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Nahost: Geschichte und Struktur des Konflikts

by Friedrich Schreiber

Geschichte ist oft die in der Gegenwart wirksame Vergangenheit. Unsere Absicht ist es, die in der Gegenwart wirksame Vergangen­ heit im palästinensisch-zionistischen/israelischen Konflikt zu zeigen. Wir werden uns daher sowohl mit der Vergangenheit als auch mit der Gegenwart beschäftigen und bei der Betrachtung der Gegenwart auf die Kontinuitätsstränge hinweisen. In das Chaos der Ereignisse, Personen und Tatsachen wollen wir etwas Ordnung bringen, damit sich auch und besonders der allgemein interessierte Leser zurecht­ finden kann. In bezug auf den Nahen Osten kursieren zahlreiche Legenden. Diese Legenden wollen wir erwähnen und richtigstellen. Oft sind diese Legenden politisch motiviert. Dieses Buch wendet sich nicht an Nahost-Spezialisten. Dennoch - oder gerade deswegen - darf der Spezialist keine Fehler ent­ decken. Der Text wird durch Fotos, Abbildungen, Dokumente und Karten ergänzt, damit der Leser den Stoff auch optisch besser erfassen kann. Zahlreiche Dokumente, die sonst nur in vielen verschiedenen, oft nicht-deutschsprachigen Veröffentlichungen zu finden sind, haben wir gesammelt und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Interviews mit Betroffenen und Zeitzeugen, oft waren es betrof­ fene Zeitzeugen, sollen den Leser nicht nur mit den sachlich­ nüchternen, sondern zugleich auch mit den gefiihlsbezogenen Seiten des Konfliktes vertrauter machen. Hier und dort wird der Leser thematische Überschneidungen fin­ den. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß dieselben Ereignisse und Entwicklungen aus der Sicht der verschiedenen Akteure unter­ schiedlich gesichtet und gewichtet werden müssen.

Nahost Jahrbuch 2002: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten

by Jorge Galingo Hanspeter Mattes

Das Jahrbuch bietet über zwanzig Länderanalysen mit Informationen zu den politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen und Entwicklungen innerhalb des Berichtsjahres, ergänzt durch eine ausführliche Chronologie. Dazu wird in einem zweiten Abschnitt auf wichtige regionalpolitische Konflikte, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen eingegangen. Zusammen mit der umfangreichen Bibliographie mit den neuesten Publikationen zum Berichtszeitraum entsteht so ein Nachschlagewerk, das Studenten und Lehrern ebenso wie Journalisten einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ereignisse in die Hand gibt und die Informationen zur Tagespolitik in den strukturellen Kontext stellt.

Nahost Jahrbuch 2003: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten

by Hanspeter Mattes

Das Jahrbuch bietet über zwanzig Länderanalysen mit Informationen zu den politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen und Entwicklungen innerhalb des Berichtsjahres, ergänzt durch eine ausführliche Chronologie. Dazu wird in einem zweiten Abschnitt auf wichtige regionalpolitische Konflikte, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen eingegangen. Zusammen mit der umfangreichen Bibliographie mit den neuesten Publikationen zum Berichtszeitraum entsteht so ein Nachschlagewerk, das Studenten und Lehrern ebenso wie Journalisten einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ereignisse an die Hand gibt und die Informationen zur Tagespolitik in den strukturellen Kontext stellt.

Nahost Jahrbuch 2004: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten

by Hanspeter Mattes

Das Jahrbuch bietet über zwanzig Länderanalysen mit Informationen zu den politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen und Entwicklungen innerhalb des Berichtsjahres, ergänzt durch eine ausführliche Chronologie. Dazu wird in einem zweiten Abschnitt auf wichtige regionalpolitische Konflikte, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen eingegangen. Zusammen mit der umfangreichen Bibliographie mit den neuesten Publikationen zum Berichtszeitraum entsteht so ein Nachschlagewerk, das Studenten und Lehrern ebenso wie Journalisten einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ereignisse an die Hand gibt und die Informationen zur Tagespolitik in den strukturellen Kontext stellt.

