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Bedingt abwehrbereit: Schutz kritischer Informations-Infrastrukturen in Deutschland und den USA

by Tillmann Schulze

Die Arbeit untersucht Maßnahmen zum Schutz kritischer Informations-Infrastrukturen in Deutschland und den USA, vergleicht und bewertet diese und nennt für Deutschland konkrete Handlungsoptionen zur Verbesserung des Status quo. Anhand der Theorie der öffentlichen Güter belegt der Autor zudem die staatliche Verantwortung für private kritische Informations-Infrastrukturen.

Bedingungen gerechten Handelns: Motivations- und handlungstheoretische Grundlagen liberaler Theorien (Forschung Politik)

by Annette Schmitt

Legitimität und begründeter Legitimitätsglaube sind aus Sicht der liberalen politischen Philosophie nicht voneinander zu trennen: Die Regeln zur Ordnung einer Gesellschaft sind nur dann normativ gerechtfertigt, wenn die Bürger, die diesen Regeln unterworfen werden sollen, sie - prinzipiell - tatsächlich akzeptieren können, und zwar wegen der Gründe, die für sie sprechen. Daher muss es ein zentrales Anliegen liberaler Theoretiker sein, die Bedingungen zu untersuchen, unter denen gerechtfertigter Legitimitätsglaube entsteht und zum gerechten Handeln motiviert. Dabei sind folgende Fragen zu beantworten: Können Produkte der Vernunft - Rechtfertigungsgründe - den Wunsch erzeugen, gerechte Regeln zu befolgen? Wenn ja, wie? Und unter welchen Bedingungen führt der Wunsch zur Tat? Diese Fragen werden auf der Grundlage von John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" erörtert, da er in diesem zentralen Werk einen wegweisenden Beitrag zu ihrer Beantwortung leistet.

Bedingungslose Jugendhilfe: Von der selektiven Abhilfe defizitärer Elternschaft zur universalen Unterstützung von Erziehung

by Mark Schrödter

Die Bedingungslose Jugendhilfe beschreibt den Versuch, die gegenwärtig degradierende Bedarfsprüfung zur Gewährung von Hilfen zur Erziehung zu überwinden und gleichzeitig ihre Inanspruchnahme zu de-stigmatisieren. Im Buch wird zunächst die Konzeption des erzieherischen Bedarfs dekonstruiert und in den Forschungsdiskurs eingebettet. Dann werden die stigmatisierenden Folgen des erzieherischen Bedarfs anhand empirischer Beispiele rekonstruiert. Schließlich werden die Implikationen und Konsequenzen einer Bedingungslosen Jugendhilfe aus rechtlicher, ökonomischer und sozialpädagogischer Perspektive beleuchtet. Zusammengenommen spricht dies dafür, erzieherische Hilfen nach § 27 ff. SGB VIII nicht mehr als Hilfen in defizitären Krisensituationen, sondern als grundständige Unterstützung autonomer Elternschaft zu konzipieren.

Bedouin of Mount Sinai: An Anthropological Study of their Political Economy

by Emanuel Marx

The Sinai Peninsula links Asia and Africa and for millennia has been crossed by imperial armies from both the east and the west. Thus, its Bedouin inhabitants are by necessity involved in world affairs and maintain a complex, almost urban, economy. They make their home in arid mountains that provide limited pastures and lack arable soils and must derive much of their income from migrant labor and trade. Still, every household maintains, at considerable expense, a small orchard and a minute flock of goats and sheep. The orchards and flocks sustain them in times of need and become the core of a mutual assurance system. It is for this social security that Bedouin live in and retire to the mountains. Based on fieldwork over ten years, this book builds on the central theoretical understanding that the complex political economy of the Mount Sinai Bedouin is integrated into urban society and part of the modern global world.

The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste (Environment & Policy #32)

by G. Sundqvist

When did man discover nuclear waste? To answer this question, we first have to ask if nuclear waste really is something that could be called a scientific discovery, such as might deserve a Nobel Prize in physics. In early writings within nuclear energy research radioactive waste appears to be a neglected issue, a story never told. Nuclear waste first seems to appear when a public debate arose about public health risks of nuclear power in the late 1960s and early 70s. In nuclear physics, consensus was established at an early stage about the understanding of the splitting of uranium nuclei. The fission products were identified and their chains of disintegration and radioactivity soon were well­ established facts among the involved scientists, as was an awareness of the risks, for example the strong radioactivity of strontium and iodine, and the poisonous effects of plutonium. However, the by-products were never, either in part or in total, called or perceived as waste, just as fission by-products. How and where to dispose of the by-products were questions that were never asked by the pioneers of nuclear physics.

