analysis of the UN-led multiparty mediation in the Tajikistan conflict. Multiparty mediation has been a significant research topic of international conflict management since the 1990s, but in-depth case studies on the peacemaking dynamics of violent conflicts are rare, particularly in regard to third-party roles. This volume addresses that gap in the literature by examining the multiparty mediation of the Tajikistan conflict, a largely forgotten but notably successful case of UN-orchestrated peacemaking in the post-Cold War era. It argues that several interrelated factors contributed to the "success" of the Tajik multiparty mediation: Russia, Iran, and other major interveners shared a common interest, and reached a broad consensus on the terms of settlement; the UN was widely accepted as a lead coordinator by other mediators, and succeeded in constructively engaging with them; as a consequence, there arose positive interconnections between different third-party roles. The book presents an analytical framework for understanding the complex interplay of these factors, not only to evaluate the Tajik case but also to help clarify policy implications for multiparty mediation in other cases of violent conflict, particularly civil wars. This book will be of much interest to students of conflict resolution, civil wars, international mediation, the UN, Central Asian politics, and International Relations.

Multiperson Decision Making Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory (Theory and Decision Library B #18)

by J. Kacprzyk Mario Fedrizzi

Decision making is certainly a very crucial component of many human activities. It is, therefore, not surprising that models of decisions play a very important role not only in decision theory but also in areas such as operations Research, Management science, social Psychology etc . . The basic model of a decision in classical normative decision theory has very little in common with real decision making: It portrays a decision as a clear-cut act of choice, performed by one individual decision maker and in which states of nature, possible actions, results and preferences are well and crisply defined. The only compo­ nent in which uncertainty is permitted is the occurence of the different states of nature, for which probabilistic descriptions are allowed. These probabilities are generally assumed to be known numerically, i. e. as single probabili­ ties or as probability distribution functions. Extensions of this basic model can primarily be conceived in three directions: 1. Rather than a single decision maker there are several decision makers involved. This has lead to the areas of game theory, team theory and group decision theory. 2. The preference or utility function is not single valued but rather vector valued. This extension is considered in multiattribute utility theory and in multicritieria analysis. 3.

Multiple Dimensions of Caregiving and Disability: Research, Practice, Policy (Caregiving: Research • Practice • Policy)

by Ronda C. Talley and John E. Crews

Caring for people with disabilities often becomes an all-encompassing responsibility for one or more family members. To manage the multifaceted demands, caregivers must possess strong multitasking skills, including the ability to assist with daily life tasks; provide emotional support; help with financial affairs; mediate and advocate with health care providers. Maintaining balance within their own lives can become incredibly challenging for caregivers. More often than not, providing care for family members or loved ones occurs at the expense of the caregivers’ well-being. And for caregivers who themselves have disabilities, it further complicates matters.Multiple Dimensions of Caregiving and Disability addresses concerns that have been long familiar to the caregiver population and examines the current state of family care for individuals with disabilities. With a lifespan perspective, this concise reference reviews the literature on specific problems of caregivers and explores which care strategies are effective, promising, or lacking in available resources and support interventions. Contributors also explore the more fluid and subjective aspects of caregiving, such as feelings, spirituality, and family roles. Suggestions for future policy improvements, particularly within the public health sector, are discussed as well.Topics covered include:• Family dynamics and caregiving for people with disabilities.• Parent caregiving of children with disabilities.• Race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and caregiving.• Educational, training, and support programs for caregivers.• Emerging technologies to aid caregivers.• Developing partnerships between caregivers and health care providers.Multiple Dimensions of Caregiving and Disability is a must-have resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, policy makers, and graduate students across such disciplines as clinical psychology, nursing, social work, public health, medicine, and social and education policy.

Multiple Modernities and Good Governance (Globalisation, Europe, Multilateralism series)

by Thomas Meyer José Luís de Sales Marques

This book represents the first discussion from a political science perspective of the concept of Multiple Modernities in three dimensions. First taking stock of the discussions of the concept itself, the book then connects the concept to more recently developed analytical and normative concepts that concretize it, before finally opening up a discussion about its implications and consequences for the political dimension. Written by outstanding scholars in the field, the book addresses four principal concepts – Good Society, Good Governance, Human Security and Varieties of Capitalism. It determines whether and to what degree these concepts enable us to discover the commonalities and differences that distinguish the emerging multiple modernities in our time with respect to their political implications and consequences. This text will be of key interest to scholars and students of political theory, political economy, international relations, comparative politics and sociology.

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