Naija Marxisms: Revolutionary Thought in Nigeria

by Adam Mayer

Since the 1940s, Marxist thought has blossomed in Nigeria. The history of 'Naija Marxism' is also that of the country's labour movement, its feminist movement, its social thought and political economy. It has been the mainstay of party politics in the case of illegal Marxist party formations and legal anti-feudalist forces and in the NGO sector. Long gone are the days when Marxism meant imported pamphlets and a disconnected ideology.*BR**BR*Drawn from years of research in Nigeria and elsewhere, Naija Marxisms breaks new ground in tracing the historical trajectories that leftist movements underwent since the 1940s, whilst arguing that Marxism is alive and well in Nigeria. The book brings together Nigeria’s pre-eminent radical thinkers, from Usman Tar and Edwin Madunagu, who are currently espousing a Marxian political economy and providing a class-based approach in the country’s mainstream media channels, to the international reach of key Nigerian Marxists, such as Mokwugo Okoye, Ikenna Nzimiro and Eskor Toyo. *BR*

Naija Marxisms: Revolutionary Thought in Nigeria

by Adam Mayer

Since the 1940s, Marxist thought has blossomed in Nigeria. The history of 'Naija Marxism' is also that of the country's labour movement, its feminist movement, its social thought and political economy. It has been the mainstay of party politics in the case of illegal Marxist party formations and legal anti-feudalist forces and in the NGO sector. Long gone are the days when Marxism meant imported pamphlets and a disconnected ideology.*BR**BR*Drawn from years of research in Nigeria and elsewhere, Naija Marxisms breaks new ground in tracing the historical trajectories that leftist movements underwent since the 1940s, whilst arguing that Marxism is alive and well in Nigeria. The book brings together Nigeria’s pre-eminent radical thinkers, from Usman Tar and Edwin Madunagu, who are currently espousing a Marxian political economy and providing a class-based approach in the country’s mainstream media channels, to the international reach of key Nigerian Marxists, such as Mokwugo Okoye, Ikenna Nzimiro and Eskor Toyo. *BR*

Naïve Readings: Reveilles Political and Philosophic

by Ralph Lerner

One sure fact of humanity is that we all cherish our opinions and will often strongly resist efforts by others to change them. Philosophers and politicians have long understood this, and whenever they have sought to get us to think differently they have often resorted to forms of camouflage that slip their unsettling thoughts into our psyche without raising alarm. In this fascinating examination of a range of writers and thinkers, Ralph Lerner offers a new method of reading that detects this camouflage and offers a way toward deeper understandings of some of history’s most important—and most concealed—messages. Lerner analyzes an astonishing diversity of writers, including Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Gibbon, Judah Halevi, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Moses Maimonides, and Alexis de Tocqueville. He shows that by reading their words slowly and naïvely, with wide-open eyes and special attention for moments of writing that become self-conscious, impassioned, or idiosyncratic, we can begin to see a pattern that illuminates a thinker’s intent, new messages purposively executed through indirect means. Through these experimental readings, Lerner shows, we can see a deep commonality across writers from disparate times and situations, one that finds them artfully challenging others to reject passivity and fatalism and start thinking afresh.

Naïve Readings: Reveilles Political and Philosophic

by Ralph Lerner

One sure fact of humanity is that we all cherish our opinions and will often strongly resist efforts by others to change them. Philosophers and politicians have long understood this, and whenever they have sought to get us to think differently they have often resorted to forms of camouflage that slip their unsettling thoughts into our psyche without raising alarm. In this fascinating examination of a range of writers and thinkers, Ralph Lerner offers a new method of reading that detects this camouflage and offers a way toward deeper understandings of some of history’s most important—and most concealed—messages. Lerner analyzes an astonishing diversity of writers, including Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Gibbon, Judah Halevi, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Moses Maimonides, and Alexis de Tocqueville. He shows that by reading their words slowly and naïvely, with wide-open eyes and special attention for moments of writing that become self-conscious, impassioned, or idiosyncratic, we can begin to see a pattern that illuminates a thinker’s intent, new messages purposively executed through indirect means. Through these experimental readings, Lerner shows, we can see a deep commonality across writers from disparate times and situations, one that finds them artfully challenging others to reject passivity and fatalism and start thinking afresh.