Bedrohte Identität und Veränderungen im arabischen Sicherheitsdiskurs: Auswirkungen auf die Wahrnehmung der Europäischen Union (Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen)

by Philip Schäfer

Philip Schäfer präsentiert Perspektiven der arabischen Mittelmeerstaaten, wie diese Sicherheit konzeptualisieren und wie diese Konstruktion das Verhältnis zu anderen Akteuren, im Speziellen zur Europäischen Union, beeinflusst. Er analysiert, inwiefern Regierende die Bedürfnisse der von ihnen Regierten, neue Bedrohungen und Gefahren wahrnehmen und wie sich angesichts von Veränderungen ihre Problemlösungsansätze und Machtpositionen legitimieren. Basierend auf systemtheoretischen Überlegungen untersucht der Autor den arabischen Sicherheitsdiskurs mit besonderem Fokus auf Ägypten und rückt dabei die Verbindung von Sicherheitsperspektiven und Identität in den Mittelpunkt. Diese Fragen sind die Grundlage, um politische Prozesse innerhalb der arabischen Mittelmeerstaaten zu verstehen, die angesichts der Herausforderungen von Migration, Ressourcensicherheit, internationalem Terrorismus etc. für die Außenpolitik der Europäischen Union immer wichtiger werden.

Bedrohungen der Demokratie

by André Brodocz Marcus Llanque Gary S. Schaal

Über die Zukunft der Demokratie entscheiden ihre Bedrohungen. Diese haben zwei Seiten: auf der einen Seite stehen Bedrohungen wie der Verlust politischer Steuerungsfähigkeit in einer globalisierten Welt oder der Verlust von Sicherheit durch transnational agierende Terroristen. Auf der anderen Seite stehen solche wie der Verlust von Legitimation durch die Verweigerung politischer Partizipation oder wie der Verlust von politischer Urteilskraft durch massenmediale Überinformation. Diese Bedrohungen sind nicht nur eine Herausforderung für die Demokratie, sie sind auch eine Herausforderung für die Demokratietheorie. Vor welchen Bedrohungen die Demokratie heute steht und wie die Demokratietheorie auf die Bedrohungen der Demokratie reagiert, zeigen die Beiträge in diesem Band. Dieser liefert darum sowohl Einblicke in den aktuellen Zustand der Demokratie als auch einen Überblick über den State of the Art der Demokratietheorie.

Bedrohungskommunikation: Eine gesellschaftstheoretische Studie zu Sicherheit und Unsicherheit

by Werner Schirmer

Realismus und Konstruktivismus streiten sich um die Vorherrschaft über das Thema „Sicherheit“ in den Internationalen Beziehungen, aber beide blenden den Beobachter aus. Werner Schirmer zeigt, dass jede Art von Sicherheitsproblem einen Beobachter voraussetzt und entwickelt basierend auf der Luhmannschen Systemtheorie ein kommunikationstheoretisches Konzept von Sicherheit und Unsicherheit, das den Namen ‚Bedrohungskommunikation’ trägt.

The Bee and the Eagle: Napoleonic France and the End of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806 (War, Culture and Society, 1750 –1850)

by Alan Forrest Peter H. Wilson

This volume's juxtaposition of the empires of Germany and France in 1806, at the dissolution of The Holy Roman Empire, allows a comparison of their transition towards modernity, explored through the themes of Empire, monarchy, political cultures, feudalism, war and military institutions, nationalism and identity, and everyday experience.

Beef, Bible and bullets: Brazil in the age of Bolsonaro

by Richard Lapper

Backed by Brazil’s wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain’s brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro’s tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil’s rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called ‘Trump of the Tropics’ has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.

Beef, Bible and bullets: Brazil in the age of Bolsonaro

by Richard Lapper

Backed by Brazil’s wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain’s brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro’s tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil’s rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called ‘Trump of the Tropics’ has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.

Beer in East Asia: A Political Economy (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

by Paul Chambers Nithi Nuangjamnong

Chambers, Nuangjamnong, and their contributors look at how the development of the beer industry in East Asia presents a unique opportunity for understanding the region’s political economy. Asia is both the world’s largest beer-consuming and beer-producing region, and the fastest growing beer market. Per-capita consumption is lower than Europe, but catching up fast. Beer consumption is also widely understood to correlate closely with economic growth and urbanization, much more so than other alcoholic beverages like spirits. With ten country case studies from both Northeast and Southeast Asia, the contributors to this volume look at the history of beer production and consumption across East Asia through a lens of historical institutionalism and political economy. In doing so they not only examine the development of the beer industry in the region but also what it tells us about the countries themselves. They ask questions such as: To what extent have state versus societal actors influenced the path of beer production? How has beer production changed? Was there a critical juncture at which beer production abruptly changed course? A valuable resource for students and scholars of modern East Asian History, and particularly those with a focus on colonial history, industrial history, and state-society relations.