Naïve Readings: Reveilles Political and Philosophic

by Ralph Lerner

One sure fact of humanity is that we all cherish our opinions and will often strongly resist efforts by others to change them. Philosophers and politicians have long understood this, and whenever they have sought to get us to think differently they have often resorted to forms of camouflage that slip their unsettling thoughts into our psyche without raising alarm. In this fascinating examination of a range of writers and thinkers, Ralph Lerner offers a new method of reading that detects this camouflage and offers a way toward deeper understandings of some of history’s most important—and most concealed—messages. Lerner analyzes an astonishing diversity of writers, including Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Gibbon, Judah Halevi, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Moses Maimonides, and Alexis de Tocqueville. He shows that by reading their words slowly and naïvely, with wide-open eyes and special attention for moments of writing that become self-conscious, impassioned, or idiosyncratic, we can begin to see a pattern that illuminates a thinker’s intent, new messages purposively executed through indirect means. Through these experimental readings, Lerner shows, we can see a deep commonality across writers from disparate times and situations, one that finds them artfully challenging others to reject passivity and fatalism and start thinking afresh.

Naïve Readings: Reveilles Political and Philosophic

by Ralph Lerner

One sure fact of humanity is that we all cherish our opinions and will often strongly resist efforts by others to change them. Philosophers and politicians have long understood this, and whenever they have sought to get us to think differently they have often resorted to forms of camouflage that slip their unsettling thoughts into our psyche without raising alarm. In this fascinating examination of a range of writers and thinkers, Ralph Lerner offers a new method of reading that detects this camouflage and offers a way toward deeper understandings of some of history’s most important—and most concealed—messages. Lerner analyzes an astonishing diversity of writers, including Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Gibbon, Judah Halevi, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Moses Maimonides, and Alexis de Tocqueville. He shows that by reading their words slowly and naïvely, with wide-open eyes and special attention for moments of writing that become self-conscious, impassioned, or idiosyncratic, we can begin to see a pattern that illuminates a thinker’s intent, new messages purposively executed through indirect means. Through these experimental readings, Lerner shows, we can see a deep commonality across writers from disparate times and situations, one that finds them artfully challenging others to reject passivity and fatalism and start thinking afresh.

The Naked Blogger of Cairo: Creative Insurgency In The Arab World

by Marwan M. Kraidy

Across the Arab world, protesters voiced dissent through slogans, graffiti, puppetry, videos, and satire that called for the overthrow of dictatorial regimes. Investigating what drives people to risk everything to express themselves in rebellious art, Marwan M. Kraidy uncovers the creative insurgency at the heart of the Arab uprisings of 2010–2012.

Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places

by Sharon Zukin

As cities have gentrified, educated urbanites have come to prize what they regard as "authentic" urban life: aging buildings, art galleries, small boutiques, upscale food markets, neighborhood old-timers, funky ethnic restaurants, and old, family-owned shops. These signify a place's authenticity, in contrast to the bland standardization of the suburbs and exurbs. But as Sharon Zukin shows in Naked City, the rapid and pervasive demand for authenticity--evident in escalating real estate prices, expensive stores, and closely monitored urban streetscapes--has helped drive out the very people who first lent a neighborhood its authentic aura: immigrants, the working class, and artists. Zukin traces this economic and social evolution in six archetypal New York areas--Williamsburg, Harlem, the East Village, Union Square, Red Hook, and the city's community gardens--and travels to both the city's first IKEA store and the World Trade Center site. She shows that for followers of Jane Jacobs, this transformation is a perversion of what was supposed to happen. Indeed, Naked City is a sobering update of Jacobs' legendary 1961 book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Like Jacobs, Zukin looks at what gives neighborhoods a sense of place, but argues that over time, the emphasis on neighborhood distinctiveness has become a tool of economic elites to drive up real estate values and effectively force out the neighborhood "characters" that Jacobs so evocatively idealized.

Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places

by Sharon Zukin

As cities have gentrified, educated urbanites have come to prize what they regard as "authentic" urban life: aging buildings, art galleries, small boutiques, upscale food markets, neighborhood old-timers, funky ethnic restaurants, and old, family-owned shops. These signify a place's authenticity, in contrast to the bland standardization of the suburbs and exurbs. But as Sharon Zukin shows in Naked City, the rapid and pervasive demand for authenticity--evident in escalating real estate prices, expensive stores, and closely monitored urban streetscapes--has helped drive out the very people who first lent a neighborhood its authentic aura: immigrants, the working class, and artists. Zukin traces this economic and social evolution in six archetypal New York areas--Williamsburg, Harlem, the East Village, Union Square, Red Hook, and the city's community gardens--and travels to both the city's first IKEA store and the World Trade Center site. She shows that for followers of Jane Jacobs, this transformation is a perversion of what was supposed to happen. Indeed, Naked City is a sobering update of Jacobs' legendary 1961 book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Like Jacobs, Zukin looks at what gives neighborhoods a sense of place, but argues that over time, the emphasis on neighborhood distinctiveness has become a tool of economic elites to drive up real estate values and effectively force out the neighborhood "characters" that Jacobs so evocatively idealized.

Naked Cruelty (Carmine Delmonico Ser. #3)

by Colleen McCullough

Locking your door won’t help. He’s already inside…

The Naked Diplomat: Power And Statecraft In The Digital Century

by Tom Fletcher

Who will be in power in the 21st century? Governments? Big business? Internet titans? And how do we influence the future?

NAMA-Land: The Inside Story of Ireland’s Property Sell-off and The Creation of a New Elite

by Frank Connolly

The National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) was created in 2009 to contain the spiralling fallout from Ireland’s property crisis. Its job as Ireland’s ‘bad bank’ was to act impartially to get the maximum return from the sale of assets for the Irish people and help pay down the state’s massive debts. Now, after NAMA has presided over the transfer of €70 billion in assets, the Irish economy is once again beginning to recover.But the basic arithmetic of assets valued and assets sold hides a multitude of sins. Beneath NAMA’s veneer of impartiality lies a world built on political patronage and nepotism, rife with conflicts of interest and vulnerable to shocking instances of corruption.Here, and for the first time, bestselling investigative journalist, Frank Connolly, unravels the scandal at the heart of NAMA’s mission. Based on exclusive interviews with a wide range of interested parties, NAMA-land is the shocking story of how the sale of public assets conspired to disinherit the Irish people and enrich a new elite.‘Frank Connolly’s careful and penetrating investigative research has exposed critical truths about malfeasance in high places and the often ugly workings of political power generally, actions that have caused great harm to the general population.’ Noam Chomksy‘Without Frank Connolly we would not know about the scale of corruption that has infected Irish political and business life. He is the best investigative journalist we’ve had in this country.’ Eamon Dunphy

Name, Image, and Likeness Policies: Institutional Impact and States Responses (Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy)

by Darrell Lovell Daniel Mallinson

This book examines the path that name, image, and likeness (NIL) has taken in the first years of the policy, how the expansion has led to differing approaches across state and universities, and how administrators in selected states are dealing with the rulemaking power they have. After an introduction contextualising how NIL policies have impacted the administrative approach at institutions, the remaining chapters focus on how NIL has altered the role of compliance offices and administrators tasked with monitoring academic and financial activity in athletic departments. Chapters leverage theories of policy diffusion and implementation to offer context on the topics from administrative and policy perspectives, whilst also examining how entrepreneurs are both using the policies to advance the status of the athletic arms of their institutions while dealing with these compliance struggles. The authors conclude with a discussion of an unsettled policy landscape and whether stricter guidelines are on the horizon. Name, Image, and Likeness Policies will appeal to both scholars studying sport and law, public policy, public administration, state politics, and governance, as well as readers seeking to better understand what impacts NIL is having on the college system, and students connected to major sports such as college football and basketball.