Beer in East Asia: A Political Economy (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Chambers, Nuangjamnong, and their contributors look at how the development of the beer industry in East Asia presents a unique opportunity for understanding the region’s political economy. Asia is both the world’s largest beer-consuming and beer-producing region, and the fastest growing beer market. Per-capita consumption is lower than Europe, but catching up fast. Beer consumption is also widely understood to correlate closely with economic growth and urbanization, much more so than other alcoholic beverages like spirits. With ten country case studies from both Northeast and Southeast Asia, the contributors to this volume look at the history of beer production and consumption across East Asia through a lens of historical institutionalism and political economy. In doing so they not only examine the development of the beer industry in the region but also what it tells us about the countries themselves. They ask questions such as: To what extent have state versus societal actors influenced the path of beer production? How has beer production changed? Was there a critical juncture at which beer production abruptly changed course? A valuable resource for students and scholars of modern East Asian History, and particularly those with a focus on colonial history, industrial history, and state-society relations.

Befähigung durch Stärkung der Handlungskompetenz: Eine interdisziplinäre Erkundung

by Mine Sato Nobuo Sayanagi Toru Yanagihara

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf das Verständnis von Faktoren und Mechanismen, die an der Entwicklung von Handlungskompetenz beteiligt sind, hauptsächlich in drei verwandten Kontexten: partizipative Entwicklung, Beratungsarbeit und Dienstleistungstransaktionen. Ausgangspunkt der Forschung ist die Erkenntnis, dass "agency" (allgemein verstanden als Wille und Praxis der Selbstbestimmung und des Selbstmanagements) bei den Nutznießern von Dienstleistungen und Projekten eine entscheidende Rolle für die effektive Umsetzung und Nachhaltigkeit spielt. Das Projekt befasst sich mit diesem Thema, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den inneren Fähigkeiten und Orientierungen der Menschen liegt, und wirft die Frage auf, wie solche Fähigkeiten und Orientierungen in der Praxis von externen Akteuren im Bereich der öffentlichen Politik für sozioökonomische und internationale Entwicklung gefördert und aktiviert werden könnten. Das Projekt ist so angelegt, dass es die traditionellen disziplinären Grenzen überschreitet und anthropologische, psychologische und wirtschaftliche Ansätze und Perspektiven miteinander verbindet.

Before a Democracy Died: Housing, Land and Property Rights in Myanmar

by Scott Leckie José María Arraiza

This volume is a collection of chapters based on work within Myanmar by the authors between 2009 and 2021 while working to improve housing, land and property rights for the population. Despite the extensive application and political uptake of their work throughout the country during the brief democratic reform period of 2011-2021, and measurable progress being made, their work and that of the entire HLP community was brought to a sudden stop following the unexpected military coup in February 2021. Many of those with whom the authors worked closely on various HLP matters are no longer able to work safely on these issues in Myanmar. Others have fled the country and are now refugees, while others continue to face daily persecution and harassment by the military regime. These texts will be of great interest to scholars and activists in the region.

Before and After 9/11: A Philosophical Examination of Globalization, Terror, and History

by Tom Rockmore

A philosophical analysis of the 9/11 events against the ongoing historical background.

Before and After 9/11: A Philosophical Examination of Globalization, Terror, and History

by Tom Rockmore

A philosophical analysis of the 9/11 events against the ongoing historical background.

Before and After the Cold War: Using Past Forecasts to Predict the Future

by George H. Quester

The end of the Cold War came as good news for most of the world. No one had predicted the collapse of Communist rule for several decades. This book looks at how political scientists failed to predict such a quick resolution and ways in which the world might develop post Cold War.

Before and After the Cold War: Using Past Forecasts to Predict the Future

by George H. Quester

The end of the Cold War came as good news for most of the world. No one had predicted the collapse of Communist rule for several decades. This book looks at how political scientists failed to predict such a quick resolution and ways in which the world might develop post Cold War.