Name, Image, and Likeness Policies: Institutional Impact and States Responses (Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy)

by Darrell Lovell Daniel Mallinson

This book examines the path that name, image, and likeness (NIL) has taken in the first years of the policy, how the expansion has led to differing approaches across state and universities, and how administrators in selected states are dealing with the rulemaking power they have. After an introduction contextualising how NIL policies have impacted the administrative approach at institutions, the remaining chapters focus on how NIL has altered the role of compliance offices and administrators tasked with monitoring academic and financial activity in athletic departments. Chapters leverage theories of policy diffusion and implementation to offer context on the topics from administrative and policy perspectives, whilst also examining how entrepreneurs are both using the policies to advance the status of the athletic arms of their institutions while dealing with these compliance struggles. The authors conclude with a discussion of an unsettled policy landscape and whether stricter guidelines are on the horizon. Name, Image, and Likeness Policies will appeal to both scholars studying sport and law, public policy, public administration, state politics, and governance, as well as readers seeking to better understand what impacts NIL is having on the college system, and students connected to major sports such as college football and basketball.

Names and Naming: Multicultural Aspects

by Oliviu Felecan Alina Bugheșiu

This edited book examines names and naming policies, trends and practices in a variety of multicultural contexts across America, Europe, Africa and Asia. In the first part of the book, the authors take theoretical and practical approaches to the study of names and naming in these settings, exploring legal, societal, political and other factors. In the second part of the book, the authors explore ways in which names mirror and contribute to the construction of identity in areas defined by multiculturalism. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach to onomastics, and it will be of interest to scholars working across a number of fields, including linguistics, sociology, anthropology, politics, geography, history, religion and cultural studies.

Naming a Transnational Black Feminist Framework: Writing in Darkness (Worlding Beyond the West)

by K. Melchor Quick Hall

By writing Black feminist texts into the international relations (IR) canon and naming a common Black feminist praxis, this text charts a path toward a Transnational Black Feminist (TBF) Framework in IR, and outlines why a TBF Framework is a much needed intervention in the field. Situated at the intersection of IR and Black feminist theory and praxis, the book argues that a Black feminist tradition of engaging the international exists, has been neglected by mainstream IR, and can be written into the IR canon using the TBF Framework. Using research within the Black indigenous Garifuna community of Honduras, as well as the scholarship of feminists, especially Black feminist anthropologists working in Brazil, the author illustrates how five TBF guiding principles—intersectionality, solidarity, scholaractivism, attention to borders/boundaries, and radically transparent author positionality—offer a critical alternative for engaging IR studies. The text calls on IR scholars to engage Black feminist scholarship and praxis beyond the written page, through its living legacy. This interdisciplinary volume will be of interest to feminist scholars, international relations students, and grassroots activists. It will also appeal to students of related disciplines including anthropology, sociology, global studies, development studies, and area studies.

Naming a Transnational Black Feminist Framework: Writing in Darkness (Worlding Beyond the West)

by K. Melchor Quick Hall

By writing Black feminist texts into the international relations (IR) canon and naming a common Black feminist praxis, this text charts a path toward a Transnational Black Feminist (TBF) Framework in IR, and outlines why a TBF Framework is a much needed intervention in the field. Situated at the intersection of IR and Black feminist theory and praxis, the book argues that a Black feminist tradition of engaging the international exists, has been neglected by mainstream IR, and can be written into the IR canon using the TBF Framework. Using research within the Black indigenous Garifuna community of Honduras, as well as the scholarship of feminists, especially Black feminist anthropologists working in Brazil, the author illustrates how five TBF guiding principles—intersectionality, solidarity, scholaractivism, attention to borders/boundaries, and radically transparent author positionality—offer a critical alternative for engaging IR studies. The text calls on IR scholars to engage Black feminist scholarship and praxis beyond the written page, through its living legacy. This interdisciplinary volume will be of interest to feminist scholars, international relations students, and grassroots activists. It will also appeal to students of related disciplines including anthropology, sociology, global studies, development studies, and area studies.

Naming and Nation-building in Turkey: The 1934 Surname Law

by Meltem Türköz

This book examines how the Turkish Surname Law of 1934 was adopted and reframed in diverse social contexts at a time of top down nationalism. Through historical ethnography, the author explores the genesis of the law, its drafting in parliament, the Turkish Language Reform, and its reception. The project draws from an oral historical narrative, official parliamentary and registry documents, and popular media.

Naming The Enemy: Anti-corporate Movements Confront Globalization (PDF)

by Amory Starr

A new movement of 'anti-globalists', in Time Magazine's words (24 April 2000), now 'oppose corporate dominion over the planet's poor and disfranchised'. Naming the Enemy is the first systematic documentation of this international resistance to transnational corporations and globalization which has so recently burst into the public gaze with the street protests in Seattle, Washington, London and Prague. A wide and heterogeneous range of social movements now oppose the very fundamentals of market capitalism. Their challenge is beginning, Amory Starr shows, to amount to a sweeping critique of its purposes and practice. She explains how these movements understand their enemies and what sort of future they envision. There are, she suggests, three basic types: Movements trying to constrain corporate power through democratic institutions and direct action; Movements attempting a completely different kind of 'globalization from below' in which corporations will be reshaped in the service of new international democratic structures that will be populist, participatory and just; Movements seeking to delink their localities and communities from the global economy and rebuild instead small-scale socieites in which large corporations have no role at all. This new phenomenon has received scant media or scholarly attention. But it is likely to become much more important politically as the globalized economy dominated by giant corporations and institutions like the World Bank and IMF fails to deliver on jobs, social justice, Third World development and the environment. The course of this new kind of political struggle will have huge implications for human welfare and civil liberties. This unique and important book is relevant to activists as well as students and scholars of globalization, new social movements and political economy.

Naming Evil, Judging Evil (Center For American Places - Center Books On American Places Ser.)

by Ruth W. Grant Alasdair MacIntyre

Is it more dangerous to call something evil or not to? This fundamental question deeply divides those who fear that the term oversimplifies grave problems and those who worry that, to effectively address such issues as terrorism and genocide, we must first acknowledge them as evil. Recognizing that the way we approach this dilemma can significantly affect both the harm we suffer and the suffering we inflict, a distinguished group of contributors engages in the debate with this series of timely and original essays. Drawing on Western conceptions of evil from the Middle Ages to the present, these pieces demonstrate that, while it may not be possible to definitively settle moral questions, we are still able—and in fact are obligated—to make moral arguments and judgments. Using a wide variety of approaches, the authors raise tough questions: Why is so much evil perpetrated in the name of good? Could evil ever be eradicated? How can liberal democratic politics help us strike a balance between the need to pass judgment and the need to remain tolerant? Their insightful answers exemplify how the sometimes rarefied worlds of political theory, philosophy, theology, and history can illuminate pressing contemporary concerns.

Naming Evil, Judging Evil (Center For American Places - Center Books On American Places Ser.)

by Ruth Weissbourd Grant Alasdair MacIntyre

Is it more dangerous to call something evil or not to? This fundamental question deeply divides those who fear that the term oversimplifies grave problems and those who worry that, to effectively address such issues as terrorism and genocide, we must first acknowledge them as evil. Recognizing that the way we approach this dilemma can significantly affect both the harm we suffer and the suffering we inflict, a distinguished group of contributors engages in the debate with this series of timely and original essays. Drawing on Western conceptions of evil from the Middle Ages to the present, these pieces demonstrate that, while it may not be possible to definitively settle moral questions, we are still able—and in fact are obligated—to make moral arguments and judgments. Using a wide variety of approaches, the authors raise tough questions: Why is so much evil perpetrated in the name of good? Could evil ever be eradicated? How can liberal democratic politics help us strike a balance between the need to pass judgment and the need to remain tolerant? Their insightful answers exemplify how the sometimes rarefied worlds of political theory, philosophy, theology, and history can illuminate pressing contemporary concerns.

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