Before Command: An Economic History of Russia from Emancipation to the First Five-Year (PDF)

by Paul R. Gregory

In a work with significant implications for present-day economic reform in the Soviet Union, Paul Gregory examines Russian and Soviet economic history prior to the installation of the administrative command system. By drawing on basic economic statistics from 1861 to the 1930s, Gregory's revisionist account debunks a number of myths promulgated by historians in both the East and the West. He demonstrates that the Russian economy under the tsars performed much better than has previously been supposed; the Russian economy and its financial institutions were integrated into the world economy, allowing Russia to attract significant foreign capital. Furthermore, he shows that Stalin's justifications for the abandonment of the New Economic Policy in the late 1920s were incorrect: the so-called crises of NEP were either fabricated or the result of misguided economic thinking.Before Command is the culmination of the author's lifelong study of the economic history of Russia and the Soviet Union. In convincing detail it describes little-known Russian and Soviet successes with market capitalism, while it also shows the problems inherent in a mixed system, such as the NEP, which seeks to combine very strong elements of command with market resource allocation.Originally published in 1994.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Before I Forget: A Daughter's Story

by Fiona Phillips

Fiona Phillips is one of our best-loved television presenters. Well-known for being warm, chatty and down to earth, she attended her local comprehensive in Southampton before studying English in Birmingham. For over twelve years she presented GMTV, during which time she interviewed some of the most famous and influential people on the planet, from film stars to royalty, politicians to local heroes. But in August 2008 Fiona announced that she was to quit the job she loved, revealing that her father, Phil, had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's just a year after her mother had died of the same disease and that she had decided to devote more time to him and to her family. Before I Forget is a wonderfully honest account of growing up in the 1960s and 70s within a complex family. During her childhood her father could sometimes be distant and demanding which both saddened her and drove her to succeed, her mother always the devoted wife and the steady heart of the family. When Fiona lands the job at GMTV she revels in how proud they are of her achievement. When her mother and then her father succumb to Alzheimer's we share in Fiona's sadness as she movingly describes watching them fade away, one moment interviewing George Clooney the next taking a call from Pembrokeshire Social Services to say that her mother had wandered away from her care home.Before I Forget is an extraordinary book which will resonate with Fiona's millions of fans and the millions of people who day-by-day are going through, or have gone through, the same experiences.

Before Intelligence Failed: British Secret Intelligence on Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Soviet Union, South Africa and Libya

by Mark Wilkinson

In the wake of the 2003 Iraq War, the term 'intelligence failure' became synonymous with the Blair Government and how it had used intelligence to construct a case for war. This book examines British secret intelligence over the thirty years preceding its very public failings. From the Soviet Union to South Africa and Libya, Mark Wilkinson provides a detailed analysis and vivid account of the development and functioning of Britain's intelligence agencies in the struggle against the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons. Based on archival research and interviews with key players in the intelligence establishment, he shows how a handful of chemical and biological weapons experts battled to make their voices heard. They had evidence that illegal weapons development was taking place but were continually rebuffed by adversaries in Whitehall. Fascinating, surprising and sometimes shocking, Before Intelligence Failed is a compelling account of what was known about chemical and biological weapons proliferation before the Iraq War.

Before Intelligence Failed: British Secret Intelligence on Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Soviet Union, South Africa and Libya

by Mark Wilkinson

In the wake of the 2003 Iraq War, the term 'intelligence failure' became synonymous with the Blair Government and how it had used intelligence to construct a case for war. This book examines British secret intelligence over the thirty years preceding its very public failings. From the Soviet Union to South Africa and Libya, Mark Wilkinson provides a detailed analysis and vivid account of the development and functioning of Britain's intelligence agencies in the struggle against the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons. Based on archival research and interviews with key players in the intelligence establishment, he shows how a handful of chemical and biological weapons experts battled to make their voices heard. They had evidence that illegal weapons development was taking place but were continually rebuffed by adversaries in Whitehall. Fascinating, surprising and sometimes shocking, Before Intelligence Failed is a compelling account of what was known about chemical and biological weapons proliferation before the Iraq War.

Before it is Too Late: A Dialogue (Echoes and Reflections)

by Aurelio Pecci Daisaku Ikeda

Long before it became fashionable to talk of climate change, drought and water shortages, the authors of this lucid and trenchant dialogue were warning that planet earth was heading for uninhabitability. Exchanging viewpoints and insights that have matured over many years of thought, study and reflection, the discussants address a number of critical questions under three broad headings: man and nature, man and man, and the human revolution. One of the authors is a Westerner - a man of many parts, both wartime resistance fighter and leading industrialist, who founded one of the first organisations and think tanks to address seriously the human prospects for global survival. The other represents the philosophical and ethical perspectives of the East - a Buddhist lay leader who has visited country after country, campaigning tirelessly for the abolition of nuclear weapons and war in all its forms. Engaging constructively and imaginatively with such seemingly intractable problems as population growth, the decline of natural resources, desertification, pollution and deforestation, Ikeda and Peccei show that many of these problems are interrelated. Only be addressing them as part of a web of complex but combined issues, and by working together for peace and justice, can human beings expect to find lasting solutions. So while recognising the scale of the challenge ahead, the authors' message is in the end a hopeful one. Man's best prospect for the future lies in an ethical revolution whereby humanity can find a fresh understanding of itself in holistic connection with, rather than separation and alienation from, the planet itself.

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